Battle Scars Part 3

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Nathan observed as the demon king ruthlessly struck down his comrades, each one collapsing in a pool of their own blood. He too was rapidly losing vitality. In a desperate attempt, he endeavored to cast a spell that might stop the flow of blood, yet his dwindling strength rendered him unable to complete the incantation. Overwhelmed with despair, he listened to the anguished cries of his fellow soldiers-those who had placed their trust in him, fought alongside him, and believed in his leadership time after time. His senses began to blur, and he could feel the encroaching shadow of death. The agony from his chest wound paled in comparison to the torment of witnessing the demise of those he cherished. A fervent desire to rise and defend them surged within him, to rescue them from their fate. However, his body, devoid of blood and energy, refused to respond. Helplessly, he beheld the slaughter unfold before him, tears streaming down his face as his eyes closed.

"How long had it been? Is this what hell looks like?" Nathan wondered aloud. It had been hours since he had woken up, and the silence was deafening. There was no sign of life around him. The dimly lit room, which appeared to be a dungeon, was filled with an eerie silence that made him uneasy. Questions swirled in his mind: "What happened to my unit? Did anyone survive? Where is he now? How long has this been?"

There was something unsettling about the room. It seemed to be draining his magic and strength, slowly siphoning them away. The shackles on his hands and feet felt ordinary, yet he lacked the strength to break free.He could neither access his magic nor his strength. He attempted to remove them, but his efforts were in vain. He noticed the wounds on his chest and other battle scars that had healed without leaving a trace. Thoughts of his unit, his family, and friends flooded his mind, bringing back the memories of their tragic demise. Tears streamed down his cheeks as he felt a profound sense of failure.

He observed his hair and beard had grown, realizing it had been days since his last battle with the demon king. This led him to question the demon king's decision to spare
his life amidst the slaughter of others. He yearned to die in battle rather than survive.

As Nathan was lost in his thoughts, the door creaked open. The demon king stepped in, accompanied by three lesser demons. He looked at his arch nemesis, his pitiful state, and let out a laugh. Nathan, eager to strike back, found himself restrained by the shackles. "Death would have been too easy for you! The pain you have inflicted on me and my army. You deserve a fate much worse than death." The demon king continued, "You managed to kill my generals and almost succeeded in killing me. If not for bad intel, you could have actually killed me, had you known I had four hearts."

"Your punishment will ensure that no one dares to challenge me again," the demon king declared. "I will take away the one thing that makes you a pitiful human think of challenging me again... Hope."

The demon lord exited the room, leaving behind the lesser demons, who were beginning to move towards Nathan, their whips clenched tightly, each adorned with metal spikes.With each strike, they tore through his skin, spilling blood against the wall. As Nathan endured this agonizing torment, he thought of it as his penance for betraying his people. He prayed silently, seeking forgiveness as the monsters continued their assault.

Time slipped away from him. "Has it been years? Decades?" he thought, yet he could hardly track the passing moments. All he could focus on was the searing pain. The agony was unparalleled as his skin peeled away, his blood coursing freely. Every few days, the vault magic would work its miraculous healing, restoring him to full health. Yet, it did more than heal his wounds; it replenished all the nutrients and fluids his body required. He was spared the physical act of eating and drinking, yet despite this, he felt an unquenched hunger and thirst that had lingered for decades.

In front of him lay a bowl of blood, unappetizing yet impossible to refuse. The cycle of torment had continued for years, leaving his hair and beard thick and red with dried blood. Despite being restored time and time again, he found himself standing face to face with the demon lord unbroken in spirit. "It seems like a long time since we last met, doesn't it?" he said, a hint of amusement in his voice. "Well, it had only been a few weeks out in the real world. Time passes by differently in this place. A decade, here, feels like just a few hours in the outside world. This labyrinth is full of rooms where time works in mysterious ways. I hope you're at least enjoying your stay here."

Nathan initially found it difficult to recognize him. All he had were memories of years spent being flogged. But the familiar laughter stirred some of those memories, and he rushed at the demon lord, hoping to strike a blow. However, his actions were quickly halted by the shackles. Confused, he could not understand the reason behind his attack. Yet, his body urged him to continue, as if it was a muscle memory compelling him to inflict harm.

The demon lord was enraged by this attack. The years of torment had failed to break him, and he was disappointed in the lesser demons' incompetence. In a moment of fury, he swiftly destroyed them with a single motion, leaving Nathan and the demon lord in stunned silence. Nathan found a moment to laugh as he looked at the bewildered demon lord, yet there was a deeper understanding in his eyes that neither words could convey.

Within moments, a cloaked figure entered the room, bowing before the demon lord. "I
entrust things to you now. Disappointment would result in death," the demon lord warned the cloaked figure as he exited the room. The figure then revealed herself to be a higher demon in service to the demon lord. Her eyes were a striking shade of red,contrasting with her calm and composed demeanor. A smile played on her lips as she
looked at Nathan, sending shivers down his spine. She waved her hand, and suddenly,
Nathan's shackles fell off. His body seemed to hesitate, as if under a spell. He considered attacking her at that moment, but his limbs wouldn't move. It was as if he was paralyzed. He realized, even without the shackles, he was as helpless as he had been before. She asked him to follow her. She led him towards a small door at the corner of the room. As she opened the door, a flood of bright light spilled into the room .She entered ,followed by Nathan. The room offered a view of a valley, bathed in sunlight, a stark contrast to the dark and damp room Nathan had been held captive in earlier. The room featured a large pool, its water sparkling clear. She entered the pool, followed by Nathan. He settled into the water, and to his astonishment, the entire pool turned red, stained with his own blood over the years. He cleaned himself and his hair. Suddenly, he felt the touch of Lilith, the demon known as Lilith, as she rubbed soap into his back. He found himself unable to move, unable to resist her touch. He tried to fight back, but his body seemed to obey Lilith's will. He sat there, naked, for hours, as Lilith meticulously cleaned him. His hair and beard had grown significantly, a deep shade of red from years of being soaked in blood. Lilith gently caressed his facial hair, and long, red strands began to fall off, until his entire facial hair was gone. His body hair was also long and dirty red, but Lilith's magic worked its wonders, and it began to fall out as well. Nathan emerged from the pool, wearing a bath robe, following Lilith out of the room. His skin looked better and healthy and regained the lost glow She led him into another room with enormous glass windows. Nathan laughed, having persevered through torment for a really long time was anticipating what kind of torture Lilith had coming up for him.

He was used to the aggravation now and prepared for any sort of torment. He was prepared to provoke her to put forth a valiant effort. She remained close to the window and was peering down. Nathan went close to her and peered through the window. He froze right away and began to shiver. He was unable to talk or move however and sat quietly. Outside the window, in the floor beneath he could see around sixty of his colleagues including Oliver, Tristan and Michael who he thought had died chained to the walls. Some of them were missing appendages, some were missing eyes and other body parts. They were near death yet alive and in awful agony, weeping for help. The sight and sound of their voices filled Nathan with dread. Once more, the feeling of dread toward letting them down filled him. He could not just give up again. He ran towards Lilith. Right when it appeared as though he planned to strike her down, he fell at her feet. She lifted him up and both turned towards the window. Lilith waved her hand, and it cut off the windpipe of one of the hostages beneath. Blood sprouted out of his throat and in matter of seconds he was dead to the awfulness of Nathan,

"That was an illustration of consequences", she said grinning. Nathan felt vulnerable and fell at her feet beseeching her not to kill anybody, as he knelt before her surrendering himself to her.

"Welcome to hell, dear', she said. 'Your punishment begins now'.

She applauded, and six lesser female evil spirit orderlies went into the room. 'We should prepare the captain to meet his soldiers', Lilith said grinning. The chaperons lifted Nathan up from the beginning took him to the adjoining room. Lilith held up there taking a gander at the prisoners grinning at the distress of individuals who thought for even a moment to oppose her master. She saw the carcasses of the prisoners who have as of now kicked the bucket in the wake of being held there. There were around eleven bodies lying close to the hostages with hands actually binded to the wall. She waved her hand and cast a spell. One of the cadavers gradually began to vibrate to the trepidation and frenzy of the leftover prisoners. Gradually the deteriorated corpse started recovering and the body began to glimpse and in the span of few moments it had totally recovered back to life. Lilith started reviving the remaining bodies.

As she was reviving the last corpse the doorway behind her opened. Lilith turned to see her escorts enter. 'Master, we are ready!', they said as one.

Lilith could hear heels coming from the pathway leading uptothe room and soon Nathan entered the room wearing a black sleeveless dress walking in high heels. His long straight black hair was styled to give him side bangs and his hair fell perfectly till his waist. His hips swayed nicely as he walked, and his long free hair looked awesome as he moved. His eyes had dark shadow with long curled eye lashes. His lips were red and looked fuller. His nails were painted red. His nose was pierced and wielded a nose ring close by stud in his pierced ears. Nathan went into the room and stayed with his hand on his waist like a woman. He felt sheer sickness at how they had made him drees up anyway his only desire were to save his companions, and he was prepared to do anything for it, also dress like a woman, 'The time vault has accomplished something astounding. You make an exquisite woman', Lilith smiled. Nathan gripped his fists in rage. The humiliation of standing there dressed like a lady caused him to consume in rage. He was a warrior he was being embarrassed by these dirty evil presences. Lilith continued to stay before Nathan brushing his long hair with her fingers. She smelled the female fragrance off Nathan's neck and gently kissed him on his lips.

'As of now go heal your comapanions, Lilith said smiling and pointing him towards another entrance before her

Nathan was desperate to save his companions He rushed towards the room she pointed towards, tying his long hair in a messy bun with his high heels resounding in the room. He went into the room, and the doorway shut behind him. He could see six of his friends sitting on the bed and seats. He could see the blood on their pieces of clothing as they sat holding their wounds. He quickly rushed towards Edward and started repairing his physical issue. Edward bit by bit turned towards him with rage in his eyes. Nathan was shocked and he moved relatively few steps back. He saw James standing behind him. They had him surrounded. Nathan felt something was off and tried to cast a spell to take them out, but he just had strength for a low-level recovering spell. He kicked Leo as he pushed toward him, yet Aaron and James got his hands. Leo and Sam held his legs as he was completely controlled kneeling before Edward. Edward got him by his hair opening his mouth and making him swallow a potion that immobilized him. Edward pulled his hair down, brushing it with his fingers. He softly kissed his neck followed by a gently biting it making an engraving. He moved his face closer to Nathan's. Nathan couldn't comprehend what had happened to them. People he came to save have turned on him. His own men are by and by trying to take advantage of him. He kept on saying that he isn't a woman, he is their captain, yet his words neglected to get any notification. Before he could comprehend Edward's lips were on his. He slowly and passionately kissed Nathan .He tried to go against anyway he couldn't as Edward's tongue pushed through. Aaron lifted his dress and pulled down his panties. He smelled his clothing and started gently caressing his thighs. He could feel a penis rubbing gently along his asshole as the others restrained Nathan and started touching his body inappropriately.They started caressing his body ,kissing and smelling him.He kept on begging them to spare him. Nathan couldn't hold down his tears. His friends he came to protect, the allies he fought by all his life are now molesting him. He was thrown on the bed and each on them forced themselves on him one after another.They thrust their penis in his mouth. Nathan kept saying he is not a woman, crying and begging them to stop. The held him down as
they slowly penetrated his rear. Nathan cried in pain as his virgin asshole was penetrated. This went on for days, months then years. His body hurt like hell. His rear hurt a lot and used to bleed. As expected, the regenerative spell kicked in resetting their body, taking out all injuries, wounds and anguish making them whole again back to the state it was before going into the room.His asshole became tight again and they did it to Nathan all over again with Nathan waking up bleeding from his rear covered in hickeys sleeping between six naked men. They continued this cycle for years Inside the time vault. Even though his body was getting restored because of the spell, his mind broke into a million pieces. Over the long haul, he was losing himself, his convictions, his targets and his characteristics. He stopped begging them eventually. He stopped saying that he was not a woman. He silently endured the mutilation he was being subjected to accepting his fate and penance.

Lilith stood near the window watching the hostages, tormenting them and enjoying as they wriggled in torment. The door to the room opened and Nathan emerged canvassed in blood with torn garments and a knife in his hand. He emerged from the room and imploded. The orderlies immediately helped him up and shockingly none of the blood was his. His body had been restored to the state he was prior to entering the time vault by regenerative spells. In any case, the equivalent couldn't be said to describe his psyche. The detestations he was presented to for quite a long time were a lot for him. Lilith went into the vault room and saw the six troopers hacked up ruthlessly by Nathan. She grinned in endorsement.

Nathan woke up scared and shivering, traumatized by what had happened to him. He had been cleaned and dressed in a robe by the attendants and was wearing a floral night suit. Lilith went and sat next to him. They sat few minutes in silence and then Nathan broke down. He hugged Lilith and started crying then sobbing uncontrollably. Lilith sat on the bed holding Nathan in his arms smiling, knowing well that she had successfully completed her mission and had broken down the mightiest warrior in the history of mankind who almost obliterated the demon lord, into this feeble little girl. Nathan fell asleep in her lap. She quietly left the room putting a pillow under his head and kept his male armor and clothes on the table to get ready, Few hours later, Nathan woke up and saw the clothes on the table. He got ready and went and stood near the window, opening it and looking down at his companions. Tristan saw his captain standing above and shouting at him to come and rescue them. Seeing their captain alive instilled a new sense of optimism in them. They were certain that they are saved now. Tears rolled down their cheeks seeing him alive and they started shouting and hailing Nathan, the warrior who almost slayed the demon king. Nathan stood silently watching the captives hail him and plead him to rescue them. Watching the captives shout, seeing the same armor, it brought back memories of his time in the time vault with the six soldiers. He quickly closed the window and collapsed on the floor on his knees panting for breath. Tears rolled down his cheeks and he started crying. An hour later, Lilith stood in front of the captives who were suddenly filled in a renewed sense of hope and optimism. Even in the face of pain and torture they kept hailing Nathan and that he is coming to save them and slay Lilith. The cries of 'Nathan! Nathan! echoed in the room' The door opened, and Nathan entered. The captives looked at him and were stunned into complete silence. Nathan walked into the room, the sound of his high heels echoing through the large room. His hips swayed gracefully as he walked wearing a sleeveless red dress. He had had his makeup done. He gently brushed his long hair to the front to the right side. He was wearing nose rings and earrings. He took out a lipstick and a compact and started applying on his lips making it a shade of dark red. The entire room was stunned. Nobody uttered a word. The captives were in shock to see their commander dressed as a woman. Lilith laughed manically." Nathan!...... haha .... Should we call him Natalie now". She said.

Lilith handed Nathan a small dagger. He moved towards the first soldier. The soldier was terrified, unable to move or speak. Nathan swift slit his throat, and the captive dropped dead. He proceeded to kill all the remaining captives swiftly one after another until his three lieutenants remained. Tristan, Michael and Oliver looked at Nathan in horror and the dead bodies of their companions which were lying in a pool of their own blood. Nathan moved towards Oliver who was trembling in fear. Nathan moved his face towards Oliver and their lips met. He kissed him slowly and passionately pushing his tongue into Oliver's mouth as everyone looked on in shock. Oliver collapsed on his knees in fear and shock. Lilith approached Nathan and put her hand on his chest repeating an incantation. It released sudden burst of huge power which pushed back everyone in the room. 'Now I have unsealed your power', said Lilith. Nathan's eyes glowed as he levitated in the air for few seconds indicating he is at his full power again. 'Natalie, I kind of like it', said Nathan smiling. Lilith handed Natalie three cursed daggers. He cut his own palm with each dagger before plunging the three cursed daggers into the hearts of Oliver, Tristan, and Michael which resulted in them dropping dead instantly. Few minutes later they woke up. Their eyes had turned red. They emitted a strong aura indicating their power levels have been multiplied. They knelt before Natalie vouching their loyalty and life to her. Natalie signaled the orderlies who guided her three comrades away. Natalie started moving towards the same time vault again, which had traumatized her. As she entered, she saw the six soldiers sitting inside the room. She approached Edward and was surrounded by six of them. They restrained her again as Edward kissed her on the lips. He gave her the potion to paralyze her. She drank it quietly and then smiled, ripping out Edward's heart in a single blow. She killed the remaining ones slowly and over and over again. She waited for them to revive and killed them over again and again. She finally emerged out of the time vault after 12 days in the real world which meant decades in the vault. She was soaked in blood of the six soldiers. She dragged them out of the vault and killed them all for one last time putting the dagger through their skull making sure they won't revive again laughing maniacally. As Nathan stood soaked in blood, embracing himself as Natalie, finally having her revenge on the people who raped her for decades, he could hear Lilith coming towards her. "Your generals have arrived", Lilith said and smiled.

Lilith walked in proudly before the Demon king who was seated on his throne. Natalie walked behind her wearing a long red gown. Her long dark hair was left loose, cascading below her waist. Her make up had been done and she walked gracefully swaying her hips. She was wearing a mask which hid most of her face. She was followed by three cloaked figures. The demon lord inquired regarding the status of her mission to which Lilith replied that she had a present for him. As the demon lord curiously pondered regarding the surprise, Natalie moved up the stairs and knelt at the feet of the Demon lord. The demon lord lifted Natalie up and removed her mask collapsing on the throne in shock on seeing her face this close. This reminded him of his face when he pierced his heart which gave him nightmares for days. Natalie smiled as she bent forward bringing her face close to the demon lord kissing him passionately. She turned around and sat on the Demon Lord's lap brushing her hair to one side with her fingers revealing her neck. the demon lord gently kissed her neck and started laughing maniacally ,having finally conquered his old foe, changing him into a woman, his woman.

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Very Intense

joannebarbarella's picture

Total cruelty that make this hell. We have to ask if Natalie will recover her manhood and her true nature.

You may want to consider piling on too much evil in one chapter. Save a little for later!

Thank you for reading hun

I wanted to complete thr backstory in one chapter... Maybe that's why it got a bit lengthy. Hope you liked it