Okay so last week, I had to get some cavities filled, and is always the case, they had to sedate me.
Once it was over, one of the nurses helped me get to our car, and Mom drove me home.
Except . . .
I can place myself in the driver's seat for the drive home, even though that is impossible.
And so I find myself shaken, wondering what other memories I have are fake, especially the memories I have recovered of the abuse I suffered as a child, as one of the few things I am sure of is my abuser used sedation on me.
hugs appreciated.
traumatized experiences questions about what exactly they may remember. Having someone who is experienced in trauma to talk with may do well to help you sort things out. The term 'false memories' is a misnomer; often used by others to wrongly bring doubt to a victim's story.
AND in dealing with sexual abuse, it is all too common for the focus to dwell on exact details while missing the very real validity of remembering that the trauma occurred, The trauma itself contributes to the inability to recall details. Your accounts over the years have been consistent with someone who indeed was abused. You WERE harmed. The details might be recalled; most are. But what you cannot recall entirely will likely eventually made clear.
All my best, dear one!
Love, Andrea Lena
Don't forget you were stoned at the time.
through no fault of your own, and what a mind records about events
in such a state isn't always accurate, or can be missing entirely.
It can happen to the best of us. And even to this guy:
~hugs, Veronica
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
Memories under sedation
Most medical sedation medication has a hypnotic effect. This causes the mind to produce extremely vivid hallucinations. While some hallucinations, upon recall, can be obvious others are undistinguishable from true reality. Thus vivid memories of a nonexistent event.
BAK 0.25tspgirl