Devin (A Smart Tech Story)

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Author's notes: I created the idea for this technology a while ago. This story idea came to me this morning. I just kept the idea flowing and maybe later I will come up with other short story ideas like this.

My name is Devin. I've been touted as a painting prodigy. The turning point in my career, a moment that would shape my future, came when I had my first gallery show at the tender age of sixteen. Since then, my work has been in high demand, keeping me busy and allowing me to live a comfortable life.

At the age of twenty-three, in a twist of fate that I could never have predicted, I unexpectedly met the love of my life, Keiko. It was at another gallery opening where my Beach Series was being shown. I was walking around, staying in the background, listening to the comments about my newest works, when our paths crossed.

I saw her standing alone before my painting of a young woman running through the surf on the beach. I watched her for a moment as she studied my work, then decided to engage her in her thoughts about the painting.

I approached Keiko, my heart pounding with a mixture of excitement and nervousness. As I neared, I could see the depth of her engagement with the painting, her eyes tracing the lines and colors with an intensity that intrigued me.

"What do you think of it?" I asked gently, not wanting to startle her.

Keiko turned to me, her eyes lighting up with surprise and delight. "It's beautiful," she replied, her voice soft but sure. "There's such a sense of freedom and joy in her expression. You can feel the sand between your toes and the cool water on your skin."

I smiled, pleased by her interpretation. "That's exactly what I was hoping to convey," I said. "The feeling of pure, unadulterated joy."

"You're Devin," she exclaimed, her eyes lighting up with excitement. "I love your work. I've followed your pieces since my father commissioned a painting from you for my eighteenth birthday. It's such an honor to meet you." Her words filled me with a sense of validation and confidence that I had never experienced before.

This woman's brown eyes were full of liveliness and joy. Her tan skin glowed under the gallery lighting, and the shape of her lips drew my desire to taste them. She radiated an energy that was both captivating and infectious.

"Thank you," I replied, my heart beating faster. "I'm glad you enjoy my work. Which painting did your father commission?"

"It was the one of the cherry blossoms by the lake," she said, a nostalgic smile crossing her face. "It's hanging in our living room. I look at it every day."

"I remember that piece," I said, recalling the serene scene I had captured on canvas. "It was one of my favorites to create."

We continued to talk, our connection deepening with each passing moment. Keiko's enthusiasm for art and genuine appreciation for my work made the conversation effortless and engaging. I found myself enchanted by her presence, drawn to her warmth and intelligence.

As the evening drew to a close, I knew I couldn't let this chance meeting slip away. "Would you like to grab a coffee sometime?" I asked, hopeful but uncertain.

Her eyes sparkled with delight. "I'd love that," she said, her smile radiant.

From that moment on, we were inseparable. We spent our days exploring art galleries, attending exhibitions, and discussing our favorite artists.

Keiko became my muse, igniting a new wave of creativity in my work. My paintings, once filled with solitary figures and introspective themes, now radiated warmth and connection, mirroring the love and inspiration she brought into my life.

Years passed, and my career continued to flourish. My paintings were exhibited in galleries around the world, and I gained recognition as one of the leading contemporary artists of my generation. But no matter how successful I became, I always remained grounded by Keiko's love and support.

Our marriage was the best day of my life. We settled down in a secluded home outside of New York. Keiko was a lawyer in the city, making our lives extremely comfortable.


As our tenth anniversary approached, Keiko sat me down one evening. "Honey, I want to do something special for our tenth anniversary. I want us to have a month together, just us." I took her hands in mine and smiled. She looked at me with a slight smirk. "I want us to try something different, though. Let me show you a new product that just came out. It will let us spice up our sex life."

She handed me her phone. I looked at it, wondering what she was talking about. It was an order form for Smart Tech's new body suits. "I don't understand what your plan is," I said, looking confused at her.

"Let me explain. This product would allow us to experience sex in a totally different way. I was hoping we could spend a month in these suits and experience what it is like for the other person. I must admit that I'm interested in what it feels like for you." She looked at me with a hopeful smile.

I continued reading about how the devices worked. I was intrigued by what Smart Tech was offering. These suits promised to simulate the physical sensations of the opposite sex, creating a unique and immersive experience. The thought of it was both exciting and a little daunting.

"Are you sure about this?" I asked, still processing the idea. "It's a pretty radical concept."

Keiko nodded, her eyes sparkling with anticipation. "I know, but I think it could bring us even closer. It's a chance to understand each other on a whole new level."

Her enthusiasm was contagious. I could see how much she wanted this, and I was willing to give it a try. "Alright," I said, squeezing her hands. Let's do it."

Over the next few weeks, we prepared for our month-long adventure. We ordered the suits and read the instructions carefully. When the package finally arrived, it felt like Christmas morning. We unboxed the sleek, futuristic suits and marveled at the technology behind them.

Keiko had picked out the Aphrodite and Venus packages for me, as well as the Adonis and Stallion packages for herself.

Our suits were laid out before us, the sleek, futuristic fabric shimmering under the bedroom light. We stood naked across the bed from each other, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness. I knew we had agreed to this, but the fear of the unknown lingered. We didn't want this experiment to ruin our marriage.

"I love you, Keiko. Happy anniversary, my love," I said, trying to steady my voice.

"I love you too, Devin. Are you ready to do this?" She asked, her eyes full of love and a hint of apprehension.

"Let's do this."

We started putting on the suits, and their material was cool and slightly slippery against our skin. At first, the suits looked strange and alien, but they began to transform once we placed the activation fobs on the proper tabs. The suits started activating, and their advanced technology integrated with our bodies. It was slightly uncomfortable at first as if a thousand tiny pins and needles were dancing across my skin.

I looked over at Keiko and saw her wincing slightly, adjusting to the sensation. Despite the discomfort, there was a sense of anticipation in the air, a shared understanding that we were about to embark on a unique and intimate journey together.

As the suits continued to integrate, I felt my body begin to change. The sensation was unlike anything I had ever experienced, a mix of warmth and tingling that radiated from my core. It was as if the suit was molding itself to my form, enhancing and altering my physical sensations. I could see the same transformation happening to Keiko, her body adapting to the suit in ways that were both fascinating and intimate.

We stood there, facing each other, our breaths shallow and our hearts racing. The suits had fully integrated now, and I could feel every subtle movement, every shift in pressure and temperature, with a new level of sensitivity. It was like being attuned to a whole new range of sensations, both thrilling and overwhelming.

"How do you feel?" I asked, my voice barely above a whisper.

"It's incredible," Keiko replied, her eyes wide with wonder. "It's like I'm experiencing everything for the first time."

We reached out to each other, our fingers intertwining. The sensation of her touch was electrifying, sending shivers down my spine. We moved closer, exploring each other with a newfound curiosity and intimacy. Every touch, every caress, was magnified by the suits, creating a symphony of sensations that left us both breathless.

She cradled the back of my head, and her lips met mine. I melted into her kiss. I felt her new cock hardening against my stomach. I felt the excitement building up in my pelvis. The back of my knees hit the edge of the bed.

We maneuvered our bodies to the middle of the bed. Keiko looks into my eyes, "Are you ready for this?" I could feel the cock rubbing against the lips of my pussy. I bit my lip and nodded my head. "You need to relax, Dev."

I tried my best to relax, but I was nervous. The pressure from the tip penetrating my opening caused my eyes to roll back and my back to arch. A deep-throated moan escaped from my mouth. I opened my legs wider, giving Keiko better access. I felt it going deeper into me.

I could see the enjoyment in Keiko's eyes. I grabbed her head and pulled her into a kiss. Her thrusts into me sent me into an overload of pleasure. She was grunting with every thrust.

I felt an overwhelming pleasure flood through my body. I let out a scream as I felt a wave of pleasure cascade through my body. Looking at Keiko's eyes with love as she felt her first male orgasm.

She collapsed on top of me. We both were panting. "Keiko, that was amazing."

"Oh, Dev, how am I going to be able to do this every day for a month." She said to me with a laugh.

"I don't think it will be too bad for you. It feels like your new appendage is ready to get back to work. I guess I should let you relax as I ride this magnificent thing." I rolled on top of her, smiling.


The month went by in a state of euphoria for both of us. I did feel so much closer to her. I started to think of Keiko as my husband, but now it was time to return to the real world. Keiko needed to return to work, and I needed to get back into the studio.

We hugged and kissed each other. "Keiko, thank you for this last month. It was so amazing."

"Dev, I agree that this month was absolutely amazing. I never would have guessed how this would help me feel you so much more deeply." She laughed at her joke, which made me giggle. "Now, let's get out of these suits."

I smiled, "Absolutely; while the sex was great, I miss your sexy body."

We grabbed our fobs to deactivate our suits. Keiko's came off as it should, but I kept getting an error code as I tried deactivating mine. "Keiko, what's going on? Why won't mine come off?"

Keiko turned to me, confused, "What do you mean it won't come off?"

"I don't know. I get an error code whenever I put the fob over the tab."

We searched the whole house for the manual for my suit. Keiko found the error codes for the suit, "Honey, what is the code you are getting?"


"This can't be right. We didn't order that package. This is so bad."

"Keiko, What is it? You're scaring me."

"Honey, you can't get out of that suit because you are pregnant." She looked at me with tears in her eyes.

"I'm what? No, no, no, that's impossible. I read the description of the products we ordered. We never ordered the breeder package. There must be some mistake." I was freaking out. "What are we going to do?"

"I need to contact the company and find out what happened to our order," she growled, then stomped off to her home office.

I went to the kitchen to make us some breakfast. I needed to be doing something just so I could keep from breaking down. How could this have happened to me? What's going to happen to Keiko and me now? I didn't want to lose her. I knew she wanted to have my baby and not vice versa.

I heard her stomping back into the bedroom, and the door slammed shut. Disappointed pushed all hope from me, and I knew there was no way to fix this.

I put our plates on a tray and took them to the bedroom. I gave the door a soft knock and walked in. I found my wife on the bed, curled up in a ball, sobbing.

I set the tray on the dresser and sat beside her. "What did they say?" I kept my voice calm and gentle as I asked.

"Devin, I'm so sorry. This is all my fault. If I had never suggested this crazy idea, this would never have happened. When I ordered these suits, we got a pop-up for a free upgrade. I clicked on it, not realizing that the breeder package was the upgrade." I pulled her into a hug.

"It's not your fault, Keiko. I don't blame you. This is just something we will have to deal with as a family. You and I made this baby, and I will happily bring it into the world for us."

"You're not mad at me? I figured you would hate me and push me away."

"Darling, I will need you now more than ever if I am going to be able to get through this. I will be lost without you. Please, help me bring our baby into the world. I was more worried you would leave me because I'm stuck as a woman now."

"Honey, you don't have to worry about that. You are not the first woman I have been with." She gave me a conspiratorial wink.

"Yes, my kinky love goddess. I know how you and your roommate in your undergrad program liked to spend your free time."

"I'm the kinky one? Who wanted me to ride him while riding a horse?" she chuckled. "Okay, we will work together to get through this." She pointed to her belly, "Next baby is going in here, though."



Eight months later. I'm in the labor room with Keiko right next to me. She was my rock. Labor was the most challenging thing I have ever gone through. Twelve hours after it began, I was holding our beautiful baby girl.

When Keiko and I were alone, I looked at her sadly and said, "Keiko, I don't know if I can return to being your husband. I will most definitely get you pregnant like you wanted, but after holding our baby, I just can't be anything but her mother. I know we discussed me going back to being your husband. I like what we have now. I don't want to go back to being a man."

"Honey, I was hoping you would say that. Since our anniversary, I've never been happier. You have always made me happy, but now I've grown to love you as my wife."

We had a good cry together before our baby was brought back to us. As I was feeding her, I knew we would have a fantastic family.

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Always read The Instructions

joannebarbarella's picture

As it turned out both Devin and Keiko were happy with the result, but there's a salutary lesson here!