Well for now at least.
So things have been moving here since the weekend, it's pretty certain that Dad won't be returning home now its just a matter of sorting out what happens next. There isn't anything to be treatment wise, it's all about managing things until the inevitable happens so for now i'm heading back to Brizzle. Yep, i'm out of knickers so at the very least i need to sort out clothing but i've also been sleeping on the floor for the last 10 days (its a long involved story) and my body is complaining so even if its only a few nights, sleeping in a bed is a must.
Tomorrow a kind BC author is ferrying me and Foxy back south for which i'm ever grateful, if i need to return sooner than planned i will but there are others to fill the breach in the meantime. As i said before, there is no real timetable, he could see his 94th birthday in November or it could all be over next week but i think both he and the family are reconciled with where we are now.
As you might expect, the week has been dominated by visits to the care home, Monday i did a few chores here before making the trip, yesterday i took Foxy out into Gabyland, to get some lunch before returning to Sheffield for the visit, 80+km with almost 1000m of climbing and that was a 'flat ' ride! Today i've taken a walk for some lunch, done a bit of gardening and packed everything ready for tomorrow, Foxy is in her flight bag and i'm working on not feeling too guilty about not staying here.
I'll be back at the weekend, but for now,
Madeline Anafrid
Both are Blessed
A loving parent, a loving child, both blessed to be. Take care of yourself as much as you can as I've been there when the care giver gives more than their physical body can give. "The spirit is willing, the flesh is weak." applies in many ways. Words are insufficient when the touch of another kindred soul is needed to share one of the paths through life. If it must be as it is for all of us, I pray your father to receive an angel death as he returns. I pray you receive comfort from your guardian angel in your time of need.
Hugs Maddy
Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl
A difficult time to face
But it sounds like you’ve had a wonderful life together.
Safe travel, courage and much love for what lies ahead.
Gillian Cairns
I Understand
I lost both my parents some years back, my father to a stupid household accident. At least yours is getting to live out his allotted time, some comfort in that I suppose. Hugs from me to you in this time. Take care and know we will morn with you when the time comes.
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
Now is the time ...
= to tell him all the good things of your lives, so he enjoys them now;
= ask all the things that you can't ask 'later';
= the thingies that don't fit into his Will - write down his wishes, preferably signed. "Arguing over Great G-Ma's teapot" can put a ... shadow ... on families for years.
And, sorry. it ain't gonna be easy, and words can only help a bit.
- Alan.
Kind BC Author
that's me I suppose.
I picked up Maddy in Sheffield at 09:15 and deposited her in Brizzle at a little after 13:00. Now home and wondering how to sort out the 768 photos I took of gannets yesterday. (don't ask ok, as I paid for it by being sick over the side of the small boat)
Getting to say goodbye
My partner's death was sudden and I hate the fact we never got to do a proper goodbye.
I know you are taking advantage of that and please count that as a blessing under these circumstances.