The New Melissa

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A strange call from his friend Melissa could change Charlie’s whole life.

First story after a long hiatus. Hope you enjoy.


Charlie lay back on his bed and let out a sigh of contentment. There was nothing quite as relaxing as a good takeout meal on a Friday evening, followed by the peace and quiet of some quality alone time. No wife or girlfriend may have sounded pretty sad to an outsider looking in, but he was happy with how his life was. He liked the freedom it afforded him.

No sooner had he picked up the book he was reading from the nightstand, than his phone rang. The caller ID read Melissa. Charlie was a mutual friend to Melissa and her husband, Randy. He had to admit, they made a beautiful couple. Randy was tall and fit, while Melissa was feminine and voluptuous. Charlie was maybe just a little bit jealous of Randy. He might be willing to forsake his single life if it was for a girl like Melissa.

Why would she be calling at this time on a Friday? Charlie picked up. “Hello, Melissa. What’s up?”

She didn’t answer right away, and when she finally spoke she sounded odd. “Hey, Charlie. Um, can I ask you a favor?”

“Sure. What’s going on?”

“Do you know that necklace I gave you? Could you put it on for a minute?”

Charlie frowned at the request. What was the point, when she wouldn’t even be able to see it? “I’ve tried it on before. It fits fine.”

“I know, but can you just try it on again for me?”


“….I just want to see something.”

Charlie sighed. To be honest, he didn’t really like the necklace. He never wore necklaces, so it was weird that she’d even given it to him. Still, he didn’t want to be a jerk, so he didn’t throw it out.

“Okay, hold on a minute.” It was somewhere in his closet, but he really didn’t feel like looking for it now. He held the phone away from himself for about forty five seconds, then brought it back. “Okay, I’m wearing it. It still fits fine.”

She was silent for a few seconds. “Are you really wearing it?”

How did she know? Maybe there was something about it that would have gotten a reaction out of him. “Yes, I am. Why, what’s the big deal anyway?”

“Can you please just try it on? It’ll make sense when you do.”

Charlie had to admit he was a little curious. Had he overlooked something about the necklace when she first gave it to him? “Fine, fine. Hold on.” He got up and dug around in the closet for a couple of minutes until he found it.

It was a plain circular chain of small grey beads, with a single black pendant shaped like a teardrop. It wasn’t even that good looking by necklace standards, and Charlie couldn’t see anything particularly special about it.

Still, he put it on as Melissa requested. “Okay, I’m wearing it. Now what?”

After a moment, the small pendant began to glow. But it was very faint, like a cheap glow in the dark toy. How did it work? His body heat maybe? “Woah. Didn’t know it did that.” he said into the phone. It was mildly interesting, but was that all she’d called him about?

“Charlie,” she said, sounding almost like she was about to cry. “I’m sorry. I tried. I really did.”

“What? Are you okay?”

“But I can’t do this. I can’t, I…I’m sorry.”

Before he had a chance to ask what had her so distraught, he suddenly had a flash of dizziness. He felt lightheaded and his vision got fuzzy. He managed to catch himself on the bed and flop onto it before his legs gave out.

He couldn’t speak. The sensation spread to the rest of his body, leaving him with nothing but a cool numbness. He couldn’t see, or hear, or feel. Anything. He didn’t even know which direction was up or down.

After a couple of minutes, feeling and strength began coming back to him. His vision slowly returned and he could think clearly again.

What happened? Was it a sudden intense bout of nausea from some bad food?

He was lying face up on his bed, staring at the ceiling. But after a moment he realized something was wrong. It wasn’t his ceiling. And he hadn’t been in this position when he passed out.

Still feeling a little weak, Charlie turned his head to look around. This wasn’t his bedroom either, but it was familiar. As his mind cleared, he realized the bedroom belonged to Randy and Melissa.

What in the world was going on?

He sat up, but that old familiar action felt strange. He felt a weight tug at his chest in an odd bouncy sensation. He glanced down. For a moment he decided he must be hallucinating, still suffering from whatever made him pass out, because he could have sworn he was looking down at a pair of large breasts. What’s more, they were sitting in a very lacy, very sexy red bra.

But then he noticed it, and his mind started to race. There was a tiny mole on the left breast, in the same spot Melissa had one. He’d noticed it when he’d seen her in a bikini during a pool party once, and being a healthy young man in his mid twenties, he remembered it well.

Automatically, he grabbed hold of both breasts. They were real. And they were really attached to him. He could feel it in his own chest when he squeezed them.

“What the he-” he mumbled, then gasped. His voice was higher and feminine. It sounded like Melissa. His hand reflexively went to his mouth. He felt that his lips were soft and plump, and the surrounding skin was silky smooth. His beard was gone.

He brought both hands up to his face and felt his features. His jaw was more slender, his nose smaller and delicate. The mental image he got from them matched Melissa’s face.

Whatever brain fog was left was blown away, and Charlie became fully alert. What the hell happened? It was like he had somehow become Melissa. But that was impossible.

He remembered the strange things she had been saying on their call. She sounded desperate, like she wanted to run away. Like she wanted out of her current life, and somehow she’d swapped them to make her exit.

Still in denial, Charlie inspected himself some more. His hands no lower had the callouses and scars he’d accumulated from years of physical work. Now they were dainty and blemish free, like Melissa’s, and sporting red nail polish. His arms no longer had their bulky muscles. Now they were slender and hairless. Silky black hair fell into his vision, down to his chest. His legs, now smooth and shapely, stretched out before him to small, delicate feet.

He couldn’t avoid thinking about it any longer. He looked down his hourglass torso to his crotch. Fear and fascination gripped him as he looked at the panties he was wearing. They were lacy and matched the bra, but he was focused on how smooth and flat they were in the front. He swallowed as he cautiously pulled the fabric away to slip a couple of fingers in.

As he feared, his member was gone, and replaced by sensitive female genitalia. Curiosity got the better of him, and he gently pushed one finger into the slit. The sensation was completely alien to him, and he let out a gasp. He started breathing harder, finally feeling the enormity of his situation.

“Starting without me?” Charlie looked up to find Randy standing in the doorway, leaning against the frame. He was completely naked, showing off his rippling muscles. His manhood was already growing hard.

Charlie was at a loss for words, still processing the situation. “R-Randy….” His voice came out more breathy than he meant, thanks to how overwhelmed he felt. With one hand inside the panties, along with heavy breathing, Charlie realized how things must look.

Randy smirked and began walking toward the bed. “Like what you see?” He knelt on the bed and leaned toward Charlie.

“I-I…wai-mmphff-“ Charlie was cut off as Randy lean in and silenced him with an intense kiss. Before he could react, Randy’s strong hands were on his chest and crotch. Charlie couldn’t help but gasp into his mouth.


Melissa, now in Charlie’s old body, listened in through the phone. As expected, Charlie, or rather the new Melissa, had been too preoccupied with her new body to remember that they were on a call. The cellphone had been left face down, right next to her on the nightstand.

The new Charlie heard it all. The new Melissa questioning her situation, followed by Randy’s seductive voice. There were a few feminine gasps, and then finally after a couple of minutes, the familiar rhythmic sound of bed springs squeaking and a headboard hitting the wall.

The new Charlie hung up to give them privacy. He felt guilty about swapping them, but it couldn’t be helped. As Melissa, everything carried a sense of dread. Marrying a man was not what she wanted, but she’d forced herself, thinking it would get easier and she’d eventually come to love it. She didn’t. When Randy suggested they try to have a baby, she’d pretended to be excited, while inwardly she was terrified.

The final straw came the previous morning when she saw the positive pregnancy test. She had to go. But despite everything, she did love Randy, in a way. It just couldn’t be as his wife, and mother of his children.

So she decided to give him a new Melissa. Charlie knew Randy well, and was the only person in their friend group without a significant other. He was also kind and diligent. So she gave him the magical pendent earlier in the day, and activated it at the opportune time.

The new Charlie didn’t mind being a man. He’d never felt that connected to womanhood anyway. He just hoped the new Melissa would settle into her life comfortably.

Charlie took the necklace and packed it away with a few other essentials, and made his way out of the apartment. He was planning to disappear from his friends’ lives and start over somewhere new. Somewhere Melissa would never find him.

Sorry, Melissa. he thought. And goodbye. I hope you can be a better wife and mother than I ever could.


Thanks for reading. Just got back into writing after a long break so feedback is appreciated.

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mean thing to do to him

be very different if Charlie had known and was willing.

But hopefully, he does okay.

nice little story, Huggles!


The New Melissa an Unusual Story

What would it be like for someone with no desire to be a woman to find oneself as a pregnant woman, having sex and later finding she was with child? Woe. Did the old Melissa know something about the new Melissa, or was it all about getting out from under? A spin-off should be coming about the new Melissa.
Jessie C

Jessica E. Connors

Jessica Connors

Some heavy karma is desperately needed here

laika's picture

The New Charlie tells himself he "feels kind of bad" about what he did to the New Melissa.

No he doesn't. His feelings of remorse are pure hypocrisy, If they had any substance he wouldn't be capable of stealing someone's identity, their whole life + leaving them saddled with all your responsibilities just to avoid the unpleasantness of breaking Randy's heart by leaving him and then getting an abortion; like any even marginally ethical woman would do.

It would be a delicious irony if the New Melissa comes to value Randy's love and devotion to her, and if motherhood brings her joy, self-worth and meaning in her life like she had never dreamed possible as Charlie, a long and happy life eventually bringing grand kids, and golden years that feel more valuable to her than any amount of gold...

While the new Charlie -- buoyed by his successful escape into a new life -- tries to use magic to gain status and riches, only to have every one of his shitty little schemes backfire spectacularly, bringing him nothing but disgrace and ruin, and when he realizes he's facing 25 to life in some penitentiary he escapes in the cowardly way so typical of him by blowing his fucking brains out. Cue the laugh track.

What you have posted here is a fine short story that doesn't need all that; I'm just pissed off
at the character and having a hissy fit over an imaginary situation. I do that.
~hugs, Veronica

"Government will only recognize 2 genders, male + female,
as assigned at birth-" (In his own words:)

Not Mad at the Author

Daphne Xu's picture

Laika's not mad at the author, she's mad at the selfish and criminal character of (former) Melissa and what she did to Charlie.

I remember when I posted a part of "A Bikini Beach Summer", a reader got so distressed at what happened that she posted not one but two angry rants, both longer than this. (Ruth was her favorite character, and she was effectively destroyed.)

-- Daphne Xu


joannebarbarella's picture

Not just identity theft but body theft too, and dropping a friend into deep shit.

So Sad

Daphne Xu's picture

A friendship was ruined. A trust was betrayed. Suppose Randy finds out?

Error 503 Backend fetch failed

-- Daphne Xu