Changing Gears (Part 2 of 8)

Crysalis Book 1 - third cover.jpg

Sam has hid from the world for most of his life but a chance encounter has burst everything open. Sam meets Tracy at the park and they begin their training.

Chapter 3

Chirping birds woke Sam from his slumber. Stiffness in every muscle and joint made moving his arms and legs too difficult, so he rolled to the edge of the bed, and hit the floor with a thump.

Pain radiated through his entire body. “Goddammit!”

The clock showed a quarter to 8AM as Sam dragged his body across the bedroom floor. About halfway to the shower, he decided on a different course. Sam limped through the living room, through the kitchen, and looked around as he got to the back porch. A flip of the switch turned on the water jets. Not seeing a soul, Sam took off his boxers to reveal his nakedness. A step into the hot tub brought instant relief.


Sam tried to stretch but pain made him stop. Memories of the previous day’s ride and thoughts of what faced him today whirled in his brain. Sleep took him almost at once.

When he woke, Sam lay still for a moment, then jumped out of the water after realizing what he’d done. “Shit … shit … shit…” He ran naked through the back door, tracking water into the kitchen. A look at the clock showed twenty minutes after eight.

He fought through the pain, pulling on his biking pants and jersey. After a check in the mirror, he grabbed a clean pair of shorts and t-shirt, and wore them over his biking outfit.

Tracy sat at a picnic table when Sam arrived at the park. Sam did his best to move at a quick pace but the tightness had returned.

“Good morning Sam!” Tracy greeted him, “It’s a beautiful day isn’t it?”

“Yeah. Beautiful.” Sam said, rubbing his thigh, “It’s amazing how quick I got used to sleeping in.”

Tracy gave a dutiful laugh then got right to business, “We need to complete the paperwork.” She pointed to the half ream of papers on the table in front of her.

“Seriously? All of that?”

“Businesses move on paper. You know that. We can’t go further without a signatures on our standard contract.”

“Have you ever heard of data tablets?”

“My company is old fashioned.”

Sam shook his head, “Grrr… My roommate is a lawyer. I hear they bill by the page.”

Tracy placed the contract in front of Sam. The lead page started … ‘Contract of understanding between Sam Gibson and Maxus Athletics, Inc’. Sam read a couple of pages before yawning. It looked like a standard contract to hold the company harmless in case of injury. It also mentioned that the company had all rights to the data collected and that they loaned the equipment only for the time mentioned in the contract. Sam stopped reading at page three and scanned the rest. He said, “It looks standard.”

Tracy nodded, “It’s boilerplate. I’m sure you’ve seen lots of these.” She held out a pen.

“I sign the last page?”

“You sign, then I sign.”

Sam signed, and Tracy did likewise.

Tracy held out her hand. “Now we shake hands.”


“A handshake is a matter of principle to our founders. A deal isn’t worth the paper it’s printed on unless you seal it with a handshake.”

Sam shook his head as he Tracy’s hand. He watched as she put her other hand on the contract.

Tracy said, “Repeat what I say.”

Sam said, “This is getting ridiculous.”

Tracy pointed across the parking lot to a shiny new bike. “Do you want to ride it?”

Sam stared at the bike, a near duplicate of the one Tracy rode the day before. “It looks nice.”

Tracy spoke again, “Repeat after me.” She tightened her grip but her eyes didn’t betray a hint of a smile. “I promise to abide by the contents of this contract.”

Sam repeated, “I promise to abide by the contents of this contract.” A breeze hit the table as Sam said the final words causing papers to fly in every direction. Tracy did her best to catch them but some flew away.

Sam stood to help gather them. "Ouch ... ouch ... ouch."

“Don’t worry about this mess, Sam. Go change.” She handed him a box. “Today's outfit in there.”

Sam looked in the box filled with biking tights and jerseys. “I can’t wear my clothes?”

“It’s in the contract.” Tracy smiled.

“Grrrr…” Sam growled. “Why do I feel this isn’t the last time I’m going to hear that phrase?”

“Come on, Sam. You work in marketing. You know how this stuff works.” Tracy straightened the gathered paperwork and placed it in a box. “This contest is an advertising campaign and all riders are expected to wear our equipment. Maxus isn’t a charity.” Her face softened, “Trust me. We spare no expense on research and always use the latest technology. You wouldn’t believe me if I told you how much some of these things cost.”

Sam picked up a jersey which looked to be a man’s medium. “This isn’t going to fit.”

“Our clothing is made of special polymers which stretch to fit the wearer. You won’t find a better mix of style, fit, and support on the market.” Tracy spoke in a monotone voice which reminded Sam of a sales pitch.

Sam nodded. “I'll try.”

“Good.” Tracy smiled. “By the time you're done, your bike should be ready.”

Sam walked to the bathroom and spread the items on the counter, one by one. All had the name Maxus stitched in the same Roman script. He tried the tights first. When he pulled them to his knees it didn’t seem possible to pull them further but somehow they relaxed allowing him to pull them to his waist. A look showed the purple and black racing tights covering him from ankle to his waist. He had to admit, the soothing pressure felt good on both quad and calf.

Curiosity got the better of his as he squeezed his head through the jersey’s tight opening. One arm, then the other found its way through a sleeve. A simple tug pulled the jersey tight, the whole giving support and yet loose at the same time.

Together the outfit seeming to absorb the pain when he woke though any spell broke as soon as he looked in the mirror. His reflection showed every misshapen bulge.

Sam turned away, decided to pull his shorts and t-shirt over top.


Tracy shook her head as soon as she saw him, “Sam, you can’t wear those.”

“I have to wear them. It's too embarrassing.”

Tracy held up the contract. “You agreed to participate, Sam. Work with me. I promise you’ll be surprised by the amount of progress you make. Maxus Corp has worked for fifty years to perfection our training regime.”

“Yeah?” Sam asked, “Then why haven’t I heard about you?”

Tracy shrugged, “Our company is very exclusive. Rich people pay top dollar to work with us. They get advantages less fortunate people could never hope to purchase.”

“Then why am I here?" Sam asked, "I’m not rich or exclusive.”

Tracy didn't look happy. "I met someone I thought I could help."

"I do need help." It felt good to say that.

“Contracts work both ways Sam. We give you something and get something in return.” Tracy’s resolve appear to be reaching a boiling point. “Take off the clothes.”

“People will stare.”

Tracy shook her head. “Didn’t you literally move here yesterday? Why do you care what people think? It's not like they know you.”

Sam sighed, “That’s true.”

“Take off the clothes and you get to ride this.” She patted the bike's seat. Tracy stared at Sam. She pulled out a tape measure and started measuring Sam’s body, occasionally stopping to type into an electronic device.

Sam asked, “What are you doing?”

“Making final adjustments to fit the bike to your frame.” After each measurement she typed into a small datapad, then pulled out a hex wrench and adjusted the seat and handlebars, “It won’t take long.”

"OK." Sam nodded and began to remove his oversized shirt.

Tracy pointed to the nearby table. “Put those on when you're done.”

On the table sat Maxus branded biking shoes, gloves, and a helmet.

Sam pulled the gloves, “How do you know my sizes?”

“I’m good at my job, Sam. How do those tights feel?”

Sam stood. "Good.” Better than good but he wasn't going to tell Tracy. All hints of soreness left his legs.

“You get to keep everything if we pull off a miracle Saturday. The gloves, the helmet, the clothes. Even the bike.”

Sam looked down at his flabby body. “Unlikely.” It would take years worth of weeks to fix his flabby body but every journey has to start somewhere. “You said you could fix my bike.”

“Of course. Put your bike in my van. I’ll take it to our workshop after we finish here. Our specialists will put a rush on it.”

“Sounds good.” Sam smiled as he walked to his car. He’d get his bike fixed and get to spend a week with a pretty girl. All in all, a good trade for some humble pie.


“Are you ready to start?”

Sam took a deep breath. “As ready as I can be.”

“Great.” Tracy pointed to a spot next to the picnic table.“ “We’ll start with some light stretching.”

Sam couldn’t remember the last time he stretched, “Stretching?”

“A good warm-up is the best way to prepare your body before a ride. It helps avoid injuries and allows me to push you harder.”

“OK…” He’d never found stretching useful but Tracy was the pro.

He sat on the grass next to Tracy, and tried to imitate her flexibility. He failed badly.

“Close your eyes.”

“OK.” Sam did as she asked.

“Take a deep breath. In …”

Sam took a deep breath.

“Good. Now let it out.”

Sam breathed out. His thoughts turned to his new job. He had a safe position in St. Louis. This one came with no guarantees.

“In … and out.”

Sam took a breath. It was ridiculous coming to this city.

“Focus Sam. In … and out.”

So much time had passed…

“Better. In … and out.”

Sam’s mind drifted to thoughts of his bike rides back in the day. He pedaled for hours as he became one with his bike. Miles passed without thought.

“In … and out.”

“In … and out.”

“In … and out.”


Sam opened his eyes and looked at his feet. His legs stretched further than seemed possible. He looked up.

“Ready to go?” Tracy stood over him, holding the new bike.

“Sorry. I fell asleep.”

Tracy smiled. “Want to give it a go?”

Sam smiled back as he stood. “Yeah.”

The bike was a black composite material with purple markings. It had to be made out of some material other than his carbon fiber like his bike. It felt as light as a feather. A spin of the tires showed no hint of imbalance. A check of the break created immediate stopping power and no squeaks. The front of the bike held an impressive looking cycling computer and under the seat was a saddlebag full of tools. A check of the undercarriage showed an air pump, and two full water bottles.

“It’s a beautiful machine.”

“I told you. We ride the best.” Tracy handed him several Maxus branded energy bars. “You’re going to need those. Put them in the jersey pockets. Are you ready for a test run? Let’s see how the bike fits.”

“Yeah.” Sam put his left toe on a cleat, the rest of his body pivoting over the frame with an ease impossible the day before. Sam clicked his right foot into the cleat. The bike felt perfect.

Tracy called out, “Go once around the parking lot.”

Sam had pedaled twice before Tracy made her request. “Way ahead of you.” The bike obeyed his command at once.

“Slow down,Sam. Ease into it!” Sam didn’t listen. He was halfway across the parking lot then leaned into a tight turn. The bike turned on dime allowing him to pedal hard towards the start. He couldn’t help a big smile as he stopped, “That was incredible!”

“Every Maxus bike is custom made.”

Sam did some calculations in his head. He’d spent $1,500 on his bike, but it was nothing compared to a custom job. $15,000 … $50,000 … more? “Can we get started?”

Tracy laughed. “What happened to the shy guy who said he couldn’t do this?”

Sam stood on the pedals, “He hadn’t tried this bike. It’s amazing.”

Tracy gave a knowing look. “Good to hear. We’re going to start slow with a little base work.” She mounted her bike with ease, her feet attaching to the cleats without looking. “Follow me…if you can.”

Sam watched Tracy speed off at a moderate pace. He re-clipped his toe in the cleat and took off to catch her. It didn’t take long.

Tracy had a grin on her face when she turned. “Stay in my draft. Concentrate on staying within a few feet of my back tire.”

Sam nodded. He’d ridden in a peloton many times and knew how it helped to conserve energy. The pair fell into a nice cadence as their speed increased. He focused on his legs. Smooth easy strokes.

Tracy increased her speed. Sam focused on his breathing.

“Stay within yourself, Sam.”

"I'm trying."

Tracy turned and shouted, “Everything ok back there??”

Sam nodded, afraid to speak.

Sam always loved the feeling on a bike. For a time he’d considered getting serious but then college ended and dreams of adventure fell into the humdrum demands of the business world. The wind in his hair brought it all back. There was something primal about being in nature on a beautiful day, speeding along under your own power.

People who never rode didn’t appreciate the little things in nature. A fifteen mile-per-hour cooling breeze became a thirty mile-per-hour gale if you hit it head on. The hills few noticed in cars looked like a mountain on a bike.

But the downhills were worth it.

Tracy’s voice rang in his ears as they screamed around a turn. “Remember to breathe.”

Sam took a deep breath, Remembering Tracy’s instructions.

“In … and out.”

“In … and out.”

“In … and out.”


Sam shook his head and noticed they had stopped under a shade tree.

Sam shouted, “What’s wrong? I thought things were going well.”

“You need to eat more.”

Sam shook his head as he patted his belly. “I need to lose some weight.”

Tracy shook her head. “You said you used to ride a lot so you know how it feels to bonk out and I’m not carrying you back to your car. You’ve got to keep eating.”

“I will. It’s only been …” Sam looked down at his cycling computer. It showed a few minutes after noon. “What the hell? It feels like we rode for fifteen minutes.”

“Did you go into a zone?”

Sam shook his head again. “It seemed so effortless.”

Tracy smiled. “I told you our equipment is good but it helps when I’m training someone with natural talent.”

Sam couldn’t take his eyes off the odometer. “I can’t believe we rode 35 miles. I couldn’t do 10 yesterday.”

Tracy smiled, “I told you I’m good.” She handed him a foil packet with the name Maxus written across the front.

“What’s this?”

“It’s energy gel. Concentrated carbs. Make sure you drink water with it.”

Sam ripped open the foil and squirted some into his mouth. “Wow … that’s nasty. It tastes like paste!”

Tracy asked, “Did you add water?”


“Add water. It tastes better.”

Sam squirted water into his mouth then added a little gel. He swallowed then choked out a response. “Not much better.”

Tracy grinned. “It’s not made for taste. Eat it all. You need it. Once you’re done we’ll do some more stretching. I’ve pushed you hard today, but I know you can do more.”

Sam sucked down the gel, gagging a bit as he joined Tracy under a nearby tree. His legs screamed in protest but this time he found he could almost mimic Tracy’s pose. “Ready to breathe?”

Sam nodded and closed his eyes.

“In and out.”

“In and out.”

“In and out.”


Tracy stood over him.

“Ready to go?”

Sam nodded as he got to his feet. “Yeah ... sorry ... I keep zoning out.”

The pair sped off, taking the same positions as before. Tracy rode in front. Sam focused on her rear. This time, Sam found it easier to slip into the zone.

“In and out.”

“In and out.”

“In and out.”


Sam shook his head when he saw his car. “We’re back?”

The odometer showed they’d gone 63.4 miles.

Tracy nodded. “We need to stretch. You’ve done well for the first day, but we need to cool down or you’re going to feel it tomorrow.”

Sam sat. Tracy didn’t vary her routine much and he’d gotten the basics by now. As she led him through a series of stretches, he did the quick math. They started about 9:30 and now it was almost 3PM.. Adding in a rest break put their speed around thirteen miles-per-hour. This was nothing compared to the speeds he achieved in college but that took years of practice.

“Good start.” Tracy stood above him, “Are you ok to get home?”

Sam felt dizzy but nodded, “Yeah.”

Tracy pointed at the picnic table. It held a few extra boxes with a Maxus label.

“Everything on the table is yours. Inside you’ll find clothing, energy drinks and a few training aids you might find useful. Remember to drink lots of energy drinks and carbs to build your glucose reserve.”

Sam nodded.

Tracy asked, “Meet here at 9AM tomorrow?”

Sam nodded again.

“Good.” Tracy smiled. “I’ve got to get to the office to file your paperwork and analyze today’s results. Everything good?”

Sam nodded a third time. He watched Tracy jump into her van and speed off before attempting to stand.


Sweaty clothes lined Sam’s path through Tommy’s house. The bubbles of the hot tub felt heavenly when he jumped in. He had no idea how long he lay there when the first twitch began.

It started in his thigh and didn’t take long until it graduated to full-blown muscle spasms through both legs. Sam limped naked through the house when the nausea hit. He started to run when he realized he wouldn’t make it otherwise. He dove for the toilet as he entered the bathroom, the contents of his stomach coming out in a sudden rush.

“Bleeechh…” Sam groaned. “Nasty.”

His body hugged the cool floor until the feeling rose causing him to rise and repeat the process until nothing remained but the retching. He lay on the floor for another hour until it felt safe to stand. When he did, he found his lower intestines decided to join in on the fun.

Sam had no idea how long he sat on the toilet. A look in the mirror showed a person he barely recognized anymore.

Why had he allowed himself to get so out of shape?

Sam waited and waited until it felt safe to stand, laughing as he walked naked through the house. It was a good thing Tommy was out of town. He could only imagine what he’d say.

Knowing solid food out of the question, Sam found the case of Maxus energy drink on the dining room table. Sam cracked open a bottle, and drank it down in a few gulps.

Sam nodded, “Not bad.”

The second bottle tasted better.

When he opened the third, his dehydrated body continued to soak it up like a sponge.

This wasn't the first time he’d gotten sick after bike ride. Overexertion mixed with a lack of calories can play havok on a person's body. “So dumb.” Tracy was right. He wondered what the ghost in this house's walls might say if they saw him now. Tommy would say something sarcastic. And then there was Danielle. She and Tommy had bought the house right after college. Tommy said she’d been gone for a year but Sam could feel her presence.

A look in Tommy’s bedroom showed a large king sized bed, much bigger than a single person needed for sleep. The surrounding furniture had a definite feminine vibe. The wall next to the bathroom showed the image of a woman in a simple frame.

It had been years since Sam had seen a picture of Danielle but it looked like she hadn’t aged a day. Blonde hair. Blue eyes. Perfect teeth. Tommy never stood a chance.

Sam knew he shouldn’t but he opened the closet door anyway. Rows of expensive suits, dress shirts, khaki pants, and golfing shirts filled most of the interior. No one needed this much clothing but Tommy bought it to fill the void. In between suits of blue, black and gray, Sam saw a hint of color. Closer inspection showed large blue nightgown hanging near the back. It would look good on Danielle but she could look good in anything. Removing it would be a betrayal of trust beyond any friendship.

“Fuck it.”

Sam crept like a thief through the garage to find his things. The box he needed was in the middle of it all, placed in one box, sitting inside another box.

He didn’t dare look at the pictures as he made his way through the house. He didn’t dare look at himself in the mirror as he placed the items from his makeup case on the counter.

“My last time.” Sam said,

As he finished, an ocean’s worth of guilt washed over him. He'd do better tomorrow.

Chapter 4

Sam woke in a panic. He’d expected soreness, but nothing like this.

Pain radiated from every limb, the worst centered on his chest. It wasn’t much of a surprise considering how many times he’d puked but it took all his energy to retrieve his cell phone from the bedside table.

When he picked it up he shouted, “Shit.” Tracy never gave her number.

His body needed a good three-hour soak, but the clock showed 8:30AM and he didn’t want to be late. It took five minutes to crawl to the kitchen and another five to put on a pair of clean biking tights. He started to pull the jersey over his chest when the pain hit.

“Ouch … ouch … ouch.”

The pain in his chest wouldn’t stop.

It took Sam a minute to regain his feet, a look in the hallway mirror showed his face had regained its color. A look at his chest showed it raw and blistered.

“Rookie mistake.”

He once learned how to avoid this through many blustery fall days riding his bike. The best way to avoid chafing was a good slathering of vaseline on each nipple. Now… the only thing that could prevent more pain lay at the bottom of a quarry in St. Louis. Unless…

Sam picked up the box of Maxus gear and turned it upside down allowing the contents to fall to the floor. Inside he found a week’s worth of biking tights, pullovers, jerseys, socks, and biking caps piled on the ground along with a smaller box which sounded solid as it hit the pile. The last item to fall out was a sports bra.

Sam snatched it with an eagerness he tried to ignore, pressing the satin-looking material against his face. Its material felt as soft as it looked.

It pulled on easily, the bra caressing his sore nipples like a cotton diaper might a baby's sore bottom. Another tug pulled the bra taut, a reverse show of the technology displayed a day earlier when his oversized butt and considerable belly fit into the pants and jersey much too small for him. This time, when Sam pulled the jersey into place, he saw no signs of the bra underneath.

This disguise would surely hold for the five minutes while he told Tracy the bad news. He was in no shape to ride today. He’d spend a day in the hot tub instead.


Tracy sat on her bike when Sam arrived.

“Sorry I’m late, Tracy. I’m in no shape to ride.”

Tracy frowned, “Are you sure?”

Sam nodded. “I was sick most of the night. I feel terrible.”

Tracy shrugged. “Well. If you can’t go … you can’t go. But I insist we do some stretching. Stretching and breathing can help a body heal."

Sam looked back to his car. ““I guess.” Tracy sat under a nearby tree. When Sam tried to do the same, sharp pains shot through his core.


Tracy nodded, “Wow. It sounds like you are in real pain.”

Sam shouted back, “I told you!”

Tracy stood and Sam tried to do that same but his legs wouldn’t move.

Tracy said, “Stay there. I think a deep tissue massage might work wonders.”

Sam shrugged, “I’m not going anywhere.” Sam felt Tracy’s hands on his shoulders, a sudden panic rising when he remembered the straps.

“Tracy … I uhh …”

Tracy pressed deeper, the mix of pain and pleasure causing a rise. “Relax Sam. Close your eyes.”

Sam nodded and closed his eyes.

“Deep breaths. In and out. We need to get rid of the toxins in your muscles.” Tracy’s finger pressed deep into the muscles of Sam’s upper back.

Sam tried to breath but the pain grew too much. “Aiirrrggg!”

Tracy asked, “How many energy drinks did you consume last night?”

Sam shrugged, “Three, I think.”

Tracy nodded. “Drink more tonight, even if you feel full. At least five or six.”

“I’m trying to lose weight, Tracy.”

“You’ve lost weight, Sam. At least a few pounds. You worked hard yesterday. The plan was to work harder today.”

Sam took a deep breath as he sucked in his belly. “You think I’ve lost weight?”

Tracy pressed her hands into Sam’s shoulders.

“Aiiiigggghhh! That hurt.”

Tracy spoke with an calm tone. “Breath Sam. Listen to the sound of my voice.”

“In and out.”

“In and out.”

“In and out.”

Everything faded into black.


Sam opened his eyes. “Sorry. I didn’t get much sleep last night.” He saw his legs seated in a yoga pose but hesitated to move for fear of pain.

“Get up, Sam. Let’s see if it worked.”

Sam moved a leg. It didn’t hurt. Neither did his back or his arms or his chest.

Tracy asked, Are you sure you can’t ride today? A short ride would work out the kinks. It’s your call.”

Sam pressed a hand on his stomach. Maybe it did feel smaller. “You say it looks like I’ve lost a few pounds?”

“Five or six by my guess. No pain, no gain.” She smiled, “Or in your case, no pain, no loss.”

Sam shook his head. Tracy might have a talent with bikes but he was no stand up comic, “I’ll get the bike.”


It did feel great to be riding again. The weather was perfect. The bike was perfect. The trail was smooth. Sam stayed a few feet behind Tracy’s tire, soon falling into a rhythmic cadence. He’d always thought a good bike ride was like an out-of-body experience. He spent much of the ride staring down at himself, only stopping when he noticed Tracy’s tire slowing.

A look at the odometer showed they’d ridden 61.2 miles and they’d gone for over 3 hours, an average speed of almost 20 miles an hour!

“Tracy I’m not sure what’s in those supplements but it’s amazing. I’m riding as fast as ever. Whatever you are doing, you have my endorsement.”

She gave a mocking grin, “I’m sure my bosses will be thrilled to hear it.” She handed him a package of Energy Gel. “Remember. Wash it down with plenty of water.”

Sam squirted half the tube into his mouth then squirted in a bunch of water.

Sam shook his head. “This is so gross. Do you ever get used to the taste?”

“Not really.” Tracy shook her head. “How do you feel?”

Sam moved his legs up and down. “Other than eating this stuff, I feel great. Whatever you’re putting into your products, you should market it more. It’s amazing.”

Tracy nodded, “Our supplements can only enhance natural ability, Sam.”

Sam laughed. He’d slung a lot of BS to get a sale in his time. “Do you think I’ll sleep better tonight?”

Tracy smiled, “Drink lots of liquids.”

“I will.”

Tracy put on her helmet and jumped on her bike, “You ready to head back?”

Sam made a face as he swallowed the last of the energy paste. “Yeah, let’s go.”


Tracy waved as her van sped away. She had more reports and more meetings. They’d spent almost seven hours training and Sam didn’t feel a thing.

He was halfway home when the first twitch hit. He downed an energy drink as soon as he entered the house but that made things worse.

“Oh god!”

Sam ran through the house, taking off his clothing as the cramps continued, finding a kneeling position on the bathroom floor as he waited for the inevitable.

He emerged two hours later, his body feeling stretched and torn. Drinking another energy drink didn’t require a trip to the bathroom which was progress though a look in the refrigerator at solid food made him want to puke.

“I'll eat tomorrow.”

As he finished off a third energy drink without feeling better, Sam decided to look for alternatives. Tommy’s medicine cabinet contained all the usual pills. Sam took one of each, though none seemed promising. A check of the smaller Maxus box he'd found in the morning provided better results. A look inside showed athletic creme, more nasty energy gel, sunless tanning lotion, healing bubble bath, resistance bands, stretching straps, and a pair of arch stretchers.

Sam didn’t give it much thought as he grabbed the bottle of bubble bath and headed for the hot tub.

The whirlpool jets felt great on his body as the warmth penetrated his skin. He basked in the jets for a few seconds before adding a small portion of bubble bath. As the suds grew, Sam felt his anxiety build.

Fighting his fear, Sam lay back hoping the healing mixture might do something. He focused on his breathing…

‘In and out.’

‘In and out.’

‘In and out.’

Sam woke to find the jets had stopped. When he stood, the night air felt cold and a brownish-black mass floated on top of the water.

“What the fuck…” As he looked down at his body, not a single hair stood.

In college, Sam had considered shaving his legs to help with his biking. He knew both bikers and swimmers shaved their legs. Swimmers to gain speed. Bikers to make an easier recovery from the inevitable road rash.

He knew a couple guys who’d done it but Sam never dared. He’d fought off all desire though four years of college as living in a dorm and then a fraternity had been a hell of his own making.

Sam stared down at his now hairless body. His pale legs looked better than he expected but he smiled as he picked up the bottle of sunless tanning spray.

The light of the moon gave an otherworldly to from the image staring back in the door's reflection. Sam stared at his hairless chest, nipples still puffy after two days of riding. In the gathering dark, the extra weight of the last ten years almost made them look like tiny breasts.

“If only.”

His clean-shaven skin glowed as Sam applied the tanning spray. He emptied most of the bottle, doing his best to keep it even as worked from head to toe. The liquid felt cold as it evaporated into his skin.

Sam took a last look at his reflection before heading inside. He smiled at Danielle’s nightgown as he entered the bedroom to gather his makeup case. “I’ll stop once Tommy returns to town.”


Tracy typed into a secure data pad. The message arrived in Amsterdam seconds later:
Subject more powerful than expected. Will continue training through the end of week. Suspicions confirmed -- data analysis will follow. Decision needed by Saturday at latest. Recommend subject upgrade to codename status: encrypt identity under codeword Chrysalis for all future communication. As normal channels have been compromised, recommend siloed access to select Oculus personnel.

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