Sissy's Trial -- Part 10

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Sissy’s Trial -- Part 10

By Maid Joy

I was impressed by how well Sissy was doing. It was an intense scene; spanking and really mind fucking the client. Sissy was my main canvas now.

I had the flogger in my hand, and it sounded divine. I would hit Sissy’s back, on the shoulders and she would squeal like it really hurt her. This flogger had loops on the ends instead of tips, so the two strips of leather hitting each other would make a huge “POP” and sound as though it really hurt, yet the actual hit was relatively light.

I say “relatively” because any time you hit human flesh with something else, it is going to hurt and leave a mark. However, I had practiced long and hard on clients and the occasional play toy and knew my own strength and how to gauge the impact I was having.

Sissy, the little slut, was the perfect actress. She kept squealing and shaking to really sell the strikes. I would occasionally pop her ass with the flogger, shoving her forward and making the pillory rock and swing.

I was doing all the talking, yelling at the client and occasionally striking him with the flogger or the riding crop. I finally pulled him out of the chair and threw him over a spanking bench, making sure he had an unobstructed view of Sissy’s face. Because he was face up, with his hands tied over his head to the bench, and then his ankles tied to the other end, leaving his chest and thighs hideously exposed, he was very easy to play with. In order to see Sissy, he had to hang his head off the end of the bench and look at her upside down. That kept him disoriented and even more off balance.

This was the fun part. I loved watching him writhe and screech trying to get free while I flogged his breasts and his thighs and threatened more intimate parts of him. But it was really fun when I left off with him and moved over to Sissy.

The little minx looked like she loved this. When I stroked her back, I dug my nails in some so she would squeal. I would grab her breast, and even though she couldn’t feel it, she would scream into her gag, which would make the client go nuts. But Sissy had some reactions to what I was doing also. I had a good view of the area between her legs, and if the moisture dripping down from under the chastity belt was any indication, she had orgasmed once and was close to cumming again.

Things went very well and I knew the client was thrilled. He was babbling as I let him out the door and I had no doubt I would hear from him again and soon.

I went back to Sissy to do the Aftercare.

My hands were very cool. Not cold, not blue from lack of circulation, but cooling, which meant I needed to move them. But Mistress wasn’t back from letting the client out.

I had to think about what happened. I was VERY aroused and really horny. I thought I had cum in the chastity belt, and I wasn’t certain if I didn’t like it.

My head was swimming. I wanted to play with myself desperately and I really wanted to feel this again.

I wished my breasts were real. I wanted so desperately to have Mistress rubbing them and to actually feel her touch on my breast. I had imagined that I could feel her hand on the nipples when she was pinching and tugging, and I knew my imagination wasn’t close to the reality of the sensation.

I spent a few moments with my eyes closed dreaming of what it would be like to be a real girl and to be feeling this; to feel Mistress’ hands on my body, with her flogger on my back. I wanted to feel the more hits. I found something in me that I didn’t know was there. I wanted to feel the pain, to be hit and to see just how much I could take.

My head was swimming, I didn’t know up from down anymore.

I heard high heels coming in, and I knew that Mistress was back. My heart leapt, and if I had a tail, I would have been wagging it.

I felt her hand stroking my back, where she had been striking me with her flogger. “Mmmmm, that looks so beautiful my dear. I love seeing you like this.”

I mumbled something into my gag. “Oh,” she said, “that sounds like you want some more. Do you want some more my little Sissy? Want to be punished and forgiven for some sin?”

I shook my head emphatically ‘no’.

“Oh, not punishment or expiation then perhaps you find you like the pain? Want some more?”

I didn’t respond because while that wasn’t the whole answer, it was part of the answer. I did want more because I liked it.

“Oh, I see, you want to try the whole ‘how much can I take’ thing, don’t you? See if you can endure what I give out? I’d be happy to do it, but I’m not too confident that you can take it. Do you want to try?”

I grunted emphatically and nodded my head as much as I could.

“Alright, we will try this. I need to move you over to the Saint Andrew’s Cross. Here we go.”

She unlocked the pillory and detached the spreader bar. She spent a few moments chaffing my arms and legs to get my circulation back and she helped me over to a big X in one corner. She pushed me up to it, so I was resting against its padded surface, with my head resting against a pillow on the cross.

She spent a few minutes pulling off my corset. I was sorry to feel it go, but I trusted that she knew what she was doing. She helped me pull off my heels so I was standing on my own feet. She took the gag out of my mouth and wrapped my arms around the cross. “Same safe gestures if you need to use them, okay?” I nodded.

The next few hours was wonderful. She started slowly and worked up to more severe floggers and heavier floggers. She had a flogger that was really stingy it felt like my back was being flayed. She kept going and something happened in my head.

It was like I pulled away from my body, getting lighter and more detached from everything. It was weird. The sounds went away, the music playing went away, the things that Mistress was saying to me went away. All that remained was the ‘thump, thump’ on my back and buttocks. She kept striking and the pain faded, replaced by this feeling of expansion.

It felt as though I merged with the cross, and I was one with the flogger, and it was wonderful. I had no body, just this floating sensation. She could have keep hitting me forever and I wouldn’t have cared.

Eventually, there was a bright light in my eyes, I was dimly aware of being moved. Finally I wound up lying down with a blanket around me. I was still floating and didn’t care. I wasn’t cold, and when I could feel my body again, all my extremities were fine.

I kept the sensation of floating almost flying after a while, it changed to a feeling of being five or six inches outside of my skin. I didn’t have a care in the world. I swear I the boobs on my body felt real and wonderful. It was hours before I felt anything like “normal”.

I was hyperaware of every part of my body, from the locked up male member that made it easy to forget that I was anything but Sissy, to the paint on each toe and the extension of each nail. I could feel each thread on the blanket I lay upon, and the direction of the gentle zephyr that came from the ventilation.

I felt as though I had been reborn. It was almost how I felt getting through the CS Gas chamber, like I had accomplished a fantastic feat and come out the other side made new.

I lay there and just existed for a while.


Mistress cared for me. She steered me into the kitchen eventually, still wrapped in my blanket and gave me some things to eat and drink. Eventually I did come down off the high.

“The state you were in is called ‘subspace’. It is a place that many try to get to and some achieve. I’m glad you could get there. You were wonderful.”

The words meant something but I had to wait for it to make sense. That took time, some tea, and more food. And finally I was able to understand what Mistress was saying.

But it was a letdown to not feel like a girl anymore. Maybe someday soon.


I had some time on my pass left so Mistress and I decided to go shopping. I was up for it, not that I needed anything, but the trip out as Sissy always made me feel good.

I pulled on a black knit skirt that embraced my legs like a lover. Above it I was corseted again, with a pretty cream-colored turtleneck and peach sweater. I added some bangle bracelets and a couple pretty gold necklaces on top of the sweater. Finally, I added a leopard print scarf and used it as a sash.

I grabbed a purse that matched the scarf and put my necessities into it. I pulled on a pair of two-inch heels and touched up my makeup. I looked myself over carefully in the mirror. I could still see the male in me, but I hoped no one else could.

Feeling like my soul had been bleached pure again, I nearly skipped out of the house to the car.


I was parked down the street. My orders were to follow SSgt Taylor and to report on him to my superiors. I’d been doing this all weekend and it was honestly boring.

I had seen him go into a nondescript house on Friday evening and he hadn’t been out since. People went in, they came back out again. I had pictures of all of it, but there wasn’t anything about them to make an investigator nervous.

I noted every detail I could, including the house number and times people arrived and departed. I had done a bit of investigation on the Internet with my laptop and found that the house was owned by a Karen Lander. Tax returns showed that she lived in her place of business. I did a bit more digging and found that her business was apparently sex related, although she didn’t have a record of prostitution. Given some of the invoices I had access to through the FBI and their intercept program, I knew some of the deliveries that came into the house, were BDSM oriented gags, collars, cuffs and things like that. Really pervo sex stuff.

While waiting I made a call to my superiors to arrange for the interception of her mail I wanted a look at what billing invoices she sent and received. I’d start to get those reports when I got back to base.

The door opened and two women came out, heading for the car in the driveway. I grabbed several photos of both of them, since they were lookers. One was Ms Lander the other was a lady I hadn’t seen go in. Maybe she came in a back way. I would have to arrange a static surveillance op to cover that.

Didn’t see SSgt Taylor, so I hunched down in the seat as they drove off and I waited to see if he came out. His car was still there after all.

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Really Erotic

joannebarbarella's picture

The description of the BDSM session comes across as very authentic. I have to trust you on that, but it's just one part of the story of Sissy's journey into femininity. Can she evade the clutches of the Army? Only you can tell us, Joy. Awaiting the next episode,


gosh i know that every one reading this chapter are like my self and tottaly wrapped around the authors fingers waiting to see the next installment. god i would give anything for the address of the mistress and beg her to take in another sissy to serve her love this storey penny


Can The Military Do THAT?

Do they not need a warrant?

May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine