Going to the Prom with Marcine - Three of Three

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Going to the Prom with Marcine
- Three of Three

By Jessica C

Previously: We went to Jensen’s Bridal and Gown Boutique; Guthrie Jensen the owner was a flamboyant and much-involved owner/manager. Guthrie took great interest in me. He had already talked to Anya and knew the color and style of Marci’s gown. He showed me a slender pink gown with a price tag that blew my mind. It was satin, and it had lace lacework which I loved. He even talked me into trying it on; which felt and looked wonderful on me. But its $895 price tag was out of my league. Before we left to look elsewhere he told us that he would sell it to me for $435, if I’d let him take a photo shoot of me in the gown. All of us were tempted. We did want to look elsewhere, plus Anya wanted to talk to Marci before we could consider buying it.
One interesting tidbit was Anya seemed to rush me past an amazing blue silk dress.
We were at the Bridgewater Bridal Shoppe when Marcine got back in contact with Anya. She and my mother talked. I had two gowns that I had selected to try and was getting into the first one. It was very pretty and at $200 I thought it was amazing, but both gowns there were pale in comparison to what I tried at Jensen’s.
My Mom stopped me after the first gown; saying that Marci favored me getting the gown at Jensen’s. Mom allowed Anya to drive our vehicle as she wanted to talk to me in the back seat. Mom said, “Joni, Anya has heard back from Marci, and she’d like you to get the dress that Guthrie has offered to you. I’m sure Guthrie will want to celebrate your decision, please be respectful.”
“Mom, he’s different, but he’s unique and interesting as well. I just don’t want him taking a personal interest in me,” said Joni.
They were soon there and what Joni didn’t observe was, that the blue gown she admired going out, was out of sight. The emphasis was on getting Joni into her gown for a fitting. Guthrie wanted Joni to wear a vagina gaff for protecting the gown in case Joni got too excited and had an accident. The idea caused Joni to blush in front of her Mom, Anya, and Guthrie. Blushing was something she was getting used to.


NOW: We were back at Jensen’s Bridal and Gown Boutique; Anya led me back to the fitting area. She asked the woman, “Where’s the pink gown?”


Now: She said, “Guthrie had us set it aside; he hoped you’d be back maybe tomorrow. I see it hadn’t taken that long. Guthrie will be glad?” She paused, doubt intruding into her voice, “You did come back to buy it haven’t you?”

“Yes,” Mother replied, “Her Prom date encouraged us since we were here to come back. It was such a beautiful gown; we didn’t want it to conflict with her gown.”

The seamstress took my mother aside and whispered to her, “That must be why we moved the blue gown from view.”

Guthrie was soon there to oversee the actual fitting. He was now sporting a different sequined pantsuit. “Honey, I am so glad you will be wearing this gown. It thrills me that another boy isn’t afraid of being so attractive.”

Joni said, “I wouldn’t say I wanted to be attractive as complimenting Marcine my prom date.”

Guthrie said, “You know you’re likely to attract some male admirers as well; hopefully, that won’t upset you.”

Anya spoke up, “My Brian plans to ask for a dance or two with you?”

Joni asked, “Please don’t put him up to that.”

After Joni took the gaff from Guthrie to put it on, his Mother gave him a silk panty. “I think you’ll like wearing these. Once you have them on, step out and we’ll help put the gown on.”

Anya and Joni’s Mother helped her to put on her gown at the request of Martha the seamstress. His Mother responded to Joni’s glee as the gown slid down her body. “You’re more girl than I thought. Come prom night with Marci the feelings should be even greater.”

Martha uses a thin sliver of soap to mark where to take in the gown. “Young man, you will make quite an attractive figure on the dance floor if you are as graceful as you appear.”

They were about done when Marci showed up at the fitting room, “My you’re looking beautiful in that gown. Just think what it will be like after we’ve been to the salon and with your hair and makeup done?”

“I thought we weren’t to see each other’s gowns?” said Joni.

Marci said, “I don’t want you to see mine; I didn’t think you would mind. Plus, I brought you some jeans that we might do something together after this. Your Mother texted me that the day has been long enough for her.”

Joni said, “You should have brought something other than designer jeans.”

Anya said, “It’s a girls’ night out to celebrate your new gown. Cindy is going to meet us at the Frontier Restaurant to eat and then we’ll decide together what we want to do.” Anya giggled to herself, and then was asked why by the others, “I was just wondering if the two of you could be selected Queen and King of the Prom?”

“Technically, no the king would need to be a senior or junior.”

They chose to go bowling and the first thing to indicate something was different. Anya called Brian to meet them at the alleys, and Cindy indicated Alex was meeting her. Marci then confessed she asked Robert and Marty so we all could play as teams of a boy and girl.

Joni asked to speak to Marci and they talked. “Why are we doing this?”

Marci said, “Yesterday I said you needed experience being around a mixed crowd and doing things. You said you understood. I’m not trying to put you on the spot, but I told you earlier you would have been worrying ahead of time. This way, you’ll get the experience and we can get on with things.”

“That might have been so,” said Joni, “But I wished you could have warned me a little.”

Cindy said, “You have a fifteen-minute warning, how long did you want to get nervous?”

The evening went well; the guys were one to two years older than Jon. They threw heavier balls and smashed the pins they kit. Joni wasn’t a bad bowler and she and Marty won two of the three games we played. Except for the frames she made two strikes and got seven pins on the next ball it went well. That was until Marty picked her up and swung her around once.

Thankfully, it was Marci who gave Joni the goodnight kiss.


Come the morning Mom and I were up early, and she asked me, “So how did you like yesterday?”

“Well you know I loved the dress, so you must be wondering more about the rest. Did you have an inkling that some guys were going to be part of it?”

Mom said, “I didn’t, but you told me Marci asked about you getting used to guys being around you. So was that part of girls' night out?” I nodded my head, and she said, “You tend to worry about what might scare you; how did it go?”

“I felt like a girl all night. We went bowling and I was matched up with Marty Jones. I made two strikes and was going for the third but when I only hit seven. Marty greeted me by lifting me and twirling me around once like someone special. I almost kissed him. I didn’t think I’d feel like that with a guy.”

She asked, “Was that bad?” I had to think about that. “Honey, I don’t want you to make quick decisions, just be mindful and think for yourself. I am glad that you trust me to talk with me. You are not my little boy; you have a good head on your shoulders.”

I shampooed my hair out with my regular shampoo; some of the curl and silky feel of my hair came out. I was getting dressed, when Mother knocked and called in, “Get dressed and we’ll go to another church.” I knew the church she was talking about and it would accept me either way I dressed.

The service wasn’t anything unusual, but being in an accepting community of worshippers was. Silvia from school was there and she greeted me afterward. She asked, “Does this mean, you accept yourself or is it just a safe place?” She handed me a lemonade, “You don’t need to answer.” We talked and I was comfortable making a new friend. She, her Mother, my Mom, and I decided to go out to eat. Leslie came with us, which caused me to miss Marci.

I had decided to go to school the next two weeks Monday through Wednesday as Jon; Thursday and Friday as Joni. The principal expressed his disapproval, but nothing more. Steven a close friend welcomed seeing Jon, but somehow the friendship was different. We played video games at his house, where his sister Sharon, my classmate, was amused to see me again as she had before.

The next day Thursday, she curtly said hello seeing me as Joni. “Are you going to be my friend today? Please sit with my friends and me so I might get to know this side of you.” When I did; they talked a lot about my fashion sense as Joni. “You seem more relaxed as Joni.”

It was funny as Steven’s sister; I knew her but didn’t think she ever noticed me. Now as another girl and a friend of her brother, she’s warm and conversation comes easy. I told her that as a boy with two sisters, I had wondered about being a girl and what it would be like. Sharon’s friends giggled. I told her Marcine Short, her friends, and her mother helped me. “I learned from them and Monica Lenz at the mall during a session on colors; it progressed to a dinner and now the prom.”

Sharon giggled, “So, you’re the boy they did that to… Did you go on a dinner date with Marcine to the Culture Club?” Sharon enjoyed hearing about that night, and how it led to my being invited to the Prom. Sharon was going with Eddy a Junior. The interesting part of our conversation was when she encouraged me to keep Steven as a friend. “I doubt if he’ll date you, but a guy friend is good to have.”

Prom day had finally come and Marci and I were early to the Casual to Dressy Salon. Selene was again my beautician, doing my hair and makeup. Choi remarked how my feet were much better; Selene said the same about my hair and complexion. Marci commented on my wearing a sweatsuit with a zip-down top. My hair was again given a perm, but with no need for hair extensions to be added.

Anya was to meet us at Marci’s house and get ready for the Prom there and I went home to get dressed and to be picked up as Marci’s date.


I had been driven crazy by Marci’s desire to surprise me with her gown; when she came to pick me up. I was near my front window when a limousine came to pick me up. My mother and sisters shooed me away, so I didn’t see Marci and her gown. Grandma Hart escorted me to my parents' room and I was hidden away.

I could hear all the women talking and having fun without me, which frustrated me even more. When they wanted me to come to the living room; Grandma said, “We need help with her makeup; she has pouted and ruined her makeup. Linda came in and repaired the damage she said was caused by her spoiled brother.

When I finally came out and saw Marcine and her gown; I was stunned; I was sure I had seen the gown before but couldn’t remember where. Marci said, “This gown is the reason I knew of your beautiful gown. Don’t you think our gowns are fantastic together?”

Mother replied, “Anya showed me a picture of it when she asked my help to get you to go back and get the pink gown. The picture didn’t do justice to seeing it now, but it was fantastic enough!”

“You wore four-inch heels; was that to make sure I’m your junior?” I said.

Marci said, “Well look at you; you weren’t even used to heels until I introduced them. Let’s celebrate how nice we look together.” I felt like the luckiest girl; what a great feeling to have as a boy.

Then I asked, “Why did you want us to be ready almost two hours early?”

“It’s not early at all. We need to get pictures here, then go back to my house. Mom wants to see you and get plenty of pictures of us together. There’s the promenade; seeing classmates, and more pictures. You will have a growing group of fans.”

Linda and Shelley want a picture of the four of us; then my brother Scott is pushed into the last photo. “I thought you were embarrassed by me.”

Scott said, “I didn’t see you as my sister before. You two are smashing!”


Marci’s Mom invites us into their house and has me pose for a shot sitting on Marci’s lap. “You know Joni from the back I can easily see where your hips are taking shape.” I stand and look back into a mirror.

Shortly after we are there Anya and Brian arrive. They are riding with us in the limo, and after the Prom we’re back here and Brian is driving us in his car to the shore. Brian whispered to me, “Are you okay if I dance with you a time to two tonight?”

“It’s supposed to be one dance,” I responded. Marci and Brian both smiled, which worried me.

Once at the Promenade, Marci took me over to a full-length mirror. Side by side I checked our appearance, I saw I had a figure like Marci, not quite as good. Much more than Jon should have. I thought to myself, but somehow Marci heard me, “I have hips like a girl.”

Marci simply said, “Yes, you are a girl. Joni, you're the one I brought with me, I love you.” She stepped behind me and placed her hands on my hips. “It’s one of the things I enjoy about you.” Marci and Joni walked through hand in hand with others looking on and commenting on how well they looked together. One person began a snide remark only to be drowned out by others in the crowd.

All the Prom goers talked briefly before returning to their vehicles. Marci and Brian took Joni and Anya out for a special dinner and two other prom couples joined us. We would arrive to the Prom shortly after it had begun. Brian and Marci both bought gifts of necklaces for us on their dates. After they were opened and saw how beautiful each was; Marci and Brian placed them on our necks.

The food is delicious; I love the time whether it is talking with Marci or the others around the table. I enjoy the short time in the women’s room checking my makeup and hair; being another of the girls.

Marci was invited to the prom last year, but this was my time to step into the magic of my first prom. Our posed pictures by a professional There’s so much more: the sights, fragrances, and sounds caught by a phone camera or just by sight or smell. I slipped and almost fell once dancing with Marci. I wished I had practiced more in heels, but this was my Cinderella story.

It was not only Brian that I danced with, but Sharon’s date, as well as two other guys. Two of them stole a kiss, and I enjoyed one, Caden’s more than expected. But nothing outshined my time with Marci.


I picked up my overnight bag from my house. Linda said she checked it and put in my swimming suit, sandals, and perfume. Marci told me sex was not planned as part of the weekend. Linda did not mention that she replaced my pajamas with a lacy baby doll nightie. Suffice in saying I learned new things being a woman. There was being snuggled. I was exhausted, getting out of my clothes, cleansing and moisturizing, and getting ready for bed. We took time for some affection, but it was later when Marci spooned me in her hug as we fell asleep. I was never at peace with her.

The sun and air were warmer than the water; talking and getting a good tan made the day. A sophomore boy going to the prom was never in my plan. Nor was becoming Joni.

On our second night, I made sure I returned the love I received the night before, yet once again, I felt I was the recipient of more than I gave. Marci gave me hugs and kisses that were outside of my experience before.

Weeks later, Marcine walked with me in the park; she talked about me continuing to grow. “Joni, you should know next year and even more when I’m in college; I’m going to move on and I want you to grow as well. We’ll always be best of friends, but if we’ll ever be in love with each other like this in the future I don’t know. I hope you will go to a different college and have new experiences. I love the idea of you being both Jon and Joni; I love the focus on being Joni. I will always love you.”

I decided to pursue my life as Joni, and I can tell you now; that it takes some interesting twists.

The End, kind of…

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