What Mother Didn't Know - Chapter 14 - Susan Gets Her Medical Examination

"Doctor, are you saying that I am a real girl?"

What Mother Didn't Know

Chapter Fourteen

Susan gets her medical examination

By Barbara Lynn Terry


Mom came in and woke me up, telling me that I needed to get ready to go to the doctor. I swung my legs out from under the covers, and just stretched and yawned a little. I went to my dresser, and got out a set of basic white undergarments, and a nice pair of knee high socks. I went to my closet, and took out my turquoise skirt set. I picked up a pair of black striders (flat heeled shoes). I laid the clothes on the bed, and the shoes right under them. I put my robe on, and went to take my bath. I wanted to smell sweet for the doctor. I put a cap full of violet bubble bath in the running water, and brushed my teeth. When I was finished, the tub was full, with a mountain of suds. Oooooooo the bubbles felt really fantastic and relaxing. I just sat there wondering what a physical was all about. Mother had never taken me to a doctor, even when I had a cold. She just went to the drug store and got cold medicines that helped, but not all that great. So I have never been to a doctor.

I was also going to get x-rays too, and I had no idea what they even were. I guess I was going to find out, though. I sat there, washing all over, and not in any real hurry. When I was finished, the water starting getting cold, so I pulled the plug. I stood up and rinsed what suds were left off with the shower, and got out and patted myself dry. I put on some lotion all over me, and then sprinkled a little body powder over that. I smelled like a flower garden, and I loved it. I went in my room and started getting dressed. Mom came in just then, and asked me if she could brush my hair. I said yes, and she complimented me on my outfit.

"That is just the outfit to wear when seeing a doctor for this kind of examination. Now, a physical is when the doctor takes your temperature, pulse, and listens to your heart and lungs. He will also see if you have any hernias, but placing his hands down here," she pointed to between her legs. "Then he will have you cough. That tells him a lot. Then he uses a small rubber like hammer, that looks like an indian tomahawk. He will tap your knees a little, to see how your reflexes react. He will look in your ears, and your throat. Now, he will also have you walk a little in the exam room. This tells him what your coordination is like. Something like if you walk straight, or a little off kilter.

"The x-rays will show the doctor what your skeleton is like. You are going to have x-rays taken of your chest, your abdomen, arms, and legs. Now, if your skeleton shows what we think it will show, your mother is going to have a lot of questions to answer from the judge. You see Susan, we have all accepted you as the girl you are, because we are convinced that is what you are. You can't start puberty the way you have, and not be who you are. Your voice is high like a girl's, and you are developing breasts too. You are not bulging out like a boy, but you are getting wider hips, and you actually have a noticeable figure like a girl too. You are growing up, but you are growing up like a girl. So we have all come to the conclusion that you are a girl, both physically, as well as genetically. I know this will prove to be the case, and if that is what it is, then you will have to be put in the hospital for a surgical procedure to open your vagina. Has your mother ever told you about when you were born?"

"No mom, she hasn't. She has never even talked about it."

"Well then, I think your mother knows you are a girl, but wants to keep the "son" part going, so she can brag about having a son. Now testicles are solid objects, and they will appear on x-rays. If the x-rays don't show any testicles in your groin area, then you have ovaries, and if that is the case, we need to get you in to the operating room, as quickly as possible, because you will need to be opened up for your period to flow out of your body. Susan, you are very pretty, and boys don't get pretty, they get handsome. I think the physical, as well as the blood work and the x-rays will prove that."

"Do you think I'm a real girl, then?"

"Yes sweetie, I certainly do." She gave me a hug, and told me to get my shoes on, and we will go down to breakfast.

At breakfast, I told Bobbie what mom had said upstairs, and she said she agreed with her. I was always wondering why everybody accepted me as a girl, but hey, if they accepted me as a girl, then why not be that girl. I ate one egg, one slice of toast, a glass of milk, and a glass of orange juice. We had a lot of time to be at the doctor's for my physical, but I had to go to the hospital for my blood work, and x-rays. When we got to the hospital, we were directed to the lab, where they would draw the blood. When my name was called, I went and sat in a chair, and the lady told me to just relax, and lay one of my arms on the arm of the chair. She took out six glass tubes, and laid them on the little table next to the chair.

"Are you afraid of needles, dear?"

"No ma'am."

"All right, I am using a small needle called a butterfly. I will find a vein, and then insert the needle, and then the blood will run in to these tubes."

She tied a rubber thing around my arm, and started tapping here and there. She said she found a nice vein, and was going to insert the needle. I felt like I was going to go through the ceiling, because when she put the needle in, it hurt a lot. Then the blood starting going in one tube, and then next, and next, until all six of them were filled. She then put a cotton ball over the needle, and took the needle out.

"Put your finger on the cotton, dear, and just hold it there, until I can get a band aid."

I put my finger over the cotton, and then she just put a piece of tape over it, and said I was done. I walked out to the waiting room, and mom, Bobbie, and I left to get my x-rays. When we got to the radiology department, mom gave the lady my name, and we were told to have a seat, because someone would be calling for me. I was called about fifteen minutes later, and I went in this room, where there was a table, and a plate, where the person stood to have x-rays taken of the chest, back, and arms. But the lady said that because of the type of x-rays needed, I would be lying on the table. She put a sheet over the table, and had me lie down.

She placed the machine over my chest, and made sure the lines were where she wanted them, and then went in another room. She told me to take a deep breath and hold it. I heard a buzzing, then she said I could breathe. Then she took the machine and placed it over my left arm, and then she put something under the arm. She went in the small room again, but this I didn't have to hold my breath. She came out, and removed the thing from under my arm, and then she did the same with my right arm. Then she took and moved the machine over my groin area, and told me to be very still. She went in the small room again, and then I heard the buzzing. She said all right just five more to go. By now I was thoroughly bored.

She placed the machine over the top of my left leg, and put something under it, and told me to be very still. I heard the buzzing four more times, and both legs were done. Then she took a plate of film and put it under my back right under my abdomen. I heard more buzzing, then she said I could sit up, after she moved the machine out of the way. After she checked the x-rays, she said I could leave. I went out to the waiting area, and mom, Bobbie and I, left to go and have a little lunch. While we ate our salads, mom asked me what I thought of the x-ray room.

"Well, to be quite honest about it, I was very bored."

"Yes, it is boring in there. But all the x-rays that were taken, are necessary for us to prove that you are a girl."

"How can they tell that, by looking at the x-rays?"

"Because a girl's skeleton is very different than a boy's. You will see when we get back to court, and Mr. Marks calls his expert to testify. And because you are starting your puberty on time, you will see a very big difference. Well, are we ready to meet Mr. Marks at the doctor's office?" We all said yes, and we left to go get my physical examination.

When we got to the doctor's office parking lot, Mr. Marks was waiting for us. He came over to me, and put his on my shoulder.

"Susan, I will be in the exam room, on the other side of the exam curtain. If this doctor whispers anything in your ear, you let me know immediately. I mean he is our expert, but that doesn't mean anything until the examination is over, and he testifies. When the examination is over, I'll take everybody out to eat. Would you like that Susan?"

"Oh yes, Mr. Marks. Thank you, for everything."

"You are quite welcome, young lady."

We went in to the doctor's waiting room, and registered with the receptionist. She told us to have a seat, and the doctor would be with us momentarily. We waited about fifteen minutes, and then a man in a white jacket called me in to the exam room. Mr. Marks introduced himself, and said that because this was a children's court investigation, and I was a minor, he would have to be in the exam room with me. He did tell the doctor that he would be just outside the exam curtain. The doctor said that was fine, and he led us both inside the room. He drew the curtain closed, and then he said for me to take off all of my clothes, except my underthings, and put on the gown he handed me. He closed the curtain and stepped out. I changed out of my clothes, and put on the gown, and told him I was ready.

He came back in, and the first thing he did was take my temperature. He wrote it down on a form. He took my pulse next, and wrote that on the same form. Then he had me open my mouth and he took a small wooden thing, and pressed down on my tongue. He wrote something on the same form. This form was going to be used for everything he did in the examination. Next he looked my ears with a small light he wore on his head. "Cleanest ears I've ever seen." I giggled, and he just smiled. Next he took a small flashlight and looked in my eyes. I blinked several times, and he wrote something again. Then he listened to my heart, and my lungs, and I had to take deep breaths. He wrote something down. Then he had me cross my legs, and he took out that funny looking hammer thing, and tapped my knees with it. When I kicked, he said 'good', and did the same thing with the other knee.

Then he said that because I had a male body, he had to check for hernias, and he had me lower my panties. He put his right hand between my legs, and pressed a little here, and a little there, then he pressed inward, and told me to cough. He was satisfied that I didn't have any hernias. He told me to get dressed, and meet him by his desk.

"Well young lady, you are very physically fit, for a young girl. I say that because I noticed that you are developing breasts, and your voice is high like a girl's, and I was very surprised that you are missing two things that would make you unmistakenly male. You don't have any testicles. In fact, where they should be is void. When I pressed my fingers in your groin to check for hernias, I discovered that you have a very soft spot there. That tells me that you have a kind of male birth defect covering a vaginal opening. Mr. Marks, we need to get the child in the O.R. as quickly as we can. If we don't open that vaginal opening, it could make the child seriously ill."

"Doctor, are you saying that I am a real girl?"

"Yes young lady, I am. Have you ever seen a doctor before now?"

"No sir."

"Not even for your school immunizations?"

"School what?"

"Never mind, you just answered my question. How has this child gotten so far in school then, without anyone ever finding out?"

"That is what we are going to find out, doctor. I need three copies of this report, and you will receive a subpoena from a process server. Just let your receptionist know."

"I will, and good luck young lady. I will see you in court."

He smiled, and I said thank you, and we left. When we got out in the parking lot, Mr. Marks told Bobbie's mom what the doctor had said.

"I knew I was right. That woman has a lot of explaining to do."

"She sure has. The doctor also said we need to get Susan in the hospital as quickly as we can, so they can open the vagina. He said if we didn't, she could become very ill. I will call the court, and have Judge Reynolds issue an order for that. Then the birth mother won't be able to object."

"Good. In the meantime, she will be well looked after," Bobbie's mother added.

"She sure will be, by both you and Bobbie, and Cindy and us as well. Susan, you don't have to worry any more, because of what the doctor said, and I have to have the x-rays explained to me, and if they show what I know they're going to show, we will get you and your sister away from your birth mother. Would you like your little sister to live with you at the Grangers?"

"Oh yes, Mr. Marks. My mother doesn't deserve anyone as beautiful, and innocent as my little baby sister. Besides, if she were here, then we could all take turns looking after her too." I saw him smile.

"Well then young lady, I will push for that in my closing statements to the court. With the evidence we are going to present, your birth mother doesn't stand a chance, and she may be lucky if she doesn't get charged with child abuse. I have an idea. What say I get in touch with the AMA and see if the doctor who delivered you is still alive. And if he is, I want to subpoena him to testify. Now since he is living in another state, and this isn't a criminal investigation, yet, I can't force him to come here. But if he is an honest doctor, then he will be happy to come and testify. I am also going to amend my petition, to include your sister. What is her first name?"


"All right, on second thought, I will amend my petition to include Angela. Your birth mother seems to want to play hardball, but doesn't know the rules of the game. But we will teach her."

We got into our cars, after agreeing on Perkins Pancake House for a place to eat. It seemed like a long, long drive to the restaurant. I sat there thinking how wonderful it would be, if Angela and I lived with Bobbie and her parents. They were very decent people, and they cared about others, even others they didn't know. I was far away, in some distant land, when we got to the restaurant, and Bobbie had to jerk me back to the present.

"Girlfriend, where were you just now? You had that far away look in your eyes."

"I was just thinking how great it would be to have Angela living with us permanently. You know Angela, Bobbie, you have seen her lots of times when you came over."

"I sure have, and mom, Angela is the cutest thing. You'll fall in love with her the second you see her.

We all went inside, and the hostess seated us. She gave us our menus, and said our waitress would be right with us. She no sooner left, than a lady with firey red hair, and emrald green eyes came over with our water glasses. Her name tag read Mandy. She asked us if we were ready to order, and I looked at the menu, and they had dollar sized pancakes, two strips of bacon, two eggs, and toast. I said I would have that, and everybody agreed. She wrote our orders down, and said thank you, as she took our menus. We also odered milk for Bobbie and me, and the adults ordered coffee.

She brought the milk and coffee almost immediately, and we sat there talking about what the next step was. Cindy's dad said the next step was to go back in court, and show the judge the evidence, and declare my mother unfit to raise children. I felt sorry for her though. I mean, I couldn't understand why she was so mean, and treated me like I was yesterday's garbage.

Mandy brought our orders, and we sat there and ate. Mr. Marks wanted to know what I was doing in school, and I told him about my little routine on the uneven parallel bars. Mom (that's what I am calling Mrs. Granger now), looked surprised that I was doing the things that only girls can do, without hurting themselves. But I also said maybe I won't be hurting myself, because I am a girl, and there is nothing there to hurt. They all agreed, and I told them about the papers I had to write, and the compliment I got in homeroom. They all smiled, and said they were very happy for me. Now the rest is up to Mr. Marks and the judge, to put my birth mother in her place.

To Be Continued...

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