What Mother Didn't Know - Chapter 12 - At Court

Chapter twelve - At court.

We just stood there inside the door, and Mrs. Granger just held me. She walked me over to the sofa, and sat down with me, motioning Bobbie to take me upstairs and show me my room.

"It is like I said, Sue, you have a home here, if you want it. And now it looks like that will be a reality. Mr. Marks is a very good attorney, and he doesn't do anything on the spur of the moment. He makes sure he has everything, before he even files any papers. You are going to stay here tonight, and tomorrow we will all go to court together. Bobbie and Cindy will be there too, to tell the judge what they think about you, and why you should be who you are. I have been looking forward to this for a long time. When we get back from court tomorrow, we are going to go out to eat. Do you need to get your clothes from your mother?"

"Yes, Mrs. Granger."

"All right then, I will call the police and have them meet us there. You go with Bobbie right now, and she will take you to your room. Sue, it is nice having you here." I must have more water in me than Niagara Falls, because I broke down crying again. This time Bobbie and Cindy got into the holding me, and they had very sad eyes, because I was upset. Then Bobbie said something that brought me out of it.

"Last one upstairs is a girl." That did it, I couldn't help but laugh. So we ran upstairs, and of course I was the last one. We both giggled, and Bobbie showed me to my room. This room was definitely for a girl. It had pastel pink on the walls, glossy white for the window trim, and a canopy bed, that had a pink ruffled top, and pink bedding. There were lovely lace curtains on the windows, and a nice big closet. There was a vanity with a French Colonial bench with a pink satin skirt around it. And all around the room, there were stuffed teddy bears, dogs, kittens, monkees, and at the foot of the bed, there was what every girl needed. A Lane cedar chest. I just held my hand over my mouth, and let out a very audible gasp.

"Everything is so pretty. It's like I died and went to heaven."

"That's not all, sister dear. Look at this."

She went over to the vanity, and opened a jewelry armoirie, that had necklaces, earrings, and a couple of finger rings. Then she opened another box called a kaboodle. It had all kinds of makeup in it, and Bobbie said it was all mine.

"So you see, sis, we have been planning for this day for a very long time. I just have one question though. What took you so long?"

"Everybody has been so nice. I don't know how I am ever going to pay all of this back."

"Step back, little sister. Pay what back? You are family now, and you don't pay family back. Come on, let's go down and see if mother is ready to go and get your clothes."

We went downstairs, and Bobbie's mother said the police will meet us there, and we needed to get going. We drove the ten minutes to my house, which only took about three or four minutes in the car. When we pulled up outside of my mother's house, we sat there, because the police weren't there yet. When the police car got there ten minutes later, we explained what was going on, and that we needed to get my clothes from inside the house. We went in the house, because legally I still lived here, and one officer stayed by mother in the living room, and the other officer went with Mrs. Granger, Bobbie, Cindy, and I to get my clothes. We took all the girl clothes I had, and left all the boy clothes, because Bobbie's mother said that after today, the only boys clothes I would be near, was Bobbie and Cindy's fathers, and the boys at school. From now I was going to be allowed to be the girl I have always been.

We put all my clothes in Mrs. Granger's car, and then she thanked the officers for coming, and we left for Bobbie's house. I looked back with a sad look, and my mother was just standing there with her arms folded, looking like she could kill with that angry face. Yes, I was very sad, that mother has to learn like this, but maybe she never wanted me to begin with.

We got to Bobbie's house, and we all took my clothes to my room. Bobbie's mother said that we were having Cindy and her parents for dinner too, and she needed to get down and start it. Bobbie said we would be right down to help, as soon as we had put my clothes away. We put all my clothes away in both the closet and my dresser, and we went down to help with dinner. We asked what we could do, and Mrs. Granger asked me to make the salad, and Bobbie to peel and boil four potatoes. I was shown where the vegetables were, and I got out the lettuce, a carrot, one length of celery, and a cucumber. I shredded the lettuce, the carrot, and diced the celery, and sliced the cucumber. After all the vegetables were in the colander, I rinsed them off, and put them in a large bowl. I took a fork and a spoon and "tossed" the salad. I then set the bowl back in the fridge, until the meat and potatoes were finished. Bobbie had one more potato to peel, and I helped her by peeling it myself.

The meat was already in the oven, and the potatoes were cut up and rinsed off, and then put on to boil. We all sat down at the kitchen table, and Bobbie's mom made us hot chocolate. Next to diamonds, chocolate is a girl's best friend. We sat there talking about how things would be with me here. I was told that I would have to help with the housework, but that was for everyone, including Bobbie's father, when he was home.

"Mrs. Granger, I really do like helping with houosework, cooking, and helping with the wash. I can even do the ironing now and then too."

"Ironing? Well, I guess I am impressed." We all giggled, because Mrs. Granger was only joking. "I'm going to call you Susan or Sue, because I know what is going to happen tomorrow. I have been to a lot of these hearings, and usually, it is the parent that has a lot of explaining to do. Now, being who you are, Sue, will kind of put the judge on the defensive, and while it may look like he will take your mother's side, Cindy's father will be there to make sure, that you are protected by the law. Right now I can tell you, that there is no law that says you can't be the girl you are inside.

"We don't have any authority on this right now, except when Christine Jorgensen came back from Denmark after she had her surgery there nine years ago, to be the woman she has always been. I'm sure that Cindy's father will bring that up."

"Mrs. Granger, will I be able to say anything?"

"Well mostly, in these hearings, the judge just listens to the social workers, and psychiatric reports. But in this case, there won't be a psychiatric report, because the doctor told you to leave, after only fifteen minutes. Has this social worker ever talked to you, Sue?"

"No, she has only talked to my mother. I only know her by her name."

"Good. I think Mr. Marks will be able to get his petition granted. Now Sue, I was told today that this petition is twofold. One is to remove you from your mother's care, and the other is for the court to change your name to Susan Marie Granger. Would you like to have our last name?"

"Yes," I said smiling. "I would love to be a part of this family." For that I got a hug from both Bobbie and her mother.

"Well, anyway, the court hearing is set for nine in the morning, and we need to be there thirty minutes early, because the guardian ad litem will want to talk to you. Since you have your own attorney, Sue, the guardian ad litem will be there to make sure your rights are protected. The guardian ad litem is specifically trained to know the rights of children. That is why he works at the children's court center for the state public defender's office. Now, no more of this until tomorrow. Come on ladies, we have dinner to get ready."

We went to the kitchen, and I took the long fork and poked a couple of the potato pieces, and they were very soft. I took two pot holders, and took the pan over to the sink. I poured the potatoes into the colander, and set the pan on the side, to be washed. I then put the potaotes in a large bowl, and got out a potato masher. I put in a little butter, and a little milk, and mashed the potaotes. I asked Mrs. Granger if she had a wisk, and she showed me where it was. I then whipped the potatoes into a creamy delicacy. When you can cook, you know those words. I giggled when I thought that.

"What's funny, Sue?"

"I was just thinking that I made the potatoes into a creamy delicacy, and then thought that when you can cook, you get to know words like those." We all giggled.

"Well, I have always thought you were more mature than your years allow. It seems that your whole generation seems to be more mature than their years, even though some don't show it. But you did very well. Looks like Bobbie was right."


"Yes, Bobbie told me you were a very good cook. She said you made an oven stew in home ec, and even Mrs. Hamilton gave you a compliment."

"Yes, but I didn't do anything really all that great though. I just cooked a dinner. It was nothing."

"Nothing she says. Oh, all right. But, I think you did great." She said rubbing her nose against mine, and giving me a hug. "Now young lady, let's get everything on the table, and I will go and get everybody." Just then, the doorbel rang. "Cindy and her parents must be here. I'll get it."

Cindy and her parents came in the dining room, because dinner was ready, and they had just made it. Cindy, Bobbie, and I sat together, and the adults sat around us. We passed the food around, so everybody could get a serving of each. Then Bobbie's father said grace, and even asked the Lord to let me come and stay with them tomorrow. We talked, or I should say Cindy's father talked, while we ate.

"Well, what I have to say is, the petition I filed is called a CHIPS petition. It actually stands for child in need of protective services. In this case, you Susan. I have documented everything you have told Cindy and Bobbie, and I put that in my brief to support the petition. Now, the district attorney will be there too, but he will not be representing your mother. He is there just to look out for the state's rights. Any time there is a social worker giving a report, the district attorney is there. Your mother will have an appointed attorney from the state public defender's office, and you will have one too, except your attorney is called a guardian ad litem. I will be the attorney representing you, but the guardian ad litem is also free to ask questions of the social worker, the doctor, and your mother.
I have also asked that character witnesses be allowed to testify, and that third party character reports be allowed also. If we got everybody that submitted a report on you from school, to testify, they would have to close all your classes. I also asked too, that the court change your name to Susan Marie Granger, that is if your mother will sign away her rights over you."

"You said 'doctor' Mr. Marks. What doctor?"

"The one your mother had you see, a Dr. Johnston. Now we can get him disqualified though, because he has only seen you for fifteen minutes. That isn't long enough to make any kind of a diagnosis. Plus, I heard he kicked you out of his office, when you said being a girl wasn't a problem for you. Any psychiatrist worth his or her salt, would continue to see you, because he or she would be intrigued by your answer. They would want to know more. But this doctor didn't, he just told you to get out."

"Will the judge look at his report?"

"Not if I can help it. This doctor's report would be based on mere conjecture, and opinion, rather than research and exhaustive study of the client. So we will see. Every teacher that you have at the school, has filed a very good character reference about you. So I don't see any problems. This is just a simple petition to get you into a good home. I have talked to the Grangers, and they said they would love to have you here. I want you to understand though, that the court may assign a social worker to make house visits just to make sure you aren't being abused in any manner. Mrs. Granger can tell you, that this is normal procedure for the court."

I looked at Mrs. Granger, who just smiled, and nodded her head. "You have nothing to fear, Sue, because what the social worker will do, is come in and talk to you, take a look at your room, and leave. The social worker the court assigns will know that you are becoming the girl you are, and you are living as that girl now. That is so the social worker won't be surprised when she sees you, or your room."

"And sis, we are with you all the way. We will make sure the judge knows just how long you have been this girl that you are. We have known each other even before we started kindergarten, so you know I will be there for you, as will mom and dad, Cindy and her parents. We will make sure the judge sees how well you are loved and accepted here as the girl you are." I gave her a big hug.

When dinner was over, Mrs. Granger told me to go in the living room with Mr. Marks, because he wanted to go over the petition with me. We sat on the sofa, and he took the petition out of his case.

"All right, Sue, I want you to read this. If there are any words you don't understand, ask me, and I will tell you what they is, and what they mean."

I read through the petition, and it was in language I could actually understand. I saw where he asked for Dr. Johnston to be disqualified as a witness, and his report stricken from the record. There were two paragraphs as to why. Then the last thing I saw, was asking the court to change my name. Hopefully mother will sign away her rights over me, and I can go and live with the Grangers. I gave the petition back to Mr. Marks, and he put it back in his case.

"Did you understand everything I put in there?"

"Yes I did, it was written so I could understand it."

"I did that on purpose, because the judge is going to ask you if you read the petition, and you can truthfully say yes."

"Mr. Marks, will the judge let me come here and live?"

"That's what I am going to try my hardest to do. I'm not satisfied unless I win. I'm greedy that way." He chuckled, and I giggled.

We talked a little more about what I could expect at the hearing, but I needn't worry because Mr. Marks was going to make sure the judge understood, that I only needed to be removed from my mother's care, and placed with a well adjusted, and loving family. When we were through talking, we went back in the kitchen, and told everybody we were done.

"And thank you, Mrs. Granger, for letting me talk to Mr. Marks alone."

"Child, no thanks is necessary. You are a part of our family, you always have been actually. When you needed to talk, who did you go to? Bobbie and Cindy. They told us what you were going through with your mother. When you came over here last night, crying because of what your mother is doing to you, I told you then you have a home here, if you want it. We all mean that. When you first started wearing Bobbie's clothes, I thought then that you would make a beautiful girl, and look at you today. You are beautiful Susan, and even strangers that see you, call you Miss. When the judge says you can live here, I want you to see a medical doctor for a physical. I am going to want him to take a blood sample, and do a hormone count. If what I think is going on in that body of yours, is going on, maybe we can get you to be the girl in you physically. I just wish I had the authority to do it now, but I can't. I have to wait for the court order. See Susan, I think you look and act the way you do, because you have an over abundance of natural female hormones in your body. I have noticed that your voice has become that of a teenage girl.

"That gives me an idea. Susan, will you do me a favor, if I tell my husband to leave the room?"

"Like what, Mrs. Granger?"

"Like take off your blouse. I just want to see for myself if I am right." I nodded, and she asked Mr. Granger to go sit in the kitchen for a bit. Mr. Marks had to stay, because he could probably use what he sees, in court. I took off my blouse, and cami.

"Bobbie, do you see what I see?"

"Yes mother, I certainly do. I don't know why I didn't notice it before."

"Notice what, Bobbie?"

"Take a look in the mirror behind you."

I looked in the mirror, and I didn't know what I was looking for, but then I saw them. Two little bumps forming on my chest. No wonder it itched so bad there.

"Am I growing breasts?"

"Yes you are. No wonder you look like a girl so much."

"My chest has been itching something fierce, and I just thought it was because I was sweating, or from my boy shirts."

"No sweetie. Your chest itches, because the skin is pushing outward as the breasts form. Okay, put your cami and blouse back on. Mr. Marks, do you think you can use this in court?"

"I certainly can. You know Susan, you will have to take off your blouse and cami in court, so we can show the judge. Do you think you can do that in front of the judge, the court staff, and your mother, social worker, and Dr. Johnston?"

"If it will get me away from my mother, yes I can."

"Good girl. What I have just seen, will make my argument go in our favor. Good thinking Mrs. Granger. Now we have evidence that will hold up even in the Kremlin. Young lady, I just have to say, that you are way braver than I would ever be in the same situation. You are going to do very well tomorrow. Well, we have to be going anyway. We have an early day tomorrow. You sleep well, Sue, and I will see you tomorrow, because we are all riding to the court center together."

When Cindy and her parents left, I curled up on the sofa next to Mrs. Granger, and we just watched a little television. There wasn't really anything good on, so we talked a little more.

"Mrs. Granger, do you really think everything will work out?"

"Yes, I really think things will work out. What made me have you take off your blouse, was because you look like any other girl. Not to mention that your voice is changing, but it is changing like a girl's, and your hips are starting to widen out a little now. You are going through what we call puberty, but you are going through female puberty. Even your straight as an arrow figure is starting to take shape. Well, when we get back here tomorrow, and I know that you will be with us too, I am calling the doctor and getting you in for a complete physical. If what I think is going on with you inside of that body, is going on, then your mother is more dense than the Black Forest. But right now, I think we all need to get to bed, so we are wide awake tomorrow for court."

I gave everybody hugs, and said good night. "Mrs. Granger, I like to take a soothing bubble bath before I go to bed. Is there any bubble bath I can use?"

"Yes dear, underneath the bathroom sink." I said thank you, and went to take my bath.

"Before you get in there sis, I have to use the facilities."

"All right, I am just going to go and get my nightgown, panties, robe, and slippers. It was good that we got my clothes, because I left the bubble bath mother gave me, at the house."

"Don't worry sis, we have bubble bath here, that you can use. I love taking bubble baths too."

I got my night clothes out, and Bobbie was through in the bathroom, so I went in and started running the water. I put in a capful of the lilac bubble bath, and then I started getting undressed. I stopped short, because I had forgotten my toothbrush. I slipped my robe on, and went to get it. When I got back the tub was filling with a mountain of suds. So I got undressed, and got in the tub. I will brush my teeth after
I am done with my bath.

I sat there, just thinking of everything that I had been through tonight. This was a lot better than mother telling me I was a boy, and couldn't be a female. Then Mrs. Granger tells me I am starting to develop like a girl, and I haven't even taken any of those birth control pills yet. I washed all over, and rinsed off. I got out of the tub and patted down, and when I was completely dry, I looked in the mirror.

I looked at my hips, and yes they were getting wider, my voice is different than it was, but different like a girl's, my little figure I had, was becoming more of one, and when I felt my skin, it was very soft, and sent tingles through my whole body. I wonder just what the doctor will find, when I go for my physical. I got in to my night clothes, and wiped out the tub, and put the towel in the hamper. Making sure everything was clean, and I hadn't left any clothes, I went to my room. I got in bed, and covered up. Mrs. Granger came in just then.

"Good night, sweetie. Do you have a hanky?" I nodded yes. "Good girl."

"Mrs. Granger, When I was through with my bath, I looked at myself in the mirror. I saw what you were saying, and I thought the little figure I had, was just something that happens now and then, but tonight it seemed like it had gotten more shapely."

"Dear, like I said, you are going through female puberty. There are some girls that start having their periods around nine years old, and some don't get them until way in their mid teens. You are developing right on schedule. I want you to sleep well tonight, because tomorrow, you will have a real family that loves you. Good night, dear, and sweet dreams." She kissed me on the forehead, and I drifted off to sleep. I didn't dream, like I usually do, when something important is about to happen.

"Sue, are you awake? It's time to get up, dear. Come on, I see those eyes opening."

"Good morning, Mrs. Granger. Is anyone in the bath room?"

"No dear, Bobbie has already had her bath, and so have I and Mr. Granger. But Sue, when we get back here from court, do you think you could call me mom or even mother?" I gave her a big hug, and started crying. She sat down on the bed with me, and brushed my hair out of my eyes. Just then Bobbie came in.

"What's going on, mother?"

"She's just happy. I asked her if she could call me mom or mother when we get back from court, and she just started crying. I think she is going to love it here."

Bobbie came over by us, and sat on the other side of me. "Sis, we are a family that does things together, and when someone in the family is sad, we all want to just sit and comfort that person until they're happy again. Your hormones are getting the best of you right now, because you can cry so easily. That's a good thing, because it shows you have a genuine, pure heart. So, if you ever need to talk, I am always ready to listen. I may not know what to say a lot of times, but I am a very good listener."

"Thank you all, for being so nice to me. I think I had better get my bath. Bobbie, Mrs. Granger, will you pick out something nice for me? I want to look very nice for court today."

"We thought you'd never ask." We giggled and Mrs. Granger did that nose rubbing thing again, and I went to take my bath.

One thing I noticed about Bobbie and her mother, is that they get along like best friends, instead of mother and daugter. Is that the way it's supposed to be? I sat there thinking what it would be like to have a parent as a best friend. I must have been daydreaming, because Mrs. Granger came in, and tapped me on the shoulder.

"Huh? Oh, I am so sorry, I must have been daydreaming."

"That's quite all right, dear, I get lost in the bubbles too. What were you daydreaming about?"

She wanted to know what I was daydreaming about, my mother never cared. "I was just thinking that you and Bobbie seem to be best friends instead of mother and daughter. I was just thinking how nice it would be if I had a parent that was my best friend."

"Well tell you what. We can all be best friends, because we can never have too many friends. Sue, you are going to love it here, because you will be allowed to have sleepovers, go to sleepoevers, we will go shopping together, just the three of us, and I do make Bobbie's dresses and skirts now and then. Would you like me to make some for you too?"

"Oh really? You would do that for me?"

"Yes sis, she would do that for you, because she does it for me. It is going to be so nice having a sister here. Then I can have someone my age to talk to about that boy in class, that I have had my eye on. Ooops."

"Ooops is right young lady. What boy in class? You never told me about any boy."

"Well mother, it isn't that we are going steady or anything, I just have this crush on one of the boys in my class. His name is David, and he is really nice."

"So! The hormones start going wild, and we are all of a sudden interested in boys, huh. You know what? It makes me want to be young again." We all giggled, and I got out of the tub, and dried off.

Mrs. Granger and Bobbie stayed with me, until I dried off, and I had wrapped the towel around me. We all went to my room, and I saw what they had laid out for me. I put lotion all over me, and asked Bobbie if she would put some on my back. She did. Then I powdered down, and started getting dressed. After I had my panties, training bra, and full slip on, I sat down to do my makeup.

"Just a little mascara, no eye shadow, and only a light lipstick. Something like a soft pink, or fuschia."

I dusted a little powder over my face, that took the shine off of my nose and cheeks. I put on the mascara, and left the lipstick for after breakfast. I picked up the lavender dress, and stepped into it. Bobbie zipped it up, and I put on a pair of knee high socks. I stepped into my Mary Jane's, and we all went down to breakfast. The effect of my knees showing between the tops of the socks, and the hem of the dress, was just what I was looking for. The look wasn't lost on Mr. Granger, either.

"Wow, Susan, you look very pretty this morning."

"Thank you, sir," I said, doing a demure curtsy.

"All right girls, what would like for breakfast?"

"I just want a piece of jelly toast, and juice and milk."


"Oh, the same."

"What have I got here, a bird family?" We all giggled, and Mrs. Granger made the breakfast. I guess her and Mr. Granger already ate.

We sat there talking about what it was like in the Granger family. I was told that on Thanksgiving, we had a big turkey, because there were guests that were always invited. During Christmas we went around singing Christmas carols through the neighborhood. And we always waited up til midnight on New Year's eve, to say happy new year to everybody. I was told that everybody helped with the house work, because it got done faster, and we could enjoy quality family time together. This was the kind of family that I wanted. A family that did things together.

Just as we put our cups in the sink, we heard a car horn outside. That was followed by the ringing of the doorbell. Mrs. Granger answered the door, and it was Cindy telling us we needed to get going. I got my coat on, and went out in the car. Mr. Marks told me that we had nothing to worry about, because he had talked to Mrs. Beale about what he had seen last night, and she said she would like to see this for herself.

He also said that once this 'evidence' is shown to the court, Mrs. Beale will approve of me living with the Grangers. Now, I didn't know Mrs. Beale all that well, just by name, but whenever it had something to do with me, my mother always got her way. Mrs. Beale wasn't the approving kind. I'm going to have to be very careful today, because my mother is very sneaky, and so is Mrs. Beale.

It took us a while to get out to the children's court complex. This, I was told, is also where the juvenile detention center is. Mr. Marks was able to find a parking spot almost on top of the front door. We got out of the car, and waited for everybody, and we went in. We walked down a hallway, that led to the court section. There were three courtrooms here. Each courtroom had a window that you registered at. Mr. Marks gave my name at courtroom two. We were told to have a seat, and we waited. Mr. Marks was talking to me about what probably would happen first. That is, the judge would start talking first, and then take testimony from my mother, Mrs. Beale, and if he called on Dr. Johnston, Mr. Marks said he was going to move that the doctor be disqualified, and his report stricken from the record.

There was a glass window between us, my mother, Mrs. Beale, and Dr. Johnston, who just had that smug look on his face. I told Mr. Marks about this, and he said no to worry. Finally, we were all called into the courtroom. We went in and sat down. Mr. Marks showed me where to sit, for effect, he whispered.

Part II - The hearing.

"Good morning everyone. I'm judge Christine Reynolds, and I will be hearing this petition. I have read the petition, and this is an unusual case. Now, I also see we have witnesses here too, as well as character reports from the minor's school. I would ask now, Mr. Marks, if you have any motions you would like the court to look at?"

"Yes, your honor. There is a motion before the court, to have Dr. Edward Johnston disqualified as a witness, and his report stricken from the record."

"On what grounds, Mr. Marks?"

"Because your honor, Dr. Johnston only saw the minor for a total of fifteen minutes, and when the minor said that being a girl wasn't a problem to her, Dr. Johnston yelled at the minor to, and I quote, "get out of my office, I never want to see you again."

"Dr. Johnston, is this true?"

"Yes, your honor."

"Why did you say that? This minor is only twelve years old. I would have assumed that you would have been interested to find out why the child didn't consider being a girl as a problem."

"Well, I was wanting to make sure that this child was what society demanded of him, and when he said it wasn't a problem, I got angry."

"You got angry at a child? What part of psychiatry do you specialize in?"

"Child psychiatry, your honor."

"But, you didn't treat the child, did you? You only interviewed the child for fifteen minutes."

"Yes, your honor."

"The motion by the child's counsel to disqualify Dr. Edward Johnston, MD, from being a witness, and to have his report stricken from the record, is granted. And Dr. Johnston, I will do this again, if I ever find you have done something similar to another child. You are dismissed Dr. Johnston, and here is your report. Take it with you."

"Mr. Marks, are there any other motions, you would like the court to hear?"

"Only the relief we are seeking in the petition, your honor."

"Very well. Mrs. Beale, do you have anything to say about this petition?"

"Yes, your honor, but I was told by Mr. Marks, that there will be evidence presented to the court, that will prove this child is female."

"Mr. Marks?"

"Yes, your honor. I have a request of the court to let us indulge a little here. The evidence your honor, is the child herself. I just looked around the courtroom, and I don't see anybody here, that doesn't belong.

"If your honor please, this involves a slight undressing of the upper body of the child, and since she is wearing a dress, I would like this to be done in chambers. The only people I want in there besides the court reporter, is the child's mother, and Mrs. Beale."

"Is this evidence crucial to your case, Mr. Marks?"

"Very crucial, your honor."

"Very well, we will adjourn to chambers to see this evidence. Young lady, may I say you look very pretty today." She actually smiled when she said that. I didn't see the look on my mother's face, but I could guess.

"Thank you, ma'am," I said, doing a polite curtsy.

We went in to the judge's chambers, and she sat down at a huge desk. We all sat in the chairs in front of her.

"Now, Mr. Marks, what is the evidence you wish to show the court?"

"Susan, will you please, just bring the top of the dress down a bit?"

"Will you help me unzip it, please?" He did.

I let the top of the dress down a bit, and I also took my arms out of the straps of the slip.

"Will you please take off your bra, young lady?" I unhooked the bra, and held it in my hand. "I don't need to see any more. Thank you, young lady, that was very brave. Put your clothes back on now."

"Mrs. Kelly, what I see here is a young girl. Why have you been so adamant in making her behave, and dress like a boy?"

"Because he has the necessary parts. I have changed his diapers when he was a baby, and I buy all his clothes. I..."

"Okay, let us go back in the courtroom." Once we were all seated in the courtroom, the judge started talking to my mother again. "Now Mrs. Kelly, I know you may think this child is a boy, because of the outer genitalia, but what I saw in chambers is a developing young girl. Even her voice is high. Tell me, young lady, does your throat get scratchy, like your voice doesn't sound quite right?"

"Yes, ma'am. Then my voice sounds like I have a cold, or something."

"That is your voice changing, dear. In another month, maybe even two, you should have a wonderful high voice. I can actually hear it now, a little."

"Your honor, I object to all of this."

"Mr. Connors. And what exactly are you objecting too?"

"This is evidently a trick of counsel, to get his petition granted. I..."

"A trick of counsel, Mr. Connors? Are you saying that what I saw in chambers, isn't what I saw? Are you saying that Mr. Marks hypnotized me into thinking I only saw and heard a young lady?"


"Mr. Connors, I will put this up for consideration. Would you object to my ordering this child to have a complete physical examination, complete with blood work?"

"No, your honor, because such a physical examination will only prove the mother's position."

"It will? All right then, it is hereby ordered that this child be taken to a medical doctor, to have a physical examination, and blood work done. I want enzymes, and hormone count. Does thaty satisfy you, Mr. Connors?"

"Yes, your honor."

Very well, it is so ordered. It is also ordered that the child will continue living with the Grangers, until this matter is settled. Mrs. Granger, will you take the child for her physical?

"Yes, your honor. I was just telling Susan that that is what I intended on doing anyway."

"That is good. You seem to be right on top of things as usual. All right, this court is adjourned."

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