What Mother Didn't Know - Part Two - Chapter 11 - Mother Gets Sneaky.

Chapter Eleven - Mother gets sneaky.

I went to my room, and did what little homework I had. Then I put my books on my dresser, and got out Little Women and started reading. Mother came in my room, and sat on my bed.

"Ronnie, this thing with Dr. Johnston didn't go very well. But tomorrow, while you are at school, I have an appointment with Mrs. Beale. She wants to talk to me about you, and even though she says that you make a beautiful girl, you should be raised as a boy. So she wants to talk to me about that."

Mrs. Anita Beale was mother's social worker, and she wasn't very impressed with mother allowing me to dress like a girl in the house. This woman had to have been married to Satan or somebody equally evil, because she never smiled, and when she talked, she sounded just like those domineering headmistresses of boarding schools that you see in the movies. She had grey hair, and wore what we were calling "granny" dresses. She wore black "granny" shoes, and she had the meanest disposition I had ever seen. She even out meaned my mother.

"So, am I going with you to see Mrs. Beale?"

"No, she just wants to see me."

"Mother, why did you grab me when I cam home from Bobbie's?"

"Because I want you to dress like a boy, and act like the young man that you are. All I wanted to do was show you that I was very serious. You aren't supposed to dress like this. I should throw these feminine garments out, then you would have to dress like a boy."

"Mother, if you throw these things out, I will always get more. Why do you think I have so many friends? Doesn't it bother you, mother, that you, Mrs. Beale, and that stupid doctor only see me as a boy? I bet you, if I went to see another psychiatrist that didn't know I have a male body, I will bet you any money that he or she would see me as the girl I am."

"Ronnie, don't talk so, you don't sound right when you do."

"Mother, what exactly is wrong with you? You are supposed to be my mother, but all you seem to be lately is my keeper. Mother, you are the one that seems to be not sounding right when you talk. You tell me to be a boy, and grow up to be a man. I am so sorry, but I don't know how."

"That is what I am here for, is to teach you."

"You...You are going to teach me how to be a man? How? Mother, you are a woman, and teaching me how to be a boy or even a man, would only make me more feminine, because you don't have the knowledge or experience in being a man, because you never were a boy. And neither am...I.

"Haven't you wondered why my voice has only gotten higher? Have you ever looked at me? I mean, really looked at me? Mother, the only thing that says boy on me, is this stupid male body. What is really bothering you so much, that you won't let me be your daughter? Mother, please tell me."

"Well, put your book away, it's time to take your bath and go to bed. I will make everything all right tomorrow. I promise."

I went in the bathroom, after getting the peach nightgown that Cindy had given me, and a pair of white panties. I ran my bath water and put in a cap full of the rose bubble bath. I took off my clothes, and put them in the hamper. I was doing that to see if I would get them back. I sat there in the suds, thinking about what mother had said. She was very sneaky, and sometimes she frightened more than usual.

She wouldn't tell me what she was going to talk to Mrs. Beale about, so it had to be something about me that wasn't very good. I think tomorrow would be a good time to talk to Cindy's dad, about this, and see if he can talk to Mrs. Beale. With mother angry at me all the time, I have to be on my toes with her. I have tried to make her see who I really am, and a few times she was even nice. But mostly she just lectures me about being a stupid boy. This body is gross enough, without having to be what it says I should be. What I should be. A GIRL! That's what and who I have to be.

I couldn't figure out why she did want me to be this girl I really need to be. There was something more that she wasn't telling me. I washed all over, and pulled the plug. I got out and patted myself dry, and put on a little lotion, and body powder. At least the lotion and powder were mine. I put on the panties, and nightgown, flipped my hair out from the back of the nightgown, with both hands, so my hair wouldn't itch me back, and went to bed.

I dreamed that I was being locked up in a room, and I was being watched by two men who were just leering at me, and laughing. I laid on the bed in the room just crying, when the door opened, and the two men came in. They started taking off their clothes, and moved towards me.

That's when I woke up with a scream to wake the living dead. Mother came in my room running, and sat on the bed. She hugged me, and asked what happened. I told her about the nightmare, and she just soothed me."

"It's all right, honey. Mommy's here, and I won't let anyone hurt you."

Where did this come from? All right who are you, and what have you done with my mother? Anyway, it felt nice to have her soothe me, and I cried for what seemed a long time. She raised my head with her forefinger, and looked straight at me.

"Honey, that was a very bad nightmare. I know if I ever had one like that, I'd scream too. Come on, let's go downstairs and have something. Would you like some hot chocolate?"

"Yes, mother, that would be nice. Than...thank you."

Mother helped me out of bed, and held my robe for me. We went to the kitchen, and I sat down at my regular place. I was still shaking from the nightmare, because it seemed so real. Was this nightmare an omen? Did it let me see what mother was really planning on doing to me? Well, whatever mother was going to talk to Mrs. Beale about, caused this nightmare, and I only knew she wanted to talk to mother about my being allowed to dress like a girl at home. I only knew that I needed to talk to Cindy's dad, and the best time to reach him, would be when they had their dinner.

"Mother, Cindy asked me during lunch if I could go over to her house, tomorrow, well today, so we could study. We have a class essay we have to do, and Cindy thought it would be nice if we could do ours together, so we could actually get feedback from each other."

"That would be very nice, dear. Studying with your friends, makes doing homework a lot less stressful. Besides, when you study with your friends, homework is actually fun. So tell you what. You go to Cindy's right after school because I may not be home right away. I am just glad that my daughter has friends she can count on."

Whoa Nellybelle! Where in the world is all this coming from? I mean, mother is a big hassle at best, but now she is being sickingly sweet and giving me compliments, too? Something is up, and I am going to have to be very careful. I definitely have to talk to Mr. Marks today. I will let Cindy know what mother did, after I woke up from my nightmare. I will even tell her about the nightmare, and see what she and Bobbie can tell me.

I saw something in her eyes, when she came in my room. I actually saw worry and concern for me. She even soothed me like I was five years old. Something very odd is going on here. On second thought, I will wait until she goes to bed, and call Mr. Marks tonight. I don't think this can wait.

After we finished our hot chocolate, I had settled down some, and mother wanted to know if I was ready to back to bed. I looked at the kitchen clock, and it was three thrity in the morning. Yes, I was ready to go back to bed. Mother went with to my room, and made sure I was under the covers. She tucked me in, and gave me a kiss on the forehead, and after making sure I had my handkerchief, she said goodnight, and went to her own room.

She actually tucked me in, gave me a kiss on the forehead, made sure I had my hanky, and said goodnight, and went to her room!!!! What in blazes is going on here?!? Oh I know. I'm still dreaming. Yes, that has to be it. Right? I am still dreaming, aren't I? I waited an hour, then I went downstairs and dialed Cindy's. I was lucky, because Mr. Marks answered it. I spoke in a low tone, and told him what was going on, and could he help me. He said he could, and that he had been waiting for me to call him, when I was ready. Well, I was more than ready. I needed his help to get me out of here, and into a nice home. A home where there was love, and everybody did things as a family. Bobbie and Cindy's families had that, plus they accepted me as me. Even my girl friends up north had all of this in their families too.
He told me that he was going to go to the office early, and he said he was getting up, and writing things down, so he knew what to do. He asked me if I would be afraid to go before the children's court judge, and tell him all of the things that mother was trying to do, and I even told him about the nightmare. He said I should tell the judge about that too. He said he was going to get my school transcripts that showed what kind of a student I was, and give that to the judge too. He did tell me, that when I see the judge to be a young lady at all times, because this would impress the judge. With my school papers, and letters of recommendation from the school, Bobbie's parents, and he, his wife, and Cindy, the judge would favor me going to Bobbie's to live. He did say, he was going to recommend that I not just be fostered by the Grangers, but adopted, if my mother would sign away her parental rights over me.
Not that it would make mother lonesome, because she had my sister to raise. Probably like a boy, since she finds that so important. I know, I'm being sarcastic here, but how would you be with a mother like mine? We talked some more, so he could wake up, and he said he was getting right on it. I had no fear now, because Mr. Marks has always wanted me to get out from under mother. He was only waiting for me to say the word.

I didn't go back to sleep, so I got up, and got dressed. I went down to the kitchen, and it was already six o'clock. I had been talking to Cindy's dad for two hours. I got out the frying pans for making bacon and eggs. After getting everything from the fridge, I turned on the burner for the bacon, and put in four strips of bacon, two for me, and two for mother. When the bacon was almost done, I made my eggs. I popped two slices of toast in the toaster, and poured myself an orange juice and a glass of milk. I went to the cupboard and got out a vitamin pill. Mother always insisted on giving me a One-A-Day vitamin. She swore by them, I guess.

I no sooner sat down to eat my breakfast, when mother came in and gave me a hug. She started going towards the stove, and I told her to sit down. The coffee was already done, so I poured her a cup, and made her eggs. I served her her breakfast, and she said thank you. Well, actually she said 'thank you, darling'. I am not sure I can take this sweetness from her. No, really though, it was nice having her not yell at me.

"You look pretty today, dear. And don't forget to go to Cindy's right after school."

"I won't mother."

"Where in the world did you learn how to cook like this?"

"From my mother, and Grandma Dolly. I even learned how to put on my makeup, just by watching you. You have taught me a lot mother, and I am very grateful."

"It's all right, sweetie, that is what a mother is supposed to teach her daughter. Anyway, this breakfast is very good. I should have you make dinner some night."

I don't think I can take much more of this. Mother is being too sweet, and I know she has something up her sleeveless shift. Well, anyway, I had my talk with Mr. Marks, and he said he would get right on it. So we will see what happens. I went to get my books, and on the way to getting my coat, I gave mother a hug and a kiss on her cheek.

"Goodbye mother, I love you."

"Goodbye sweetie, and I love you too." And she even said that with what looked like a genuine smile.

I went out and waited for the school bus. When it came, I saw that there was an empty seat next to Bobbie. Oh! I'm sorry, but Cindy rode this bus too. I was the last one on, and first one dropped off. I sat down next to Bobbie, and that's when I saw Cindy, in back of us.


"Hey!" They said back, smiling.

"Daddy woke up this morning and said he had a long talk with you. When did you call?"

"I called around four this morning, because mother is up to something very weird. Yesterday, she told me she had to see her social worker today. Then when I went to bed, I had such a bad nightmare, that I woke up screaming. Mother came running in my room, and held me like I was five years old. She was actually soothing me, and telling me that everything is all right, and she wouldn't let anybody hurt me. Then she got really wierd, and offered me a cup of hot chocolate, and she even called me her daughter. She is up to something."

"Daddy told me about the nightmare. I would have screamed too. Anyway, what you told daddy this morning, he said you need to get out of there, and he is going to get right on it when he gets to his office. You and Bobbie are my best friends, and I want you both to be safe. Daddy said he is going to try and get you to be adopted by Bobbie's family, if your mother will give up her rights over you. Sue, he means what he says. You should have seen the pages of legal paper he wrote on, just from what you told him."
Bobbie couldn't have been any happier, when she heard what Cindy had said. She gave me the biggest hug.

"We're going to be sisters, Sue! Isn't that groovy?"

"Yes sis, that is really groovy." But would it work out the way we were thinking it would? We'll see. Yes

I am only twelve years old, but I have had a lot happen in my life, so I wasn't thinking like a twelve year old, but more like an adult. Anyway, I was happy that Cindy's father was going to get right on this today. I need a family.

When we got to school, I was called in to the principal's office. Mrs. Schwatrz was a very nice lady. She wore the latest fashions for her age, and she had sparkling blue eyes, and pearly white teeth. Her smile was infectious, and when she talk to students there for disciplinary things, she never yelled at them. I was told to go straight to her office, and when I went in, she looked up at me, and said politely for me to sit down.

She was reading something on her desk, and then she looked at me. "Miss Kelly, I got a call from Mr. Jonathon Marks. He is Cindy Marks father, and he is an attorney. He has asked me to get all your school reports ready, because he needs them for the chidlren's court. You aren't in any trouble are you, dear?"

"No ma'am. He is going to help me so I can have a real family."

"Is there trouble between you and your mother?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"I suppose it has a lot to do with the girl in you?" It was a question, more than a statement.

"Yes, ma'am. My mother is going to see her social worker today, and she said it had to do with my dressing and being the girl I am."

I told her about the nightmare, and what mother did when she came in my room, and even after. She had that incredulous look on her face, and then she closed her mouth.

"Well, we know that you are physically male, but you have done nothing but act like a very polite young lady here, and I for one will do nothing to upset that. You have the respect of your teachers, and the student body. So whatever Mr. Marks wants, he is going to get from me. I will even write a nice letter to him for you too. I want you to know Miss Kelly, that here, if you act like you are supposed to, you are treated the same. Now, here is an excuse for missing homeroom, and you give this to Mr. Fook. Have a good day, Sue, and I hope that whatever happens in court, comes out good for you."

"You called me Sue. Why?"

"Because I have the funniest feeling that what the kids call you, that that will be your name after Cindy's father is done with this. Watch my words girl, you have a lot of support here."

"Thank you, Mrs. Schwartz."

"You are very welcome young lady."

I went to my first hour class, and got in just after the bell rang. I gave the excuse to Mr. Fook, and took my seat. Bobbie wanted to know what happened, and I said I would tell everybody at lunch. But mother's attitude is what I was thinking about. She never accepted me for the girl I am, and yet, this morning she was so very sweet, and even called me her daughter. I couldn't get this out of my head. And then Mrs. Schwartz too, said good luck and told me I had a lot of support here. I didn't know that until she told me. I could feel tears welling up in my eyes. What Mrs. Schwartz said made me very happy, and now I am starting to cry. Darned tear ducts, they just don't know how to behave.

Mr. Fook said I could be excused, and I went right to the girls restroom. I no sooner went in, than Bobbie came in right behind me. She held me, and told me everything was going to be all right, and that there was nothing to really worry about. After a few minutes of Niagara Falls tears running down my cheeks, I repaired my makeup, and Bobbie and I went back to class.

"Is everything all right, Miss Kelly?"

"Yes, Mr. Fook, and thank you."

"You are very welcome. I put the homework assignments on the board. Copy them down, and I hope everything turns out good for you."

"Thank you, sir. I know they will." I hope.

The bell rang for second hour, and we all grabbed our books, and went to Miss Hamilton's class. When I walked in, Miss Hamilton said she would like to talk to me after class for a bit. I said alright, and went to me desk. Miss Hamilton talked about The Revolutionary War again, and this time, she talked about a man named Francis Marion. We were told he was a brigadier general, and was known as the Swamp Fox. He did raids on the British forces, and retreated back to the swamp area, and the British never found him. I told Miss Hamilton that there was a series on television called The Swamp Fox, and she said that was based on brigadier general Francis Marion's life. I told her I thought that Leslie Neilson played The Swamp Fox, and she said I was right. She asked me if I liked watching historical series like that, and I said yes, but now it held an even deeper meaning for me, because it is based on the life of a true person. She smiled at me, and asked me if I would do an essay on the life of brigadier general Fancis Marion, and I said I would. She said it was due on Friday.

The period went by too fast, and the bell rang. We already wrote down our assignments, and then we sarted leaving. Bobbie and Cindy stayed behind too.

"Girls, I was asked by principal Schwartz to give Ronnie a recommendation, and character reference, because you are going to court, Ronnie?"

"Yes, ma'am. Cindy's father is helping me to get away from my mother. I have been having a lot of problems with her lately."

"Why didn't you come and talk to me, or even my aunt. Ronnie, the whole school knows that you are have a different body than most girls. But you have always conducted yourself as nothing but a polite young lady. Even my aunt says you are a very polite young lady, and you know how to cook really well. I am sorry that you are having problems with your mother, but I hope that things will work out for you. Oh! One other thing. From now on, you will find that we will be calling you Miss Kelly and Susan, or Sue. We have been told by principal Schwartz that that is going to be your name after you get back from court. Does that sound all right, Miss Kelly?"

"Yes, Miss Hamilton, and thank you very much."

"You are very welcome, and here is an excuse for all three of you so my aunt doesn't get angry." We all giggled, and said see you tomorrow, and we left.

We just got into Mrs. Hamilton's room, as the bell rang. We sat down, and Mrs. Hamilton told us that we were going to do a little more cooking today. Since I had cooked that marvelous dinner meal, Mrs. Hamilton called on Bobbie to make the dinner meal this time.

She got out a cookie sheet, and covered it with waxed paper. She turned the oven to three hundred and fifty degrees, and then took the two chicken breasts, and rinsed them very thoroughly. She set them on the cookie sheet, and then put it in the oven. She set the timer for thirty five minutes, and washed her hands. She got out the cabbage, and shredded that so she could make cole slaw. She also shredded a carrot, and sliced a cucumber. She put the cabbage in a colander, along with the carrot and cucumber, and rinsed them off. She got out the vinegar, and a little sugar (just a tinch), and then put everything in a bowl. She mixed up the cole slaw, and check the chicken. She saw there was almost a river of grease on the cookie sheet, so she paused the timer, and took out the cookie sheet. She very carefully poured the grease in to a coffee can that Mrs. Hamilton had for that purpose. Bobbie then put the cookie sheet back in the oven, and restarted the timer.

Then Mrs. Hamilton asked questions of the other students, as to why Bobbie had drained the grease off of the cookie sheet. I raised my hand, but Mrs. Hamilton called on Ginger. Ginger was another girl in my class that accepted me for who I am. In fact, all the kids in school accepted me.

Ginger told Mrs. Hamilton, that Bobbie drained the grease from the cookie sheet, so that the chicken would actually bake better, and we wouldn't have all that fat when the chicken was done. Mrs. Hamilton gave her a well done, and the timer went off. Bobbie took the chicken out, and checked it with a fork. The fork went right through both centers, and the chicken was done.

Bobbie took started cutting the chicken into enough slices for the whole class. We had to remember that lunch was the next period, so we took the small pieces and just nibbled. The chicken was very good. It was tender, and very moist on the inside. The cole slaw was also very good.

"Miss Granger, that was very well done. You are a very good cook."

"My mother taught me, Mrs. Hamilton."

"Well, she taught you very well. We seem to have a class of cooks here. I am delighted to have such a class. And Susan, good luck tomorrow in court."


"Yes, Mr. Marks filed an emergency petition in your name with the children's court. The whole staff was asked to give you a character reference, and we have all given Mrs. Schwartz our reports."

I was in a daze. I didn't know what to say. Cindy's dad said he would take care of it, but I didn't know it would be so quick. Wow! I'm...uhm...I'm...wow! It was then that all the kids in my class told me that they supported me too, and if they could, they would even come to court with me. I'm just speechless. I didn't know what to say. Bobbie and Cindy just smiled at me, and had to help me keep my balance. Wow!
I think I ate lunch, I think. I was just soout of it, because everybody has been so nice. I started crying again, and Cindy and Bobbie just held me, and soothed me, saying I had every right to cry. Mrs. Emory, one of the teachers I didn't have, came over.

"Is everything all right, Miss Kelly?" I just nodded my head.

"She's just happy that she doesn't have to go home tonight. She is staying with my parents and I." Bobbie said, concerned that I still hadn't stopped crying. "Listen, Sue, Cindy's dad said you are to stay with us tonight, and if you need to get some clothes, we are to call the police and have them go with us. They will make sure your mother doesn't start anything. This is an order from the children's court judge, because of the petition Cindy's dad filed. Cindy and I will also be with you in court too. We found out about this when we got into class this morning. Cindy's dad called Mrs. Schwartz this morning and told her, so she told us. She didn't tell you, because we said we wanted to. She said that was fine."

"I don...don't know...what to...say. This, this is, so, so,."

"Shhh, it's all right Sue. You don't have to say anything right now. We are your friends, and we intend to make sure you are safe. My dad has wanted to get you away from your mother for a long time. See Sue, everytime you told us what was going on with your mother, I was telling my dad about it. He said he agreed, but it had to come from you. When you called him this morning, he was right on the job, getting everything written down that he had to do. He wants you to read his copy of the petition after school. Sue, it is time that you stood up to her in front of a judge. The judge will make sure that you are safe. Now, my dad will represent you, but you will also have a guardian ad litem from the public defender's office. That is an attorney assigned to protect your rights. So you will have two attorneys there.

"Sue, you are going to be safe. I know my dad will get you away from your mother, and I know that he will get you to live with Bobbie and her family too. Daddy also asked for something else too. He asked that your name be changed to Susan Marie Granger."

I still hadn't stopped crying. Mrs. Schwartz was called to the cafeteria, and was told what was going on. She came over by us, and sat down. She put her arms around me, and told me that girls have a right to cry.

"I will excuse you for the afternoon, if you want. I know all of this is very sudden, but if it will help you to be safe, and not have to go through a lot of stress with your mother, then I am all for it. But you can go if you'd like."

"No. Thank you anyway, Mrs. Schwartz. I'll make it. It's just that everything just hit me all of a sudden, and I guess I was overwhelmed by it all."

"That's all right, Miss Kelly. I have been informed to start calling you Miss Granger. That's going to be confusing with the two of you in the same classes."

"We'll work it out, Mrs. Schwartz," Bobbie said more confident than I could right now.

"I know you will, you've come this far."
We all knew what she meant by that. With Bobbie and Cindy helping me, we have come far in what we needed to do. Now I had to go to court tomorrow. I wonder just what Cindy's father really did. I didn't know emergency petitions could be that quick. But I guess they can. It seemed like fourth hour lasted for hours, but the bell finally rang, and we all headed to the gym, after telling David we would see him after school.

When we went in the locker room, and we were all changed into our gym clothes, we went in the gym, and I just couldn't help myslef. I went right to the uneven parallel bars, and started doing all the pullups, leg lifts, and twists, and barrels. Nobody said anything, until I finally landed on the mat underneath.

"Well Miss Kelly, I am not disappointed. You did that like you were born to it. There were just a few awkward moments, but we can take care of that in class. Are there any other volenteers?"
Bobbie said she would try it, and she did. Miss McConnell said she did good, but there were some thngs that we needed to refine in class. Everybody took their turns on the bars, and then we did a few calesthenics, and then we were told to shower down, and get dressed. We all got our showers in, and just as we all were dressed in our street clothes, the bell rang. Sixth and seventh hours went by one second at a time it seemed. I was just droning through the last two classes, but still managed to write down our homework assignments. Bobbie and Cyndy kept a close eye on me, and were very concerend.

The bell for the end of the day rang, and we all went to our lockers. We put away our books we didn't have nay homeowrk for, and took the ones we did. We got outside, and I was told by the bus driver, that she was not to drop me off, except at Bobbie Granger's stop. I just nodded, and went to sit down.

Everybody on the bus was very concerned, because I didn't look too good. Some even said I was as pale as sheet, even paler some others said. We finally got to Bobbie's stop, and we got off. The driver told Cindy she couldn't let her get off here, and we told the bus driver that we were meeting her dad here. So she let Cindy get off with us.

We went inside Bobbie's house, and her mother came out of the kitchen, and just hugged me. I was grateful for those arms, because I needed a mother's arms around me. A mother who actually cared. Well, tomorrow I would find out where I would live, I guess, and who I will be legally. Tomorrow.

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