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Red was just going to visit her sick grandmother; she wasn't expecting the big bad wolf.
Author's Note: As with Snow Angel, I should have posted on Sunday but work and exhaustion got in the way. As always, thanks to Big Closet and to all my readers for your support, and I will continue to post chapters here, patreon chapters are only for people who wish to support me and read ahead. I hope you all enjoy. Further chapters are available on Patreon.~Amethyst.
Chapter 5: The Search
After a very cold shower to calm myself down and get properly clean, I carefully washed and dried the blonde wig that would serve as a large portion of my disguise when I ventured out. Wrapped in a towel, I left the bathroom and hurriedly got dressed. Goldie had apparently fallen back to sleep while I was in the shower, so I tried to be quiet and not wake the Vampire while I prepared for my outing.
Once I was ready to go, I slipped into my leather jacket and gloves, donned my helmet, and then hopped on the Ducati to run my afternoon errands. My first stop after getting a coffee and something to pass for breakfast was an electronics store, where I picked up a small AM/FM radio with some earbud headphones and a cheap burner phone along with some cards for talk, text, and data. Both purchases were so that I could keep an ear and an eye on the news in case my name came up. The phone would also allow me to have a way to contact people if the need arose. I also grabbed some batteries for the radio, just in case our future hiding spot didn’t have electricity.
As soon as I left the store, I placed the small radio and batteries in the inside pockets of my jacket and set up the phone. Then I scanned the state news quickly and thankfully, there didn’t seem to be anything about me or Granny yet. I would have liked to do a search for my name to be more specific, but I was a bit paranoid that doing so would only draw attention to me and let anybody looking for me trace my new phone. I wasn’t sure if it was a realistic fear, but I thought it best to err on the side of caution.
Feeling slightly better now that I didn’t see anything about a manhunt for me in the news, I did another quick internet search for local motorcycle shops. If I was going to be using the Ducati long-term as my primary mode of transportation, I was going to need a few things. I found a few places, but the closest one to me took half an hour to drive there and I was worried about prices since this seemed to be a custom shop.
Sighing, and hoping that this wouldn’t take up too much of my dwindling funds, I flipped up the visor on my helmet and stepped through the glass double doors into Michael’s Motorcycles and Accessories. The store was mostly a showroom with various models of sports bikes to browse through, and the walls were lined with shelves of helmets, various parts, and all manner of accessories that a biker could want. A rugged-looking man who looked to be in his early fifties was behind the counter on the far side of the small showroom, and he looked up as the bell above the door announced my arrival.
I took a deep breath and put a smile on my face as I walked through the various models of bikes on the showroom floor and approached the man. “Hi, I’m thinking of taking a road trip down south for the winter, but I figure that I’m going to need some storage options for my bike.”
The man laughed as he said, “I wish I could do the same, but I have a shop to run. I’m Mike, the owner, so what kind of bike do you have? I’d peg you for someone with a Ninja.”
I managed to laugh at that. “They are nice bikes,” I admitted, “and I probably would have gotten one if my grandfather hadn’t helped me to fall in love with his bike. He… uhh… left it to me when he died. She’s the cherry red 1974 Ducati 750 Sport that’s sitting outside.”
Mike whistled appreciatively and then looked pensive for a moment before replying. “That’s a classic, I don’t have anything customized for a model that old, but I should have some things that’ll work. Why don’t you bring it inside and we can see what I have that’ll fit.”
He walked with me to the doors and then held one of them open while I pushed the Ducati inside and toward an open spot on the showroom floor. Once I had it rolled into place, I turned to smile at him. “So, yeah, this is my baby.”
His eyes appraised the Ducati, and he knelt down for a closer look. “She’s a beauty. Well-maintained too.”
“Yeah, I like to tinker, and I try to keep her in good shape,” I admitted as Mike went to the wall with various storage totes and bags. It took a while, but he was able to find some durable nylon saddlebags with adjustable straps, as well as a cargo net that could be secured behind the seat. Since the bags weren’t the custom leather gear that he sold, or made for specific models of sports bikes, they were relatively inexpensive too.
Mike also showed me a black waist bag that I thought I could use in place of a purse. Like the saddlebags, it was also made of water-repellent nylon with reflective bits and a waterproof inner pocket with roll-click closing. It had a three-liter capacity, waterproof outside zip pocket with an inside mesh pocket and clip for keys and wallet, mesh inner pockets, and cable ducts for things like a navigation system or headset, which I could use to listen to the radio while riding.
He also convinced me to get a couple of pairs of motorcycle leggings that he was selling at clearance since he didn’t get very many female customers. They were good quality high waist leggings that were close fitting with an inner lining that was made of aramide fiber that was tear-proof, abrasion-proof, and heat-resistant. They were equipped with knee protectors, hip protectors, two pockets, and reflective piping on the legs. I hadn’t been planning on those, but I got them at a steal and if I was going to be riding my bike a lot then I would need more protective gear than just my jacket, gloves, and helmet.
I left the store with my new waist bag strapped in place, the saddle bags securely fastened on the Ducati, and the cargo net and a couple of lashing straps tucked away inside one of the saddlebags since they were affordable and didn’t take up much space. The leggings were also in there for now, though I would probably change into a pair once I got back to the motel. First, I needed to get a few more necessities.
As tempted as I was to pick up some better clothes for Goldie so she could blend in better than with that old formal dress that she had been wearing, I decided that it could wait until she could come to All-Mart with me to pick out her own clothes. I did go to a pharmacy to get some essentials that I had been too panicked to think about while rushing to leave Petoskey though. I got monthly supplies, toothpaste, a pair of toothbrushes, mouthwash, body wash, shampoo, conditioner, a loofah, and a couple of towels and washcloths to make sure that we could both stay clean.
Between the money I had taken from my bank, and what I had gotten from Granny’s house, I had a little over seven hundred dollars still after my various expenses and purchases. I found a pawnshop and managed to add almost three hundred to that after selling Granny’s jewelry and what other valuables I had taken. I would help get Goldie a few changes of clothes, but after that, I was going to have to try and make the money last since we couldn’t count on having a reliable income and would need to eat.
Well, I needed to eat, but Goldie could only drink blood. While that might save on our expenses, I was kind of worried about how we were going to keep the Vampire fed and not draw too much attention to ourselves. However, if we were in a rough neighborhood, I was certain that she could probably handle herself well enough to drag her prey into a dark alley or somewhere out of sight. It was something that I would have to think about.
I had my radio on and listened with one earbud as I rode toward the first abandoned area of Detroit that I had found on my phone, and tuned into one of the local stations, but there wasn’t much other than basic news and music. I was nearly there when my breath caught in my throat at an emergency announcement. "State police are issuing a warning. Known sexual predator George G. Porgie has escaped custody at the Central Michigan Correctional Facility. Porgie, a registered sex offender, has a history of luring underage girls to accompany him with desserts. Porgie is five foot eleven, two hundred and seven pounds, and has brown hair, hazel eyes, and a trio of long scars on his left cheek. If you think you see the suspect, do not approach, as he is considered armed and dangerous. Please report any possible sightings or tips to Crimestoppers at 1-800-555-1001."
Whew. That was close, but thankfully, it didn’t concern me. I was close to Brightmoor though and I could see the quality of the homes growing ever lower the closer that I got. Soon, once proud homes became dilapidated wrecks, their yards overgrown with brush, wild grass, and weeds. Occasionally I saw a home in somewhat decent condition, their yards turned into large gardens, but they were contained by metal fencing which bore dire warnings as to the fates of trespassers. Sometimes I saw people peeking out from dark windows or rushing from one place to another, but they were mostly young like me, probably a lot of runaways, and I could feel their eyes on me as I rode past.
This neighborhood had been mostly abandoned for over fifteen years. Houses here were either derelict or fast becoming so and I had a feeling that the competition for the best spots was probably violent. From some of the looks I was getting from those few people who dared to be out in the open as I rode through, I was certain if I dallied too long, I might find myself relieved of all my valuables. Unless I was willing and able to fight for them.
By sunset, I had tried two more abandoned neighborhoods like Brightmoor, but I didn’t find anything that looked both unoccupied and easily defended from the local gangs and other street people. I didn’t dare stay after dark to search more, at least, not on my own. I returned to the Black Sheep Motel feeling dejected, arriving as twilight gave way to darkness.
Goldie was awake, dressed, and watching television when I stepped into our room. “I guess you didn’t have much luck finding a decent place for us to stay after tonight?” the Vampire asked as she saw the dejected look on my face.
“No, I checked three areas, but they were in rough shape and if I had actually stopped in any of them to get a closer look at a place, I probably would have been mugged. I came back because I don’t want to be looking alone after dark and I figured that we could both use a meal,” I told her with a despondent shrug.
The Vampire nodded in agreement, as she licked her lips in anticipation. “I guess we can go get you something to eat first, Red. Then I got an idea on how we can get me a nice private meal of my own.”
“We can help you to feed first if you need to,” I countered.
“Nah, I’ll be good until we can lure someone into a quiet place, and for that, you’re going to need your energy,” she retorted with a grin.
I suddenly had a bad feeling about this. “I… really don’t like the sound of that, or that smile on your face. I’m going to be bait, aren’t I?”
“Well, yeah. I mean, a young, pretty girl all alone in a rough area of town? Someone is bound to take the bait, and then you lead them back to me. Unless you’re volunteering to feed me yourself?” the blonde Vampire taunted playfully.
“Fine, I’ll be your bait, but you better be ready to jump in. Some of us don’t have supernatural speed and strength,” I replied with a resigned sigh. Then I placed the two pairs of motorcycle leggings and the bag filled with my purchases from the pharmacy on the bed and quickly changed into one of the former for our evening. I offered to let Goldie try to use the other pair, but she didn’t feel there was any need since she could just heal herself by feeding if she happened to get hurt.
Two hours later, we were in the State Fair neighborhood after I had a quick meal at McConnell’s and we bought Goldie a few outfits worth of clothes at All-Mart. Her taste in clothes was immodest, at best, mostly sexy low-cut tops and short skirts, and the underwear… oh Goddess. I wasn’t entirely sure if she chose the clothes she had just to get me hot and bothered, and because she liked seeing me blushing and flustered, or if she was telling the truth when she claimed that they would help her to lure in some meals.
She looked very good in the clothes, of course, but if her goal truly was to tease and sexually frustrate me, then she was succeeding. She also made certain to stay very close and hold me tightly on the way here. Damn, I was thirsty. I was also nervous about being her bait as we drove through the neighborhood with the headlight off to keep from drawing attention.
State Fair was a lot like the other mostly abandoned neighborhoods that I had seen earlier. Mostly single-family homes that were in very rough shape and had been largely reclaimed by nature. I was pretty sure that most of the better options were already occupied, and the whole area was strewn with random garbage that people had dumped there instead of closer to their homes. It looked like a demilitarized zone, and I could feel the eyes on us as we rode through the worst areas.
Eventually, I found a quiet and secluded place near the edge of the neighborhood to keep the bike and Goldie hidden. Once we were concealed behind a dumpster in an overgrown dead-end alley between what had once been a convenience store and a two-story home, I let Goldie scan the area with her heightened senses to make sure that we were alone. Meanwhile, I took a thermos that I had bought from All-Mart and took a cautious sip of the hot coffee inside to steel myself for the task to come.
I had filled the thermos and bought some donuts at The Muffin Man. I didn’t know about The Muffin Man until I stumbled across it after leaving the motel earlier in the day while looking for a decent cup of coffee. Apparently, it was a new local chain of bakery/coffee shops. The coffee was pretty good as coffee went, but the pastries and other sweets that they served were delicious.
After a good long pull of the coffee, I looked to Goldie who nodded and gave me a thumbs-up to indicate that we were alone. I resealed the thermos, placed it back in the saddlebag, and asked the Vampire, “Which way should I go?”
Goldie just giggled. “Don’t worry about it; I was joking about you being bait. I wanted to see if you’d actually do it for me. You’re so sweet and cute when you’re trying to be brave,” she said as she caressed my cheek with her fingertips. The casual yet sensual touch flushed my cheeks, and other places with sudden warmth as she added, “Just wait here for a bit, I can smell people in some of the buildings nearby. Nothing smells supernatural, so there shouldn’t be anything that I can’t handle. I’ll go drink my fill and I’ll be back soon, Cutie. I’ll try to spread it out so I don’t drink too much from one person, and I’ll try to knock them out first if I can.”
Without another word, she was off, and I was left feeling flustered and weak in the knees as my heart hammered in my chest. Damn could she move fast, I could barely follow her movement as she zipped out of the alley and around the corner in search of her meal. Since all there was for me to do was sit, wait, and try to calm the fire building up inside of me, I took a seat on my bike and sipped at my coffee, careful to keep my eyes and ears open for any signs of someone approaching my hiding spot.
I was lonely and cold, and the time seemed to pass with agonizing slowness until Goldie returned nearly an hour later looking very satisfied. Every time I had heard distant yelling or gunshots, I had to fight not to flee in terror. There were a couple of screams nearby during that time too. The voices sounded like men, and I was pretty sure that they got more than they bargained for with a certain sexy blonde.
“I heard screams, was that you?” I asked as the Vampire sauntered back into my concealment.
My blonde-haired companion shrugged, not looking concerned. “A couple of guys tried to get rough, and one had a gun, so I had to take them down hard and fast. I tried not to hurt them too badly, but they’re going to wake up knowing they were in a fight. We should get out of here before they wake up; one saw my face and he probably won’t be too happy with me when he wakes up.”
I nodded and started up the Ducati. Moments later, we were back on the road and leaving State Fair to continue our search for a place to stay elsewhere. We kept searching until three in the morning before returning to our motel to spend one last night in comfort while we had the chance. We both knew that we would have to make what money I had last, and things would be a lot less certain if we couldn’t find a somewhat safe and secure place to stay by tomorrow night.
All Rights Reserved
Thanks to RoseyRedd for the great teaser image and for putting this idea in my head. Further chapters are available to the public on my Patreon page for those who wish to read ahead.
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George G. Porgie ? The Muffin man bakery?
I feel like I should expect Shrek showing up at some point!
Nah, though like the Shrek movies, a lot of this is based on fairy tales.
*big hugs*
Don't take me too seriously. I'm just kitten around. :3
Puddin' N' Pie
I have a feeling that Georgie is going to intersect with the girls in the very near future.
Well, that is a distinct possibility. Though he could just be a passing mention so just ignore the Chekov's gun in the corner.
*big hugs*
Don't take me too seriously. I'm just kitten around. :3
Dare I say
Blood curdling screams, sorry I could not help myself.
just might be appropriate.
*big hugs*
Don't take me too seriously. I'm just kitten around. :3