Silver Bell Wish 7

Silver Bell Wish 7
by Peregrine

Rian in costume

Copyright © 2023 Peregrine
All rights reserved.
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

Chapter 7

Coming together
“If he had wanted to get back together, he would have sent roses,” said Ellery.

Even though Rian had agreed to go to the café, having received flowers from Alex gave her a good reason. Thanking him for the flowers was the least she could do. Rian became anxious, wondering if Alex would expect a kiss. Should she kiss him? Is that what girls do after getting flowers? She never kissed a guy before. What if Alex tried to kiss her? It stood to reason they would have kissed, having dated through college. Did they have sex? There was so much she didn’t know about their past relationship.

Suddenly, things were becoming real for Rian. Even though she knew, in this reality, she was a girl, in some ways, she still thought of herself as a boy, acting like a girl. Until now, that had not been a problem. Rian didn’t understand why she wasn’t freaking out more about being a girl. Was it the wish magic that had helped her know how to do her morning and evening routine without thinking about it? Or was it deep down, she had wanted to know what it felt like to be a girl? Right now, that didn’t matter, and she had to face the fact she was a girl. Most girls like guys. She felt an attraction to Alex. She needed to ignore her inner rejection of liking Alex. Even with her little knowledge of their past together, she felt she liked him and couldn’t explain why. Was it the magic again? When Renee said she should get him back, it seemed like the right thing to do. She took a deep breath and decided to embrace the situation, going with the flow.

Rian looked around the café as she entered. Alex was behind the counter making a requested drink. Off in a far, almost secluded corner was a guy working on his computer, speaking with someone. Rian stood at the counter as the Coffee Bar Attendant said, “Hi, can I take your order?”

“Hi. Would you let Alex know Rian is here?”

The Attendant went over to Alex, who turned his head to see Rian. Walking back to Rian, she said, “Alex said to find a seat. He’ll be right with you.”

“Thanks”, said Rian as she put a dollar into the tip jar on the counter.

Rian chose a two-person table close to the counter. Alex came over to the table, put the drink in front of Rian, and sat down.

“Thanks,” said Rian. She lifted the cup to take a sip.

“Be careful,” said Alex. “It’s still hot.”

Rian put the cup to her lips and took a slow sip. Her hand shot up to cover her mouth.

“Thanks for the warning. I’ll let it cool a bit.” Rian’s eyes met Alex’s. “Um, thanks for the flowers. They were lovely.” Rian took another cautious sip of her drink.

“I’m glad you liked them. I was going to get roses, but they were sold out.” Rian nearly choked as she remembered what Ellery had said.

“Are you okay?” asked Alex.

“I’m fine,” said Rian as she waved her hand in front of her mouth. “It’s still too hot.” She put the cup on the table and surrounded it with both hands.

Alex looked up and saw he needed to make another order. “I’ve got to get back. We close in about half an hour. Stay. We can talk after I finish cleaning up.”

“Okay,” said Rian. Alex left to make the drink order. She took another sip as she watched Alex behind the counter. She couldn’t stop thinking that Alex had wanted to get her roses. Could Ellery be right?

Time went by quickly. Soon Alex locked the doors and put the closed sign in the window. “I’m going to make a decaf coffee. Would you like a cup?”

“That would be great.”

Alex came back with two cups of coffee. “Extra cream and one sugar, just like you like it.” He sat across from Rian.

“Thanks.” Rian tried the coffee. “Perfect,” she said.

“Just like old times,” said Alex. “You and me here in the café.”

“I’ll bet you take your girlfriend here all the time.”

“There’s no girlfriend. I’m still single.”

Rian felt herself get flustered and changed the subject.

“How did you get involved with the therapy dogs?”

“Oh, that. After graduation, Dad encouraged me to go into business as a personal financial adviser. He knew a few people to get me started. Word of mouth got me more clients. Business took off. I saw the Animal Antics Foundation looking for a CFO, so I thought, what the heck? I applied and got the job.”

“Why are you working here?”

“I find it relaxing. I can also meet some clients here. It serves a dual purpose.”

“How did you start working with the dogs?”

“There is not a lot to do at the foundation yet, so I began helping with the dogs. I found I like it. We need more volunteers, though. You and Renee helped me out by taking Bubbles around.”

“We loved taking her around, especially Renee. She wants to be a volunteer.”

“That’s great. We can use her. She and Bubbles get along well.”

“If you don’t mind me asking, why did you have to leave?”

“Other than being short on volunteers, I had to talk with someone at the bank.”

“Is everything alright?”

Alex looked down at the table. “We’re losing our funding. I’m trying to get a bank loan until I can find funding to replace what we lost.”

“What will happen if you can’t get the loan?”

“We’ll have to shut the program down.”

“But the kids won’t get to see the dogs!”

“Yeah, and if it takes too long to get funding, the foundation will have to close.” Alex sighed. “I feel like a failure. I can manage a client’s portfolio, but I can’t get funding for a foundation.”

“You need someone who can convince people to give money. Not everyone is a fundraiser. When’s your next meeting with the bank?”


“Let Renee and I take Bubbles around to visit the children tomorrow. This way, you can prepare for the meeting.”

“I can’t ask you to do that.”

“You’re not asking. You said you need volunteers. I’m volunteering.”

“If you’re sure, then okay.”

“Great. I also want you to bring Bubbles to the theater tonight. I have a plan.”

Alex chuckled. “You have a plan.”

“Don’t you think I can come up with a plan to help you save the program?”

“It’s not that.”

“You’ll see. I’ll put my plan into action and you’ll have more time to find a donor to keep the program going.” Rian stood up and spun around to leave.

“Rian, wait.” She turned to face Alex, who hesitated. “I think you can do whatever you put your mind to. Are you sure you want to help? We broke up after all.”

“This has nothing to do with that. We can talk about it later. Make sure Bubbles is at the theater tonight.”


Rian and Renee spent the day at the hospital with Bubbles. The children they visited were having a blast, and Renee was right there with them, enjoying every moment. Their last stop was to visit a thrilled Ellen. When they finished, they packed Bubbles in the car and headed to the foundation. While Renee took Bubbles to the kennel, Rian went to see Alex.

She found Alex in a bare-walled room big enough to hold a desk, chair, and a filing cabinet. “Nice office. You need a picture on that wall.” She pointed to the wall on his right.

“Thanks. How did things go?” asked Alex.

“Bubbles was great and Renee enjoyed herself. I think she will enjoy volunteering.”

“Is everything set with your idea?”

“Not yet. I have to talk with Professor Atwood, but I don’t see her not allowing it. Can you bring Renee to the theater?”

“Yep, I’ll get her there.”

“I’ve told Renee what time to be at the theater. Make sure you’re there with Bubbles on time. I’ll let you know if things are a go when you get there.”


Rian found Professor Atwood and explained what she had planned. With the professor’s blessing, she sat in the dressing room and told the elves her plan. They all agree to help. With everything taken care of, she could finally get ready for the play and wait.


The curtain closed on the opening act. Rian saw Alex and gave him a thumbs up. Professor Atwood walked out to the center of the stage.

“Thank you all for supporting our annual Children’s Hospital benefit. The elves have visited the children in the hospital and enjoyed every minute. They asked if they could have time to make a request. Rian, the microphone is yours.”

Rian walked to center stage and Professor Atwood handed off the microphone. The remaining elves followed and surrounded Rian. Rian cleared her throat.

“The entire cast wants to thank you all for supporting our efforts. We have enjoyed our visits with the children and will continue until the hospital throws us out.” The crowd laughed at her comment. “While our visits will stop, another group will continue visiting the children.” Rian motioned for Renee to come on stage with Bubbles. As they approached, the crowd let out a collective ‘aww’ as they saw Bubbles and Renee.

“Our four-legged friend here is Bubbles. My sister and I have had the privilege of bringing Bubbles on our visits, much to the delight of the children. Bubbles is from the Animal Antics Foundation. We have seen the children’s faces light up when Bubbles comes into their rooms. Not only Bubbles, but all the dogs from the foundation. Bringing their dogs to the hospital almost daily has brought joy to the children there.” She paused. “That may stop.” She paused another beat. “The foundation has lost some of its funding. The elves and I will come around to ask for anything you can donate to help the foundation.” Renee and Bubbles left the stage along with the elves and began circulating through the audience. “Please be generous, as every bit helps. The Foundation’s CFO will be in the lobby and will answer any questions you may have about how to donate or volunteer. Everyone here thanks you for your generosity. Please enjoy the rest of the show.”

Rian saw Alex smile at her as she joined the elves in the audience. She smiled back. Maybe both plans were working.

Alex, Renee, and Bubbles stayed until the end of the show. Renee took Bubbles outside the door as people were leaving. Almost all the children wanted to say hello to Bubbles. Rian changed into the same high-waisted jeans as yesterday but with a black ruffled top that Renee had suggested. She walked over to where Alex was standing. She waited as Alex shook hands, thanking a donor. They both watched Renee and Bubbles greet the children and parents.

“She is great with Bubbles,” said Alex, pointing his chin towards Renee and Bubbles.

“How did it go out here?”

“It went great. We got small donations and some larger checks. If it continues like this for the next couple of shows, we may be able to keep the doors open longer. I plan to use this show of support to convince the bank of the importance of the foundation. If not, this gives me additional time to find funding.”

“That’s great!”

He looked at Rian. “This is all because of you.”

“I didn’t do…” Their eyes met. Rian saw Alex’s lips coming toward her. She couldn’t explain it, but she wanted their lips to touch. The realization hit her. She wanted to kiss Alex. Rian closed her eyes.

“Alex…hey Alex… I think Bubbles has to go. Hey, you two.”

They both realized Renee was talking to them. Turning their heads, they saw a smiling Renee. They quickly regained their composure.

“Bubbles has to go and I don’t have any bags to clean up,” said Renee.

“Oh, yeah, well, I better take care of Bubbles and get her to the foundation. I’ll see you two tomorrow to pick up Bubbles, right?” Alex took the leash from Renee.

“We’ll be there,” said Renee, answering for her sister. “Bye Bubbles.”

Alex left to take Bubble to do her business.

“This is so cool,” said Renee.

“What is,” said a still recovering Rian.

“Seeing my plan working so well.”

“Yes, your plan is working. Why did you interrupt us?”

“Sorry about that. Bubbles really had to go.”

“I’ll forgive you this time. Don’t let it happen again.” Renee started giggling and Rian soon joined in.

The remaining days of the show passed quickly. Rian and Renee would bring Bubble to the hospital to visit the children. Alex would bring Bubbles to the theater for intermission. Rian would give her speech and the elves would circulate and collect donations.

The cast was preparing for the next to the last performance when Professor Atwood called for their attention.

“Everyone listen up.” The room quieted. “We have raised more money for the hospital this year than last year. You are all to be congratulated. The hospital has invited us to a cast party at the Davenport Pavilion after the last show tomorrow. They are throwing the party to show their appreciation for your fund-raising efforts and for your visiting the children during the running of the show. They have said you can all bring a plus one if you so desire. Now, get out there and break a leg.” Professor Atwood called Rian aside as everyone left to go to their places. “Rian, the hospital also extended an invitation for your sister if she wants to come. That includes a plus one for her as well.”

“She will love to come. Thanks, Professor.”

“Don’t thank me. The hospital said one of their benefactors insisted on throwing the party for the cast. The family is going to be there. You can thank them if you get to meet them.”

Rian finished changing after the show. She was wearing a blue floral print skinny blouse with a casual square neck and ruffled hem that was shirred at the waist, which was Renee-approved. As they drove home, she told Renee about the cast party.

“Really? I can come? And I can bring someone? This is great! You’re going to invite Alex, aren’t you? It is part of the plan.”

“I know. Step three. Invite him to a party. I’m going to ask him tomorrow when we pick up Bubbles.”

“We have to go shopping!” said Renee. “I have to get a dress for the party. You do too.”

“I don’t have time. It’s our last visit to the hospital and the last show. I’ll wear the green dress.”

“Are you crazy? You can’t wear that again. I’ll have time to shop after we bring Bubbles back to the foundation and before I pick her up to go to the theater. I’ll pick out a dress for you and bring it to the theater. You’ll have to give me your card, though.”

“So I’m paying for your dress, too?”

“It’s payment for my expert plan that worked!”

“I guess that’s fair. You did a great job picking out my dress for the cast party at the hospital. I’ll trust you. I’ll bet I can guess who you are going to invite.”

Renee giggled.


The two sisters went to the Foundation to get Bubbles. Renee was almost out the car door before the car came to a stop. Rian entered the building and found Alex in his office.

“Today’s the last play, right? I got used to you stopping by in the mornings,” said Alex.

“Yeah, me too. If Renee gets to be a volunteer, I might be stopping by.”

“I’ll have to ask where her paperwork stands,” said Alex.

“Um, there is going to be a cast party after the show tonight. I was wondering if you would like to come. It’s going to be at the Davenport Pavilion after the show.”

“You want me to come? You mean like a date?”

“Yes, like a date.,” said Rian, blushing. “I’ve been thinking, you know, I mean, I was hoping we could get back together. Don’t we deserve a second chance?”

“While it’s been nice seeing you this week,” said Alex, “I’m not sure we should get back together.”


“I hope I haven’t given you the impression that’s what I wanted. I’m sorry if you thought I did. We already had our chance.”

Rian took a step back. “No, you have nothing to be sorry for. It was all me,” said Rian. “Forget I mentioned it.”


“Um, I need a favor. Renee has to do some shopping after we return Bubbles. Would you be able to get her to the store and the theater?”

“Rian, we’re friends. I’ll get her to where she needs to go.”

“Thanks. Um, the party invite is still open. Not as a date. With all you do with the therapy dogs, I think you should be there.”

Thanks for reading. Comments welcome.

Cover picture Credits:
Photo Created with AI using Gencraft (after many tries)
Photo Composite by Peregrine

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