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Chapter Two – Day Five
Julie woke up with a man in her bed for the second time in her life. Tommy was awake and leaning on one elbow looking down at her.
“You’re making a habit of sleeping in my bed,” she looked up at Tommy who still looked handsome even with tousled hair and sleepy eyes.
“How do we play this?” Tommy asked.
“The case?” Julie replied but she knew what he meant.
Despite the intimacy they had shared Julie was fully prepared for Tommy to behave like most men she had bedded. He might even be suffering post-coital regret. After all they had both drunk a lot before they fell into bed.
“Don’t be obtuse Julie, you know what I mean,” Tommy leaned down and kissed her cheek.
“Before Gail went all fruitarian on me, we behaved perfectly professional whilst at work and were able to keep our work and home life separate. Besides I’m sure you wouldn’t want it getting out that you have slept with me,” Julie gave him a pinched smile.
Tommy smiled at the fruitarian reference from Notting Hill.
“I don’t want what we have to be a dirty little secret Julie. We really connected last night,” Tommy replied.
“But you are correct. I don’t see why we can’t behave professionally at work and what happens outside of work is nobody else’s business,” Tommy said soberly.
“Then it’s agreed. We’ll be fuck-buddies when we are off the clock,” Julie made to get of bed but Tommy pulled her back.
“Don’t say it like that. You know it’s more than that,” Tommy searched Julie’s eyes.
“Let’s be practical shall we Tommy. You live in Camden, I live in New York. Neither of us is going to move so we can be together and you’re not going to take me home to meet mom. Let’s just enjoy each other’s company while I’m here in Camden,” Julie reached up and kissed Tommy’s cheek and this time she managed to slip out of his embrace and pad away to the bathroom.
She came out freshly showered wearing the hotel provided terry robe and she fixed her makeup and hair while Tommy showered. When Tommy came out of the shower she was tucking her blouse into her navy-blue skirt. Tommy stopped briefly to kiss her cheek and squeeze her ass then he dressed.
“I’ll stop by my place to change and meet you at the precinct,” Tommy said and made to kiss Julie on the lips but she turned her head away so that the kiss landed on her cheek.
“Watch my lipstick Tommy,” Julie flinched.
Tommy shrugged. Julie was obviously already in ‘professional mode’.
At Police Plaza, as usual, Jack Shepard came sniffing around.
“Hey Tommy, how goes the case?” Jack asked as if they hadn't had a falling out yesterday.
Julie made herself look busy but she could feel Jack’s eyes crawling over her body.
“You know I can’t discuss the case Jack,” Tommy aid staidly.
“Come on. Let’s let bygones be bygones,” Jack tried to wheedle his way further into the interview room, his fat neck swivelling to look at the crime wall.
“Who is Fleur de Lis? She another hooker friend of Stephanie Carter?” Jack asked.
“Come on Jack let me buy you a cup of coffee,” Tommy bundled Jack Shepard out of the interview room.
Tommy returned later and handed Julie a venti cappuccino in a takeout cup.
“Spit or no spit?” Julie gave him a wry grin and if they weren’t at the precinct house Tommy would have kissed her there and then.
Julie got the text from Fleur de Lis the next afternoon.
The text came from someone identifying themselves only as ‘Amanda’ who proposed meeting Julie in the bar at the Marriot Hotel at five in the afternoon which gave Julie and Tommy plenty of time to prepare. Tommy would tail Julie and she would use the Phantom software on her work phone so he could listen in and the conversation could be recorded.
“I’m still not a fan of you going undercover for Fleur de Lis,” Tommy griped.
“What else have we got Tommy?” Julie asked.
“If I can get access to Stephanie’s client list we should be able to find out who her clients were on the night she was murdered,” Julie said yet again.
Tommy was sulky for the rest of the day as they worked their way through the evidence they had so far. The DNA obtained from Stephanie Carter’s body was a busted flush as were the fingerprints and they had little else to go on and the phone that had been used to lure them into the trap at the warehouse had gone dead so they were running out of leads.
Nothing new came to light and to make matters worse the New York Times printed a follow up piece in the political commentary section.
Senator Graham Milburn has claimed that Senator Raymond de Lorraine knows more than he is admitting publicly about the disappearance and murder of his son Steven de Lorraine who was attending Camden University at the time he was listed as a missing person.
Senator Graham Milburn claims that a source has leaked to him that Camden PD appear to be making little headway into the murder investigation. Senator Milburn also claims that there is a bigger conspiracy that would hurt Senator de Lorraine publicly and politically and that there is speculation that Steven de Lorraine’s murder might be linked to involvement in criminal activities.
Camden PD are refusing to be drawn into the feud between the two senators who are both vying for the party whip position and has reiterated that it is policy not to comment on ongoing investigations.
Senator de Lorraine could not be contacted for comment and his office claims that it is a personal matter and that the senator and his wife should be allowed to grieve in private. Senator de Lorraine returns to Washington next week where it is expected that the feud between the two senators will continue in the party rooms and on the floor of the Senate.
Captain James McElroy had received an ass-kicking from the mayor and because shit rolls downhill Tommy was called into the captain’s office to receive his own ass-kicking and was told to use any and all available means to solve the case and to keep the details under wraps.
Julie decided to present herself professionally but sensuously at her meeting with ‘Amanda’ and chose a black leather skirt, matching heels, a white silk blouse and red jacket. Her ensemble was tight fitting and designed to put on display her best features. Her makeup was on the heavier side but not outlandish.
She and Tommy tested the Phantom software in the car to ensure that it was working. Tommy would let Julie enter the lobby bar at the Marriott and meet with Amanda and then follow her in and find a seat at the bar where he could keep her under surveillance.
Julie entered the bar and quite a few heads turned in her direction. She looked stylish but could also be perceived to be a high-class hooker. A woman sitting alone at a table in the far corner beckoned to her and Julie took a deep breath and made her way over.
Amanda turned out to one of those women who could be any age from forty to sixty. She was dressed in a fashion-label pale pink tailored skirt-suit with a black satin camisole top. Her makeup was perfect and her blonde hair was piled high on her head in a Patsy Stone banged beehive. Her long legs were sheathed in glossy tan hosiery.
“You must be Julie,” Amanda air kissed Julie’s cheek and indicated for her to sit.
“I must say you look even better than your pictures,” Amanda complimented her.
“Ok let’s not fuck around. In your resume you say you’ve been employed in this kind of work before so you understand that confidentiality and tact are paramount. Fleur de Lis clientele are mostly the rich and famous and as our slogan says, we offer them whatever they desire,” Amanda took a tablet out of her large designer bag.
“You’re lucky in a way because I had someone with similar qualities to yourself on my books until recently but she is no longer with us. My intention is to offer you to her client list. She was younger than you but other than that I think most of her clients will be willing to date you as an alternative,” Amanda got right down to it.
“I’m staying at the Grand Hotel in a suite until I find somewhere permanent to live but it is discreet and will do for now,” Julie offered.
“Ok. Your application was submitted through Randy’s login so I assume he told you how we operate. I take it you will have no issue with providing your clients with the range of mind-altering and performance enhancing substances that we offer as a secondary leisure pursuit,” Amanda raised her brows as much as she could on her Botoxed forehead.
“I don’t use them personally but I have no problem supplying them providing I don’t have to procure them,” Julie chose her words carefully.
“But your hormone supplements do not affect your ability to perform?” Amanda was very forthright.
“Not at all. I can top as well as bottom,” Julie said and cringed inwardly knowing that Tommy was listening in.
“Ok, let us put you on a one month trial to see if we are a good fit. I’ll give you a login and password. When you login for the first time I will need your bank account details so we can pay you. You take one third of the fee and you keep any cash gratuity that the client gives you. Other than that you never handle cash,” Amanda got down to business.
“The subsidiary transactions made to purchase those substances you upsell are also paid for electronically and you receive one third of any sales made. Everything is done through the website and the app. We will seldom meet in person,” Amanda explained.
“You will however be given a mobile phone number to use in event of an emergency and one of Fleur de Lis security staff will arrive at your door as soon as possible. I expect a woman of your expertise should be able to de-escalate most situations without any fuss so only use the number in event of a genuine emergency,” Amanda said sagely.
“You are also responsible for your own health care. We require you to lodge proof of your PrEP prescription and a STI clearance medical certificate every four weeks,” Amanda added.
“Is that it?” Julie asked.
“That’s all,” Amanda stood up ready to leave.
“When you log in for the first time there will be instructions and procedures to follow but all going well you should be working as soon as the day after tomorrow,” Amanda dropped her tablet back in her bag.
“One last thing. Any breach of client confidentiality or Fleur de Lis terms of employment will be dealt with quite severely. You’re a big girl, you understand that don’t you?” Amanda gave Julie a withering look and Julie merely nodded.
“Good. Welcome to Fleur de Lis,” Amanda offered her hand and Julie shook it.
Tommy watched Amanda sashay out of the bar and followed her as far as the parking valet but she didn’t pick up her personal vehicle, instead she slipped into the rear of a rented limousine and Tommy quietly cursed because he hoping to trace her plates. If they had more detectives working the case they could tail her. Tommy could try and tail her anyway but he decided against it and went back inside the Marriott to join Julie at the bar.
As he approached Julie he saw a tall handsome man talking to her. The man smiled at Julie ruefully and walked away from her table heading back to the long bar.
“What did that jagoff want?” Tommy asked pulling up a chair.
“He wanted to give me a thousand dollars to spend the night with him in his room. He thought I was a hooker,” Julie looked amused.
“Well you’re about to become one,” Tommy sniped.
Julie reached across the table and took Tommy’s hand in hers.
“We’re making real progress here Tommy. We might break the case,” Julie stroked his hand.
“But I don’t like the way we are going about it. What we are doing is illegal. You know that any evidence you get will be fruit of the poisoned tree. We have no warrants, no subpoenas, we’re operating off the grid,” Tommy squeezed Julie’s hand.
“Tommy, I don’t profess to know everything about you but I know enough about you that operating in the grey area of law enforcement is nothing new to you. All we need to know is who was with Stephanie Carter on the evening she was killed. We can make a case against him once we know who he is, especially if the DNA is a match. We’ll let the prosecutor’s office deal with the legalities,” Julie whispered.
“Let’s go back to my room and get started, we can’t do any of this in the precinct house; it needs to be off the books. I’ll make it worth your while when we’ve finished working. We can stop and get something nice to drink at the liquor store and I’ll spring for room service,” Julie leaned over the table and made to kiss Tommy but he flinched.
“We shouldn't show any public displays of affection,” Tommy cleared his throat to hide his embarrassment.
Julie was used to men not wanting to be seen being intimate with her in public even though it was doubtful that anyone in the bar had clocked her. She hoped that it was just Tommy wanting to behave professionally in public and not that. She really hoped it was not that.
“Amanda didn’t say anything to me that could be used to incriminate her. She chose her words carefully and deliberately. She’s no mug. There was no direct reference to drugs or prostitution,” Julie decided to change track.
“I told you that I don’t like the idea of you going undercover as an employee of Fleur de Lis. So far we have nothing concrete on them being involved in the murder or what happened to me in the warehouse,” Tommy sulked.
“But she did hint that she would be directing Stephanie’s clients my way. As I have said before, if I can get access to Stephanie’s client list we can start working our way through it and find out who her clients were on the night she was murdered,” Julie reiterated.
“What’s the plan? You going to fuck your way through Stephanie's client list and during post-coital cuddling ask the john if they are a murderer.” Tommy quipped.
“I think we can come up with a better way of doing it than that Tommy. Let’s get the fuck out of here,” Julie snatched up her bag and made to leave.
Back in Julie’s hotel room Julie went to work. She found the link to the Fleur de Lis website and her login details in an email sent to the email address she had provided in her application. There was also a link to the Fleur de Lis app which she downloaded to her private phone.
There was no way that Julie was going to provide her personal banking details to Fleur de Lis. She found a bank that would let her open an account online provided she was willing to make an immediate deposit. She created the new account and deposited two thousand dollars of her own money and the account was created.
She was provided with an e-credit card which she stored in the wallet of her phone. She sent the bank account details to Fleur de Lis and received an instant reply acknowledging that the account had been registered in her name at Fleur de Lis and all payments would paid into that account.
On the Fleur de Lis app was a link to an electronic payment app which she downloaded. Clients would use the tap-and-go function to pay for any pharmaceuticals that Julie provided to them.
“You know that once you make a single drug sale you have committed a felony,” Tommy griped.
“I think once I agree to a monetary transaction for sexual services I’ll have committed a crime Tommy. Our plan is to try to find the guy or guys who murdered Stephanie Carter by luring them into a honey trap. I have no intention of actually fucking the guy or selling him any drugs,” Julie said coolly.
“What if the murderer wasn't a client? What if we have it all wrong? What if it was a jilted lover or a burglar or some psycho?” Tommy countered.
“Do you really think Stephanie’s murder wasn’t somehow linked to Fleur de Lis?” Julie asked.
Tommy shook his head. He didn’t have an answer.
The final step in setting up her profile on Fleur de Lis was to provide a nom de plume. She chose the name Candy and submitted it.
Tommy wasn’t drinking beer tonight. He acquiesced to drinking the Australian Pinot Noir that Julie had selected at the liquor store. They ate the best that room service had to offer: seared scallops followed by New York strip with all the trimmings.
They had kissed a little when they first entered the hotel room but Julie had work to do and then the food arrived so they didn’t have time for canoodling but Tommy had been studying Julie closely as she moved around the room. The tight black leather skirt kept riding up her thighs and Julie had to keep tugging at the hem to keep it down. Tommy found her long legs clad in the black sheer hose were a distraction as was the turn of her hips and the sway of her buttocks. Her perfume was alluring and further beguiled him.
Her red jacket was open and the swell of her breasts cupped in the lacy black bra was visible through the sheer white blouse. Her bangs framed Julie’s entrancing face, her eye makeup was heavy, her lips bright red; she kept playing with her hair and Tommy was becoming increasingly aroused. He could well understand why the man in the bar at the Marriott had mistaken Julie for a high-priced hooker.
They ate in the little dining nook and Julie collected the plates, cutlery and side dishes and put them on the tray and carried them into the kitchenette and Tommy’s eyes followed the curve of her buttocks and her coltish legs as she moved around the suite and he eased back his chair and followed her to the kitchenette.
When Julie put the tray on the marble counter he sidled up to her and pressed himself into her back. He leaned in and kissed her neck, drawing in her perfume as his lips nuzzled her soft delicate skin. Julie purred as Tommy put his arms around her trim waist and held her close. Julie could feel his steely rod pressing against her buttocks.
“I’m nearly done here,” Julie whispered, anticipating Tommy’s need.
Tommy unbuttoned her blouse and slipped his hands inside and caressed her breasts through the lace cups, feeling her nipples harden to his touch. Julie turned her head and Tommy found her mouth and kissed her. She tasted of sweet wine and expensive lipstick.
Tommy popped her breasts free of her brassiere and pawed at them, flicking her nipples until they were fully engorged. His crotch rubbed against her buttocks insistently.
“Wow! Let’s move this to the bedroom,” Julie’s voice was sultry with anticipation.
Tommy kept one hand on her breast, tweaking the nipple between his fingertips while the other journeyed down her body to her hip. He rested it there as he kissed her passionately, nipping her tongue gently.
“Let’s go,” Julie gasped as her excitement swelled.
Tommy kept her pressed against the counter as his hand slipped under her skirt and stroked her thighs. He thrust his tongue into her mouth and ground his groin into her.
Julie attempted to twist away from him and Tommy used his strength to keep her pressed against the counter as his fingers pinched her nipple and pawed at her buttocks.
“Come on Tommy, let me get ready for you and I’ll join you on the bed,” a little irritation entered her voice.
“Here,” Tommy growled and nipped at the back of her neck.
Tommy’s fingers circled her pert buttocks. Her panties slid over her pantyhose as he pawed at her; the rasp of her glossy satin panties rubbing against her nylons was audible above their heavy breathing.
“Not here Tommy. I’m not ready,” Julie began to struggle.
Tommy’s weight lifted off her and for a second Julie thought that Tommy was acquiescing to her desire to let her get ready for him and move to the bedroom and she smiled at the thought of pleasuring Tommy after a long hard day.
Tommy’s hand left her breast and his arm circled her waist. He pulled her away from the counter, her heels skittering on the tiled floor. He pushed down on her back and kicked her heels apart and rucked her skirt up around her waist exposing her curvaceous buttocks clad in the black, lace-trimmed panties.
“Tommy no!” Julie said, exasperated at Tommy’s insistence.
“You wanna pretend to be a whore; then I’ll treat you like one,” Tommy grunted as he yanked at her panties, pulling them down to the top of her thighs.
Julie’s face was pressed into the countertop as Tommy used all his weight to hold her down with her back bent and her spread legs apart. She heard the ominous sound of his zipper and then he tore a little hole in the crotch of her pantyhose.
“No Tommy, I’m not ready,” she beseeched him as she felt the head of his cock press into the crevice of her buttocks.
He pressed his glans into her sphincter and Julie hissed and gyrated her buttocks to prevent him entry. Julie constricted her sphincter as Tommy tried to force his way inside her. Tommy was frustrated and he searched the countertop and saw the little butter dish on the dinner tray. He scooped up the remaining butter and smeared it on his swollen phallus, desperately trying to hold Julie down as he did so.
This time his cock slid into Julie’s rectum easily and Tommy pushed it all the way into her until his groin nestled in Julie’s soft, pantyhose-sheathed bottom. He gripped her hips and stayed perfectly still, trying to suppress the orgasm that threatened to erupt as Julie’s tight sphincter constricted around the base of his penis and her rectal muscles clutched at his shaft and glans.
When Tommy’s cock slid into her ass Julie knew that the fight was over. He’d won and she surrendered. Tommy would have to deal with the consequences of entering her unclean because as soon as his cock opened her sphincter and his glans pressed on her prostate she became concupiscent. Her cock hardened and her testes descended as ripples of pleasure spread from her rectum to her groin.
She pushed back against him.
“Come on then Tommy, fuck me,” Julie wriggled her buttocks.
Tommy held Julie by the hips and began to slam his cock in and out of her tight passage, the sensation was overwhelming. Her anus caressed his cock in a velvet grip and her gossamer-clad bottom squirmed against his groin when he fully impaled her.
“You whore!” Tommy hissed and fucked Julie with a series of long deep thrusts.
Julie released her penis from the confines of her pantyhose and stroked it viciously as she felt her climax rushing upon her like an oncoming train.
“Well fuck me like a whore Tommy! Give it to me you cocksucker!” Julie pressed back against him and began to writhe as she felt Tommy’s cock judder inside her anus.
She sobbed as her orgasm blossomed and her senses became overloaded with the intensity of it. Her cock throbbed and her anus palpitated, the sensations of Tommy expressing himself deep inside her, her buttocks pressed against his goin with his glans pushing on her prostate caused her to cry out at the intensity of it. Ropes of semen erupted from her throbbing cock. She whipped her hand back and forth as her juices spattered on the counter wall and tiled floor.
Tommy held onto Julie like a bucking bronco as she shuddered and bucked against him. His cock felt like it was about to burst and then he experienced the sweet release of orgasm as his seed spewed forth from his quivering manhood. At that instant in time he both loved and loathed Julie.
She had fought him valiantly and then surrendered utterly to him.
He held onto her tightly as he ejaculated every scintilla of his essence deep inside her, the cloying stench of her musky semen invaded his nostrils and he knew that she too had climaxed. His fingers dug into her hips as he deposited the last of his spend in her warm, tight channel.
Julie stayed bent over, her breathing jagged, her body spasming even as Tommy pulled his cock out of her with an audible plop. She felt the mess he had made begin to dribble down her thighs. The piquancy of butter, semen and ordure drifted upward from her crotch and she reached down and pulled up her panties tightly. She kept her skirt rucked up out of the way of the mess.
“What the fuck was that Tommy?” she said between jags of hyperventilation.
Tommy’s head was bowed. He’d never felt so sated whilst at the same time felt so ashamed of himself.
“I'm sorry Julie, I just lost control. I couldn’t stop myself,” Tommy whispered, his breathing still jagged.
“Well I’m using the bathroom first, so you can clean up in the kitchen sink or stand around with a dirty cock waiting to go next,” Julie scowled.
Tommy watched Julie walk almost bowlegged to the bedroom, still unsteady on her feet and then he looked down at his groin. He had to suffer the indignity of kicking off his shoes and taking off his pants and underwear whilst keeping his penis away from his clothing. Lucky for him he was still semi-erect, although his erection soon shrivelled when he awkwardly put his privates under the cold water from the kitchenette spigot. He found some dishwashing detergent under the sink and thoroughly washed himself.
Julie emerged from the bedroom dressed in a chiffon nighty and clean panties. She smelled of bath soap and her hair was wet from the shower. She found Tommy sitting on the couch with his head in his hands and Julie sat down beside him.
To her amazement she found that Tommy was weeping. He screwed his knuckles into the corner of his eyes to stem the flow of tears.
“I’m sorry,” he whispered, around a crying jag.
Julie had come out of the bedroom angry but her anger dissipated and she sat down beside him and she put an arm around him to comfort him. He nestled his head in her shoulder.
“See what I mean about becoming my father,” his voice muffled against her neck.
“It was just a little roleplay Tommy. I would have spiked you with my heel if I really didn’t want you to fuck me like that,” Julie said and they both knew that what she said was a half-truth.
She led Tommy into the bedroom and undressed him then she put on a show as slid into a pair of gossamer flesh-toned stockings and slipped on her high heels. She joined him on the bed and this time they made love, they didn’t just fuck.
Day Six
Julie had received another email from Fleur de Lis overnight advising her to login and activate her account. She called Tommy who told her that he would check in at Police Plaza and then join her in her hotel room. What they were doing now had moved out of the grey area and bordered on entrapment and was possibly felonious.
Julie made coffee and ordered breakfast from room service and logged into her Fleur de Lis account. There was a link provided for Julie to upload copies of her PrEP prescription and latest STI clearance medical certificate.
The dating apps that Julie used didn’t require any such formality. You selected an escort, you paid for his services by credit card, you fucked and if he was any good you tipped him. Julie deliberately chose different men each time to provide her with what she needed. She had no interest in establishing any sort of relationship with any of the men who serviced her needs.
But having sex with multiple partners came with associated risks, as she’d discovered in the period when she became dangerously promiscuous after being raped by the frat boys so she had regular check-ups. She had been prescribed PrEP since adolescence and was fanatical about taking the medication at the same time every day.
Julie’s last check-up had been just before she left New York and she took photographs of her PrEP prescription and her STI clearance certificate and uploaded the JPEG images. This was a calculated risk because she would be providing Fleur de Lis with documentation that contained her real name but she had come this far and Fleur de Lis guaranteed that their confidentiality agreement worked both ways.
By the time she had showered and dressed she had received a reply advising her that her profile was now active and instructions on how to pick up her first supply of pharmaceuticals. She was provided with a four number combination for a luggage locker at Camden Union Station.
She went alone to pick up the drugs because if it was a trap she didn’t want to implicate Tommy.
There was no trap and Julie dropped the Ziploc bag that she found inside the storage locker into her purse without inspecting the contents. She drove back to her hotel and put the drugs in her hotel safe. She had no intention of selling any but she was sure that Amanda or one of her minions would check to make sure that Julie had taken possession of them.
Tommy arrived looking tired and moody. He kissed Julie perfunctorily and she made him coffee and explained to him where she was at.
“Now that you have taken possession of the drugs you have committed a felony,” Tommy grimaced as he sipped coffee.
“Come on Tommy. Undercover cops and DEA agents make drug deals every day in the performance of their duties,” Julie replied.
“Yes, but if you on sell them on to clients you’re effectively a drug dealer,” Tommy countered.
“We’ve already crossed the Rubicon, Tommy. There’s no going back now.” Julie said testily.
“Anyway it shouldn’t get to that nor should I have to fuck my way through Stephanie’s client list. Once I lure the clients into my bedroom and get them to verbally admit to paying for my services, I will identify myself as a police detective and show them my badge. I will compel the mark to provide a DNA sample or threaten to arrest him, inclusive of a perp-walk. If these guys are rich and famous they do not want that,” Julie said smugly.
“And when you get the killer in there and he tries to kill you rather than provide a DNA sample?” Tommy countered.
“I’ll have my service weapon handy under a pillow and a big strong police detective close by waiting to come to my rescue,” Julie smiled and leaned in and kissed Tommy quickly on the lips.
“It sounds like a dumb plan to me. I’d prefer it if we hit Fleur di Lis with a whole bunch of warrants and subpoenas,” Tommy griped.
“I told you why that won’t work,” Julie sighed.
“Then let’s have a fucking SWAT team standing by and take down these assholes one by one when they come to visit you,” Tommy said angrily.
“Well there is a little a matter of PC. Even us alphabet soup people know that setting a SWAT team on a person suspected of soliciting a prostitute probably constitutes excessive force and rich and famous assholes employ rich and famous lawyers who would put you, me and Captain McElroy through the wringer,” Julie sniped.
“Yeah… sorry about the alphabet soup remark,” Tommy’s anger had dissipated.
“Stop saying sorry,” Julie smiled and kissed him and Tommy held her close for longer than was prudent because they both became horny but there was work to do.
She opened Fleur de Lis’ main page and found her profile listed under ‘Specialties’. The gold star icon in the top corner indicated that she was only available to gold star members. Amanda, or whatever her real name was, had decided that Candy was hot property. Julie couldn’t help but feeling a little tickled that she was considered so privileged.
Whoever had compiled her profile had knocked five years off her age and edited her pictures to make her look even more attractive and alluring. The list of services she offered was exhaustive and Julie winced when she read some of the more extreme. Thank god she wouldn’t have to actually provide those perversions.
She deliberately kept the laptop turned away from Tommy until she found what she was looking for. Fleur de Lis had provided Julie with a list of prospective clients which Julie assumed were Stephanie Carter’s regulars. Not that it helped much because they were all listed under pseudonyms and the only way to contact them was through the website or the app.
Tommy had brought in some paperwork from Police Plaza and was busy working on his own laptop when Julie went to the kitchenette to make more coffee. When she turned around she saw that Tommy was sitting in front of her laptop looking at Candy’s profile.
“Jesus Julie!” a look of disgust crossed Tommy’s face as he looked at her pictures and read her profile.
“It’s a fucking trap Tommy. I’m just bait. You know that’s not who I am right?” Julie brought the coffee over and set the cups down.
“Where am I going to be when you entertain these so called clients? Have you thought about that?” Tommy asked, his face still a mew.
“I already booked you a room here in the hotel,” she held out the passkey to him.
“I couldn’t get another suite so you're four floors below me, that's the closest room I could get. You can listen in the on Phantom software and if it looks like I need backup, you come a running,” Julie sidled up to Tommy and stroked his arm.
“It’s a long way from my room to your suite,” Tommy reached for his coffee.
“You're fit Tommy. If the elevator car isn’t on your floor you can race up the stairs. You will be like a superhero coming to my rescue,” Julie rubbed against him like a cat seeking attention.
“Don’t joke about this Julie and don’t think you can beguile me into thinking this is a good idea,” Tommy sipped coffee, ignoring Julie’s advances.
“Really Tommy? Do you find me beguiling?” she reached down into his crotch and found a burgeoning erection.
“You wanna put that thing to good use? We have plenty of time before I have to set up the honey trap,” Julie squeezed Tommy’s cock and he groaned.
Just then Julie’s personal phone pinged. She had an alert on the Fleur de Lis dating app. She snatched up her phone and saw that she had a message from a man who used the nickname ‘Caesar’.
She opened the chat box read the message: Hi Candy. 7pm at your place? I want you all evening was the succinct message.
Julie replied: of course, any special requests?
Caesar replied: just you doll and wear the lingerie you are wearing in your profile pics
Julie tapped away on her phone: you like what you see (smiley face emoji)
Caesar came back: i like your kind and my regular girl is no longer available
Julie’s heart began to race as she typed a reply: Angel?
There was no reply. The little pulsing ellipses in the text box flatlined.
“Fuck! I went too far and scared him away,” Julie hissed.
The room was silent for what seemed like an eternity and then the little typing awareness indicators began their little dance.
Julie’s phone lit up: yes. 7pm. your place. all night. deal?
Julie smiled and typed of course Caesar. I’m at the Grand hotel. Penthouse suite 4
She received a response immediately: don’t forget the lingerie, stockings and heels
The text box closed.
A few minutes later her banking app pinged. Two thousand dollars had been deposited into her account which meant that Caesar had paid Fleur de Lis six thousand dollars for her services. Julie knew that was a very good price even though she had never booked an overnight session herself. Once she had finished using her dates she wanted them gone.
“Okay Tommy we’re on. This Caesar guy is listed as one of Angel’s favourites,” Julie tapped the screen on her laptop and sounded excited. Tommy looked morose but the trap had been set.
“I’ll try somehow to get this guy to admit that he was with Stephanie Carter on the night she was murdered. Something innocuous like ‘when was the last time you saw Angel?’ but I won’t push it. It will be even better if he also asks me to provide him with an illicit substance,” Julie reiterated the salient points of their plan.
“Once I get him in the bedroom and get him to admit that he has paid for my services I’ll whip out my badge and gun and make him an offer he can’t refuse. Provide a DNA sample or we perp walk him into Police Plaza,” Julie continued.
“What if he’s just some rich asshole who doesn’t care if he’s exposed in the media? Plenty of the rich and famous have been caught out using prostitutes. Eddie Murphy’s career hasn’t suffered or that floppy-haired limey guy,” Tommy grunted.
“Clients using Fleur de Lis do so not only because they can have whatever they desire; they are also guaranteed anonymity,” Julie countered.
“We need a safe word. Something out of context that can’t be mistaken in case something goes wrong and you want me to hightail it up here,” Tommy insisted.
“Good idea. What about ‘unicorn’? I can’t imagine a context that we would use that word in normal conversation,” Julie offered and Tommy agreed.
They tested the Phantom software and then Tommy went down to his room and they tested it again.
Julie douched before she showered which was unnecessary because she had no intention of engaging in sex. But it was part of the ritual of preparing to meet someone that was familiar to everyone on the trans spectrum, from weekend closet crossdressers to transgender women who had retained their penis. It’s just what you did.
You never knew when sex might happen and being a good girl scout Julie liked to be prepared.
She wasn’t prepared the night the four frat boys raped her. They made fun of her because of it, laughing at her sodomised shitty ass when they had finished using her.
Julie had the last laugh though when she attended the drunkard's funeral and again six years later when she kicked the shit out of the two serial rapists before she arrested them. It was the only time that she had used excessive force making an arrest. She had laughed again when they each got fifteen years without the possibility of parole.
She would eventually catch up to the asshole CEO and then she would laugh at him too.
She had laid out the clothing Caser requested she wear on the bed: the ultra-sheer nylon stockings, black lacy boy-leg panties and the semi-transparent black negligee. The black high heels sat on the floor ready for her to wear when he arrived. She sprayed herself liberally with perfume; her makeup was heavy, slutty. She needed to look the part.
Julie checked in with Tommy as five minutes to seven and waited nervously for the door chime.
While she waited she thought about all the things that could go wrong and all the things they should have done. The hotel’s security cameras would capture Caesar entering the hotel but she and Tommy should probably have set up their own surveillance cameras. But that was a double edged sword because although it would incriminate this Caesar guy it would also prove that she and Tommy had lured him into an unsanctioned honey trap.
Julie centred herself. They both knew that any evidence they obtained would be inadmissible but once they knew the identity of Stephanie's killer they could then use legitimate means to obtain a legal DNA sample or use the warrants and subpoenas that Tommy had proposed so vehemently. Everything was a risk but Julie wanted justice for Stephanie Carter. Too many transgender women were tossed aside by the legal system. She doubted that if Stephanie Carter hadn’t been born Senator Raymond de Lorraine son there would be any time or resources spent solving her murder. She would be just another tranny prostitute who met an untimely end.
The doorbell chimed and Julie slipped on her heels, checked for the twentieth time that her badge and gun were under the pillows on the big bed, and made her way to the front door.
Julie peeked through the peephole and immediately recognised the man standing outside her door. She was very excited but she would feign ignorance and concentrate on the job at hand. For now she needed to behave like a seductress.
Julie opened the door wide and gave her client a brilliant smile. Her perfume wafted into the hallway and her client smiled back at her. His eyes unapologetically roamed over her body. Caesar wanted to see that he had got what he had paid for after all.
“You’re perfect,” the client’s smile was dazzling but also a little evil.
“Come in Caesar,” Julie returned his smile.
She stepped into the room so that Caesar could follow her and too late she heard a second set of footfalls behind him. She turned quickly and saw not only Caesar but a man she vaguely recognised, not his face, but his build and mannerisms as he followed Caesar into the room and closed and locked the door. She was sure that it was the man from the warehouse.
Julie was about to scream “unicorn!” when the muscled man clamped his big hand across her mouth.
Julie felt the sting of the needle then she felt nothing. That’s not quite true. She could see, hear and feel everything but she couldn’t move and she couldn’t talk. The room spiralled. Julie was lightheaded. An out of body sensation took over, sending her soul somewhere dark while her body performed the menial tasks of breathing and keeping her heart beating. The only part of her body she could move was her eyes. It was horrifying.
“It’s the same stuff Mister Wilson used on your partner so you are familiar with the effects,” Senator Graham Milburn said.
“It’s a derivative of Rohypnol but far more powerful,” Graham Milburn said as he carried Julie into the bedroom and lowered her onto the bed.
Julie just stared up at the senator. At least she could move her eyes. She tried her best to flash her hatred at him.
“You have beautiful expressive eyes. You want to know what happened to Stephanie Carter don’t you? I might as well tell you because you will never tell another soul. You see, you’re going to suffer the same fate,” the senator flashed a straight razor in front of Julie’s face.
“Of course I’m going to fuck you first and so is Mister Wilson. Neither of us will wear condoms so your CSI people can link our sperm with the specimens we left in Stephanie. We will pose you just like we posed Stephanie,” the senator licked his thick red lips and Julie shuddered inwardly.
“As soon as I saw your profile posted on Fleur de Lis I recognised you and knew that I had to have you. It was silly of you really because now I have the means of disposing of you, ruining Tommy Lomax’s career and sending Camden PD into a never-ending spiral as they search for a serial killer,” Graham Milburn grinned.
“If you people had just followed the trail of clues we left you none of this would be necessary. That useless fat fuck Jack Shepard was supposed to lead detective Lomax down the path of the drug dealer scenario but then you showed up,” Graham traced a finger along Julie’s thigh.
Julie might have been paralysed but her brain was still working. Now it made sense why Jack Shepard was so pissed that Julie had been brought in on the case, why he kept badgering Tommy about how the case was progressing and why he kept sticking his nose in. She tried not to think about the senator’s fingers stroking her legs.
“But let’s start from the beginning shall we?” the senator caressed Julie’s flesh.
“I’ve always had a penchant for special girls like you but of course I could never indulge my fantasies because of who I am. You could imagine the furore if it got out that Graham Milburn liked to diddle ladyboys,” Graham smiled evilly and Julie hated him even more if that were possible.
“Then these adult dating sites that catered to people like me began to popup and how wonderful was that? I could entertain my perversions in secrecy. All it took was money and I have plenty of that,” the senator patted Julie’s thigh as if she understood.
“A friend of mine who has his own perversions put me onto Fleur de Lis and when I saw Stephanie Carter I had to have her. Of course I had no idea that in a former life she was Steven de Lorraine. She recognised me immediately but she still let me do all the dirty little things that I enjoy doing to ladies like you,” the senator began to stroke Julie’s thigh again.
“Then the silly little bitch told me who she was and of course she knew about the rivalry between me and her father. She hated her father as much as I do but Stephanie was never one to let a business opportunity pass her by,” the senator's fingers drifted across the front of Julie’s panties and she shivered inwardly.
“Stephanie blackmailed me. Threatened to expose me for what I was. She said nothing would be better than coming out to the world so that daddy and mummy would be forever shamed whilst at the same time she ruined my political career and my reputation. She was smart I’ll give her that,” the senator stroked the bulge in Julie’s panties.
Julie wasn’t erect and she would never be again because she knew she was going to die.
“Stephanie wanted a lot of money up front and she wanted a stipend to keep her living the lifestyle she had become accustomed to. Of course it would be far away from Camden. She probably imagined herself living on some tropical island being buggered regularly by a dark handsome houseboy,” the senator became bored with Julie’s flaccid cock and his hand began a journey back down her thigh.
“I was tempted or make her a counteroffer. It would have been blissful irony to keep Stephanie as my mistress, knowing that I was boning Raymond de Lorraine’s little boy up the ass on a regular basis. The only thing that would be better was if he and his stuck-up hag of a wife knew about it,” the senator sniggered, the hatred he felt for the de Lorraines flashed across his eyes.
“But I couldn’t take the risk of course so I employed the services of Mister Wilson whom I have used on a number of occasions to do dirty little deeds for me,” the senator’s fingers continued down to Julie’s ankles.
“I love the feeling of expensive nylons on a good set of legs, don’t you? I don’t know why ladies nowadays hardly ever wear them. But I digress, where was I?” the senator chuckled.
“I made my regular appointment with Stephanie but this time I brought along Mister Wilson who drugged her for me so I could have some fun with Stephanie before Mister Wilson cut her throat. He had a go too. He explained that having multiple semen samples inside Stephanie would make the CSIs job more difficult but I think once Mister Wilson saw how magnificently beautiful Stephanie was he just wanted to fuck her,” the senator’s fingers began their journey back up Julie’s legs.
“We posed her like you found her. We figured that once the police found the drugs they would go looking for a dealer or possibly a pimp. Mister Wilson knew Detective Shepard from the private security firm where Jack moonlighted. The fat fuck took the money and we thought that was the end of it,” the senator sounded smug.
Neither Mister Wilson’s DNA nor my mine is on file anywhere so that would be a dead end. Jack Shepard would find a drug dealer to pin the murder on. Mister Wilson provided Jack with DNA samples from Stephanie for your CSIs to find on the dealer’s dead body,” the senator patted Julie’s thigh like he was explaining a fairy story to a young girl.
“But then you and Tommy stuck you noses in and here we are,” the senator sighed with the finality of all.
“Such a waste,” the senator shook his head.
“The police will go ape-shit when they find you. Tommy will be disgraced, probably be drummed off the job after he faces misconduct proceedings. This time Jack Shepard will get it right. We’ve already selected the low-life drug dealer who will get shot resisting arrest. Jack will plant the bloody towel and DNA from Stephanie and yourself in the dealer’s home along with her laptop and phone. The panties you are wearing will also be found there,” the senator sounded content.
“Sometime down the track Jack Shepard will die in a tragic accident of course. Can’t leave any loose ends,” the senator chuckled evilly.
“And the icing on the cake is that Senator Raymond de Lorraine and his wife Judith will have to face the humiliation of the whole world knowing that their son was working as a tranny prostitute when she died,” the senator had a self-satisfied grin on his face.
The bed groaned as the senator's weight was lifted off it. He started to undress.
“Now I’m going to fuck you for a while and then Mister Wilson will have a go. I know you will be able to feel everything that we do to you, which is too bad for you but quite exciting for me. The good news is Mister Wilson tells me that you will hardly feel a thing when he cuts your throat,” the senator flashed the blade in front of Julie’s eyes.
Senator Graham Milburn was naked. His pudgy white belly was covered in wiry grey hairs. His stubby thick cock stuck out from under his belly leaking precum. The senator improved his erection until he achieved full tumescence.
“Time to fuck, sweet cheeks,” Graham Milburn grinned.
He put the razor to Julie’s throat.
“I might even do it myself this time,” the senator smirked.
Then the top of his head blew out and his blood and brains spattered on the wall behind the bed.
Julie’s face was covered in gore and she screamed inwardly. She was deafened by the sound of the gunshot.
Her eyes searched the room frantically and then she saw Tommy Lomax framed in the doorway. The gun in his hand was still smoking.
Three Months Later
On the short flight from New York to Camden City Julie remembered lying on the hotel room bed being unable to move or speak, covered in gore. She remembered Tommy pointing his gun at Mister Wilson, aching to pull the trigger, but instead he cuffed him and made him lie down on the floor.
She recalled Tommy fawning over her, ensuring that she wasn’t otherwise injured. Tommy going into the bathroom and returning with a wet facecloth to wipe the blood and gore off her face. She remembered the paramedics having to force Tommy away from her so they could treat her.
She remembered the ambulance ride with Tommy holding her hand the whole way to Camden City Community Hospital where she was required to hole up for three days under observation. She remembered the interviews with the investigating detectives who had taken the case away from Tommy.
The ambulance ride was the last time she had seen or heard from Tommy and she had steadfastly refused to text or call him.
But she would have to see Tommy tomorrow in court. Edgar Middleton, otherwise known as Mister Wilson had pleaded guilty to murder and assaulting a police officer. Even though they now had his DNA and had matched it with one of the sperm samples taken from Stephanie Carter the DA refused to charge Edgar Middleton with the rape of Stephanie because she was a prostitute. They knew that Middleton would claim the sex was consensual despite the presence of the Rohypnol-like substance in Stephanie’s bloodstream.
Edgar Middleton would have to confess to his crimes in open court and would be allowed the opportunity to allocute before a sentence was passed. The Camden City District Attorney wanted Detectives Lomax and Sanderson present in court in case the judge wanted them to validate the statement of agreed facts in Middleton’s confession which he had plea bargained in order to get the death penalty taken off the table.
There was also the slim possibility that Edgar Middleton would recant his confession and they would have to go to trial.
The irony was not lost on Julie that Camden PD had reserved a room for her at the Grand Hotel and once again she upgraded herself a suite. But not the suite in which she had nearly met her death.
She hadn't even finished unpacking when she heard a tap on the door and when she looked through the peephole she saw Tommy Lomax standing there with his head lowered. She let him in without saying a word and he followed her into the suite.
Tommy had lost weight. His suit hung off his tall, lithe frame, and he looked miserable but he still had his good looks: those deep brown eyes, the chiselled features, the mane of thick brown hair and those full sensuous lips. Julie felt her heart skip a beat but she said nothing.
Julie was wearing the same charcoal skirt-suit, white shirt and low heels that she had been wearing when they first met. She’d highlighted her hair and it looked good on her. Her makeup was subdued except for her favourite red lipstick which Tommy could almost taste when he looked at her mouth.
“You look a lot better than the last time I saw you,” was Tommy’s opening segue.
Julie just gave him a sarcastic look and pretended to be busy unpacking, but her mind was in turmoil.
“Jack Shepard is being indicted for obstruction of justice and accessory to murder,” Tommy said to fill the empty void.
“The DA was going to drop the accessory charge if Jack cooperated but Jack hasn’t much to trade now that Middleton is pleading guilty,” Tommy added.
“You forgot to add politics and power to your holy trinity of drugs, money and sex,” Julie stopped fussing in her suitcase and turned to look at him.
Tommy looked puzzled.
“Besides keeping his dirty little peccadillos a secret, Senator Milburn was determined to expose Senator de Lorraine for hiding the fact that his son Steven was in fact a trans woman named Stephanie Carter who was working as a prostitute. It would have ended de Loraine’s political career and Milburn would have stepped into the void,” Julie said.
“Yeah. This case had it all: sex, drugs, money, politics and power,” Tommy agreed with her.
“Are we gonna talk?” Tommy interrupted the awkward silence.
“About what Tommy? About you almost abandoning me when I made the decision to work for Fleur de Lis or you ghosting me once I was safely at the hospital?” Julie sniped.
“After you were safely in hospital I went to arrest Jack Shepard but he put up fight. He ended up in the same hospital as you but I was suspended and ordered not to contact you until after the trial,” Tommy shook his head and Julie sensed his remorse.
“The DA issued me with a subpoena stating that you and I were material witnesses and any form of communication between us could be construed as collusion and could possibly decimate the prosecution's case given the circumstances under which we had lured senator Milburn and Edgar Middleton to your hotel room,” Tommy was visibly shaking.
“Since when have you been one to abide by the rules Tommy?” Julie quipped.
“Since I met Julie Sanderson and realised that I was a worthless shit compared to her. I met a woman whose integrity, tenacity and vivaciousness are extraordinary. A woman who has overcome the worst of prejudice, intolerance and discrimination for no other reason than simply being who she is,” tears ran down Tommy’s face.
“Despite my desperate need to talk to you, to see you, to hold you in my arms, I couldn’t jeopardise the case against the man who had every intention of raping and killing you,” Tommy choked on his words.
“What really happened to Jack?” Julie asked suspecting that she knew the answer.
“I found the fat fuck at Police Plaza trying to shred the documents he’d copied and passed onto Edgar Middleton. I broke his nose, two ribs and left him with a testicular torsion before I arrested him. His union rep advised him to bring a case of excessive force against me until the rep heard the case against Jack and then the Police Benevolent Association washed their hands of him and suspended his membership,” Tommy gave a wry smile.
Julie was pleased to see a smile on Tommy’s hound dog face and couldn’t help smiling herself.
“So where does that leave us Tommy?” Julie looked into his big brown eyes.
“I don’t know. I can’t stop thinking about you. You turned my world upside down. You changed me. You made me a better man,” Tommy’s tears began to flow again.
“You haven’t become a tranny-chaser have you Tommy?” Julie said and immediately regretted saying it.
Tommy leaned in and kissed Julie on the forehead and turned to leave.
He took three steps towards the door before Julie put her hand on his shoulder and stopped him.
Tommy turned and looked into Julie’s emerald green eyes and felt himself drowning in them.
“You changed me too Tommy. I never met a man I could trust until I met you,” she whispered and stood on her tippytoes and kissed him softly.
Julie took his hand and led him to the bedroom.
Tommy quickly undressed but he took his time slowly undressing Julie so that he could savour every moment. He took off her jacket and hung it over the back of a chair and then he had her sit on the edge of the bed.
He removed her heels and lifted her feet to his face. He rubbed her nylon-clad feet on his cheeks, marvelling at the red nailpolish on her toenails through the reinforced toes of her nylons, inhaling the ambrosial musk. Then he kissed her cute digits and finally he suckled them.
Julie shivered with delight when he did so. The act was primal and sensual and little slivers of exhilaration radiated up her legs from her toes.
Tommy unzipped Julie’s skirt, stopping briefly to kiss the side of her mouth before he slid the skirt down her legs. He folded the garment carefully and laid it on top of her jacket. He unhurriedly unbuttoned her blouse, smiling when the heft of her breasts came into view, cupped in the lace-trimmed cups of her brassiere. He slipped a hand into the small of her back and expertly unclasped the brassiere, allowing Julie’s breasts to fall free.
He marvelled at her almost translucent flesh, tracing the blue veins with his fingertips. He circled her pinkish brown areola and her nipples engorged and he softly caressed them. Julie felt like butterflies were fluttering their wings on her nipples and she bit her lip to suppress a gasp. Then Tommy lifted each breast in turn to his mouth and ran his tongue along the fine scars left behind from her implant surgery.
Julie thought it was one of the most loving acts that had ever been performed on her and she gasped as Tommy suckled one teat and then the other.
He lifted Julie to her feet and took off her blouse and her brassiere and they joined her jacket and skirt.
Julie expected that Tommy would stop undressing her and begin to make love to her. They had always fucked while she was wearing nylons and panties but Tommy was relentless. He hooked his fingers into the waistband of her pantyhose and rolled them down her legs, bunching up her panties as he went. He slipped them off her feet and tossed them aside.
He stood looking at Julie in all her naked glory. Her body was perfectly proportioned for her size: broad shoulders, full bosom, slim waist, rounded hips and long runner’s legs. Her skin was almost alabaster and unblemished. Her pubis was bereft of hair her genitals incongruent to her perfect female form… but not to Tommy. To Tommy, Julie was perfect.
Julie had bowed her head. Tommy had never seen her completely naked and standing before him she felt vulnerable and a little ashamed. Tommy lifted her chin and placed his mouth on hers and kissed her deeply.
When she became erect Julie tried to twist her body so that her cock didn’t press against Tommy in case he found it revolting but Tommy held her still and his hand slowly snaked its way down her torso, hefting each of her breasts, circling her flat tummy and coming to rest against her turgid member. He lightly circled his fingers around the shaft and stroked it and Julie gasped into his mouth.
“Tommy, you don’t have to…” Julie began to say and Tommy shut her up by kissing her even deeper.
He lowered her onto the bed and lay down on top of her, pressing his lips to her lips, his chest to her bosom, his belly to her belly, his penis to her penis. Julie felt the heft of his cock pressing against her own protuberant member, expressing droplets of pre-ejaculate that comingled with his juices.
Julie wrapped her arms around his broad shoulders and lifted her legs and crossed her ankles behind the small of his back and Tommy’s penis was perfectly positioned for entry. It was snug between her buttocks and pressing on her puckered bud. Tommy realised that Julie was unlubricated except for the oozing precum dribbling from his cock but before he could think about asking Julie for lubricant she arched her back and thrust upward.
Tommy’s glans pierced her tight sphincter and Julie hissed. It felt like she was being impaled by a fleshy spear but the pain soon turned to pleasure and Julie smiled up at him and nodded and Tommy slowly inserted his member all the way inside Julie’s tight anus.
For the first time they were both completely naked and entwined in each other’s limbs. Their bare flesh pressed together, Julie’s long legs unadorned by pantyhose or stockings, her buttocks and pubis unencumbered by panties.
It was liberating and cathartic and tender and loving and Julie adored Tommy for taking her in her natural state.
Tommy lay still, kissing Julie softly, pausing to look into her eyes, stroking her cheek lovingly and then kissing her sweet mouth again. It was heavenly. Julie could feel Tommy’s penis filling her void, swelling and pulsing each that time his heart beat. She stroked his neck and circled her fingers in his thick hair.
Julie entwined her fingers in his curly locks and drew his face to hers, the yearning and desire building to boiling point. She opened her mouth and slid her tongue into his mouth and pulled him closer, locking her ankles in the small of his back. Her tumescent penis was flat against his belly, oozing precum. Tommy felt the heat of it and growled.
“Make love to me Tommy,” Julie whispered breathlessly.
Tommy withdrew his penis until just his glans where girded by Julie’s tight sphincter, then he slowly slid his penis back inside her warm, moist channel. Julie rose to meet him and her whole body shuddered. He did it again, the divine ache as he did so was felt by them both.
“That’s it honey; I want you so much,” Julie whimpered.
Tommy withdrew again and Julie arched her back. Tommy slipped a hand between their bodies and found Julie’s cock, rampant, throbbing and dribbling pre-ejaculate. He gently squeezed it and Julie shuddered and mewled. She could feel the divine sparklets resounding from her sphincter tightly circling Tommy’s boated appendage, feel the deep ebullience reverberating each time Tommy’s glans pressed on her prostate and the tingling delight radiating from her penis as Tommy stroked her in time with his thrusts.
Tommy felt Julie’s anus contract around his swollen member and the deep ache in his belly that told him that he was about to climax.
He fucked Julie slowly but determinedly, timing each thrust with a stroke of her cock. Julie began to writhe beneath him, her senses overwhelmed with the lust and passion of their lovemaking.
Julie whimpered and buried her face in his neck as her cock began to judder and Tommy felt the sweet heat of her spend releasing, splashing on his belly. He drove his cock into Julie as far as it would go and sought her mouth with his and kissed her with such passion that his head began to spin. His body convulsed and his cock quivered and he inseminated Julie, his issue rushing forth, filling her with his musky seed.
They were locked in an orgasmic tryst, Tommy evacuating his essence inside Julie’s tight spongy void, Julie expelling her juices onto his fingers, coating his belly with her piquant semen. Julie’s arms and legs were tightly wrapped around Tommy, holding him so close that he had to remove his hand from between their bodies. They felt each other’s hearts racing, their breathing ragged, their bodies shuddering with the intensity of it.
Their kisses were so full longing and desire that they could hardly breathe.
“Oh my god Julie, I want you so much. I adore you. I never want this to stop,” Tommy whimpered in the afterglow of his climax.
“Me too Tommy,” Julie smiled up at him and Tommy’s heart nearly broke.
They both sensed that there was more to say but it was left unspoken.
The Next Day
Before the judge could pass sentence in a plea-bargain case he had to read the statement of agreed facts submitted by the prosecutor and the defence attorney then the prosecutor had to outline the circumstances of the case in front of the judge in court. The defence attorney then had to respond that the facts in evidence were agreed upon.
Then the defendant had to state to the judge that he agreed with the terms of the plea bargain and formally plead guilty to the charges.
Edgar Middleton stood in the open court and admitted that he had killed Stephanie Carter at the behest of Senator Graham Milburn and confirmed that Senator Milburn was present in Stephanie's bedroom whilst Edgar slit her throat.
Julie and Tommy sat in the back row of the crowded courthouse listening to Middleton describe his crimes in detail, confessing to murder and implicating Senator Graham Milburn in the homicide and inculpating Detective Jack Shepard in the conspiracy to pervert the cause of justice.
When he got to the part where Senator Milburn discovered that his transgender lover was the child of Senator Raymond de Lorraine and Stephanie’s attempt to blackmail the senator the courtroom erupted and the judge banged his gavel. The journalists in the courtroom bolted for the doors attempting to be the first to publish the facts of the case online, on television and in print.
Edgar Middleton was not required to allocute the circumstances around Senator Milburn’s death nor the circumstances of his arrest. The facts were inconsequential to the charges against him and both Tommy and Julie breathed a sigh of relief when his allocution was completed and judge handed down the sentence agreed to in the plea bargain.
Jack Shepard never made it to court. Whilst out on bail the night before he was to appear in court he swallowed his service weapon and pulled the trigger.
One Month After The Court Case
Tommy Lomax sat in the garden chair drinking an ice-cold Bud, his belly full of the best barbeque he had ever eaten. He watched as Julie Sanderson and her mother Beccy fussed around the outdoor dining table clearing up after the sumptuous meal that the Sanderson’s had provided. Julie was dressed in shorts and a tank top and was wearing strappy sandals. Her arms, legs and shoulders were pink from the summer sun.
Beccy was dressed in short-shorts and a halter-top. She was as tall as her daughter and had the same crooked nose and wide mouth. They could easily be mistaken for sisters. Elliot Sanderson, Julie’s father, was as well-built as Tommy with some added muscle courtesy of his home gym. He finished cleaning the barbeque and pulled up a chair beside Tommy and took a beer from the cooler.
“They make quite a pair don’t they?” Elliot nodded in the direction of his wife and daughter and Tommy nodded.
“I love them both with all my heart Tommy. Come with me would ya? I wanna show you something,” he patted Tommy on the shoulder with paw that nearly sent Tommy sprawling out of the garden chair.
Tommy followed Elliot into the three-car garage where Elliot kept a yellow 1977 Chevrolet Camaro and Tommy whistled when he saw it.
“Quite the car,” Tommy complimented Elliot.
“I don’t give a fuck about the car Tommy. I give a fuck about my daughter,” Elliot put up his hand to stop Tommy from answering.
“You’re the only guy that Julie has ever brought home Tommy. We knew about Gail of course but Julie refused to bring her around to meet us,” Elliot continued.
“That means something Tommy,” Elliot paused to pull on his beer.
“Julie is an amazing person. She’s beautiful, perfect in fact, inside and out,” Tommy interposed.
“Don’t tell me shit I already know Tommy. What are your intentions with daughter? Do you love her?” Elliot growled.
“Yes, I love her,” Tommy’s voice broke as he said the words.
“Have you told her?” Elliot asked.
Tommy shook his head.
“Well quit fucking around and tell her before you lose her,” Elliot beamed a smile at Tommy and slapped him on the back.
Tommy returned to the Sanderson’s backyard where Julie and Beccy were sipping wine spritzers.
“Let’s take a walk. There’s something I need to tell you,” he took Julie’s hand and led her down the path that wound through the expansive gardens at the rear of the property.
The End
Note from the author: Please be kind enough to leave a comment and rate my story.
Michele Nylons
November 2023
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Quite something
I'm not someone who usually goes for the more explicit of stories but this was well written and the characters of the two main protagonists were well fleshed out. Thank you.
Whatever You Desire
a good ending
very enjoyable !
Yes, that's more like it
The last love/sex scene was just what was needed. The plumbing was somewhat different but the emotion was genuine.
Thanks for a memorable story.
This Was A Love Story
Leave aside all the gruesome details of the deaths and murders and the political shenanigans surrounding them and this story was actually a love story. Sure, you spiced it up with your trademark pornographic sex but that didn't get away from those crucial details.
Tommy came into the hotel room with his gun blazing to rescue Julie from the shitbag Senator, not for any other reason.
Michele, you are sadly under-rated here. Your stories are always worth reading. I thank you for posting on BC.
Well, well, well!
I suppose I can see the lure of the genre; it feels good when your guess about whodunnit is in the ballpark. :) It was good of the Senator to do all that nice monologuing!
I agree with Joanna on the love story angle; the final scene really capped that. Nothing sweeter than the guy who wanted to meet the parents — and the parents who wanted their daughter to have a good, normal, loving relationship.
Thank you again for sharing the story with us.
— Emma
In the past, I have usually felt guilty
when reading your stories -- the same sort of guilt I feel from on-line porn.
Although this one was very similar to your earlier ones, something made it different. I think it was because your two main characters were for once, genuinely, likeable people.
Of all of youts I have read, this was definitely the one I liked best. I believe you liked them too!