sighs, the hate gets worse
TopShelf TG Fiction in the BigCloset!
sighs, the hate gets worse
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Saturday night can be a war zone
for drunk women who are out on the town. Groups of young women who get well pissed before going out and then drinking heavily and becoming very beligerent. I've been on a tube train when a large group of them (actually a hen party) got into my carriage. They started slagging off anyone they encountered. I got off at the next stop.
Many of these women are showing what they have got up top. No imagination needed. Then short skirts and high heels plus lots of makeup and you have a good description of them.
Typical populist politics
So, Steve Barclay respects the privacy, dignity and safety of all patients, does he? Where is he going to put women who have been through transition, or who are well on the way to full transition? How does he feel about their “privacy, dignity and safety”?
If he is referring to men who have just decided to self-identify as female then I would support this, but that is not what he said at all.
This was just done to appeal to the right wing, Daily Mail reading Tories leading up to an election. It is the sort of thing that has been an issue in the States but most people in the UK really couldn’t give a toss about. To think, I used to vote Tory! D’Oh!!.
Undeservedly Fortunate
Here where I live, almost everyone I have encountered have been friendly and accepting. In the areas where the haters are, I just stay away. I'm not in stealth, but do my best to look like a very conservative old woman. All my body hair was lasered off years ago. I use Cetaphil on my skin, and work very hard at getting a clean shave. For reasons that I do not understand, Laser does not work on my face, and electrolysis is very painful. The estrogen seems to have raised my voice and I am post op.
Laser effectivity for hair removal
Laser needs dark pigments in the hair to heat up and kill the follicle. About five or six years ago I had two laser sessions to try and clear my facial hair growth. During the first week after the first session I lost a lot of short hairs from my face. And my beard growth turned almost exclusively pure white (essentially without color). Before that my facial hair was sort of a dark blond color. After the second laser session there was virtually no hair loss on my face. Due to distance and difficult transit connections I was not able to schedule another session.
Now here in Germany, I have been told on consultation that due to my gray/white facial hair color a laser hair removal will NOT work, and it is pointless to make an appointment.
And I have not yet found an electrolysis tech close to my current location. That is with a commute of less than five hours one way.
Ten Years Ago
I tentatively booked an appointment for laser hair removal. The therapist took one look at my mainly grey facial hair and told me not to waste my money. The process requires pigment in the hair needing removal. If you're anything lighter than a dark blonde forget it.
of "all" patents?
He's concerned about the dignity and safety of (cis) women; I ask as male bodied person with a feminine psyche (a trans woman if you will) who's going to be concerned about my dignity and safety if I go in looking like a woman and I'm forced into male only spaces for treatment?
They talk about wards. In the US, hospital wards have nearly disappeared. The last three times I was in the hospital, dating back to the early 70s I was simply assigned to a private room. Back in the 70s I was still in denial and was masquerading as the average male, and yet when I went into the hospital for Hepatitis A I was in a private room. It's possible that because of the contagious nature of Hep A I was in a private room.
But my wife, had been in the same hospital in the late 60s to treat her low potassium (no contagion there) she was in a private room. And when I went in (in the early 90s) for gallbladder surgery, again a private room. Then in the late 90s I broke my knee. Private room.
Even folks on welfare are in private rooms. So I guess England may just be behind the times in hospitalization and are still putting people in wards.
I'm glad I don't live in England and have to rely on NHS for my medical needs.
Just to show you how bad the idea of forcing trans women into male spaces, take a look at what happened in Oregon where gender identity is a protected class by law.
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin ein femininer Mann
I find it hilarious when Americans criticise the NHS! At least in the UK I know for a fact I can go into my local doctor’s surgery for routine medical stuff, or any hospital in the country for more serious medical stuff and nobody is going to check if I have insurance to pay for it! The only thing I might have to pay for is any prescriptions I am given.
The NHS may not be perfect, but criticism of it from someone living on the other side of the pond is quite bizarre.
What Do You Expect?
The British Tories are the exact duplicate of the USA's Republicans. If they can smell a vote to be gained from bigotry they will go after it. Anything to retain power. It's easy to "protect" the 99.5% of those born female from those in the 0.5% who were not but present as female, and the proportion of the latter who wish to inflict harm on the majority (I'm guessing at 1%, i.e. 1 in 200000).
As for banning all chemical treatments, where do you start? Vaccinations and immunisations? Antibiotics? Wound sterilisation? I could go on but they make themselves ridiculous.
The larger picture is that they would do anything to reduce the scope of the NHS (they don't dare eliminate it) so that all those worthless poor people couldn't sponge off of the wealthy to get their treatments.
Both Sides are Wrong
Tennessee and Kentucky can continue to ban gender-affirming care for young transgender people while legal challenges against those state laws proceed, federal appeals judges ruled.
In a 2-1 decision by a 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals panel late Thursday, the majority wrote that elected lawmakers made “precise cost-benefit decisions” in instituting the bans and “did not trigger any reason for judges to second-guess them.” The laws were passed by Republican majorities in both states.
Liberals are pushing kids who act out into transgender medical situations. Kids who are too young and too unstable to really know what transgender is. But the thing is someone is listening to them and showing support for the first time in their life. The kids will agree to almost anything under the circumstances. Their lives are being destroyed.
No one can be made transgender who isn't. They will live a life of regret when reality settles in.
Young lives are made to suffer as transgender support is denied to those who are trans. There is no way they will ever be able to reclaim the most important years in their life. Those few years when transgender support would have gave them the opportunity to be the complete male or complete female their mind is telling them they are. There is no way denying medical support to a specific class of people could be legal in a free and open democracy. But..., illegal as it is, it can and does happen and the courts approve the discrimination against one specific class of people.
The answer for a lot of those who are truly transgender and receive no support or even worse negative support from those refusing to acknowledge or understand what transgender is..., SUICIDE! It's been the one thing those who refuse medical and mental support for transgender can't stop. Pass a law against that why don't they! See how well that one works out. The percentages range from thirty nine percent to over fifty percent because so few will reveal their child checked out because they are transgender. Sometimes the child doesn't really understand why when they pull the plug. They only know they are too miserable to go on. They aren't getting any support and they haven't become aware why the true reason they are so miserable.
If God could grant me one wish it wouldn't be for World Peace. A couple of the girls informed me they knew by the age of four. I knew by the time I was five. I guess I was a little slow? I wish every transgender whether they are transvestite or transgender could know at least by the age of six why and each one receive the support they need. Above all keep in mind, there are thousands of degrees of transgender. Not everyone is going to look at the opposite sex and think their doctor made a mistake on the birth certificate. There is nothing wrong with a nicer softer male nor a stronger more aggressive female.
Hugs Dorothy
Transgender serve a purpose in society, We give the bigots and haters someone to focus all their bigotry and hatred on.
Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl
Is there some reason that, when confronted with with transphobia, you feel the need to rush in and run interference for bigots by posting baseless right wing propaganda?
Let me remind you of a time when both sides were actually wrong.
When places where gay and trans people congregated were raided, their personal information posted in the newspaper, leading to lost jobs and suicides.
When colleges would seek out and purge gay students.
When the federal government went on a crusade against "sexual deviants."
The only reason that changed is because half of the political spectrum in the West took our side. And no amount of handwringing about the left is going to save you if they decide to come for you. John Todd, Lauren Stratford, and Mike Warnke didn't give a shit that the hysteria they stoked would destroy Virginia McMartin's life. The good people of Kokomo, Indiana screamed "We know you're queer" at Ryan White when he tried to attend school as a hemophiliac who had contracted AIDS, a disease that he never would have gotten if our government at the time bothered to study it instead of rubbing its hands with glee at the thought of all those dead f******s. Frank Silva Roque neither knew, nor cared that Balbir Singh Sodhi was not a Muslim when he murdered him four days after 9/11. And Tim McVeigh happily slaughtered 19 children when he blew up the Alfred P. Murrah Building.
Tunnel Vision
Having a passion about one's belief doesn't change the truth but can lead to the statistics one desires. I have neither the desire nor the time to debate closed minds. If anyone is interested they may try real research rather than cherry picking the data.
Transgender detransition is a taboo topic, but data shows it’s on the rise on LinkedIn
In 2017, Dr. Kinnon MacKinnon, an assistant professor of social work at York University in Toronto, thought that transgender detransitioning wasn’t really a thing. Sure, a few people who undergo gender-affirming therapy halt or undo their medical interventions and re-identify as their birth sex, but they are so few in number that their experiences don’t even merit study. After all, doing so might provide empirical firepower to anti-trans forces, he reasoned.
Six years later, Mackinnon, a transgender man, has significantly shifted his stance on detransition. In the past few years, research, including his own, has shown that rates of discontinuing or reversing gender-affirming medical or surgical interventions are likely higher than thought. Even worse, some academics still refuse to study or acknowledge the matter at all.
There are a thousand plus web sites with discussions on detransition.
I handle fanatical trans the same way I think of fanatical feminists. If I study their logic, it's like an airplane in a left hand spiral dive they have no hope of recovering from. Mackinnon, managed though so maybe there is hope for others.
Hugs Undine
When we finally learn everything, we realize we know nothing.
Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl
Sticks and Stones
You can throw out as many slurs as you like. Groomer, fanatic, closed- minded... whatever. I've heard them all. I'm not the one whipping out detransitioners as a talisman to white knight for bigots.
My heart truly bleeds for all the young men and women out there who got a bad diagnosis from an idiot doctor who saw someone with severe mental health issues and thought TRANS. But they deserve compassion and love, not to be used as pawns in the latest kulturkampf. And make no mistake, it is doctors, not the trans people fighting and bleeding for the slightest shred of dignity from a society that hates us, that bear the blame for every misdiagnosis.
Frankly, I do hope that the medical profession would learn something from this about rushing into diagnoses on troubled young people. But no one is putting a gun to their head and forcing them to prescribe hormones or perform surgery. And if your first thought when reading about a manic depressive young woman with an eating disorder being given T by a mouthbreather who got a 472 on his MCATS is "WHY WOULD LIBERALS DO THIS?!" maybe you should consider that you're letting your prejudices outrun your reason.
Thank You
Sir Humphrey! What a courageous comment!