The Elven Question – chp 11

The Elven Question

Queen Dana of Highwinds the Elf Kingdom inside the Empire has a problem. One that she cannot fix personally. The problem is with a small minority of her population. A problem that has been brought to her attention by the half elf son of a problematic Duke. What is a Queen to do? She calls on help from a friend. The question now is does she realize what she is letting loose on her kingdom?

Chapter 11
Four Winds, Highwinds
Devine Grace Hospital

Robert Wolff stood rock still looking down through the observation glass of the gallery overlooking the ER operating theater. To most people the everyday BDU uniform was out of place. To the other people in the room the sight of this man in BDUs was expected. Then again these five people were not normal for Elf Society. The oldest them was Robert’s future mother-in-law.

“She’ll pull through Robert.” Lady Isha Ventris told him as she placed her hand on his shoulder. “My daughter is stronger than she looks.”

“That is not the problem, ma’am. I know Irma will pull through. The problem is how this fracking happened in the first place.” Robert snarled as he never took his eyes of the operating table and the medical team working frantically to save the life of his love. “Colonel Wittman I am waiting for your report.”

“Sir, as of twenty-minutes ago our Investigation team has narrowed down the suspects. The team that attacked Lady Imra has returned to site tango one. Captain Starfire has deployed all five platoons from her command. The Shadow Wraiths, Night Shades, Gray Ghosts, Dead Phantoms, and the Lost Children from Alpha company are taking up positions at tango one. Current estimated enemy strength is a reinforced battalion of heavy infantry. Sir that is only an estimate. According to local Intelligence assets the Op-For is reported to have first and second generation Land Warrior Armor assets. Those reports have been confirmed by the members of Shadow Wraith team. We have been unable to infiltrate the Op-For base to confirm reports of them having IFVs and light tanks.” Grace told him in the most controlled and emotionless voice she could muster. She knew that her ability to remain professional was the only thing keeping the Whitechapel Ripper calm.

“Thank you Grace. Inform Silence that once her strike force is in position that she is to only take prisoners if possible. She is not to in danger her people. Has she been able to verify the Intel on the Op-For being members of the Millennium Assembly?” Robert asked.

“Yes sir. Silence and Big Man have confirmed the reports by four of the local Intel Assets. The Millennium Assembly has been using the Gust Wood warehouse district as some sort of training and recruitment center for the last several months. According to unsubstantiated rumors. This center is one of five. I currently have Bravo company’s Heartbreaker platoon broken down into two man investigation teams in rout to verify those rumors. If those rumors are verified I have placed the rest of our units at Black Saber for immediate strikes. I promise you sir that no one will escape us this time sir.” Grace snarled as she looked down a Imra.

“Excuse me Lieutenant Colonel but did you say five additional centers?” Prince Raygel asked her. He knew that if he didn’t get ahead of this mess the Spec Ops teams of the Nightmare Regiment would leave nothing but death in their wake. When word had arrived at the Palace of the attack on Imra Ventris. Dana send him to the hospital in hopes of controlling Robert Wolff. As it was he barely managed to stop the enraged Whitechapel Ripper from storming off into the night bent on a blood fueled revenge.

“I did your Majesty. Though we have yet to confirm those rumors. When I do have confirmation. Those centers are going to become training exercises for our people.” Grace snarled. “No one fracks with the Nightmare Regiment. Lady Imra is part of our Clan.”

“Excuse me Lieutenant Colonel but did you just say that my daughter is part of the Nightmare Regiment? She is a member of your Clan?” Isha asked her.

“I did. The day that Colonel Wolf proposed to your daughter, and she accepted. Lady Imra became a member of the Silver Moon clan. Just as Colonel Wolff is a member of our clan.” Grace told the older woman proudly as she squared her shoulders. “The Ravenswood clan may be willing to set aside their Clan Honor for political reasons. We are not. We are more than just warriors. We are Special Operations Death Dealers. We have no use for politics and those who would set aside their personal honor. Only to enrich themselves with backroom deals and false political promises.”

“I must say Colonel Wittman. I am surprised to hear that coming from you. Are all Death Dealers this passionate?” Isha asked her.

“That is not passion Mother Isha.” Robert chuckled as he finally turned away from the observation window. “That is Elven Death Dealer logic.”

“Is that so Robert. Then what is your excuse?” Isha asked of the rogue who claimed the heart of her daughter.

“He’s a rude, crude, socially unacceptable, hard ass from a planet of full of hard asses.” Dana chuckled as she and her two ever present watchdogs entered the room. “I am sorry that I could not be here sooner Colonel. I was just informed that we have a situation in the Corkscrew Nebula corridor.”

“No need to explain your Majesty. The surgeons just finished with Imra. They’re closing up the wound as we speak.” Robert told her. The smile that he gave the Royal Couple never reached his eyes. “Now that she is out of the woods. I can give the Millennium Assembly my undivided attention.”

“Colonel I expect you to use the minimum amount of force when dealing with the citizens of my nation.” Dana told him bluntly.

“Take that up with those assholes that dared to piss off my Death Dealers your Majesty. I will not reprimanded one of my troopers for carrying out their orders in a manner that insures their safety. If that means leveling a city block or high rise office building. Then that is what I expect them to do.” Robert snarled. “You wanted a Special Operations unit. I gave you that unit. If you wanted a bunch of overtrained cops. You shouldn’t have asked for Special Operations Death Dealers. Death Dealers don’t do quiet and polite. Death Dealers do load and obnoxious.”

“I warned you Dana. Death Dealers are a scalpel shaped PPC. They target their violence to have the greatest impact.” Raygel chuckled before turning to Robert. “Ripper do what you have to. Put an end to Millennium.”

“As you command your Majesty.” Robert told them before turning to Grace. “Send the word Waltz. Full recall of all units. I want every training center hit. Even the suspected centers. Leave nothing for Millennium.”

“Understood sir. We will bring hellfire and damnation in Lady Irma’s name.” Grace told him then turned to leave. She was stopped by Prince Raygel. “Sire I suggest that you step aside.”

“I’m not stopping you Colonel. This knife is over one hundred years old. Before it ever came into my hands it was carried by another Death Dealer. The first of his kind to come among our people. It is only right that it should now return to a true Death Dealer. That Death Dealer was also a one percenter like yourself.” Raygel told her as he pulled a 12in combat knife from his belt. As Grace took the knife from Raygel she wasn’t the only one to see the crest on the sheath. The arrowhead with an upright dagger in the center behind a skull over twin crossed lightning flashes below was all they had to see to know that this combat knife had once belonged to a First Generation Death Dealer Special Operations soldier.

“Who was the War Brother that this knife belonged to Sire?” Grace asked.

“That knife belonged to Death.” Raygel told her bluntly. At her look of shock Raygel smiled. “That’s right Grace. This knife was once carried by Commander James J. Owens. First High Lord of the Death Dealers.”

“I shall carry it with honor Sire.” Grace told him with pride as she bowed.

“Carry out your orders Colonel.” Raygel told her and stepped out of her way. As the young elf Death Dealer walked out of the observation room Raygel sighed. “And Death did walk them in the guise of a woman.”

“Shouldn’t that be the guise of a man, Prince Raygel?” Robert asked.

“Not this time Colonel. Lieutenant Colonel Gracey Wittman has become the personification of a true Death Dealer.” Dana told him. “I fear for the name that she will earn this night.”

“Like all truly great Death Dealers. The callsign Waltz will become one to be feared and respected by both friend and foe alike.” Robert told her. “Just as my own has become feared and respected.”

“And what of the reports concerning my niece? Is she truly as fearsome of a warrior as they say?” Dana asked him kindly.

“Your Majesty the reports fall short of the truth. Silence has already earned her callsign.” Robert chuckled. “Honestly she earned it before she ever set foot inside the tank. She is a true artist with a sniper rifle.”

“Then I hope Silence and Waltz can live up to your high expectations Robert.” Isha told him with a heavy heart. “Because my daughter would not wish for their deaths to be in her name.”

“Lady Isha, I swear to you here and now. The Nightmare Regiment will not be the ones dying tonight.” Robert promised her grimly.

“Do not make promises that you cannot keep young Death Dealer. In war there are two immutable rules. The First is young men and women die. The second is Commanders cannot change rule number one.” Isha told him sharply.

“There is something you should know about me, Lady Isha. I don’t break promises. I break bones.” Robert snarled just before he bowed to the Royal Couple and his future mother-in-law. “If you’ll excuse me. I have a military operation to carry out.”

“Go with the Goddess Sehanine Moonbow’s blessing Ghost Warrior.” Isha said to the young man’s disappearing back. “Though I doubt that She will show you more favor than our Goddess Ryra.”

“Irma told me during tea the other day that Robert is both blessed and cursed by our Goddesses, Lady Isha. Of all the Death Dealers even his own teams say that only he is an equal to Lord James Owens.” Dana told the older woman softly. “When he said that the only people dying tonight were the Millennium Assembly that was no promise. It was a prophecy. Because the Millennium Assembly made an unforgiveable mistake.”

“What mistake was that your Majesty?” Isha asked of Dana.

“They attacked their Regiment’s First Lady. Not just any First Lady either. One that has shown them more than compassion. Imra spends her Goddess Days among them as their Spiritual Leader.” Dana told the older woman honestly. “There are few things that will enrage a Death Dealer. They call them the Three Cardinal Rules. You don’t frack with a soldier’s mother. You don’t frack with a soldier’s family. You don’t frack with a soldier’s pay. Though there is a fourth unwritten and unspoken Cardinal Rule. You don’t frack with a soldier’s Spiritual guide. You break any of those four rules. You’re dead.”

“What would happen if two of those were one in the same?” Isha asked quietly.

“Armageddon.” Raygel answered honestly. “I fear that no matter we want your daughter shall have blood spilled in her name. There is nothing we can do as to prevent this. The Nightmare Regiment will have their vengeance.”

Gust Wood warehouse district, 3 hours before sunrise.

I setup my M-28 Hellsing sniper on the rooftop across from the warehouse that was being used by the Millennium Assembly as a training hall. I had placed the other four snipers with their spotters in positions to cut off any escape from the warehouse. I had turned the whole area into a massive mouse trap with only one way in and no way out. I was only waiting for the order to commence operations. The rest of our teams were spread out among the other warehouses. They were only waiting my signal to rush the target.

“Waltz to Silence, come in Silence. Over.”

“Silence here Waltz. Over.” I replied over the regiment’s tactical net.

“Operation Night Raven is a go. Over.” Waltz ordered over the net. The fact that she just ordered a total elimination of all targets took me by surprise. That wasn’t the original plan.

“Waltz repeat last transmission. Over.” I asked her.

“Silence I say again Operation Night Raven is GO. Is there a problem? Over.” Waltz asked me coldly.

“Negative Waltz. Just clarifying change from Operation Bad News to Operation Night Raven. What changed? Over” I asked her hoping to gain some reason for the change. I would carry out the order but not without a good reason.

“They attacked the Colonel’s Lady four hour ago. Is that good enough reason for you Silence? Over” Waltz snarled.

“Operation Night Raven is a GO understood Waltz. No prisoners. Silence out.” I radioed back over the regimental net before switching over to my company tactical net. “Silence to all Wraiths. Op order change to follow. Switch to Operation Night Raven. No prisoners. Confirm receipt by the numbers. Over.”

“Shadow two good copy. Over”

“Night Shade one good copy. Over”

“Gray Ghost one roger. Over”

“Dead Phantom one understood. Over”

“Lost Child one good copy. Over”

As all four platoon leaders and my XO reported in receipt of the change in order I smiled. I knew that the second I pulled my trigger all Hell would break out on the streets below. I switched over to thermal sights and targeted what I believe to be the main asshole. As I sight in on my target I think back to that day that Ripper showed up at the sniper range to talked with all of us who had qualified as snipers. Until now I never really grasped the meaning behind his little speech.

“Alright listen up people. I know that you have all been trained as snipers. That you believe you’re ready to pull the trigger on an actual living person. Well, I’m here to set you fracking straight you’re not. Until you have an actual living person at the other end of your sights you’ll never know. You’ll flinch as you squeeze the trigger. You’ll hesitate thinking that you can let the bastard live. Worse yet you might feel like a god. Holding the power of life or death in your hands. The first two are acceptable reactions. You won’t be human if you didn’t feel that way. The last is a surefire way to a section eighteen and a padded cell. Unlike our brothers and sisters in a fireteam. Every time we pull the trigger someone dies, and we see it happen in our scope. We’re the cause of their death. The only thing you should feel when the time comes to squeeze the trigger is the recoil of your rifle. No matter what happens never keep count of your kills. It won’t matter because you’ll never forget their faces. It’s the only way to remain halfway saine in this business. Take my word for it. Class dismissed.”

Now that I was actually going to pull the trigger I understood what he meant. My shoot will start the attack. Unlike when we were on the range. This time I know that someone will die when I pull the trigger. Before I pulled the trigger I contacted all the men and women of my company.

“Long ago back before our ancestors left Mother Earth for the stars. There was a race of elven warriors. They were breed for war. The Silver Moon Elves were both feared and respected. Each one was worth twenty regular soldiers. It didn’t matter if they were elf or human. Like our ancestors we are worth twenty of our fellow Death Dealers. The High Command would love to see us shut down. Time to show them all what we are made of brothers and sisters.” I told them and ended the life of the person in my sights.

The recoil of the heavy sniper rifle drove the stock deep into my shoulder as the round left the end of the barrel. I watched as the thermal image became a warm mist floating in the air. The other snipers fired microseconds after my shoot. All around the warehouse floor four more targets drop over dead. Even before the crack of our rifles could echo off the walls of the surrounding buildings all five ground teams surged forward. Before they could reach the target I shifted to my next target and fired. This time I knew that I was killing a Land Warrior Armor. As my company entered the building they were outlined in blue. Everything was going to plan until someone from the Millennium Assembly detonated a bomb near the rear of the warehouse.

That one explosion knocked down more than half of their number while ripping the roof back on the warehouse. This exposed the entire ground floor. That explosion also washed out my thermal sights. I switched over to the starlight settings and began to hunt for targets. I dropped five more targets before having to change out my magazine. After a fast reload I acquired my next target near the podium in the center of the stage. There was something about the man that just screamed shoot me now. So that is what I did. I targeted his head and squeezed the trigger. As the man’s head became a bloody mist I was already moving onto my next target.

From the first shot that started the firefight until the last. The men and women of my company operated like the professionals they were. According to my mission clock the fight lasted for eighteen minutes, twenty-seven seconds. I was expecting to have at least 20% casualties. With at least seven deaths. I wasn’t expecting for all of my people to come through the fight unscratched. Not even a bloody nose or a black eye in the crowd. It didn’t make any sense to me. This wasn’t a firefight it was a massacre.

Standing up I secured my empty magazines and rifle. After repelling down the side of the building I was on. I headed over to inspect the damage. I was the only sniper to work without a spotter tonight. I had done it on propose. I needed my First Sergeant with the command platoon. “Talk to me Top.”

“Ma’am it’s a total BUFAR. I know that we’re all new to this, but they should have been able to put up more of a fight than this.” Big Man told me as he waved his arms at all the dead members of the Millennium Assembly.

“How do you figure that Top?” I asked.

“Simple ma’am. Look at their equipment. With the exception of the Land Warrior Armor all of it is brand new. I’m talking about front line kit. Then there is their leaders. All of them were regular army. Four of them were Drill Sergeants. Two others were Squires with the Ironwood Family House Infantry. The shithead in charge was Sir Arnold Ironwood. When you take in all of that these people should have been some of the finest trained troopers anywhere. It just doesn’t make any sense.” Daimon Windstorm told me.

“Not really First Sergeant Windstorm. Most of these kids are from the local city slums.” Lieutenant Karry Icestorm told us as she walked up to us. “Captain Starfire there is something you need to see in the next building over. You’re not going to like it.”

“What did your people find Ghost?” I asked her.

“Fourteen Mark seven AI tanks, twenty-eight VH-seventy-three Longbow Escort Class IFVs, all of them with that fake Greystoke shield on them ma’am.” The more Karry told me the more confused I became. Greystoke was an avid supporter of segregation movement. “Ma’am that’s not all. There are four canasters marked with Cheesehead writing as some kind of chemical agent.”

“Did your AI say what type of agent?” I demanded sharply.

“That’s a negative ma’am. I have my fourth squad searching for the TMs or data sheets as we speak.” Karry told me. “Ma’am I think we need to contact the regular Death Dealer command.”

“We’ll hold off on that for now. If that is a Cheesehead gas. Then we need to warn the other strike teams.” I told her.

“Already taken care of ma’am. I had Splinter contact the other teams the second we found those canasters. So far we’re the only ones to have found any. Still waiting on the reports from teams Charlie and Echo. They had the targets over in High Glass. They’re three hours behind us.” Karry told me.

“Damn. Any word on Ripper’s location?” I asked her.

“The Colonel and XO should be here in about twenty minutes. That’s if they come by ground. If they airdrop they’ll be here in ten minutes.” Windstorm informed me with a small grin. “The TOC informed me that Ripper and Waltz left the hospital just before we started our attack.”

“Then we better have a more comprehensive report for the Old Man. You know how he gets with half ass intel.” I chuckled as both my XO and 1st Sgt winched at the thought of facing the Ripper. I watched as they both hauled as for the other warehouse. I knew they would have a full report ready by the time Wolff arrived on what we found.

‘Lady Valkyrie might I have a moment of your time?’ My AI James asked.

‘For you James I always have time. What is on your mind?’ I asked.

‘I have been running several scenarios concerning those tanks, IFVs, and the canisters. These all point to a false flag operation. The aim of which is to discredit House Greystoke and their allies.’

‘That doesn’t sound right James. Those HV-73s that attacked Camp Resistance were also flying fake colors.’ I told him.

‘Then we have a problem my Lady. If their aim is not to discredit Greystoke. Then why fly that Family’s colors?’

‘Greystoke is only one of the many High Families behind the Traditionalist movement. Even if Greystoke is one of the weakest families. You cannot just target one of those High Families. You have to target them all or the plan fails. No there must be another reason behind their plan.’

‘Running calculations now.’ James told me then came back with a new scenario. ‘Possible alternative for false flag. A splintering of High Family power.’

‘To what end? If you split the High Families you only strengthen Queen Dana’s position. Especially in the Grand Senate.’ I told him. ‘She might not have had an overwhelming advantage now, but the moment those families split. She’ll be able to roll over them like a steam engine.’

‘Not according to my calculations Lady Valkyrie. A splintering of the High Families will result in Civil War. A war that will leave the Highwinds Kingdom vulnerable to attack by outside forces. Currently there are three nations that would benefit from such a situation.’

‘Damn it! I never thought of that. The problem with that is only the Union of Stalinist Slovakian Republic, and the Balzac Imperium Dictatorship would be brazen enough to pull something like this.’ I grumbled.

‘Calculating odds between the two nations. Odds are insufficient for either nation. Only the fallen Gorgonzola Empire would have the needed resources and technology to propagate this hoax.’

‘What do you mean James? The Cheeseheads were too far away galactically to pull this off.’ I told him bluntly.

‘That may be so my Lady, but they had more than one treaty with the BID. Now that the BID is hosting the refugees from the war with the Human Empire. The BID can now use their Intelligence assets within our Kingdom. According to my calculations the Cheeseheads had been planning for a Civil War within Highwinds for decades. The war with the Human Empire might have put an end to their designs for the Highwinds Kingdom, but it did not remove those assets that were already in place. Assets that the BID now has access to.’

‘Son of a bitch. The BID just stepped in and took over. Only the Blockheads are stepping up the timetable and targeting the wrong High Families.’ I gasped. I needed to pass this information up the chain of command fast.

‘My Lady, Colonel Wolff and Lieutenant Colonel Wittman are arriving in an ATR-7 Sparrow VTOL.’ James told me as the aforementioned aircraft passed overhead. The Sparrow might be a small be it pack a punch. The nose mounted twin 50 cal gatling lasers, and door mounted 20mm chain guns make the VTOL a deadly multipurpose troop transport.

“Damn talk about traveling in style. Then again when you got connections with the Ravenswood household and the Royal Family they expect you to put on a show.” I chuckled as the Sparrow flared its rotors to land.

“Excuse me ma’am. Urgent message for Charlie Team.” Corporal Silver Knife said as he approached.

“What is it Radar?” I asked my company’s best radio operator.

“They found more of those canisters ma’am. They also found the Tech Manuals for the canisters. Ma’am those things are some kind of Chemical gas agent.” Radar told me as he read off the message.

“OH, frack me in a back ally with a steal dildo.” I whispered. “Have they passed this information to Echo?”

“Yes ma’am. We’re actually the last ones to receive this Intel. According to their report the agent is a mixture of Blood, Blister, and Never gases. The technical name for it XVNS-six-six-six. The troops that served on Apolo six called it Pandora’s Tears.” Radar told me quietly.

“Oh frack!” I whispered and looked towards the Sparrow where the Whitechapel Ripper stepped from the troop transport compartment. “Radar pass the word to Big Man, and Ghost of what Charlie Team found.”

“Yes, ma’am.” Radar told me and took off at a run.

“Report.” Colonel Wolff demanded as he walked up to me. I could tell by the scowl on his face he wasn’t in a good mood.

“The assault went off like clockwork sir. I’m proud to report that we had zero casualties. We’ve been able to confirm the total destruction of all Millennium training centers on Highwinds. As it stands now the Millennium Assembly has been reduced to only a few members among the High Families. Those members have been targeted for the next round of assaults.” I told him as he took in the destruction of the training center.

“Were you able to capture any prisoners?” Wolff asked offhandedly.

“Negative sir. They fought to the last man. To be honest sir. This engagement was nothing more than a massacre. Those troops should have been some of the best trained in the Kingdom, but we rolled them for their lunch money.” I snarked gaining a chuckle from him and the XO.

“What kind of equipment were they armed with Silence?” Waltz asked.

“With the exception of their Land Warrior arm ma’am. Everything they had was top of the line. I’m talking about front line battle kit.” I told her.

“What do you mean Silence?” Waltz asked with real worry.

“If I didn’t know better ma’am. I would swear that it came straight out of the Quartermaster’s Office. I’m talking about SEM-forty-three rifles, Jump Trooper body armor, SEM-thirty and SEM-sixty Squad Automatic Weapons, FF-thirteen Firefox FAVs, to start with. Those were just what we found in the main warehouses and training centers. We’re still cataloging what we found in their secondary warehouses. Sir there is one item you should know about now though. We found four canisters Pandora’s Tears at this location and another six at the Charlie location.” I told him and waited for the resulting explosion to this information that was sure to come.

“You found fracking what?” Robert snarled as he turned to glare at me with death in his eyes. For the first time in my life as a Death Dealer I actually knew what the Cheeseheads must have felt when they were forced to face this man on the battlefield. Shear unrelenting, gut twisting, bowel clenching bladder evacuation, blood freezing, terror.

Robert Wolff was unlike any soldier, or Death Dealer I’ve ever had the pleasure of meeting. This man was truly the successor to Commander James J. Owens of the Death Dealers. The man even other Death Dealers feared and respected. I knew that now.

“Sir we found canisters of Pandor’s Tears at two locations.” I told him again as I fought to swallow the lump that had suddenly formed in my throat.

“Son of a BITCH!” Robert screamed at the top of his lungs with a rage that none of us had ever seen from our normal calm Commander. “Show me!”

“Yes sir. Right this way. They’re in the secondary warehouse.” I told him and led the way to the warehouse with those canisters. ‘James do you have any idea for why the Colonel is pissed off?’

‘Only one my Lady, but I would need access to Colonel Wolff’s service record to confirm it.’ My AI told me with concern in his voice.

‘Just tell me old man. I don’t want to deal with the Whitechapel Ripper in a blood rage if I can void it.’ I told him.

‘He was on Apollo-6 during the war with the Gorgonzola Empire. He would most likely have been witness to the use of Pandora’s Tears more than once.’

‘Oh, shit not good. He earned his callsign for his actions during the Battle of Goulcrest and the Liberation of Apollo 6. He’s sure to have seen the victims of Pandora’s Tears at least once.’ I told James as a shiver ran down my spine. Everyone in the Empire had seen the v-records of those attacks.

‘A very good possibility my Lady. It would explain the Colonel’s rage. My Lady should we inform the Colonel of our speculation concerning the BID involvement with the Millennium Assembly?’ James asked me.

‘No. Not at this time. I need solid proof before I start making those kinds of accusations. I’m still a newbie in the eyes of the Military Command. If the BID actually is behind the Millennium Assembly. There be proof somewhere. Once I have that proof then I’ll go to the Colonel.’ I told James as we entered the secondary warehouse.

“What the FRACK?!” Wolff shouted as he saw the amount of military equipment gathered in this one place. “Grace I don’t care who you have to break. Find out where this shit came from. Am I understood?”

“Yes sir. though I have a sinking feeling that I know where it was supposed to end up.” Waltz told him as she examined a Mark-VII AI tank, then one of the VH-73 Longbow Escort Class IFVs. “Just as I thought sir.”

“Out with it Waltz.” Wolff snapped.

“All of this gear was earmarked for the new second of the seventy-fifth Armor Brigade of the Home World Guard.” Waltz explained. “Sir, back before the five-oh-seventh was assigned to Camp Resistance we were assigned to investigate a series of thefts from shipping depots. Sir I can positively state. That all of this equipment went missing during transit.”

“Did you or your people ever figure out who was snagging our equipment?” Wolff asked Waltz with a cold stare.

“No sir. Out investigation was shutdown before we could get any solid leds.” Waltz told him then turned to me. “Silence would any of your people have an idea for where to start looking again?”

“Give my people another twenty minutes ma’am. They’re still compiling their finds. Though from what Big Man and Ghost have already reported. The actual thieves are most likely minor gangs working the depots.” I told them.

“Excuse sir, ma’ams.” Radar said as he approached us. “I have a report from Echo team. Ma’ams, sir, it’s not good.”

“What happened Radar?” I asked sharply.

“They found another eighty canisters of Pandora’s Tears, ma’am. Along with the smoke generators and C-forty Pandora heavy track transports for deploying the gas. According to their report the canisters were stored RW-eight-X Curator Full Tracked Armored Personal Carriers.” I could tell by the way Radar was acting there was something that he really didn’t want to report. Sadly, so could Colonel Wolff and Waltz.

“What else did they find Corporal?” Wolff asked him calmly.

“Two TH-ninety man-pack nukes, sir.” Radar told him.

“Bloody Hell! Are they sure Radar?” I asked him praying that Echo team was wrong on so many levels it wasn’t funny.

“Verified with Command ma’am. The Millennium Assembly had gotten their hands on a pair of TH-ninety backpack nukes. Captain Redhook sent vid and stills to Major Thornberry for verification. There is no doubt about what those weapons are ma’am.” Radar informed us.

“How the frack were they able to get their hands on those things? Doesn’t this fracking military have any idea of how to secure WMDs?!” Wolff snarled as he fought to control his anger.

“Don’t ask me sir.” Waltz told him with a shrug of her shoulders. “How about it Silence. Any idea of where they got their hands on those nukes?”

“Just a theory ma’am.” I told them.

“Alright Silence. Wow us with your thoughts.” Wolff ordered me.

“Sir it all goes back to the fall of the Cheeseheads.” I told him then went on to explain my theory about the BID taking over the Gorgonzola Empire’s plan for a Civil War within the Highwinds Kingdom. I then went on to explain about the BID targeting the wrong High Families to bring about that war.

“Talk about not knowing your enemy. Just how stupid can those people be?” Wolff chuckled as he examined the Greystoke shields. “Hey Grace, didn’t those Longbows you destroyed outside of the camp have this same insignia?”

“Down to the fracked up family moto. I mean come on. How can someone confuse Elf with Latin is beyond me.” Waltz chuckled. “They don’t even have the correct Elven translation of the Greystoke moto.”

“What is their family moto?” I asked out of curiosity.

“Sanguis pretium libertatis a bonis.” Waltz told me then grinned. “A loose translation. Blood is the price of freedom paid by patriots.”

“I can really get behind a family moto like that.” Colonel Wolff chuckled then sighed. “My question. Why are they so hung up on the whole tradition is everything BS? So, what if mixed and half elves are granted equal rights?”

“Robert, this is one time that you’ll have to talk with your mother-in-law.” When I heard Lt. Colonel Wittman address the CO by his first name I almost shit my pants in shock. The only person who had ever dared to address Ripper by his first name was Lady Irma.

“Understood Grace. Thanks for the advice. Normally I would do exactly that, but I need Intel now.” Wolff told us.

“Simple sir. The Greystoke family are fracking Forst Elves.” I snarled. “And if they had their way. Myself and every other Silver Moon elf would be put to death before sunrise.”

“Not to mention putting half and mixed elves in slavery. All Forest Elves follow the ancient teachings of Sherrafall The Holy Hermit of the Great Green.” Waltz told him.

“Say no more. It’s a religious and political thing. I’ll just deal with the situation.” Wolff told us as he held up his hand to stop further discussion.

I have to admit that I find my CO’s attitude towards religion to be rather cavalier at times. He’s even more disrespectful of the gods and goddesses than I am. Then again, he most have some respect for our beliefs. Because I highly doubt that Lady Irma could love someone that didn’t believe in a High Power. I know that Lady Irma spends her Goddess Days acting as the Spiritual Guide for our unit. She is more than just our Regiment’s First Lady.

“Um… sir I know that it is not my place, but you really shouldn’t take our faith so lightly.” I told him. Only to receive a chuckle from the CO.

“Captain, I don’t take anyone’s faith or beliefs lightly. I know that none of the gods or goddesses have any use for a man like me. My lovely fiancée knows and understands my little quirk. That’s one of the reasons why she goes out of her way to ensure that all of you in the Nightmare Regiment have Spiritual Guide. No matter what your faith.” Colonel Wolff told me bluntly. Then looked over the rest of the inventory. “Waltz, Silence, I want the gangs that snagged this equipment in our stockade by the end of the month.”

“Yes sir.” We both answered quickly. Wittman asked what was on my mind. “Do you want them in irons or uniforms sir?”

“Give ‘em a choice. Either way I don’t care. I want them off the streets. If the local pork gets in your way. Fry ‘em!” Wolff snarled before turning to head for the door to the warehouse.

“Waltz, I got to ask. Why is Ripper so damned gung ho about rounding up the street gangs?” I asked her once we were alone.

“I take it that you haven’t heard the legend of the street rat turned Death Dealer?” Waltz asked me with a grin.

“Sure, who hasn’t heard of it ma’am. I mean all of us line-troopers in the Regiment prove that the legend is true.” I told her honestly.

“Do you know where that legend was born?” Waltz asked me with a grin. When I shook my head no she chuckled. “That Legend was born on Apollo six. The man who gave birth to that legend was Commander, James J. Owens. The very First High Lord of the Death Dealers. Over the years there have been a number of men and women who have fulfilled the rule but have fallen short of that legend. Though it is the last man to step into the shoes of that legend that brought it to life once more.”

“Who was the last?” I asked hoping that the block of ice that just formed in the pit of stomach was wrong.

“Our commanding officer, Robert Wolff, the Whitechapel Ripper.” When Waltz told me this, that block of ice became a glacier. “Find those gangs, Silence.”

“Understood ma’am. Just one more question. Why does the Ripper want those gangs?” I really needed to know exactly how far I could pushing things.

“This doesn’t go beyond us Valkyrie. Over half of our standard regimental supplies have been getting rerouted. If it hadn’t been for Lady Irma we would have run out of food, water, and other essential supplies months ago. If those street rats can get their hands on this type of equipment. Then they’re about to become our regiments new ‘supply clerks’.” She told me with a grin.

“Don’t you mean scroungers ma’am?” I asked with a nasty grin.

“The proper terms are acquisition specialist or supply clerk, Captain.” Waltz told me with a small chuckle and turned to leave. “I don’t care how you do it Captain. Just get the CO those personnel Silence.”

“Yes ma’am.” I said as she walked away. If I had known what was going on elsewhere in the Kingdom. I won’t have been so glib with answer.

Corkscrew Nebula corridor
Highwinds entrance, Observation Command Post

Naval Commander Elis Stormlight could only stair in wonder at the massive war machine that had suddenly appeared just 5 kilometers off the port side of his Observation Command Post. He had heard of the legendary Shinigami Battle Platforms of the Death Dealers. He knew that they were massive, but the reality of that size was another matter. The Shinigami Queen Tatiana moved through space as if it defied the very laws of physics.

“Tell me Grayson. Have you ever seen a Shinigami before?” Elis asked.

“No sir. I’ve never had the privilege. I just hope like hell that the rest of her escort doesn’t show. Because if it does. It’s going to get awfully crowded out there.” Grayson told him.

“How crowded are we talking about?” Elis asked him not taking his eyes off the massive starship. “Are we talking about Spring Festival on Redwood or a National Motorball tournament here Grayson?”

“More like a Fire Song on Dagoba Prine sir. What I don’t understand is why the Queen Tatiana is here to begin with?” Grayson asked of his CO.

“Outpost two sent a very disturbing video before they went offline. There is a ship coming through the portal that is the size of a Shinigami. One that packs enough firepower to destroy one of our outposts with a single shoot. A ship that will exit the vortex in the next few hours.” Elis told him then pointed towards the Shinigami. “That is why they’re here.”

“Excuse me sir, but was that video verified? It’s not some kind of practical joke?” Grayson asked with real fear in his voice.

“The threat is real Grayson. The crazy part about all this. That ship is one of the original human Deep Space Colonization Ships.” Elis told him quietly.

“I call bullshit on that sir. All of those ships have been counted for. It has to be something else. Besides that. All of those ships were unarmed. If that ship has weapons. That ship has to be one of the two lost Rainbow Bridge colonization warship.” Grayson told Elis.

“What the hell is a Rainbow Warrior?” Elis asked him.

“They were built by the North American Alliance just before the last World War on Earth Prime. Originally there were supposed to be eight, but only five of them were ever completed and launched. The last ship of the class was the Bifrost. It was the three successful sister ships and their heavily cyberized colonists that had founded the planet Cresea. The most famous of those ships was the Melody. It disappeared shortly after it exited the Sol System. The last three were destroyed halfway through construction at the orbital docks during the last Great World War on Earth.” Grayson grimly informed Elis. “Before you asked sir. During my time at the Human Empire’s Naval Academy. I took a class in ancient starship design. Our instructor for the class used the few surveying records of those designs as a guide for what he called a Multi-Generational warship.”

“If that is what we’re facing. What kind of firepower are we talking about?”

“No one really knows sir. Most of those records concerning their weapons were lost during the destruction of the orbital dockyards. The only weapon that we are certain of the Bifrost colony ship having is a mass driver of some type.” Grayson told him.

“What the hell are you talking about Grayson?” Elis demanded.

“Sir this all goes back to the time before humans began their colonization efforts. Before the last Great World War several nations of that time had experimented with the idea of mass-drive weapons. Only the ancient human nation of the North American Alliance was able to perfect the technology. Even then it was good for space born weapon platforms. When the first of the NAA’s great colony warships left orbit before the last Great World War those ships were all supposedly outfitted with those massive weapons of terror.” Grayson told Elis with real worry. “If the records are correct.”

“What kind of impact are we talking about Grayson?” Elis asked him.

“It all depends on the environment, sir. If you’re talking about a vacuum like space, then the impact will all depend on the size and speed of the projectile. If the impact is on the surface of a planet. Then we’re looking at something equivalent of a thousand kiloton thermonuclear warhead.” Grayson explained for Elis as he joined his CO next to the observation window.

“Could the armor of a Shinigami withstand something like?” Elis asked.

“No idea sir. The only thing that has ever been able to kill a Shinigami is another Shinigami.” Grayson answered honestly then turned thoughtful. “Sir I have to be honest. If there was ever a weapon other than another Shinigami that could do the job. It would have to be a WMD like a mass-driver.”

“Then let us hope the legend of the Shinigami will hold true.” Elis told him as he looked toward the exit to the vortex. “Because it is about to be put to the test. Here comes our greatest nightmare.”

Bridge of the Shinigami Battle Platform Queen Tatiana

Fleet Admiral Jassin Qigeiros stormed onto his command deck. “Alright people talk to me. What has our Queen gotten us into this time?”

“Still working on it sir. So far our scans haven’t picked up anything. Many because of the radiation washout. We do know something is in the vortex. The Queen is still chewing on that video trying to identify the make of that ship.” His XO told him without turning around.

“Guns any data on the weapon that ship fired or is Tatiana still working on that as well?” Jassin asked of the Weapons Officer.

“I’ll have you know Jassin that I might be one of the most powerful AIs in the universe, but I’m not all knowing.” The AI snarked.

“Sorry Tatiana. I wasn’t doubting your abilities. It’s just that you’ve never took this long to analyze a target before.” Jassin told the AI.

“You’re forgiven Jassin. Though I can understand why you would be confused. I have been in contact with my brothers and sisters in the Human Empire. It has taken all of us to identify that ship. It is the lost Multi-generational Colonization Warship Bifrost. Last seen exiting the Sol System.” Tatiana told her captain. “I suggest moving the crew battle stations.”

“You heard the Lady people. XO sound battle stations. Alert level one. Guns I want targeting solutions for all weapons the moment that ship exits the vortex. That ship has committed over one-hundred acts of war. It does not move one AU beyond this sector.” Jassin ordered his crew before looking over at his Coms Officer. “Alice play that funky music.”

Communications Officer Alice Goodfellow just laughed as she reached over her console and pushed a series of buttons. Soon the sounds of an ancient human song played throughout the massive war machine. As Mark Ronson’s Uptown Funk played the crew of the Queen Tatiana moved to full alert and readied their weapons for combat. Whatever they were facing would soon be on the receiving end of one of the most powerful weapons in all of the known universe. As they reported in their readiness to fight the AI that was Queen Tatiana laughed in delight as she began to sign along with the ancient song.

“This hit, that ice cold Michelle Pfeiffer, that white gold. This one, for them hood girls. Them good girls, straight masterpieces. Stylin’, wilin’ Livin’ it up in the city. Got Chucks on with Saint Laurent. Gotta kiss myself, I’m so pretty.” Tatiana sang with a voice that was so human that it belied her artificial origins.

“You know something Tatiana. You’re not right.” Jassin laughed as the bow of the massive ship swung in line with the vortex. “Then again neither am I. To battle my friends. Let us face our deaths with a song on our lips and blood in our eyes.”


PS As you can see I have returned to my favorite playground. I will be postings new chapters for both this story and Lucifer Child in alternating weeks.

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