The Elven Question – chp 10

The Elven Question

Queen Dana of Highwinds the Elf Kingdom inside the Empire has a problem. One that she cannot fix personally. The problem is with a small minority of her population. A problem that has been brought to her attention by the half elf son of a problematic Duke. What is a Queen to do? She calls on help from a friend. The question now is does she realize what she is letting loose on her kingdom?

Chapter 10
Camp Resistance, Highwinds
Office of Robert Wolff

Robert looked up at Grace with a small grin on his face as he read the report she handed. “Are you sure about this Waltz?”

“Sir I went over that information a dozen times. Each name on that list is a member of the Millennium group. I can have strike teams in place to round them up in one rotation.” Grace told him with pride.

“How many teams?” Robert asked her seriously as he thought about taking down the greatest internal threat to Queen Dana rule. “I need to know exact numbers here Grace. Because if we do this it will have to be done in the black. Not even the Queen and War Prince can know anything about it.”

“That is the one drawback sir. We would need to use the full complement of the base to pull this off.” Grace told him.

“Which would let every jackbooted asshat in the High Command know that we’re up to something. Which would kill any chance we had at an off the books op.” Robert sighed. “The problem is we can’t leave these people in place.”

“About that sir. One of the company commanders has put forward an alternative plan.” Grace told him as she handed over the draft.

“Which company commander?” Robert asked as he took the written draft from her with a grin. “Or do I want to know.”

“Let’s just say that she has a very interesting way of interpreting the regulations.” Grace chuckled as Robert grimaced.

“Please tell me that Starfire isn’t the author of this plan.” Robert groaned.

“I would sir, but that would be lying to a superior officer. Which according to regulations is a court martial able offense.” Grace giggled.

“Waltz, you do know that there are times when the regulations are a bigger pain in the ass than a bad case of hemorrhoids.” Robert groaned as he read Valkyrie Starfire’s plan. He made to admit that the plan was sound. Even if it was crazier than a Dhorian prison rat. The problem was the more he read. The more he liked. He especially liked how the plan relied on local civilian assets. “Does Silence know which gangs she wants to recruit?”

“That she didn’t say sir. Captain Starfire only stated that there are five primary gangs that need to be contacted. If you read further down, she has listed the personnel needed for this operation.” Grace told him with some concern. “Sir, most of the personnel listed are from her platoon.”

“Does that have any particular meaning?” Robert asked her.

“Yes sir. The members of her platoon were all half-Silvan elves before entering their tanks. From what I have been able to gather. This trait often allowed them to actually lead most street gangs.” Grace explained for him.

“Still not seeing the connection, Waltz.” Robert sighed.

“Sir how is it that you can be engaged to the most eligible and beautiful Silvan Elf on all of Highwinds and not learn anything about their place in our society?” Grace sighed then grinned at the look on Robert’s face. “Okay sir fast lesson on Elf society. You know how there are High, Wood or Forest, Winter, and Drow elves. Our fifth and smallest race is Silvan Elves. They are also the rarest elf race. They are protected by both Royal and Holy Decree. If I had stayed with the temple, I would have become a High Priestess when I turned eighty. If I hadn’t been married off before then.”

“Hold on here Gracey. What are you say? I’m a little lost here.” Robert told her honestly. “If Silvan elves are so heavily protected. How did you end up in the military. Hell, how did you even become a Death Dealer?”

“Simple. To remove me from contention for Head of my Family and as a warning to my elder brother.” She told him bluntly. “As for me being a Death Dealer. They were the only ones willing to accept me. To be blunt sir. The only place you’ll find a Silvan Elf is in the Death Dealers. None of our regular military will have us. Not to put too fine of a point on the matter. They don’t want the responsibility of our deaths on their record.”

“Talk about a double standard. That still doesn’t explain why Silvan half elves are disowned by their families.” Robert told her.

“Sir the only way you can get a Silvan half elf is to have a human mother. The reason is simple. Silvan females are never allowed marry humans without a damned good reason and the approval of the Royal Family.” Grace told him bluntly. “Before you ask. The only reason that you and Lady Imra have been allowed to court is because of what you did in the Royal Throne room.”

“I’m still a little lost here Grace.” Robert told her.

“Sir when you accepted the challenge from Markus Starfire and then spared his life you earned a Life Debt from the Royal Family. Since then, you have continued to build on that Life Debt. Because you saved a member of what is one of the most honored blood lines in Highwinds society.” Grace told him bluntly. “A person that has direct ties to the Royal throne.”

“That’s a fracking laugh. I didn’t see any reason to kill the stupid little shit. The only thing that stopped me was I saw real potential in the boy.” Robert snorted. “I sure as shit wasn’t trying to earn anything by putting him in his place, Grace.”

“That may be sir, but I can’t even count the number of Honor Debts that you have secured among the High Families. I’ll be honest with you sir. I would not be surprised if Queen Dana hadn’t arranged your engagement to Lady Imra. Simply to show some kind of recognition of the debt our people owe you.” Grace told him with a grin. “Without those debts. Your engagement to Lady Imra would never have happened. Her mother and grandparents would have prevented it. Trust me sir. Lady Imra would never buck her family.”

“I think I’m beginning to get a better understanding of Elf Society. Correct if I’m Grace. First there is a sort of racial hierarchy among your people. With Silvan Elves at the top of that hierarchy. Then you have High and Drow elves with the Winter and Wood elves below them. That racial hierarchy got carried over to the street gangs. Especially among the half elf gangs.” Robert told her as he slowly put together the pieces. “Wait a minute. Starfire told me something back before all this started. Back when this base was thought to be a detention camp. The gangs were divided along racial lines.”

“That pretty much sums up the attitude of Elf society as a whole, sir. The more successful gangs are lead by Silvan half elves. Because of this Captain Starfire’s plan will work. If she uses the gangs on that list.” Grace told him. “That is the key to her plan.”

“What do you think the chances of her plan succeeding?” Robert asked.

“Given the current gang situation within the capital and major cities. I would give her plan an eighty to eighty-five percent success rate.” Grace told Robert after some thought. “Sorry I can do better than that.”

“Do you just say eighty to eighty-five percent success rate?” Robert busted out laughing. “My god! Waltz, do you realize that I had less than a ten percent chance of success when I first landed on Apollo six. My chances of organizing the gangs of Goulcrest was even lower.”

“Excuse me sir. Are you trying to pull my leg?” Grace asked him in surprise.

“Not in the least. I’ll tell you the full story sometime over a few beers. For now, go ahead and give Silence and her team the green light for her plan.” Robert told her then picked up the next report on his desk. “What can you tell me about these reports out of Sapphire City, and Silver Ice? How can our training bases be abandoned?”

“I started looking into those last night sir. The reports are true. All four of our training camps at those cities were shut down on orders from someone in the High Command. From what I have been able to gather so far from my cousin within the High Command. The troops undergoing training there were all transferred off world to standard Death Dealer units.” Grace told him slowly and waited for the expected explosion to come.

“THEY DID FRACKING WHAT?! WHO GAVE THOSE ORDERS?” Robert hollered at the top of his lungs. His explosion of anger was load enough to be heard beyond the walls of the command post. Inside the command post the CQ, runner, and his driver all ducked their heads. The Command Sergeant Major was so shocked by his CO’s outburst he did the unthinkable. He dropped his coffee cup. Grace waited for Robert to finish his rant before answering.

“All four of training bases were shut down and all personnel was resigned to standard Death Dealer units sir. I was able to find out that the trainees were sent to the Intelligence Units of there new Death Dealer divisions. That is all that I know at this time. I’m still investigating who gave the orders.” Grace told Robert calmly. She knew that when her CO blew his top. It was best to face him calmly and rationally. A trick she had learned from her time with Lady Imra. Robert gave a look that she had come to know as warning if she didn’t give him her suspensions. “Sir there is only one person who can give such orders. You’re not going to like it.”

“What numb nut, cock biting, dick waving, shit head, gave that order?” Robert growled. Then he saw the look in her eye. “Out with it Gracey.”

“Knight General Ivan Broadleaf, Commandant of Training. The one asshole who can cut our numbers with a stroke of the pin. He is also the brother of Knight General Stephon Broadleaf, Commander of Military Intelligence.” Grace told him bluntly. “The man has been going out of his way for the last twenty years to staff his Intelligence Battalions with platoons that are trained in long-range reconnaissance patrol operations.”

“And we just finished training eight full companies of LRRP (pronounced Lurp) Specialists. Why the hell didn’t I see this coming? Better yet why didn’t anyone else see this coming?” Robert asked rhetorically.

“Because the Queen has never known exactly what has been going on in the High Command.” Grace answered him bluntly. At Robert’s cross look she explained. “Sir I’ll be blunt if you haven’t figured out the real reason behind the formation of this unit by now. Then you need to really have a long talk with Lady Irma and Queen Dana.”

“Grace what are am I missing?” Robert asked her.

“This unit was a way to get around the racial bias of certain Generals and the recruiters under them. We were supposed to be a way for half-elf and mixed-race elves to serve honorably.” Grace told him softly. “Sir please understand that this doesn’t go beyond us. Because if the Queen or War Prince ever finds out. Half the High Command would be beheaded for High Treason. We were never supposed to succeed.”

“I hate to tell you this Grace, but that boat has already sailed around the Spur.” Robert told her with a chuckle. “The question I have is why weren’t we warned of this possibility?”

“That sir. Is the question of the hour. It is also one that I don’t have an answer for at this time.” She told Robert honestly.

“But you do have a theory. You’re holding back Grace. Let me have it.” Robert told her with a small grin.

“Unlike most of the High Command with ties to the High Families the Broadleaf brothers are rebels. They’re more than willing to think outside of the box. If they were in the Human Empire, they would be commanding Divisions or even Battle Groups instead of sitting behind desks.” Grace grunted in disgust.

“Hold on here Grace. What do you mean?” Robert asked her.

“It’s a little complicated sir, but I’ll do my best to explain. In our Regular Military officer rank is based birth. If your father or mother are a Knight, you start off as a Squire Second. A Knight Commander you start off as a Knight. To give you an example. If you were a member of our Regular Military your rank would be a Knight Commander.” Grace explained for Robert.

“Okay I think I understand but correct me if I’m wrong. A full bird Colonel is equal to a Knight Commander. Making them a Regimental Commanders. What I don’t understand is how two out of the box thinking officers could end up in basically dead-end desk jobs.” Robert told her.

“Because they’re dead-end desk jobs, sir. If an officer is a threat to their superior. They move them into desk jobs. It’s all about family prestige to them. Especially if they’re in danger of being shown as incompetent. It is one of the many reasons that the High Command hates not being able to control the War Prince and Death Dealer divisions. Where promotion is merit based. All family and political ties have zero influence among those divisions.” Grace told him honestly. Hearing this Robert sighed. “Now you see the problem sir. The Highwinds Regular Military is packed with officers who hold their rank and commands thanks to nepotism.”

“How many of them are ass kissing incompetent sycophants?” Robert asked doing his best to hid his frustration.

“You don’t want to know sir.” Grace told him bluntly. Then raised her hand to forestall his outburst. “Sir, the War Prince has been doing his best to change the situation. Until we can remove the Millennium faction any reforms he tries to make will be blocked.”

“I want Silence and her crew in my office in twenty minutes.” Robert snarled.

“Yes sir. I take it that her plan is a go?” Grace asked him.

“Colonel, I thought I ordered you to get Silence and her crew in my office in twenty minutes. Did I miss speak or do I need a refresher on my High Elf?” Robert growled as slowly stood up with his fist pressed into his desk.

“No sir. I thought I would give Captain Starfire’s team an op warning.” Grace told him with a sly smile.

“This is one time Grace. I want to give the warning personally.” Robert snarled as he sat back down. He gave her a slow predatory smile. “This is one time when we go off the reservation. It will be totally off the books. If anyone’s ass is going to be on the chopping block. It’ll be mine.”

“Understood sir.” Grace told him as she head for his office door. As she opened the door, she gave him a similar predatory smile. “And sir. My ass will be right next to yours on that block.”

Nineteen minutes later Grace Wittman returned with Valkyrie Starfire. They were alone. Seeing this Robert gave the two of them a cross eyed look. “I thought I said the whole team, Colonel.”

“Sir my team is currently on block-leave. They left last night after COB. Should I have had them standby for an op order, sir?” Valkyrie asked him so innocently that butter wouldn’t melt in her mouth.

“Close the door, Captain.” Robert ordered then hit a button on his desk sealing the room. “Okay all bullshit aside. Where the frack is your team?”

“I deployed them yesterday, sir. They should be in position to put Operation Falling Saber into operation within the next rotation. I only need to send the go order.” Valkyrie told him honestly. “Sir before you take my head off allow me to explain. I saw the look in your eyes during that mess in the Senate. I knew that you want to take them all down. The only way to do that is through coordinated strategic strikes. These men and women have four very important things protecting them from normal Law Enforcement.”

“Money, power, reputation, and the Blood Laws.” Grace told a confused Robert.

“I can see the first three, but what is the Blood Laws?” Robert asked.

“They’re very ancient elven laws sir. If a person who has committed a crime has ties to a High Family or is one of the Nobility. They can demand a Trial by Blood. That was what got me, my ass handed to me in the throne room. I believe you were there, sir.” Valkyrie told Robert with a smirk.

“Wait a damned minute. I thought that whole damned business in the throne room was you being an ass. Trying to force your way into the military.” Robert told her in confusion.

“It was in a way sir. I’m still waiting for some those answers you promised me. Though I have figured most of them out on my own. I also knew that once you got your orders from my father to end the threat of the Millennium Assembly. We would have to move with speed and stealth. We would also have to use unconventional assets to achieve our goal. The best way to achieve everything in a timely manner. Send the former leadership for certain gangs. Each one of them could go directly to their parents and publicly demand Blood Trials.” Valkyrie told Robert with a grin. “While they faceoff with their parents. Their old gangs take out the rest of their little friends.”

“What kind of firepower can those street gangs get their hands on?” Grace asked her with a sly smile.

“Depends on the gang, ma’am. Though getting their hands on fully automatic slug throwers won’t be a problem for any of them.” Valkyrie told her then grinned evilly. “Not to mention the usual mixture household chemicals in the proper proportions. It is amazing how easy it is to find copies of school chemistry textbooks in the local markets.”

“Wait a minute. You said something about facing off with the parents. What are you not telling me?” Robert asked her.

“Sir, this is a very personal matter for the members of the Shadow Wraiths. We are all the mixed-race offspring of High or Silvan fathers with human mothers. They were all either raised in exile like me by their mothers or kicked out of the family home on their sixteenth birthday. Those families are all High Families or members of the Nobility.” The more Valkyrie explain the situation for Robert the madder he got. He couldn’t believe that a family would just kick someone out because they weren’t socially acceptable. He near came out of his seat at Valkyrie’s next words. “Depending on the family their sisters, if they have them, are sometimes married off as second and third wives. What usually happens is the sisters are sold off as concubines.”

“Sir it is a common practice. Especially among the more traditionalist High Families and Nobility.” Grace told him honestly.

“Gracey tell me something. Is polygamy a common practice in Elf Society?” Robert asked her in disbelief.

“Yes, sir. It is accepted and embraced. Especially among the High Families and Nobility. Concubines are considered a wealthy family’s luxury. Because most of them are either human or half elf. You’ll never find a human wife or husband among those families.” Grace explained then snarled. “Not that they would ever consider a concubine a person to begin with.”

“Are you saying that concubines are slaves?” Robert snarled.

“No sir. At least not by law. What usually happens is a broker for the family travels to one of the poorer regions of the Kingdom. This broker then works their way through most underprivileged areas. If they spot a hansom young man or beautiful young woman that fits their employer’s tastes. They make their parents an offer. That young man or woman then leaves their home planet to spent the next ten to twenty years as a concubine.” Grace explained. “They aren’t slaves but contractors working off a family debt.”

“By let themselves be used as sex toys.” Robert snarled. He knew exactly what Grace was talking about. He had seen more than a few of those brokers on Apollo 6. They were always going around to the orphanages looking to buy one of the teenage girls. He put a stop to them coming around Sky Reach by dropping one broker into the harbor with his throat slit from ear to ear. “Silence, send the go command.”

“Sir!” Valkyrie shouted as she snapped to attention saluting him. As she turned to leave Robert’s office, she looked him in the eyes. “Sir, do I have permission to engage my father?”

“Negative, Silence. He needs to remain in office for now. I know you don’t want to hear this, but he is our best bet at securing the Senate.” Robert told her honestly. “Valkyrie, I know that you want answers. I promised you that you will get them. But taking your father’s life won’t give you those answers. Come see me after you have given the go signal.”

“Yes sir.” Valkyrie Starfire answered with a salute and left the office. Once they were alone again Grace Wittman sat down in front of Robert.

“Sir may I speak freely?” She asked him. When Robert nodded Grace took a deep breath them asked. “What the hell is really going on with the Starfire clan sir? You know something no one else does.”

“What I am about to tell you Gracey doesn’t leave this room. Understood?” Robert told her and waited for Grace to nod. Letting out a deep sigh Robert looked down at his hands. “It all started with the appearance of the very first Death Dealer Claymore. More than thirty years ago.”

“Hold on here sir. What do Claymores have to do with anything? I know that we have a full company of them under our command. I just figured that the process was tweaked in some way to produce Claymores. You know like they did for the new Death Dealer pilots.” Grace told him.

“That is a totally different process Gracey. While it was brought about by using a Claymore for the base programing. Our pilots are not true Claymores. The only way to get a true Claymore is through a genetic quirk in the human gene. It is the same gene for nine out of ten couplings between elves and humans producing viable half elf offspring. That gene is the dormant Silver Moon Elf genome. The other ten percent is because of the Sylvian genome carried by either the human or elf.” Robert explained for her.

“Okay sir. I can tell that you’re withholding something.” Grace said as she scratched her chin in thought. “What does all that have to do with our unit?”

“For the last five centuries your there was a top-secret breeding program put in place among the High Families of Highwinds Kingdom. It was an attempt to bring about the return of the Silver Moon Elves. It started when the first Silvan elves were born in Human Empire space.” Robert told her then went on to tell her about the five-hundred-year-old program. For the next ten minutes Grace Wittman could only start at Robert in shock.

“Sir, are you telling me that Silvan Elves owe their very existence to Human Empire science?” She asked him when Robert finished.

“I wish that I wasn’t but that is the honest truth. I’m sorry Grace.” Robert told her with real regret in his voice. “Queen Tatiana knew that Silvan Elves were fast reaching the point of extinction. She knew that humans breed faster than elves. She came to our genetic scientists asking for them to help with their survival. To that end, those scientists used surrogate human females to breed several generations of Silvan Elves.”

“That is why there have always been more Silvan elves born in Human Empire Space for the last five-hundred years. They’re still breeding them for us.” Grace surmised quickly then looked up at Robert. “Oh shit. Queen Tatiana was also trying to revive the Silver Moon elves. Wasn’t she.”

“I believe so. Take a look at this.” Robert told her as he brought up two pictures on his computer monitor. “On the right is a picture taken from the Royal archies of a Silver Moon Elf. On the left is a picture of Master Sergeant John C Morris. The first Claymore in Death Dealer history.”

“Son of a bitch. They might as well be brothers. I do have one question. How come there have been more Death Dealer Claymores?” Grace asked him.

“The same reason why there are so few half elf children. Now I only learned of this information until recently. It all goes back to the Silver Moon elves that were left behind on earth centuries ago. There wasn’t enough of them to truly saturate the human populace with their genes. The key to why Claymores first showed up in the Human Empire was the humans that the Silver Moon elves interbreed with. It took me some digging, but all Claymores have one thing in common. Their family bloodlines all trace back to two areas of Earth known as Scandinavia, and Germania. The two areas of ancient Earth with the largest Silver Moon populations.” Robert explained as he pointed towards his monitor.

“Sir I have to ask. Is that breeding program still in operation?” Grace asked him with some trepidation in her voice.

“I can only assume so Grace. Now that I know about these recruiters. I have to say that the program is still operating on some level. Though I doubt that it is still an official program. I would have to seen the type of person those recruiters are looking for.” Robert told her.

“That is simple sir. When it comes to human concubines, they always look for individuals with light colored hair, light eyes, light skin, tall stature, and dolichocephalic skull. For elven concubines they look for those of mixed-races with Silvan traits. At least those were the type that my father’s recruiter brought to him.” Grace almost snarled. Then she saw the look in his eyes. “Sir did I just say something important?”

“You did indeed Grace. There was an ancient earth myth about a super race called Aryans. That myth lead to the so-called Nordic Race theory. That same theory got twisted around and used for one of our greatest crimes against humanity but that is beside the point. The only reason I’m bring it up is because the so-call Nordic race comes from the regions of earth I named off.” Robert told her. “What if, and this is a big if, the Aryans of legend were in truth the Silver Moon elves?”

“Sir I hate to say this, but I would give you even odds that you’re right. Because your theory would explain more than a few passages within our Holy texts. I’m talking about more than just my own religion but all of them.” Grace told him with a sigh as she studied the two pictures. “All this time. For more than five-hundred years Queen Tatiana was trying to revive the Silver Moon Elves. the only question is why.”

“Gracey I can only postulate another theory. She felt that your people needed a race of warriors to protect them. To the answer she looked to your race’s legends for the answer.” Robert told her kindly. “When the first Claymore appeared, Queen Dana was able to finally put all of the pieces together.”

“Then all seventy-one-hundred Claymores weren’t planned for?” Grace asked.

“Yes and no Grace. It wasn’t until Irma was given this information by Queen Dana that I realized exactly what was happening. After that I had to move fast. To the rest of your people and the High Command every last one of the troops we’ve trained are Claymores. Only the Queen, and a select few know the truth. All of our trainees are Silver Moon elves.” Robert told her. “Do you understand the meaning of what I just old you?”

“Yes sir. I open my mouth and I disappear. Do any of our troops know the truth, sir?” Grace asked him with a gulp.

“Only one and she’s sworn not say a word.” Robert told her as he looked toward the door to his office. “Highly doubt she’ll ever say a word.”

“Valkyrie Starfire will take the secret to her grave sir. Of all our troops. She has the greatest sense of Personal Honor. When she gives you her word on something. You can bank on it.” Grace told him as she stood up. “If you excuse me sir. I need to see to the rest of today’s schedule.”

“Carry out your duties Colonel. I do have one last thing for you to look into. Find out where the rest of my team was sent.” Robert told her.

“I already did that sir. Their dropship should be landing at Atlas Spaceport on Sphinx two in two days sirs.” Grace told him.

“So, they’ve all been sent home. It seems the Highwinds Command don’t trust my team.” Robert chuckled. “Not that I don’t blame them. We are a bad example for our troops.”

“I wouldn’t say that sir.” Grace told him.

“Oh, we are, Grace. Trust me. Just asked my lovely fiancée.” Robert chuckled.

“I did.” Grace smirked and left his office.

Four Winds City, Highwinds.
Cresod Row Slums, hour after sundown.

“Big Man why is everyone giving us a wide birth?” I asked my companion as we walked the dark streets of Cresod Row.

“Are you shitting me Silence. There isn’t a person in all of Highwinds or Human Empire that doesn’t know a Claymore by sight. Of course, they’re going to give us a wide birth.” Daimon Windstorm told me bluntly. “They’re all afraid of us gutting them in the middle of the street. You forget that Death Dealers scare the shit out of most people. How do you think they’re going to react to someone who scares Death Dealers?”

“When you put it that way. I can see why they’re staying away from us. How do you think your old gang will receive us?” I asked him.

“At gun point.” The big man told me as he watched a runner take off down the street. “We won’t have long to wait now boss. That was Skipjack. He’s the fast runner of my old crew.”

“Do you think your crew will be will to hear you out?” I asked him.

“Depends on who took charge after the bronzes picked me up. If it was Nosebleed, I’ll have to fight to regain control. If Snaggletooth is the one in charge, he might listen to us. The one we have to worry about Casper. That fool is crazy with a capital C. He’ll shoot us as soon as he’ll listen to us.” Daimon told me as we neared the corner. “Heads up boss. Incoming.”

I looked over to where Daimon was pointing and readied my combat systems for action. I didn’t want to be caught flatfooted. “Talk to me Big Man.”

“Still counting faces boss. I haven’t seen any of my three primary tangos. Stay frosty.” Daimon told me as he turned to face the oncoming gang.

“Your people or not Big Man. The first one to fart wrong dies.” I snarled as I targeted the five members carrying firearms.

“Understood boss.” Daimon sighed. He knew that I would have no problems with carrying out my threat. Striding forward he moved to stop the oncoming gang before matters got out of hand. “Where’s Icepick?”

“Who wants to know buddy?” One of the gangbangers shouted.

“Just get me Iesha, Slammer.” Daimon Windstorm ordered.

“I don’t know you friend.” One of the gangbangers said as she pushed her way to the front of the stopped gang. “Care to tell me how you know my name?”

“Been awhile rugrat. Mom still running the dinner?” Daimon asked her.

“Only one person calls me that. Is that you Daimon?” The young woman asked him as she stepped away from the rest of the gang.

“Yup. As you can see I kind of went through a few changes.” Daimon chuckled as he held out his arms. “How do you like my new look?”

“You’re a fracking Claymore! How the hell did this happen? I thought you were supposed to be in prison.” Iesha said as she stepped closer.

“I was given a choice between training for a new unit in the Death Dealers or being sent to prison. I chose being trained as a Death Dealer.” Daimon told her bluntly. “When my tank popped. I stepped out as a Claymore.”

“Holy shit.” Iesha whispered as she walked around my friend. When she got a good look at me, she turned to Daimon. “Who’s the Silver Eyed Witch?”

“Drop the fracking attitude, Iesha. The lady is my Commanding Officer.” Daimon told her bluntly. Then lowered his voice to just above a whisper. “She’s also ten kinds of fracking deadly.”

“She don’t look so tough to me.” Iesha snarled as she gave me the evil eye.

“Little girl I’m going to give you a friendly warning. I can kill you in twenty-eight ways with my bare hands. I routinely put your big brother on his ass during training. Before your friends back there can raise those popguns. I can cut them in half from here.” I told her with a nasty grin. “Your brother isn’t the only Claymore walking these streets.”

“Wait a minute. You’re a Death Dealer?” Iesha asked as she backed up. “I thought they only took men like the rest of our military.”

“She is rugrat. Death Dealers welcome both men and women into their ranks. The only people we turn away are those who won’t put in the work to complete the training. We send those to the regular army.” Daimon turned to me. “Silence allow me to introduce my kid sister Iesha.”

“She sure as frack don’t look like your sister Big Man. She’s too damned pretty.” I said as I stood up straight. “What happened with you?”

“What can I say? I’m the mailman’s baby.” Daimon chuckled as Iesha grinned.

“I like her Horndog.” Iesha told him then turned serious. “Why did you come back? You got out. You know the deal. You got no ties here anymore.”

“That’s where you’re wrong Icepick. We got business with the Double Deuces. Who’s running things now?” Daimon told her.

“You’re not going to like it, Horndog.” She told him.

“Who?” Daimon snarled.

“Splitter running the hood now.” Iesha told him.

“Shit. Where is the frack?” Daimon demanded.

“The old stash house on eighteenth.” Iesha answered with her head down. “Trust me you don’t want to go there. You and your CO might be Death Dealers. But he has some real firepower backing him up. He took out Nosebleed, Casper, and Snaggletooth, three nights after you were snapped up.” Iesha told us.

“What kind of firepower are we talking about?” I asked her.

“Military grade shit, sister. I’m talking about those Land Warrior power suits. They’re older models. First or second generation.” Iesha told me then sighed when she saw the look on my face. “I know what I’m talking about.”

“Where’d he get his hands on those Icepick?” I asked.

“The asshole stole them off the decommissioning line.” Iesha snapped.

“How many?” Daimon asked her calmly.

“Four of them. Why? It’s not like you got an APS or IFV to take them out.” Iesha answered her brother.

“Two to one odds if we both hit them, Big Man.” I told him. “But this is your neighborhood. I’ll stay out of it if you want.”

“Stay here with my sister and the Duces boss. I’ll be back in twenty mikes.” Daimon snarled as he deployed his bio-armor. “Behave yourself.”

I watched him jump to the top of a four-story building and run into the night. I turned to see a look of disbelief on the face of Daimon’s sister. A look that was echoed on the faces of the gang members.

“Alright young lady. Where can I get a cup of coffee around here.” I asked Iesha with a pleasant smile.

“Aren’t you going to help my brother?” She demanded of me.

“Iesha, your brother doesn’t need my help. Four civilians in Land Warrior Armor against one Death Dealer is not a fair fight. For them. It doesn’t matter the generation of armor they’re using.” I assured her.

“Are you nuts? They might not have their antitank missiles and twenty-mil lasers. Those suits still have their seven-point-six-two miniguns. They might not punch a hole in an IFV, but they can punch holes in anything we can get our hands. If your training hasn’t covered them yet. Let me give you a clue. The SEM-three-four-nine minigun fires armor piercing full metal jacketed rounds. They’ll push through that thin as armor of yours like paper.” Iesha told me with the pride of an expert.

“Iesha the bio-armor of a Second-Generation Death Dealer withstand a direct hit from a fifty-cal antivehicle rifle.” I told her with a grin. “We use seven-six-two as training incentives to improve.”

“You use live rounds on each other. Yeh right.” Iesha scoffed only to get a dirty look from me. She shook her head and asked. “You’re kidding right?”

“I’m a Death Dealer. I don’t have a sense of humor.” I told her then grinned. “The exercise only happens once. Two days after we come out of our conversion tanks. Our Instructors take us out to live fire range. Everybody deploys our armor, and line up. Then one at a time our Instructors shoot us in the torso with a seven-point-six-two SAW.”

“My god! Why would they do that? Are they trying to kill you or something?” Iesha gasped as I told about the scariest exercise before graduation.

“Nope. They do it to show us that we can trust our bio-armor. At least under certain circumstances. When your brother hits that stash house, all Hell is going to break loose. The only thing that will left alive when he leaves is the cockroaches.” I promised her. “He’ll tear through the armor of those Land Warriors like it was made from tissue paper.”

“Are Claymores really that powerful?” She asked me.

“Kiddo, all Death Dealers are that powerful. Claymores are just nastier than your normal Death Dealers.” I told her honestly then placed my hand on her shoulder. “Don’t worry. Your brother is one of the best.”

“You say that like you know him.” She said.

“I do know him. I trained with him from day one. He won’t have been promoted to Sergeant First Class if he wasn’t one of the best.” I told her honestly. The sounds of gunfire drew everyone’s attention in the direction that Daimon had headed. “Sound like your brother is taking care of business.”

When Iesha heard me say this she took off at a dead run. The rest of the gang quickly followed her. With a smile I deployed my armor and jumped to the nearest roof. Once there I locked in on Daimon’s IFF signal. Jacob gave me the distance and heading.

‘Lady Valkyrie your Sergeant is four-hundred-ninety-one meters away on a heading of three-four-eight. I suggest a minimum cruising speed of seventy-five miles per hour for safe travel.’

‘Why so slow Jacob?’ I asked him as I started running.

‘The roofing material for most of these structures is unstable. The whole area is in rather poor repair my lady. Should you try to move at our maximum speed there is a good chance of falling through. Until you have had time to learn the safe routes. I suggest we move by street level. Unless necessary.’

‘Understood Jacob. Thanks for the warning.’ I told him as I jumped between roofs. It took me a little longer than I liked but I still arrived in time to see the end of Daimon’s fight. “Silence to Big Man. Are you clear?”

“Clear Silence. Four Lemma Whiskies down. Seven India Foxtrots down. All hostile tangos eliminated. Any contact from Lemma Oscar Echoes? Over”

“Nothing so far Big Man. You do have in bound local assets. Your little sister looks ready to take your head off. Over” I warned him with a chuckle.

“She won’t be pissed for long. I’m coming out Silence. Don’t shoot me. Over” Daimon told me just before he exited the house. He stopped then looked up to where I was standing on the roof and waved. I could see the smile on his face as he dragged a young man by the hair out of the house. “I got a present for my little sister and the Deuces.”

“Who’s the bunny? Over” I asked him.

“The piece of shit that has been terrorizing my neighborhood. I also know how he got his hands on those suits. They weren’t stolen. They were given to him by his father. Over” Daimon told me.

“Stay there.” I snarled and jumped off the roof. I landed less than three feet from him. “Talk to me.”

“Captain I would like for you to meet Jackson Faenala the youngest bastard son of Knight Commander Arun Faenala. His father has been using his illegitimate heirs to take over the street gangs. Those four suits of Land Warrior armor were being operated by RA troops.” Daimon told me before he dropped the man on his face.

“What the frack is going on here Sergeant?” I snarled as Jacob ran a medical scan of the unconscious man. ‘Jacob are you sure about those results?’

‘I am lady Valkyrie. The individual in question is a mix of Drow and Winter elf races. He has had extensive cosmetic surgery.’

“I can only guess ma’am.” Daimon told me honestly. “What I can tell you is this. Up until a year ago this shithead and his five brothers were nothing more than a low-level street crew. They worked the import docks boosting cargo crawlers. They stayed away from the regular crews unless they had something to hand off.”

“What the hell could have happened to change their normal operations?” I wondered as Iesha and the Double Deuces arrived.

“Holy shit! You really are a Death Dealer.” Daimon’s little sister gasped as she saw me in my all of my combat mode glory. “I’m sorry that I didn’t believe you miss, but you’re not how I pictured a female Death Dealer looking. You’re way too beautiful. Does your husband approve?”

“Iesha the Captain is single.” Daimon coughed. Then toed Jackson Faenala before asking a blushing little sister. “When did this piece of shit and his family move up the ranks, Icepick?”

“Like I said earlier. It all started three nights after you and the other half elves got snagged by the bronzes. Splitter and his brothers showed up heavy all over town. They hit the sit downs for us, Devil’s Hunters, Irish Hearts, Black Banner, High Ground, and Dockyard Rats. After they took out the competition for the leadership. They just moved in.” Iesha explained.

“This sounds more like a military takeover of the gangs than some low-level street crew making a play for the big time.” I surmised. “Sergeant, you said that this shithead is the youngest son of the Knight Commander. By chance does the Knight Commander have any pull with the local bronze?”

“Not really. Then again, the Faenala brothers don’t need their daddy’s protection. They’ve been paying off the local bronzes.” Iesha told me.

“Speaking of the bronze. Where the hell are they? They should have come on this place like a dropship on high burn five minutes ago.” I asked as I looked around for the local police.

“Like I said earlier. Things have changed since that sweep. The local bronze only come into the hoods unless there is a civilian involved. Just over five months ago, they pulled the automate LEO units and all CCTV cameras from the hoods. It’s like they were abandoning the hoods to the gangs. Only every time one of the gangs tried to gain an upper hand one of these mooks and their crew showed up. They became judge, jury, and executioners.” Iesha explained for me and Daimon.

“How large of a territory do the Faenala brothers control?” Daimon asked her as he looked down at the man.

“With the expections of Government Square, Wreok Market, Jutbis Avenue, and Upper East Strikwat. They control all of Four Winds. Why?” She asked.

“Iesha if I want to organize an armed rebellion. Where would be the best place to do so under the radar?” I asked her.

“The old Gust Wood warehouse district.” Daimon and Iesha answered together. Seeing my look of confusion Daimon explained. “The whole district is nothing but abandoned industrial warehouses Silence. I’m talking about thousands of hectares of empty buildings. Most of them patrolled by one lone, under paid, unarmed, disgraced bronze in a hover car.”

“IN other words, the perfect place to secretly train a privet army.” I snarled. “Big Man I’m leaving the rest of our mission to you. Get the gangs organized and hit the Millennium Assembly members like the hand of God.”

“Excuse me Ma’am. Did you say Millennium Assembly?” Iesha asked me. When I nodded, she sighed. “There’s been a bunch of suits going around to the gangs saying their with the Millennium Assembly. They’ve been offering clean records and full-time paying jobs for anyone who joins their organization.”

“Did they say what kind of jobs?” Daimon asked her.

“No sir. They would only say that if we wanted to know. We had to go to some big rally to learn more.” One of the other gangsters told us.

“How many of our people went to the rally Jumper?” Daimon asked him.

“Just me, Glasses, and Peewee, Horndog. We figured that we might as well hear what they were offering. We split ten minutes into the head monkey nut’s speech.” Jumper told us honestly.

“Why?” I asked him.

“The guy was preaching the old line about how mixed-race, and half elves should have their own planet shit. Like that is ever going to happen.” Jumper snorted. “The guy also had this really slimy feel about him.”

“Did he give his name?” I asked him.

“Naw. Everybody just called him Leader.” Jumper grunted.

“Do you know when they’re holding the next rally?” Daimon asked him.

“No one does Horndog. They come through neighborhoods on the day of the rally handing out fliers with the time and place.” Jumper told him.

“Boss, you need to head back to base.” Daimon suggested then grinned at the look in my eye. “Or you can just call in the rest of Wraith Company.”

“Daimon, I don’t like the look in your eyes. What are you going to do in my hood big brother?” Iesha asked him.

“We’re about to rain down Hellfire and brimstone little sister.” Daimon told her told bluntly. “Other than that. You really don’t what to know. Just keep the Double Deuces out of our way. Because you get in our way. Sister or not you’ll get caught in the steam roller.”

“What the hell Daimon?! You’re acting like this is a military deal.” Iesha snarled. “These frackers come into our hood and screwed with our people. Nobody gets away with that shit. Not now, not ever. We want in.”

“If that is the case Icepick. I got a job for you.” I told her and handed her the list of names I had brought with me. “Get with the other gangs. The men and women on that list are the top dogs in the Millennium Assembly. Take them out of the game. If you want to end the threat to your hoods and people. That has to happen.”

“Consider it done.”


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