The Elven Question- chp 3

The Elven Question

Queen Dana of Highwinds the Elf Kingdom inside the Empire has a problem. One that she cannot fix personally. The is with a small minority of her population. A problem that has been brought to her attention by the half elf son of a problematic Duke. What is a Queen to do? She calls on help from a friend. The question now is does she realize what she is letting loose on her kingdom?

Chapter 3
Military compound, Highwinds Kingdom

I couldn’t believe this shit. After spending the last 8 days locked in a cell at the Royal Palace. Then another 20 in the local jail they drag my ass to this prison compound in the middle of nowhere. The crazy part is the rest of the prisoners are all half elves like myself. For the last 12 days we’ve done nothing but stand around and play cards or Nova Rings. I couldn’t believe the number of gangs that grouped up once we got here. If I didn’t know better I would swear that the cops rounded up every last gang member in the Capital. Only to drop them all in this camp.

“Yo! Starfire!” the leader of the half Forest Elves called out to me as he neared. “You got any idea of what the crazy bitch cousin of yours has in store for us?”

“Don’t ask me, Oakrod. I’m still waiting for my Trail by Blood.” I told him honestly. It hadn’t taken long for the rest of the prisoners to find out who I was related too once we got here. I think one of the guards might have let it slip. That and how I had demanded a Trial by Blood. “If anyone knows what’s going on it’s the Captain of the guards.”

“Speaking of the guards. Have you noticed something strange about them? They sure as hell ani’t no ordinary corrections officers.” Oakrod told me as he studied one of the guards near the gate to the compound. “Their uniforms are military.”

“I was wondering when one you spotted that. You’re right. Those guards are not your ordinary corrections officers. They’re not even regular military. I hate to say this, but those people are all Death Dealers.” When I told him who was guarding us Oakrod turned whiter than a sheet. “Yeah I figured you would have figured it about now. You know that fracking crazy idea you had of uniting the gangs on overpowering the guards. I suggest that you forget about it. Because those people won’t play games with you. They most likely have orders to just kill our asses if we get out of line. They’ll do it and go have a cold beer afterwards.”

“What the hell man? It’s not like they would let us into the military in the first place. Why are we all of a sudden get the full on Marshal law beatdown?” Oakrod snarled as he glared at the guards.

“Like I said already. Don’t ask me. Though I don’t know what you’re bitching about. We’re getting three hot meals, a cot, and all the smokes we want. All of it is free of charge. In short we’re being treated better here in the fracking middle of nowhere than in a regular prison.” I told him honestly then looked over at the nine half Sylvain elves that had attached themselves to me. “As for me the rest of the Sylvain guys and girls. We’re keeping our fracking heads down.”

“You can do that bro and get a way with it. Me and mine don’t hold the same status as you Sylvans do. We got to earn our respect.” Oakrod snorted as he popped his knuckles. “We’re not like the rest of the halves here. Nobody wants us. Not even our so-called families or clans.”

“You want to know the real reason why nobody fracks with us Oakrod?” I asked him bluntly then answered him before he could say anything. “Because we don’t give them a chance at fracking with us. We hunt down the shitbags and leave them bleeding.”

“You there, are you Markus Starfire?” A guard demanded.

“Yes sir.” I know I’m going to regret this for reason.

“Report to the main guard shack. Double quick boy.” The guard ordered then walked off. “You finally get your Blood Trial.”

“Been nice knowing ya bro.” Oakrod snorted and walked away the rest of his crew.

“Worthless damn forest rat.” One of my so-called followers snort.

“Knock it off Razor. And I won’t warn you again about the race slurs. Next time I split your fracking skull.” I snarled as I stood up. “I got a feeling that we’re going to be needing them and all the other gangs here shortly if we want to survive.”

“What do you know that you ani’t saying boss?” Razor asked me honestly.

“Just a feeling Razor.” I told him as I looked towards the guards. “But Death Dealers don’t do bullshit guard work for no reason.”

“Gotcha boss. Should we spread the word to the rest of the gangs here?” He asked.

“No. Keep this under your hat for now. I might know more if I get back.” I told him honestly as I turned towards the main guard shack.

“If you get back bro. I heard that the Queen granted your Blood Trial. You know those things are to the death.” Razor told me.

“Yeah I know. Like I said. If I get back.” I told him and walked off.

Throne room, Royal Palace, Four Winds, Highwinds

Robert walked into the throne room of the Highwinds Kingdom a step behind Irma. He knew that his place was a step behind and to the left of her. They had worked together on how he should escort her before Queen Dana. That was a surprise. When he escorted Imra onto the JES campus grounds the gate guard instructed him to escort her before the Head Mistress. To find Grand Lady Dai Etsu was the actual Head Mistress for the school floored Robert.

Though not as much as Lady Dai Etsu’s pull with the High Command. One video call was all it took to arrange for him to be the personal escort for Irma during her flight back to Highwinds. The real kick in the head for Robert was the way his orders were worded. Only Queen Dana could release him from his escort duties. That meant until he was released from being Imra’s escort. He went where she did.

“Presenting the Lady Imra Ventris of Clan Ravenswood and her escort. Chief Warrant Officer Robert Wolff savor of Goulcrest. Winner of the Parliamentary Golden Cross with oak leaf for Valor and the Silver Wings Assault Badge with star.” Robert wanted to punch the court herald and would have if not for the look Imra gave him over her shoulder as they walked towards the throne.

“Don’t worry love I’ll behave.” Robert whispered.

“You better, damn it. That’s my aunt and uncle up there.” Imra whispered fiercely. “Just remember to bow when we reach the foot of the throne.”

“Yeah, yeah, I know already Imra. I’m not a total slug.” Robert grumbled.

Robert never took his eyes off the two men in Land Warrior Armor standing behind the throne. Robert Knew that he could in theory take them both down without much force. Yet there was something about them that made his COBRA os twitch. It was taking all of his concentration to keep the targeting system offline. He knew the second he got a solid target lock on just one those two men would open fire. With Imra standing next him. Robert wasn’t about to let that happen.

As Imra dropped down into an extremely deep and formal curtsy Robert bowed from the waist. They both held their positions waiting for the command to rise. While for Robert this wasn’t a big deal he knew that holding a curtsy that deep was painful for Imra. He was about to say something when his DDAI’s IFF was pinged.

What the hell?! Celest who just pinged our IFF?!’ Robert demanded of his AI.

Working on it Robert. Whoever that was they’re not a normal Death Dealer AI. I’m talking General Command Staff Officer here.

I don’t give a shit Celest! Find their sorry ass and paint a target on them! Move our readiness status to war footing. Place the COBRA in standby. This is a weapons free no notice situation. Understood.” Robert ordered the AI as scanned the room.

Target identified Robert. Knight Commander Arun Faenala for the War Prince’s 4th Division. Robert that AI is a first generation. Classification is unknown to me.’

Don’t worry about classification Celest. If it’s an unknown first generation Death Dealer AI as you say. Then it was installed long before the first Second Generation ever set foot on Hades. Seeing as how they’re still in operation and unknown then that AI has to be an original Infiltrator class AI. Stand down COBRA and drop the hard lock on the target.' As Robert relaxed the golden crosshairs in his eyes vanished. Only one person saw them, and she never moved from her position.

“You may raise Lady Imra. Chief Warrant Officer Wolff thank you for escorting my niece home from school. Though I would like to know why you thought to engage your combat systems in my throne room?” Dana asked him kindly.

“Please forgive me your Majesty. I wasn’t expecting to have my AI’s IFF queried by someone who is not part of your Royal Guard.” Robert explained with a friendly smile. “To be very honest ma’am. It caught me off guard.”

“I see. Care to point out the individual that challenged your AI?” Prince Raygel demand of him as he scanned the throne room.

“Knight Commander Arun Faenala for the War Prince 4th Division.” Robert answered bluntly as he turned to face the man in question. “Though I would prefer to handle such challenges in a less public setting. I am more than willing to accept your challenge and reeducate the members of the War Prince Divisions about Death Dealers. That is if I have your permission Queen Dana.”

“You would dare face me whelp in honorable combat whelp?” The Drow Elf knight challenged as he stepped forward with a cocky grin. In a booming voice the elf raised both his arms high yelling as loud as he could. “A pup that hasn’t seen three decades is four-hundred too young to stand against me!”

“Rob please take it easy on the dumb ass?” Imra asked in a small voice. She already knew that Robert was going to pound the crap out of the elder Drow elf knight. “At least don’t use any of your weapons.”

“Don’t worry Lady Imra. My weapons shall remained locked down until after I have retaught your elder their manners.” Robert to her with a sly smile as he looked toward Prince Raygel expectantly. Raygel just nodded head and wave his hand slightly towards the Knight Commander. Robert’s smile turned from sly to predatory in the flash of an eye as he turned and charged the elder Drow elf saying one word. “Accepted.”

Before the old Knight Commander could realize what was happening the Death Dealer was on top of him. The humans blows were like piston driven hammers as they rained down on his body and face. Only when the last blow landed did Arun Faenala finally realize that this Death Dealer was the same as James J. Owens. Robert stood still as a stone over the unconscious body of Arun Faenala for 5 seconds. With a snort Robert turned and walked back to stand next to Imra. As he did so Robert straightened out his uniform jacket and wiped Faenala’s blood form his knuckles with a hankie snarling. “Anybody else want to challenge me?”

“They warned us that you're as ruthless as Death.” Prince Raygel chuckled. “Welcome to Highwinds, Ripper. We hope that your time here with us will be as productive.”

“Sorry for the mess your Highness.” Robert told him as he looked over at the still form of the Knight Commander. “I hope that not all of your general officers are as stupid as the Knight Commander for the War Prince fourth Heavy Armor Division.”

“I can assure you that the rest of our military commanders have more brains and tact than Sir Arun.” Dana told him with a friendly smile. “The last time this court asked for a Death Dealer’s help was under Queen Tatiana’s rule. It was a dark time for the War Prince Divisions. Once again our nation is faced with a dire situation.”

“The orders of my team and myself said that you needed a new unit formed and trained as Special Operations soldiers. I have one question.” Robert told Dana as he looked around the throne room. “Who are to be your new soldiers?”

The sound of the throne room doors opening drew everyone’s attention. As sly smile slowly graced Dana’s lips as Markus Starfire was dragged before her in chains. The whole audience looked on the Sylvian half elf with disgust. “I’ll answer your question in just a moment Chief. First I must deal with a matter of Royal politics.”

“Of course, your Majesty. Lady Imra shall we step to the side for now?” Robert snarked as he held out his arm to guide her out of the way.

“Markus Starfire you have demanded a Trial By Blood. Do you still wish to proceed? Understand that this is your last chance to resend your challenge.” Raygel called out to the young man before them.

“I will have answers cousin. If the only way I can get them is through a Trail By Blood. Then I am ready to face my death if need be.” Markus called out with pride. “Who shall I face?”

“Take your pick boy. All warriors within this hall are bound by Royal Degree to answer your challenge. That includes myself.” Raygel said bluntly.

“Does that include the human escort of Lady Imra?” Markus asked Raygel figuring that the human was his best bet at surviving.

“Well Chief Warrant Office Wolff. Will you accept the challenge?” Dana asked Robert quickly with the same sly smile from before.

“Damn it. I hate getting blood on my uniform.” Robert grumbled as he removed his dress uniform jacket. Handing it to Imra he said. “Hold this for me please.”

“Go easy on the boy Robert. He doesn’t know who he just challenge to a fight. No broken bones or lethal blows.” Imra told him as she took his jacket with a sigh.

“Guards remove his restraints. Markus you have your opponent. Your challenge has been accepted. May the Goddess Sehanine Moonbow witness your valor in combat.” Once the two men were facing each other Dana raised her arm. With a sharp downward cutting motion Dana shouted. “Begin!”

Robert let the boy take a few swings to gage his skill level. When he was able to dodge and block all of Markus’s swings Robert grinned. “Not bad kid.”

“I’ve trained in the honorable art of Saadhoir from the time I was six, human.” Markus answered with a snarl. “No one has ever been able to match me.”

“Saadhoir is good when fighting someone who is will to face you in a fair duel, boy.” Robert told him with an evil smile just before he counterattacked. “Your problem is you believe that all your opponents will face you in a fair duel.”

Less than two seconds later Markus was on his back and Robert hand his knee in his chest poised to deliver the killing blow. Robert held the blowing ordering. “Yield!”

“I yield.” Markus realized at that moment he was no match for this man. He also knew that if the Queen ordered it. This man would kill him without a second thought.

“Thank you for sparing him Chief Warrant Officer Wolff.” Dana said as she stood up from her throne. With slow deliberate steps she crossed the space between them. Once she was standing over Markus, Dana Silverleaf, Queen of Highwinds glared down at the boy. “Do you know where you made your mistake?”

“No my Queen.” Markus answered looking down at the floor after he moved into a kneeling position before his Queen. “I await your judgement.”

“You made three mistakes Markus Starfire. The first mistake was in forcing me to grant you a Trial by Blood. The second was in expecting a duel between equals. Lastly you DARED to challenge the Whitechapel Ripper.” Dana snarled. “By all rights I should send you to the executioner. Instead, I hereby condemn you to a lifetime of military service. In our nation’s newest military unit.”

The shock of the sentence as it hung in the air was palpable. Not one person in attendance that day would ever forget the moment that the history of the Highwinds Military was changed by that order. As the shock wore off several of the hardliners in the Military High Command began to object. Dana ignored their outburst as she returned to her throne. Only when she had sat down and raised her right for silence did they stop their complaining.

“For far too long our military has ignored a valuable resource among our people. To that end I have beseeched the Empyreal Military for a team of Death Dealers. They shall take those members of our society that have been overlooked for so long and train them to fill the ranks of this unit. No longer shall our military turn away half elves. They deserve the same chance as any other young man or woman of our kingdom to serve.” Dana explained slowly only to have the most vocal of the Hardliners step forward. “You have an objection Lord Vincent?”

“I most certainly do Your Majesty. Half elves have no place among our citizens let alone alongside our honorable military personnel. To allow those rejects to serve next to such honored warriors is to solely the reputation of our armed services.” The more the man talked the madder Dana became. Before she could say or react to the man’s arrogance Robert busted out signing. The song was eons olds but still had the impact to drive a point home.

“Gypsies, tramps, and thieves. We’d hear it from the people of the town. They’d call us Gypsies, tramps, and thieves. But every night all the men would come around. And lay their money down.” Robert keep signing as he walked across the throne room to stand before Lord Vincent. “You are so pathetic in your attitude towards your fellow citizens that’s not even funny. You look upon half elves as if they are no better than third class citizens. You would happily call them gypsies, tramps, and thieves or worse to prove your so-called superiority.”

“HOW DARE YOU SPEAK TO ME IN THAT MANNER!” Vincent roared only to have Robert punch him in the gut. As the man fell to his knees Robert turned to face Dana.

“I beg your forgiveness your Majesty.” Robert said with a bow from the waist. “But I could not just stand here and let this blowhard bad mouth my troops.”

“You have nothing to apologize for Chief. I would have been surprised if you hadn’t taken objection to Lord Vincent’s outburst.” Dana chuckled as she turned to Prince Raygel. “Please read the letter of Commission for Colonel Wolff, Prince Raygel.”

“As you command your Majesty.” Raygel said with bow then removed a piece of paper from his inside jacket pocket. “Attention to orders. By Royal decree Chief Warrant Officer Second Class Robert Wolff of His Empyreal Majesty’s Death Dealers Special Operations Command is hereby granted the rank of Colonel within the Highwinds Royal Army. He is hereby ordered to form and train the First Special Forces Airborne Command within our Royal Army. Said Command shall answer only to Her Royal Majesty, and Queen Tatiana’s Children of the Stars Commander. This unit shall not exceed a Regiment in size. To fulfill his duties Colonel Wolff will be given a free hand in both his recruitment and training of personnel. No one shall interfere with his methods or those of his team. This end the decree.”

“Does that include the appointment of officers and NCO’s your Highness?” Robert asked as he looked over at Markus.

“Do whatever it takes to get the job done Chief.” Dana ordered him as she stood up. “If you have to scour the prisons for the people you want or need. Then do so. I want a Special Operations Unit without equal. The only exception is you cannot recruit from the current standing military. There are far too many members of our military that lack the needed flexibility to accomplished the task.”

“Do I have a time frame your Majesty?” Robert asked still looking over Markus.

“Six months. Can it be done?” Dana asked him.

“I’ll have to get rough with them, but I can do it your Majesty.” Robert answered.

“Break them in half if you have to Chief. Just give me my Special Operations soldiers. I don’t care what you have to do. Just give me those troops in six months. You have your orders Ripper. Now care them out.” With that Dana stood up and left the throne room leaving Raygel to dismiss everyone.

Robert stepped over to the still kneeling Markus. “Get up soldier. Members of the Nightmare Regiment kneel before no one but the Gods.”

“That’s a good place to start Colonel.” Raygel told them as he neared the two. “Though I do have to ask why you decided on the name Nightmare Regiment?”

“Because that is what they will become sir. This new Special Operations Regiment will be more than a nightmare for training, but a nightmare to your enemies.” Robert told him as he looked over at the prone figure of Vincent. “And our allies.”

“Why do I have the feeling that you’re about to ram a twelve inch steel dildo up the ass of the High Command?” Raygel chuckled with a friendly smile.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about sir. I’ll have you know that the men and women of Special Operations Command are consummate professionals at all times. They call us the quiet professionals and masters of unconventional warfare.” Robert sniffed airily then chuckled. “We never let our personal feelings influence our decisions or operations. No matter how bad we want to grind someone’s nose in the shit like that jackass over there.”

“Chief you can lie all you want to the politicians but never try to bullshit a bullshitter or the troops.” Raygel chuckled then looked over at Markus frowning. “Understand something Markus. The only reason you’re still alive is because the Chief here showed you mercy and pulled his punches. If you had chosen anyone else. You would have ended up dead. First lesson cousin. In combat there are no rules.”

“Yes sir. Though I do have to ask. Did you or the Queen order the arrest of all gangs with half elf members?” Markus demanded sharply.

“Good. You’re not as stupid as you look.” Robert snarked only to get a glare from the boy. “Let me give you a hint boy. The only reason you and the rest of those half elves are still alive and being given this second is because I can train you to be something better than street thugs. You wanted to join the military. Just like those gangbangers. Only they were trying to get away from life on the streets. You got something to prove to your family and you want answers. I'll give you those answers when you’re ready, but not until then.”

“How would you know what I want?” Markus snarled.

“Because I saw the same look in your eyes that I once had in mine. You give me everything you have for the next six months, and I’ll give the answers you’re craving. You have my word on that.” Robert promised him.

“What if I don’t feel like being part of your unit?” Markus asked the retreating back of the Death Dealer.

“Then I’ll leave your sorry ass to feed the buzzards on the training grounds.” Robert tossed back over his shoulder. “You don’t give me your all Markus Starfire then I will finish what you started here.”

“You got your wish Markus. Don’t push your luck. They say that the Whitechapel Ripper leaves nothing but blood and dead bodies in his wake.” Raygel placed his hand on the young man’s shoulder. “Listen closely cousin. This is your last chance. As of right now you’re a dead man walking. You barely got a stay of execution from the Queen. If it had been up to me. I would have just ended your life and been done with the whole mess that your father dropped in our laps.”

“Sorry cousin, but this was the only way I could see to get the answers I need.” Markus sighed and bowed his head in regret. “Why won’t they just tell me what’s going on damn it? What’s so fracking important that my mother has to live in isolation on some backwater outpost world?”

Raygel sighed and leaned in close to his young cousin. “Listen to me Markus. This is not the time for those answers. Just know that what happened to you and your mother was not because of your father. It was done to keep the two of you safe. If you had waited just a few more years then none of this would be necessary.”

“Just answer one question for me cousin. Why? Why all the damned secrecy?” Markus grumbled as he looked towards Wolff stood with the Lady Imra.

“I wish that I could answer that question Markus. I really do. Just know that of all the men who could train you. Chief Warrant Officer Wolff understands where you are coming from more than most. Take this last chance and make the most of it Markus. There is one thing that a man like Chief Wolff can give you if you do as he says.” Raygel told his young cousin. “The unfiltered truth.”

“So you’re saying that I should trust him?” Markus asked only to get a nod of the head from Raygel. “Understood cousin. But if he fails me. I’ll kill him then you.”

“You can try cousin, you can try. Just know that not even a full battalion of Cheesehead Land Warrior suited infantry was able to scratch that man. The chance of you actually hurting that man are slime to none. As for killing him.” Raygel chuckled and gave his cousin’s shoulder a squeeze. “You need to remember one thing. He earned his name the Whitechapel Ripper for a very bloody reason.”

“What reason is that cousin?” Markus asked with real fear in his voice for the first time in his young life.

“His was a killer long before he ever put on the Empyreal Blacks of a Death Dealer.” Raygel told him honestly. “When you get back to the compound gather as many half Sylvain elves around you as you can. Become their leader. Then kick the shit out of the rest of the gang leaders. Then go out of your way to set the example for the rest of the gangs. Become the core of the unit’s new leadership. Understand?”

“Yes sir. Bust ass and become the core of Colonel Wolff’s new unit.” Markus grunted then turned towards the two MPs that entered the room. “Look’s like my ride is here cousin. Hopefully I’ll see you in six months.”

“I hope for your mother’s sake that you succeed Markus.” Raygel told his cousin as he watch him escorted from the throne. “Because if you fail. You’ll be dead.”

Queen’s Privet Gardens, Royal Place

Imra and Robert found the Queen standing over a lithium rosebush in her privet garden. Dana turned to the couple with a sad smile. “Thank you for coming Lady Imra, Chief Wolff. First I wish to apologize for what occurred in my throne.”

“Your Majesty you have nothing to apologize for. I figured that something was up when I received my orders to escort Lady Imra all the way to the palace. Though I do wonder at why you had my team split up among your capital planets.” Robert told her with a slight bow from the waist.

“You are as blunt as the Dowager Empress, Chief Wolff.” Dana laughed. “I remember the first time I met her. I thought I was baring witness to an Avenging Angle in all her grizzly wrath and beauty. She truly terrified me. You are like her in many ways. When you first walked through the doors of my throne I would have sworn that I was looking at an apex predator stalking his prey.”

“If anyone were to compare me to Empress Maiha in such a manner before I would say they were off their rocker.” Robert chuckled. “But seeing as how you know the Dowager Empress personally I can only say thank you for the high praise.”

“Only the truth Chief Wolff. As for why I have asked for you team to be split up among my capital planets the reason is simple. At most there are three to four hundred half elf gang members on each planet. By sending your team members to each capital planet they can begin the training of those gang members. It is my hope that by the time we can gather all the survivors of the first cut on Highwinds. We will have enough to form a full regiment. As you know the type of unit that I want formed has never been seen in the Highwinds Military.” Dana explained then stopped when Robert held up his hand. “You have a question?”

“Yes ma’am. You just said that your Military has never had a Special Operations unit in its history. How did that happen? I mean Special Operations units have been a staple of every military since before mankind left for the stars.” Robert explained in true confusion. “They were even present during the ancient Greek and Roman eras.”

“There is a discrepancy in human history Chief. Thousands of years before man first set foot on the moon. We elves left earth for the stars. While humans were still struggling for domination amongst themselves using iron age technology. We were colonizing the first of our planets. Because we are by nature in general a nonviolent race. Only mobilizing for war when forced to we never developed a true military until just a few thousand years ago. Even then we have been slow to accept what the Empire would consider a modern way of warfare.” Dana explained with a heavy sigh.

“Granted we have power armored Infantry, Heavy Artillery, Tanks, Aerospace fighters and bombers, APS units, and Naval Warships of all classes. Yet in the thousands of years that our standing military has existed they have never stepped away from the concept of a Medieval army with its class system. Only among the Death Dealer, War Prince and my own divisions does this attitude not prevail. I want to destroy the idea that ordinary citizens should stay within the class they were born.” Dana snarled. “To accomplish that I will use the very thing my High Command has forbidden. You are going to give me that weapon.”

“By using the very people, the High Commanders would deny the chance to raise above their lowly standing in the elven society. Outcasts, orphans, loners, all the dregs of your society. The very people that are kept at arm’s length. Forced to live in the shadows of polite society. People who are forced to take matters into their own hands just to survive. Even if that means breaking the law to do so. People who populate the gangs of the major cities. Namely half elves. Have I missed anything?” Robert asked her with a frown.

“As much as I wish could say that the situation were different. I cannot. It is those very individuals that I wish to save. Too many of my half elf citizens are simply gunned down in the streets at the first provocation by the Peacekeepers of my realm. Even their most blatant attacks are not brought forth for prosecution by my adjudicators. This status quo must not stand. I must have a way to protect those citizens at the greatest risk. As you said so pointedly said the half elves.” It was taking all of Dana’s self-control to keep her anger in check. “As members of our military they’ll be afford some protection. That is the one thing I have been able to force through nationwide. The old automated LEO’s have been scrapped and the weapons of our Peacekeepers will automatically lock when pointed at a member of the military. It doesn’t matter if their in uniform or not.”

“What about those who have yet to enlist or are too young enlist your Majesty? What are you doing to protect them?” Imra asked Dana kindly.

“As it stands right now my hands are tied Lady Imra. If I could only get one of our High Family Lords or Ladies to propose an Equal Rights Bill. Then I can move forward with the needed legislation.” The very blunt hint by the Queen had Imra blushing. “I do believe that you’re old enough now to take your place in the Hall of Lords Lady Imra. Do you think that you could maybe put forth such legislation?”

“I would be honored to my Queen. Though my father still holds the seat at this time.” Imra explained as she looked over at Robert for help. “Until he steps down I can do nothing to help you I’m afraid.”

“I see that your mother’s reports are accurate. You really haven’t been keeping in touch with your family as ordered.” Dana sighed and took Imra by the hand and guided her to a small bench to sit down. “Lady Imra with the exception of your mother. All of your family was killed during an attack by the Millennium Assembly. These is the reason for you sudden recall to the capital.”

“Please tell me that this is an awful joke your Majesty?” Imra begged before breaking down into uncontrollable sobs. Dana looked up from the young woman sobbing in her arms to see something that she had not seen in more than thirty years. ‘And Death did walk among them in the guess of a man.’ A single thought chased the first one through her mind. ‘Where the HELL does Maiha find these people?

“Chief I don’t like that look on your face. You’re not planning on doing something rash are you? Like maybe hunting the Millennium Assembly and eliminating them to the last man, woman, and child are you?” Dana asked Robert with more than a little worry coloring her voice. “If you are please remember that this is an internal matter for the Highwinds Kingdom.”

“Fine your Majesty. I’ll leave it to your internal security to handle the matter. They have six months to get the job done.” Robert snarled then gave her an evil smile. “After that the Nightmare Regiment will take matters into their hands. I believe that the Millennium Assembly will make an excellent training opportunity for my new unit. After all, one of their duties will be antiterrorism.”

“I must say Chief the reports of your devious mind fail to grasp the actual truth. Carry out your orders Colonel Wolff. From and train your unit to the highest of standards set by the Death Dealers.” Dana said with a slight chuckle as she comforted Imra. She continued to hold the distraught girl as the man Imra loved stormed from the palace. “Fear not child. In the words of an ancient holy book. ‘I looked and beheld a pale horse and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him.’ Your love shall soon being Hellfire and Brimstone to those who would bring you and your family such pain.”

“Robert Wolff is both blessed and cursed by our Goddesses your Majesty. He sees the world in ways that neither your nor I will ever understand.” Imra sniffled as she sat up right and looked towards where he had exited the garden. “The members of his Special Operations team called him Ripper for a reason. They told me and my classmates that men like him were the final solution when diplomacy fails. I fear the day when he lets his anger truly rule him on the battlefield.”

“I do believe that his teammates were correct, Lady Imra.” Dana said as she hugged the young woman next to her on the bench. “Can I tell you a story of another such person that I meet a long time ago?”

“Please Majesty. I know that I love Robert with all my heart. Though there are times that he frightens me.” Imra told her.

“She was a young woman who was only a few years older than myself at the time. She had the weight of being made the Head of her House at a very young thrust upon her. Normally this would not be considered. Like you she never desired the position as Head of House. Yet she shouldered the burden with both grace and dignity. Even in the face of great opposition she never once shirked from her duty. Even going so far as to lead her House Troops from the front in a war to save her nation from the greed of other High Families. In many ways she was a lot like you.” Dana told before giggling. “Though the young lady was not as refined or graceful as yourself. You see she was raised by her grandfather.”

“Surely that had nothing to do with the way the woman acted. I know of more than a few girls at school who were raised only by their fathers.” Imra countered.

“Most fathers and grandfathers understand that little girls are exactly that little girls. This young woman’s grandfather was different. You see he was a retired Death Dealer Commander. He had no experience in raising children. Even though he had two children of his own it was her grandmother who raised the girl’s mother and uncle. When she lost her parents at a young age the woman was sent to live with her grandfather. With her grandmother dead many for years when this happen her grandfather raised her the best he could. The only problem was her grandfather was a hard man. He was used to training and commanding Death Dealers. The late Queen Tatiana once said that her grandfather was a rude, crude, and socially unacceptable man who had no problems with handing out life altering beatings.” Dana chuckled as she thought back to the first time she saw Maiha beat the shit out of someone. “A trait and skill that he passed onto his granddaughter. Much to the detriment of more than a few of her House troops. There was one young man that she beat the hell out of so bad that he had to be transferred to a low grave planet.”

“Oh my. Whatever happened to her Majesty?” Imra asked with awe.

“She became the Empress of the Human Empire.” Dana answered honestly then started to chuckled as Imra fell off the bench in shock. “Oh yes Lady Imra. Empress Maiha was such a tomboy and hell raiser that her mother the Grand Lady Dai Etsu was at her wits end for a long time. I could sit here and tell you so many stories about the Dowager Empress in her young years that your ears would bleed from embarrassment.”

For the next few hours Imra could only sit in awe as her Queen told her of her friendship with the most feared Empress of the Human Empire. The woman Death Dealers called Death's Own Daughter in hush tones of respect and fear. To learn that Empress Maiha would often second and even third guess her decisions lifted the young woman’s spirit. That even now after almost forty years on the throne. Her Queen would often seek the advice of the formidable woman also brought strength to Imra’s growing confidence and resolve to do what was being asked of her.

“Are you feeling better now Lady Imra?” Dana asked her after finishing her stories.

“Yes ma’am. I also know what I have to do now.” Imra said as she stood up. “If you’ll excuse me. I need to visit my mother before reporting before the Hall of Lords. It is time for the diehards to step aside and let younger minds take over.”

“Give your mother my regards Lady Imra.” Dana told her as she gave the younger woman a hug. Dana smiled to herself as the young Sylvain elf disappeared from her garden. “I hope that you can bring about the needed changes in a peaceful manner Lady Imra. Because I fear the unholy wrath that your lover would bring to my nation’s Hall of Lords. He may not see it, but Robert Wolff is a great deal like the legendary warrior once called Death.”

“Don’t you mean he is like his cousin Dana?” Raygel asked as he walked up behind her. “I swear by all our gods that I was looking at the reincarnation of Death's Own Daughter in that young man.”

“I too felt that way Raygel. Though I believe I know why Robert Wolff gave us both that feeling of foreboding. Both he and James J. Owens were both raised on Apollo six running the mean streets of Goulcrest.” The sounds of a children laughing broke Dana’s rather melancholy mood. Looking over towards the private entrance to her garden Dana spotted her grandchildren entering. “Raygel did you ever think that we would be grandparents at such a young age?”

“You’ll have to forgive me love.” Raygel chuckled. “But you forget that I’m more than a hundred-and-fifty years old. To tell you the truth. If my mother was still alive she would be overjoyed that I finally have grandchildren.”

“I do forget that at times. I mean I look at you and you still appear to be in your mid-thirties at best.” Dana giggled then looked up into his face asking. “Just how long do elves live Raygel?”

“High Elves can live to be between five to six hundred years old Dana. My mother was half Sylvain elf and half High elf, so she actually lived longer than most elves. As a Sylvain elf you could theoretically live to be more than nine-hundred years old. I know that the oldest living Sylvain elf just turned eight-hundred-eighty-seven last spring.” Raygel told her with a snarky smile. “Though I doubt you would want to spend your days in religious meditation.”

“No, the life of a nun doesn’t hold much appeal for me.” Dana chuckled then sighed. “Do you think that Robert Wolff will be able to make the needed changes within the minds of our more hidebound military commanders?”

“We can only hope so love.” Raygel told her as he hugged her looking over at their grandchildren. “For their sake.”


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