The Elven Question- chp6

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The Elven Question

Queen Dana of Highwinds the Elf Kingdom inside the Empire has a problem. One that she cannot fix personally. The is with a small minority of her population. A problem that has been brought to her attention by the half elf son of a problematic Duke. What is a Queen to do? She calls on help from a friend. The question now is does she realize what she is letting loose on her kingdom?

Chapter 6
Camp Resistance, Highwinds.
Number 2 parade grounds.

Robert looked down the line of T-98 Goliaths with more than a little uneasiness. For some reason the thought of 248 Claymore appearing at one time made him regret taking this assignment. As deadly as his own Death Dealer upgrade had made him. Robert still worried when in the presence of a Claymore. He was like a lot of Death Dealers that believed Claymores should be put in a box with a glass cover. One that was marked ‘Break in case of war.’ Then again he also knew that Claymores were some of the best Second Generation Death Dealers. They had to be for one simple reason. To keep their cool and prove that they were still human.

Normally Robert won’t let the fear of a Claymore bother him. He wasn’t like most Death Dealers. He knew that Claymores weren’t some barely controlled killing machine. He knew that if anyone deserved the title of unstopped killing machine it was him. His actions during the Cheesehead occupation of Goulcrest had earned him that dubious distinction. Just as his old street name had followed him into the service. Everyone who wore the Empyreal Blacks knew the name Whitechapel Ripper and the reputation of man it belonged to.

“Excuse me Sir.” His driver for the day said drawing his attention. “Headquarters is trying to raise you on the radio.”

“What does Clutz One need this time?” Robert asked with a heavy sigh.

“She didn’t say sir. She only said that you need to return to Headquarters.” The PFC told him with a chuckle.

“Damn it can’t that woman handle anything on her own?” Robert snarled as he turned towards his FAV. “She’s supposed to be an officer in the Death Dealers.”

“Sir, you really should Clutz One cut some slack. I know that she doesn’t inspire a lot of confidence at times, but until a year ago she wasn’t even in the Military. Hell, she didn’t even attend one of the academies.” The PFC said sticking up for the Second Lieutenant in question as he started the engine to the FAV and drove towards the base command post. At the exasperated look from the camp CO, he went on to explain. “Sir Lieutenant Wittman was supposed to be a Temple Maiden. She only became an officer to fulfill her family’s Military Obligation.”

“What the hell does that mean Private Winter Storm?” Robert demanded.

“Didn’t anyone brief you on the way that the High Families of Highwinds are required to supply at least one child from every generation for Military Service?” Winter Storm asked Robert in confusion. At Robert’s look of confusion Winter Storm sighed. “Sir how much do you know about the Highwinds Military?”

“Not a fracking hell of a lot. Never really gave a shit?” Robert answered truthfully.

“Sir I know it’s not my place, but I think someone needs to give you a crash course on the High Command and the demands they place on the High Families. The first of which is the mandatory enrollment of at least one member of the family. They do this to keep the High Families in line. If a High Family goes against the High Command they send that family’s current representative to the border planets. If they really want to send a message to that High Family the child gets stationed on one of the Observation Outposts, in the Corkscrew Nebula.” The more Winter Storm talked about the High Command and the way they treated the High Families the more Robert wanted to kill a few of them.

“Sir I can tell that you have no use for the regular High Command Staff Officers. Frack! Everyone on the base knows that sir. Then again you’re not an Elf. So, you can basically tell both the Death Dealer HC and Highwinds HC to go frack themselves. The only units that don’t get fracked with are the War Prince Divisions and Tatiana’s Children Divisions. Everyone else is far game. As much as we all love and respect our Current Queen. She doesn’t have the political clout to push back against the diehards in the High Command. If not for the fact that those seventy-two Death Dealer divisions handled the problems with the Highwinds HC in typical Death Dealer fashion. Good old fashion Gunboat Diplomacy. They threatened to level the High Command Crystal Citadel if they didn’t back off and stop interfering with the Queen did things start to change.” Winter Storm chuckled.

“Your High Command got smart and left control of the Death Dealer Divisions to the Queen.” Robert chuckled. “Back on point Winter Storm. What does that Military Obligation have to do with the LT?”

“It’s like this sir. She wasn’t ever supposed to be in the military. Her younger brother was to be the one to server. Only he died in a hovercar accident. She had already entered the Temple as a Novice Nun, but she got tapped to be the family’s sacrificial lamb. As much as most of us want to kick her in the ass at times sir. We know that she is doing her best with the training and education that she has. Those asshats in the High Command just dumped her into a tank, put her through the upgrade, then dropped her into our MP battalion.” Winter Storm told Robert bluntly.

“Are you telling me. That just because they couldn’t use her in the regular Military. The High Command dropped her into our laps totally untrained?” Robert gasped.

“That about covers the situation sir. Top has been doing his best to train her in their off-duty. Clutz One has been busing her ass to learn the regs, procedures, and everything else they teach cadets at OCS. Only unlike most officers sir. She’s had to start from scratch. The woman knew nothing about the military. Less than a private just entering Basic Training.” Winter Storm told Robert then dropped the really big bomb on his CO. “Why do you think she’s been sitting in on all those training courses with our cadets?”

“Son of a bitch. Why hasn’t anyone brought this to my attention before now?” Robert demanded of the Private.

“Colonel you got to remember that no one on this base is going to report something like this to the Whitechapel Ripper.” Winter Storm told Robert coldly. “You got a reputation for taking the heads off of dumbasses.”

He does have a point Robert.” Celest told him with a chuckle.

No comments from the peanut gallery.” Robert snorted in his head. “Tell me something Private. Other than fracking with a Death Dealer unit. Why would the Highwinds High Command drop an untrained officer in our laps?”

“Not my place to answer that question sir.” The private told him bluntly.

“Consider it an order Private.” Robert snarled.

“To make sure that whatever unit she is in fails sir.” Winter Storm answered honestly. “Sir if you haven’t figured it out yet. Highwinds’ Military High Command don’t trust Death Dealers or any unit they don’t control directly.”

“Trust me Private. I’m beginning to figure that out. What I don’t understand is why the Highwinds High Command don’t trust Death Dealers.” Robert bitched.

“It’s simple sir. We’re citizens of the Empire with no home planet. Just like all Death Dealers. To them we’re nothing more than a bunch of worthless outlaws, outcasts, loners, and orphans with no honor. In their eyes troops like us have no place in THEIR military.” Winter Storm told Robert honestly.

“I don’t get it Private. Death Dealers have always been made up of the Empire’s outcasts.” Robert chuckled. “At least as far as regular military goes.”

“It’s more than just that sir. You see most of the Highwinds regular military is made from families that have like centuries long traditions of service to the Crown. To them you just don’t join the military. You’re either born to serve as a soldier or you’re a civilian. The High Command believe in a class based system for the ranks as well. If you ain’t born into one of the High Families there’s no way in hell to become an officer in the regular military. Because the Death Dealers only give out rank based on merit none of the High Families will let their children join our ranks. Another thing about the High Command concerning Death Dealers is the fact that we don’t care what race you were born. The High Command goes out of its way to keep the races separated. You won’t find Forest elves servicing with High or Drow elves. It’s a really fracked up system sir.” Winter Storm told Robert bluntly.

“Private why hasn’t anyone else told me this shit?” Robert asked him in confusion.

“Simple sir. We were ordered to keep our mouths shut about the regular Highwinds Military and their bullshit.” Winter Storm told him bluntly.

“Who gave that order?” Robert snarled.

“Grand High Field Marshal Belanor Wranlynn. He’s the overall Supreme Commander for the Highwinds Military. The man is a total asshole and would happily leave the Death Dealer Divisions and War Prince Divisions to die in a last stand battle.” Winter Storm snarled as he thought about the man. When they rounded the corner to the Headquarters’ building Winter Storm spat. “Shit. No wonder Lieutenant Wittman has been trying to get a hold of you sir. That staff car belongs to Knight General Erlan Vaphine. Commandant for the Training Cadre. That M-seventy-three Longbow is most likely for his security escort.”

“Why do I have the sinking feeling that I’m about to go head-to-head for the first time with the Highwinds High Command Staff?” Robert asked Winter Storm.

“Because you are sir. I would be willing to bet that he’s here to stop your program.” The Private told him honestly. “He most likely got word somehow that you commissioned those troops back there in those tanks already.”

“Frack! If he gives the order to shut down now. We’ll have seventy-one-hundred half-trained Special Operations Death Dealers on our hands.” Robert snarled.

“Um… sir did you forget that you can tell him to frack off.” Winter Storm asked with an evil chuckle as he thought back to the visit from Lady Irma yesterday. “This is after all a Death Dealer Training base.”

“Wrong Private. This is no training base. IT’S a GOD DAMNED Special Operations Base.” Robert snarled as he climbed out of the FAV. “A base that frack stick doesn’t have the needed clearances to set foot on. Contact the MPs. Have whoever is on Gate duty report to my office in twenty minutes. Also have the Desk Sergeant send a detail with a medic to the TOC.”

“Should the detail come heavy or light sir?” Winter Storm asked with all of the professionalism that Robert had come to expect of his troops.

“Tell them come heavy and ready for a fight. Full Combat mode for all members of the detail.” Robert ordered him as he deployed his bio-armor and stormed towards the door to the Headquarters building. As he neared the building Robert scanned the inside. ‘Celest give me a body count and loadout.’

‘Robert I have sixteen standard Infantrymen armed with M-34 10mm assault rifles. Four Jump Infantrymen in full Land Warrior armed with M-52 12.3mm Gatlin style laser cannons. One High Command Staff General for the Highwinds Standard Military. That is the bad news. The good news is Lieutenant Wittman hasn’t deployed her bio-armor or weapons yet. Before you ask why that is the good news I checked her morning schedule. She was in a meeting with civilian contractors. Robert they have her at a massive disadvantage. Though I do have to say she has truly come into her own as a Death Dealer Officer. She’s standing between the General and the Civilians.’

‘Then I think it is time for our favorite Second Lieutenant to receive some backup.’ Robert snarled as he took the door to his Headquarters Building off the hinges with a swift kick. Unfortunately for the two Highwinds Regular Army standing on the other side. They were hit by the flying metal door knocking them out. Robert didn’t waste time as he entered the building and activated his Sonic Disrupters. The blast knocked out everyone but the 4 men in Land Warrior Armor. These Robert dealt with in his typical fashion. He fired his PPC into each man killing them before they could use their M-52s. Robert wasn’t even showing the slightest restraint when dealing with what he considered an invasion of his base.

“Get your ass out here Vaphine or I start killing your security detail one at a time.” Robert ordered the man. Robert knew that this General had broken more than one of the accords between the Empire and Highwinds by being on his base not to mention half a dozen regulations for both Militaries. When an elderly High Elf exited Lieutenant Wittman’s office Robert snarled. “You royally fracked up Vaphine.”

“That is General Vaphine, Colonel.” The man grated out. Then he saw the four dead Jump Infantrymen. “I’ll have you up on charges for killing those men Wolff.”

“That is where you’re wrong Vaphine. This is not a Highwinds Regular Army base. This is a Death Dealer Special Operations Center. One that you and your men do not have clearance to be on. Let alone even know about. By standing orders and security protocols I’m supposed to just kill your sorry ass. Now I’ve shown you a shit ton of respect that you haven’t earn Vaphine. Just what the frack are you doing on my base asshole?” Robert growled as he leveled his PPC in the man’s direction.

“I won’t be the one answering questions here Colonel. You will be answering mine.” Vaphine snarled trying to show on fear in the face of a pissed off Death Dealer.

“That is where you’re wrong again, sir.” Wittman snarled from behind him. Right before she punched the man in the back of the head. When Vaphine dropped to the floor out cold she swore. “Ah shit! Damn it! Sorry sir. I didn’t mean to knock him out. I guess I need to work some more on that tactic.”

“Don’t worry about it Grace. That strike is one of the hardest to learn and master. Get with Top on your day off. Have him show you how the strike is supposed to be delivered to get someone’s attention.” Robert chuckled. “As for knocking the asshole out. Don’t worry about it. You saved me the trouble.”

“Yes sir. I think I let my anger get the better of me though.” Wittman said with a blush. “He just pissed me off by barging in here and threatening our contractors. The Army is supposed to protect civilians. Not oppress them.”

“That is the idea behind everything Death Dealers stand for Lieutenant. We are the Shield and Sword that stands in the darkness against the evils of tyrants. Remember our oath of service. ‘I do so solemnly swear that I will support and defend the citizens of the Empire against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter.’ That is the oath that binds all Death Dealers everywhere in the Empire.” Robert told her honestly. Now the he knew Wittman’s situation he realized that he needed to take his training of her more personally. “That includes the Highwinds Kingdom.”

“Yes, sir. I’ll remember that lesson.” Wittman assured her CO as she looked down at the General. With a nudge of her boot toe to the ribs she snarled. “Sir, what do you want me to do with the dumbass and his escort?”

“There should be an MP detail arriving shortly Grace. They’re going to be armed heavy and ready for a fight. Have them secure the escort in the stockade. As for the dumbass. Have them stuff his ass in a secure room for interrogation. I’m getting sick and tired of unauthorized shitheads showing up on my base. I want to know exactly who keeps sending these shitheads.” Robert snarled then gave Grace a friendly smile. “By the way Lieutenant. You did the right thing in contacting me.”

“I did sir?” Wittman asked in confusion. “Normally you get pissed if I don’t handle something like this on my own.”

“Second Lieutenant Wittman there are times when going up the chain of command is the best thing you can do. One of those times is when a General Officer shows up unannounced for a surprise inspection.” Robert explained before kicking Vaphine in the head. “Especially ones that don’t have the needed clearances.”

“Understood sir. I do have a question sir. It concerns the men in the Land Warrior Armor.” Wittman said looking over at the four dead soldiers.

“They entered a secure location without authorization. This alone would be enough to kill them on sight. The fact that they were armed is grounds for immediate termination. You or I could have killed the whole escort without warning and all we would have had to do is fill out a DD-one-nine-seven-five weapons deployment incident report. As it stands now. We’ll be filling out a DD-one-eight-seven, one-nine-seven-five, one-one-eight-two, two-four-seven, and two-four-eight.” Robert sighed heavily. “Damn. I should have just killed them all. It would have been less paperwork. I should never have taken command. I hate paperwork.”

“Sir, I’ll fill out and file the paperwork. It was my fault for letting things get this far. I should have shoot them the moment they stormed into the TOC.” Wittman sighed. “Next time I’ll take care of the situation before it gets out of hand.”

“Lieutenant, this is one time you followed the regs. This was a situation that is way outside of the norm and way too far above your paygrade.” Robert snorted. “Hell, it would normally be above my paygrade. You forget that my actual rank is Chief Warrant Officer. That chicken on my shoulder takes flight the moment I head back to my home unit in the Empire.”

“Sir, until that day happens. Your rank is Colonel. Even then I doubt that you’ll be wearing any rank lower than Oh-six.” Wittman told him honestly as if she knew something that he didn’t and wasn’t about to share that info.

“Okay Lieutenant. What the frack does that mean?” Robert almost snarled.

“Sir, you were made a full Colonel by the Queen herself. That means your rank in the Highwinds military will most likely be transferred over. Just to avoid an incident between our two militaries.” Wittman explained for Robert.

“Why the hell would me returning to my proper rank cause a problem?” Robert asked.

“Your rank was granted by the Queen of Highwinds sir. That makes you one of the Nobility in Elven Society.” Wittman explained with a small chuckle. “Considering who you’re seeing sir. That is a good thing in the eyes of our Nobility.”

“And just what does that mean?” Robert asked her giving her the ‘hairy eyeball’.

“Sir every man and woman on this base knows that you’re courting the Lady Imra.” Wittman giggled then had the good graces to cover her sly smile.

“Tell me something Lieutenant. Have the troops started a pool on when I’ll propose to the Lady in question?” Robert asked her with his own sly smile.

“Sorry sir, but that is below your paygrade.” Wittman snarked then headed outside to greet the MP detail. “Besides sir. The last time I checked. Gambling on a Death Dealer base is against the regulations.”

“Why that snarky little shit.” Robert grumbled then chuckled. “She’s learning her lessons on how to deal with the troops better than most butter bars.”

“Oh man! My head!” Groaned the CQ from his place at the desk. “What in the name of hell hit me? I haven’t had a headache this bad sense I tried Staff Sergeant Newsom’s homebrewed shine when I first got here.”

“What was that Sergeant Becket?” Robert asked him with an evil grin.

“Um… nothing sir. Just wondering what knocked me out?” The CQ mumbled.

“That would be a Sonic Blast from my disrupters. What I want to know is why didn’t you put those Regular Army assholes down?” Robert snarled.

“They came in behind a General Staff Officer sir. By the time I realized what was going on. They had me, my runner, and our staff driver covered with heavy weapons. With the civies in the LT’s office there was no way we could take them out without possible casualties. Sir I know that we could have taken down the RA GRUNTS with our antipersonnel lasers, but those four Land Warriors were too much of a wildcard.” Sergeant Becket told Robert honestly. “We needed surprise to pull something off.”

“Understandable Sergeant. I knew that I had surprise on my side coming through the door. You did what your training dictated.” Robert told the Sergeant honestly. “Gather up the thirty-fours. If those GRUNTS even fart wrong you’re to end them Sergeant. No second chances. No questions. They violated the security of this base. By UCMJ article one-seven-seven-b. They are all traitors and are now considered enemy combatants of this command. Any questions?”

“Sir yes sir.” Becket shouted and began to carry out his orders. As he picked up the first few M-34s Wittman returned with the MP detail. Becket didn’t even think twice. “Secure these cock suckers.”

“Sir the gate guard just arrived. Where do you want him?” Wittman snarled as she entered the building with the MP in question. Then asked as she popped her knuckles. “Sir, I know it’s not my place, but can I deal with this dumbass?”

“That is a negative Lieutenant. As much as you want to pound the shit out of the man. I can’t allow that to happen. At least not yet. I need him to talk.” Robert chuckled. “Please put in him in your office for now. I’ll be there shortly.”

“Yes sir.” Wittman grumbled and pointed towards her office. “You know where to go Youngman. Get a move on.”

Robert chuckled as he watched Wittman escort a Private Second Class into her office. “I swear that gal has really gotten the spirit of the bayonet.”

“No offence sir. Clutz One has been busting her ass to improve. You really should cut her some slack.” Sergeant Becket said from where he was stacking the M-34s.

“Now that I know her situation Sergeant Becket I will. I’ll also be spending more time with her in my weekly Officers’ Training classes.” Robert sighed as he turned to the young buck Sergeant. “Are there any more like her or is she the only one?”

“She’s the only one, sir. The rest of the officers have all gone through Officer’s Candidate School.” Becket told Robert with a small blush. “Sorry for keeping the LT’s lack of training from you sir. That was the call of all the NCOs, sir.”

“So, I gathered Sergeant Becket. My driver already gave me the lowdown. What I don’t understand is why you and the other NCOs conspired to keep her lack of training hidden.” Robert asked the man.

“Sir, Second Lieutenant Wittman isn’t like the regular drafted officers. She honestly wants to do her best. She just lacks the needed training. We all figured that we could give her the training that works in the real world. None of that BS book shit they stuff their heads with at OCS. She’s a true Mustang. Not some ninety-day wonder nut fresh out of OCS.” Becket explained for Robert. “She’s like all of the kids we got here at this base. If you were to double check their background reports none of them would be accepted into a standard OCS cadre.”

“Other than their criminal records. Why wouldn’t they be accepted?” Robert asked not really wanting to hear the answer.

“Their family heritage, sir.” Becket answered honestly. “If the High Command had their way. All mixed breed elves would be excluded from the military as being unsuitable for service. On the grounds that they are a blemish on the elven race. If it hadn’t been for her family obligation Second Lieutenant Wittman would never have been accepted into the military in the first place.”

“I thought that Lieutenant Wittman was a full High elf.” Robert grunted.

“Not quite, sir. This is doesn’t go beyond us sir. The LT is half High elf and half Drow elf. The Temple she belonged to is dedicated to the Goddess Lolth. Lolth is known as the Demon Queen of Spiders. She is the chief goddess of Drow elves. She is also known as the Spider Queen and the Queen of the Demonweb Pits. To most of the High Command sir. Mix breed elves are only marginally better than Half Human Elves. Also, the Highwinds Military High Command really don’t trust the Drow Elf race. The only reason they even let Drow Elves serve is because they are one of the purest races of elves. They rarely mix with other elf races, and it is even rarer for them to mix with humans.” Becket explained for Robert.

“I got a question for you Sergeant. When I was a young lad back on Apollo six. I hear stories and legends concerning a race of warrior elves back on Earth Prime. They were these unstoppable warriors that fought with the strength of ten men. Is there any truth to those old legends?” Robert asked the young man.

“Sir, do yourself and us a favor. Forget those legends. Don’t even bring them up in jest. No one talks about the Silver Moon Elves. Not even in a Moonbeam drunken haze. They’re dead and gone. Lost to time and history. The closest thing to the nightmare that is the Silver Moon Elves is our Claymores sir.” Becket told Robert with a bone deep shiver of fear. “Sir, I suggest you get in there with the LT before she starts getting antsy. That Specialist in on her shit list.”

“Understood Sergeant. Anything else I should about the LT and the Specialist?” Robert aske the man as looked towards LT Wittman’s office.

“Just that she has written him up nine times since arriving on base. This is one time that I would love to replace her and give the man some wall-to-wall counseling. Titman is the biggest slacker on the base.” Becket snarled. “Youngman is a first class screwup and the only reason he is still in the Death Dealers is because he is one of those rare breeds. You know the type, a real fighter. The kind that you can relay on in a tight fight.”

“Got it. In the field he’s a hard charging ass kicking machine. In the rear he can barely pass muster.” Robert sighed as he realized what the situation with Special Youngman. “Time for me to deal with our problem child.”

“Specialist Youngman what in the name of all Nine Hells were you thinking by letting that asshat onto this base?” Wittman almost snarled as Robert entered her office. “You and every other guard that has been on that gate knows this base is a Special Operations post. If not cleared by the old man. They’re not allowed on this base.”

“Ma’am the asshat in question is a four star General. A member of the High Command. Everyone knows that the High Command is cleared for every base on Highwinds.” Youngman told the enraged Second Lieutenant. He could tell that the base’s XO was beyond pissed off. “Ma’am he had the proper paperwork.”

“Specialist Youngman, do you remember who signed the paperwork?” Robert asked.

“Yes sir. Grand High Field Marshal Belanor Wranlynn signed those orders. They even had his personal seal stamped on the bottom.” Youngman answered Robert quickly. “Sir, I would never have let General Vaphine onto the base without those orders. Sir before you and the LT ask. I know the Field Marshal’s seal and signature. Before I was stationed here. I spent six months at the Crystal Place as an Office Runner. I must have seen that signature and seal a dozen times daily.”

“Lieutenant Wittman as much as I hate to say this.” Robert started off with only to be interrupted by the Second Lieutenant.

“Specialist Youngman did the right thing sir. He followed protocol. He checked the orders. He visually verified the orders. Even if it was through personal knowledge, and not the TOC. I hate to say this, but everything he did was by the book, Grace.” Robert sighed as he looked over at Youngman. “Get back to your post soldier.”

“Yes sir. Before I go sir. You should know that there are three more VH-seventy-three Longbow IFVs by Marshal Armored Cars standing by outside the main gate. From the looks of them the General came loaded for bear.” Youngman warned his CO and XO.

“What is an M-seventy-three Longbow? I’ve never heard of them.” Robert told them.

“It’s a purpose built Infantry Fighting Vehicle, sir. Depending on the configuration they weight between fifty to sixty tons. They carry between twelve to twenty-four man team in the rear transport compartment. They come in three versions. Scout, Armored Escort, and Infantry Assault Transport. The one out from is most likely an Armored Escort. It’ll carry sixteen Infantrymen and four Land Warrior suits. All three versions are armed with one turret mounted eighty-eight millimeter with four side mounted SA-eighteen antiaircraft antiarmor missiles. They also have two twelve millimeter antipersonnel lasers. One mounted in the bow, the other coax mounted next to the eighty-eight. Depending on the version they may or may not have side gunports for half of the team in back.” Lieutenant Wittman said as she gave him the specs for the M-73 Longbow IFV.

“Sir, I don’t like unwanted guests setting on our doorstep. Request permission to lead a detail to handle the situation?” Lieutenant Wittman asked with a snarl.

“Granted Lieutenant. Take Top, first, and second squad. Go heavy. Full Combat mode is authorized. If those seventy-threes are within a hundred-meters of the fence. Remove them with extreme prejudice. Make an example of them Lieutenant. That is an order. If you have any questions get with Top. Remember Lieutenant. We may out rank NCOs, but they have both the experience and training we don’t have. Never forget that Lieutenant. NCOs will always have the advantage.” Robert told her bluntly.

“Yes sir. I can I ask you a question.” She asked Robert who nodded. “I heard that you were the top graduate for your class. That you went from Private E-one to Warrant Officer. Where did you learn how to be an officer?”

“The same place you’re learning. From my NCOs. Why do you think I’ve been having them run the training classes for our officer candidates.” Robert chuckled. “Every last one of our trainees on this base are Mustangs. Just like you and me.”

“Understood sir. Keep my eyes and ears open and my mouth shut. Any suggestions for our unwanted guests at the front gate?” She asked Robert.

“Just one. When you hit them. Do it fast and hard. Those M-seventy-threes pack a punch. If they get the chance they will kill you and your team.” Robert warned her.

“I know sir.” Grace said as she saluted the man she had come to both respect and fear. As she left the room Robert could hear her giving her orders as she deployed her bio-armor. “Top! Recall first and second squad! A-three loadout! Full tactical! Go heavy! We got unwanted guests at the main gate!”

“That girl is going to make one hell of an officer.” Specialist Youngman chuckled. “Permission to join her on that strike, sir?”

“Get your ass in gear Specialist. She’s going to need someone to cover her ass. That’s your job. She is still a little too green. If she gets injured. I’ll personally skin your ass with a bullwhip in front of the whole base.” Robert snarled as he gave the young man his orders. Then went in for the kill. “If you think the stories of Empress Maiha’s anger are bad. Take it to a whole new dimension with me. Before I ever put on the uniform I had a reputation for putting assholes who crossed me in the hospital or the morgue.”

“Read you loud and clear sir.” Youngman answered with a salute and took off after Wittman. As he passed through the door to her office he was already deploying his bio-armor and primary weapons. “Hold on LT. I got your six.”

“Finally. I can get back to my current problem. Hopefully that pack of maniacs haven’t killed the techs yet.” Robert sighed as he turned and left the TOC.

“Where to now sir?” Private Winter Storm asked him as he exited the building.

“Back to the Goliaths.” Robert ordered the man as he climbed into his FAV.

“What about the main gate sir?” Winter Storm asked in confusion.

“Second Lieutenant Wittman is handling the situation. If she does what she should and follows my orders. This time tomorrow she’ll be Lieutenant Colonel Wittman.” Robert told him as he chuckled evilly. “I hope she can handle the promotion.”

“Damn sir. That is just flat out mean.” Winter Storm chuckled as he started the engine for the FAV. “Cool as shit but mean none the less sir.”

“When you’re in command of the nuthouse you must find the little joys in life that make it worth living where you can Private. One of the joys of being a Commanding Officer with full operational blanket authority. I can promote whoever I want to whatever rank I want.” Robert chuckled as they returned to the parade ground.

“Um… sir I think something strange is going on with the Goliaths.” Winter Storm said as he pointed towards the Technicians running from the rear of the Goliaths. “The Techs don’t normally bail on someone in the tanks.”

“Oh shit. Step on it Winter Storm. I got a feeling that we have a category five shitstorm on our hands with gusts pushing frack my sideways.” Robert ordered the young man as his feelings of dread returned. The reasons for the feeling were soon confirmed as the first of the new Death Dealers exited the rear of one Goliath. There before his eyes was the very threat that Imra briefed him on yesterday. “Oh frack! The Silver moon elf race has returned.”

“Sir. Please tell me that I’m seeing things?” Winter Storm begged of Robert. When Robert didn’t answer right away Winter Storm whimpered. “May the Goddess Angharradh Queen of Arvandor, show mercy upon our souls. The Silver moon Elves were the real silver eyed witches of legend.”

“What was that Private? What did you call them?” Robert demanded.

“My grandmother told me this an ancient legend when I was little more than a child. It concerned the Sliver moon elves sir. The ancient Winter Elves had another name for them. They called them Claymores, because of the massive swords they carried.” Winter Storm told him in a hushed voice. “For the females of the Silver moon Elves they had another name. They called them the Silver-eyed witches.”

“What was the legend Private?” Robert asked him as they pulled to a stop.

“It concerns the way they earned the name Claymores by my people. During the siege of the Great Keep Ishenamelle. While the city’s population escaped the siege. Just twenty Silver moon elf warriors held off a human army of thousands for fifteen days. The Claymores filled the castle’s moat with the bodies of their defeated enemies. They held the gatehouse and defended the drawbridge to the last person.” Winter Storm said with a shiver down his as he completed the legend. “Sir those twenty warriors were all females of the Silver moon Elves.”

“Tell me something Private. Who was the first termed the one precenters Claymores and Silver-eyed witches?” Robert asked him bluntly.

“All any Death Dealer knows about that is a rumor sir.” Winter Storm told him honestly. At the look from Robert, he quickly told the story. “According to that rumor there were two elven Death Dealer conversion technicians on duty at the tank farm when the first Claymore appeared. One Forest elf and one Drow elf. No one knows which one first used the term Claymore, but we do know that it was an elf.”

“Ah shit. That explains a shit ton about some intel that came into my possession recently.” Robert sighed. “Alright Private. Consider everything we’ve discussed today TSBAR. You tell no one understand? Not even Rosey Palm and her four sisters.”

“Yes sir.” Winter Storm said as he saluted Robert. Then mumbled under his breath. “Not that anyone who believe me.”

Just then there was a thunderous blast and flash of brilliant light from the rear of the third T-98 Goliath in line. “Oh shit! We got an out of control awakening! Let’s go Private! If we don’t get this joker under control.”

“Say no more sir. I know. It’s up to us to put them down.” Winter Storm snarled hating this part of a Death Dealer’s duty.

“I understand how you feel Winter Storm. But we cannot have an out of control Death Dealer AI running around. Even untrained in how to use our weapons to their fullest we’re just too damned deadly.” Robert grunted as he watched the rear of the now damaged Goliath. “Or gods forbid, and heaven help us. A Secondary Configuration.”

“Sir thought those were a thing of the past.” Winter Storm whispered as he backed away from the Goliath in question. “Everyone knows that the COBRA programing has been removed from our AIs.”

“We know that Private, but there has always been the threat of a rogue AI because the of the Second Gen AIs containing certain parts of the COBRA AI programing.” Robert knew that what he just said was a bald faced lie. He was living proof that the COBRA AI Programing was still being used in Death Dealers.

Robert that is not an out of control COBRA. That person is in a blind rage. They know exactly what they’re doing. Your fear that one of your cadets going rogue or insane is now a reality. Cadet Oakrod has become unhinged over the fact he is now a Silver moon Female elf.’ Celest told him harshly. ‘Robert he is now targeting his fellow Cadets. We have to stop the fool.’

‘Ah shit. I knew that frack stick was unhinged. I should have washed his ass out weeks ago.’ Robert bitched as he deployed his Combat Blades. “Lets go Private. Oakrod finally snapped. We need to put him down hard and now.”

As the two seasoned Death Dealers entered the rear of the Goliath they found an enraged Silver moon female elf trying to fire her PPC. Only it was not at one of her fellow Cadets but at her own head. “GOD DAMN YOU RELEASE THE FIRE CONTROL FOR THIS WEAPON NOW! I WON’T BE SOME MAN’S PROPERTY!”

“Cadet Oakrod! Stand down and put away that weapon.” Robert ordered the young woman softly. “No one is going to force you to be anyone’s property.”


“Get your head out of your ass Cadet!” Winter Strom shouted. Then to drive his point home Winter Storm snarled. “You’re a member of the Nightmare Regiment. We bow to no man. Remember that you nutjob. If any man is stupid enough to push themselves on you. Then they deserve it when you blast their fracking ass with you PPC.”

“What are you talking about?” Oakrod asked in confusion.

“You are a sworn member of the Death Dealers Cadet. That means no one can force you to marry anyone. Not even the Queen can order you to marry someone. You are no longer a citizen of the Highwinds Kingdom. Welcome to the Empire.” Winter Storm told the now very confused young woman.

“What does that mean?” She asked Winter Storm even more confused. “That technician over there said he was going to put a bide on me the first chance he got.”

“Access your AI Cadet. We do not enslave female Death Dealers or auction them off as brides.” Winter Storm said trying to reassure the new female. Robert being human and not knowing anything about Elf culture stayed out of their conversation. He knew when to step aside and let an expert handle a situation. A situation that end with a sudden and bloody end. The laser that ended Oakrod’s life was both accurate and deadly. Both Robert and Winter Storm turned in the direction from where the laser had come leveling their PPLs.

“God damned whore should have known her fracking place. At least she’ll serve as an example for the rest of these sluts. Once the General gets that human shithead out of our way. Little reprograming we’ll make some good money off these things on the market.” A cruelly smiling Forest Elf conversion technician said as he stepped from behind one of the heavy conversion tanks holding a 15mm Harrison antipersonnel laser rifle at the other end of the tailer. The stupid bastard wasn’t even paying attention to Robert or Winter Storm. “Once this worthless program is shut we’ll these tanks to good use. With a few modifications to these tanks, we’ll finally get ride of the half elf problem.”

“Thank you for that piece of information, cocksucker.” Winter Storm snarled as he fired his PPL. The Pulse Plasma Laser sliced through the 15mm laser rifle. As the weapon spit sparks and caught fire the technician dropped the now defective weapon. “You got ten seconds to explain why is going on here.”

“I don’t have to tell you jack shit clawvienfitch ne highisic dosha.” The man snarled as he held his burned hands. It took Celest to translate what the Forest elf called Winter Storm for Robert.

Robert I suggest you take the man down now. Because I doubt that Private Winter Storm or any of his fellow elven Death Dealers are going to let the suspect live. Not with his attitude towards Death Dealers.

‘No shit! I can’t believe he just called Winter Storm a half elf whoring bitch.’ Robert snarled as he started moving to take the man into custody. His early warning system warned him of a hard target lock from a second laser rifle. Robert didn’t even think twice. He locked onto the source of the targeting sensor and fired his PPL. The tank on the other side of the tailer exploded and a second Forest elf technician fell to the floor dead holding the second laser rifle.

“Oh, many more are there?” Robert asked the Forest elf just before he grabbed him by the throat. “You got exactly ten seconds before I remove your head. Start talking.”

“Just three more. We here on orders for the half Forest elf slaves. Knight General Erlan Vaphine himself signed the orders.” The man crocked out.

“NAMES!” Winter Storm demanded as he put the recovered rifle to the technician’s crotch. “Talk before I pull this trigger.”

“Aeson Tralar, Erlan Ravavalur, Nelaeryn Leodove.” The technician crocked out.


“Alpha-one-one, Bravo-two-two, and Charlie-three-one.” The technician whispered right before he passed out from lack of oxygen.

“Damn sir. I hope you’re going to let him breath sometime soon.” Winter Storm asked.

“I’m thinking about it.” Robert snarled right before he dropped the technician on the floor. “Private what did he mean by that comment about selling these cadets?”

“On the home planet of Evergreen in the Tempest March for the Forest Elves. All of their half-elves are legally classified as slaves. When a half-breed child of a Forest elf reaches fifteen summers. They are shipped off to Evergreen to be sold to the highest bidder like cattle. Most males end up in with the mining companies. While the females are sterilized and sold to the brothels.” Winter Storm sighed as the dirty secret of the Forest Elves was brought to light. He might be a winter elf and a Death Dealer, but he had no use for some of the elven customs. “One of the greatest problems in the Highwinds Military High Command. Of the twelve commanding officers that make up the senior staff. Nine of them are Forest Elves and have gone out of their way to hide the practice of slavery from the Queen.”

“Does the Queen know about the practice?” Robert snarled.

“She does and has been pushing to shut down the practice. She has had success through most of the Kingdom. The only reason it is still happening on Evergreen is because they classify the practice under religious teachings.” Winter Storm told Robert honestly. “That is also one of the reasons we have so many half Forest Elf street gangs. When the authorities stopped the practice on the other worlds Forest Elf families with mixed children started throwing them out onto the streets.”

“I take it that Forest Elf families aren’t the only ones to treat their mix breed children in the same manner?” Robert asked with a heavy sigh.

“Now you know why we have so many half-elf kids in the street gangs sir. It is also why there are so many street gangs sir. Though to be honest about the whole situation sir.” Winter Storm sighed at the look Robert gave him when he stopped. “It’s those damned Pure Blood Laws sir. Under the laws half-elves don’t have the same rights as pure blood elves. Until the Hall of Lords passes that new Equal Rights Law. Half elf children will be forced onto the streets by their families.”

“Well, it is a good thing that Lady Irma has taken her rightful place in your Hall of Lords. I give her three weeks before that law passes.” Robert chuckled. “She’ll get the bill passed. Even if she has to do it at the business end of a PPC.”

“Damn sir. You make the Lady Imra sound like a younger version of Queen Dana or the Dowager Empress Maiha.” Winter Storm snarked.

“Private you have no idea how much that little lady is like her two heroes.” Robert chuckled. “When Lady Imra gets a good head of steam. Nothing short of a fully armed hundred ton Atlas stands a chance of stopping her.”

Winter Storm stood there in silent disbelief as he watched Robert exit the Goliath. He could not picture the very prim, proper, graceful, and beautiful Lady Imra taking on a 100 ton Assault Class Armored Power Suit. After standing there for 10 minutes Winter Storm finally gave up. “High Family politics is above my paygrade.”

"Get a move on Private! We got three assholes to arrest and beat the shit out of!" Robert shouted.


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The Corkscrew Nebula

The ancient transport wending its way through the Corkscrew Nebula destroying outposts manned by members of Elven High Families is loaded with thousands of genocidal would be colonists. As soon as word gets back that the early warning outposts are being attacked, the Elven Military will try to respond, but how well will they fare against genocidal maniacs? At some point they will be forced to turn to the Death Dealers and the Silver Moon Elven regiment. It looks interesting and I know there will be more twists and turns than a corkscrew has.

This story is getting better and better with each chapter, Wolfjess. I best head over to Costco and buy a couple of 8 pound jugs of Orville Redenbacher popcorn to eat while I read this saga!

Keep ‘em coming

Sabrina W's picture

Wow, a real action chapter. I am looking forward to more.

I'm just going to echo the

Beoca's picture

I'm just going to echo the other commenters here: Elven society is so fracking messed up that it isn't funny.

I'm thinking

The current empress is going to step in and take a very big hand in elf politics when she gets word of this. Send a couple of divisions of Death Dealers in with orders to clean house the best way they know how outta clear things up.

"Life is not measured by the breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.”
George Carlin