Dale's Riverdale Rendezvous!

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Who is at the most risk to break a leg?
Hockey players, who fall to the ice and slam skates first into the boards?
A passenger in a Smart Car side collision?
Careless homeowners, who fall off the roof of the house while installing Christmas lights on a very icy eave?
A non-descript thug attempting an ill-advised attack on Jet Li or Jean-Claude Van Damme with a sweep kick?


A Bridesmaid playing tennis!

Dale's Riverdale Rendezvous

The Lodge Residence

"OH NO! Betty was playing tennis and broke her leg crashing into the Official's chair while diving for the ball," Archie shakes his head.

"OH NO! "I can't be one bridesmaid short! " Veronica muses out loud. At this point, all eyes turn toward the ubiquitously-named cousin Dale visiting from some unnamed town many miles from Riverdale He looks back at them and then gazes downward at his suddenly apparent androgyny and gasps.


"OH NO!"quickly followed by "OH YES!"

What follows is several days of deportment and femme training for the poor (poor?) boy. Dale is introduced to everyone as Veronica's girl cousin vising from out of town.

Wedding Day, at the Riverdale United Methodist Church...

Betty sits in a wheelchair at the front of the church, completely distracted by the consolation of her recently-out girlfriend, Josie McCoy. The service is unremarkable yet sweet, but for a slightly nervous Dale Lodge, the hastily appointed substitute Maid of Honor.

Later, at the Reception Hall

In a hilarious turn of events at the reception, Dale, fleeing the smarmy advances of Best Man Reggie Mantle, flees to the relative safety of the Lady's Room, where he/she has a fortuitous encounter with Midge Klump, everybody's favorite, there-all-along confidante. True love immediately ensues and the two run off to Vegas for a whirlwind courtship and subsequent nuptials...



The End

Sugar, Sugar
by the Archies
Songwriters: Paul Barry and Andy Kim

Illustrations created through ToonMe Software.

Characters created by Bob Montana and are the property of Archie Comics, Inc.

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Archie Comics are Comical Comics

laika's picture

Really needs to be illustrated,
Otherwise short and sweet and to the point.
And speaking of which, there's one Archie comic I'll never forget.
It was a filler piece in one of their comic, just 3 or 4 panels.
Moose---Riverdale's resident big dumb lunk---is talking to
someone (I forget who. Let's say Jughead), telling him:

Moose: "Oh my God, I had the most awfullest nightmare last night!
I was in a room full of beautiful girls in bikinis!!!"

Jughead: "That doesn't sound like such a horrible dream..."

Moose: "But I was one of 'em!!!"

I was twelve when I read that (probably glancing through an Archie magazine
in the checkout line with my mom, since I rarely actually bought comics).
It didn't sound like such a terrible dream to me either.
~hugs, Veronica

"Government will only recognize 2 genders, male + female,
as assigned at birth-" (In his own words:)


such fun stuff!

good one, tante !


Nice outline for a story.

Patricia Marie Allen's picture

This piece has the makings of a good fan fiction. It could be a great comedy. All of the Archie gang would have bit parts and the future of Dale and Midge is unlimited, since Midge is a bit character and Dale is new to the scene.

Hope you'll develop it farther.


Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin eine Mann


joannebarbarella's picture

A Vegas ceremony will make it all legal. Let us in on the wedding night!

Another Trans Issue

Archie ended up having to borrow Veronica's coat to walk home after an accident ruined his clothes.

That really stirred my mind when I was about nine.

Bubblegum music. The best!!!


Angela Rasch (Jill M I)

Great Illustrations!

Deserves a story.

"Life is not measured by the breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.”
George Carlin