See You on the Other Side (Part 2)

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See You on the Other Side
(Part 2)
By Sabrina G. Langton


Friday, October 8th

It was cool out today. I was on our balcony, looking towards Queens, I was in another black dress. I wanted to dress similar to Lillian, I wanted to match. She only wore pants and loose tops, but they were always black. I could see myself in the reflection of the sliding glass doors, I looked nice and sexy, my dress was shorter than last week, it was tighter. It was a tank-type dress, with a rounded neckline. I showed just a little bit of my cleavage, the little bit I would allow. I had on beige pantyhose and you could see my legs from the middle of my thigh down. I put on three-and-a-half-inch black chunky heels.

I looked like someone who worked at Global Bank, one of Lillian's friends. One of the people I knew she would rather be hanging out with other than me. Her glamourous crossdressing husband, with his expensive perfume.

I went back in to brush my wig, it was long, down past my boobs. I put on more mascara and some lip gloss. I heard the front door.

I ran into Lillian in the hall, it was dark. "Wow, nice dress. New?"

"No, this old thing."

She laughed, "I'll be right in. Let's take a picture."

I made salad, I made some rolls, I made a mistake. I walked to the fridge to get the salad dressing, my hands and long nails pointing out by my side. I did my regular walk.

Lillian was watching, disapproving, "God you are such a sissy, I can't believe how you walk in those heels. You are so gay." She had a hand on her hip.

I was embarrassed. I put down the bottle and went to my room. This was the reason I didn't want to see her while I dressed up, I became so feminine, I became my genuine self, a different person. I had a great walk, I had a pleasant personality, I became a 'female.' There... now she knew. She didn't have to be so rude. She reminded me of the bakery cashier.

She was at the door. Knock, knock. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean that." Knock, knock. "Sabrina, please come out, I'm sorry for ruining dinner."


Friday, October 15th

It was dress-down Friday for me, I was wearing a long black t-shirt. It was a little loose, my breasts and legs still looked nice. I had worn this before, last time with sandals, this time with high-top white converse sneakers and nude pantyhose. I didn't want Lillian to think I was too much of a sissy or acting too gay, whatever that meant.

My wig parted in the middle, landing on my breasts. Dark pink lipstick on my bigger lips, I spent an hour on them. I had on brown mascara and my eyebrows looked sensational. I had on my big gold hoops, they matched my Aviator glasses, I think I can eat with them on. We will soon find out.

"I'm home!" I heard Lillian call. I walked into the kitchen, put the cheese board on the table, I opened the wine, I didn't move. I was waiting for Lillian, I wanted her to see I could be less feminine in sneakers.

"Cute, cute, cute. Turn around." I did, but I wasn't happy about it. "Cute, are you wearing stockings?"


"Ha, they still make those?" We took a quick picture of our outfits and we finally sat down. I felt myself not smiling, not showing my teeth. She put a little gift bag on the table. She watched me pour the wine. I tried not to be overly feminine today, tried to tone myself down. It wasn't easy, wearing nails made every hand movement more femme, she should see my technique while I text on my phone. Long hair made you turn your head differently, having breasts made you sit straighter, you felt the wonderful weight of them. Sometimes I couldn't keep my hands off of them, Sometimes I couldn't leave my room or get anything done. Who doesn't like fondling boobs?

I sat and she moved the gift closer to me, she picked up her wine. "Cheers." We clinked.

"What's this?"

"A little thank you gift for making such a wonderful dinner. And also to say sorry for last week, I was talking to Marlene and Meg, and they said..."

"You told your friends about me?"

"Just them." She gave me her look, her 'why you actin' so crazy' look. "They said they would both love to have a perfect housewife to come home to." She smiled, she laughed.

I didn't like her talking about me, it made me uncomfortable.

"Come on, open up."

I took another sip of wine, Lillian wasn't a gift giver. I was. I wasn't a gift receiver, she was, the roles were reversed and I didn't like it. I opened the little bag and fished through the pink crepe paper. I pulled out a little white box. I was nervous, I had to say something, I was the funny one.

"A new IUD?"

"Ha, yes, the pharmacy had to guess your size."

I opened the box, it was a silver heart. The backs of two women sitting on an open heart, silver, and pink, it said 'Forever My Friend.' Friend? Was I Lillian's friend now?

I smiled, I'm sure she meant it to be nice, "It's beautiful." I held it in my hand and brought it closer to my eyes, I could barely see through the sunglasses.

"Take those off and look at it properly," She laughed. I took off the glasses, she was going to see my perfect eyebrows and my long lashes. "Put it on."

She stood up and put it around my neck, I had to lift my hair. I touched the necklace with my long pink nails, it was nice. I picked it up to look closer again. "Which one of us is the pink one?"

"Me of course, the silver one is in a dress, haha."

The rest of dinner was becoming nicer, we took more pictures, we had more wine, she complimented my cooking. Her phone rang. It was Meg, they talked for the duration. I heard my name a couple of times. She hung up, "Sorry," Her phone rang, it was Marlene, they talked through dessert. Lillian kissed me on the forehead and went to her bedroom, I cleaned up. I sat and finished the wine, fingering my new necklace, and looking out the window toward the balcony.


I started to dress up a little more when I came home from work. I wanted to put on my bigger breasts, my taller heels, my dangling earrings. I always tried to save up my compulsion for Fridays, but now I needed it more. I was at a perfect weight, 150 pounds. I was going to the gym more often and my body was getting more feminine, more lean, my butt more round. I wanted to check my progress, I wanted to pick an outfit out for Friday. For the shops.

I had on lacy white panties. I was tucked and looking very feminine in them. I slid on my garter belt and white stockings. They felt incredible. One day I wanted to have sex in this outfit. Over that I was wearing a pair of gray sweatpants and a sweatshirt, no one would know how girlie I was right now but me. I was glancing at the clock, Lillian was late. We were eating takeout and it was getting cold. I was drinking sake and it was getting even colder. I was on the couch, my legs crossed, I was feeling very feminine in my lingerie, then the door opened, I uncrossed.

"Hey sorry, I'm gonna wash up."


I took the sake out of the microwave, we sat at the dinner table.

"So I went to the other side to get our mail, I can't believe they still get these two buildings confused."

We lived in an apartment complex called the BK View. It was TWO twenty-six floor high-rises. We shared a huge lobby. I loved it, it was very modern and clean. We lived in apartment 1901N and a man named Marler lived in 1901S. Lillian visited him once a month or so to collect our mail, and to give him all his that ended up in our mailbox.

"I feel sorry for Ross, he is all alone. When did the wife die? Is it a year already?" She started to think.

"Probably close to it."

"When I went in, well, the apartment was a mess and he was eating Kraft mac and cheese, drinking beer. A real bachelor. Ha."

I liked him, he was nice. He'd say hello if I saw him in the hall. He was a little older than us and he had been in this building since it opened, over eight years ago.

"I was thinking, you could get all girlie and clean his apartment, he would love it. You would love it more." She laughed and I looked at her, I didn't like those types of comments. Ever since we started having dinner as two girls she brought up my crossdressing even more. When I was male, I started keeping my hair in a rubber band because she told me I turned my head like a girl, I held my hair out of my face like a model, I flipped my hair like an actress.

His apartment would be spotless, by the way.


Friday, October 22nd

I went basic with dinner, I was inspired by a man I ran into at the market. His name was Martyn, he was the man I chased after. He calls me 'The Runaway Bride.'

"So how is my 'Runaway Bride' this morning?" I was behind him on the butcher's line.

"I lost my bouquet, but otherwise fine, and you?"

"Ha, I'm always fine. Especially today, I am making meatloaf, my husband's second favorite."

I was looking at him, he was very handsome, he was very friendly, I wanted him to get a little more familiar with me. I said, "You know, I will make that too, whatever you get I'll get the same." I smiled and he tapped my nose with a little laugh. I whispered, "My wife loves meatloaf but I never make it, it's not fancy enough for me." I squinted my eyes and face.

He looked at me a little closer, he whispered back "You have a lucky wife. She must be very happy coming home to such a beautiful woman."

I got closer to his ear, "I'm a little genderfluid."

He laughed aloud, "So are half my friends." We left together, we would get lunch next week.


The oven was on, I decided since dinner was so basic with meatloaf and mashed potatoes, so would be my outfit. I had on my navy blue dress with nice big white polka dots. It was sleeveless and came up to my knees. I had on my white garter-belt set again, but with beige stockings. I also had on my three-inch white pumps. They were very feminine and made me walk so girlie, but I didn't care, talking to Martyn inspired me. My makeup was light, and my lips were light pink matching my longer than usual nails. I put on my friendship necklace and big clip-on white round earrings, and even a pink Alice band in my hair. The sixties were calling and I looked like I was waiting for a vacuum salesman to knock on the door.

Sometimes when I am dressed up and feeling gorgeous I do this... thing. I first walk while shaking my ass, flipping my hair. I twirl, I lift up my dress, up to my panties. I get closer to my mirror, I look at my perfect lips, my fingers go in my hair. I whisper, I move my lips again, my tongue makes an appearance, my other hand goes down to my breasts. I rub, I squeeze, I kiss my reflection. My hand makes its way under my dress, my face is always surprised. I feel my fingers under my panties. I feel my long nails scratch my 'clit' and I move it around. I remembered talking to Martyn, he was so nice, his breath was so fresh, his hands were so big. I had one hand in my panties the other twirling my hair, I would cum. I would shoot against the mirror, I would keep my dress clean. I would close my eyes. Sometimes I changed the order but the ending was always the same.

"Mmm, I needed that."


"Meatloaf? Do you feel okay?"

Fridays were for something crazy, something new, something different. Lillian was a little surprised.

"Mmm-mmm, meatloaf matches my outfit." I shut off the burner with the vegetables.

"Ha, Sabrina, now you do look like the perfect housewife, my friends at work would be so jealous. I should have bought you pearls instead."

I made martinis and I gave her one. We clinked glasses. Lillian had a devious look in her eye. "I have a little surprise."

"Do you? Another gift?" I pulled my necklace over the high-necked dress. Showing it off.

"Maybe." She looked at her watch, "Let's have our drinks in the living room." I followed her in, my heels were clicking on the tiles. I felt a little self-conscious with my big earrings bouncing on my cheeks, my long hair moving behind me, my long fingers daintily holding my glass.

The bell rang. Lillian looked at me. "I'll get it."

I was in view of the door, I was frozen, someone was going to see me crossdressing in my home. The door opened, my eyes got wider.

"Sabrina, this is Ross."


We were at the dinner table, I was quieter than usual. I had a man sitting next to me, while I was wearing a short tight dress. He had brought two bottles of wine and we were enjoying the red as Lillian spoke.

"It's silly that you haven't had a home-cooked meal and Sabrina makes them all the time. Isn't she a wonderful cook?"

"She is, you are very lucky." He smiled at me, he tipped his wine glass toward me. He was the second man today to call my wife lucky.

"Every Friday she comes up with something crazy, today she makes your favorite, what are the odds?"

"And of course, these plates look familiar," Ross revealed a little more color as his meatloaf got eaten.

"Really? Sabrina got them from India. They are for special occasions but she uses them every day, aren't they beautiful."

I was surprised how easy the night was going, he had even let us take a picture together, after a couple of minutes he seemed quite relaxed with two 'women.' Lillian seemed a lot nicer too, not teasing me at all.

I watched them talk, it was okay, I wasn't as nervous as I thought I would be. Ross was acting like we never met before like I was just another woman in the building. It's funny but I started to feel like one from the way he looked at me, the way he spoke to me.

Lillian talked to me like I was a party favor, something here for her amusement. Something to get her through dinner and into her quiet bed or out the door. Ross was talking to me like I was a real person, just like Martyn did. Maybe I was more real than I imagined. Maybe Sabrina lived in this marvelous apartment, with the view and handsome neighbors? Maybe Sabrina was finally enjoying herself.

Lillian's phone rang and she left the table.

Ross smiled as he ate his meatloaf, he drank his wine. "You are so quiet, I'm sorry I am making you nervous."

"No, don't be silly, I am always nervous."

He smiled at me. He was looking at my breasts, my perfect C cups. "I like your necklace." He went back to my eyes.

I held the little heart, "Lillian gave it to me, according to this we will be friends forever."

"That's nice, it's great having friends." He grabbed my free hand and shook it. "Maybe I should go, you know if Lillian is busy."

"No, please, we still have dessert. I like the company, Lillian is always on her phone. I tend to just talk to myself." I smiled again, I was starting to have fun.

"Oh, really. What do you say?"

"Ha, well I always say pass the pepper, but it never comes."

I stood up and put the dishes in the sink, he started helping. "Well next time, call me and I will get the pepper for you."



End of Part 2 of 7

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