See You on the Other Side (Part 5)

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See You on the Other Side
(Part 5)
By Sabrina G. Langton


"I just saw Ross, he wants to cook dinner for YOU on Sunday, can't he just come here and cook?"

Oh, no Lillian was annoyed and already unraveling my scheme. I hated this, I hated lying, I was so bad at it. I wish Martyn was here, I would make believe I lost my voice. "Um, yeah, we figured something different, you know."

"No, I don't know. Why do you have to leave the apartment, someone will see you, Sheila will see you."

I shrugged, who cares if she saw me. We already met, she seemed pretty nice... twice.

"It's one thing going out on Friday morning, out of the building mixing with people we don't know, but..." She was walking around, she was making a bigger deal out of this than it needed to be. "Don't wear anything crazy, don't wear that sixties housewife crap. Don't embarrass me."

"How would I embarrass you?" She was hurting my feelings, did she not think I passed as a female?

She was still pacing, I was sitting on the couch, listening to Ravi and drinking wine. She was making me a little agitated.

"I might as well tell you now, I have been putting this together for a couple of weeks." She sat down across from me, she was at the edge of her seat. "I have to go to India, well I want to, I can't put it off anymore. Leaving next Wednesday, come home the following Wednesday."

I stood up excited, "Really, oh my God, that's great I can't wait. Um, let me call work." I ran to get my phone and she followed me.

"Wait, you're not going. Just me, well me and four of us from Global."

I just looked at her, we always had a plan to go to India. She had never been there, it was her dream since starting to work for the bank, even since our wedding day. It was our dream we were just waiting for the right time to come. The right time was here, for her.

"Oh, okay, I'm sorry, I just thought..."

"You always say you want to stay in Brooklyn." Did she mean that literally, I worked in Manhattan, I had relatives in Jersey. I was in Vermont for a month last year, I think I could go to India.

And then she was gone, she grabbed her phone and left the apartment, right in the middle of the conversation. Where was she going it was time for dinner, she just got home. I sat back on the couch and made the Sitar's and Sarod louder. Lillian hated this music, she told me it didn't sound like the India she knew.

But what did she know?

I called Martyn and Randall. I had to call them before I started to cry.


Sunday, November

I told Lillian I was going to Ross's apartment early, I didn't want to see her. I didn't want her ruining my night.

I put on her least favorite outfit of mine. I had on my sixties housewife dress, I was full of polka dots again. This was the dress I met Ross in, the one he loved. Plus Martyn told me to dress up.

I was looking in the mirror, it didn't give me that sixties vibe anymore. I put the thick, matching belt around my waist this time. My waist was thinner from the corset I used, and my hips were wider from some padding. I wanted a rounder bottom. I had on nude pantyhose and nude pumps, no more white, no more headband. I then fixed my hair, no wig all me. I had it in curlers most of the day. Once I brushed it out it looked amazing, I couldn't wait to show it off to the people at the party.

The bell rang, I got nervous. I had literally never been out on the streets past two PM.

"Wow look at you, ready?" And I was, Ross was taking me to his apartment and we were going to wait for Dave the doorman. He would call and tell us when Lillian came and then left, she was going to her girlfriends house to talk about the trip. And then we would leave. It did feel like we were on some spy mission.


Once we knew Lillian left the building I relaxed a little. I put on my new long black coat, a little faux fur around the trim. I kept it in Ross's closet. I picked up my matching bag.

Ross kissed me. "You look sensational."

"That good?"

"Mmm, maybe even a little better than that, I just don't know the word for it."

"Ha," He was making me laugh, I grabbed him and we kissed. I loved the way I felt in this coat, I felt like a real woman, I felt like someone who was invited to someone's house. I was feeling a little excited, my long dark red nails were digging into his black jacket. "Ross, would you mind rubbing me, right here? I'm a little nervous." I took his hand and placed it under my dress, inside my coat. "Ross? Lillian is leaving for India on Wednesday. I'm going to take off, I am going to be all alone." He kept on rubbing me, I was going to lose my voice soon.

"She's goin' away? Maybe I should take off and take care of you. We can be alone together."

He smiled and then started to squeeze the crotch of my panties, his fingers under me. I need this, I needed him to make me orgasm. It was now about me, not him. Later I would make him feel like a man, later I would make him cum as much as he wanted.

He rubbed harder, I was breathing heavy, I closed my eyes. It was hard as he started pushing me with his palm. I was buried under pantyhose and panties. I was so jumpy I needed to relax a little. I still felt feminine, my 'clit' wasn't big, I felt like a girl. He started kissing me and then I was cumming, cumming into my nylon panties. He had a huge smile on his face. He gave his date an orgasm, he wasn't feeling like Rusty anymore.

"Thank you." I kissed him and then went to get cleaned up. I tucked myself in tight again in my little lacy panties.

His grin was too big for his face when I walked back up to him. Buttoning up my coat. "Wipe that self-satisfied smirk off your face, Mister."

"I can't."

"Okay, then everyone at the party is going to assume you are getting lucky tonight."

He laughed, "Am I getting lucky tonight?"

"Maybe, but don't assume." We laughed and headed downstairs, holding bottles of wine, to talk to Dave. I gave Dave the Merlot.


Fulton, Willoughby, Lawerence, I loved walking around Brooklyn. I had never walked around the neighborhood in high heels at night. Everything looked a little better, a little smaller. It could also be because I was clutching a man's arm, making me more passable.

"Ross, would you mind if I told Martyn and Randall about your wife?"

He held me tighter as we crossed the busy street. "I don't know, is that a good idea?"

"They will know more about you, they will feel closer to you."

"Okay, then."

We were standing in front of a dark Townhouse on a dark block with trees and cars. The lights were on and I saw people inside. I was nervous, I pulled Ross away and we walked on by.

"What's the matter? Isn't that the house?"

I drew the coat tighter around me, I fixed my bag on my shoulder. "Maybe we should go back home." I had my eyes closed, my head down. I thought I would be able to do this easier.

"What? No, they are waiting for us, I can't wait to meet Martyn."

I shivered, it was suddenly freezing in the November air." I put my face and hands against Ross. "I am not good at meeting people, even when I am not wearing a dress it makes me nervous."

He put his arm around me, he kissed my forehead. I felt so safe in his arms, he was so tall and solid. He smiled and we walked back to the door. He rang the bell.

"Ahh! Come in, come in." Martyn grabbed me, I think he lifted me off the ground, I think I met more people. I think we gave him the wine. I know I introduced him to Ross.


I had a bag of goodies to give the guys, a whole bag of spices from India. I wanted Martyn to start exploring different cuisine as I do, maybe he would let me teach him.

There were four couples at the party, Ross and I made five. I loved the idea I was part of a couple, I was the female one, over here in the polka dots, holding a glass of something white. Trying not to drop it.

"Randall do you have a plastic cup?"

"I do what would you like?"

"I want to put my wine in it, I am too nervous walking around with this fancy glass, in your fancy house. I'm sorry," I made a face.

"Ha," he gave me a hug, "I have something perfect for you then." He then went into his cabinets, they had a beautiful kitchen, beautiful artwork on the walls, and a fantastic scent of candles, flowers, and food. He took my glass and handed me something else.

"Here you go, no spillage in that."

"Thank you." I smiled and walked back to the party. There was a whole mix of people in the living and dining room. I was definitely the youngest one. I was newer in more ways than one, and I was at least ten years younger than Martyn and Ross. The two of them went into another room, I watched, so I circled back alone. I stood on the side and watched the rest of the guests. There was a drag queen named Ronda who loved my dress. She was tall and beautiful and she promised one day to do my makeup and to take me to see her perform. Her boyfriend was a basketball player, he played at Barclays. There was an older couple, two men, they were from the neighborhood too. And next to them was Randall's colleagues from work. He was a lawyer and she worked in the real estate department.

When Ross came back from his interrogation he dragged me around the apartment telling me what the host had told him. He seemed amused, he was having fun.

I then found myself drawn to the young Indian couple. who lived next door. They had the most impressive wedding rings, and I told them how much I liked them.

I sat down next to Sana and her husband Ajay. I clinked my stainless steel water bottle full of wine and they laughed, I even had a metal straw. "Cheers" Ross came back and I introduced him too. I love how he kissed me and put his hands on my shoulders. I kept on rubbing his hand and smiling up at him but it was now Randall's turn to grill him. I didn't want him to leave me I held on to his sleeve playfully.

I turned to Sana, she was beautiful, she was wearing a traditional sari outfit. And I complimented her. "I just love India, I'm sure everyone says that to you, I'm sorry."

"No, it's fine, I love it too, haha."

"I have a friend who lives in Jaipur, the Pink City. He sends me a box of spices, oils, and sauces every couple of months. I then cook like crazy."

"That sounds wonderful, what is your specialty?"

"Daal Baluchi."

"Lentils, I love that, you should invite us over, soon. I make the most incredible Mango Lassi." I don't know why, but I felt so good at that moment. It was nice, I was making a friend. I felt so much warmth run through me.


When Lillian and I first got married we were looking at apartments in Brooklyn. Lillian decided she wanted to move to India. That was where her company was based and most of her clients lived. She heard it was beautiful, she sensed we would like it. She told me we could buy a house, with a huge yard there, instead of an apartment in the City. It would be even less money.

I wanted to stay in Brooklyn.

She finally relented, she never got over it. I had a friend, Varun, from college, he moved back to India, he would send me things, things we thought she would like. Along with the spices, he sent artwork, saris, books, he then sent dinner plates, four of them. Varun told me they were his family's for two decades, four had broken and his parents bought a new set. His mother thought it would be nice if it made a trip to Brooklyn, to be used by his friends. It would become a special part of another family. I always served Friday dinner on them. And I always loaned them to friends, I wanted everyone to see them and use them, I wanted them to become part of everyone's life. Now I use them almost every day. I told him, and his mother was so happy. She calls me a couple of times a year and we catch up, she sends me cards and notes. She loves having a friend in New York, one so far away.

Lillian thought I was crazy, she thought I was too sentimental.

When we first married I would make an Indian dish every Friday, we were listening to Indian music, I was trying to immerse her in the culture she was missing. I could tell she really didn't like the food, the drinks, or anything I made. I thought I was making them wrong, so I went to restaurants to try out the different dishes. Mine were perfect, I was a pretty good cook, I knew how to interpret a recipe. She started to get angry with me and she told me to stop. Date nights were never the same again. Then they changed even more drastically when we had them as two girls.

Now I make an Indian dish every month or so. I make the ones I know she likes. I totally fell in love with the food, I fell in love with the culture, and especially the music.

God, why doesn't she share this interest with me, why wouldn't she like it as much as I do. I didn't understand, this was HER thing, it wasn't mine. My thing was Stevie Wonder, Brooklyn, and cocktails. I stopped talking about India. But then she started bringing it up all over again. And now she is going there without me.


The rest of the party was wonderful, I spent so much time helping Martyn in the kitchen. He was putting cookies from a new bakery on a plate, along with cups of 'Umm ali.' The bread pudding has become a staple in their house. I stood behind him and put my arms around him. I had my face on his back, he was a few inches taller than me.

"Can I help you, honey? Are you getting a little frisky?" He asked.

"I'm just thinking of the first day we met. It was Randall's birthday."

He turned around and put his arms around me, my hands on his chest. I started to cry, I didn't even know why. I was having a fantastic time and I was so happy the two of them liked Ross. He ran his fingers through my hair. He let me cry, someone came in and hugged the other side of me.



"Happy birthday."

Ross and I went on the tour. I saw all of Randalls' books in his library and all of Martyn's shoes in his closet. I went into the backyard to play basketball with Ronda's boyfriend and some of the guys. I drank wine the whole time and they couldn't believe I could play in heels, nude pumps, and a little tipsy. My boobs would bounce and it made me very self-conscious. They also couldn't believe I could get in so many baskets. I played basketball a lot, there were so many hoops in Brooklyn, especially when I was a kid. I had one in my backyard and two out on the street. I have learned so much. I wanted to live here forever, look at all the wonderful people I have met.

"Sabrina, over here!" I threw the ball and went back into the house, Ross was watching me play through the window. He took me in his arms when I walked in and we kissed. The hosts were watching. Randall seemed quite happy and Martyn was next to him making kissy faces, I am glad they approved of this budding relationship. Others weren't going to be as happy.


"Mmm, you looked so nice tonight. You smell so nice too, is that your new perfume?"

"I think it's strawberry jelly, I'm such a clutz."

Ross had me up against the wall, we were next to my apartment door. He was kissing my neck and playing with my hair, he didn't want to say goodnight.

"I had fun watching you have fun." He was looking into my eyes and giving me light kisses on my lips and nose. I had my hands on his chest, under his coat.

"I did have fun, I loved that you were checking on me all night. Whenever I felt a little tense I looked up and caught your eyes. You can not even imagine how much I appreciate that." I kissed him, he pushed his body into mine. I have never kissed someone in this hall, no one ever kissed me goodnight anymore. "Lillian will be home soon, can you come in for a minute?"

We opened the door and I ended up on the other side of the wall. I dropped my coat, I pulled him to me, one arm around his neck the other investigating his manhood growing larger in his pants. I rubbed, I played, I ran my long nails over him. I took his shirttail out of his pants and rubbed his stomach as he bit my neck and licked my ears. I was getting quite excited. I heard the elevator, I stopped. I heard the door.

"Come on," I whispered and grabbed him by the hand. We headed more into the apartment, we slipped into the linen cabinet. It was tight, there was no light. I had my ass against the shelves, sitting on the towels.

"Sam!" Lillian was calling me, calling me by my male name. I was glad it was dark in here. "Sam are you here, is this yours?"

She must have picked up my new coat, she was going to ask me questions tomorrow. I heard her move around, in the hall, in the kitchen, her bedroom. Ross and I were holding each other, his cock was so hard, I think this was turning him on. We started to kiss again, we started to rub our bodies together, I was hoping Lillian didn't need a tablecloth tonight. I loved being held, I loved being held and cuddled all night. I slipped my hand down to his crotch again and unzipped. His pants slightly fell as I made my way into his loose underwear.

"Boxers?" I whispered.

"Yeah, you like?"

"Mmm, Next time I see you, can you just wear your boxers? Men in their underwear turn me on."

He started to laugh, he was trying to stay quiet. I was thinking as I played with his hard cock, did that really turn me on. Was I just being facetious, was I just teasing him? Was I trying to be cute? Or was that something I genuinely loved? I knew I loved the feel of his manhood against the palm of my hand. I loved that he found me attractive and exciting. If I didn't love a man in boxers I would learn.

We were so close, his lips now on my neck. I knew he was ready to cum, he was breathing irregularly and his hand now went to my 'pussy' outside of my dress. He learned how to please me this afternoon, he was a quick learner. We were rubbing together like two teenagers. He then slid his hand under my dress, under my pantyhose, and lightly squeezed me in my panties. He was licking my lips and pressing the front of my panties. I had my hand completely gripping his cock, jerking him, rubbing him just waiting for his release. I couldn't wait until he made love to me, I wanted to scream, I wanted to scream right now.

Did we need to be in a closet? I heard Lillian, I should just tell her, why was I so nervous. I was an adult, I was an adult playing with a huge dick. She wouldn't understand. It wasn't just about his dick, it was about the way he treated me tonight, the way everyone at the party viewed me. I was just a guest, just a 'woman' with her date. That's what was turning me on, making me excited, the situation not just the proximity to a hard male body.

He then started to cum, his body was grinding against me. I put my hands around to his ass and held on, I started to cum too. We kissed as we filled our respective undergarments. Ross was in his boxers and the thought of it was making me cum like crazy.


End of Part 5 of 7

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