Ash's New Career Pt.9

Chapter 12

The ride home was pretty uneventful Ashley was too flustered and too embarrassed over what she had done to continue talking or asking questions about Bruce, and Bruce was still on cloud nine. It was the best blowjob he had ever gotten by far and all he could do was day dream about it as he drove Ashley home. He was too dreamy to really try and strike up a conversation. At least at first, but when throughout the trip he noticed Ashley’s slight embarrassment he really didn’t want to push it anymore, he figured the best thing to do was to give her some time.

Once home, her makeup back on fleek to remove all evidence of the blowjob she had given Bruce, Ashley got out being rather short with Bruce. “Thank you Bruce, it was a lovely date.” She simply stated, and it was, but right now she really just wanted to be alone. As great as it had been, the finish was more stress than actual fun, giving a blowjob was something she would like to do again, but without the fear of getting found out.

Right now she just hoped that Bruce wouldn’t tell her sister about it, she counted on him at least wanting to be a little discreet about his cheating. After all if Keira found out she had actually sucked cock she wouldn’t hear the end of it, it was the whole reason for touching up her makeup despite going home.

This time she didn’t even wait for Bruce to get out or offer his arm to her, she just rushed out to the front door with big steps and rung the bell. In a matter of seconds the door swung open with Keira blocking the path to the entrance, a big grin spread across her face. Clearly she had been waiting for her brother’s arrival and the embarrassed stressed look Ashley’s face was exactly what she had hoped to see. Finally she had had her revenge and shown her brother that being a girl wasn’t all fun and games. That would definitely teach him for making a prettier girl than her.

“What’s the matter Ashley? Didn’t you like your date, isn’t it so much fun to go out with a handsome man?” Keira asked, laughing lightly as Ashley pushed past her inside, clearly not wanting to talk about it. Keira didn’t really mind for now, just letting it slip as she felt too good knowing her plan had worked. The only weird thing however was that Bruce just drove off the moment Ashley was out of sight. He looked a little worried as well for some reason.

Maybe he was just disappointed that he hadn’t managed to get Ashley to blow him Despite Keira’s strong motivation. It was a minor set back to her plan, but acceptable, clearly her revenge on her brother had worked which was the main deal. It had to be that right after all if he had managed to get Ashley to blow him Keira thought that Bruce would instantly be in her face with the evidence, demanding to fuck her ass. Oh well apparently just a date was bad enough for Ashley so taking a soda out of the fridge Keira went to the television to treat herself to some relaxation in celebration of getting back at her brother.

Ashley in the meantime just lay on her bed, looking up at the ceiling. The taste of Bruce’s cum was still strong in her mouth as she tried to make sense of everything that had happened. Overall the date had been lovely and she desperately wanted to go on another date with a handsome gentleman like Bruce, one that did know here secret so there was no need to stress about keeping it hidden or worry about tricking someone, needing to perform a blowjob to keep them from finding out. She had loved even the act of giving a blowjob, but she really wanted to perform one on her own terms some time, because she wanted to, not because she felt like she needed to, maybe that would just be an idle wish though, some that would be left unfulfilled.

Bruce for his part was riddled with doubts as well as he drove home alone. He hadn’t wanted to get out to face his girlfriend Keira. He really didn’t want Ashley finding out he was in a relationship with her niece at that, especially not after how conflicted she seemed to have felt after that amazing blowjob. He wondered if he had done something wrong. At moments their date had seemed like the most amazing date ever, then other moments that amazing vibe seemed to be lost to nerves. It was confusing and he really hoped that he could get Ashley to warm up to him more at some point. One thing was for certain, he hoped this wouldn’t be their last date.

Once home Bruce seriously considered whether or not he should send that picture he had taken of Ashley to Keira, it just felt wrong despite it having been the plan all along. Just looking at it got his cock hard again though. Ashley had just been so amazing. Despite how amazing she had been and how Bruce wanted things to work out between them, his arousal did eventually end up getting the better of him.

He had wanted to try anal for a very long time, but no one had ever let him. Now he had everything he needed to make Keira agree to it. After all she was the one who had come up with the deal so it would be crazy not to expect to have to do it right? His cock speaking more than his head and heart he attached the picture he had snuck of Ashley sucking his cock to a message he sent Keira. “Here you are, I delivered as promised, now it’s your turn to hold up your end of the bargain. I would prefer if you came to my place if you don’t mind.” He cockily sent.

A big smirk instantly grew on Keira’s face as she got the picture of Ashley with her lips wrapped around Bruce’s big cock, sucking as if her life depended on it. It wasn’t ideal, taken at an angle from the back of Ashley’s head, yet enough of her face and outfit as well as the cock was visible for her to work with. With the evidence of Ashley getting ready and the date she had set up between her and Bruce she could prove that her brother had sucked off her boyfriend killing two birds with one stone. It was the perfect piece of blackmail to regain firm control over her brother, after all this was something he probably wouldn’t even want their mom to see. At the same time it was the perfect blackmail to get her boyfriend under her thumb.

With a triumphant smile she started typing out her message to Bruce, one laying out her demands instead of agreeing to give in to his. “You just got tricked into dating my brother and letting him suck you off, here have some pictures of him getting ready if you don’t believe me. I can’t believe you didn’t figure out that Ashley might be my brother Ash. I guess it is true that men only think with their cock. Well unless you want the world to know that you prefer sissies over real women like me to go cheating on me with one, you better get any ideas of anal, blowjobs, or any other sex out of your mind. From now on it’ll be I who decide when and how we fuck. Oh also no more fucking around for you either, you can go back to being the wanker you always were.” Keira texted with venom to her words.

As far as Keira was concerned sex would wait for a very long time. While getting laid was something she enjoyed from time to time, she didn’t need it all that much, at least not with a guy and if it meant denying Bruce that was worth more to her than the pleasure of getting laid. Besides, if she played her cards right she could experiment a little with girls. To the outside world they would just look like an adventurous couple who had an occasional threesome, something that shouldn’t harm her career at all while she could explore her feelings towards girls in private. Bruce would just be there for outward show and appearance even if she didn’t plan to let him play along. Oh her future was looking really exciting and delicious, if she could only see how Bruce was beating himself up right now.

Back at his place Bruce was furious, he was mad that Ash had deceived him like that. Hell he still couldn’t believe he had fallen for that trick or the lengths that Ash had gone through to look so good just to trick him. More so than to Ash he was angry towards Keira, after all she was the one who set this up and given from the elaborate scheme this had been her intention all along. All this anger was only further fuelled by frustration for as much as he hated it he didn’t want Keira to spread such lies, especially not with how she could back them up with proof, proof she had tricked him into providing.

Along with his frustration a certain confusion slipped in as well though for as angry as he was, the date he had had with Ashley was undeniably one of the best ones of his life. Despite everything he still felt like they had connected genuinely, that there had been genuine eagerness when she had blown him. As much as he was certain that he wasn’t into guys, he also didn’t know if he would say no to further dating Ashley now that he knew it was Ash, she had just seemed like such a wonderful person on all fronts, someone he’d love to be with. It only made the fact that she had tricked him all that much more infuriating and harder to swallow.

“If that is what you want then why don’t you just fucking break up with me instead?! There is no need to blackmail me and keep this relationship you obviously don’t like going now is there? I’ve never changed for you and I know I have been pushy on fronts, but I never expected you to change for me either if you didn’t want to. I was just upfront about what I wanted out of a relationship, if that doesn’t work for you then just dump me, there is no need to be such a bitch about it.” Bruce eventually sent back out of sheer frustration.

It kind of took Keira off guard, she had never seen it like that given how her mother always raved on about the importance of sponsors and such. She had only ever seen Bruce as a self centred asshole, but she guessed he had never forced her into anything. Still she quickly shrugged off that thought, she had long since made up her mind about Bruce and he deserved to pay as far as she was concerned. “Shut up asshole, and you better not take such a tone with me again or call me any fucking names or those pictures are getting spread either way.” Keira viciously sent back silencing Bruce who only got angrier.

He didn’t dare further voice his anger to Keira, after all he feared that she might actually follow through on that threat. He did really need a place to vent towards though and so his anger turned towards Ash instead after all he was also to blame. As far as he was aware this was just a ploy by the two of them to get to him and that all for his family’s money. “Hey Ash, or should I say Ashley you fucking asshole? I can’t believe you fucking tricked me like that, both you and your sister are scum. I really fucking hope that you both get what you deserve.” He sent viciously.

Ashley was mortified upon reading Bruce’s message. He reacted mad just like she had feared he would, but most worrying of all was the fact that Bruce clearly knew. She could only guess what had happened. She knew Keira had to be behind this, but she had no clue as to how. It was a terrifying realisation as she didn’t know just how much damages had been done by her sister, but she needed to know so she could do damage control. “What do you mean?” Ashley sent back, hoping to learn more about what Keira had done.

“Don’t you fucking act stupid asshole. You obviously tricked me into dating you thinking you were a hot chick. I can’t believe I bought your utter crap. I should have known that you were playing me when you seemed to fucking eager to blow me, I should have known that was the goal since your bitch of a sister coerced me into taking and sending her a picture of it. There I was thinking you really were just a repressed country girl who was genuinely eager to get to know me and blow me. I should have known that the two of you would just blackmail me!” Bruce instantly texted back seething with rage he had no way out for.

The mortification Ashley had felt only grew as she realised that on top of everything else her sister now had even more potent blackmailing material in the form of a picture of her sucking a guy off. If her girlfriend would be mad if it became clear that she felt more comfortable as a girl and as her date with Bruce for as forced as it had been had proven also more comfortable dating guys. She didn’t want to imagine how she would react to knowing he had cheated on her with a guy. She wanted to make the inevitable breakup as painless as possible. After all she did cherish her girlfriend as a person, and she didn’t want her too hurt too badly, but if she truly wanted to be Ashley she would need to come clean to her friends and her girlfriend eventually.

Just like Keira had blackmailed her into going on that date with her boyfriend, she had no doubts that she would use that picture to blackmail her further and potentially cause a very painful breakup with her girlfriends and even her friends. She hoped that at least some of them would understand and support her, but if she let Keira blow things up before she got a chance to explain herself she feared that would be impossible. She was so screwed and she knew it, she hated how Keira was forcing her hand and she realised full well that she would need to inform her friends and girlfriend as soon as possible with her side of the story, before Keira could do her damage. The problem was that she wasn’t ready for it, not yet, but Keira was really forcing her hand here.

On top of all of that there was still Bruce. She had felt as though they had had a real connection and it honestly hurt that he had betrayed her trust by snapping a picture of her sucking his cock. Despite that she was also aware of how much of a manipulative bitch Keira was and so she blamed her more than she did him. Still it didn’t take away the hurt. Not that she could complain about it, she really needed to defuse this situation as fast as she possibly could, before Bruce could screw things up by making Keira exhibit her blackmail. It was a very stressful situation to say the least.

Feeling completely helpless she decided to just come clean to Bruce with her whole story, explaining everything that had happened so far and how Keira had set her up much like she had done to him. “Look Bruce, I am so very sorry that you got wrapped up in all of this, but I really want you to know I didn’t have a choice in this matter. I was set up and blackmailed into this like you were. The only I was so eager to blow you was because Keira scared the hell out of me telling me how I would probably get beaten up if a guy got too handsy and found out my secret. She told me the best way to get out of that situation was a blowjob to get the guy off before that happened. I am really sorry, but it’s the entire reason I was so nervous. I couldn’t let you find out and I couldn’t back out of the date or Keira would have ruined me. Please whatever you do don’t do anything rash, please at least let me try and break it to my friends and girlfriend before any of this gets out. I beg you.” Ashley sent back in true desperation.

It kind of struck Bruce in a way he wasn’t expecting at all, he had been mad beyond believe, but now he realised that Ashley had been just as much a victim of Keira, if not more so than he was. Despite his anger he couldn’t help but feel sorry for her. In a big part because he had actually felt a real connection unlike any other he had had before on their date. It was one of the things that made him so mad, that apparently that entire connection had been fake. He now realised that Ashley wasn’t to blame though, it only further fuelled his hate and fear for Keira. If she did that to her own brother he had no doubts in his mind that she wouldn’t think twice about following through on her threats towards him and even worse. Even without her pleas Bruce realised that not poking the bear that was Keira was in his best interest. He needed to find a way out of Keira’s scheme, for himself and for Ashley, as he truly believed her story and she proven to be a good person even if it was out of fear. He needed to help them both.

“I’m sorry Ash, or Ashley if you prefer that name. I really didn’t know she was manipulating you, I thought you were in on the whole plan and I truly regret lashing out to you for it. It’s just that I was frustrated, I was outraged that it was all fake, just an act as I truly had a good time, I truly felt a click, betrayed and I couldn’t think of anyone to vent to than towards you. Keira just threatened me when I vented and well I couldn’t really say anything to my friends for obvious reasons. I’m also sorry for taking that picture, and making you feel unsafe, but I truly believed you were Keira’s repressed niece and I figured you would never be any wiser. I thought Keira just wanted proof that I helped you open up and live a little, not thinking she would use that photo for anything but that and she did offer a nice reward. I admit I was thinking with my cock and I am terribly sorry for it. Could you please forgive me? I promise not to do anything without contacting you first.” Bruce sent back realising that if anyone had been an asshole between the two of them it was probably him. He had truly enjoyed his time with Ashley and knowing he had betrayed her like that made him feel terrible.

Ashley was very surprised reading Bruce’s answer back. She had fully expected to hear more profanities before he lashed out to Keira and screwed the both of them up. It was very surprising to hear Bruce’s confession that he had really felt a click with her, but in a way that only made her feel even worse. She had almost enjoyed her time with him, and maybe if they had met under different circumstances it could have been the start of something great. “I forgive you, I know first hand what a manipulative bitch my sister can be, so if anyone is to blame it’s her. It’s fine if you call me Ashley, I prefer being Ashley. In any case thank you for not doing anything rash. I know you probably don’t want to hear this, but it wasn’t all fake. I truly enjoyed my time with you for the moments I could put my worries out of my mind. I truly felt a connection and if I hadn’t been scared for my life for being discovered I think I would have actually like that blowjob. In any case. I understand that you probably don’t ever want to talk to me again. I’ll let you know when I notified my friends and girlfriend. Thank you for waiting on that.”

No it was Bruce turn to be surprised, he had never thought he would be forgiven, much less that Ashley would say that she had also enjoyed her time with him as well. Not only that, but he didn’t know how to feel about it either. The fact that it wasn’t just all fake, that there had been a mutual connection, left him confused. How was it possible that he had the best mutual connection ever with what basically was a guy? He accepted Ash’s wish to be Ashley and he didn’t want to offend her, but still he had only known her as a guy before and so had trouble wrapping his mind around thing. Was he gay? No that wasn’t it, Ashley did make a beautiful girl. Hell he even thought that all his friends would agree and that none would be any wiser if they saw Ashley, she had him fooled and he knew Ash better than any of them. Bruce was certain that Ashley would fool all of them as well.

With that thought an idea formed in his head. “A very odd idea just struck me Ashley, and if you wouldn’t want to have anything more to do with me, I would fully understand it, but I think I found a way for both of us out of Keira’s grasp so please just hear me out for a second. What if we went on a second date, after you had a chance to talk to your friends and girlfriend of course. We could go out with a couple of my friends. With what a gorgeous girl you make I doubt any one would be any wiser and if you fool them before they find out about your secret then none of them would probably give me shit if Keira spread that picture. If your friends and girlfriend know then she has nothing on you either. Of course we don’t have to do anything, but I would love a chance to hang out with you again where you didn’t have to worry as much. Despite what’s in your panties I would love to get to know Ashley better. Please don’t feel pressured or anything. I was just thinking it might be a solution.”

Ashley didn’t know what to think when she read Bruce’s plan. If she could face her friends and girlfriend, bring her secret out on her own terms then Keira truly didn’t have anything on her anymore. Then she could fully be who she wanted to be without fear and she realised that it was probably just a matter of time anyways before Keira outed her and ruined all her friendships anyways.

Beyond that she didn’t have to help Bruce, Bruce’s plan was mainly to safeguard him, but she had to admit that she felt for him, and no one deserved to be under her awful sister’s thumb. Besides the thought of a second date with Bruce, and the fact that he wanted to get to know her better really made her feel warm inside. She didn’t know if he was bullshitting her to save his own skin, but after his apology she believed he was sincere. It would honestly be nice to have a second chance at dating Bruce, one without all the stress that came with the first time. There was only one problem and that was Keira, how would she react to them having a second date?

“Alright, I’ll do it, but I’ll need some time to get out of Keira’s grasp so please be patient. I promise I will get to it as fast as I possibly can and I will certainly let you know the moment it is done. Just make sure that Keira can’t get any wind of this or I fear we’ll both be screwed. I would love to get to know you better as well, all cards on the table, but I need to know. Are you only interested to get out of Keira’s grasp, or are you serious about wanting to date me despite what you know. Please Bruce I need to know and I’ll help you either way, but I don’t want to be lead on and hurt so please come clean with me as well.” Ashley sent back, hoping he would be genuine. It would be a dream come true, but she had her suspicions.

Despite all the amazing boosts she had had, she was still terrified of how people would react when they saw the real her, what hardships she would face and if she could ever find someone who truly accepted her for who she was. She was rather confident she could pass as a girl on the surface, and that she could go out in public without too much worries. When it came to actually finding a love interest or even friends as a trans woman she still felt really insecure. Bruce’s acceptance would be a big boost on that front, but somehow she feared that it was too much to hope for.

“I really want to date you for you Ashley, I meant it when I said I thought you were an amazing girl, and I would be lucky to get to date someone as amazing and gorgeous as you. I truly want to give this a real shot and I will be honest, if we really hit it off and take things a little further than just some nice dates, it might be a bit awkward at first. Please don’t take offense if that were to happen. I’ve never been with someone like you before, but I’m willing to do whatever I can to make it work if you give me a chance. It just might take a little getting used to, not because of you, but because of me and I want to be as honest as possible in order not to potentially hurt or disappoint you which I have done enough of as it is.” Bruce replied genuine but careful as he sensed how much was riding on this for Ashley.

Ashley couldn’t help but tear up a little as she read Bruce’s response maybe there was hope for her yet and people could accept and love her for who she was. She certainly hoped so, and she loved the fact that Bruce wanted to try and give it his all. It meant the world to her even if she remained slightly suspicious. She believed him on his word, especially since he had no more reason to lie, but still her insecurities made her doubtful no matter what.

“Thank you Bruce, that really means a lot to me and I want nothing more than to give this a fair chance, but first we’ll have to deal with Keira. I believe you know her pretty well by now so I don’t think I need to say that we should be very cautious. She can’t suspect anything at all until it’s too late for her to do anything to harm either of us. I think it’s best if we even delete these messages just in case.” Ashley sent back going from joy to serious. No matter how happy she was about Bruce’s revelation they still weren’t out of the woods yet and with Keira they couldn’t be careful enough.

“You’re probably right Ashley, your sister really is one vindictive bitch and I’m sure she’ll do as much damage as she possibly can if she finds out we are plotting this. I don’t even know if she’ll agree to let us go on a date, it’ll be hard to sneak off without her knowing and there is no telling what she’ll do. She somehow seems hell bend on leaving me completely denied and cucked not even just happy to break up with me.” Bruce sent back, the worries regarding their plan over taking the relief he had felt that Ashley really wanted to give him another chance.

“Hmmm, I think I know just the solution to that. We won’t even have to keep it a secret, you can just ask her for that date. I mean I think Keira set me up to go out with you in order to torment me, never expecting me to actually enjoy being with a guy. I looked and I was shocked enough when returning home, especially with how things ended up playing out in the car, so she probably thinks I positively hated every moment of it. Since she seems hell bend on screwing you as much as me we can use that to our advantage. I bet she’d eagerly agree to let you take me out on a date again just to give me a supposedly hard time. All you need to do is lay it on thick. Asking her if you can at least work out some of your pent up needs and frustrations on me. Knowing Keira she probably won’t say no to that.” Ashley sent.

“As much as I hate the idea of selling it like that, you might be onto something there Ashley. Keira would indeed be delighted to agree under such circumstances. I’ll work on my seemingly frustrated request right away and you just let me know when the coast is clear to send it her way. In any case I’m afraid I’ll need to go now. Despite how much I want to keep chatting with you I think it might be best if we keep our chatter to a minimum until we managed to get out of Keira’s grasp.” Bruce replied and Ashley could only agree as they both put their phones down and went to bed feeling a lot better about themselves already. Despite all this hardship and the sheer risk thing were finally looking up for the both of them.

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