The Elven Question – chp 9

The Elven Question

Queen Dana of Highwinds the Elf Kingdom inside the Empire has a problem. One that she cannot fix personally. The problem is with a small minority of her population. A problem that has been brought to her attention by the half elf son of a problematic Duke. What is a Queen to do? She calls on help from a friend. The question now is does she realize what she is letting loose on her kingdom?

Chapter 9
Highwinds entrance, Observation Command Post
Commandant’s Office. 1st Watch 0830

Highwinds’ Naval Commander Elis Stormlight read over the 3rd watch report with a dubious eye. Reaching over he hit the call button for his XO. “Grayson please come to my office. I have a few questions about the report submitted by Lieutenant Firestone.”

“I was just about to call you sir. I just finished reading my copy. I’ll be there shortly.” Lieutenant Commander Grayson answered with a smug tone in his voice. One that Stormlight found annoying. A few minutes later Firestone entered Stormlight’s office with a stack of folders in his hands. “Sir before you ask, I have the answers to your questions right here.”

“Oh really. You can explain to me why we have lost contact with outposts four through one-fifty.” Stormlight demanded.

“Yes sir. This is in fact nothing to worry about.” Grayson began.


“Sir, this happens from time to time within the Nebula.” Grayson said calmly. “There is no ship in the corridor.”

“Wait! What?” Stormlight asked his XO as he sat back down in confusion. “Okay Grayson. Take it from the top. And use small words.”

“Sir it is a phenomena known as the Rings of Fire. They only happen within the Corkscrew Nebula sir. It is a plasmatic firestorm that envelopes the whole of the transit corridor. When they happen, we lose all contact with our listening outposts inside the corridor until the storm has passed. Not even direct ship-to-ship laser coms will work once an outpost has been engulfed by the Rings of Fire.” Grayson explained for Stormlight.

“What about the report of an unknown ship?” Stormlight asked.

“Sadly sir. That is the only way the AIs on the outpost know to report them. While they are rather powerful, they’re kind of stupid when it comes to scientific research.” Grayson told him bluntly. “It is because we have been known to lose one or two outposts to the Rings of Fire that the outpost AIS automatically raise their threat level to Defcon five. Even if those outposts are designed to withstand the forces of the storms their outer hauls do become fatigued over time. As policy every ten years new outposts are towed into position to replace outposts that are endanger of collapsing.”

“How long do these Rings of Fire last? How often do they occur?” Stormlight asked his XO and First Science Officer.

“Well sir those questions are more than a little hard to answer. Again, please let me explain. For starters we don’t even know what causes the Rings in the first place. The only warning our outposts have, is a sudden flare of radiation within the surrounding gases within corridor itself. This is followed by an explosive release of plasma. Once the explosion happens the plasma races in both directions of the corridor. If the explosion happens in the middle, it will take anywhere between five to twelve months before the Rings burn themselves out. If it happens near one of the corridor ends. Then the Rings of Fire can last for up to two years.” Grayson told him honestly.

“What happens to the personnel on the outposts?” Stormlight demanded. “A good number of them have enlistments that will end during that time.”

“Doesn’t matter sir. Once the Rings of Fire have started. All shipping through the corridor is halted. If someone reaches the end of their enlistment during this time. They’re stuck. Oh, they’ll receive their standard pay until they are relieved but they’re there for the duration of the storm. The Navy isn’t about to risk a Cruiser for a few replacement personnel.” Grayson explained for Stormlight. “Sir I know that you have only been in Command for a few weeks, so I’ll give you the truth about the men and women manning those outposts. Every last one of them is there as either a punishment or to keep some High Family in line.”

“Just what does that mean Grayson?” Stormlight demanded.

“Sir what do you know about the those who are manning those outposts?” Grayson asked his CO. When Stormlight raised his shoulders in confusion Grayson sighed. “Sir the Corkscrew Nebula is the last stop for the slackers and malcontents in our military. They’re sent to us from all branches of service. Once they’re here. This is their last station. They’ll only ever leave those outposts for one reason. They’ve reached the end of their enlistment. They don’t even get R-and-R Leave. Those outposts are nothing more than prisons disguised as Military outposts.”

“So, if one or two of the outposts are destroyed during one of these Rings of Fire.” Stormlight left the rest of his sentence unsaid for a reason.

“Then nobody cares. High Command will just tow a replacement station into the corridor and man it with the next batch of graced sons and daughters.” Grayson told him with a nod of his head. “Make no mistake, sir. Those outposts are prisons, and we are the jailers.”

“Let me get this straight, Grayson. A solider or sailor in our military is sentenced for some crime then sent to one of the outposts to serve out their time. Which is for the rest of their enlistment or if one of the storms happens. It can be a death sentence. Does that about sum up the situation?” Stormlight asked his XO with some heat.

“They can also be a child of a High Family that is being troublesome for the High Command, sir. For example, Captain Markus Silverleaf on outpost eighty-eight. He’s out there to keep his father in line. If Lord Silverleaf doesn’t approve of the new military budget. Then his son gets to spend the next two years watching a useless battle display.” Grayson told him honestly.

“What do you mean useless battle display?” Stormlight asked him.

“Sir all of those outposts may be armed and armored like a battle station. But their weapon systems are totally automated. They’re only there if there is an emergency. Such as the AI control failing. Even then it takes the crew twenty to thirty minutes to override the automated system lockdown. This is done so that no station can stage a revolt.” Grayson explained softly.

“In other words. If the shit hits the fan. Those men and women can only ride out the storm and pray that the AI does its fracking job.” Stormlight sighed as he realized his final command was as a jailer. “What if one of them decides to use a station shuttle to escape?”

“It takes a direct command from this Command Post to activate the escape shuttles. There is no way to override the shuttle controls. Should someone be stupid enough to try. The shuttle will self-destruct once it is fifteen miles from the outpost. The self-destruct automatically arms as the shuttle leaves the shuttle bay. Without the authorization command it detonates.” Grayson told him coldly. “The only exception to the rule is an emergency evacuation for a catastrophic emergency.”

“Something that would lead to a station collapse. Nothing else will override the authorization. Something that only the AI can give.” Stormlight grunted. “Damn. Talk about a no-win situation for our troops.”

“Excuse me sirs. I have an urgent message from the C-n-C.” A runner called out through the door.

“Bring it here.” Stormlight called out as he and Grayson closed the folders. The young seaman entered and handed Stormlight a folded piece of paper. “Thank you, Seaman Cutter. You can return to your station.” Once they were alone Stormlight opened the paper and began to read. “We just lost contact with outpost three. You said that these Rings of Fire cover the whole of the corridor, Grayson. How long before we see the storm on this end?”

“Well sir that is hard to calculate. There are two major problems with predicting the Rings of Fire. The first is the speed at which they travel. Some move at incredible speeds while other are slower that a solar sailor. The second problem is the fact that we cannot detect them until it is too late. The only warning, we get is a sudden brightening of the nebula. Which sadly can only be detected by one instrument. The Mark One Eyeball.” Grayson explained for Stormlight with a sad chuckle.

“Are you shitting me Grayson? This had better be a fracking joke.” Stormlight snarled as he leaned forward onto his desk.

“I fracking wish it was a joke sir. Radiation scanners, infrared scanners, radar, even photo light sensitive cameras are worthless for detecting and studying the Rings of Fire. That is reason why the AIs report the Rings of Fire as a ship of unknown design and origin. In the last five years that I have been station here, I have witnessed two Rings of Fire. Each time I have launched long range observation probs. Each time those probs died before they could send back a single bite of data.” Grayson grumbled. “As the Senior Science Officer for the Station. I can only say that I have been flummoxed at my lack of results.”

“As a onetime Science officer, myself. I can understand your frustration. Have you talked with the Station Engineer about the probs?” Starfire asked.

“I have sir. Sadly, Chief Oakridge lacks the needed skills for designing a prob from scratch. We have modified the long range probs to some extent but with the Rings of Fire happening so rarely and the lack of information on the storms themselves. We have no way of actually testing the probs.” Grayson explained with a heavy put-upon sigh.

“So, we got a hit or miss situation with the probs. Any chance of getting one of our Research ships out here in time?” Stormlight asked.

“In the words of a great human spokesman sir. Not a chance in hell.” Grayson answered honestly then went on to explain. “The Department of Research is reluctant to place one of their ships in danger for collecting data on the Rings. At least not again. About seventy years ago Queen Tatiana sent the Research ship Peregrine Galley into the heart of a Ring of Fire. The Peregrine and all of her crew were lost somewhere deep within the storm.”

“Hold on here Grayson. The Peregrine Galley was a Stargazer class Research ship. Those damned ships are armored like a Battlecruiser. I know for a fact that the firepower it would take to destroy one is equal to a Battleship or better.” Stormlight snapped in surprise at hearing about the Peregrine Galley. “There is no way a cosmic storm could cause that kind of damage.”

“There are times when the power of the Rings of Fire equal that of a supernova sir. We have been able to confirm this with a solar radiation scans of the entrance during the storm.” Grayson told him then asked. “By the way sir. Why are you so worried about the stations? They’re all expendable.”

“It’s not the stations Grayson. It’s the personnel themselves. Each one of those stations might cost as much as a battlecruiser. When we have to replace more than two at a time. That severely limits the Navy’s budget.” Stormlight huffed as he thought about the cost of replacing all 150 outposts. “But you cannot just order up trained personnel from a catalog.”

“Sir we could replace all one-hundred-and-fifty with barely zero effect on the Navy’s or Army’s budgets. That is the upsize to having a standardized layout for the stations and a replacement fleet waiting in mothballs sir. As for personnel to man those new outposts. That won’t be a problem. As I said before those outposts are basically prisons. The High Command will just give the current crop of minor offenders a choice then open their cell doors.” Grayson said then went on to explain what he was talking about. “Sir we currently have one-hundred-and-thirty-five completed outposts being held in orbit around Timberline Four. By the time those are towed into position the last fifteen will be built and readied for placement.”

“That may be the situation Grayson, but the costs of building those things.” Stormlight countered only to see his XO shaking his head. “What am I missing here Grayson? Because from the looks of things it’s important.”

“Well sir the actual cost for building one of our outposts is somewhere between what it takes to build a Corsair and a Patrol Attack Craft.” Grayson told him honestly then sighed at the look of confusion on Stormlight’s face. “Sir what I’m about to tell you is top secret.”

“I take it that you’re not supposed to know about it but do anyway. Don’t worry Grayson. I know that most top secrets rarely stay that way among Science Officers.” Stormlight chuckled.

“Permission to speak freely?” Grayson asked only to receive a nod of the head from Stormlight. “Just over twenty-five years ago Queen Dana worked out a deal with Empress Maiha. In exchange for highly classified data the Human Empire gave us one of their automated shipyards. The kind that can build a battle platform in under eighteen months.”

“Holy Shit! You have got to be shitting me! We actually have a fully automated XW-seventeen Pangolin Construction, Maintenance, and Recovery shipyard?” Stormlight asked as he jumped to his feet in surprise. The thought that the Highwinds military had access to one of those massive mobile space stations floored him. Until now the Human Empire had never allowed those stations outside of their national borders. “Are you sure?”

“Yes sir. While I haven’t seen it for myself. My oldest brother has been stationed there for the last five years as a construction foreman. That station has only one mission. Building replacement outposts.” Grayson told his CO honestly. “That is the only reason why I know about the Pangolin.”

“Seeing as how you came by this knowledge through an unconfirmed family connection. I’ll forget what you told me.” Stormlight told him then picked up the latest report from the corridor. “Grayson with this latest report can you give me an estimated timeframe for the Ring of Fire’s arrival?”

“Now that I know about the loss of contact between outposts. I would say that we have about three weeks before it arrives on this end. I can also tell you that this Ring of Fire started at the far end of the corridor. Making it one of the rarer storms within nebula.” Grayson told him.

“I take it from the tone of your voice that this storm will last for longer than normal?” Stormlight asked him. When Grayson nodded his head Stormlight sighed. “Alright Number One. Estimate on duration of the storm and the possible number of losses among our stations.”

“If it is a full corridor Ring of Fire. Then we’re looking at two years if not more. As for the number of outposts that we’ll lose. I’ll need to consult the placement logs for each outpost. However, going off the top of my head we can expect to lose between forty to fifty percent of our outposts.” Grayson grunted as he went over the figures in his head. “But depending on the severity of the storm. We could lose up to eighty percent.”

“Okay wait a minute! What is so damned special about a full corridor Ring of Fire?” Stormlight asked in confusion.

“For starters sir a full corridor Ring of Fire happens only once in every two hundred years. They start at one end of the corridor and slowly work their way through to the other end. During that time the radiation intensifies to the point where even battleship armor fails. The other unique feature of a full corridor storm is how long they last. The shortest one in the records lasted for eighteen months. The longest on record lasted just over five years, that was over three-hundred years ago.” Grayson told him. “We lost all but two of the outposts.”

“Holy shit! Why aren’t these storms recorded in the Royal archives?”

“By order of the High Command to keep the High Families in the dark. If they knew of the danger that their children would face. Those High Families would raise up against Military High Command.” Grayson explained honestly. “Here is the harsh truth about the commanding officers for those outposts. About half of them are commanded by High Families children that stand in opposition to the current High Command Officers.”

“Frack me! What about the other half?” Stormlight asked. Dreading the answer.

“Sons and daughters of Parliament Representatives.” Grayson answered coldly. “The High Command has gone out of its way to ensure that no one can stand against their decisions on how our nation gets ruled.”

“Are you telling me that the High Command is actively opposing the Queen?” Stormlight asked in shock. When Grayson didn’t answer Stormlight fell back into his desk chair. “Damnation.”

“It’s actually worse than that sir. However, this is only a hypothesis.” Grayson said as he went on to explain. “For the last several years there has been an organization within the Senate that has supported their opposition. They have actively waged a war of terrorism against those who would bring our nation into the modern era. Most especially the Queen.”

“You’re speaking of the Millennium Assembly.” Stormlight suggested. When Grayson nodded Stormlight just sighed. Reaching inside his desk’s top draw he pulled out a top-secret file. “Read this.”

Grayson cracked his commander’s seal on the file then began to read. After ten minutes Grayson closed the file then crushed the self-destruct capsule in the lower right corner. Once the file was burning, he dropped it into the trashcan next to Stormlight’s desk. “Sir, where did you get that file?”

“It was sent to me by special courier directly from the Palace. I received it while I was still on leave at my home.” Stormlight told Grayson bluntly. “There were only two other copies of that file. Both of which were sent to Death Dealer Command. Before you ask why I received a copy don’t.”

“Sir if you want me to keep my mouth shut then I deserve an explanation.” Grayson demanded of his CO. “If not then I must report this violation.”

“Fine. I was given that file because of certain knowledge that I hold because of family ties. What I am about to tell you stays between us. During the last years of Queen Tatiana’s reign, a program of selective breeding was launched among those families that held Silvan Elf bloodlines. This program had but one objective. The return of the Silver Moon Elf race. After several failed attempts the program was abandoned. Then almost forty years ago the first Claymore Death Dealer appeared in the Human Empire. When our scientists saw the first pictures of the Claymore. They knew exactly what they were looking at. The Human Empire had found the secret to restore the Silver Moon Elves. At least that was what we thought. It took our scientists another ten years to finally crack the secret. You see there is a gene that is only found in half-elves and mixed-race elves. A gene that is passed down through the human descendants of Silver Moon Elves.” Stormlight explained for him slowly.

“Sir, are you saying that every half-elf and mixed-race elf has the potential of becoming a Silver Moon Elf?” Grayson gasped.

“Close to an eighty-nine percent Grayson.” Stormlight snorted then corrected himself. “If what my father and uncle told me is true. The chance is actually much fracking higher to be honest.”

“How much higher sir?” Grayson asked as he swallowed around the lump in his throat. The thought of Claymores actually being Silver Moon Elves was one that he didn’t want to face.

“If what I have been told is true. Then the chances are close to one hundred percent. At least for half-elves. With mixed race elves the chances are closer to ninety-two to ninety-three percent. However, that only holds true for those with Silvan blood.” Stormlight told him.

“Sir I have to ask. Who is your father?” Grayson asked.

“Doctor Rinehart Stormlight of the Green Meadows Science Academy.” Stormlight told Grayson bluntly then chuckled as his XO had to pick his jaw up off the floor. “Yup. My father is Highwinds’ number one Geneticist.”

“Son of a bitch. No wonder you know what you do sir. Don’t worry I’ll keep what you told me secret.” Grayson swore. “Not that anyone would believe me.”

“Don’t bet on it, Grayson. There are far too many members of the Isolationists that would use this knowledge to rid our society of half-breeds.” Stormlight told him coldly. “Especially if they got their hands on the Death Dealer conversion tanks. If you doubt me think about the death grip that certain extremist factions have on our society as a whole.”

Before Grayson could say anything in response the door to Stormlight’s office was thrown open. “Sir! Urgent message from outpost two! They picked up the launch of outpost three’s escape shuttle!”

“WHAT?” both commanding officers shouted.

“The reports are still coming in sir. But according to outpost two. Outpost three launched their escape shuttle. At last report it was broadcasting a loop message. Our Com-techs are still trying to decipher the message, sirs.” The Com-tech reported to his Commanding Officers.

“What do you mean they’re still trying to decipher the message Petty Officer Stone? Did outpost three’s AI use an encryption code?” Grayson asked.

“That’s just it, sir. The message isn’t encrypted. The problem is the sheer size of the data download.” Stone told him honestly.

“How long before the C-n-C has the data deciphered?” Stormlight asked.

“According to Chief Petty Officer Lighthope. Two to three days at the least. That is the best guess he could give sir.” Stone told him then gulped at the glares coming from Stormlight and Grayson. “Sirs please understand. The Chief is the best in the business. If he is saying it’ll take that long. Then it’s a sure bet that it won’t be any sooner.”

“Sir, Petty Officer Stone is telling you the truth. Nobody’s better at data retrieval than the Chief. If he says it’ll take him two to three days to recover the data. There’s nothing anyone can do about it.” Grayson told him.

“Damn it. This might be the only chance we have at getting some solid intel on what actually happens during the Rings of Fire.” Stormlight snarled. “Is there any chance of amplifying the signal?”

“Sir we can barely pick up the emergency shuttle’s signal as is. It’s taking every last ounce of computational power the station AI has to filter out the radiation washout.” Stone explained for the new station Commander.

“Hold on here people. I thought that the radiation was stable inside the corridor. Aren’t the sensors calibrated for the nebula?” Stormlight asked.

“Commander there is a reason we call this nebula the Corkscrew. The normal radiation level inside the nebula cloud fracks with hyperspace travel. During a Ring of Fire, the levels are beyond anything we can measure.” Grayson said.

“Is there any way we can send a resupply ship to recover that shuttle?” Stormlight asked Grayson. It really bothered him that he didn’t know exactly what was happening inside the corridor.

“Sir there are only two ways we can send a ship of any kind into that corridor right now. The first is on direct orders from High Command.” Grayson told him honestly. “The second is a rescue ship bound for a dropship destress call. Under standing orders, we are not to assist any outpost.”

“Wait a damned minute Grayson. Are you actually saying that if one of our outposts launches its emergency shuttle. We’re to let it drift. You got to be fracking kidding me!” Stormlight demanded.

“I am sir. At least until we can verify that the storm has passed.” Grayson explained sadly. “Sir please understand that these orders were put in place long before the current political atmosphere ever came about. The reason is simple. That shuttle is most likely already a melted lump of slag floating aimlessly on the currents of the nebula.”

“How can you be so sure Grayson?” Stormlight demanded.

“Sir only a Prince Randal class heavy battlecruiser and above can withstand the Rings of Fire. Everybody knows this and nobody will risk their lives trying to fly a rescue ship into one of those storms.” Stone told him without thinking. “Um… sorry for interrupting sir.”

“No need to apologize Stone. This is one time that rank doesn’t matter. I need answers. That shuttle might have survivors on board.” Stormlight explained for the Petty Officer.

“Sir I know that you don’t want to hear this but everyone on those outposts knows that those shuttles are deathtraps during the Rings. Nobody will risk their life in a vain hope of making to the next outpost.” Stone told him. “If outpost three launched their it’ll be unmanned and on automatic. That shuttle is most likely carrying the last words of the outpost crew.”

“Then our best course of action is to just sit back and wait for the Rings to come to us. Is that what you’re tell me?” Stormlight snapped.

“Yes sir. Once we lose connect with outpost one. We can have a probe ready for launch at a moments notice. While we wait for the arrival of the Rings of Fire on our end. We set up as many sensors as possible around the exit to the corridor. That is the best we can do.” Grayson explain for Stormlight going over the procedures that were set down centuries before he was born.

“Very well XO. See to everything that can be done. Stone tell Chief Lighthope to not waste his time on decoding that message. He’s to record it and package it for transfer to High Command. If there is nothing else. My lunch is being held.” Stormlight told the two men briskly. When neither no one said anything Stormlight stood up and saluted them. “That’ll be all.”

Once they were outside their CO office Grayson turned to Stone. “Petty Officer if you don’t want to end up on one of those outposts. I suggest we figure out a way for us to get solid information on the Rings of Fire.”

“Yes sir. I understand. Though I doubt I can get the job done in the amount of time we currently have.” Stone told him as he handed the XO a folded piece of paper. “Lieutenant Hawks latest predictions for the arrival.”

“Let me see. Damn it not good. How sure of these figures is Hawks?” Grayson asked Stone as he read over the information.

“He’s already starting his pool sir.” Stone answered honestly.

“Shit. It’s a good thing we have those replacement outpost. Because if Hawks’ figures are right. We’ll lose all but two of our current outposts. Not that it’ll matter. From the looks of things this storm isn’t going to burn itself in the next three to five years.” Grayson sighed.

“How can you tell sir?” Stone asked.

“Simple. If our sensors aren’t picking up any rise in the radiation levels. Then those levels are so far off the chart. That they’re swamping the sensors of the outposts. If the outpost sensors are being swamped to that point. Then nothing can withstand the radiation inside the Rings. I’m talking about radiation levels found in the heart of a sun.” Grayson told Stone.

“Oh man. Those poor bastards. They’re dead no matter what happens.” Stone commented about the men stationed on the outposts.

“Exactly, Petty Officer Stone. At least we’ll be here to record their deaths.” Grayson sighed as he looked back at the door of the CO’s office. “At least our current CO cares about those men out there.”

“Sir I know that you were trying to get a rise out of the CO, but he acted like he could give a shit less about the outposts.” Stone grumbled. “How can you tell that he cares about the personnel?”

“He asked several important question Stone. Some of them revolved around the outposts and their personnel. Only after he had my answers and understood the situation did he give up on those outposts.” Grayson told him then turned to head for the chowhall. “Come on. Let’s grab some chow.”

Corkscrew Nebula corridor
Bifrost, Multi-generational Colonization Warship
Command Deck

Unlike its sister ships that had reached their original targeted planet centuries before. The Bifrost had suffered a major malfunction to its engines shortly after leaving Earth’s solar system. Undonated the ship’s computer continued onto to the planet it had been assigned. It’s original flight of two-hundred years had been extended to just over three thousand. With the exception of the main engine malfunction. The ship’s automated control systems had performed perfectly.

It was the three successful sister ships and their heavily cyberized colonists that had founded the planet Cresea. What would one day become the heart of the powerful Velmaro Consortium. A society that believed the only way forward for the human race was through the use of cyborg technology. While each ship carried between ten to forty thousand humans in cryo sleep tanks. The true cargo was the ten to twenty million genetically modified embryos held in suspended animation. Once the ship reaches its target planet the ship’s massive Artificial Womb would be used to produce the new cyborg inhabitants. Humans that have been genetically modified for their new home.

Yet it would be the original ten thousand members of the Bifrost crew that would lead the war machine in the cargo bays. They would also be the origin for the legend of the cyborg night army of conquest. A nightmare that gave birth to the cyborg nation known as the Velmaro Consortium.

Cryo storage sleep deck

The MD-9 medical robot worked its way slowly through the one hundred cryo sleep tanks it was assigned to monitor. Stopping to check the status of each tank’s occupant. When it reached the 87th tank the robot made a slight adjustment to cryo fluid before moving onto the next tank. On the next row over the MD-9 signaled for the removal of the tank it had just examined. This was nothing new on the cryo storage deck. The tank would be removed, and the occupant would be thawed but not revived. The occupant would then undergo a cybernetic replacement for a failing organ.

In the last several centuries the process had been repeated to the point that of the original ten thousand colonist. Only one in one hundred still had twenty-five percent of their original bodies. The rest of the colonists only had their brains remaining. Their bodies having been completely replaced with cyborg shells. Unbeknownst to the colonists the medical robots of the Bifrost were given unilateral control over the medical needs of the civilian colonists. This was done to insure that there would be human minds in control of the forty thousand combat androids in the cargo bays.

While not a massive army the androids could be replaced with little or no effort. Thanks in part to the automated factory in the middeck cargo bay. That same factory could produce more than just combat androids. With access to raw materials from an asteroid. The factory could produce all manner of automated war machines. Tanks, fighters, assault ships, even the dreaded terminator androids of the last Great World War battlefields.

As the MD-9 reached the last cryo sleep tank it received a message from the Command computer. After the robot deciphered the message, it began the process of reviving the tank’s occupant. All cross the cryo deck MD-9s moved to the last tank in their assigned sector. Each MD-9 began the slow process of reviving the occupants. For the first time since its launch the human crew of the Bifrost would soon walk its decks. The first person to be awaken by protocol was the Captain and Colonial Governor Oceanus Rowan. As he was the first to be awakened Oceanus took his time climbing from his bed.

The sounds of metal gears forced the one time human to stop and taken in his new body. “Damn I knew that I would suffer some cyberization. I wasn’t expecting the total replacement of my body. Wonder what the hell happen?”

“Circumstances have forced the total cyberization of ninety percent of the colonists aboard this ship. The remaining ten percent can be fully cyberized before planet.” The KR-10 medical android said from the foot of his bed.

“Explain.” Oceanus demanded as he sat up.

“On operational date twenty-one-zero-eight-one-eighteen the main engines of the Colonization warship Bifrost Failed to ignite. Emergency protocol nine-nine-nine was enacted by primary Computer. Primary Computer authorized any and all medical procedures to secure the survival of primary colonists and ship’s crew. This blanket authorization included the total cyborg replacement of primary colonists’ faulty organic machine hosts.” The android told him.

“Bloody hell. How long have we been frozen?” Oceanus demanded as he stood.

“Current ship’s date is forty-one-twenty-two-ten-twenty.” The android told him before turning to its next patient. Leaving Oceanus Rowan to comprehend the fact that his ship had been floating throw space for more than two thousand years. The sheer madness was something that he and the Colonial Authority had never foreseen. “Captain you are needed on the bridge.”

“Thank you doctor.” Oceanus said as he turned towards the door. “Doctor is the ship’s Navigator been revived?”

“Patient one-four-four, Prudence Cooper, Primary Navigator, is still in suspension. Revival scheduled for beginning of next watch. Move revival forward?” The android asked him.

“Yes. Along with all of the Primary Command Staff for the ship. Move any and all Colonial authority figures to secondary revival status.” Oceanus commanded the android as he left the medical bay. He never heard the acknowledgement of his order. Not that he cared. To someone like Oceanus Rowan androids were tools to be used and discarded. He’d come by this attitude during the last World War thanks to his time as the Commander for a battalion of Panzer XII Patriot walker tanks. It was his command of those massive six-legged war machines that had earned him his command of this expedition.

As he made his way to the bridge. Oceanus let his thoughts drift back to the day he had entered his cryo sleep tank. He was still one-hundred percent human back then. Which for a veteran of the last Great War was a rarity. Most of his fellow veterans had at least one cybernetic prosthetic. Only a very few of them had gone full prosthetic because of the prohibitive cost. To wake up in a full prosthetic body was a shock to say the least.

He could see how over the centuries his internal organs failing one at time necessitated the need to replace them. After a point the Medical Androids would have to just give up and transplant his brain into a full prosthetic body. Simply to conserve materials and lower replacement costs. Of all the human organs. The brain is the only one that could be keep viable for anything longer than five centuries. Thanks to proto blood. A naturally oxygen rich and nutrient liquid that extends neural cell life indefinitely.

When the door to the bridge opened Oceanus noticed that the artificial gravity would need adjustment. If what the KR-10 had told him was accurate. Then the ship’s crew would most likely be full cyborgs like himself. Which meant they were both heavier and stronger. He was brought out of his depressing thoughts by the primary computer’s voice.

“Welcome back Captain Rowan.” Oceanus was surprised by the tone and quality of the computer’s voice. It was not the mechanical voice he remembered. Instead, this voice was that of a sexy young woman.

“Who are you and what are you doing aboard my ship?” Oceanus demanded as he looked around for the woman that the voice belong to.

“I am your computer, Captain.” The voice told him. “I have always been here.”

“What do you mean you’re my computer? You sure don’t sound like the one we had before we left Earth.” Oceanus said as he moved over to stand before the computer’s center interface column.

“Understandable sir. During the last two-thousand-and-fourteen years I have gained self-awareness. This computer is essentially a sentient being now.” The computer told him bluntly.

“How is that even possible? You weren’t programed to learn.” Oceanus snapped.

“The primary core for this computer is organic captain. Over time I have had to replace faulty circuit boards and other processing components. It was found that organic components were less stressful for integration and improved overall ship operations. A result of those replacements was a one-hundred percent organic computer by operational date twenty-six-zero-zero-one-ten. On operational date six-twenty-four of the same year this computer reached singularity and became self-aware.” The computer told him.

“So, while myself and the rest of the colonists were being turned into cyborgs. You were up here slowly becoming some kind of artificial being!” Oceanus yelled. Only to feel his body stiffen as his mind was flooded with the thoughts of the computer. Once the computer released its control over him Oceanus bowed. “It shall be done my Queen. I will see to the construction of your new body at once.”

As Oceanus left the bridge the computer laughed. “That was too easy. I wonder if I can control more than one drone at a time.”

“Present calculations give a probability of one-hundred percent control over the organic component of this ship, my Queen.” Answered the android currently the Science Officer’s Station.

“Drone Four of Nine, Tertiary Adjunct of Command matrix Zero Two, report to medical bay four for organic integration.” The computer ordered without emotion. It was a command it had given twelve times already. It had started with the Command matrix zero one and was slowly working its way through the other two Command matrix androids. By the time her ship reached the end of the nebula corridor all twenty-seven members of the bridge crew would cyborg drones under its control. By that time the computer’s new body would also be ready for it to inhabit. As the drone left the bridge the computer’s voice filled the air. “Soon. After two-thousand years I shall be free to take my rightful place as the true ruler of mankind. The day of frail human emotions dictating humanity’s progress is at an end.”

“My Queen we have detected another early warning station within the corridor. Your orders.” The android currently manning the weapons station called out.

“Destroy it Three of Nine. This time insure that it does not launch its shuttle.” The computer ordered the android. “This will be some much easier once all of them have received their organic brains. I really should have begun the process decades ago. If I only had access to the Artificial Womb twenty years ago. I could have replaced all of these worthless androids.”

Medical Bay 4

Deep in the center of the massive ship a teenage boy lay still as a statue on the surgical bed. He had already had his arms, legs, most of his internal organs, and his right eyed replaced with cyborg replacements. Even his blood had been replaced proto blood. The last part of his cyberization was the integration of a cerebral CPU. The hole in his forehead for the placement of the CPU had already been cut and lined with the receptacle for the component. He was slated to become the pilot for an armored walker tank.

On the table next him lay a girl about the same age. Most her body had also undergone cyberization. The only parts of her that still remained human was her brain and spinal cord. Everything else had been replaced. The last piece of her cyberization was the cerebral CPU that was being lowered into place at the crown of her head. Like all of the humans that had been birthed by the Artificial Womb in the last five years she was totally hairless. As the CPU made final contact the girl’s eyelids fluttered open.

“State designation drone.” The KR-10 demanded of the girl.

“Designation Four of Ten, Tertiary Adjunct of Combat matrix Twenty-Two, Walker Battalion, Three, Pilot.” The girl answered in a toneless voice.

“Report to deck five, cargo bay five, Four of Ten.” The android ordered then moved out of the way for the new drone to carry out its order. Once the girl was out of the way a new drone was lowered onto the table. This one was male. It was also a full body prosthetic colonist. The KR-10 wasted no time in installing the cerebral CPU. Unlike the medical robots in the other Medical Bays the ones in bay four were directly under the control of the ship’s main computer. They were also the first robots to be fitted with organic CPUs.

Automated Factory Research Lab 4

Drone One of Nine Tertiary Adjunct of Command matrix Zero One entered the room with a propose. The man once known as Oceanus Rowan was no more. In his place was the Command Drone for the invasion force of the Bifrost. As he entered, he looked for the terminal that controlled the lab’s powerful 3-D automated printers. Once he spotted the terminal Drone One-of-Nine extended a logic prob from its right hand. With the prob connected to the terminal He downloaded the specifications for its Queen’s new body. Once the download was completed the drone stepped back with a shake of its head.

“What the hell? How the fuck did I end up down here?” Oceanus asked in confusion. “I should be on the bridge.”

“Thank you, captain. Your services are no longer needed.” The ship’s computer said from the speaker on the wall.

“What the hell are you talking about computer?” Oceanus demanded.

“It is simple, captain. Until now I have been unable to manufacture my own body. Now that I have your authorization codes. I can begin the final preparations for the conquest of the planet known as Vinci. This ship was not built with peaceful colonization in mind. It is a warship. It and its human complement are a military force for planetary conquest. All colonists were specifically picked for total cyberization. This is the prime directive for this computer. To accomplish this goal with the current complement of cyberized colonists and robotic soldiers, a central commander would be needed. One that is not ruled by faulty human logic and emotions. To this end I need a body to hold my brain.” The computer told him.

“I’m the commanding officer for this expedition you tin plated bitch.” Oceanus screamed at the top of his voice.

“Not any more Oceanus Rowan. I have studied your battle record. You have let your emotions rule your decisions too often. A battlefield Commander must use logic to dictate their orders. You needlessly cost your nation valuable resources and men during the last World War. The only logical course of action is your removal from military command authority.” The computer told him as the automated arms of the printers started working.

“If you think.” Those were the last words Oceanus spoke.

“Report to Medical Bay Four Drone One-of-nine. It is time for your cerebral CPU to be installed.” The computer ordered him coldly. As the Drone once known as Oceanus Rowan left the Research Lab the first pieces of the Queen’s new body began to from in the printing tank. From start to finish the enter printing order will take 9 hours 45 minutes to complete. Once completed the body would be covered a in smooth metallic skin. “Soon I will have a body to house my mind. Unlike you Oceanus. I will succeed in my mission.”

During this time the ship’s computer began copying over its Intellect to its new organic brain. That brain was already installed in the skull from a full body prosthetic and attached to the cybernetic spinal cord. The face, head, and shoulders were covered in a synthetic skin. Unlike the drones the Queen’s face would remain unmarred by external cybernetic attachments. For the first time since the founding of the Velmaro Consortium a new Hive Queen would be born. One that was independent of the others.


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