The Elven Question – chp 8

The Elven Question

Queen Dana of Highwinds the Elf Kingdom inside the Empire has a problem. One that she cannot fix personally. The problem is with a small minority of her population. A problem that has been brought to her attention by the half elf son of a problematic Duke. What is a Queen to do? She calls on help from a friend. The question now is does she realize what she is letting loose on her kingdom?

Chapter 8
Capital Building, Four Winds City, Highwinds.

Imra Ventris had walked through the halls of the Elven Capital Building with a newfound confidence. Before today she had been haunted with doubts at replacing her father. If it had not been for Robert’s words of encouragement, she would still be doubting her presence here. As she entered the great Senate Rotunda to take her seat among the four-hundred-and-fifty Lords, Ladies, and Parliament Representatives she drew the undivided attention of all those gathered. This happened for three very important reasons.

The first reason was her age. At just twenty-three summers Imra was the youngest Head of House for any of the one-hundred-fifty High Families in all of the Four Winds Kingdom. She was also the most inexperienced of them all. Yet despite her age she alone of those gather here had the ear of Queen Dana.

The second reason was her beauty. Even among Sylvain Elves she was one of the most beautiful. More than one High Family or Parliament Representative had tried to win her attention. The marriage proposals were rumored to be in the hundreds. Much to the displeasure of those powerful men and women word had reached their ears. The heart of the lovely Imra Ventris had been won by the Human Death Dealer Robert Wolff. The man known as the Whitechapel Ripper.

The third reason her entrance gained so much attention was the two bodyguards that stood behind her. Only the most diehard of fanatics would dare to raise their hand towards the young Lady. For some reason, the sight of two fully trained Death Dealers acting in such a capacity sent a spike of fear throughout the gathered Lords and Ladies. They all wanted to know who exactly was this young Head of House that she could command such deadly escorts.

“Lieutenant Colonel Wittman, I think you and your adjutant have made your point. You can shoulder your rifles.” Imra told the young Elven Death Dealer Lt.C. standing behind her. “There is no need to be impolite or threatening.”

“No offence my Lady. But these rifles ARE our way of being polite.” Grace told her bluntly. “Just ask our CO.”

“I know full well what my Robert would say.” Imra giggled behind her hand. “Something along the lines of the best kind of diplomacy is gunboat.”

“That is a little off the mark Lady Imra, but close enough.” The Captain chuckled as she shouldered her rifle. “I believe he once said that the best politics are conducted at gunpoint.”

“Captain Starfire, the quote you are looking for was made by General Alexander Kerensky. I have only one use for politics. It lets me know which direction to point my guns.” Wittman told the other Death Dealer with a smile as she shouldered her own rifle. “Remember that Colonel Wolff has a great many sayings regarding politicians Captain. Though there is one that will always standout in my mind.”

“What saying is that Colonel?” Imra asked her kindly.

“Politics maybe the second oldest profession, but it holds an uncanny resemblance to the first.” Grace Wittman told her bluntly.

“Then I shall endeavor to avoid politics in my dealings with this august body of legislators.” Imra answered coyly. “How did Robert put one night. Oh yes. I shall be as honest as a loaded forty-five in the face. Though to be honest with you both. I have no idea of what a forty-five is?”

“It is a caliber of slug throwing pistol Lady Imra. The first recorded use of the caliber dates from the late eighteen-hundreds. The caliber of round has been used by a great many militaries and law enforcement agencies throughout history. Mainly because of its stopping power.” Wittman explained. “The round is rather large and known for putting big holes in people. Thus, the saying. Honest as a loaded forty-five in the face.”

“I see. Now that I know the reason for the saying. I understand why my Robert uses it to describe himself.” Imra giggled.

“The Ripper does have that certain air about him.” Valkyrie snarked.

“Don’t you mean he has the air of a killer about him, Captain?” Imra asked with a smile to soften her wording.

“I won’t say that Lady Imra.” Valkyrie stuttered.

“Please Captain Starfire. I know exactly who and what Robert Wolff is under that uniform. To use the words of his fire team. No soldier welcomes battle. Men like your Colonel even less so. To him and the men like him. Combat is the last resort. The rest of you are liberators. The men and women like your Commanding Officer are the last resort answer for failed Foreign or Domestic Policies. Unlike where you would go in to liberate a people by teaching to them to fight for themselves. Colonel Robert Wolff has only one mission. To spread as much death and destruction as he can among the enemy.” Imra told them both bluntly. “Robert Wolff once told me that people like him should be placed in a glass box marked Break in Case of War.”

“That is a very harsh way to talk about someone you love Lady Irma.” Grace whispered from behind her. “Harsh but accurate.”

“I would be a fool to ignore the parts of my dear Robert’s personality that I find distasteful. He is a harsh man from a harsh planet breed for an equally harsh occupation. To use the words of the Dowager Empress. Of all the men and women who wear the Imperial Blacks belonging to the Death Dealers. Those who wear the Special Operations Star are a breed apart. They are most often made up of the rudest, rowdiest, meanest, drunkest, bluntest pack of nutjobs and assholes anywhere in the Empire.” Imra told the two Elf women with a hidden smirk as they gasped at her description of not only that of her lover but all of the Special Operations Death Dealers.

The sound of a gong sounding interrupted the threesome’s conversation. All three looked towards the central floater as it rose from its place in the center of the Forum. On this floater sat the Supreme Chancellor and his two Supreme Secretaries. Both Imra and Valkyrie ground their teeth at the sight of the man. To them he represented the current oppressive old guard regime. For Grace he was just another politician. Someone to be ignored unless they broke faith with their subjects.

“Time to face the dragon on his hoard.” Imra whispered to herself. When she looked around the Forum Imra had another thought. “This is my battlefield to conquer. Father and mother gave me the tools and training. I will not let these closed-minded fools stand in the way of my goals.”

“What was that Lady Imra?” Grace asked quietly.

“I was just talking to myself Colonel Wittman.” Imra answered just as quietly before turning her full attention on the Chancellor.

“Lords, Ladies, and Representatives. This meeting of the Grand Senate is now in session. All who have business before this body present yourselves and plead your case.” The Chancellor called out.

“Chancellor Ravenswood I would be heard.” Bellview Wranlynn of the planet Forest Heaven shouted out before anyone else could say anything. “My brother Grand High Field Marshal Belanor Wranlynn has brought to my attention an intolerable situation within our Grand and Honorable military. One that goes against everything that our people hold sacred in our society.”

“Damn that man.” Imra snarled. “He’s ignoring the rules of parliament.”

“What is this situation that you speak of Sir Wranlynn?” Ravenswood asked.

“The Queen has once again ignored the traditions of not only our military but our very society. Queen Dana has by Royal Decree formed a military unit consisting of half-human and mixed-race trash. Beings that by all rights should be exiled from our great Nation are being raised among our Military as equals.” The more Wranlynn talked the madder all three women became. “We must act now and put an end to the Queen’s madness. Before this situation gets out of hand. This Special Operations unit must be ended now, and its half-human, and mixed-race scum turned over to the slave traders. As is written in the holy texts of all our religious teachings.”

“Did that frack nut just call me half-human trash?” Valkyrie snarled.

“Control your anger, Captain.” Grace warned her as she gripped her rifle. “This is not our battlefield. Nor is it our time. This is Lady Imra’s battle.”

“Thank you for your vote of confidence, Colonel Wittman.” Imra sighed then took a deep breath as she stood up. In a loud clear voice, she called out to the gathered Lords, Ladies, and Representatives. “Hear me honored seniors!”

“Silence child! We have no need for your foolish idealism here!” Wranlynn snarled as he tried to silence her.

“I shall not be silent you old, fool! You have tried your damnedest to block every reform that our Queen has placed before this august body. You are no better than the filth that killed my family!” Imra shouted back.

“How dare you attack my status with such baseless accusations! Yet it is nothing more than what one would expect from a child who abandons her duty to the Goddess Fenmarel.” Wranlynn sneered then waved his hand as if to dismiss Imra. “Know your place woman. Return to your rightful place as a Nun in service to the Goddess. She might forgive your transgressions in time.”

“I would if I were one of the Goddess Fenmarel’s servants. But I serve the Goddess Sehanine Moonbow. Therefor I am uniquely qualified to speak on behalf of Death Dealers. For SHE is their Goddess. Only a true Goddess of Death would dare to claim the Death Dealers.” Imra smirked.

The gasps of surprise from the rest of the Senate brought a small smile to Imra’s lips. “I can stand here reciting scripture my learned colleges. Each one in support of Queen Dana’s motives, but that would take all of the time this session is allotted. Instead allow me point out the true reasons behind Sir Wranlynn’s request to end the development of the Special Operations Unit. Pride, and greed. Nothing more nothing less.”

“What do you mean Lady Imra?” One of the more progressive Lords asked her.

“Just over three months ago, Grand High Field Marshal Belanor Wranlynn sent his worthless lackey Knight General Erlan Vaphine the Commandant for the Training Cadre to Camp Resistance with a fully armed detail. That alone would gain his lackey a gruesome death for violating the security of a Special Operations Base. What was worse was the reason behind the man being on that base in the first place.” Imra told the man with a glare of contempt.

“Excuse me, Lady Imra. Did you say that the Camp in question is a Special Operations base?” A Lady dress in the uniform of the Royal Navy asked.

“I did Lady Nightfeather.” Imra told the woman with a small bow of respect before dropping her bomb. “And not just any Special Operations base but one belonging to the Death Dealers.”

“IS YOUR BROTHER A GODS BE DAMNED FOOL WRANLYNN?” A Lord dressed in the uniform of the Royal Army screamed as he jumped to his feet. When Wranlynn didn’t answer right away he turned to Imra with real fear in his eyes. “Lady Imra were there any casualties among the Death Dealer trainees?”

“None. The Death Dealer training detachment was able to handle General Erlan Vaphine’s men with deceptive ease.” Imra told him honestly. Her answer brought a giggle from both of her escorts. “Lieutenant Colonel Wittman as you led the detachment against the intruders. Please brief the Senate?”

“It would be a pleasure, Lady Imra.” Grace answered as politely as she could.

“This august body has no time for the delusional fantasies of a disgraced nun. One that should have been sent to the Corkscrew Nebula listening stations.” Wranlynn snarled only to receive a death glare from the Lord in uniform for the Royal Army. “You know that I speak the truth General Highman.”

“If you were a member of our proud military your accusations would be grounds for a Blood Trial, Wranlynn. Be thankful that you made them here.” General Highman warned Wranlynn coldly. “As it is I do believe that the Colonel is already pointing her rifle in your direction.”

“I am merely being polite General Highman.” Grace told the man with a deadly smile gracing her lips. Then she looked over at Wranlynn. “This is the only warning you’ll get Lord Wranlynn. The next time you disparage me or my unit again. I will end your worthless life. If only to avoid the paperwork that my Captain would generate if she killed, you.”

“YOU DARE TO THREATEN A SITTING MEMBER OF THE SENATE?!” A Representative of the Parliament shouted as he jumped to his feet in rage. “GAURDS!”

“That would be a very deadly mistake to make Representative Longfellow.” Another Representative stated calmly for his chair a few seats over. The man slowly stood up and turned to Longfellow. “Especially for the Capital guards. Even from here I can see the Special Operations Special Operations Star and Sniper Crosshairs on the left breast pocket of those two young ladies. Those are only given to the best of their best.”

“That only goes to show you all just how unstable this new unit is and why.” That was as far as Wranlynn got before a 7.62 mm round slammed into the control panel of his floater. The impact was milliseconds ahead of the crack of Valkyrie’s deadly and accurate rifle fire. Her movements were so fast that no one saw her raise her rifle into position for the shoot that was still echoing through the chamber.

“Sit the frack down you worthless piece of shit. The next time you open your mouth I’ll put a bullet between your eyes.” Valkyrie snarled as she slowly lowered her rifle. Then in a load clear voice she addressed the assembly. “That goes for the rest of you. Unlike Lady Imra I have no use for this gathering of fools and relics. Colonel Wittman and I have tolerated your rudeness towards Lady Imra out of respect for her and Colonel Wolff. Be grateful that he is not here to hear your insults.”

“You have made your point, Captain. Now please shoulder your weapon.” The Representative who had defended them asked her.

“I will once those four guards standdown. They have until the count of five.” Valkyrie snarled as she turned towards the entrance behind her.

“Guards leave this chamber!” The Chancellor ordered them. Once they had left Valkyrie shouldered her rifle. “Thank you, Captain. I would like to avoid bloodshed if at all possible.”

“Then I suggest you correct the attitudes of your fellow politicians Uncle.” Valkyrie snarled as she looked towards him. “And be thankful that Colonel Wolff wasn’t here. Because HE is nowhere near as forgiving.”

“Captain Starfire, be so kind as to educate my fellow Lords, Ladies, and Representatives as to what exactly would be my beloved’s response to their insults?” Imra asked her sweetly.

“As this august body of legislation is gathered in the Kingdom of Highwinds. A place where duals of honor are still legal. Especially within the grounds of the Capital Center.” Valkyrie surmised as she gazed around the massive chamber until she stopped with the Chancellor. “Colonel Robert Wolff would paint this august chamber red with the blood his enemies.”

“Preposterous! No human is equal to an Elf!” The Chancellor roared.

“Chancellor, I suggest you remember one thing about Robert Wolff.” Imra said as she slowly stood back up. “He has already earned his callsign among Death Dealers. A callsign that is as feared as his ancestor’s.”

“Just who is his ancestor?” The Chancellor asked in confusion.

“Death.” Imra’s one word answer sent a wave of shock and awe among the assembly. Voices were raised in both denial and fear. Even now almost one-hundred years later James J. Owens was both respected and feared among the Elves. “You heard me correctly my fellow Lords, and Ladies. Robert Wolff is the great nephew of the man called Death.”

“Chancellor, I move to have the last statement stricken from the record.” Wranlynn demanded as he jumped to his feet. “It obviously a bald-faced attempt to sway this august body in favor of that trash.”

“Lord Wranlynn, I suggest you sit down and shut up before you are forced to face one of those lovely Death Dealers in personal combat.” Lady Nightfeather warned him with a deceptive chuckle as she looked over at Grace and Valkyrie as they flipped a pair of coins. “From the looks of things. That challenge is only moments away. I have a bar of gold on the Death Dealer. Any takers?”

“ORDER! I WILL HAVE ORDER IN THIS CHAMBER!” The Chancellor shouted before things got out of hand. He already knew how an Honor Duel would end between the Death Dealers and any member of the Senate. Once the room had quieted down, he turned to Grace and Valkyrie as they flipped their coins once more. “Colonel, Captain, you will put those challenge coins away! All challenges of honor will be conducted in traditional fashion and shown the proper respect that they deserve. Am I understood Ladies?”

“Oh, we are showing the situation all the respect it deserves uncle. We’re just deciding who goes first.” Valkyrie sneered then turned back to Grace as she flipped her coin. “Even.”

“Odd.” Grace snapped as she flipped her coin as well. When both women caught their respective coins, they showed them to Imra.

“It is even. That is two out of three Captain Starfire. The first challenge shall go to Colonel Wittman.” Imra pronounced with an air of authority.

“Lady Imra what is the meaning of this farce?” the Chancellor demanded.

“This is no farce, Chancellor. That is the way that Death Dealers decide order of acceptance when faced with the possibility of multiple challenges of honor.” Imra told him with a faint smile playing at her lips. During her courtship to Robert, she had gone out of her way to learn all that she could about Death Dealers and their traditions. She had talked with everyone she could about Death Dealers. She had even gone to Prince Raygel and Queen Dana.

She wanted to know everything there was about the man she loved and the soldiers that he commanded. One of the things she learned was that there are slight differences between Death Dealer Units. While all Death Dealers had the same levels of personal and unit honor. Those of the Special Operations Units dealt with challenges to that honor differently. She had already seen that for yourself. Then to her surprise one man’s voice changed everything.

“There will be no challenges issued here today.” A Lord near the floor said as he stood up and turned to face the three women. “Unlike the rest of you gathered here today I have no desire to die in a unless act of bravado. I especially have no desire to face my own daughter. She has more than enough reason to want my head on a pike.”

“Lord Starfire do you truly believe that these two women are that deadly?” Lady Nightfeather asked with a chuckle in her voice.

“Only those of us here who have fought alongside a Death Dealer know how deadly they can be. This would be true for most Death Dealers under normal conditions.” Davon Starfire told her as he looked towards his new daughter and her commanding officer. “However, these ladies are not your normal Death Dealers, and these are not your normal conditions. Those two officers and the rest of their number in the new Special Operations unit have every reason for hating our collective asses.”

“I see you, Father.” Valkyrie snarled in greeting as Imra grabbed her arm.

“Now is not the time, Captain. Remember what your Colonel has promised.” Imra desperately whispered into her ear. Imra knew the rage that boiled just beneath the surface of the beautiful silver moon elf’s face. It was the same rage that fueled every member of Robert’s new unit.

“I have not forgotten Lady Imra.” Valkyrie whispered back. “But my patience is rapidly running out. I will have my answers.”

“Excuse me, brother, but did you just call one of these Death Dealers your daughter?” The Chancellor asked him in shock. “I know all your children. Even the ones that are forbidden by our Faith.”

“Not all of them brother. There was one child you, our family, and the Temple never knew about. I went to great lengths to hide him from you.” Davon Starfire answered him as turned his gaze upon the one child he had been forced to hide from his brother-in-law and the rest of the Forest Elf society. The glaring eyes of his new daughter let him know that he would pay for that mistake. “I see thee Valkyrie Starfire most Honored daughter among all of my children. I look forward to the day that you will stand openly beside me.”

“Only time will tell father.” Valkyrie answered in surprise as she set her rifle down next to Imra. Then turned towards the Chancellor. “For now, I will face any you wish to send my way, uncle.”

“THEN I WILL CHALLENGE YOU MYSELF! YOU WORTHLESS WHORE!” Ravenswood screamed as he threw off his robes of office.

“Where, and when uncle?” Valkyrie asked without a hint of fear.

“Don’t you want to know what weapons to bring daughter?” Davon asked with a half-smile playing on his lips.

“He can bring a fracking Assault APS for all I care. Because the only weapons I will bring is myself.” Valkyrie chuckled.

“Here and now you mixed breed whore. I shall remove the stain of your existence from my family’s honor.” Ravenswood snarled as he drew a rapier from his hip. “Terms are simple. To the death.”

“Fine by me. Your dead.” Before anyone could stop her Valkyrie fired one of her antipersonnel lasers into her uncle’s forehead. The man was dead before he ever hit the floor as the rest of the Senate looked on in disbelief. With a contempt born from years of oppression Valkyrie turned to the rest of the suddenly silent Senate. “This is how the Nightmare Regiment deals with challenges to our honor. We don’t fight to win.”

“We fight to survive!” Grace Wittman shouted in response to Valkyrie’s words. “You challenge us. You will die. There is no honor to be found in bloodshed. This is why we do whatever it takes to survive.”

“As would be expected of someone trained by the Whitechapel Ripper.” Imra smirked then pointed towards the now dead Chancellor. “Ravenswood was a fool. He has repeatedly worked with anti-reformist factions within this Senate to undermine our Queen. You all know the ones I speak of.”

“Lady Imra what would you have us do?” Davon Starfire asked her politely. “We cannot simply purge those individuals from our ranks.”

“That is where you are wrong Lord Starfire. I know that there are more of you who believe that the only way forward for our people is to hold tightly to outdated traditions. But nothing more could be further from the truth!” Imra shouted as she cut the air in front of her with a slashing motion of her hand. “We must change our way of treating mixed race elves. They are not disposable tools to be used and discarded. They are just as much a part of our society as any of us.”

“Heresy!” Wranlynn screamed. “Mixed breeds are nothing more than trash. They’re not even human! They’re nothing more than freaks of nature! Freaks that should be put down before they are even born! All of our Holy texts tell to put down the impure mongrels of our race.”

“Lord Wranlynn I would point out that nowhere any in of the Holy scriptures is there any mention of enslaving or purging our mixed-race children. Nor is there any mention of abandoning them to the elements. As you so eloquently pointed out, I was once a member of the Clergy. You only made one mistake.” Imra told the man coldly. “I was never a Nun but a Priestess. In my duties as a Priestess. I was able to study all of the Sacred texts. I dare say far more than any other member of the Senate or Parliament. With one exception.”

“Thank you for making that qualification apprentice.” An elderly Silvan elf chuckled as she stood up. “My fellow Senate members as my student as so apply pointed out. Nothing in our Sacred texts supports Lord Wranlynn’s claims.”

“Grand High Priestess Zaleria Vamyar how can you of all people support such nonsense?” Wranlynn gasped at having the Grand High Priestess for Aerdrie Faenya, primary deity of the Highwinds Kingdom, contradict the teachings of his own High Priest of the Goddess Fenmarel. It didn’t matter that the woman and her Temple were on Evergreen Four. She should have been supporting his position on half-elf and mixed-race elf scum.

“For the last forty-five years I and my people have attempted to change the attitudes of our people. If it were not for the Forest Elf belief that they are the superiorly moral faithful and their need to keep our people isolated from the rest of the universe. We would have accomplished this goal. Instead, Forest Elves like yourself and your egotistical traditional thinking have been the downfall to all of mine and Queen Dana’s attempts at change.” High Priestess Zaleria sighed as she looked around the chamber. “Our great nation must change with the times. Our nation faces an ever-increasing threat from the Hive Queens of the Velmaro Consortium and their cyborg minions. Without the aid of the Human Empire the Velmaro will come for us. The question is not if but when will they come for us. Queen Tatiana foresaw the need for us to join with the Human Empire before her death.”

The crack of a gunshot followed by the impact of a bullet ended the High Priestess Zaleria’s plea for change. Imra, Grace, and Valkyrie all reacted at the same time. Only in different manners. While deploying her bio armor Grace pushed Imra to the floor of the floater while covering the younger women with her body. Valkyrie deployed not only her armor but her primary weapons as well. As the young Death Dealer scanned the chamber for targets, she spotted the enemy shooter. Valkyrie wasted no time in killing the man. His last dying words echoed through the chamber. “Glory to the Millennium!”

“God damned Millennium scum.” Grace snarled as she stood up. “Even here those dogs have sunk their filthy claws.”

“The Millennium Assembly has a long reach and even sharper claws Colonel.” Davon Starfire called to her from his position. He turned his attention to the rest of the Senate. “My fellow Lords, Ladies, and Representatives I would have your attention. Once again violence has invaded this hallowed chamber. Violence in the guise of righteousness.”

“Violence brought here by the most despicable members of our Military. THE DEATH DEALERS! They were the first to use force within these chamber walls!” Wranlynn shouted from his floater as he glared down at Imra and her two escorts. “All Death Dealers should be purged from our military. They have proven to be nothing more than violent beasts.”

“Can I please just kill this sick bastard now?” Grace snarled from behind Imra much to the surprise of her companions.

“Hold your anger in check just a little longer Colonel.” Imra whispered. “I believe that Lord Starfire is just getting started.”

“Such are the words of a small minded and frightened men. Men who have never seen the face of true combat. I pity you Lord Wranlynn and all those like you.” Davon Starfire told him with a sad shake of his head. “The former Lord Chancellor dared to challenge a Death Dealer to one-on-one battle and paid with his life for his stupidity. Representative Light attacked one of our most Holy women in an act of cowardice on behalf of the Millennium Assembly. While they proclaim to be the savors of our people spouting the same bull shit propaganda as Wranlynn and his Isolationist Coalition. They are little more than a pack of ruthless thugs and criminals. Worse than terrorists.”

“How dare you compare us to those criminals?!” A Forest Elf Lord shouted from the other side of the chamber. “We’re striving to preserve our traditions. Queen Dana and you fools in the Reformists would discard them as so much worthless garbage.”

“Here! Here! Thank you, Lord Red Oak, for your words of truth.” Wranlynn thanked him before turning back to Davon. Only to find a red targeting dot appearing in the center of his chest. With a slowly growing sense of fear, he looked towards where the Death Dealers stood behind Lady Imra. “Is this how Death Dealers deal with those who disagree with them?”

“I’m afraid you’re under a misconception Wranlynn. That is a Death Dealer’s warning to be polite. You have already pushed them to the limit of their patience with your pathetic verbal attacks on their honor. To be honest I am surprised that one of them hasn’t already ended your life.” Davon told the gathered members of the Senate. “I would suggest you curtail your attacks on their honor. Death Dealers have a long history of winning. Simply because they refuse to quite no matter the odds.”

While Valkyrie had her rifle trained on Wranlynn. Grace was scanning the other Lords, Ladies, and Representatives of the Senate with her medical diagnostic systems. Grace quickly spotted that the other twenty-one members of the Isolationist Coalition were firmly behind Wranlynn. Yet they weren’t the ones that drew her attention the most. It was the thirty to thirty-five Representatives that showed signs of anticipation who were considered moderates. At least according to what the briefing she had received told her about the current political makeup of the Senate. This more than anything else worried her. Opening a privet channel to Valkyrie and her team outside Grace began her preparations for trouble.

‘Waltz to Shadow Wraith detail. Standby for mission update.’ She ordered then waited for each member of Valkyrie’s fire team to respond. Once she had their response Grace gave them a quick update on the situation.

‘Waltz this is Ripper. Of the personnel you have targeted. How many are possible members of Millennium?’ Robert asked to her surprise.

‘If I go off the bio-scans only I would say all of them Ripper. But there might be a few of them that are just waiting for Silence to kill Primary.’ Grace told him honestly. ‘From what I can tell Primary isn’t well liked.’

‘I can see that. From what the prince was able to tell me. Primary and his followers are some of the more radical Fundamentalists in the Senate. How is Silence holding up? She hasn’t confronted her father yet has she?’

‘Silence is following Lady Imra’s plan exactly. Though I have to warn you sir. If she doesn’t get answers shortly.’ Grace left the rest of the warning unsaid. She had been privately briefed on Captain Valkyrie Starfire’s situation by Robert earlier this morning.

‘Understood Grace. Did he at least acknowledge her as his daughter?’ Robert asked her with a little worry in his voice.

‘He did. Which is funny. I got the feeling that Davon Starfire was rather proud of his Silver Moon Elf daughter.’ Grace told him honestly. ‘Got to go Ripper. Things are starting to heat up again.’

‘Keep your head on a swivel Waltz.’ Robert ordered then cut the connection.

“For too long, we have tolerated the mixed-breeds and half-humans in our mists. The Death Dealer conversion process gives us a way of removing that stain to our society’s honor. If the Queen wants to use the trash of our society to fill the ranks of the Death Dealers. Then I say why not. At least they’ll be useful for change and those that are failed out. Well, the females can be sold as second or third wives. As for the males. They’ll make excellent labors for the mines and other manual occupations.” Lord Red Oak said as he finished his plea to the Senate.

The end of his speech was greeted by the sounds of groaning metal and the cracking of carbon fibers instead of the thunderous applause he expected. At first Grace thought it was Valkyrie making these noses until she looked down at the twisted remains of the rifle in her hands. With a light blush of embarrassment Grace set the rifle on the floor.

“Lord Red Oak I do believe that the Colonel just gave you the answer to your little suggestion. I won’t make a suggest like that again. I have a feeling that it wouldn’t end well for you.” Davon Starfire chuckled as the rest of the Senate members turned white in fear. “And Red Oak if you think that the lovely Colonel Wittman is now unarmed think again. No Second-Generation Death Dealer is ever truly unarmed. To put it simply. They’re living weapons.”

“Lord Starfire let me correct you. Death Dealers are not weapons. They are people. They might have a level of cyberization above the norm, but they are still human. It is no different than a child from Frostheaven undergoing a full prosthetic body replacement at an early age.” Irma told him bluntly.

“BLASPHEMY!” Wranlynn screamed as he finally lost control. He reached under his robes and drew a needle pistol. While deadly at close range the pistol was worthless against any target more than five meters away. The second he pointed the pistol towards Imra, Valkyrie fired. The 7.62mm round tore through Wranlynn’s brain at just over twice the speed of sound spraying his attendants with blood and brains. The man was dead before he hit the ground. The gasps of horror over the cold-blooded act echoed through the chamber.

“He was warned. Then again. Wranlynn always was too full of himself.” Davon Starfire sighed then looked up at towards his daughter with pride. “Death Dealers are a breed apart my friends. They may have a long fuse but once it has been lite. Only the Goddess Sehanine Moonbow can stand against them.”

“You made one mistake father. When a Death Dealer faces Sehanine Moonbow. We spit in her eye and we’re never alone.” Valkyrie told him in a loud clear voice that carried throughout the chamber. “We always take some of the enemy with us. Death is dealt by our hand!”

Valkyrie’s battle cry was taken up and echoed by four other people. Only one of which was Grace Wittman. The other three had just entered the Senate Chamber. “DEATH IS DEALT BY OUR HAND!”

“Presenting her Majesty, the Queen, Dana Silverleaf and her royal escorts! His Royal Highness, the War Prince, Raygel Silverleaf! Colonel Robert Wolff of the First Special Operations Group!” A herald shouted at the top of his voice surprising the gather members of the Senate. None of them had expected these three individuals to appear. Let alone to take up that battle cry.

“Your Majesty this is highly irregular!” The Vice Chancellor shouted. “If you want to attend this assembly. You should have summited.”

“Shut the frack up asshole!” Robert bellowed just before he fired one of his antipersonnel lasers into the empty seat of the Chancellor. “You only hold your position at the pleasure of your Queen.”

“You have no standing here human. Begone!” the Vice Chancellor ordered. Only to hear a scornful laugh from Robert. “Do you find this amusing human?”

“I find it fracking hilarious in the extreme shithead. Have you ever thought about doing standup? I mean you could have a real future as Comedian. Because to be honest with you.” Robert told the man as he walked down the aisle with his arms out and held palm upward. “You suck as a politician.”

“How dare you!” The Vice Chancellor snarled even as he reached for his sword.

“I wouldn’t do that Lord Frostheaven.” Prince Raygel warned him coldly. “Because the Colonel is here as HER Majesty’s personal champion. He can kill your ass for shits and grins.”

“Damn it your Highness. You’re ruining all my fun. I was wanting to keep that just between us.” Robert grumbled then looked over at Grace and Valkyrie with a nasty grin. “Report Waltz!”

“All potential members of the Millennium Assembly have been identified and forwarded to the Shadow Wraith detail, Ripper. They wait your order.” Grace told him with a sly smile. Then broke down the deployment of the two fireteams for Robert. “The Silent Wraiths are in position to secure this chamber. The Shadow Walkers can secure the upper offices in ten minutes.”

“Colonel Wolff just how many fireteams have you deployed to the capital?” Queen Dana asked him politely.

“No more than a platoon’s worth your Majesty.” Robert answered with a smile.

“How large of a platoon and what type?” Prince Raygel asked with a chuckle.

“A standard Special Operations platoon.” Robert told him as if that answered the question for everyone. What ninety-five percent of the Senate didn’t know about Special Operations platoons was their actual size. Instead of the normal forty men of a light Infantry platoon. Special Operations platoons only had twenty-eight men broken down into four seven-man fireteams.

“Really Colonel. I must protest your excessive use of force.” Queen Dana chided him as she walked down the aisle.

“There is no such thing in combat your Majesty. Just as there is no such thing as overkill. Only open fire and reload. As a former frontline officer, you should know this.” Robert told her jovially.

“You and your cousin are two of a kind Colonel.” Dana chuckled softly.

“What do you except Majesty? They both have similar backgrounds.” Raygel chuckled as he stepped up behind her. “Though if push comes to shove. I am sure that the Royal Guards would have no problems acting as backup for them.”

“You dare to threaten us with a military coup d’état?” Frostheaven demanded.

“No. This is an exercise in antiterrorist tactics.” Robert told him coldly. With slow deliberate steps Robert Wolff walked up to Frostheaven. Once he was close enough so that only the Vice Chancellor would hear him. Robert snarled. “The Millennium Assembly made several major fracking mistakes shithead. They stood against Queen Dana’s reforms. They tried to oppress the half and mixed-race elves of this nation. The biggest mistake that they made. They went and pissed me the frack off. They should never have targeted the family of Lady Imra. I want you to tell your leaders that I am coming for them. At my back will be their greatest fear.”

“That is no concern of yours human. It is an Elven matter to be handle by Elves.” Frostheaven snorted only to end up grunting in pain.

“See that is where you are wrong shit head.” Robert ground out between clenched teeth as he squeezed Frostheaven’s balls. “You fracked with the family of the woman that I love. That means you fracked with my family. The one thing you should never have done. I would have happily let the Highwinds Internal Security Agency handle the Millennium Assembly, but they crossed a line that is unforgiveable.”

“Colonel Wolff please let go of Vice Chancellor Frostheaven. As much as I am loth to admit this. There is no evidence connecting him to the Millennium Assembly.” Queen Dana said as she placed her hand on the enraged Death Dealer’s shoulder. She knew that Robert was close to neutering the man now.

“As you wish your Majesty.” Robert snarled as he let go of Frostheaven. Then in a sudden move he punched the man in the gut snarling. “When I find the fracking evidence that you had something to do with the deaths of Lady Imra’s family. I’ll finish this little talk. By removing your fracking head.”

“This is outrageous your Majesty!” A Drow elf female Representative shouted from the middle tear of seats. “As much as I hate to say this, but I must admit that I agree with the Vice Chancellor. The Death Dealers have no place within this Chamber. They are a clear threat of violence.”

“Shout the frack up Iesha!” Imra yelled as she jumped to her feet. Shocking the Senate with her use of profanity more than her sudden outburst. “You’re just pissed off because you’re not allowed to use Death Dealers as personal guards. The only reason that I have them is because of my engagement to Colonel Wolff. If not for that Lieutenant Colonel Wittman and Captain Starfire would not be at my side.”

“That is beside the point.” The Drow elf snarled in denial.

“Bullshit!” Imra snapped gaining the undivided attention of all the gathered Lords, Ladies, and Representatives. “You were the youngest member of this august body until I came along. If you think the rumors haven’t reached my ears. You’re sadly mistaken. You claim that the Death Dealers have no place within these walls. I say that you’re mistaken.”

“How so, Lady Imra?” Another Drow elf female asked from the other side of the chamber. “I would hear your reason for bringing such warriors among us.”

“Haven’t any of you wondered why Lord Wranlynn and Lord Ravenswood feared the new Death Dealer unit?” Imra asked them all coldly. When none answered Imra knew she had their unadulterated tension. “They feared the return of the Silver Moon Elves!”

Imra could have said anything else and not got the response that her last four words did. There were shouts of denial, demands for more information, but chief among the raised the voices was the calls for proof. Imra raised her hands slowly to calm the Senate. Once order had returned Imra waved for Valkyrie to step forward. “My Lords, Ladies, and Representatives, here is the truth behind the Claymore Death Dealers! They are the descendants of the Silver Moon Elves left on Earth all those long eons ago.”

“Impossible! Claymores are a rarity among Death Dealers. Not even the Human Empire’s greatest and most learned scientists know what causes the Claymore.” Lady Nightfeather called out with the full authority of a Naval Commander. “Captain Starfire is nothing more than our first Elven Claymore.”

“That is because until now half-elves have been denied their chance to serve within your Military, Admiral!” Robert shouted gaining the attention of the Senate. “After almost fifty years we have finally pinpointed the gene that causes Claymores. That gene is the Silver Moon Elf gene passed down through both humans and mixed-race Silvan elves.”

“Impossible! Our scientists would have found such groundbreaking information long before now.” General Highman shouted in denial of Robert’s claim.

“I never said where that information came from General Highman. It was in fact your scientists that found the data some time ago. In my investigation into the matter. I found that they were ordered to hide this very uncomfortable fact from the Highwinds Military High Command. That genetic data was placed under a National Security seal and the scientists that made the discovery killed.” Robert told him bluntly. “Within your High Command are individuals who did everything they could to prevent the return of your races’ greatest secret and shame.”

“Then the Silver Moon elves have truly returned?” Highman asked with fear.

“Not only have we return General. We are the newest Death Dealer unit.” Valkyrie answered him honestly. To all of those present she had a thick aura of battle around her. It was her appearance that was so unsettling. While her face was pleasant to look at it did not match the cold seething rage that boiled deep within her body. The vacant steel-blue eyes, silver-white hair tinged with steaks of slightly darker gray belied the hatred hidden behind that doll-like face. “And we have more than enough reason to hate every last asshole in this chamber.”

“That is enough Captain Starfire!” Robert yelled calling her down.

“Yes sir. I was only.”

“I know exactly what the frack you were doing Captain! The Nightmare Regiment is not your personal sword of vengeance. You may have valid reasons for wanting to pound the shit out of these worthless politicians but that is not your duty. Your duty is the protection of your Nation. Do I made myself clear on this matter or do I need to use crayons to draw you a picture?!” Robert demanded of his barely controlled Captain.

“Yes Sir! Death is dealt by our hand!” Valkyrie shouted as she snapped to attention. She knew that she had pushed things a little too close to the edge for her CO. She thought back to her graduation and the speech he gave. The words of Robert Wolff brought home the fact that all the members of her Regiment were now part of a larger universe.

‘You are soldiers of the Kingdom. The Royal Army General Staff Office will guide you always, never abandon you. We go where there is no path, never yielding, forever on the battlefield. Everything we do, we do for victory. Death Dealers seek soldiers for the worst battlefields, for the smallest rewards. Your days will be darkened by a forest of swords and hails of bullets. You will face days of constant danger with no guarantee of survival. To those who return go the glory and the honor. That is the only promise you’ll ever get from those who consider themselves our political masters.’ To Valkyrie and the other members of her new family those words would always hold more truth than any lecture giving by the most Holy of Priests.

“If there are any further objections to the Death Dealer Special Operation Group. Then present them now. I will let their Representative handle the objections in any manner that she chooses.” Dana told the Senate as she stepped onto the Chancellor’s floater. When no one raised further objections Dana looked over to Davon Starfire. “Lord Starfire please join me.”

“As you command your Majesty.” Davon answered with a bow. Once he was standing before her Davon kneeled at her waved command.

“Lord Davon Starfire of the Ravenswood Clan. You have shown great foresight and personal strength in your handling of the Silver Moon Elf question. Because of this your family has suffered greatly because of your loyal service to Queen and Nation. Your personal reputation and honor have been constantly attacked. All because you strove to protect those of mixed-race blood under your care. Not just your own children. But even those of your subordinates in your household. A household that has known the secret for the return of Silver Moon Elves. For this service I would award you the position of High Chancellor.” Dana proclaimed loudly much to the shock of the gathered Senate. “Now stand and take your rightful place Chancellor.”

“As you command my Queen.” Davon Starfire said as he slowly stood up. With an air of true authority, he turned to Robert. “Colonel Wolff as my first command as high Chancellor. I order the Nightmare Regiment to hunt down and destroy every last member of the terrorist group known as The Millennium Assembly. Do whatever it takes to remove this threat to the peace of our nation. Now carry out your orders.”

“It shall be done High Chancellor.” Robert said as he snapped to attention before saluting him and calling out. “Death is dealt by our hand!”

“Son of a bitch. I never saw this coming.” Valkyrie whispered to no one.

“Now do you see why the Queen and your family wanted to keep the truth from you Captain Starfire?” Imra asked her just a quietly.

“I’m beginning to Lady Imra. Though now I don’t know what to think. For the last twelve years of my life, I believed that I was a stain on my father’s family. Instead, I’m some kind of great state secret.” Valkyrie grunted.

“You and the others of the Nightmare Regiment are not some great state secret, Captain. You were the unfortunate victims of racial bigotry and fear borne over thousands of years ago. Long before Elves ever left Mother Earth.” Imra told her softly. “You and the other Silver Moon Elves are a very real reminder that we abandoned our protectors to fend for themselves.”

“Something that your Queen will never let happen again.” Robert told her as he stepped into Imra’s floater. He gave Imra a hug and kiss in greeting. “Hello love. I hope you don’t mind me crashing your little party?”

“Only you would call a near Civil War a party, Robert.” Imra sighed as she swatted him on the shoulder.

“What can I say?” Robert chuckled as he held up his hands with a sly smile. “It’s all fun and games until someone losses an eye.”


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