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Awarded 2nd place in the 2022 BCTS "Magic of the Heart" contest

Part 1
An original story by Julia Miller
A recent divorcee meets the girl of his dreams in a bar only to find out she is much more than he expected.
Chapter 1
My wife of 21 years, Trudy, suddenly announced that she now wanted a divorce. We had twins, George and Sarah; both were now 20 years old and away at college. I don’t know why she decided on a divorce. I considered myself in tune with my wife, and I thought we made a great couple.
On Sunday morning, we were both sitting at the breakfast table enjoying a coffee when she broke the news to me. Trudy told me I had to move out of our house, and she would be moving out after the divorce. I had to put the house up for sale and split the money as per the divorce agreement. She handed me the divorce papers she had received from her lawyer, so I knew she had been planning this day for quite some time. Trudy left the kitchen, leaving me sitting there, having not even been able to say one word. I was in shock, and I felt at that moment my entire life with her had just imploded.
I knew one thing about Trudy. Once she had made up her mind, I wasn’t about to change it no matter her reasoning. I suddenly was no longer hungry, and after finishing my coffee, I went to shower and got changed. I walked into the office and used the laptop, searching for a divorce lawyer and for a place to live. I found a lawyer and a few rental suite ads and jotted down the information. I called up a few prospective places and planned to visit them later in the day.
On Monday afternoon, I found a lovely two-bedroom condo and paid the deposit by the end of the day. I searched for a mover and contacted them to come the next week to move my things out of the house. I had made an appointment with a lawyer and had a meeting scheduled with him.
Trudy recently had decided to have a separate bedroom and didn’t want to sleep with me any longer. When I asked why she told me I snored. Since she had her own bedroom set, I decided to take my bedroom set, along with my clothes and personal items.
We had living room furniture in the living room and a second living room furniture set in the family room. I took the TV screen in the living room, and she could have the one in the family room. I took the living room furniture since it was better suited for an apartment, leaving the family room set for her. We had a small kitchen breakfast table, and I took that, and she could use the dining room set. I had also packed the contents of my office and turned the second bedroom in the condo into my new office.
I was able to have the movers come over on short notice while she was at work and moved out on Wednesday morning. Everything I had wanted from my house was in my new suite by the end of the day. I received an angry phone call from Trudy that night, demanding why I had removed furniture from the house. I told her I wasn’t about to buy new furniture and there was plenty left in the home for her to use. Then I just hung up.
I took half of the kitchen contents as well, and there was more than enough for the both of us. I took my bicycle and golf clubs from the garage, as well as my toolkit.
I called up both my son and daughter and put them in a 3-way call, and this was the first either had heard that mom wanted a divorce. Do you mean she hasn’t called either of you? I was shocked at this, and I told them I had moved out, and if they wanted any of their things from the house, they might want to go over and get them now.
I had my appointment with the lawyer, and he told me it was a pretty cut and dry divorce. Our children were no longer minors, and my wife, who was working as a Radiologist in the hospital, made more money than I did at my computer consulting company. My lawyer proposed we split our assets evenly. Trudy had a much better retirement plan and more significant savings than I did since she had never spent any of her income on the household, and my income went towards paying the bills. It had also paid for her education so she could become a Radiologist.
My wife had wanted to keep her savings and retirement plan, and I would keep what little savings I had and my meager retirement. My lawyer told me that at least I didn’t have to pay her alimony, and there was a chance I could gain part of her savings due to the arrangement we had used. But she would have to agree to this, or we would have to take it to court. Since we were paying for the kid’s education, he proposed setting up a fund to contribute equally.
He looked over the proposed divorce agreement, made the changes we discussed, and sent it back to my wife’s attorney.
On a later visit with my lawyer, he told me Trudy wouldn’t budge on giving me any part of her savings, but she would contribute to an education fund. I asked him, how much money are we talking about here? He told me she had investments of well over a million dollars now, where I had maybe 30 thousand. Her earnings seemed to go directly into her assets, where my income was used exclusively to finance our marriage.
I chose to go to court and fight for a piece of her assets. Three months later, we were in a divorce court, and the judge gave me 40% of her savings, not half, but it was much better than nothing. She said nothing but glared at me from her side of the courtroom. We would split the income from the sale of the house evenly, and she could do what she wanted with the remaining furniture left there.
My kids showed up too, and they told me that mom wasn’t talking to them, and they weren’t sure why. I told them nothing had changed in my feelings towards them, and they were still my children and could come to me whenever they wanted.
I took them out for lunch afterward, and we enjoyed a good time with each other. I told my kids I was still in a state of shock, as I had no idea that my ex-wife had any problems with our marriage, and looking back, it was like she just used me to build a nest egg for herself; maybe this was her plan all along. I know that sounds like she was a bitch for doing this, but the evidence pointed that it was probably the truth.
I set a date to get back together with the kids again. And we left the restaurant; I waved goodbye and stepped into my car, and drove back to my condo. I went inside, grabbed a beer, turned on the tv, and lost myself for a while.
So here I was; I was now 45 years old and had no idea what I would do with my life. My ex-wife shattered my supposedly solid marriage, and I had no idea what I would do next.
Friday night rolled around. I was still in the doldrums, so I decided to go out for dinner. I had a lovely meal, though I didn’t enjoy eating by myself, since I had no one to talk to, and it was boring while waiting for the food to arrive. Once I had finished my meal, I decided to walk over to a nearby pub. I looked around, and most of the people there was my kids’ age, and I didn’t have any desire to talk to them. I was walking over to the bar when I first saw her. She was around my age, a gorgeous long-haired blonde beauty, sitting on a barstool, but she had the most beautiful long legs I had ever seen on a woman. She seemed very tall for a woman, but I wasn’t sure since she was sitting down. I noticed her hands and feet were slightly larger than average, but I didn’t give it that much thought since she was so tall. I walked up beside her, ordered myself a beer, and sat down next to her, first asking if she minded me sitting there. She looked me up and down and smiled and said to me; I don’t mind at all, honey, in a sultry musky tone.
I sat down beside her and began to drink my beer. I hadn’t tried talking to a woman in a bar in over 20 years now, so I wasn’t sure how to go about it. As I was mulling it over in my head, she quietly said, “A penny for your thoughts?”
I looked over at her and smiled back, saying, “It’s that obvious?”
She grinned. “Let me guess, you are freshly single, and this is the first time you have been by yourself in a bar for a very long time.”
My mouth dropped, and I said, “Wow, you are intuitive. My wife of over 20 years divorced me three months ago, and I am still trying to pick up the pieces of my life.”
She smiled at me and said, “It’s a small world. My marriage ended over three years ago, and irreconcilable differences were the reason given. So here I am looking for someone, anyone really, to sit down beside me and help cheer me up.”
Her name was Sandra, and I told her my name was Robert.
She was surprisingly straightforward towards me. She was knowledgeable in current events, sports and struck me as someone familiar like I had known this woman all my life.
She told me she was a computer systems engineer and worked for a large computer company in the area. I told her I ran a small computer consulting company for several clients. We shared similar interests, and she was warm and very friendly to me. We must have sat there for most of the evening chatting together. I asked her if she would like to walk over to a nearby late-night café that I knew would be open. She agreed, so we left the bar and walked over to it. I knew she was tall, but she was at least 6’ when she stood beside me. I was 6’ 4”, so I wasn’t a short person, but my ex-wife and most of her friends weren’t over 5’ 8”. It was nice for a change, to look a woman straight into her eyes when I was talking to her. And her eyes were a beautiful shade of bright blue and were very stunning. Aside from her height, she was very thin, almost rakish; she did have nice breasts but rather small hips and rear. She looked like a model from a fashion show. She wore her hair halfway down her back, and it was a beautiful golden blonde with highlights.
She carried herself elegantly, and where most of the women at the bar that night were wearing jeans or slacks, she was wearing a skirt and stockings. We found a table inside the café, and both ordered a cappuccino. We chatted some more, and I gave her my business card and wrote my cell number on the back. I would love to get to know you better, Sandra; you are one of the most amazing women I have ever met. She gave me a slight blush and told me she thought she would give me a call.
We finished our cappuccinos and walked back outside. I told Sandra my condo was just down the street, and she called an Uber to take her home. I felt like kissing her goodnight, but I just told her I had a great time and hoped she would call me if she felt the same way.
I waited with Sandra until her ride arrived. We waved goodbye, and I hummed a tune as I walked back to my apartment. I was happier than I had been for a long time. Looking back, the last few years of my marriage seemed to have sucked the life out of me. My wife seemed to lose interest in doing anything with me, and she always seemed to be working late. We were two people living together, but we were miles apart emotionally. Maybe the divorce was a good thing now that I had time to think about it. She no longer wanted to be a part of the marriage and steadily had grown apart from me.
And tonight, I had made a new friend. She was more in tune with me than my ex-wife ever was, and I felt she honestly enjoyed my company. She didn’t come across as someone trying to deceive me. No, she was honest and straightforward with me. I enjoyed our time together.
Saturday morning arrived, and I made myself a small breakfast. I was looking over the news on my laptop when my cell rang. I picked it up, and it was Sandra on the other end. Hi Robert, I enjoyed our time together last night, and I was wondering if you wanted to do something together today?
I was hoping she would call. What would you like to do? Well, she said, there is a new art exhibit at the art museum, and I wondered if you wanted to go there with me. I hadn’t been there in years and decided that sounded great! When would you like to meet up? Well, she said, there is a cozy café nearby, and I thought we could have lunch first and then visit the museum.
I showered and changed and put on something casual. I took my car, drove over to the café, and parked nearby on the street. I walked over to the café, and Sandra was sitting outside waiting for me, and I soon joined her.
We picked up from where we had left off last night, and she continued to impress me with her observations on current events. I found that we both shared similar political and religious views. We enjoyed our lunch, and we both paid for our meals. She told me she had no problems paying for herself. I tried to tell her I would pick up the tab, but she would have nothing to do with it.
We left the café and walked over to the art museum. We bought tickets and spent the afternoon admiring old Dutch Masters Renaissance paintings. Those works of art, the detail was just amazing to look at, and we spent the afternoon wandering the halls and looking at everything they had on display. Sandra told me that she wasn’t an artist, but she appreciated old paintings and would visit whenever a show like this was in town. She wasn’t much for modern art but preferred the craftsmanship of the older works. I told her I had to agree; those paintings were spectacular.
I told her I would love to take her out for dinner. Did she have a favorite restaurant in town?
She answered and gave the name of an Italian place, Trattoria Il Forno. I called them up and made a reservation, and we walked over to my car. That’s a nice BMW, she said. Is it an M3? You know cars too? You never cease to amaze me, Sandra. She smiled as I opened the passenger door and helped her sit down. She was so elegant getting into the car; it made me give pause for a second. I closed the door and walked around, and got in.
I still had the radio playing when I turned on the car, and she said, don’t shut it off; I like this song. I just lowered the volume so we could chat. Sandra, I have to say, you keep amazing me at every turn. We share so much in common together; I have to say, it’s like I have known you all my life. She smiled and blushed a little, she was silent for a few seconds and replied, I feel the same way about you, Robert, and I would love to continue our relationship into something more.
I drove us over to the restaurant, parked, and helped her out of the car. We entered the restaurant, and they seated us quickly. Once again, she had me enthralled with her wit and mannerisms. Despite her height, Sandra had to be one of the most feminine women I had ever met.
I had a Veal Osso Buco, and she had a Penne Arrabiata. We shared a bottle of Italian red wine and started with a pair of Caesar salads. The attraction I was feeling towards Sandra was incredible, and we had only seen each other a couple of times. She made me laugh if she said something funny, and we chatted for a few hours there. She was such a delightful person to be around, and I felt that I would soon be unable to live without her if I kept her company. She was like a drug to me, and I was becoming addicted to her.
Someone once said you couldn’t make yourself fall in love with another. Love either happens, or it doesn’t. I was beginning to think that Sandra felt the same way about me. I would look over at her and would catch her looking at me closely, and she would turn her head and blush.
We closed the restaurant; the staff was waiting for us to leave. We were so involved with each other’s company that we hadn’t noticed we were the last two people left in the place. As we were going, I apologized to the head waiter and quickly gave him and his staff a few bills for their trouble.
He looked at the money in his hand and said to me, “There was no bother, Sir. Please come again.”
I helped Sandra put on her jacket, and we left the restaurant. We walked over to my car, and I told her, “I don’t know what it is about you Sandra, I have never been more attracted to a person than I am to you.”
“I don’t understand it either, Robert, but I feel the same way about you. It’s like I have been waiting my whole life to meet someone like you, and here you are.”
I opened the door, helped her inside the car, and then got in my side. I turned to look at her, and she was leaning towards me; I had no choice but to kiss her. The feeling was electric; we both moved back in amazement.
“Wow, she said, did you feel that too?”
“I think we will have to try again to be sure,” so we kissed again, this time much longer. “There is definitely something there when we kiss each other, and we must study this further.” We then made out like a couple of school teens, and it was the most fun I had in years.
Sandra was breathing heavily and said, “We had better stop before I am unable to contain myself.”
I laughed and said, “OK. Where to, Sandra?”
She gave me directions back to her place. After I parked the car, I walked Sandra over to the front door of her townhouse. She smiled and asked me if I wanted to come in and have a coffee with her. I agreed most certainly and followed her inside.
She turned on the lights, and I followed her into her kitchen. She set up the coffee maker and placed a few cookies out on a plate. We sat down beside each other at the table and just looked at each other, waiting for the coffee.
She smiled at me and said, “You are a great guy, Robert. If I didn’t know any better, I would say we are two people falling in love.”
I held her hand and replied, “I felt the same attraction towards you. The last time I felt this way about someone, I ended up marrying her. I want to continue this relationship we have and see where it ends up.”
Sandra just blushed at me and gave me a big smile. I leaned over and kissed her again.
The coffee maker burbled and puffed a couple of times, signaling the coffee was ready. Sandra got up, poured the coffee into a couple of mugs, and set them on the table.
“Do you like cream only in your coffee?”
I said, “Yes, please.” and she brought a little creamer out of the fridge. She also set the plate of cookies on the table and sat back down, and we silently both sipped the coffee before she looked at me and spoke again.
“I don’t want you to think I am rushing things, but I wondered if you would like to stay the night with me?”
Her words so turned me on, I tried to remain as calm as I could, and I smiled and told her that would be great.
She leaned in and gave me another kiss. We continued to drink our coffee and had a couple of cookies. She smiled and said, “Let me give you a tour of my place.”
It was a three-story townhome on a city lot. The first floor had the kitchen in front; we shared the coffee on a high café table overlooking a window out on the street. Behind the kitchen was a dining room with the living room beyond. There was a fireplace in the corner, and there was a sliding glass patio door that looked like it went out to a deck.
She said, “Downstairs is a family room with another fireplace, a small bathroom and laundry room, and a small office under the kitchen. There is a door at the back leading out to a parking space under the deck.”
I followed her upstairs. So far, the main floor had this beautiful dark oak flooring, and it felt warm against my socks. We walked up the stairs, and this level had carpeted floors, a master bedroom, and an ensuite bathroom. We walked over to a small sitting area and a balcony railing that overlooked an open space above the living room. Looking towards the rear, I saw a large window in the wall. She told me that the top floor had a pair of bedrooms and a bathroom that she wasn’t presently using. We walked towards the double doors leading into the bedroom, and there was a beautiful dark cherry bedroom set, and it was stunning. There was also a make-up vanity there for her with a backlit mirror. She showed me the bathroom with a jacuzzi tub and a shower stall in the corner; there was also a double sink vanity with a huge mirror behind that went to the ceiling.
Between the bathroom and the master bedroom was a walk-in closet. She asked me to excuse her, and I walked back to the bedroom. She handed me a robe I could wear and closed the door behind me. I walked over to a chair and removed my clothing, and hung it over the chair back. I put on the robe and sat on the chair, waiting for Sandra to arrive. I didn’t have long to wait, as Sandra soon appeared wearing a black teddy and looked so hot wearing it. She walked over to the bed and pulled the covers down. She then walked over to me and put her arms around me. I stood up and took her in my arms as well, and we just started to French kiss each other.
Neither of us was a smoker, and it was so refreshing to kiss someone who didn’t taste like an ashtray. My ex-wife took up smoking when she was in her 30’s, and she said it helped her with the stress, even though she saw the horrible effect it had on a person’s lungs. I always made her use mouthwash before we would kiss, and she took offense to that for some reason.
While we were kissing, she slowly led me over to the bed, and we both laid down beside each other. We continued to kiss for a long time, not being able to stop. Eventually, Sandra opened my robe, and my erect manhood sprang out. She smiled and looked at it. Grabbing it, she bent over and put it in her mouth and swallowed it down her throat, all the way to my balls. No one had ever done that to me before. My ex would have never gone down on me like that; she thought penises were disgusting. Sandra seemed to have no problem, and soon she was pumping me up and down with her lips, and I was getting closer and closer. I asked her to stop, or I would come in her mouth, but she continued, and I shot my load down her throat. She slowly sucked on my shaft and then let me fall out of her mouth.
“That was great, Robert; you must be at least seven inches.”
I smiled and said, “Eight.” Then it was my turn. I went down on her sex, slowly working my tongue around her folds, exploring as I went. As I worked my tongue down below, I managed to bring my fingers upon her breasts and slowly worked her nipples. The feeling in her breasts made her moan louder and louder as I continued to use my tongue to probe her. She began to shiver and convulse, and I knew I had just made her orgasm. I continued with my tongue going deeper into her folds, and she was clearly into round two. She began to shake again and orgasmed a second time.
She put her hand on my head and said, “Please kiss me.”
I worked my way up her body, and we started passionately kissing once more. By now, my manhood had become stiff again, and I entered her sex as we kissed, slowly probing deeper into her. I began to pump a little faster, and she began to kiss me with more passion. I worked her nipples a bit further, and I think she tried to scream while we were kissing. She convulsed again, and I had brought her third orgasm. I began to feel myself edge to the point of no return, and I came, just as she orgasmed for the fourth time.
I pulled out and smiled at her. “How was that?”
She looked at me, breathing heavily, grabbed me around my neck with her arms, and kissed me further.
We both lay beside each other. I was covered in sweat and was exhausted, but I felt better than I had in years.
Sandra was lying there in the afterglow. She turned her head to look at me. “Where on earth did you learn to do that to a woman? I have never had any man do that to me.”
“Well, my wife wasn’t a big fan of my dick, and she rarely let me have sex with her that way. I eventually learned how to please her in other ways with my tongue and fingers. What you did with Mr. Happy was terrific as well; she would have never done that for me.”
Sandra laughed and said, “It isn’t hard to sexually please a man; you only have to be willing to do so.”
We both slowly fell asleep as we embraced each other.
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Cool!! I wonder how the story will unfold....
Cool!! I wonder how the story will unfold. I can think of a lot of plot twists and turns, but I am interested in how the characters develop and and how they change and grow as the story progresses. I also think the reactions of the secondary characters--the ex-wife, his two children, everyone's friends--could be cool additions to the ongoing saga of this story.
Can't wait for the next chapter!
And I love that cover picture!
All this needs is...
for his ex to appear in the picture again having been scammed by her lover out of all her money.
:) :)
I know it isn't critical to the focus of the story but I felt a bit more was needed at the start as a reason for the divorce; arguments, unfaithfulness, money, just something other than his snoring as her announcement was so out of the blue.
Going well otherwise, and thanks!
>>> Kay
Trudy's divorce from Richard
I purposely left Trudy's divorce from Richard a mystery that will be revealed as the story progresses. It will become clearer in later chapters. Since this is a POV story, Richard told us only what he knew, and Trudy didn't give him any reasons.
Nicely Done
Your writing skills combining descriptive along with acting is perfect. What is lacking is the story is super thin on dialog tossed in now and then as if an afterthought. I'm not big on erotica, thus a trip through the bedroom lowers the quality of the story for me. Please, that is only me. For most of the readers on this channel that is a huge plus. Please don't take my comment to heart but understand you please a lot of readers with the rolling in the hay scenes.
The story has a nice smooth flow to it and I was impressed how you brought two broken marriages into a story line to tell a superb tale. Beautifully done and left me with a warm fuzzy emotional feeling.
Hugs Miss Miller
Life has so many twists and turns in it, one has to wonder how any of us survive before a natural ending?
Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl
Spicy parts and dialog
I think I wrote in the spicy parts originally to compete with another serial story posted at the time. I always try not to make my love scenes too vulgar or explicit. To me, it's always about two people expressing their love for each other. As for dialog, I usually write the story narrative down first, and then I go back through it and change the narrative into the dialog where I think it will work. I guess you think I should be doing more of this, and I agree, I was just being lazy. lol
Just wait for the second half of this story, then it starts getting exciting.
Definitely a good start,
His ex was definitely a bitch. Now I have to wonder when the other shoe will drop?
Tall girls...
Sum'n, sum'n about a tall girl for me personally. I'm not tall personally - but I find myself drawn to a woman with height. I, like others, are wondering where is ride is going and certainly did enjoy the coupling scene. :-)
Rachel M. Moore...
Better late than never
Just found this Julia and I must say I am enjoying it immensely. I too am interested in finding out the backstory of the marriage. Mine ended similarly after 25 years, but I was blessed with 5 wonderful children. I have always loved tall women too. I'm glad I can just binge my way through your story without waiting a week between postings.