The Softening of Jessie - Part 39

Swoosh! The ball went through the net.

“Awesome!” Jessie proclaimed as he jumped up in down in almost a cheerleader-like fashion.

The boys finished up with Jason winning by one. He was pumped and raised his hands in victory.

“Good job!” Jessie stated as he gave Jason a kiss on the cheek. Wow! Where did that come from? It was almost second nature for him. In any case, Jason seemed to like it as his face turned red from blushing.

The Softening of Jessie

Part 39

By AshleyTS

“Where to now ladies?” Jason asked.

“How about we grab a bite to eat?” Ashley replied.


The foursome headed to the food court.

Jessie was blown away with how the day was turning out. He never could have imagined him and Jason being so close again. In fact, he and Jason were closer now than they had ever been in the past. He never recalled ever kissing him in all their years of friendship. It had definitely taken a new turn for the better.

“Hey I gotta play one quick game of this!” Jason exclaimed as they walked by the basketball hoop throw.

“Me too! I bet I’ll sink so many hoops it’ll put ya to shame!” Rick replied.

The two boys paid for the game and began shooting hoops. Jessie giggled as he saw both of them miss the first shot. He remembered how great he was at playing basketball. Jason never could compete with him on the courts.

“Dang, I’ve got to focus!” Jason yelled.

“Aha! One ahead!” Rick stated as his basketball swished through the net.

Jessie watched as the boys missed two more shots each. They were pretty pathetic! Something had changed in him though. He knew that he could have whipped them both at this game but all of a sudden it didn’t matter. His competitiveness seemed to be almost non-existent.

He thought about how poorly he had performed at soccer, the ball toss and at the baseball game. He remembered being so very frustrated at his lack of skill. Now, however, he couldn’t think of why he was so upset. They were just silly games. Jason was so much stronger than he was that it was no surprise that he would be better.

In all honesty, Jessie didn’t understand why he ever liked doing all those things. Running on the grass made him uncomfortable since he was wearing his short skirt. Sure, he could’ve worn shorts or pants instead, but having to choose between being able to run around without worries or being able to wear a very, very cute skirt? There was no question; it was definitely the better move to wear the skirt.

“Aha! We are tied now!” Jason shouted as he too sank a basket.

Jessie realized that he didn’t care about a boy being better than him at physical things. In fact, he relished the idea that Jason was stronger, faster, and manlier than he was. It made him much more attractive. Throwing a basketball through a hoop seemed downright boring to Jessie at the moment, but he realized that it meant a lot to Jason and that fact made it important to him,

“Come on Jason! Let me see you make another!” Jessie yelled trying to cheer his friend on.

“I’ll make one for you sugar.” Jason replied to his pretty friend.

Swoosh! The ball went through the net.

“Awesome!” Jessie proclaimed as he jumped up in down in almost a cheerleader-like fashion.

The boys finished up with Jason winning by one. He was pumped and raised his hands in victory.

“Good job!” Jessie stated as he gave Jason a kiss on the cheek. Wow! Where did that come from? It was almost second nature for him. In any case, Jason seemed to like it as his face turned red from blushing.

“Ummm, do you girls want to play also?”

“No thanks. I had a lot of fun watching you though.” Jessie replied feeling not a trace of competitiveness left in him.

“Why don’t you guys go buy lunch and we’ll find a table.” Ashley asked.

“Cool, we’ll be back. Hamburgers okay?”

“Yep, I want a sprite as well.”

“Got it”

The boys went to stand in line as Ashley and Jessie scoped out the area.

“Did I see you give Jason a little peck on the cheek back there Jess?”

“Uhhh yeah. I just kind of did it. I didn’t think about it or anything. It just seemed natural.”

“That’s alright sweety. I was just asking. There’s nothing wrong with it. Here’s an empty table.”

The two sat down at the table and began making small talk until their lunch arrived.

“Oh, isn’t that the cutest thing in the world?” Ashley proclaimed as she noticed the newborn baby at the next table.

“Yeah, cute.” Jessie replied reluctantly. He had never been fond of babies. All they did was cry, eat, sleep and poop.

“What’s her name?” Ashley asked the young mother.

“Meghan. She’s 3 months old.”

“Well she is just adorable. Look at those beautiful eyes.”

“Yes, she knows she’s a cutie.” The mom replied.

Ashley made some funny faces at the baby playing peek-a-boo. The baby burst out laughing every time. Jessie was mildly amused but didn’t get why Ashley was so caught up in the little monster.

“Want to hold her?” The mother asked.

“Oh yes, you don’t mind?”

“No, I think she likes you.”

The mother handed the baby over the Ashley who was overjoyed at the opportunity. She help the baby and made “baby” talk to her. The baby seemed really enjoy Ashley’s company. Jessie hoped the boys would return soon, however, so that the baby could go back to the mom. Who knows with babies anyways? The thing could puke all over Ashley at any time.

“Hey Jessica, you want to hold her?” Ashley asked.

“No way. Babies scare me.” Jessie replied. Babies were like a foreign object to him…he would let the girl’s do all the holding.

“Oh come on, here hold her like this.” Ashley said as she plopped the baby into Jessie’s arms. He was so turned off by the idea and it was obvious by his stiff arms.

“Just relax. Look she likes you.” The mother stated to the young woman.

Jessie looked down at the baby as she flashed him a smile. He tried to think about all the negative things about babies but all he could focus on was that cute little smile. The baby smiled at him!

He felt a strange rush of emotions flow through his body as his perception of the baby noticeably changed. The baby could throw up on him…it could go poop at any time…it could start crying like crazy at the drop of a hat…she was so incredible precious though. So delicate and tiny, so needy, and she was smiling at him.

His thoughts drew away from all the hassles and pains that babies bring and instead focused on the joys of taking care of and loving such a wonderful creation. He felt drawn to the thought of nurturing and caring for a baby and how attractive that was to him in an almost innate way. It seemed like something that was very natural for him to do all of a sudden. He felt a very strong maternal instinct engulf him and put him in perspective.

“Hey Jessie, it looks like she likes you also.” Ashley stated as she noticed the trance he was in.

“Yeah, she is the most incredible thing I have ever seen.” Jessie replied in awe of the little baby.

Just then the baby made a bee-line for Jessie’s chest catching him completely off-guard.

“Whoah little girl! Those are the wrong ones.” The mother amused as little Meghan found Jessie’s breast very enticing as she was very hungry.

“Sorry about that. I better feed her. Nice chatting with you girls.”

“You too.” Ashley replied as the mom and baby left.

“So you seemed to like baby Meghan.”

“Yeah, she was so small and cute. I never thought I liked babies before but something about her really hit me. That was weird how she pressed her face into my chest though. I think she was trying to hide or something.” Jessie replied.

“Ummm, no Jess. She was hungry and she thought she could get something from you.”

“Well I would have given her something if the food was here yet.”

“No sweety, you see babies get fed from their mother’s breasts which produce milk. She must have been confused and mistook your breasts for her mom’s”

“Huh? Even though I’m a guy? Guys don’t breast feed.”

“Well you do have breasts Jessie and one of the reasons people have breasts is to produce milk for babies.”

“So you are saying that I will breast feed someday?” Jessie asked being very confused.

“When you have kids of your own you will be able to. It’s a very special part of having breasts and being able to bond with your child.” Ashley stated not knowing exactly what to say.

“Well hopefully I don’t get pregnant any time soon. I’m happy just holding other people’s babies for now.” Jessie replied.

“Pregnant?” Ashley replied. Did he just say he didn’t want to get pregnant??? Did he realize what he just said?

“Yeah, being pregnant is not my idea of fun any time in the near future.”

“Ok, sooo… are a boy….or are you a….girl?” Ashley stammered.

“What kind of question is that? I’m a boy silly. Sometimes I worry about you and your weird sense of humor Ashley.”

“Gotcha, I’ll keep a look out for any pregnant boys I see and let ya know.”

“Lunch has arrived ladies!” The boys interrupted just in the nick of time.

To Be Continued...


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