Changing Roles - Chapter 25

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Changing Roles
By Julie Dawn Cole
Chapter 25
I was a surprised at Jacks comment and obviously looked puzzled as Gemma wiped her hands with a cloth and then reached over the bar to shake hands. She had a strong handshake and a bigger hand than mine. Her fingernails were expertly manicured and polished in a deep red colour. She had several bracelets on her right wrist and a matching gold necklace that hung almost to her ample breasts which were on full display in a low-cut top. I remember thinking ‘the typical British barmaid.’

‘Welcome Julie. Nice to meet you at last since George has spoken a lot about you. Forgive Jacks humour he was always envious of your relationship with his father. He always said that he treated you like the son he’d always wanted. Jack wanted the same treatment. You look very nice tonight. I’m quite envious. I’ll have to keep an eye on Jack. You are just his type.’

Jack smiled and shrugged his shoulders and responded ‘ She’s so jealous if I even look at anybody, let alone speak to them. I can’t wait to let dad know how nice you look. Can we have a selfie. The three of us together at the bar.’

Gemma came to our side of the bar. She was at least 3 inches taller than Jack and I but I did notice she was wearing heels. They were three- or 4-inch heels I guessed similar to mine. She took hold of my hand and opted to be in the centre of the photo and seemed to thrust out her bosom’s putting mine to shame. My frame seemed smaller than hers and then I realised what Jack had meant when he said Gemma and I had more in common than I might think. Surely she wasn’t transgender as well. We’d understood Jack and George had set up the business with 3 siblings and it was 2 brothers and a sister.

I smiled weakly as Jack took several photos at arms length and then he asked a customer to take 2 more with us in full picture. It certainly looked like 2 females with a handsome guy rather than the other way around. Maybe Jack and Gemma had met in the Village since there were so many bars with transvestites, drag queens and transgender people.

I looked across the bar whilst Jack and Gemma checked through the photos and the two main bar staff had a look of Gemma. One attractive young woman in her mid-twenties and a male about 5 or 6 years older. It made sense if Gemma was indeed transgender since the female looked like her sibling and there were allegedly 2 brothers and a sister. Maybe she had appeared as a drag artist which is how they’d met or they’d been in a group that gathered to help each other deal with their gender issues. Hopefully all will become clear as the night progressed. She wasn’t a typical drag artist like those on Rue Pauls Drag Race and more the buxom bar maid displaying her assets to attract customers and flirting with them across the bar.

I tried my best not to be too inquisitive and opted to treat Gemma as a birth female to be on the safe side. Maybe Jack would tell me later when we were alone. Then they hugged each other, kissed a little and Gemma returned to the other side of the bar. Quite a few customers were arriving with some in party mood and clearly celebrating. One group of young women was particularly noisy since it was a hen party with the bride dressed up and she was clearly intent on getting drunk since she held a bottle of champagne that she was drinking directly from the bottle causing it to fizz and spill down her frontage. Gemma leaned across the bar and took control to calm them down. Then she arranged for a DJ to start the music to distract them and get them to dance and quiet down. It had a marginal effect.

Jack took me to quiet corner to sit down so we could at least hear each other. ‘Well what do you think of Gemma?’

‘She seems to be in control of the place and very confident. She is stunning. Does she sing at all?’

‘Sometimes of course but mainly she acts as bar manager and compare. That’s how we met. She was performing in one of the clubs and she invited me on stage to sing a duet. We had a fun night so I returned there a few times and we’d have a laugh and sometimes hit the other bars and clubs. She accepted me as male. You have realised that she was a male once upon a time haven’t you?’

‘Not really. Well I wasn’t certain but at one point I did wonder. She has amazing breasts and she is very pretty. Her make-up is immaculate.’

‘Yes dad thinks she’s beautiful too and he couldn’t believe her bust was almost natural. Mum is not so sure about our relationship, especially since she was a drag queen but then she looked on the upside and realised that unless we both had surgery she has a chance of grandchildren one day. I don’t much fancy the idea of waddling around for 6 months though with a large belly.’

‘So you have a normal arrangement between the bed sheets then?’

‘If you mean we have a good sex together then of course we do. I always take the lead role though and initiate things. Often she is too tired after being behind the bar all evening but she almost always joins in. I am pretty good at bringing her little man to attention.’

It was a good point for me to switch subjects to talk about George and work. I told Jack that I had access to some of the senior management meeting notes and heard snippets of discussions between Group Board Members involving the Chairman. It seemed there was an investigation underway related to corruption and George was implicated. They didn’t seem to have any proof at this stage, but I’d seen meeting notes suggesting that he had set up offshore companies and diverted company funds that I didn’t believe. I wanted to help George if I could, but it was extremely difficult and dangerous.

Jacks expression changed. Suddenly he looked angry but he stayed silent. I don’t think that he was certain whether or not I could be trusted. I felt nervous and bit on my finger looking around to avoid eye contact. After a minute or so Jack seemed to calm a little and he responded.

‘We need to get you and dad together, I think. Somewhere safe and private. I’m concerned in case dad is in danger and under surveillance so we might have to take care with telephone calls and text messages. I’m sure that he’s done nothing to justify such suspicion and scrutiny. Why don’t they just meet him face to face? Who are these people? They seem to be quick to judge. I appreciate you letting me know a little of what is going on. But please be careful. I’ll update him.’

‘I owe your father so much for his support and the chances he gave me. I am so annoyed about the way he has been treated. Do you think you should that I should interrupt his vacation and let him know that he is under suspicion.’

‘Don’t fret Julie he has done nothing that implicates you. He used lots of his business and banking contacts to help fund his investments and re-pay my debts. They set up businesses offshore to limit access to their dealings. It’s what happens every day of the week in high office. Government ministers and even Vice Presidents do it, allegedly of course. Politics seems full of people who take advantage of their position. It’s how things get done and it’s human nature for people to take advantage of information that comes their way. It’s not a given that it will result in large profits. Dad wouldn’t ever steal anything and I added to his problems. I think the worst he’s done is just act on information at his disposal and leak it.’

‘Yes maybe. Don’t forget in big organisations Directors have a responsibility to disclose their dealings and particularly if they set up offshore companies.’

‘OK I understand that but does it say anything about the obligations of friends and family in these rule books?’

‘Not that I know of but I have a copy of the Board Minutes in my purse where the Company Chairman reminded Directors about the rules for disclosing information about involvement in offshore companies. Here you can have this copy if you keep it confidential. Maybe you can talk with George later and remind him?’

‘Of course. Just keep calm and let us deal with it. Enough for now the show is starting because Gemmas sister, Amy, is at the back of the bar and Gemma has disappeared. Let’s relax a little and have a few drinks since you’ve come all this way and you are all glammed up. Let’s enjoy the show that will be starting soon. I’ll let you know dads response sometime tomorrow, but it might be late due to the time difference at his holiday venue.’

‘Do you mind if I call my friend and ask her to join us?’

‘Why not, that’s fine by me. As long as she doesn’t mind the gay scene and watching Drag Acts.’

‘Actually, she’s arrived already. She was worried about me for some reason. She’s been keeping an eye on us from the end of the bar. She was over there talking to an attractive young woman.’

‘How funny. That woman she has been chatting to is Amy. She and her brother William are silent partners in this place. You should know that Amy is gay so is your girlfriend gay too?’
‘Yes but not fully out.’

‘Amy likes women but she is a straight lesbian if there is such a thing. She likes independent women who can stand up for themselves. She’s not trans and she has no intention of following mine or Gemma’s examples. She especially likes tall and very feminine women and it looks like they have been having a good time. I’ve been watching them for a while. She isn’t usually distracted from serving at the bar. I’m not surprised she took interest since I have been fancying your friend myself. When I saw her come in I knew she wasn’t straight. I can spot them from a mile. I’m only looking though. Gemma keeps me under a tight reign and I’ve felt her piercing eyes already warning me to behave myself.’

‘So you saw her straight away even though she promised to keep a low profile?’

‘Not trying very hard with a figure like hers and in a dress that screams look at me.’

‘I guess not.’

I realised that the attention that Emily was receiving made me feel a little jealous. I would rather have been spending my evening with her and relaxing than being involved in trying to nail George to the cross. Better she made her own judgement rather than relying on me. Tonight as I looked at the bar I didn’t see my boss but a beautiful young woman smiling and joking. At work she was professional with a ruthless streak who didn’t take any prisoners. She was skilled enough to take over the jobs of myself and George with moderate ease. Why couldn’t I match her management skill and ability to assess situations decide what was needed and take action. I realised how weak I’d been as MD.

Jack was distracted to talk with a staff member so I sipped my drink and looked around. I didn’t get out much socially and this was a change for me. What I was realising day by day was that even though work was Emilys absolute priority she still found time to treat me with kindness and I was enjoying my new role. I liked being at her beck and call because she made me feel so special. Already I would do anything she asked. I wanted to spend more time with her and I wanted this evening to be a success and to make her proud of me.

I thought ahead to the weekend. With tonights feedback after talking with Jack I hoped that we would now be able to relax and then enjoy a nice time together in London. I’d never expected to feel in awe of a female boss before and she was like no other woman I’d ever met.

I managed to catch her eye and she smiled. I think that she had realised that something had happened. She seemed to sense that she had been rumbled and I hoped she didn’t think that I’d told Jack who she really was or that he’d found out somehow. I couldn’t text her since Jack was now sitting close to me so the best I could come up with was to smile and wave so that it put her on her guard. Jack then stood up and said he was going for a word with Amy and he was away before I had chance to stop him. I followed as quickly as I could in my heels.

As I approached Jack had already outstretched his hand to introduce himself as part owner of the bar. Emily looked so comfortable with her legs crossed exposing some thigh and Jacks eyes didn’t miss them. As she uncrossed her legs and slipped off the stool he moved forward to kiss her cheek. He said that I’d told him that she was my friend and guardian for the evening so he wanted her to join us for drinks at his table so that we could watch the live show that was about to start.

Emily smiled and looked at me and nodded. Jack told her that it was a drag show with lots of blue material so he hoped she wouldn’t be offended. It didn’t seem to worry him that it might upset me of course but then I’d seen plenty and more than likely I’d have seen tonight’s artist. I was introduced to his sister-in-law, Amy. Emily raised her eyebrows in mock surprise. I quickly said they were joint owners of the venue but it seemed that Emily had worked that out and had been doing her own fishing. She winked at me.

Jack spoke up ‘ You two look to be having a good time. I didn’t really like disturbing you both but please join us at our table. It’s better than a seat at the bar. Amy will get the drinks and arrange cover for herself so she can take a break.’

He guided us towards his reserved table at the side of the small stage and once we were seated Amy arrived with the drinks. A fresh vodka and tonic for me and one for herself and two tumblers of whisky with ice for Jack and Emily.

As Jack toasted us I looked around to see that the room was filling quickly with a mix of customers in all types of outfit. It seemed to be a popular venue for transvestites and lesbian couples sprinkled with some outrageously dressed drag queens and a few drag kings. Some I recognised from my previous visits to the Gay Village but I’d never been to Jacks place or been dressed as I was in more regular feminine attire. I felt a little out of place and Emily and I must have stuck out like sore thumbs.

The lights dimmed and Gemma appeared on the small stage with a mic. She welcomed everybody and then singled out myself and Emily as friends of the family visiting for the first time. There was muffled applause and then she told a few blue jokes before the first performer came through the curtains. Her voice was clearly deep for even a barmaid but nobody seemed to be able to concentrate. She was a natural comedienne and she looked the part. The first act was not quite as OTT as those who appear in Ru Pauls drag race but still very funny and entertaining.

As the room quietened as the act finished Amy returned to her bar duties in anticipation of a sudden rush and Jack then introduced himself properly to Emily as the son of my former boss. I was careful not to intervene and Emily said that she was working on an assignment and was based down South near Cambridge. She had moved around quite a lot since her father was in the forces. To answer a question from Jack she said that we’d met at a mutual friend’s wedding and been on a table of singletons sitting next to each other. She felt that I was quiet and shy for a young man but she’d taken a fancy to me. She’d had to work hard to get me chatting but managed and thought that we were a good match. If only it was true. Then she said that we had been dating on and off for a few months and eventually she’d worked out that I liked to visit certain bars and like feminine things. She knew that I regularly visited Leeds and Manchester with friends who had the same interests.

When Jack looked at me I nodded my agreement so he seemed satisfied with Emilys explanation. But she couldn’t stop and embellished it further.

‘It took me a while to encourage Julian to let me meet Julie Ann and I saw a different person who I liked even more. Now we are having fun as girlfriends and I’ve invited her to London to have a weekend break together to be my date at a party. She needs a break because recently she’d had problems at work. She’s been side-lined and her boss sacked and replaced. I want her to spend a weekend as a girlfriend without telling anybody who she was. This is who she is and as you see for yourself Jack she is beautiful.’
‘Yes I agree Emily. You make a good pair. You seem perfect for each other. Maybe you can find Julie a job so she can make a clean break.’
I interjected. ‘Sorry Jack that’s not possible. Not at the moment at least. I’m stuck with the hand I was dealt I’m afraid.’

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