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Chapter 12
An original story by Lajien
Edited by Julia Miller
Buckling the straps of her ankle-flat boots, Erinna stood up. She saw Nancy beaming at her. Nancy could see their outfits matching, not an identical match but very close. She was sure that anyone who saw them would think they were sisters; this was what Nancy intended precisely.
“Look at you, you look...,” Nancy paused for a moment looking for the right word. “Terrific! Come and see yourself in the mirror.”
Erinna hesitated for a second before walking to the mirror on the door of her walk-in closet. If Erinna wasn’t sure that she was a girl the last time she saw herself in this mirror, now Erinna was 100% sure that the person looking back at her from the mirror was a girl and nothing like the boy Erinna thought she was.
Her new image eventually led to tears welling in her eyes while she looked at her reflection in the mirror. Her thoughts didn’t make Erinna feel happy. She didn’t want to look girly and cute. That was not what Erinna had envisioned when she thought of her future.
Nancy noticed Erinna’s reaction right away. She immediately went to Erinna, hugging her from behind.
“It’s all right now. There’s no need to cry. Trust me, and everything will be ok,” Nancy reassured her. She knew completely understood how Erinna felt right now. Confusion was a small word to describe what Erinna was feeling. However, there weren’t enough words to describe it.
“Let’s go show your mom. I am sure she will love how you look,” Nancy suggested, and Erinna, the selfless child she always was, nodded.
She knew that her mom would be happy seeing her looking like this. She wanted to make her mom happy. After all, her mom deserved the daughter she had always wanted. She gave Nancy a genuine smile, and they both headed out of the room.
Back in their room, Heather and Jeff were having a calm discussion. Heather had told Jeff everything that had happened and how Erinna had been acting so far. They both agreed that even if they were not happy with the situation, they had no choice but to make Erinna live as a girl. They always surprised everyone around them because they never fought or had a heated argument, not once in their life.
They didn’t want to lose their child or for their child to be taken away and put into someone else’s custody. That would tear their family apart, and they would never allow this to happen.
Unfortunately, what Heather had predicted, did happen. Jeff was not ok with the idea of Erinna staying overnight at the Collins.
“I don’t mean anything, and I don’t think it will be ok for her to stay overnight right now. I also don’t want her staying overnight with boys,” said Jeff, finally admitting his real reason.
“What if she sleeps with Nancy in her room instead?” Heather suggested. She had already made this part of her plan, as she knew it was important for Erinna not to feel a difference. “If you don’t let her go, Erinna might feel that we are punishing her for what happened,” explained Heather seeing she hadn’t yet convinced Jeff. Heather knew he only wanted to protect his daughter, but this might hurt Erinna. She didn’t want that to happen, and Heather knew Jeff didn’t want that either.
With a sigh, Jeff nodded; Heather was right. He wanted only to protect his baby girl, but he might end up hurting her. He couldn’t do that, especially now, since Erinna was going through a crucial period.
“I am ok with it, but only if she sleeps with Nancy in her room. I don’t mean anything by it, but I want Erinna to know that she is now a girl and can’t be sleeping with boys in the same room anymore,” admitted Jeff.
Heather just smiled and nodded in agreement, and she wanted to keep her daughter away from the boys’ attention for as long as possible. “So, let’s go with the rule she can’t date until she’s 21,” Heather asked in amusement. She knew she said it as a joke, but she would make sure to put a much lighter rule for Erinna.
“No, at least 31,” Jeff replied as Heather and Jeff laughed. Hearing a knock on the door while still laughing, Jeff opened the door but wasn’t ready to see what was behind the door. Jeff could see a very nervous Erinna with Nancy standing behind her. What caught his attention the most was what Erinna was wearing. She looked adorable in her outfit, and Jeff had to admit it confused him a bit. “Erinna?... Wow! You look amazing,” Jeff said, quickly picking Erinna up and spinning her around, making her giggle.
This sight warmed Heather’s heart. She knew Jeff would accept Erinna immediately and wouldn’t give her a hard time, but he had done far better than she expected. Heather saw what Erinna was wearing and couldn’t help but smile even more. She finally had the daughter she wanted so much.
A daughter, not just a daughter that she had given birth to, but a beautiful, intelligent, outgoing, always helping others and caring for them. She was the best daughter any mother could wish she had. It was time for Erinna to receive the help and support she had always given everyone around her.
“Sweetheart, did you choose these clothes yourself? You look super adorable in them,” Heather excitedly exclaimed. She could tell that her daughter was already taking after her. The only part she didn’t like was that Erinna looked older than her actual age. Erinna was taller than most boys and girls her age, and her body already looked more mature and would develop faster than girls her age. It meant that Erinna would get much more attention from the older teen boys. And this was what worried Heather and Jeff.
Erinna blushed a bit at her mom calling her adorable. She couldn’t help but smile and look back at Nancy, who beamed at her. “Nancy chose them for me,” Erinna replied, pleased with her parents’ reaction. She wanted to make her parents happy when she agreed to put on the clothes. She also couldn’t deny that she liked the tights since she didn’t feel too exposed while wearing a skirt.
“Thank you, Nancy. That was so nice of you, honey,” Heather said, walking to hug Nancy. She could tell that Nancy was putting in a great effort to help her daughter and her presence made Erinna feel at ease. She was very grateful for that. “You have a good eye for fashion, and I guess you took it from your mom.”
Nancy smiled at what Heather said, as she knew her dad couldn’t match two pairs of socks if his life depended on it. That’s what her mom always said. Even if she exaggerated, Nancy knew it was close to the truth. “I wanted to match my little sister,” Nancy exclaimed, smiling widely. “I couldn’t find a handbag that will go with the outfit, but I might have some that I don’t use anymore. Can I bring them, Mrs. Houston?” Nancy asked, looking toward Heather for agreement.
Heather beamed and could tell that Nancy loved her daughter and cared for her like a sister. “Sweetheart, please call me Heather. There is no need to call me Mrs. Houston,” Heather said, but Nancy didn’t look convinced. She could see Erinna’s eyes look at her with curiosity.
“I think Heather is right,” Jeff stepped into the conversation, still holding Erinna into his arms. He didn’t carry her in his arms as a boy only because she was embarrassed because of it. Now, he wanted to hold her forever. “Besides, this cheeky monkey already sees you as part of our family,” Jeff said, starting to tickle Erinna causing her to giggle and wiggle in his arms.
“Daddy, please! Stop, daddy.” That was all Erinna could say between the giggles. No matter what changed, being tickled was still her weak point.
“Daddy! When did you start calling him daddy?” Heather asked with a bit of obvious jealousy in her tone. “That’s not fair. Why does she get to call you daddy when she’s not calling me mommy?” Heather protested, making Nancy giggle as Erinna blushed. It was a rare sight for Erinna, but she knew that her mom always felt jealous of other moms because they have daughters, which Heather never had.
Jeff just laughed nervously and looked at Erinna to say something. She started to call him daddy on her own, and of course, he liked it. Jeff didn’t expect Heather to be jealous because of this.
Suddenly, an idea popped into Erinna’s head. Mustering her best puppy eyes that she used to use even as a boy, she looked at her dad and then tilted her head to look at her mom. While this situation was funny, she didn’t want to leave her mom feeling jealous. She felt a bit silly about what she was going to do, but she had to do it.
“I called dad daddy because he’s the best daddy in the world just like you’re the best mom in the world, mommy,” Erinna said in the girliest voice she could muster.
She was new to all this, but she was a natural. Her girly voice was so convincing that no one would even suspect she was anything but a girl and a girly one at that. A girl who had both of her parents wrapped around her little finger, which was something that Erinna was only beginning to realize.
“Thank you, Sweetheart,” Heather said, smiling as she walked to hug Erinna, who was still in Jeff’s arms. “Are you sure you want to go out wearing a skirt?” Heather asked, concerned. She was worried that Erinna might be pushing herself too hard.
Erinna just nodded, making Heather a bit confused about how Erinna was so confident wearing a skirt right after the shocking news. She had bought a few pairs of skinny jeans for this specific reason.
“I wanted to get used to wearing a skirt before I had to wear it at school, mommy,” Erinna explained, making Heather smile a bit. As always, Erinna thought two steps ahead of everyone else.
“That’s so smart of you, honey. Why don’t you go downstairs? Your favourite show is about to start,” Heather said, reminding Erinna of her favourite show. It was a mecha anime that George used to watch when he was younger and passed the habit down to Erinna.
Erinna immediately wiggled out of her daddy’s arms and ran out of the room. “No running on the stairs,” Heather reminded. She felt satisfied when she heard her footsteps slow down as Erinna walked down the stairs.
“Come here, Nancy. I need your help for a bit,” Heather said as she pointed to the walk-in closet. Nancy looked confused but followed Heather inside her walk-in closet anyway. Inside, Heather walked to the far end of the closet, where she had stored a lot of clothes. They were all cute but weren’t in Heather’s size, looking suitable for a teen girl. If Nancy didn’t know better, she would say that Heather saved these clothes for Erinna.
“All these cute clothes are for who?” Nancy asked the question she had in her mind. There were many dresses, skirts, blouses, and various tops. There were also matching shoes to fit each outfit in the collection.
“Well, I was saving these clothes for my daughter if I ever had one. I almost gave up and thought of giving them all to charity, but now, I have a daughter to give them to,” Heather smiled as she said that.
She knew that once Erinna accepted her new gender, she would be able to do everything she had always wanted to do with her daughter. For now, she needed to be careful, though. Taking things too fast could overwhelm and hurt Erinna, which was something she never wanted to do.
“Is it always the same thing for TSS girls like us? Once our transformation starts, all these old clothes hidden away came to light,” Nancy explained, musing at how her mom had been hiding all her old clothes for her daughter. Carla had also told Nancy the same thing had happened to her.
“What do you mean? TSS girls like us?” Heather asked, utterly oblivious to Nancy’s secret. She also couldn’t even imagine that such a pretty girl like Nancy used to be a boy. Heather would have never expected this to be true in her wildest imagination. After all, she only knew Nancy as a pretty girly and sporty girl. She barely saw Nancy wearing pants or shorts. Most of her clothes were skirts and dresses.
Nancy just smirked, knowing that Heather would not believe her at all.
“I am just like Erinna. I was born a boy. My body started to change into a girl’s body when I was 11, but we only knew for sure when I was 12, and I was diagnosed with TSS,” explained Nancy.
Heather’s jaw dropped; she couldn’t believe it. Not just one pretty girl, but now she knew two others that turned out to be born boys. She was beginning to understand how strangers looked at Erinna. There was no way anyone would believe that Erinna was a boy or even used to be a boy.
“I don’t know what to say, to think that I never knew you or Carla were boys. You both look so stunningly beautiful that I would never think you were born boys,” Heather shockingly explained. She now knew why Nancy understood how to keep Erinna at ease, she had been there before, and God knows what she had gone through.
“We need to find a purse that fits Erinna’s outfit. We have a surprise prepared for her, with everything that happened. However, we couldn’t just show her the surprise,” Heather announced, pulling a large box down from one of the shelves. Inside that box was a neatly arranged treasure trove of purses.
“Now, since you chose her outfit, I think it’s only fair that you choose her purse,” Heather said, beaming widely while handing the box to Nancy.
It didn’t take Nancy long to start searching through the box. She slowly examined every purse, noticing many of them were not cheap at all.
Heather’s parents were not wealthy but rich enough to get their daughters what they needed. Add to it Heather’s and her sisters’ careers as models. They received many expensive clothes as gifts. Most were high quality, and some were expensive designer dresses, even by today’s standards.
Running through the box, Nancy finally found what she wanted. A brown leather clutch with thin shoulder straps. She knew it would look cute with Erinna’s outfit and match her brown boots.“That one,” Nancy beamed, holding the brown clutch for Heather to see. She knew that it would work perfectly well with Erinna’s outfit.
“Good choice, I don’t think it would fit with any of her coats, but I have just the right thing,” Heather said, walking to the hanging clothes again. In a matter of seconds, Heather returned with a brown wool coat that would be Erinna’s size. “This used to be one of my favourites when I was Erinna’s age,” Heather said with a smile, and a tear left her eye. She was happy beyond belief. “Now it’s time to hand it over to my daughter.”
“So, you were the same size as Erinna when you were 10?” Nancy inquired. She wondered how she had never seen it all this time. Erinna looked identical to her mom. While Nancy’s mom was not a football player, she was an athletic woman who was a star gymnast, and it’s clear where Nancy got her flexibility.
“I will be honest; Erinna is an inch taller than I was at 10,” Heather joked, making Nancy giggle a bit. “I can’t thank you enough, sweetheart. You being here for Erinna means a lot to her. She adores you.” Heather knew how much Erinna loved and adored Nancy. Also, Nancy loved Erinna as if she was her sister. They were now inseparable.
“I will do anything for my little sister. I am with her till the end. From my experience, I know she will go through some hard times, and I will do my best to support her,” Nancy stated with an air of confidence that she would never leave Erinna’s side. Especially at times like these when Erinna needed all the support, she could get.
“Still, thank you, sweetheart,” Heather said, walking to hug Nancy again. “Would you mind helping me pick a couple of outfits for Erinna from here? I would appreciate it.” Hearing this, Nancy smiled excitedly, and she didn’t need to answer because Heather’s question was rhetorical, and she already knew Nancy’s answer.
Downstairs Erinna sat down on the couch watching anime. Even with the tights on, she still felt a bit exposed. She didn’t like that feeling and started to think about what to do for a moment. That’s when it hit her. There was a reason why all girls sat down with their legs close together, crossing their ankles.
Bringing her knees together, Erinna felt unnatural and weird. If she wore skirts and dresses, which was inevitable, she would have to get used to this alien feeling. After all, Erinna will have to wear a skirt to school as part of her uniform. In the summer, she will have to wear the black short sleeve dress as the uniform. She feared tights would still be part of the uniform, but they won’t help that much.
While sitting there, she didn’t hear George walking up to her from behind. “Are you still watching this?” George said, startling Erinna and making her jump from her place as George laughed a bit.
“Not funny,” Erinna pouted, sticking her tongue out to George, who laughed even more, and Erinna joined in the laughter. “Just so you know, this is a new season,” Erinna announced as George looked at her, a little surprised.
“Really? I had been watching that series and waiting for at least eight years for a new season until I finally gave up, and only now they made a new season?” George exclaimed, shaking his head in disbelief, making Erinna giggle. “Anyway, would you mind if I sat down and watched it with you?” George said, already moving to sit down on the sofa. Erinna sat back down beside him.
“So, how are you feeling right now?” George asked, stroking Erinna’s hair softly. She couldn’t help but snuggle closer to George, as he was great at making her feel comfortable.
“Weird, I always thought I was a boy until today. Now I know I’m not a boy,” Erinna said, shaking a bit. She still hadn’t come to terms with being a girl. “Do you think that becoming a girl will make me like boys when I grow up, or will I like girls?”
George looked at Erinna, sliding his arm around her to calm her shaking body. “Well, one thing is for sure, you won’t ever have a boyfriend,” George said confidently. Erinna looked up at him, wondering where George had gained all his confidence.
“And why is that?” Erinna inquired, looking at George for an answer. It was weird that he gave her an answer immediately, without even thinking.
“Because I will chase them all away,” George said, puffing his chest a bit.
“That’s not fair,” Erinna exclaimed, a bit amused. George had a great sense of humor, and Erinna loved it.
“Big brothers are not fair,” George replied. Erinna and George stayed silent for a while before they burst out laughing.
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Sad part is,
she thinks he is joking.