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Chapter 27
An original story by Lajien
Edited by Julia Miller
The alarm started in Heather and Jeff’s bedroom. Heather immediately reached to shut off the digital clock. She sat up in her bed, stretching her arm.
“Good morning, beautiful,” Jeff greeted as he sat up on the bed.
“We have been married for 16 years, and still, the first thing you do in the morning is flirt?” Heather joked with a smirk. She was lucky to have a man like Jeff as her husband. He wasted no effort in protecting her and their kids. He was a real man who had never looked at women other than her sexually since their marriage. And she made sure he would never need to.
“Why not? If I have the most beautiful woman in the world, why can’t I flirt?” Jeff replied before getting closer to kiss Heather. They were immediately locked in a passionate kiss.
After a moment or something, Heather pulled away. “If we continue, I will want more, and we don’t have time for that,” Heather admitted making Jeff smirk. She left the bed, putting on her robe before walking out of the room.
First, she walked into Erinna’s room. And sure enough, Rex was already up demanding attention from her. Heather quickly patted his head before turning to Erinna. She didn’t want to pressure her daughter, but Erinna was not looking her best yesterday. Heather always paid attention to all the details in her kids’ life. She could tell after Rin returned from the bathroom yesterday that she looked distraught but hadn’t said anything.
Heather walked over to Erinna before kissing her cheek. “Time to wake up, princess.” Heather watched as Erinna’s beautiful eyes started to open. “There, you with those beautiful eyes, now get up. I know you wanted to go back to school. I am sure you don’t want to be late.”
Erinna sat on her bed, stretching her arms, while Heather walked into her closet. Only a second later, she returned, holding Erinna’s blouse, blazer jacket with a black pinafore dress, and a skirt Erinna could choose. Heather was dying to see Erinna in the girls’ uniform, but she didn’t want to push her into anything. To be honest, Heather was excited.
“Which one would you like more?” Heather asked, showing Erinna both the pinafore dress and the skirt.
It only took Erinna a couple of seconds to decide. “I will wear the pinafore dress, mommy,” Erinna said, pointing to the black pinafore dress. She didn’t mind the school’s skirt, but she preferred the pinafore dress, feeling the skirt was too long and didn’t look good with the uniform.
“Alright, go take a shower and get changed. I will take Rex with me so that he won’t distract you,” Heather stated, making Erinna giggle.
The moment Heather closed the door behind her, Erinna left the bed. She made her bed before walking to the bathroom to shower. Meanwhile, Heather walked to George’s bedroom to find him asleep.
“George, time to wake up,” Heather shook him. He still didn’t wake up after two more attempts. She knew he had been staying late yesterday chatting with Nancy. Seeing that George was not waking up, Heather decided on a new method. She placed Rex on George’s bed, and he immediately started licking George.
After a moment passed, George groaned, sitting up on his bed. Looking beside him, George saw Rex wiggling his tail happily. “You little devil, how did you get here?”
“I brought him here to wake you up,” Heather chuckled. “Now get up. You don’t want to be late for school.” With that, Heather left George’s room.
She walked to Alex’s room to wake him up. They were going to get him to take some entrance exams and buy him his uniform. Heather was sure that he could pass those exams with his eyes closed.
Erinna made her way out of the shower in her bra and panties. She wasted no time brushing her hair and then getting dressed. First, she slid her legs into a pair of white tights, then put on her white blouse, followed by the pinafore dress. Erinna tied the red ribbon around the collar of her blouse. Erinna slid her feet into the two-inch Maryjane heels and buckled the straps. Finally, Erinna put on her blazer before grabbing her bag and flute case.
Erinna walked downstairs, going directly to the kitchen. She found Jeff drinking his morning coffee and reading the news, dressed in his suit and, as always, no tie. Heather was wearing a white skirt suit with white pantyhose and cream-colored heels. Erinna couldn’t help but admire Heather and be thankful she had such a great mom.
“Good morning, daddy,” Erinna greeted Jeff with a kiss on his cheek. Jeff replied by kissing her on the forehead. Erinna then walled to Heather, greeting her with a kiss on her cheek. “Can I help you, mommy?” Erinna asked as Heather was making breakfast.
“Thank you, sweetheart. Take your seat. Breakfast is almost ready.” Heather replied, earning a smile from Erinna as she took her seat at the table. “The girls have been asking if you can join the senior cheer squad. I told the squad that you could join if you wanted to. There will also be a junior cheerleading squad soon. You can join the junior squad instead if you prefer.”
Heather was hoping to see her daughter join either cheerleading squad. She knew that Erinna would enjoy it, and she would also ace it. However, Heather didn’t want to push her daughter into something. She preferred to leave this choice to her daughter.
After Erinna became a girl, she started to view things from a different perspective. Erinna was not sure if she wanted to become a cheerleader. She had never really thought about it before. So, Erinna decided to mull it over, then reply later. Soon, Alex and George made their way down to eat breakfast.
Once breakfast was over, Erinna put on her long blue wool coat. She left the house, and everyone else followed her. Jeff went to his car while everyone else walked over to Heather’s car.
“Sorry kids, I have to be in the court early tomorrow so that Carol will take you to school, alright?” Heather informed them. She knew they wouldn’t have a problem going to school with the Collins. Instead, she knew they would like it.
Lynn stopped her car in front of the school and turned around to look at Maria. She was surprised that Maria insisted on having the same hairstyle as Erinna. “Alright, sweetie, here we are,” Lynn said.
Maria reached to kiss her mom. She then turned and kissed her brother Frank on his cheek. She then opened the door.
“What about me?” Joe complained, making Lynn laugh. She knew how much the boys treasured their sister. So much that they would do anything for her; Maria attended the same school as them, and no one dared to mess with her.
“No, because you’re a meanie,” Maria stuck her tongue out before opening the car’s door. She walked out of the car and walked into the school building.
She walked directly to her locker, where she found a flower bouquet and a box of chocolate inside. She couldn’t help but giggle, knowing that Frank and Joe would not like this. They would probably scare all the boys away before they even talked to her.
Suddenly Maria was startled by someone blowing into her ear. Almost immediately, her hand struck someone’s face. The slap was so hard that it echoed in the hallway. As Maria turned around, she saw Dakota holding his red cheek. “DAKOTA! I am so sorry. I was surprised I didn’t mean to hit you,” Maria apologized. She studied Dakota for a second and realized for the first time that Dakota looked rather handsome. It caused a tingling feeling in her abdomen, a feeling she didn’t quite understand.
“It’s ok. It’s my fault. I thought you were Erinna. I always play this prank on her,” Dakota rubbed his cheek. It hurt. Maria sure has one hell of a slap.
“How did you know it was me and not Rin?” How did Dakota know if even their brother couldn’t tell the difference between them? Even George, Frank, and Joe don’t know. Maria wondered.
Looking at Maria, Dakota could tell that something was different about her. She and Erinna looked the same, but something was different about her. What was it he didn’t know? Immediately Dakota started laughing, not sure how to explain this to Maria. “Well, Rin would probably have kicked me, not just a slap,” Dakota explained, laughing again, followed by Maria. “I didn’t know you would be attending this school. Great. Now I have to be careful of who’s coming my way. A kick and a slap are two different things,” Dakota joked, making Maria giggle.
“Mommy and daddy decided it would be best to attend this school. They say that the school has a good swimming team. I already made it to the team,” Maria explained, and Dakota smiled at her.
Erinna made her way out of the car. She immediately spotted Oliver, who stood waiting for her. Beside him were Nancy and Brandi. Brandi was wearing the same uniform with a pencil skirt. The only difference was her red ribbon and Nancy’s blue ribbon.
Erinna excitedly waved to them, although she had directed her wave at Oliver more than anyone else. She walked over to them and hugged Nancy and Brandi but then paused in front of Oliver, unsure what to do.
Oliver didn’t wait as he kissed her cheek, making her blush. She was surprised. Erinna never expected Oliver to make a move and kiss her. She liked it, though. As much as Erinna enjoyed the shy Oliver, she liked his new daring side.
Before she knew it, Oliver was holding her hand and was about to lead her inside the school. But George’s cough stopped Oliver. “Are you trying to steal my sister?” George joked, making Oliver gulp while Erinna glared at him. George just smiled and walked up to them. “I don’t mind your relationship, but tone it down a bit. We are entering school after all, alright, bud?” George explained, batting Oliver’s back gently.
Oliver smiled and nodded, hesitantly letting go of Erinna’s hand, making her pout in disappointment. George was right; this was not the right place to show their feelings for each other.
“You two can go in. We will help Brandi get her schedule, then show her to her class,” George announced and watched as Oliver and Erinna walked away. George shook his head, feeling that these two were some real trouble.
Oliver walked alongside Erinna until they reached their lockers. “Be on the watch for Dakota. I don’t want to kick my friend’s ass,” Erinna exclaimed, making Oliver laugh. The laughter soon turned into a frown once Erinna opened her locker, and three flower bouquets with three chocolate boxes fell out of the locker. Each one had a name on it, and as Erinna went to pick them up, she recognized one name from the sixth grade. The other two names were from boys in the seventh grade.
Oliver frowned with jealousy. He never thought about leaving flowers for Erinna in her locker. Oliver planned to give them to her during the first break. He watched as Erinna put the gifts back in the locker, along with her coat and flute case. They walked together to their class, where a surprise met Erinna.
At one of the desks, Maria sat down, chatting with two girls from the class. Erinna was surprised but was happy. She turned to see Oliver, who smiled knowingly. “You knew?” Erinna inquired, to which Oliver nodded. “Why didn’t you tell me?” Erinna exclaimed, jabbing with her finger.
“Maria asked me not to tell you,” Oliver smiled, watching Erinna shake her head. Maria made him swear not to tell Erinna since she wanted to surprise her.
Erinna walked to Maria and tapped her on the shoulder. When Maria turned her head, she saw Erinna with her arms folded over her chest. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Do you know each other?” One of the girls Maria was talking with asked. Her name was Elizabeth, and she had her dad’s dark skin but her mom’s green eyes. She was also Kailey and Jacob’s little sister, with Kailey being a cheerleader and Jacob being a football player.
While Maria knew her as a girl, she didn’t know she was formerly a boy. His name was originally Ethan. Like Stacy, Elizabeth was shy and kept to herself as a boy. She had average grades for a student in this school. She was, however, a chemistry demon, as Erinna called her.
“Know each other? We’re cousins,” Erinna started.
“No, more like twin sisters,” Maria added.
“Only I am two days older,” Erinna announced, giggling and making Maria stick her tongue out. “Why didn’t you tell me you will attend our school?”
“I wanted it to be a surprise,” Maria confessed.
As everyone settled down, Erinna waited for the rest of her friends. It was Shelby and Hazel who came first, and then Stacy.
“You girls are not late,” Ms. Mackenzie exclaimed in surprise when she saw Shelby and Hazel on time. She looked at her class, noticing the changes that had occurred. “I am happy to see some absent students have now returned. Since the whole class is here, I would like to introduce a new student to this class. Miss Norman, could you please stand up and introduce yourself,” Ms. Mackenzie instructed.
Maria stood up and introduced herself. She smirked as she caught most of the boys in class observing her, except Oliver, whose heart already belonged to someone. Of all the boys, Maria only paid attention to Dakota. He seems more mature than most of them, and Dakota is also quite handsome, considering he’s only 10.
After Maria introduced herself, Ms. Mackenzie started talking again. “Alright, kids, we will have an assembly in the Auditorium today. After I take the attendance, we will all go there.”
Ms. Mackenzie quickly finished the attendance and led the students to the Auditorium. The Auditorium was large enough so the whole school, teachers and students from all years, and all classes could attend.
The students quieted down when the vice-principal, Ms. Owen, walked onto the stage. She was relatively young, only 27 years old. She always wore formal business outfits and wanted to be an excellent example for the girls in the school.
“Good morning, students and teachers. I hope you’re all doing well today. I won’t take much of your time, so that I will get straight to the point. First, we are starting two new classes, archeology, and ancient languages. Please welcome Ms. Houston, who will be teaching archeology and ancient language as well as history for fifth grade,” Ms. Owen announced.
Erinna watched as none other than her aunt Maddison walked up to the stage, shaking hands with the vice principal. Erinna immediately looked at George sitting in the row next to her. He shrugged his shoulders, showing that he knew nothing about it.
“Good morning, everyone. My name is Maddison Houston. I am 28 and have been working as an archaeologist for six years. The school offered me this position, and I want to make the best of it by filling your minds with new and fascinating information. Except for fifth-grade history, my classes are electives you don’t have to take, but I wish all of you would take my class. That’s all, thank you.” With that aunt, Maddison left the stage and took her seat.
“That’s your aunt, right?” Dakota inquired. He was probably the only one who saw Erinna’s aunts as she was always away in some country searching for ancient monuments and artifacts. She would only come to visit her family once every year before leaving again.
“Yes, it’s my aunt.” This day was full of surprises, and no one seemed to tell her about anything. “She didn’t tell me she would be a teacher here,” Erinna admitted.
After aunt Maddison left the stage, the vice principal walked to the stage again. “Now for the second announcement today. As you all know, we believe that our students can make their own decisions, so we held an election for the student council president positions. Unfortunately, we had to delay the results because someone didn’t believe they deserved that position. It took some time convincing her,” the vice-principal announced, making Erinna blush a bit.
“I will be calling the name of the student council President and the student council members for high school, then middle school, and finally, grade school,” the vice principal said before starting to call the presidents’ names and then the student council members. She finally reached grade school.
“Now, this is a special case, and it never happened before in the seven years this school was operating. For the first time, the grade school students elected a student from the fifth grade as the student council president. She’s an exceptional young lady who is almost impossible to overlook. Miss Erinna Clover Houston, please come up to the stage.”
Erinna blushed as a round of clapping started around the hall. She left her seat and stood up, walking towards the stage. She was always getting a lot of attention as a boy, but it seemed she was getting even more attention as a girl.
Erinna walked onto the stage before shaking hands with the vice principal, who attached a badge to her blazer jacket. The badge was red, and her name was written on it with the word Miss President before her name.
The vice principal then started introducing the members of the student council that would be working with Erinna. All of them were from grade 6, with two boys and three girls. One boy was particularly interested in Erinna. He was the one that had placed the flowers and chocolates in her locker.
The boy’s actions didn’t go unnoticed by George. Even from his seat, he saw the boy trying to flirt with his sister. Erinna didn’t pay attention to him for one of two reasons, whether the boy was an idiot and Erinna decided not to pay attention to him, or his sister didn’t know he was trying to flirt with her. George guessed it was both.
George leaned over to Nancy and whispered, “I don’t like that boy over there.” George then pointed to the boy who was trying to flirt with Erinna.
Seeing this, Nancy tried her best to hold a giggle. George was indeed a protective big brother. The boy was just unlucky to pick the wrong girl to try to hit on. “Just don’t kill him, please?” Nancy joked.
“I can’t promise you anything,” George replied, shaking his head. The boy had better stay away from his sister, or George would deal with him. George will make sure of it.
Erinna sat in her seat as the class waited for the teacher. She’s supposed to have a history class. Erinna didn’t know how to feel about having her aunt as a teacher. Why did her aunt have to teach history for fifth grade only?
“Good morning, class,” Maddison Houston greeted, walking into the classroom. She put her mini laptop on the desk before continuing to the class’s sound system. She then disconnected the computer in the class. “Phew, how old are these computers? 2050?” Maddison joked, causing the whole class to start laughing.
Maddison then faced the class, examining the students for a second. She rolled her eyes when she saw Maria and Erinna sitting beside each other. Separating them was not a good idea. They performed much better together. They are going to be a handful to deal with in class. “So, as I said in the assembly, my full name is Maddison Crystal Houston, I volunteered to take this position since Mrs. Clarkson is sick, and I am sure Ms. Owen doesn’t like teaching history that much. I came to the rescue. Now any questions?”
Elizabeth raised her hand, and Maddison nodded to her. “Is Erinna your little sister?” Elizabeth asked. She couldn’t tell how old Maddison was, but she seemed young. Younger than most of the teachers here, at least, so Elizabeth could only guess she was Erinna’s older sister even though she had never heard of Erinna having an older sister. They shared the last name, so it made sense to her
Maddison couldn’t help but laugh. It was funny that someone would think she was Erinna’s big sister. Maddison was 27 years old, after all. She loved being an archaeologist but resigned because she wanted to settle down and have a family before it was too late. “No, I am not Erinna’s sister. However, she is my niece. I picked this class not because of her being my niece but because I wanted to teach history for fifth grade because no one else was going to do it,” Maddison explained. Teaching her niece was a plus, but she wanted to teach history.
“Any other questions?” Maddison looked around the class, but no one else had a question. “Alright now, I will ask you a question, who here thinks that history is interesting?” Maddison looked around the class and saw only one hand raised: Stacy’s hand. “Ok, who thinks that history is boring?” This time everyone else in the class raised their hands. Even Erinna and Maria, even though they like history, just did it to tease Maddison.
Maddison glared at Erinna and Maria, who tried to hold their giggles. “Well, I expected that. Anyway, it’s my job to make history exciting.”
With that, Maddison started her class, and the whole class was captivated by her storytelling ability. The entire class was full of laughter as Maddison cracked jokes about historical events and characters. It lasted until there was a knocking on the classroom door.
Looking a bit confused, Maddison walked to the door and opened it. Behind the door was a teacher holding two bags full of flower bouquets and chocolate boxes. She looked tired. “Are Ms. Norman and Ms. Houston here?” the teacher asked.
“Yes, is there a problem?”
“No, please give them these bags. I still have to return with more to deliver.” With that, she handed the two full bags to Maddison and walked away, grumbling about having to do this every year. Maddison couldn’t help but smirk as she saw the contents of the bags. These two girls were real trouble.
Maddison closed the classroom door and turned to face Erinna and Maria. She handed each of them their bag with a wink. “Your brothers and daddies will not be happy about this,” Maddison teased, making them blush. “Alright, everyone, let’s get back to class.”
Maddison had just ended the class, and the whole class was around Erinna and Maria, curious about how many flowers and chocolate they got. Both Oliver and Dakota were unhappy, though. They knew their flowers were in there, but still, they were among many more. They have a lot of competition, that’s for sure.
It was lunch break while Erinna was walking to the bathroom. Her friends were already waiting for her in the cafeteria, but she had to change her pad quickly. Someone suddenly pulled Erinna into one of the storage rooms. She shrieked, but something was shoved in her mouth and gagged her. It was a mouth gag as they tightened straps around the back of her head.
The attackers quickly pulled Erinna’s hands behind her as they tied them up with a rope. A rope passed under the skirt of her pinafore dress. They tied the rope around her crotch, which was very uncomfortable as the rough rope rubbed against her tights very rudely. As they tightened the ropes, Erinna couldn’t help but let out a muffled scream from pain. It felt as if the ropes were about to cut her in half.
Erinna didn’t know who was holding her, as she couldn’t see their faces in the dark. Someone moved to tie her ankles when the door suddenly crashed open. On the other side of the door stood George wearing an angry expression.
“Leave my sister alone, you fuckers!” Before George finished his sentence, he had launched himself at the grade 12 boy holding Erinna, striking him several times in his face. Oscar followed George in and punched the other boy to the ground as he attempted to help his friend remove George. The last person to enter the room was Nancy, who immediately rushed to Erinna and began to untie the ropes.
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Attempted kidnapping is
Attempted kidnapping is unusual for an American highschool.
I wouldn't call it a kidnapping
It was more of an assault on Erinna. Thankfully, other students noticed, with George and Oscar (of all people) leading the charge.
Just discovered this tale
Looks interesting, I'm going to have to catch up.
This story is almost finished
It will go to chapter 30. Lajien is working on book 2, but it will take some time.
Seems to me
The stuff has done hit the fan. What were they thinking!?
Stupid boys following stupid promises.
They wouldn't just do that because they felt like it. Someone is behind it.
What was that?
Grade 12 boys??? Did they lose their minds or were they just tired of attending school. Great chapter Lajien! This is a very good story. I must have missed it but what year is it? Maddison references 2050 as old. :D
Thanks for the comment.
About the boys, they were promised something in exchange.
As for the year, I will leave it to your imagination.