Chapter 26
An original story by Lajien
Edited by Julia Miller
It was mid-afternoon when Alex woke up. He rubbed his eyes as he sat on the bed. Alex slowly left the bed, surprised that he didn’t take off these clothes. Alex didn’t understand why but he didn’t feel like taking them off.
Alex left the bed finding the shoes he was wearing beside the bed. He was a bit confused, but he didn’t put them on. Instead, Alex reached for one of his high tops. For some reason, he didn’t want to take the skirt or the tights off. He still didn’t understand his sudden liking for these clothes.
Alex felt the need to go to the bathroom since his stomach didn’t feel good after today’s events. He walked down the hallway and entered the bathroom.
Downstairs, George and Erinna were in the backyard playing with Rex. George wore his new school’s team sweater over his shirt and slacks. He had taken off his necktie the moment he walked into the house.
George threw the frisbee to Erinna while Rex chased after it. Erinna would then throw it back, and Rex again chased after it.
“You won’t be able to play this game with him when he grows up,” Jeff commented with a chuckle seeing the puppy jump, attempting to catch the frisbee, but he still wasn’t tall enough. Jeff could imagine Rex wouldn’t even have to jump in two months to get the frisbee.
“That’s why we are doing it now,” Erinna giggled. It was fun playing with Rex; they didn’t regret having him. He’s also great as an alarm for Erinna.
“So, are you ready for tomorrow?” George asked, throwing the frisbee back to Erinna. She may not know it yet, but she’s famous in school now. After she demanded the election to be made again, not wanting to be the student council president till grade 7, she only ended up with more votes.
She’s also known for being an official team manager, and the whole school knows that messing with her is not a good idea. Breaking International swimming records also didn’t make her less famous; if anything, it earned her a nickname.
“What do you mean?” In confusion, Erinna tilted her head to the side, throwing the frisbee back to George.
“I am sure all boys will be bringing you flowers tomorrow since it’s Valentine’s Day,” George teased, causing Erinna to blush and stick her tongue out at him. George couldn’t help but laugh, it made his duty of keeping boys away more challenging now, but he didn’t mind.
“Hey, she’s MY baby girl. She doesn’t belong to other boys,” Jeff joined the joke making Erinna blush even more.
“Daddy!” Erinna whined, stomping her feet on the ground in protest. Erinna missed the frisbee as Rex ran to it, catching it in his mouth and then making a run before George could stop him.
Being daddy’s girl had its ups and downs, but Jeff spoils her and shows her affection and care more openly. Erinna didn’t like this double standard, but dad made the rules. She knew he never did this to her when she was Ryan because it would embarrass a boy her age. But with a girl, it was no problem at all.
The downside, however, is that Jeff had become very overprotective of her. Both he and George took it as their responsibility to keep all boys from her. While George favored Oliver, he didn’t mind Oliver being close to Erinna. But Jeff observed them closely every time Oliver got near his daughter.
Alex had just left the bathroom upstairs, still feeling a bit sick in his stomach. That’s when he saw Heather, and she spotted him simultaneously. Alex saw her look him up and down once, seeing him in the same clothes the principal forced him to wear at school.
“I am sorry, mom, I will change right now,” Alex apologized, thinking he was in trouble. Before Alex could go anywhere, he found himself in Heather’s arms as she rubbed the back of his head.
“You’re not in any trouble. We can talk about this if you want,” Heather whispered gently. She was afraid that this vile woman made Alex think he had to wear this or she would punish him. She had opposed women like her in courts before. Due to TSS, the population of males is declining; all they want to do is feminize them.
Seeing Alex nodding, Heather pulled him gently to his room. The moment they were in the room, Heather walked into his closet and returned with a white undershirt tank top and one of Alex’s long-sleeve T-shirts. She knew this training bra must be very uncomfortable by now. Heather walked out of Alex’s closet and saw him sitting nervously at his desk. She walked over to him with a reassuring smile.
“I am sure you want to take off this training bra, right?” Heather suggested, and Alex nodded shyly.
The training bra was uncomfortable, and the straps dug into his skin. It was also very itchy, and the padded cups gave the illusion that he had small breasts.
“Ok, let me help you out of this bra.” With that, Alex took off his T-shirt, allowing Heather to help him with the training bra. Upon seeing the training bra, Heather shook her head. It was far too tight, and the bra was cheaply made.
“I would never buy something this bad and cheap for Rin. What a cruel woman,” Heather stated before helping Alex out of the bra. She could already see the marks the bra had left on his skin.
Alex put on his undershirt, tank top, and then his T-shirt. The excellent cotton felt good on his skin, unlike the training bra’s cheap materials. He felt comfortable again as the undershirt didn’t dig into his skin as the bra did.
“Alex, I want you to understand something. Yes, it would be best if you hadn’t hit that boy, but I am sure detention would have been more than enough. That principal had no right to do what she did, and the other boy should be punished too. Now I want to know if you’re wearing these clothes because you were too tired to change them or do you like them? Do you think that woman is right? Because I am not carrying on her punishment,” Heather inquired while at the same time explaining to Alex what she believed.
“I don’t like them… well, not all of them. The tights feel nice, and so does the skirt, but it’s too short. I might like it if it was a bit longer, but I like the tights. The panties also feel nice, but they are too tight. I don’t like them.” Alex explained, blushing hard. He couldn’t believe what he was saying, but he couldn’t deny it.
“I see. Would you like me to buy you some tights and maybe some longer skirts? I am sure I can get your size,” Heather explained as Alex blushed again. Heather only cared that no one forced Alex into dressing like this. She knew that men’s clothing norms were changing. It’s not weird to see boys wearing skirts and tights anymore, it’s more of a new fashion trend.
Alex looked down shyly for a second before he looked and nodded. He was still a bit reluctant about this, but he was not worried if Heather stood beside him. She had always been there for him. He felt he owed her a lot and could never repay her or uncle Jeff.
“Mom, do I have to change?” Alex asked a bit hesitantly.
“If you want to stay in the skirt, I don’t see a problem. Just let me tell your uncle Jeff first, ok?” Heather suggested smiling when she saw Alex nodding.
Heather left Alex’s room, and he immediately heard his phone buzzing. He looked at his phone and saw a message from one of his friends Andrei. “You’re lucky you got out.”
As he read the message, Alex was confused and sent two question marks. The answer came immediately with a picture and under it another message. “Our new boy’s uniform.”
The picture showed a skirt like the one he was wearing, a pink polo shirt, white tights, and a pair of Maryjane with chunky three inches heels. There was also a pair of panties like the one he has now and a training bra. “WDYM?” Alex replied in confusion. There’s no way the school would try to do this to all the students.
“We must wear this uniform to school starting tomorrow, even the underwear. Mom says to suck it up,” Andrei sent back. Alex immediately felt terrible for his friends. Andrei was attending the school with a scholarship, and his mom couldn’t afford to send him to another private school.
It didn’t help that Andrei had three older sisters, and he wasn’t a priority, often wearing hand-me-down girls’ clothes that his sisters grew out of and no longer needed. Alex knew Andrei thought he was positive for TSS, even though he wasn’t sure that he wanted to become a girl, but the results hadn’t yet arrived.
At the Collins house, Oliver sat at his desk doing his homework. As always, he hadn’t bothered to change out of his uniform yet. Oliver was doing his law homework and was struggling with it. He didn’t get it. How could Rin finish it in five minutes or less? He always thought about Rin. She occupied his mind all the time.
Thinking about Rin, Oliver suddenly remembered that tomorrow was Valentine’s day. He immediately rushed downstairs to look for Carol. He found her in the living room with Brandi and Nancy, and they were discussing something while looking at a picture of a dress.
“Well, Nancy, if you’re sure she will like this dress, then let’s get it, but doesn’t she already have a big collection? Would another dress be what she wants?” Carol inquired, looking at a baby blue mid-length dress with three-quarter sleeves. The skirt looked simple but still looked beautiful.
“Come on, mom, this is Rin. She knew Erinna very well, probably better than anyone. She didn’t like flashy clothes, and she didn’t feel comfortable in them. “Besides, that dress is exactly what she likes, nothing flashy,” Nancy explained, very confident about her choice. “Rin would always be happy to get a new dress.”
Hearing them talk about Erinna, Oliver started to get curious, although he didn’t want to interrupt their conversation. Oliver did see the dress and wanted to see Erinna in that dress since she would look cute in almost anything. If only he could muster the courage to ask her out.
Oliver, however, was scared of Jeff. Although he was friendly, he didn’t seem to appreciate the idea of a boy getting too close to his daughter. Jeff’s attitude hurt Oliver as he had been best friends with Erinna since he met her as Ryan. Why were things so different now?
“Mom, I need to buy flowers and chocolate for tomorrow.” Oliver inquired, looking at Carol with puppy begging eyes.
“Awwww, little Oli wants to give his girlfriend flowers,” Nancy teased, making Oliver blush. She always enjoys teasing these two, and they look cute when blushing like that. Besides, it’s her job as an older sister.
“Stop teasing your brother,” Carol scolded while Nancy just shrugged. Carol then turned to Oliver and smiled. “I am sure we can. I know just the place. We can go after you finish your homework,” Carol explained, making Oliver hug her.
Heather walked downstairs; the talk with Alex was successful. She was able to get to the bottom of the problem almost immediately. Walking into the living room, Heather saw Jeff flipping through the channels on the TV. “Jeff, where’s Rin?”
“In the backyard playing with Rex,” Jeff explained, turning to look at Heather. “Did you check on Alex?”
“I did. We had a pretty good talk. Alex is in his room if you want to talk to him. Anyway, I am taking the cheerleaders’ squad shopping. We will meet them in the mall. I am going to take Rin with me,” Heather explained. Since the school never had a cheerleading squad, they had no cheer coach, so they decided to ask for Heather’s help until they could get another coach.
“Did you say shopping?” Erinna squealed, entering through the backdoor and into the living room. “Are we going shopping?” Erinna asked excitedly.
Heather couldn’t help but chuckle. She still can’t believe that she has a daughter. As Ryan, her daughter didn’t hate shopping but tried to avoid it. The way she would always look, longing for girls’ clothes in general and dresses in particular. It felt like she was trying to prevent a compulsion. It enforced her idea of why her daughter embraced her femininity almost immediately.
“Heather, what have you done to my daughter?” Jeff joked. He must admit that he had difficulty dealing with having a daughter. Not that Jeff hated it or anything since it was fantastic having a daughter. The only problem was he felt he was taking a crash course on how to treat his daughter. Jeff wanted to protect her but didn’t want to restrict her freedom. It was sudden for Jeff, his former son was now his daughter, and he was still learning how to treat her.
“Who? Me? I haven’t done anything.” Heather answered, giving Jeff an innocent look. “That just proves that she’s my daughter,” Heather added, making Erinna giggle.
Jeff shook his head, leaving his seat, and hugged Erinna before kissing her forehead. “Have fun, Princess, and show me what you bought, ok?” Jeff said as Erinna nodded.
Erinna walked alongside Heather as they entered the mall and headed directly to the agreed store. In front of the store stood 13 girls chatting and pointing at clothes. Heather walked to them with Erinna beside her feeling a bit nervous. “Hello, girls,” Heather greeted the girls, who welcomed her back.
“Look who’s here, the star of our school,” one of the girls joked, making Erinna blush a bit. She was a tall girl with olive skin and green eyes. Her name was Kailey, and she was one of the friendliest girls in the group, so Erinna took her words as a compliment.
“Erinna teaches the boys a lesson. Even some girls can do better at sports,” another girl adds.
Heather smiled, shaking her head. Her daughter was something else. “Well, not every girl can be like Rin and Nancy. Shall we start with our shopping?” Heather suggested as she walked with the girls to their first shop.
Immediately, the girls directed their attention toward Erinna. All girls had her try things on again and again. Seeing how cute it was, Heather’s watchful eyes were there the whole time. The girls can wear very revealing clothes if they want to, but that’s not a choice she would like to see her daughter making.
In the cheer squad, there was one girl who didn’t seem to enjoy Erinna’s presence, and her name was Marissa. She was a 15-year-old girl with black hair and grey eyes. Marissa always wanted to be the center of attention and didn’t enjoy Erinna taking the spotlight away from her. Heather didn’t directly talk to Marissa about her style of clothes, but she did say that she would never allow her daughter to wear these clothes, which were Marissa’s favorite style. It didn’t help that Heather rejected anything Marissa wanted Erinna to try on.
Marissa couldn’t argue with Heather since Heather was her idol. But she only saw her successful career. Not once did Marissa think that Heather was successful as a mother. She only looked at Heather as a famous lawyer. For her, Heather was a symbol of a successful woman who challenges society.
Not being the center of attention didn’t sit right with Marissa. She could only despise Erinna for it. She knew better than messing with Erinna openly since George didn’t allow anyone to mess with his sister. Then there was Nancy, who was taller and much stronger, although they were the same age. That Nancy can tackle boys with little to no effort made it clear to Marissa that she couldn’t do anything around Nancy. Of course, Marissa couldn’t ignore the fact that Erinna had a reputation for being fearless didn’t help either.
The girls finally decided to take a break, much to Erinna’s relief. She had tried on clothes the girls had picked for her, and she was enjoying it, but she needed to go to the restroom. She made her way to the lady’s room but didn’t realize Marissa was following her.
Erinna got into the first open stall before doing her business. Once she finished, she made sure to change her pad. Erinna pulled her panties and tights in place before lowering her skirt again. She left the stall to find Marissa standing by a sink doing nothing. Erinna decided to ignore her and just walked to the sink to wash her hands.
“What are you doing here?” Marissa demanded, glaring at Erinna, who just looked confused.
“Washing my hands?” Erinna answered. She was already becoming annoyed with Marissa.
“What are you doing here when you’re not a girl? You freak!” Marissa retorted, making Erinna turn and glare at her. Before Erinna could react, Marissa snatched her purse, holding it out of Erinna’s reach. Marissa opened the bag, and the pads caught her attention. She took them out and held them in her hand. “What do you need these for?” Marissa mocked, making Erinna blush a bit but boil with anger.
“Give back my things, please. I won’t ask nicely again,” requested Erinna, but she could see that Marissa had no intention of returning her stuff. Erinna stomped her two-inch long kitten heel into Marissa’s foot, making her yelp in pain and release Erinna’s purse. Erinna kicked Marissa in the knees before collecting her stuff back in her purse and stormed out of the bathroom with tears filling her eyes.
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is about to get some comeuppance.
Indeed she is.