Chapter 16
An original story by Lajien
Edited by Julia Miller
After blowing out the candles, Erwin brought the box of gifts and put it in front of Oliver. “Before you open anyone else’s gift, this is a special present from me, I have bought you some other gifts as well, but this one is different. You’re a man now, and every man needs at least a dozen of these.” Erwin handed Oliver a small black box.
Oliver looked at the box, then at Erwin, confused, he then opened the box, and his eyes widened at what he saw. In the box was a Baltic Aquascape wristwatch. Oliver knew it was an expensive watch, but he didn’t realize it was over $500. He didn’t expect such a costly gift.
Being called a man made him even happier; he had always felt jealous of boys. As a boy, he only needed a shirt and trousers to look good. Unlike girls, he didn’t need to worry about how well his outfit was a good match or had to wear any makeup.
Opening the gifts, Oliver received a couple of other expensive gifts. He knew Erinna’s present when he saw that it was a pair of Bluetooth headphones, and he knew that Erinna must have spent a lot of her savings to buy him this gift. He turned to Erinna to say thanks, and she winked back at him.
Oliver received another two wristwatches. Though they were not as expensive as the first one, they weren’t cheap either. Oliver looked strangely at Erwin.
“I’m not complaining, but I think you got me way too many wristwatches.”
Erwin laughed, saying, “A man can never have enough watches.”
Both George and Johnny just shook their heads and smiled. Erwin enjoyed having a son again, though he loved Nancy, and his feelings never changed towards her when she became a girl.
Once Oliver opened his gifts, George stood up and looked at Erwin nervously. He needed to do this.
“Mr. and Mrs. Collins, may I please speak to you privately?” George nervously asked, trying his best not to stutter. Although his legs were shaking, he was determined to ask for this. Both Carol and Erwin looked at George inquisitively.
Carol and Erwin agreed to follow George out of the room, where they waited for George to speak to them. For some reason, the ordinarily confident George looked nervous.
“Is something wrong, honey?” Carol asked, sensing George’s nervousness.
“Mr. and Mrs. Collins, I am asking for your permission to ask Nancy out on a date, and I can’t do it without having your permission,” George said, exhaling loudly. Halfway done, he still needed to wait for their answer. While he wasn’t sure of their response, he really couldn’t help but feel nervous.
Carol smiled; her answer was obviously, yes. She couldn’t blame Nancy for having those feelings for George. He was a great boy, unlike those idiot jocks, and he used his head before his muscles. In her opinion, Nancy couldn’t find any boy better than George. She was just about to say yes when Erwin spoke first.
“No,” Erwin answered.
George felt utterly disappointed. He didn’t know how to describe his feelings, but he felt crushed. George could feel tears welling in his eyes. His feelings towards Nancy were not simple, and he loved her.
“Erwin,” Carol scolded. She knew Erwin loved Nancy and wanted to protect her, but George was a rare catch. Carol was also sure that Nancy would be furious if she heard about this, mad enough that she might stop talking to Erwin. Carol also knew that if Erwin said no, then Oliver would have no chance of dating Erinna in the future. Nancy was not the only one who saw how Oliver and Erinna looked at each other, and what was between them was way beyond friendship.
“I am not done yet. George, “No” would have been my answer if it was anyone else but you. I know you well enough to know that you will protect my daughter and keep her safe,” Erwin completed his sentence, surprising both George and Carol. “And I am sure you won’t disappoint me, right?” Erwin raised his eyebrow while asking.
“Yes, sir, I will make every effort not to disappoint you,” George answered confidently. The confident George was back again. The weight on his shoulders disappeared, and now he could take Nancy openly on a date with her parent’s permission. George entered the living room with a smile that wouldn’t leave his face.
“I guess my future grandsons will be Hustons,” Erwin said with a sigh, making Carol laugh.
“I wouldn’t worry about that,” Carol stated, earning a weird look from Erwin. “After all, Jeff’s grandsons will be Collins,” Carol remarked with a smirk.
Jeff treated Erinna like Erwin treated Nancy, and they both wanted to keep the bad boys away from their daughters. She was sure that Oliver would be an exception in Jeff’s case. After knowing what Oliver did today when he defended Erinna, Carol knew without a doubt that Jeff would look at Oliver in a different light.
“What do you mean?” Erwin inquired.
Carol didn’t answer immediately but smiled at him and said, “I will let you think about it.”
George took his seat beside Johnny, who gave the smiling George a wondering look that George just ignored. Instead, George took out his phone and began to text Nancy, not to get everyone’s attention, especially a little she-devil who wouldn’t let it go.
“Meet me by the front door in 5 minutes,” George texted. He felt that asking Nancy out by text was not a good idea.
Nancy’s phone chimed, and she picked it up to see the message from George. She had set up a unique ringtone for him. She looked at the text and back at George with some confusion but answered quickly. “K”
In less than five minutes, Nancy met George at the front door. “What is it?” She inquired, looking at his smiling face, confused.
Holding Nancy’s hands, George asked her, “Will you go out with me on a date?”
Nancy stood there for a second, trying to process what had just happened. She couldn’t believe that George had finally asked her out.
“Are you asking me out on a date?” Nancy asked to be sure she was not hallucinating; this was not her imagination. George just nodded, starting to worry again, wondering if she wanted to date him or not. Nancy squealed excitedly and hugged George kissing him on the lips. Nancy caused all the blood in George’s body to rush to a particular place.
Hiding not too far away from them and holding her phone camera around a corner was a little she-devil recording them.
With a smirk, Erinna walked back to where everyone was sitting. Erinna had tried not to giggle and let them know she was there, and she got away with it. This video of them would be great material to tease George and Nancy; besides, she couldn’t just let Nancy tease Oliver and get away with it.
Later that night, after George and Johnny left, Erinna and the girls retreated to Nancy’s room. Once inside, Erinna tried to flee to the bathroom to change her clothes. “Where are you going?” Shelby asked, catching Erinna before she retreated to the bathroom.
“I want to change in the bathroom,” Erinna replied while trying her best not to look at Shelby, Carla, or Nancy while changing. Dakota had already been in the bathroom to change before they could even get into Nancy’s room.
“Why? It’s only us girls in the room, and there are no boys here,” Shelby argued. Erinna tried to argue but couldn’t find a way to win this argument, and she looked up to Nancy for help, who finally stepped in.
“Now, why don’t we just let Erinna change in the bathroom? She’s still not used to this after all,” explained Nancy. Carla agreed to her suggestion since they were in charge of the girls.
With Nancy and Carla on Erinna’s side, Shelby decided to let it go, and she didn’t want to make it hard on her friend. Erinna then walked into Nancy’s bathroom and closed the door behind her. She took off her sweater and skirt, then struggled to unhook the bra. Once she managed to unhook the bra, Erinna put on her nightie, folded her clothes neatly, and walked out of the bathroom. Erinna walked to her bag with the pile of clothes folded neatly in her hands.
Shelby spotted her bra. “Wow, you’re already wearing bras?” Shelby commented, making Erinna blush and hide the bra under the pile of clothes.
“Um, yes, I do,” replied Erinna awkwardly as she hurried to put her clothes in her bag. She turned to Shelby, sitting on Nancy’s bed while Nancy and Carla were out of the room. “Don’t you also wear a bra?” Erinna asked, desperately trying to divert the attention away from her.
Shelby just shook her head, she was a pretty girl, but she didn’t look much older than her age, had average height for girls her age, and was developing at the same pace as any other girl. “No, silly, I only wear a training bra mine are not big enough for a real bra,” Shelby said, now obviously jealous of her friend. “Show me yours. I want to see them, Please,” Shelby said.
Erinna looked at her, confused, not understanding what Shelby meant. That was until Shelby took off her pajama top, exposing her bare chest. Erinna’s immediate reaction was to turn her head away from Shelby.
“Pull your top back down, please,” Erinna begged, continuing to look away from Shelby.
Shelby huffed and pulled her top back in place. “Come on, and it’s ok to look. Like we’re both girls. I never saw you as a boy before, and now you’re just too cute to be a boy,” Shelby admitted telling the truth. Shelby tiptoed to Erinna, who had still turned away from her.
She surprised Erinna by starting to tickle her. Erinna squealed, jumping away from Shelby, who just giggled. “I knew it,” Shelby said, laughing. Knowing Erinna’s weakness, Shelby started to chase her around the room, with both of them squealing and giggling.
They stopped as the bedroom door opened, and Nancy came in with Carla. Beside them were Dakota and Brandon.
Seeing Brandon coming into the room, Shelby protested. “He can’t stay with us; he’s not a girl.”
Erinna, on the other hand, had realized something else. Brandon seemed uneasy, and it looked like he had been crying, yet he seemed to be a little relieved. She could tell from the expression on his face.
“Now, now, Brandi can’t stay with the boys. It turns out that she’s not a boy after all,” Nancy said, pushing Brandi gently into the room. “Due to issues at home, Brandi will be staying with us, and she will be living here as a girl until the end of the holiday.”
Shelby was not happy about this but decided not to pursue the argument. Nancy promised that Brandi would not make any stupid comments and that their girly night wouldn’t be interrupted.
“On the other hand, someone else was trying to sneak into Oliver’s room to stay with the boys,” Carla announced, making Shelby and Erinna giggle while Dakota blushed.
“Typical Dakota,” both Erinna and Shelby responded. Dakota just huffed and put her bag beside the others. Everyone settled down, including Brandi. Though she still looked somewhat worried, she was a little more comfortable at the same time.
“I have clear instructions that you guys can’t stay awake for too long, and Carla will make sure of it,” Nancy explained as she walked towards the flat-screen TV hung on the wall. “We can watch a movie until then, so what do you want to watch?”
The first one to say something was Dakota, and she suggested they watch a Disney movie.
“Which movie from Disney?” Nancy asked, and Dakota shrugged. With a sigh, Nancy looked at Erinna and spoke. “If no one suggests anything, I will let Erinna choose. I will play whatever she likes, and no complaints.”
Nancy looked at everyone, including Brandi, who was quietly sitting in the corner of the room. Nancy then looked at Erinna and asked her what she wanted to watch.
“Maybe Brave or Mulan,” Erinna suggested as Nancy smiled.
“Brave it is then,” Nancy said before scrolling through the movies.
“Does Johnny have a girlfriend?” Asked Shelby, making everyone give her a weird look.
“Yes, he does; why do you ask?” Carla answered, still not understanding the reason behind Shelby’s question. Although Johnny was dating, she doubted he would stay with his current girlfriend much longer. Charlie, Johnny’s current girlfriend, treated him like he was an ATM. Also, she and Carla didn’t get along that well. Although Johnny had always made it clear to Charlie that there was no choice between her and Carla, Johnny would always choose Carla if it came down to it. Charlie didn’t believe that he would dump her for Carla, but she thought Charlie had a big surprise coming.
“That’s a shame,” Shelby replied, not answering Carla’s question. Shelby then turned to Erinna. “What about George? Does he have a girlfriend?”
Shelby’s question earned her more weird looks. Nancy, who understood what was happening, shook her head with a smile. She understood that Shelby had a crush on both Johnny and George, and Nancy found it cute as she never had a chance to live as a little girl. Nancy was 12 when her body started to develop from a boy into a girl.
“George doesn’t have a girlfriend...yet,” Erinna answered, only stopping to look at Nancy with a smirk. “He will have one soon, though, and I have it all on video,” Erinna said with a wink to Nancy.
“You cheeky, little monkey,” Nancy said before jumping on Erinna and starting to tickle her. As Nancy continued, Erinna couldn’t help but squeal and wriggle on the ground. Everyone, even Brandi, was snickering as Erinna squirmed while Nancy kept tickling her sensitive spots.
“Why do you ask anyway?” Carla asked, still not understanding the reasoning behind Shelby’s question.
Shelby answered as Nancy finished tickling Erinna. “Because they are so handsome and cute.” Both Erinna and Carla didn’t agree with the word cute at all.
“Handsome, yes, but cute, now that’s not a word I would use for Johnny,” Carla responded, and Nancy nodded in agreement. He was 6’5”, broad-shouldered with grey eyes and brown hair was handsome but not cute. If Nancy hadn’t already set her sights on George, she might have dreamed about dating Johnny.
“Or, George,” Erinna added, making Nancy giggle. “Yes, or George,” Nancy agreed.
“Sorry, Shelby, but I think these two are out of reach for now, and George is mine,” Nancy told Shelby.
Shelby huffed, crossing her arms over her chest. “Not fair,” Shelby protested and then turned to Carla. “Do you have any older brothers,” Shelby asked, causing everyone to laugh.
“I have another two HALF-BROTHERS. Unfortunately, unlike Johnny, they are total A-holes,” Carla admitted with a sigh. One of the reasons she came to live with her mom was the fear that her older half-brothers may abuse her.
Nancy sat beside Shelby and held her hand with a smile. “You’re still ten and have many years to think about boys. Your daddy will do a great job scaring any potential boyfriends away. They are all very good at this,” Nancy said, smirking. She knew Jeff was against the idea of his baby girl sleeping with boys in the same room. Jeff was already treating Erinna like a treasure, and Nancy could easily say he was right, as Erinna was indeed precious, and anyone who would say otherwise was an idiot.
“Now, why don’t we start the movie? I gave my word to your moms that you will be in bed on time, especially you,” Nancy said, pointing to Erinna, but she just stuck her tongue out in response. “You can stay up late for a little bit, but not much.” With that, Nancy started the movie and sat down, pulling Erinna closer to her. Erinna didn’t mind and snuggled closer to Nancy.
As the movie ended, Erinna struggled to keep her eyes open, and Shelby was already fast asleep in her sleeping bag.
“Do me a favor and stay awake for just a bit. Your mom wants to make sure you have your medicine before going to sleep,” Nancy said before helping Erinna to her feet. Nancy took Dr. Lynn’s medicine and the booster pills out of Erinna’s bag. Once Erinna had taken them, Nancy walked her over to the bed and helped Erinna climb under the covers. She turned to Carla after tucking Erinna in bed.
“I will check on the boys and make sure they are asleep, and please make sure that Dakota is in her sleeping bag and not on the floor. When I come back, we need to have a conversation with Brandi,” Nancy said, gazing at the bathroom’s closed door, where Brandi had gone a moment earlier.
“Ok!” replied Carla wondering what was up with Brandi.
Nancy pushed a stuffed toy into Erinna’s hands, and the sleeping Erinna cuddled up to it. With a smile, Nancy walked out of the room, heading to Oliver’s room.
Thank you for reading my story. I hope you are enjoying it. Please tell me if you like it and how I think I could improve it. Any comments or thoughts on the story are appreciated. I would love to hear from you.
As a typical starving Uni student, I would appreciate any donations made through my Pay Pal account.
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Oops there’s another one!
Seems that TSS is becoming more widespread. It seems that Brandon, Nancy’s bratty cousin is now becoming a girl too and they are naming her Brandi.
This reality that Lajien has created is set 50 years or so in the future, and has many boys turning into girls, at a rate of around 4:1 from girls turning into boys. Can you guess the next girl who could change into a boy? Governments are becoming worried since the male population is dropping quickly world wide and no one knows how to stop this trend. There is another syndrome that will also change adult men into women as well, and that will be in another story.
Lots going on
Erinna is not the only one going through changes. It's nice to see George stepping up to announce his interest in Nancy to her parents. George is the big brother we all wish we had. Shelby sounds like her hormones are driving her boy crazy. Welcome to the club Brandi.
Are we going to find out what happens to Erinna in the pool? It's also nice to see that Oliver is being accepted after his conversion and that he and Erinna remain good friends after both their conversions.
I like the story Lajien and look forward to your next post. I hope we learn more about Erinna's thoughts about her new feminine self.
Is adopting her female persona very well.