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"First, we go shopping," Shri'la exclaimed as I returned from the bathroom. "We need to get you some new clothes and common teenage things. "You'll need a cell phone, laptop, beauty products, and shoes. Ohh how I love to shop for shoes." I could tell she was excited.
I recall what those items are but know nothing about 'beauty products' or 'women's shoes. "You do realize that I have no idea what I'm doing when it comes to shopping for clothes, shoes, and beauty products? Right!" I exclaimed. I start to feel panic setting in as I realize that I have no idea how to live in this world as a teenage girl. Kyle's memories of his teenage years are not going to help me out in this situation. 'I use to chase girls not dress like them' I think to myself. Well, I chased girls in both of my past, I joke to myself. So at least my sexual desires are not any different in either case.
"So are you ready to go to the mall? I'm so excited about this!" Shri'la exclaimed as she threw her arms around my neck. I could tell she was excited about this.
I nod my head, not sure how I am supposed to feel. I'm not sure if I should be excited or scared. I've never been to a mall before as a teenage girl. I'm not sure what to expect. But I am curious. This world is so different from the one I lived in before, I consider myself lucky that I have Kyle's memories to help me acclimate to this new world.
Shopping at the mall feels like a huge step. One that I am not sure if I am ready for. But Shri'la is so excited and I don't want to disappoint her. I decide to suck it up and go. "When did you get so interested in clothes, last time I saw you you were wearing nothing but a loincloth. You were not the slightest bit modest back then." I say as I start to walk with her.
"Oh, you know, I decided that I wanted to live out among the humans and that requires more clothing than just a loincloth. I guess you could say that I've adapted my lifestyle to fit the lifestyle of humans and all their hangups. Nowadays I feel very comfortable in clothes. Plus I found I could attract more attention by wearing clothes that reveal a little more skin but not enough to get in trouble." Shri'la says as she starts to walk me to her car.
When I first see her car I am taken aback. "What the fuck is that, you have a BMW and you have me spending my time in this godforsaken motel?" I ask angrily. With my hands on my hips, my face red with anger I continue walking toward her.
"Ahh, yes, well, umm..." Shri'la starts to say but can't get out the words. "I didn't expect you to know about the modern times, and this is one of the few places that accept cash with no ID. I can't have a money trail while I am trying to get you ready to go home with me." She looks at me slightly afraid I might not accept her explanation.
"Then how are we paying for a new wardrobe? That's going to cost a lot, I know that much. I'm pretty sure you are not carrying around much cash on you." I stomp my feet in anger and shake my head.
Sliding into the passenger seat, I look at her, for an explanation. "You are correct about all that but I have an account I set up for you a while back, that we will be using for all the purchases." She looks at me as I continue to fume.
"That still doesn't explain why you are paying for the 'No tell, Motel' with cash. Instead of just using my account to pay for a better place to stay." I say in a huff.
"Yes, but how was I going to get a naked you through the lobby of a hotel, while I was waiting for you to wake up?" she asks.
"Fine, let us go," I say still fuming. We sit silently while she drives us to the mall. I don't recognize the name of the mall. "Where are we?" I ask realizing that I had no idea where in the world we are.
"Oh right, I forgot to tell you that we are in Raleigh, North Carolina, I work at the university here as a history teacher," she says with a smile. "Ok, first, we are going to get lingerie, this will help you look extra sexy for all the girls you like to play with." Reminding me of the young girls, Sha'lar and I used to play with while she fed. Smiling at all the memories of those days of debauchery. I loved seducing those women into our bed. 'Soon, my love, we will be having such fun together in this new world.' I think to myself.
"Oh, and refer to me as Elizabeth from now on. That way we won't attract the wrong kind of attention." She warns me before we head into the mall.
The mall is not huge but it's packed with people. We have to weave through the crowd to get to the first store, VS. I know of this place from Kyle's life but have never gone inside before now. The sales lady introduces herself and asks what we are looking for. I look at Elizabeth because for some reason my voice won't work. I feel too shy to say to speak to her, which is weird because I've never been one for shyness. I was always very outgoing and direct with what I wanted from others.
Elizabeth just rattles something off about having a growth spurt and needing new clothes. I could not focus on what was going on. My mind was warring against Kyle's presence in my head and trying to get away from here as quickly as possible. I couldn't grasp the need that I was feeling but I realized it wasn't really from me. I focused on the shelf of panties in front of me and pushed at the feelings I was getting from Kyle's mind.
Clearing my mind of the fears and uneasiness that had washed over me, I set about shopping and learning about the style and cut of the different undergarments. An understanding of what Elizabeth had mentioned about clothing increasing desire came to me as I realized it was not about the clothing itself but what it hinted at. It kept things hidden but hinted at their availableness just under that little bit of cloth. My desire to look attractive for not only my love but those we chose to join us in our carnal desires. This brought forth a smile to my face that met my eyes.
I was starting to enjoy shopping and trying on different clothing as we jumped from store to store. Before we stopped for lunch we went to an electronics store and picked up a new laptop, I didn't understand all the features that were on it as the gentleman was attempting to explain to me. I finally just told him to give me the best one. While there I got my new iPhone as well. We walled out of the electronics store with what he called a Macbook Air and synced phone.
As I looked at the food court trying to figure out where I wanted to eat, Elizabeth was programming phone numbers into my phone. I chose to try Greek food since according to Kyle's memories it was delicious and his favorite. I was a little confused when I opened the wrapped gyro, trying to remember how to eat it. I managed to eat it without causing a mess and creating a scene.
We finished our shopping trip at the shoe store, where Elizabeth had to explain to me why girls needed 10 pairs of shoes. It was tiring walking around the mall for most of the day. I was looking forward to a nice sit-down, but I found out that were not done. Nope, after dropping all the clothes off at the motel we headed out to get the second most important things to women's hygiene products and cosmetics. Of course, while we were there Elizabeth had the beautician show me how to do my makeup.
After finally getting everything we needed and getting back to the motel, I was so ready to take a hot shower and just lay down. While I was in the shower I started to think about how much money I spent today. I realize I've never had a credit card that had a limit high enough to drop fifteen grand in a single day. After I get out of the shower and started getting dressed I ask Elizabeth "How much did you put in my account that I can spend all this money and you act like it's not a problem?"
"I only put fifty million in your account just to get you started. I have all sorts of money stashed all over the world in different accounts. So like you said that little shopping spree was nothing." she replied as though it should be obvious.
"How?" I squeak out.
"Come on Lilith, you know how long I've been alive. Do you think me so stupid that I wouldn't stash money all over the place and be able to amass a large fortune in the last three thousand years since you left?" She looked at me quite annoyed with me.
"Sorry, yes you are right, I hadn't considered that when I spoke out, Forgive me," I say, looking thoroughly admonished by her.
"Don't worry mom, I was only teasing you." She says, walking over to me and hugging me. "I'm so happy that you are back, I missed you and never gave up hope that you would come back to us one day." We hug for a good while sharing our love.
"When do I get to meet this family of yours that you have told me about?" I say with a smile on my face.
"Tomorrow, I told David that I was at my sister's funeral and am bringing her daughter home with me." She replies as I lean back into her and tighten the hug.
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For that amount of money even a few supposedly "straight" guys would change sides. >:->
Thx for another nice chapter^^
I’m glad you like it I hope that I can continue to see this story with such clarity as I have so far
Andria Neko