Changing Roles - Chapter 24

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Changing Roles
By Julie Dawn Cole
Chapter 24

I was a little surprised how open Jack had been about her/his transformation and it made me want to ask more detail, but I was cautious because I didn’t know him all that well. George never mentioned about her sex change and it was at least 2 years since we’d met at one of his social evenings. Also, I caught Emily’s glance that reminded me that my priority was to find out what I could about Jacks business association with his father and not to get distracted too much.

Looking into Jacks face up close, as I’d observed, he still had feminine characteristics and he looked more like his mother than George but now he had a beard of sorts and a more prominent forehead. I wondered if he’d struggled at first to be convincing as a man although he was clearly much stronger now and he was as tall as me even though I was wearing heels. I couldn’t imagine her/him as a criminal since he was charming and very polite. Neither could I see George cheating the company. How could it be possible that they would resort to criminal actions to fund their own business and for George to deceive the company and auditors without somebody becoming suspicious? I still wanted them to be innocent even though they were considered guilty by what had been uncovered to date.

‘Are you OK Julian, sorry Julie Ann, you’ve gone quiet all of a sudden.’

‘Sorry, it’s just that you made me wonder what you’d gone through to reach this stage and how you managed to come out looking so good with a girlfriend and a business. I’ve done nothing but worry about my future and how to move on and with Mum and dad in care I feel I’m letting them down. I’m not even telling mum the truth and she even believed I was my own girlfriend yesterday who had agreed to marry me. I feel so guilty. You seem to have settled into a nice life here in Manchester. I thought you lived in London and had a good job in the City.’

‘Yes, I did but it was really high pressure job for little reward. To be honest it was no job for a man let alone a single woman with everybody competing for the same opportunities and no one to unload problems to or cuddle up to at night. I hardly slept for days on end especially if I was involved in flotations on the stock market. It’s fast moving and everything happens at 100 mph so mistakes are bound to happen. The hours are crazy because of deadlines and meeting after meeting and the job depends on commissions and bonuses. It’s just nonstop trying to prepare for presentations and set up meetings. For a while I was a floor trader at the stock market. You wouldn’t believe what goes on if I told you. I was in a poor state of health and I almost ended it all.’

‘So what happened to turn it around if you don’t mind telling me? Did you just pack in? You seem very happy living as a man, and you seem physically strong body and much more muscular than ever I have been. So natural.’

‘It took me 12 months to build this physique and that’s not including the time I spent preparing for surgery and then going through the process. In truth I’ve been living as a man now for about two and a half years. The last time I recall meeting you I was still able to hide the changes and appear as female.’

‘No wonder George kept things to himself. You must have had a real struggle. He did tell me about your hormone treatment and his pride in you as a son but not much else. My situation is nothing by comparison.’

‘Do you intend living full time as a woman then? Or do you just dress for fun like lots around here?’

‘In truth Jack I don’t know at the moment. I never intended dressing full time but it’s sort of happened. Now I’m really struggling and it’s only recently that I’ve dared dress like this at work. My new boss is accepting, and she has pushed me into a secretary type job that at first I thought was to humiliate me and get me to resign. Since she arrived, I’ve lost all my authority and I’m in a deep hole. I’ve wanted to talk with George, but I was warned to keep my distance. There are some things going on so please tell him to be careful and anyway I can’t face letting him see me like this or how I’ve been forced into this new role and pushed into femininity. Imagine what he would think of me seeing how I caved in and how far I’ve let this go in such a short time.’

‘Look Julian I had a similar situation. It got really nasty and dangerous. I got involved with the wrong sort of people. Investment bankers and traders just work and play, and lots rely on stimulants and boosters to even get up in a morning and go to work. I looked like shit and I soon got addicted. I didn’t recognise myself and when dad saw me he stepped in. It’s a hard habit to break and it’s not cheap. On top of losses I was making as a floor trader, largely through bad advice and bad tips, I was spending a fortune on stronger stimulants and became addicted. As well as the money I was spending on drugs the rental cost of my place in London was a far beyond my means. I was never there. My bills and my debts racked up and I almost ended up in the river Thames and dad found out.’

‘So how did you break the downward spiral?’

‘Dad took control of my finances and spent 2 weeks with me. He told everybody he was on a business trip but he was in London all the time. He confronted the pushers and stopped access to me. He settled all my debts to stop the threats and I immediately felt the pressure lift. He bought my apartment, albeit at an inflated price, that freed me from my high rent problem, and I managed to think straight so I was able to regain control of my decision making. He was spending more time with me whilst he stayed in London and that was when he really accepted me as a son rather than as a daughter. He supported me even though mum was none too happy and didn’t agree with my lifestyle or plans.’

‘I don’t know how he managed to focus on supporting me with so much going on at his work so credit to him and thanks to you for your part in covering for him. So I owe you too and I won’t forget.’

I did absorb the added pressure for me that I was glad to take but I just wish George had talked to me. He must have had some sleepless nights. What a dilemma.

‘Yes, but he said he had outside pressures but it was under control. He called it family business and said that family should take care of themselves.’

Well Julie Ann the upside, if there was one was he was giving me support and accepting me as a son. It was something I’d always craved for. I then found that living as a man gave me considerably more confidence in my decision making and I was soon treated differently by colleagues.’

‘It’s funny because in my case I felt quite the reverse. The pressures of being a man and a son didn’t seem to fit properly with me and I know that mum really wanted a daughter.’

Whether or not Jack was listening I wasn’t sure but he just carried on and opened up even more saving me the problem of asking awkward questions.’ Whilst dad was negotiating the purchase of my apartment, he checked me into a rehabilitation centre to deal with my drug problem that fortunately was caught in time. I steer well clear nowadays. Then he encouraged me to leave my job as a floor trader and he set up a property investment company registered in our joint names. He put up all the guarantees and arranged our bank facilities through his contacts and somebody from work did the business plan and found an accountant and someone to provide the admin support.’

‘Wow. All this whilst running our business. He never said a word to me, even in confidence.’
‘I think he intended to inform you, but he didn’t want you to get into trouble I suppose.’
‘Well, I’d have done anything for him.’

‘It’s done now and whilst he is on leave and it’s doing him good if you ask me. He can at least focus more on our business and he is like a new man. It’s something that he really enjoys.’

‘So you are now much closer since you moved to Manchester so who is running the bar and the club?’

‘That’s all under the control of my girlfriend aided by her two brothers. They were happy to get involved and we my girlfriend is a shareholder. It’s set up as a company with a few other bits and pieces of business linked including our Property Investment Company. We own a few properties in the UK and offshore. Dad looks after them with a silent partner. So everything is under control and our business is doing fine. My girlfriend loves the bar/club business so we don’t need to interfere too much. Customers really like her and it expanded as word spread around the village. It has become a popular spot already. It’s hard work for the 3 of them but she likes being in charge. I daren’t interfere.’

‘I’m so pleased for you Jack, and for George. At least he’s now doing what he likes most and reports to no-one. I’m glad that he was able to support you in your decisions. Sadly, I’m all alone in that respect.’

‘Well Julian just try to keep optimistic and you never know what the future might bring. Try to decide if this is the real you and that you are prepared to live the life you want. You do look comfortable and I could never wear such clothes. I hated femininity and being the focus of men’s leering. Not that I ever tried to look glamourous.’

‘You always looked fine to me. I never saw you in make-up or a skirt or dress but you had a nice figure.’

‘That was the top of my list to change. I used to bind as tightly as I could and I hated my hips and large thighs. It’s taken a lot of effort to slim down and at least I don’t need to bind anymore.’

‘What a pity that we are born in bodies that feel all wrong. It is really getting to me lately.’

‘Anytime you need a shoulder to discuss the options and how best to proceed don’t hesitate to call me. I’m sure that hormones will help like they did with me. You are very lucky to have inherited features that make it easier for you to pass. Think positive and I’m sure that you will be amazed at the effects that hormones will have on you. Not just your appearance but how you’ll feel.’

‘But Jack just to let you know that I’m not necessarily considering hormone treatment. I still don’t really know if this is how I want to live the rest of my life.’

‘Julian I’ll promise to keep in touch and to have a word with dad. I’m sure you’ll benefit from his support if your family are too ill to discuss things with you. He’ll want to help since he had a lot of time for you.’

‘Thanks Jack that would be great. But please tell your dad that I’m not expecting any financial support just moral support and advice. Is he thinking of finding another position as a Chairman/CEO or sticking with your business?’

‘You’ll have to ask him as I’ve no idea. He’s abroad at the moment enjoying his freedom and time with mum, taking in some sunshine and relaxation.’

‘Oh. Anywhere nice? I’d love to be relaxing in the sunshine by a pool.’

‘They fell in love with the climate and lifestyle in the Caribbean and went back to look at buying a vacation home where they’d spend winters. No doubt they are enjoying themselves and they do enjoy dining in the open on fresh seafood. Helps dad control his weight.’

It seemed like things were adding up without me needing to say much about the board minutes so I decided to wait a little to see what more information Jack divulged. He seemed to trust me and maybe he saw me as a loyal ally of his dad who had nowhere to turn. Emilys suspicions could still be right of course because Georges salary wasn’t that great and hard to see how he might accrue sufficient wealth to bail out Jack and invest in property even with his bonuses. Was he holidaying in the Caribbean? Was he buying properties there? I held back from asking if this was the Cayman Islands. Somehow, I didn’t want it to be the case.

.’Well then Julian how about we go to our bar and you can meet my girl Gemma and then tell us what you think? All feedback will be welcome.’

‘OK Jack but let me visit the restrooms first since I’ve not been since we left home. I don’t have a womans capacity unfortunately.’

I needed the chance to let Emily know how open Jack had been without any pressure from me and that he wanted to head to their bar. She joined me in the restroom and checked for any other visitors. All was clear so I rattled off what Jack had told me so far full of excitement that she had to calm me down. ‘Look Jules I agree that you should keep developing Jacks trust and his sympathy.’

She decided it was better that she kept a low profile and find me in the bar later and I could message her as if we’d agreed to meet at a set time to go clubbing. Jack was waiting as I exited and fortunately Emily hung back giving us time to leave the bar. It was getting busy outside and Jack pointed me towards their bar that was only 5 minutes walk away. It was bustling with a crowd spilled onto the pavement outside and Jack had difficulty moving through since he was so well known.
We made it to the end of the bar and Jack pointed to the busy bar staff and to the beautiful blonde lady who seemed to be centre of attention. Jack waved her over.

‘Gemma, this is a young woman I wanted you to meet, Georges girl Julie Ann. Not Julian as I might have mentioned but his daughter. You might have more in common than you think.’

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