all hugs needed

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Okay so for the third time since we moved into this place in July we had our car door window smashed.

Mom's a wreck, and I am barely holding it together.

hugs needed and appreciated.


Big Hugs...!

tmf's picture

Hugs and Huggles
Hope they'll leave your car alone soon!

Love tmf

Peace, Love, Freedom, Happiness
Hope & Health


Speaker's picture

One extra large hug for you, and one for your Mom; and my heartfelt sympathy for your rotten luck.



That sounds awful! I'm sorry to hear nasty folk keep doin' that to ya's.

{{{warm hugs}}}

"One time happenstance, two times coincidence, three times ...

... enemy action." - Ian Fleming, creator of James Bond series and Chitty-Chitty-Bang-Bang!

USA police or higher Authorities might (ha!) look into this as hate crimes.

Are others' (cars) in complex getting hit, either windows or other vandalism? Any vandalism to other parts of your housing complex - doors, windows, graffiti, break-in attempts?

Time for this to be brought more vigorously to the attention of Housing Management and police, and to review any surveillance tapes; Have Management routinely supply copies to police. See if you can spot, or better, recognize, the perps.

Consider going one level higher, or inform local newspapers.
Meanwhile, hit up your Hugs Dispenser in the BCTS Breakroom.

Have some hot tea & biscuits/cookies, get a good night's sleep.

... and ... it's a broken window ...

but it's not a broken family heirloom, or a broken limb, or a broken heart, or a broken relationship, or ...

Yeah, sucks anyways, and it's easy to feel violated ("Hey! - This is >my< stuff! Leave. It. Alone!"). And the third time is more than three times the distress, because it may feel like fixing it useless, since it doesn't >stay< fixed, plus maybe feeling that "The World is 'out to get me'." .... Sigh.

... forgot: the cost to replace, and I know you are usually short on money,,,

Take care!

If you don't have anything in

If you don't have anything in the car worth stealing - don't lock the doors. It's obvious that the only reason they're smashing the window is to try to grab things out of the car.

I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.


I think you need to invest in a security camera or something.

hugs :)
Michelle SidheElf Amaianna