I Love To Love You Baby

I Love To Love You Baby
By Sabrina G. Langton

Author's note: I have published this story on two other sites. I always said it was slightly autobiographical, but reading it back it is a pretty accurate account of my summer of '88. There are only 3 things that I changed. 2 are itsy bitsy tiny details and one well that is quite big. Please send postcards with the correct answers. ha... I hope YOU like it.

*Stories from the real world 3
This story is autobiographical.


"Look at this spot! Right next to the room."

"And look at that crazy view of the beach."

It was the end of the summer, the day after Labor Day, 1988, and Big Al and I were in Seaside Heights, New Jersey. Vacation. This was my third time away without my parents. I had turned twenty-three in January, I was slightly younger than Al and we had a perfect parking spot.

We grabbed our bags and boom box and made our way inside. The Oceanfront Hotel was empty. The two of us walked right up to the desk.

"Hello, we have a reservation." Big Al told the women behind the desk. She looked bored, she was drinking Mello Yello and smoking.


"Alyssa Cafferty and Sabrina Langton." Al told her. The woman handed us a key and went back to her drink.

"Um, where is everybody?" I asked before we completely lost her attention."

Miss Mello shrugged, "School started, summer's over."

Summer might have been over for her, but it still existed for us. We moved into the room and opened the blinds to view the sunset over the beach. We had bottles of sangria and a cooler full of wine coolers. We propped the door open with a chair.

We then fished into the ice and pulled out our post drive drinks. Twisted the caps and cheered. "VACATION!" We drank, it was awful. "CHEERS." We didn't care we were just glad to be out of the city and now on The Shore.

I put on the boom box and Donna Summer blasted out of the speakers.

'I love to love you baby
I love to love you baby
I love to love you baby'

It was the song of our summer, Donna Summer. The hotel was empty so we played it loud.


One Month Ago...

'I love to love you baby'

We were in my little car, a tan Dodge Colt, life had gotten complicated. Both Al and I loved this song it wasn't complicated at all, it had so few lines.

'I love to love you baby'

We were both wearing sundresses. Mine was blue and Al's was red. We were full of flowers. Alyssa was in the passenger seat, a wine cooler between her thighs, (That was the cup holder in the '80s). She was beautiful. She had long straight brown hair, it reached her ass and she was always sitting on it. She also had perfect C-cup breasts, the guys in her high school called her Big Al, the name stuck.

"You know what we have to do, don't you?" She looked at me.

"Um, make a right?"

"No, come on, about our relationships."


"Well, first of all, we need new ones."

She was right. I was dating a girl named Donna, well as my male self. I was a crossdresser and Al was the only one who officially knew. Al was nosy. I lived on the first floor of her house with her parents. It was a two-family split level and they split it up into three apartments on the first floor. It was small but it was my own and I loved living in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn.

Big Al was snooping in my closet and discovered all of my girl clothes. The tiny bit that I had. When I came in from the kitchen with drinks for the two of us, she was holding two pairs of heels.

"Are these Donna's?" I didn't know what to say. The crazy thing was, I had used that as my femme name for years since I was about eight or nine. Now I was dating a girl with the same name.


"She wears a size eight and a half? She's got tiny hands and tiny feet, if she was a guy she would have a tiny dick." We laughed, she was always hysterical. "These are not hers." She threw them at me.

So I told her, she didn't seem to care. She made me get dressed up, but she didn't approve of my fashion sense. After a goodnight's sleep on that info she became a little more excited, she now had a mission. I now had someone whose main goal was to make me a better woman. The next night she made me change my image and then she made me change my name. That was easy I had one ready.

'I love to love you baby'

"Sabrina make this song louder." So I did. "We need to dump both Donna and Dan, the two of them are so meh..."


"Ugh... We need to dump Donna and Dan!"

"Okay done," I told her putting a strand of my long blonde wig behind my ear.

"Next, we are getting our hair done, I'm cutting mine off and you are getting a new look." I could feel her looking at me.

"Um, okay, maybe."

"And last, we are going on vacation, two girls at The Jersey Shore. My parents used to take us there every summer, god it was so great. I always hooked up. We are going to be so popular."

'I love to love you baby'

I had a part-time job at an art gallery in the City and I loved it, but we both worked at a bank. It was forty-five minutes away by train. I got her the job. I was her boss and we had so much fun. They wouldn't give us time off in August, we had no seniority, but they gave us off the second week in September. They were doing us a big favor.

Al made me pack only my girl clothes. I was going to be Sabrina for the whole vacation. The morning before we left, we went to her salon. She cut her hair, more than a foot of it off. We ended up giving it to a friend's mother who made dolls. Now her hair landed right below her shoulders. My hair was just up to my shoulders, but I always wore a wig. The woman at the salon wanted to give me a style like Jennifer Aniston but I didn't want that.



"Princess Diana, Brooke Shields?"

"No, definitely not." I ended up with a blonde bob. Then they died it blonder with a couple of darker streaks through it, messy and sexy. I had nice bangs and my hair went just to my shoulders. I looked so good, but I knew I would have to cut it at the end of the week, I wouldn't be able to go back to work like this. The girls then did our makeup and nails and then we were off. Red lips and red nails.

Seaside Heights was only ninety minutes away.



We slept great that first night with the ocean air floating through the window, and six 'Bartles and James' coolers in our belly. The next day we got ready to take on the world.

"I'm going to go save some seats at the pool."

"The pool? There's no one there. Let's just go." So we did.

We brought the styrofoam cooler and the boom box after we slipped into our swimwear. Al was wearing an orange bikini, she barely fit into the top of it. Me? I had on a one-piece, Al made me buy five different bathing suits, one for each time we were probably going in the pool. The one I was wearing the first day was blue with polka dots. It had a little fringe surrounding my boobs. Al wanted me to be the same size as her, so we both had C-cups. I was as thin as her and only a couple of inches taller. She made my boobs out of fabric and sand and they did look and feel incredible once they slipped into my bra or the bra-lets of the bathing suits. I couldn't stop playing with them or adjusting. I loved watching my long red nails on my new boobs. She wanted to call me Big Bree but it didn't have the same ring as Big Al, I didn't need a nickname anyway.

We had the best seats at the pool. Big Al showed lots of cleavage and I showed lots of fringe, and my big hoop earrings swayed in the light September breeze.

It wasn't fun by ourselves, we had no one to show off to. I was completely shaven, I felt gorgeous. I wanted someone to admire my legs in my three-inch plastic heels. We decided to shop instead. We put on denim skirts over our swimwear and went to the Boardwalk. It was the Wednesday after Labor Day and everything was closed, even all of the game rooms, attractions, and restaurants. It was ridiculous, how could summer end so abruptly. We went back to the room.

'I love to love you baby,' blasted once again on the boom box. We were getting a little bored.

"How long is this song," Al asked me, "It never seems to end?"

"Um, it's 16:49."

"Let's look for a shorter song, c'mon." We got dry and headed back towards the pool.

Before we got there Mello Yello called us over. "I got something for you." We followed her into the lobby. "Here you dropped this." She handed me my hoop. My big golden hoop.

I looked at Al, "I have been walking around with only one huge earring all day?"

Mello Yello laughed, "You think anyone is looking at your jewelry with boobs like that, haha..."


I made a little contraption so I could wear pierced earrings. It was just an old clip from a broken earring, but I could lay any piece of jewelry in it. It was fallible. Usually, the earring fell into my cleavage.

We were heading to a flea market ten minutes away, the woman at the hotel told us someone in one of the jewelry stalls could make me something better. It was already late and we were bored and hungry, so we got changed and headed into the town. It was an ugly town.

'Yeah, I wanna dance with somebody
With somebody who loves me'

"Ugh, I hate this song." Big All shut off the radio it was quiet in the car. "If we accomplish one thing this week, it's finding a new song. We should change everything, we should start over."

We pulled into a huge parking lot, with a bunch of huge buildings, but only a few cars. We followed the 'Enter' sign. Big Al was of course dressed to impress, she was wearing a tight denim dress, showing lots of boobs and legs. Me? I had on a denim skirt and a t-shirt. The shirt had two angels on them, one on each big boob. We both had on heels, Al's were beige and mine were three inches and red. I thought I looked great, I also had my fabric bag with me, it was cyan and had palm trees on it.

Our makeup was perfect too, my eyes looked so big from the false lashes and mascara.

We walked into a luncheonette, the smell of a griddle was overwhelming, I wanted to rush through, so my hair didn't smell like a diner. There were three tables all filled with older men smoking and eating, they were very happy to see us. They all said hello and some even invited us to join them, Al loved it but it made me nervous. I rushed her through.

"You know we are the hottest things to hit this place in years," She laughed and we walked down the aisles with mostly empty stalls. "Here we go." She pointed and we made our way to 'The Jewelry Emporium,' the name was a little misleading.

There was an older man and woman behind the counter, they looked quite busy. The man got up and I told him what I wanted.

He looked at me, "Why don't you just pierce your ears, Mary could do it right now." Mary looked up excited by that prospect.

"No," Big Al saved me, "Sabrina is afraid of blood, we'd be picking her up off the floor."

The man shrugged. "Okay give me half hour. Ben!" He yelled and a young man walked up through the floor. He magically appeared, he was tall and probably around our age. He had a huge smile when he saw the two of us leaning on the counter. He had a nice shy smile.

The old man pointed to us. "Keep these girls busy for a while. Bring 'em back in thirty or so."

Ben looked a little embarrassed as he walked out of the stall. "Sorry, it's so quiet here." Al was still leaning, showing her breasts on the counter, but I could tell he was trying not to look as he walked past. He glanced at me. "Um, hi, are you hungry, not many stalls are open off-season."

"Sure, we could eat." Al told him over her shoulder, "But we are not going back to sausage land for hamburgers."

Ben smiled and we followed him. "Where are you from?"

"Brooklyn," Giving him my sexiest smile.

"Wow." He turned to look at me and then did a slight glance at my legs. "Brooklyn, that's so far."

We went through a maze of buildings, at least three of them and then we ended up in a very dark corridor, all I heard was our heels clicking on the linoleum floor. We saw a green glow as we moved along, we heard and saw people.

"This is the only place to eat." Ben smiled as we walked into Rita's Mexicali Cafe. A little cardboard sign announced its name.

There was a table of about six boys, a little younger than us. "Hey Ben, whatcha got for us?"

Big Al spoke for him, "Keep dreaming boys," And she looked away. It looked like they have been here a while with plates and cups strewn all over their table.

We headed to the counter. There were a lot of things on the wall menu and I never heard of any of them, but it all smelled incredible.

"Um," I looked at our new friend, "Why don't you order for us, we are pretty easy." I smiled.

"When it comes to food." Al grabbed me and we sat down at the furthest table.

Ben ordered while Al whispered to me, keeping an eye on the boys at the other table. "Easy... Don't even think of it, I see you looking at Ben. He is just a kid, we are here to find men."

"I haven't seen a man since we left New York," I looked back over at the table of boys, they were trying to interact with us but Al wasn't having any of it. I crossed my legs and smiled at them, I liked being looked at but I could tell they were looking at Al's breasts and not my legs.

"Don't bother the girls," Ben told the other table, and then he left and said he would get us when everything was ready.

I assumed Rita was the one who brought us over something called 'Sopes,' full of pork, red sauce, lettuce, tomatoes, and cheese. It was of course wonderful. Big Al didn't talk the entire time she ate.

"We are coming back here," I told her. "We should take the Mello Yello lady next time, to say thank you."

When we were finishing up the six boys from the other table came over to talk to us again. I started to get tense as they surrounded us, but Ben showed up and shooed them away.


"Try 'em." The old man asked me while Big Al once again laid her breasts on the counter.

"Oh my god they are perfect, they don't even squeeze my earlobes," I giggled. My other ones left a throb in my ears for hours afterward. I threw the old ones into the metal garbage can with a clink. "Thank you," I told him, "And thank Ben." It was the best three dollars I ever spent.

Ben appeared when he heard his name. He just smiled, I could tell he was shy and I was thinking of all the things I could do with a boy like that, but Al made me wave goodbye and pulled me away. I took one more look and waved to Ben.

Soon we were outside, "Men not boys." Big Al reminded me as we headed to my car.

I heard the squeaky door behind us. "Um, girls!" Ben was calling and walking towards us. "If you two are not busy tomorrow, there is a concert." He handed us a flyer, obviously, he tore it off of the wall.

Al looked a little suspicious, but I took the flyer. "Okay, that sounds like fun." I gave him my one heart-melting smile, one that I have practiced in front of my mirror for years, and then we walked away.

"What's your name?"

I turned, I felt sexy. He was asking me and not Alyssa. No one ever paid attention to me with her around, she was gorgeous, I was usually invisible.

"Sabrina... See you tomorrow." I held up the flyer.


'I love to love you baby'

Donna Summer was back on, I felt so good. I was going to see a boy tomorrow.

Big Al opened her window, "We are not going to wherever that thing is, we are meeting men."

"Meeting Ben?" I laughed, I would have to change her mind.



After a day at the quiet beach, the quiet pool, and the quiet lobby of the hotel we were back in the room. It took me all day to convince her to go see Ben that night. She wasn't going for it, I had to beg.

Up to that point in my life, I hadn't been with many men. We were drinking paper cups filled with sangria while we were watching Spanish soap operas and I told Al some of my history with 'the opposite gender.'

"You gave him a handjob on the side of a highway?" She laughed.

"He was a truck driver, it was fun, he made me feel very feminine." (See *Highway in Heels), I then told her about my parents' neighbor, another older man. "He was a rabbi with a pantyhose and foot thing, it was fun. That's how I acquired most of my dresses." (See *A Religious Experience), "I think I'm ready for a boy."

"Thats' it?"

"Well, there was one more, that I don't want to talk about. It didn't work out too well. I'm glad I have you to help me now, I wish I knew you then. I am having all kinds of fun this vacation."

She then gave me her secret history. It must be great being a beautiful female, she had the most incredible sex life. She also had so many friends and was out and about constantly, I was wondering why she ever hung out with me. Then she got up, shut the TV, and walked over and hugged me. "Okay, tonight we will meet up with Ben, you can play with a boy, but I, am still going to look for a man." She drank the rest of her sangria.

I thought it was crazy that she kept on referencing that I wanted to play with a boy, I just wanted to go out. I think I just liked that he was interested in me, I really never had that before. I was quite jealous of her. Alyssa was popular and she always had men and boys interested in her, this was a first for me.


'I got a little change in my pocket goin' jing-a-ling-a-ling
Wants to call you on the telephone baby, a-give you a ring'

Back in my car, we were overdressed for Seaside Heights, New Jersey, but Alyssa was excited, once again she thought she found her new song.

"This might be the one, we can decide as we draw this little excursion to a close, ha." She maneuvered in the passenger seat fixing her pantyhose, adjusting her bra, she was always blocking my side mirror. She always looked so good. Me? I looked like I was trying too hard.

From the inside out, I had on my black 36-C bra filled with Alyssa's homemade boobs. I had on black panties and beige pantyhose. Over that, I wore a long-sleeved black top and paired it with another short denim skirt. This one was tighter and it gave my waist and hips some definition. It made me look more like a girl. I had on my short black booties with a two-inch chunky heel and a matching bag. Al painted my lips and nails glossy fire engine red. I wore lots of mascara and my cheeks were slightly pink. My blonde fringe coming down to right below my thin light brown eyebrows, I looked and felt incredible, I couldn't wait to play with a boy. I couldn't wait to show off my new earrings, big black circles, hanging off of a secure gold clip.

"Will you put this song louder," She yelled.

'My honey my baby, don't put my love upon no shelf
She said don't hand me no lines and keep your hands to yourself'


We had trouble finding the place with the show, but we followed the smell of marijuana and were soon in front of a plain and crumbling two-story building. There were people outside smoking and drinking beer in cans.

"This looks a little fugazi," Al said as we cruised by in front.

"It will be fun, it's probably the only happening place in this whole town."

Al didn't think so, but she let me park anyway. I checked my makeup in the rearview mirror. We then made our way slowly to the entrance. Having trouble walking on the gravel in our heels. There was a huge Motorcycle guy at the door collecting money.

"Two bucks." He told us, as I fished into my bag. "You know what, if you two girls want to just stand out front a while I'll let you in for free, you would be great advertising." Big Al grabbed the five from my hand and pushed it into his.

"Advertising, sheesh."

We had to walk up a flight of stairs, this definitely wasn't a concert, it was barely worth the two bucks. We got to the top and were about to enter a pretty big space with big dirty windows when I heard my name.

"Sabrina!" I turned, Ben was looking at me. He rushed over, he was pretty excited. "You came, this is great."

Alyssa still wasn't too convinced of this place, "We came, we conquer, we get the heck out of here." She grabbed my sleeve and pulled me more into the room. We ended up on a free beer line.

Ben was so happy to see us, he introduced us to a bunch of guys that came over to try to talk. I felt like we were making him more popular. I could tell he wanted them to know I was with him, it was cute.

Big Al wouldn't look at any of them. "Is this line working, let's get some drinks already." A man was trying to do something with a keg. He was having all sorts of trouble, it was quite funny. Some of the people got off the line and went to the back of the room. Another man was pouring Jack Daniels into plastic cups. He was collecting money.

We were now at the front watching the confused man, he turned around. "Ben?"

Ben laughed, "Having trouble?"

The man was older, probably in his fifties, he had mascara on his eyes and he was wearing a leather cap, he looked a little ridiculous. "Trouble? Is the band on yet?" I could tell he was too high to be doing whatever he was doing so I walked around him to help set up the keg. It was sitting on the floor with a bag of ice on top of it.

I looked at Ben, he looked a little surprised, "Can you get a cardboard box and a garbage bag?"

Big Al shook her head and crossed her arms, we had keg parties all the time, I could set one up in the dark.

In no time we had the keg ready and the beer was getting colder, before I knew it, Ben and I were serving. I was filling up cup after cup. Big Al headed into the main room as the first band began to play. I can't remember the name of the group but I do remember that someone from 'The New York Dolls' was in it.

Ben pumped and I filled the cups, it was a beer called Kronenbourg, and I was surprised it was so European and fancy for this run-down little place. I was bent down and my boobs were swaying, I had a little appreciation club in front of me, I winked at them, they were young but I loved any admirer.

After thirty minutes the music ended and Al walked back in, she was on the arm of a nice-looking man. I gave them two beers.

"You're still working?" She asked laughing. "This is Jerry, he's playing next. He has lots of friends if ya want to meet some."

I smiled and looked over at Ben, I was totally enjoying myself. Ben hadn't stopped watching me since we got here. "No that's okay, you have fun, I'm keeping busy."


The next band went on and the back room we were in, cleared out. It was loud but we finally got to relax. Ben and I were drinking beer and sitting on a couple of boxes. I had my legs crossed and I was playing with my hair. He was very close, he whispered in my ear but I couldn't hear him. He took out a little plastic bag and put it in my hand. I was hoping it wasn't some sort of drug. I opened it and the contents spilled into my palm.

"Oh my god, thank you," I told him, I'm sure he couldn't hear. We got up and filled a couple of more beers for us and another couple, and made our way outside. It was quieter.

I looked at the contents of my palm, there were six little pieces of metal. Ben gave me three more pairs of earring holders. A silver, a black and a white pair. I switched the gold one I had on with the black and showed him. "Well, how does it look?" I felt like such a girl. We were suddenly pretty close, I saw him swallow. I moved into him putting my hair into his face. I wanted him to smell my conditioner and my little bit of perfume. I was still holding my hair out of my face and we started to kiss, I had to initiate it. I then had to stop and put the earring holders in my bag. I put my arms around his neck and he grabbed me by the waist. We were making out in front of this ugly building. A car beeped, I stopped and smiled at Ben, maybe this vacation would finally get great.

He was so quiet, I wanted him to tell me how nice I smelled, how nice my eyes looked, how great my breasts felt pushing against him. I pushed my body into him, I could tell he was hard, even through the denim of my skirt. I had to stop myself from making my way down there with my hand. I was enjoying this, his own hands were now roaming my body, then I heard a voice from above.


We stopped kissing, but he still held me close. I had my chin on his shoulder. People were coming out of the door, more smoking and drinking were going on. Big Al and her musician friend were behind me, I turned around, he was carrying a guitar case. "This is where you are? There is a huge line for beer upstairs. It's between bands, everyone is looking for the hot blonde to fill them up."

Ben kissed me again. "Mmm?" I didn't care, I had a boy's tongue in my mouth.

"Sabrina? Can you come up for air?"

I slowly pulled away from Ben, he had a crazy grin on his face. He would remember me forever. Al grabbed me and pulled me away from the men.

"Enjoying yourself?" She smiled.

"Mmm, I am."

"Well let's get out of here then, Rick knows about some party, we can follow in your car. Are you drunk?"

"No, I only had a couple of sips of beer."

"Good." She called over to the guys, "Rick, take Ben, we will follow you. If you're lucky!"


We got behind the guys, Rick told us it was close. I was shaking, I was pretty excited. I wanted to be with Ben. It had been a long time since I was intimate with a male, and he seemed so nice and interested in me.

"You know if you want, we could ditch these guys. Meet someone hotter."

I looked at her, we were at a red light, I'm sure I had a pleading look in my eyes.

"Ha," She patted my cheek. "Don't worry you can have your little boy, but you are going to ruin him. He's not going to find anyone as hot as you again in this crappy little town. Haha "

Soon we were on a nice block, there were only a couple of houses on it. We stopped in front of a house that was all lit up in the front, there was so much property. I barely parked the car and Ben was outside opening my door. We started to kiss again in the middle of the street, my car door still open.

"I kept on tellin' Jerry to slow down. I was nervous you were gonna disappear."

I giggled, "I didn't." We headed into the house, Ben had to run back out to my car and close the door. We saw the inside lights on.

The party was pretty disappointing, only a couple of people were there and they only had 'Seagrams Seven' and 'Gordon's Gin' to drink. We poured some Seagrams and ginger ale and walked around the backyard. Al and her guitar player went back into the house while Ben and I sat on a padded lounge chair in the garden. We heard strains of the band Rush playing on a stereo.

"When are you going back to Brooklyn?"

Ben was playing with my hair, and he was fingering my big black earrings. "Saturday."

"Brooklyn is not that far away from here." He smiled and we kissed again. I was thinking it was a million miles away from here.

I took his hand and I put it on my breast. He took hold, I was big, I wish they were real. "Mmm, how do I feel?" I asked breathlessly into his ear.

"You have the best tits, I mean breasts I have ever seen." He was lying, he had seen Alyssa's. I didn't care I wanted him to play with them. I pulled back and downed my boring drink and put down my cup. He did the same. I put my hands behind my back and pushed my breasts out, I stretched, I was showing off. I then slid my tight skirt up just a little to the middle of my thighs. I couldn't believe that Alyssa let me wear stockings, she even put a pair on herself.

"You should see me in something sexier." I teased him. He couldn't stop touching me.

"I don't know, you are pretty sexy."

Ben's hands went on my legs and he began to rub my nylon thighs. I put my hands over his. My long nails were shining in the slight light from the patio and the moon. We kissed as he rubbed. I was getting turned on. I couldn't believe we just met. He started kissing my face and neck. My hands went to his chest, I loved my nails making trails on his body. They looked so sexy.

"It's so quiet out here," I told him, it was also so dark. "How far away do you live?"

He stopped kissing my neck, but he continued to rub my thighs. "Oh, um, not too far, maybe a couple of blocks. This is Jerry's brother's house."

"Mmm," I whispered and slipped onto his lap. I pushed his face down to my breasts and I started playing with his hair. I felt cute and I was getting excited.

I heard some yelling from the house, the back door shrieked open. "Where are you?" Big Al was calling. "Sabrina, we're leaving. Let's go. Sabrina! NOW!"

"Wait don't go, please..." I heard Jerry call her.

She walked over to us and pulled me off of Ben's lap, his cock was so hard I could see the slight shadow of it on his jeans. Even though it was dark.

"Wait, what happened?" She dragged me through the side yard, soon we were in front of the house, Ben followed. I was tripping in my heels.

"Let's go." We got to the car, and she hopped in. She crossed her arms, she wouldn't look at me.

"Let me drive you home," I told Ben and he went into the back.

"C'mon go." Al was pretty mad, I couldn't imagine what Jerry could have done. "Shit, you should have seen that fuckin' house."

"What? What happened?" I kept on glancing at Ben in my mirror, it was hard keeping my eyes off of him. I just kept on driving, trying to get farther away from the block.

"The house was full of guns, they were all over the wall. Even in the fuckin' bathroom. Where the hell are we Texas?" I started to laugh, being from Brooklyn we don't see too many guns, ironically. "There were also dead animals in every fuckin' room. All of them were lookin' at me."

"Jerry's brother is a hunter... and a taxidermist."

We started laughing, but Al still had her arms crossed, she was pretty disappointed in the direction of the night. "Let's get this one home and get back to the room, I am fucking done with New Jersey."

I drove Ben home, it took five minutes and I got out with him to walk to his door.

"Sabrina! He doesn't need protection!" Al yelled

"Well, just in case." I was thinking I needed a little more of his touch myself.

We were almost to his door. He asked, "Can I see you tomorrow?" He stopped me and grabbed my waist with his hands.

"You can, we are at the Oceanfront Hotel in Seaside. You are going to have to find a man for Alyssa." I laughed, who would have thought I would have to look for someone for her?

"Okay. That should be REAL easy." And then we kissed again. It was just a little goodnight kiss at first, then my arms went around his neck and he pulled me close. His cock was hard again, he was humping me and we slid our hands down to each other's ass. I put my hands into his back pockets. I felt us rubbing together, I was loving this. I was glad I was tucked in tight inside my panties, he would only feel a nice tight 'pussy.' Then I started to breathe heavy, I had to stop kissing him, he licked my neck. I started to cum, I felt myself ejaculating in my panties. I felt a little disoriented as I pushed and ground my crotch into him. After I was done, I then rubbed his cock. He was big and hard, I felt him through the rough denim. I played with him for about a minute as we kissed and he started to have his own orgasm. I removed my hand and I let him grind against me to finish up. He smiled and then we started to kiss again. We were enjoying the afterglow.


"Come on, stop fuckin' around." BEEP. "Let's get outta here!"

"Big Al is ready to go," I told Ben.

"Obviously, ha." One more kiss and I finally let go of him. His front door opened and a light went on. A man was looking at us. I stopped and walked back with Ben. I didn't want to seem rude.

"Oh, hi," I said.

"Sabrina, this is my father," Ben brought me over to him and I said hello. "I met her at the Emporium." He shook his head he seemed impressed.


"Okay, let me go before Al wakes everyone up. Nice meeting you." I waved and strutted back to the car, I was totally on a cloud. I looked back and both of them were still watching me.

I jumped in next to Alyssa and drove a couple of blocks, I was still so worked up. God, I had never made out with someone for so long, it was wonderful. I pulled over. I closed my eyes and leaned back, I was exhausted.

Alyssa turned to me, "Don't tell me a boy wore you out?"

"He did, I loved it. I made him cum. Haha."

She was still looking at me. She shook her head.

"Congratulations, let's break out the champagne."



The boom box was loud, it was early and we were still alone in the hotel.

'Bad girls, Talking about the sad girls
Sad girls, Talking about the bad girls, yeah'

Big Al decided we weren't looking in the right places for a new song. "We should just stick with Donna Summer, she has so many songs. I'm sure she has some older ones we could fall in love with." 'Bad Girls' was on the radio and it sounded pretty good to her. I didn't have the heart to tell her 'Love To Love You Baby' was at least thirteen years old.

"Plus Donna Summer fits our image, she's glamourous and hot like us. And she's got boobs." She laughed.

"Um, all women have boobs."

"Tsk, you know what I mean."

I never told Alyssa the reason I listened to Donna Summer in the first place. Two rumors were surrounding her and I loved both of them. The first was that in 'Love To Love You Baby' she was having orgasms when she wasn't singing. Twenty-three to be exact, someone counted. The other was closer to my heart. The media said she was transexual. They even had pictures for proof. It turned out it was just an adult performer that looked like her. I thought the tranny was more beautiful, of course. I found the pictures in a magazine called Nuggets, it was a fetish magazine that was kind of popular in the eighties.


"Ladies?" It was the woman from the desk. "You got a call." She handed Alyssa a piece of paper and she gave it to me.

"Thank you."

Alyssa stood over me, "What is it?"

"I don't know, it's a 213 area code. Someone named Meaghan. I hope it's not Ben's girlfriend or something..."


We finished getting dressed, it was our last full day in Seaside and we were going to go to the beach. I was wondering myself when Ben was going to get in touch. I was worried, it was after two in the afternoon.

Both Alyssa and I were in black. She had her string bikini on, her abs and breasts looking incredible. Me? I was wearing a one-piece, the fabric completely covered my top and it had a criss-cross design. It had two slight transparent lines around the waist, it gave my hips definition. I looked very cute in it, my crotch and legs looked very feminine. I put on my big black earrings again and watched myself as I moved my head in the mirror. My hair still looked amazing.

We both put on our plastic heels and went to the lobby to make a call.


The lobby was getting busier and they had three people behind the desk. The Mello Yellow lady saw us as we walked in. "Ooh, someone was looking for you. Two men. They said they were coming back around five with dinner."

"Great," I said, I couldn't wait to see Ben. I then went and made my call, I was completely on a cloud.

Alyssa watched me, she had her arms full, she was holding the boom box and towels. "Well?"

"Wow, I can't believe it, I was offered a job in LA at a new Gallery."

"In LA?"

"Yeah, Meaghan, I met her at the one in the City." I sat down, I was a little dazed, I wasn't expecting that. I wanted to work in the art field, I had majored in art in college, being at the bank was only nice because I worked with Alyssa.

"Well, let's go in the ocean, you can think about it. LA will be a disappointment after Seaside, haha..."


For some reason sitting on the beach, under an umbrella, in our plastic chairs, and listening to the radio everything seemed different. I felt so wonderful. I felt a little excited. I didn't know if it was the phone call or the remnants of Ben's hands on my body. Either way, I was flirting with every man that came into our tight little spot or onto our towels.

"Hi, wanna cooler?" I would smile and they would all smile back. I would fix my lips and wink at those who were watching. I felt I was posing on my chair, like a model showing off the new line of bathing suits. I hoped this could be the new me. I felt like I was becoming more like Alyssa, I was emulating her. We had a fan club around us, the rest of the beach was so empty.

We shared drinks with all of the men and boys that walked by, we ran out so quick. We barely got to go in the ocean we did too much entertaining. It was nice, I was having fun and I didn't want it to end, but I had to get back to the hotel to get ready for Ben. Al didn't want to leave, so once again, I had to beg her.

"You are becoming very needy now that you had your boy, ya know." She told everyone goodbye. "Sorry guys we have to go, Sabrina is getting laid tonight. She has to put her laid face on." She laughed and made fun of me the whole walk back to our room with a view.


'I love to love you baby'

I was in front of the small dirty mirror. I had on my new outfit, this was the one I had been saving. It was a light floral patterned set, blouse, and skirt. It had a red, white, and orange floral design, very cute. The skirt was full and had a little belt, the top was long sleeve and slightly transparent, with my white three-inch heels I looked and felt like I walked out of a magazine. Alyssa wouldn't let me wear pantyhose so underneath my dress I had on my white bra and silk panty set.

One of the guys we met at the beach was outside on a chair drinking the last of our sangria. Alyssa had taken a shine to him, she kept on going out and showing off her different outfits. He picked out a yellow fishnet sleeveless dress, of course. She sat on his lap while she did her makeup.

'I love to love you baby'

The hotel was filling up for the weekend, I wish we were staying until Monday but Al had to get back for a family function tomorrow night.

I was brushing my hair, I was going to miss this hairstyle it looked great on me. "Alyssa? I don't think I'm going to get laid tonight. How would I even attempt it?" I called to her from inside, over the din of the music.

The two of them walked into the room with me, I forgot he was still there. "Heh, I can make one call and have a line out of the door sweetheart." His voice was so deep and his body was so hairy and wide, he was totally Al's type.

I was glad he had faith in me but I was a little embarrassed. "Ooh maybe next time," I smiled and went into the bathroom, Alyssa followed me.

After we got back from the beach Alyssa made me use something called 'Summer's Eve.' She also made me rinse inside and out with the removable shower head. I had a crazy orgasm while it shot into my now clean surrogate 'vagina.' She also put some lotion in my pocketbook for later, she was giggling the whole time. She was still giggling.

"If it happens, it happens, but don't be surprised." She put a necklace around me and picked out white earrings. I smiled when I spied my new little devices. "You know you are such a little flirt, I wasn't expecting that." She laughed and went back out to sit with her new man.


It was five o'clock and we went down to the pool. I loved the sound of my heels clicking and the smell of my perfume. There were many guests now hanging around the lobby and pool area. I looked around and all of the tables were taken. The pool area was finally crowded. Then I saw Ben.

I did a little cute jog and soon I was behind him. He had food laid out on the table, along with wine and sangria. There was another man in a shirt and tie and he smiled at me as I approached. Ben turned around and I bent down to kiss him on the cheek.


"Wow, hi, you look great." He was looking at my dress and my boobs as I bent. I felt the weight of them hanging and brushing against his arm, once again wishing they were real. "You smell so good." He stood up and we hugged, the other man watched as Big Al and her new man made their way over. "Oh, this is Raif," Ben said, he took my hand and I introduced him to Alyssa.

Alyssa pointed behind her. "Mick." She made a face.

We gathered around the table, the food smelled amazing. We had to move out of the way for a bunch of children, the pool was getting more crowded and louder by the second. I saw the Mello Yellow lady walk in the parking lot so I skipped over and asked her to join us. I didn't like that there was an extra man at the table. She looked over my shoulder, Ben was watching me.

"He looks kinda young." She told me.

"No the one in the tie."

She looked again, then shrugged. She reached into her car and pulled out a bag. "Okay, why not."

I introduced her to the table, "Everybody this is..."


"Ellen," I smiled.

"Can I go change in your room?" Ellen asked. Then Raif did the same. They looked like they were connecting very quickly already.

I gave them the key and the four of us sat around the food, and the sangria and wine were poured. I sat so close to Ben, I was practically in his lap. My panties were getting wet just rubbing against him. Al kept on glancing at me and shaking her head.

The other two got back all changed for the night and we made room. We drank our sangria and wine, I was so happy.

When I held Ben's hand he kissed me, then said, "I got the food from Rita's. It's not that hot anymore but it should still be delicious." He smiled, I didn't care I was just glad he was here touching and smiling at me. "We got Huaraches (Thick oval tortilla topped with refried beans), and Sopes, I know you liked them the last time." He smiled at me again. Then we all ate and drank and had a wonderful time. I wish we were staying in Seaside Heights longer.


Friday night was all of a sudden happening here at the Oceanfront. It was loud, crowded, and busy. Ben wanted to take us to a club, I think it was called The ChatterBox. It wasn't too far from the hotel, maybe a mile or so.

"I'll drive!" Raif said.

So we all piled into his car, it was a Lincoln Continental. It was old but it had plenty of room, there were four of us in the back. My one leg was over Ben's and he had his arm around me.

He tapped Raif, "Remember I have to get my car." He told us he left it in the parking lot last night. He looked at me, "I didn't want to take any chances, ha, I didn't want you out of my sight." It was cute. he kissed me again and I put my hand on his chest.

I felt a tapping on my back, "Sabrina," Alyssa was pressing into me. "Save some for later, we don't want you worn out." I turned around and smiled. Mick had both his hands massaging Al's breasts. She made a face and smiled at me, and then put her hands over his. I guess she was enjoying herself.

We got to the car and Ben and I hopped out, we were going to meet them there.

I closed the door and pulled down the visor with a little mirror. I took out my lipstick, it was called 'Dark Rose.' I fixed my lips, while Ben watched. I have never felt more feminine or sexy in my life. It has become one of the things I loved to do when I am with a man. I love when I'm being watched coloring my lips. I then put it away and fluffed my hair, I could tell he was still looking at me, I was making a show of it.

"Um, Ben?"


"When are we going?"

"I'm sorry, I just, um, you know." I slid over, I knew. I put his car in park for him and kissed him. I was enjoying this, I would remember Seaside Heights forever. After a couple of minutes, I was getting a little overheated, we had to stop otherwise we were never going to leave. I didn't want Alyssa to think I was getting worn out, already.


The Chatterbox was on the ocean and it was loud and pretty crowded. I loved that I could show off in my dress, especially since I wasn't the only one wearing something provocative. Men were watching us, all three of us girls, as we moved inside, I loved being popular, though being with Alyssa instantly made you popular. The music they played was mostly disco and some new dance songs. We all stood in the middle of the dance floor and watched Ellen and Raif. The two of them were incredible dancers and it turned out they had both been here many times before. They even danced here together.

Alyssa and I even started dancing, we were rubbing against the boys. I was having fun. I had my hands all over Ben and he was trying to kiss me. I was avoiding his lips, teasing him. I was trying to be sexy, but I don't think my moves were working as well as Alyssa's. She was holding Mick's hands and leaning into him, she was a pro at turning men on.

We were drinking sangria and I was starting to get a little drunk. Ben and Mick were drinking beer and doing shots. I never did shots, I knew better. Raif was too busy dancing, plus he said he was the designated driver. "The cops are a little crazy around here."

We danced a little more and I felt myself getting way too horny. Soon Ben and I were leaning against one of the walls. Well, he was against the wall and I was against him. He was so hard, I felt him between the cheeks of my ass. I kept on lifting myself on my toes to feel him against me. He held me and kissed my neck. I was enjoying myself, I was enjoying my time with a boy.

"Sabrina!" I heard Al call over the music. "This could be our new song, listen!"

'All the cops in the donut shop say
(Whey oh whey oh, ay oh whey oh)
Walk like an Egyptian
Walk like an Egyptian'

I made a face. "There was no way we could dance to this. Plus it's about walking, the Donna Summer song was about love. Sex is more our thing. Dontcha think?" We were laughing.

"Yeah, you're right, let's just keep what we have. Oh, we're gonna leave! Raif is taking us back!"

I grabbed Ben and the six of us left the club, they gave us coins for free drinks for the next time we came in. We must have drunk a lot because I was dizzy as we hit the air. Ben held me and we said goodbye to the others. Ben would drive me home.

We walked to the car, it was a block away on the corner, next to an empty lot, and across from the ocean. He was having trouble opening the door with the key and I told Ben maybe we shouldn't drive for a while. Plus I wanted to fool around, and I'm sure he did too. It was a good spot for that, we were under a broken lamppost and there were no other cars around. I was glad we didn't park in the lot.

Ben opened the windows and put the keys in the ignition, then turned on the radio. I scooched over next to him as he put his arms around me.

"You are so beautiful, can I visit you in Brooklyn?"

"Mmm, sure," I told him, but I started wondering if I would take the job in LA. I became distracted, he was rubbing my breasts and kissing my ear and neck. I couldn't believe I was thinking about LA. "Ben? I might move to LA soon."

"Oh really? That's great. I have relatives near LA. You will love it. You'll love the beach." He smiled at me, I didn't want to talk about the future I wanted to enjoy right now. I turned around and put my arms around his neck. We started to kiss, I leaned into him and his hands were rubbing my thighs.

I made the radio louder, maybe we COULD use this tune as our new song. It was on the radio constantly.

'My honey my baby, don't put my love upon no shelf
She said don't hand me no lines and keep your hands to yourself'

"Maybe not," I said out loud into his lips, thinking of the lyrics.


"Oh nothing, just thinking."

I inched up a little more onto him and he started to kiss my neck and my shoulders through the dress. I held his head and pushed him into my chest, I felt my fake breasts against him, I was loving this.

I opened my eyes.

"Can you step out of the car?"

Ben jumped when he heard the voice. He turned around and a large policeman opened his door. We both spilled out.

"Where do you think you're going." He asked, he was holding a long flashlight.

"Um, nowhere. We were going to stay here a while." Ben reached into his pocket to take out his wallet.

The cop put the flashlight in his face. "How old are you?"

"Twenty-one." He said, and I looked at him. he was only twenty-one. Alyssa could tell he was younger but I couldn't.

The cop then shone the flashlight in MY face. "And you miss?"

"Um, twenty-three." I smiled and squinted, trying not to look too drunk, it wasn't working.

"YOU should know better." He watched me and then reached into the car and pulled the keys out of the ignition. The Georgia Satellites abruptly stopped. He held the keys by the ring and then he threw them into the field. I watched and heard them land. "You can look for them tomorrow, now sober up. I could take you in if I was in the mood." He pushed the flashlight into Ben's chest, knocking him slightly back.

"Okay, thank you, officer," I said. Oh god, I couldn't imagine going into a jail cell, dressed up the way I was. I started to get tense and I couldn't wait for the policeman to leave.

I held onto Ben, I felt like I was going to faint.

He finally walked away. "Sleep it off!" He told us and took off in his car. His partner was already doing just that.


I was a little shook up and we sat in the backseat together for about an hour talking, it was so quiet and dark. He was whispering in my ear. "I can't believe we met at the flea market, you were the last thing I expected walking down those aisles, heh."

He told me about his life in Seaside and told him mine in Brooklyn. I had my head on his shoulder, then I had an epiphany. "Don't move," I told him and ran out of the car.

He was watching me prance around the field next to the car, I was searching the low grass and weeds. I was looking for the keys. He was watching from the window, a huge smile was drawn on his face. My heels were sinking into the slightly damp dirt. When I found them I held them up and Ben clapped. "Yes."

I did my sexy walk back. "It's better to get them now, while we have an idea where they landed, haha." And we kissed again through the window. I slipped in again as he leaned over the seat and put the key back in the ignition. He turned on the music again, we kept it low. Once he was back down I was all over him. I then undid his zipper. I slowly pulled it down, I had been thinking about this all night. I had two men in my mouth before, right when I first met Alyssa. I was determined that this time it would be a better experience.

I pulled out his cock, he was so hard. I loved watching my long nails tickle him. I was smiling and gave him a last kiss on the lips. I got into a better position and kissed his cock. I licked and then sucked and soon he was completely in my mouth. He was moaning and playing with my hair. I made him bring his pants all the way down, I wanted to suck on his balls too. I couldn't wait to tell Alyssa of our adventures with the cop, and I couldn't wait to tell her I was sucking Ben's cock. I was playing with a boy, a twenty-one-year-old. Even the policeman knew he was younger than me.

Ben was talking to me but I couldn't concentrate on him, I started listening to the DJ on the radio. Radio in the seventies and eighties was so different than now, it was another world filled with wonderful music and people.

I paused, I stopped sucking, there was no way. There was no way OUR song was going to come on. I looked at Ben and I reached down and pulled off my panties as sexy and quick as I could. I was covered by my full skirt. Ben watched with a bemused look on his face. I stuffed them into his little pocket on his chest. They were white, silk, and perfect. They smelled like flowers. He would be thanking me soon.

"Now I'm gonna play one long incredible song." The DJ announced while I slid some lotion onto myself, filling my 'pussy.' I then put some of the lotion on Ben's manhood, he was still so hard. I don't think he knew what was happening. I was hoping I would be able to stay tucked, or at least hidden by my flowered skirt. I wanted Ben to fuck me. He watched me as I listened to the radio.

The DJ said, "It takes up the whole first side of the vinyl, almost seventeen minutes of music. I would play this years ago and sneak off to eat or go outside to smoke, but now I'm going to enjoy it with you."

I straddled Ben. I felt his hard cock against my ass. I think he was majorly surprised. "Do you have a condom?" He asked me, and I kissed him. He was so cute, a condom, like I was going to get pregnant.

"I don't baby, I want you in my... you know..." I couldn't even say it. "Is that okay?"

"Yeah, whatever you want. Wait are you sure?"

"I am, I am so sure, I am so ready." I then pushed him closer to my hole as I moved up just a little, moving even closer to him. My breasts against his face. I held his cock and placed it just outside of me.

The DJ was still talking, then he stopped, I couldn't pay attention I was too excited. Then the music started playing, I was about to lose my feminine virginity, Ben slipped into me. I had something in there before, I knew he would fit inside me. I knew it would hurt, so we took it slow.

"Oh my god, Ben, you feel incredible." I started bouncing on his cock as he slid further into me. We started kissing again. My goal was to fuck for the entire song. I slowed down... I listened to the music...

'In a gadda da vida, honey
Don't you know that I'm lovin' you
In a gadda da vida, baby
Don't you know that I'll always be true'

"What the fuck?"

"What? What's the matter." Ben seemed nervous. I sounded quite angry.

"No, no nothing. I'm sorry, don't stop, you feel wonderful." I concentrated on his hard cock and his hands on my hips. I felt my little 'clit' bouncing under the fabric. He was in and out of me, it felt fantastic. Ben plowed into me, even through the drum solo. We didn't stop.

"Yes, yes, yes.." I lightly sang.

No one would ever know. I would never tell them, I would never tell anybody that I was losing my virginity to fuckin' 'In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida.' This song is almost seventeen minutes long too, the duration seemed so random.

I looked at Ben while he was pushing into my body with such enthusiasm, and I thought of Alyssa and Donna Summer. I sang my favorite song to myself, my lips were moving as his hands and lips went all over my body. When I tell this story I'm going to say we were making love to 'Love to Love You Baby.' I whispered the words into his ear, he started to sing along with me, clashing with the radio.

'I love to love you baby
I love to love you baby
When you're laying so close to me
There's no place I'd rather you be
Than with me here'

The lyrics were perfect. The song was perfect. His cock was perfect. The windows were open and the weather was perfect. Ben started to grunt.

"Holy, oh my god, Sabrina you feel fantastic." We were bouncing, I had my hands on his shoulders, his lips nuzzling my neck. "Sabrina I'm gonna cum. Is that alright?"

What, is he crazy, of course it's alright, what kind of girls has he been sleeping with. "You can cum while you're inside me, I want to feel it." And then he did, I felt myself fill up and then I started to cum myself. My skirt was soaking up all the cum that I shot.

"Yes, yes, yes..." I was in heaven.

I have been blessed with a sympathetic orgasm. Once a man cums I usually cum within seconds. The thought that I had made someone that excited always took me over the edge. I giggled and held on as he finished his orgasm. He was bucking and grunting.

"Wow, that was so great," He said as we slowed down. I sat on his lap and his dick slipped out.

I contemplated putting my panties back on but I wanted him to keep them. I wanted him to remember me. I climbed off of him and helped him pull his briefs and pants back up. he leaned against the door and I laid on his lap. I was exhausted but sober. I wasn't a virgin anymore.



"I just want you to know, you were my first."

I looked up at him. "You were a virgin too?"

He laughed. "I guess."

Technically I wasn't a virgin, but as a female I was. I feel that was the one that counted. I moved up and gave him one more goodnight kiss. "You know," I looked into his eyes. I was thinking what a wonderful week this had been, with just one misstep. "We lost our virginity to 'In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida.'

He laughed, "I know isn't that great?" He smiled at me. It was his turn to be in heaven.

"Eh, I would have preferred Donna Summer." I kissed his wonderful lips one more time. He would have his memories and I would have mine. I moved back down and fell asleep fast with my head in his lap and his hand on my breast. Naked under my skirt.

I hoped Alyssa wasn't waiting up for me.


The sun was in my eyes, I was still leaning against Ben. He was up and looking out toward the ocean. He smiled when he noticed I was awake. He handed me something. I moved up and shook the sleep out of my eyes. I didn't really know what it was, I yawned and I smiled.

"This fell out." I looked again.

It was my breast, the right one. I was so embarrassed I took it and turned around to put it back in my bra. My fabric and sand, my fake tits. I felt so silly. "I'm, I'm sorry Ben."

"That's okay, my sister uses something like that."

I felt awful. It's one thing fooling a man into thinking you are a woman. Being transgendered wasn't easy for me, I just wanted to be loved. But being flat-chested, well that's a different story. That's lying. I felt suddenly terrible.

I was embarrassed as we both got up, got out, and moved to the front. It was almost ten, I had to go back and pack. I had to leave Seaside Heights. The car wouldn't start, the battery was dead. He turned to me and pulled me close, and we kissed. I guess he didn't care he was with a flat-chested older woman.


We found someone to give the car a jump and we headed back to the hotel. He held my hand and squeezed it when he glanced over at me. I fixed my lipstick, and my lashes and hair still looked perfect. I didn't want this ride to end.

I looked at my new boy, I would think about him often. I kissed him goodbye and we exchanged numbers. I decided I was going to LA, my number was going to change very soon. I watched his car drive away. I started to cry a little, I was in the Oceanfront parking lot sinking my heels into the tar. Ben's car turned a corner, he was gone. I had my clutch bag over my chest. It hurt.

I had an arm around me, it was Ellen. "Are you okay?"

I smiled at her and hugged her. "I am. I had a such wonderful night," I searched for Ben's car again. "How was yours?"

I wiped away my tears, she had such a big smile on her face. "It was so great, you can't even imagine. Me and Raif had the hottest sex in his car. I'm thirty, I shouldn't be sleeping with men in their car." She laughed, then I laughed.

"We're leaving today."

"I know. It was fun, make sure you come again. Next time I will get you an employees discount. Ha." She made me laugh. I was going to miss her. I was going to miss Seaside Heights.


Monday & Tuesday

It was a quiet ride back to Brooklyn. I only had my time with Ben on my mind.

We had one more day, then vacation would be over. I spent it locked up in my little apartment taking pictures and trying on all of my clothes. The little bit I had. I wanted to wear every one of my outfits with my beautiful blonde bob, the fringe over my eyebrows.

I called to Alyssa from the bottom of her stairs. I was going to miss her. I called the bank and told them I was leaving. I called the gallery in LA and accepted the job and then called the salon and let them cut my hair. I cried in their bathroom for fifteen minutes.

Once back, I packed the car and said goodbye to Brooklyn and Alyssa again, and unfortunately to 'Sabrina.' I ran back into the house and called Ben. I had to close my eyes to use my girls' voice. He told me he was missing me so much his chest hurt. I was so sad, but I had to grow up. I couldn't say goodbye to him. Mwah.

Leaving was hard but I still had one important thing, one important piece of my puzzle to remember. 'I love to love you baby, I love to love you baby,' for sixteen minutes and forty-nine seconds.

Did I tell you I lost my virginity to that song?
Is that right?
Mmm mmm.

'I love to love you baby'

The End


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