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Snow's whole life changes when the winter solstice arrives.
Author's Note: Here is chapter 21 of Snow Angel. Thanks to Big Closet and to all my readers for your support. I hope you all enjoy. Further chapters are available on Patreon.~Amethyst.
Chapter 21: Family Ties
As luck would have it, Maryn knew just the place for us to get some clothes. It turned out that she needed some too since she would be going incognito as well. Sira had decided that since Maryn knew the capital as only a native could, and her appearance had changed some from the Angel Elixir, she would be a good candidate to blend in and hear things that people might not say with visible Seed-borne around.
Like with me and Autumn, her team would be shadowing from a distance in case things went badly, though I felt that that was probably much less likely to happen with her than with us. Though my grandmother gave us the option of working together if we wanted to. So Maryn planned to follow me and Autumn from a distance to try and pick up anything that might be said about the two of us once we were out of hearing. She also suggested that while she would be trying to blend in, the two of us should stand out as much as possible.
With that in mind, she also had some ideas on what we should all wear. So, as soon as our group of ten made our way out of the gates of the academy, Maryn led us to a clothing shop that wasn’t too far away from our starting point. It was just down the street from her uncle’s café as well so Maryn sent the others on ahead to wait for us there while she took me and Autumn into the shop in question.
“Don’t worry,” the brunette assured us in a hushed tone as we entered the shop, “Fawn and Kyra will take good care of us. My dad told me that a lot of the new Angel recruits usually come to them for clothes these days, especially those not used to the city, since they’re good at making alterations for extra limbs and are familiar with the type of clothes that those of you from Animen, Fay, or Devilkin villages are more comfortable in.”
“You’re sure about that, Maryn?” Autumn asked uncertainly. “It’ll probably help sell that we’re fresh from our respective villages if we’re dressed like it.”
“Yeah, Dad said that they know their stuff and I guess a lot of the Fay, in particular, don’t like Human winter fashions. There are too many layers and women are expected to have pretty much everything but our faces covered, no matter what the time of year. It’s considered immodest to show any skin beneath your neck to anyone but your husband, at least among the nobility. Even us commoners tend to wear a lot of layers in the winter though,” our friend explained as we looked around the clothing on display.
“Well, that explains the dress and boots that Heather was wearing when we met her,” I said thoughtfully. “Are you sure they make clothes for people like us? All that I see are the kinds of things that the Humans outside are wearing.”
“We do, we just don’t advertise it,” a melodious voice said and I turned toward it in surprise. I had barely heard the woman before she spoke, and that was only because of the motion of the curtain that had opened from the back of the shop where she stood appraising us. Then she nodded and with a wink added, “You’ve come for a private fitting? Would one of you be a dear and lock the door and turn the sign in the window?”
As Maryn turned to comply, I took a good look at the young woman. She was in her late teens and somewhat tall and slender with a pretty face, though her face was all that I could see. Her eyes were a bright blue, set in a pretty yet slightly angular face. A navy blue scarf covered her hair and most of her head, the same shade of blue as the bulky layered dress that covered her from throat to her ankles and wrists. Black boots poked out from beneath the hem of the dress and her hands were covered in white gloves. She looked like a Human, and it seemed like she was dressed the part as well, but something about her didn’t smell quite right.
Once Maryn had the door locked and had flipped the sign in the window the young woman smiled. “Please, come join us in the back room and you can tell me and Kyra what you need. While most of the clothing that we display out front here is meant for Humans, we do cater to the other Races as well. We just need to be careful about it since Queen Sabine took the throne,” she said as she pushed through the curtain ahead of us.
“Hmmmph. Queen Dalia must be turning in her tomb, if she was still alive and ruling we wouldn’t have to hide our services, or ourselves this way,” another young woman muttered as we followed the woman into the back room. She was dressed similarly to the other woman and perhaps a couple of years younger, closer to our age, though her scarf and dress were green instead of blue. Her eyes were a deep brown and she smelled like an Animan to me, though not any type that I had ever encountered before.
“We knew it wasn’t going to be easy, Sis,” the first young woman said with a sigh. It sounded like they had had this argument before. Then she turned back to us and gave us a weak smile before starting introductions. “I’m Fawn Woodward and this is my sister Kyra,” the one in the blue said. “Our parents are Angels and we opened this place a couple of years ago. Officially we’re seamstresses catering to the wealthy but we help those who need to, to blend in among Humans, and a lot of Angel recruits come to us for clothing too. I assume that’s why you’re here?”
“Umm… you don’t look or smell like sisters, you don’t even smell like you’re the same species,” I said trying to figure out their scents.
“I’m adopted,” Kyra said as the pair removed their scarves to reveal their ears. “Mom and Dad’s team found me on a mission when I was a baby.” No wonder I hadn’t been able to figure out their scents. I had never seen a Sheepkin, like Kyra seemed to be, before and Fawn had slightly pointed ears poking through her blonde hair, though they weren’t as long as Autumn’s, and her eyes seemed like those of a Human rather than with slit-pupils like those of a Fay.
“You’re half Fay,” Autumn said in surprise, a smile curling her lips upward.
“Yup, Mom and Dad were put on the same team together and they just clicked so Mom took him as her mate. Since neither Kyra nor I were really suited to be Angels, they gave us a choice once we both had our gifts; we could try to join the Corps as support staff or help in some other way once we were old enough or we could go live with our grandparents in Whiteriver Glade and try to make a life there,” Fawn replied with a nod.
“Whiteriver Glade?! That’s the glade that I am from!” Autumn practically squealed. While they usually accepted the use of the word ‘village’ when speaking with Humans or other Races, during Heather’s Fay lessons Autumn had told us that they preferred the term ‘glade’.
“Mom took us there once when we were both really young, you’d have probably been a baby then if you were born yet at all,” Kyra said, a faint smile touching her lips. “I barely remember it but everyone was so nice, even though I’m not one of you and Fawn is only half Fay. Mom always says that family isn’t about blood though, it’s about love. We almost decided to go there but with the way things have been turning against Seed-borne here in the capital, we decided to try to help the Corps by doing what we can to help keep an eye on things here and helping those who need it.”
“We help where we can,” Fawn agreed. “We provide disguises, help people who need to get out of the city, and sometimes I use my Seed-borne gift to smuggle things like food or our disguises to those who need help.”
“At least you have a useful gift, Sis,” Kyra replied with a sigh as the black-haired Sheepkin girl tugged uncomfortably at her clothes. “You can make things grow or shrink, my wool just grows really fast, so I end up having to eat more and shave it off every day to blend in with the Humans.”
“It only works with inanimate objects though, and nothing with moving parts. At least your wool is strong and durable, and so is the cloth that we weave from it,” Fawn said to console her sister. Then her attention turned back to us, or rather me. “So, what can we do for you, girls? You’re Angel recruits, right? I recognize clothes made in a nano-weave factory when I see them. I’m not sure if we can help you to blend in very well though. We can get you human clothes to help cover your tail and ears, but your eyes and nose might be a problem. I’ve never seen an Animan with animal features to that degree before.”
“Yep, we’re Angel recruits, but I’m the only one who needs to blend in,” Maryn said with a grin. “These two need to stand out as much as possible. They should look like they just arrived from the forest or one of the glades.”
Once we told the pair of seamstresses about our assignment and they swore not to speak of it with anyone else, they got to work. Maryn was of course the easiest since they had plenty of human clothes already made in the front of the shop, they just needed to find something that fit and suited her coloring. She ended up wearing an outfit similar to their own in a deep plum hue, only with her brunette hair demurely braided instead of covered by a scarf. Rather than sending her to a shoe store for proper boots, Kyra offered a pair of her older boots that Fawn made a little bigger to fit the Human girl properly.
Autumn wouldn’t be too hard to get equipped either since the pair often made clothes for their Fay mother and Human father, so they had a couple of outfits on hand that wouldn’t need to even be altered much to fit Autumn’s lithe form. The pair were more worried about me since they didn’t have much fur or leather on hand at the moment that hadn’t already been used for clothes for the new Human, Devilkin, and Animen recruits for support staff for the Corps, who had been in the city for over a week already with nothing but time on their hands to do things like get new clothes.
Their concerned frowns over that quickly turned to grins when Autumn proudly declared that I was her first chosen mate and the plan was to show that off as much as possible. With that in mind, they quickly sent Maryn off with some of our money to procure a couple of pairs of Animan-style winter moccasins from a nearby leatherworker while they got to work. Moccasins were one of the things that the Fay often traded for during their trading expeditions to Serkis since they didn’t work with animal hides themselves and traded what little they had for other goods, along with things like honey, mead, hemp, smoking weed, and sometimes fruits and vegetables.
With their desire to be true to nature, Fay only really tend to wear clothes when it’s cold or when dealing with the other, more reserved Races. Even then, they often wear clothes worn from leaves, vines, and flowers except for when it gets too cold to be comfortable that way. When it gets colder they make clothes from hemp cloth, or cotton or wool when they can trade for it. That was why they trade for winter moccasins since they are warm, comfortable, and well-made.
While Maryn was off getting our footwear, Fawn resized a winter outfit that they had originally made for their mother and then she and Kyra got to work making any needed adjustments. Autumn didn’t really need many changes made though, once they were the proper size, since most Fay are slender and lithe. I was a lot curvier though, and I had a tail to worry about. So, rather than altering an outfit for me, they made a new one from surprisingly warm and cozy dyed wool cloth. I was worried that it might take days but once they had taken my measurements and the cloth was cut, they used a Tinker-made machine to sew the pieces together really quick.
It still took a little over an hour but once they were finished, Autumn and I were wearing matching outfits consisting of light gray form-fitting wool hose and long-sleeved tops that reminded me of my HESS armor in its standard bodysuit mode. Over top, we wore a barely-there over-layer like a two-piece bathing suit of dark green leaf patterns suggestively covering our breasts and nether regions. It looked a lot like what Autumn had been wearing when we first met. The pair of seamstresses assured me that Humans of high society would find the outfits simply scandalous and that they were normal for Fay winter wear.
The outfits seemed comfortable and went well with the grey-colored winter moccasins and gloves with fur trim that Maryn had found for us. Finishing off the outfits were warm green cloaks the same shade as the leaves with braided fringes along the hems and hoods. They had brightly colored beads and tiny metal bells woven in that shifted and tinkled whenever we moved. They already had a few of the cloaks made for their parents, and they didn’t need to be fitted or altered, so that saved some time. They claimed that it would be easy for them to make more cloaks later.
Since we wouldn’t have belt pouches or anything with the outfits they also provided some simple satchels of Fay design that we would be able to use as purses to store our money pouches and any small items that we happened to buy during our outing. They had thick shoulder straps and would be difficult for purse snatchers or pickpockets to try to cut open or relieve us of. They were also roomy enough to keep our pistols and ammunition hidden.
As they worked, Kyra assured us that since the outfits were made from her wool they would be durable, warm, and fairly damage resistant. The properties of the wool were apparently part of her Seed-borne gift. If tightly woven enough, the cloth could serve as light armor, which was why they both had hose and tops made from it worn underneath their Human clothes, and why they made their parents' clothing from it to wear on missions. She wanted to be able to make more to help other Angels but even having to shave her wool every morning, they would never be able to make enough cloth to serve the needs of very many people.
Kyra had been saving most of it since her Seed-borne gift developed six years earlier but there was barely enough cloth made at the moment for two dozen full outfits, including mine and Autumn’s. I felt bad for that, especially since I had my HESS armor hidden. They shouldn’t have had to use such a precious resource for two strangers. When I mentioned that, leaving out the part about the HESS armor, both seamstresses shook their heads and clasped one of my hands.
“You’re both going to be Angels, Autumn is Fay, she’s from the same village as our mother, and you are her intended mate. That makes you both like family, and we take care of our family,” the Sheepkin young woman insisted, earning a solemn nod from her half-Fay sister. Still, I felt bad and resolved to ask Risha later if we could scan the unique wool cloth to be used as a material in the boutique booths.
I wanted to tell them about the booths and that we might all need to leave the capital soon, but I knew that everything needed to remain classified for now. Instead, I nodded. “We take care of our family too. If we find out anything about what’s going on here in the capital that you might need to know, we’ll come let you know as soon as we can.”
I also insisted on paying them twice what they were asking for the clothes. I had a feeling that they were trying to undercharge us both after seeing what Maryn had paid for her clothes even with the discount they gave to people in the Corps. Between that, the material, and them getting us outfitted relatively quickly they deserved to be paid what they were worth.
As we said our farewells and made our way to meet the others at the café owned by Maryn’s uncle, I decided something else as well. I was going to talk to my grandmother and Sira about the pair taking the Angel Elixir and becoming recruits like us. Sure, Fawn was almost nineteen and Kyra was seventeen but there was no set age limit for new recruits. Most of us were my age but there were a few nearly as old as Fawn.
While talking with them as they made my new outfit we discovered that their parents hadn’t told them that they weren’t suited to be Angels, they just felt that their gifts wouldn’t be useful to the Corps. I could see plenty of use for making things bigger or smaller during combat though and if Kyra let that durable wool of hers grow out a bit she’d have built-in body armor. Regardless though, flashy offensive gifts weren’t what made people good Angels, it was a desire to help and protect others and they both had that in spades.
Maryn seemed to like the pair as much as we did too and I could see her thinking along similar lines as we talked about the creative use of gifts. I could see the two seamstresses fitting in well with Phantom Wing too and with six members, Maryn’s team might just make another good special operations team someday. I was still thinking that over as Maryn led us into a slightly rundown building with a wooden sign hanging over the door that said, The Rusty Halo.
We stepped inside and found that while it may have looked rundown on the outside, the inside was warm, well-maintained, had a friendly atmosphere, and smelled heavenly. Nobody gave us a second glance as we entered and the rest of Storm Wing and Phantom Wing waved to get our attention. They were all sitting at a large trestle table in the back corner, the remnants of their lunch scattered across the table.
“You guys got here quicker than I thought,” Lisbet commented. “I know we’ve all been spoiled by nano-weave factories and stuff since we joined the Corps but my mom is a seamstress and it can take a while to adjust clothes to fit or make a new outfit from bare cloth. You were only gone about an hour and a half though.”
“It is a good thing that Maryn messaged us earlier to let us know that you were going to be a while. I didn’t really think about how much time or work it might take, I have never really had clothes made specifically for me that weren’t done by more advanced means,” Risha said pensively. Then she quickly added, “You know, because I just wore whatever I could find while at the base in the ruins.”
“They had something that they called a sewing machine, made by Tinkers. That made things go a bit faster,” I said with a shrug. “It would have taken a lot longer for them to hand stitch everything. They just had to make a few adjustments to something for Autumn and Maryn but they didn’t have anything that would work for me on hand and, since we wanted to stand out, we decided to push the whole ‘mates’ thing for me and Autumn.
“Aww, it’s so cute that you two match,” Heather said with a smirk and a roll of her eyes. “Those outfits are a bit scandalous though. They don’t leave much to the imagination and, what they do, they draw blatant attention to. I wouldn’t be caught dead wearing something so brazen.”
Autumn returned her smirk with a teasing grin. “Aww, but when I told them that Snowy and I weren’t the only potential mates for our group they agreed to make one for you and Risha as well. And you will need something for when you get to spend your time wandering the city as bait. These are traditional cold weather Fay clothes too, and you are Fay, in case you have forgotten.”
Heather turned white and then red and failed to sputter out a reply while Risha just shrugged. “I’ll wear it.” When Heather turned to half glare, half stare at the Avatar in disbelief, she merely shrugged again. “What? They both look sexy as hell, and the material looks comfortable.”
“I’d wear it,” Karina casually agreed.
Heather’s cheeks turned bright crimson and she gaped at me and Autumn for a moment before quickly redirecting her gaze to her lap. “Fine… it’s not like anyone in the city would recognize me anyway. N…not because I like the idea! I just… need to get used to looking and acting like a proper Fay. You know… like you… umm… keep telling me.”
“Sure, Heather,” Orchid teased as Autumn and I sat down to join them and Maryn went to speak with someone at the counter. “And with me and Autumn helping, soon nobody will be able to tell that you weren’t born one of us.”
“One of us… one of us… one of us…” Risha chanted in a slightly creepy voice, drawing confused looks from everyone at the table.
I didn’t have time to ask the AI about the reference, and it probably wasn’t a good idea anyway, as the large man that Maryn had left the table to approach and was now talking to suddenly shouted in glee, “Maryn!” He had dark brown hair and eyes and a bushy beard and he practically crushed Maryn in a hug as he lifted her off the ground and carried her back to our table. “The Angel Elixir was good to you, lass! How’s my favorite niece?”
“I’m your only niece, Uncle Jarl,” Maryn laughed as the huge man placed her in an empty chair at the table. Then the leader of Phantom Wing began to make the introductions. Jarl was a boisterous man who obviously adored his niece and since Maryn, Autumn, and I hadn’t eaten lunch with the others he was eager to please in that regard.
“Let me get you lasses something to eat then. I’ll bring out your favorite, Maryn,” he offered with a bearlike grin before giving me and Autumn an appraising look. “I have some boar steaks with baked potatoes and some honey bread for the Fay lass. Worry not, it didn’t suffer. A friend of mine made sure of that, and it was killed because it was causing havoc in the farmlands outside the city. It tore up a good bit of the forest too.”
Autumn grinned and nodded vigorously, jumping at the chance for a bit of guilt-free meat. “That would be great, thank you. It is nice to meet someone who is so knowledgeable about Fay eating habits.”
“My pleasure, lass. I have good friends in one of the nearby glades and I visit with trade goods on occasion. I got some good mead last time that I was there too if that tickles your fancy,” he said with a grin as my Fay girlfriend enthusiastically nodded her acceptance. “And for the Catkin lass? Some nice fish maybe? Or would you like the same thing as your partner? You make a fair couple, if you don’t mind me sayin’.”
I found myself liking Maryn’s uncle, I could see where she got her exuberant friendliness from. As tempting as the fish was, I found myself saying, “I’ll have what Autumn is having, I’ve always wanted to try mead, and a steak sounds really good right now. Thank you very much, Sir.”
He laughed and said, “My pleasure, lass. None of that ‘sir’ business with me though, ya hear? Maryn’s friends can call me Uncle Jarl. I’ll bring out the bread and mead first to start you lasses off while the cooks get the rest going.”
Uncle Jarl hurried off to the kitchen and returned with a tray that held a plate piled high with small loaves of bread, two large mugs filled with a golden liquid, and a third mug with what looked and smelled like fresh goat milk. There was plenty of bread for both us and Maryn, and the scent of it was amazing. As good as the smell was though, it didn’t compare to the taste.
It was warm and sweet, fresh from the oven and there was a cup of creamy butter and another filled with strawberry jam if we wanted it. I had butter on mine and the bread practically melted in my mouth even as the butter had on the warm loaves. The mead was sweet too and seemed to have more of a kick than the ale or wine that my grandmother had sometimes let me have on special occasions. Not that our nanites would let us get drunk, but the taste was something that I thought I could definitely get used to.
I had decided that I was definitely going to eat at The Rusty Halo again by the time the main course had arrived. Maryn was having some type of mixed vegetables and meat cooked in a tangy-smelling sauce and the steaks were well worth the short wait. They were nicely seared on the outside but thick, juicy, and cooked to perfection with grilled mushrooms and gravy on top. The potatoes were nice and fluffy too, and it was probably one of the best meals that I ever had that didn’t come out of a food dispenser.
Autumn seemed to enjoy the meal as much as I had and we were both grinning from ear to ear by the time we finished eating and decided to pay our bill. Considering that my ears are on the top of my head, that’s saying something. With full bellies, we spoke in hushed tones as we discussed our plan of action for the rest of the afternoon and evening with our teams.
The other members of Storm Wing planned to follow behind Autumn and me from a distance, keeping close enough to respond if needed but out of sight of us as they pretended to take in the city as new Angel recruits and Risha monitored our GPS locators. The only exception would be Karina, who would follow us along the rooftops and keep an eye out for trouble from above. We would be keeping our comms open the entire time as well so that the others could monitor us more easily.
All of the members of Phantom Wing, except for Maryn, would be sticking with Lisbet, Risha, and Heather to make it seem like they were a group of friends from the academy (which was technically true). Maryn would follow us a bit closer and keep us in sight so she could catch any conversations or comments about us, or Seed-borne in general, once we were out of hearing range. We were hoping that she would be seen as just a young noblewoman out exploring the marketplace and spending her parents’ or husband’s money.
Autumn and I left the café first, still smiling as we walked hand in hand and made no secret of our affection for one another, and occasionally stopped to share a kiss as we made our way, following Maryn’s directions toward the marketplace to begin our date. We figured that we would get the most exposure there since it was frequented by people of all walks of life. After some shopping and being seen we would try to head into the nobles’ district and see how that went while playing lost visitors to the city. I had to admit that it was nice having some alone time with Autumn and holding her hand, even if while we giggled, talked, and tried to appear relaxed we had to keep our senses alert to the people around us and possible danger.
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Further chapters are available to the public on my Patreon page.
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I don't know if this outing was a good idea
The potential for our recruits to become seriously injured or arrested in this outing is great. I'm not sure if this is a good idea or not. I guess we will see how the city people react to our recruits. "One of us, one of us" is a chant that goes way back to a movie titled Freaks (1932). In the story's future, that would have been close to 1000 years in their past. I guess nothing was ever deleted from the internet after all.
that particular chant has
that particular chant has been reused many times, it probably will last longer in memory than a sled named Rosebud.
And that is exactly why Risha had to make the reference when the opportunity arose.
*big hugs*
Don't take me too seriously. I'm just kitten around. :3
Could go either way
It depends on how they handle themselves and how the people react to visible Seed-borne in general. As for the chant, Risha is a connoisseur of old world media and a lot survived in her home and her own memory banks so she had to say it :)
*big hugs*
Don't take me too seriously. I'm just kitten around. :3
The Rampnes
The Ramones used a vaeiation on it to kick off one of their early songs - "Pinhead", i think
The Ramones
I think you're right, I really want to listen to some good old school punk now.
*big hugs*
Don't take me too seriously. I'm just kitten around. :3
After all this time, I
After all this time, I suspect that the GPS satellites aren't really working well anymore.
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
well they might be, if new versions were launched with the self repair nanites installed, but even if they weren't, and instead the signal say comes from ground sources through the ftl comms tech, as it would still do the same job, and the term "GPS" has become ubiquitous, the new system would inherit the name.
GPS in this world
At this point we really don’t know, since the age of technology ended 600 years prior to this story, as this is a post apocalyptic setting. Satellites in our time only last around 10-20 years before they start to fail or run out of propellant to maintain their position in orbit. Before GPS satellites there was a radio system eventually known as LORAN-C and it consisted of radio transmitters at various points used for navigation. I could see them starting up a network like this, since I don’t know if launching rockets would be feasible yet. Cell towers can also be useful to pinpoint a location in the same way, but again, I don’t know if they were maintained or allowed to rust away and we don’t know if they have tried this either.
LORAN-C was just shut down a
LORAN-C was just shut down a few years ago. It was mostly used for naval navigation - basically coastline beacons, both fresh and salt water. I'm hoping they leave the installations intact in case something does happen to the satellites.
There's also inertial navigation, which is purely internal; that may be what she's using, in conjunction with directional 'ping' mapping via normal radio returns.
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
there's also experiments that
there's also experiments that passively use signals from communications satellites (like Starlink) to generate coordinates, and Star mapping (in various forms). star maps are what satellites usually use themselves, if not in an orbit where they can pick up signals from the various navigation constellations or not generating it based on ground station signals, INS is also used but other methods are almost always used to correct it and prevent compound errors. regardless, even without reactionless propulsion potential of antigravity, GPS and similar constellations are in MEO, which might as well be a graveyard orbit (would stay there for thousands of years passively), and we have seen other technology from the "old world" last for centuries.
yes but they had anti-gravity
yes but they had anti-gravity technology, honestly though it probably isn't GPS as we would recognize it, if they went to FTL coms for it, (given that its not interfered with by objects in the way its plausible) you'd need to use some principle other than timing, as even if there's still a signal delay it may be too small to be useable for triangulation. My guess is that they have self-powering and maintaining bases that act as navigation transmitters, around the planet, and there's enough of them that they can use the relative directions each signal is coming from, plus a few on other celestial bodies.
While it's not the same system that we're used to, GPS has at least survived in its acronym form. With the creation of FTL communications, and other technologies came vast improvements to communications relay systems that might eventually be mentioned in the story. The wide spread usage of nanites for repairs likely means that those systems remain active even hundreds of years later, much like the bases, as long as the vats of nanites themselves were not destroyed beyond repair.
*big hugs*
Don't take me too seriously. I'm just kitten around. :3
So one has to wonder what their life like is like.
Do they get up in the morning, cackle and say 'Well, another new day! I wonder what non-human I get to pull the wings off today! Bwaaaa Haaah Haaah Haaaaaaaaaa!' ?
I mean, how insular are they ? Are there any non-human nobles at all? What did they do to deserve to be 'nobles'?
lol not quite
Not all of them are that bad but most of them are close when it comes to Seed-borne. They're all Human and they got to be where they are because their ancestors helped the first Queen to unify Misota and were given territories to oversee. The Seed-borne were given rule over the lands surrounding their villages but they didn't want to interact with other villages or the Humans more than necessary, this was a mistake because they gave up their chance to help establish future policies, leaving the nobles unopposed. The nobles are used to having power and land, and like many powerful people they want more.
*big hugs*
Don't take me too seriously. I'm just kitten around. :3
well that's something they
well that's something they are going to have to change...
Well 'they' will likely have to be the Angels.
They are the only Seed-Borne group that is capable of bridging the divide between the disparate villages.
As such, the nobles are at a quandry over what to do about it as they need them for protection but am afraid of them due to the same potency and cohesiveness. They are the only seed-borne group capable of opposing their ambitions.
The trick is to how to parlay their position into getting their seed-borne brethren more rights and control.
Edit: Removed comment about Firefox not picking up misspelling. Replaced 'brethen' with 'brethren', replaced 'quandry' with 'quandary'. Replaced 'parley' with 'parlay'
The Angels could unite the
The Angels could unite the villages, as could any universal threat to all of them, but the Angels no longer have the Queen's ear and that's going to make it difficult to influence policy and law. The Seed-borne do have rights under Misotan law but if the nobles are trying to push the Angels out , it's likely they have similar plans for the Seed-borne.
Firefox spellcheck does indeed suck.
Don't take me too seriously. I'm just kitten around. :3
Queens ear
Clearly that has not been enough.
It is odd that there are no bigger grants to the seed-borne say for a particular type of seed-borne, say like an all-Fay area where a noble can be appointed at the beginning.
That is a grave mistake as the way things are arranged right now is akin to the common practice of gerrymandering to split up political power of minority political elements.
Queen's ear or not, unless the seed-borne themselves are willing to not be village-centric peasants than they will never have any real political might.
it seems early on, the
it seems early on, the various Seed-Borne villages fell into the isolationism trap,
Yes, there was a lot of distrust between species after the fall of the old world and each Seed-borne species developed their own ways and traditions They should be more unified but they started out just wanting to live a peaceful life in their own way. Not changing with the times and realizing the threat that a growing human population could present was a mistake.
*big hugs*
Don't take me too seriously. I'm just kitten around. :3
I'm sure that the nobility are subtly or not so subtly encouraging the various types of seed borne to distrust each other.
Quandary and Brethren...
FWIW, quandary and brethren are the correct spellings; DK why the spellcheck didn't recognize and correct your versions of them. (And from the context, I think parley should be parlay, but since they're both words you'd need something more sophisticated thsn a spellchecker to catch that one.)
Best, Eric
Spelling correction
Thanks for the correction.
I've had bad spellchecks on other occasions so did not think as hard as I should on it.
it's possible
That politics by other means may be forced upon them
"not because I like the idea!"
I think she protests just a little too much.
*big hugs*
Don't take me too seriously. I'm just kitten around. :3
well she's going to get the milage she can out of provided excuses until she's used to the idea
Heather will take any excuse she can take until she's adjusted to the idea of Fay relationships, her attraction to the other girls, and being a Fay.
*big hugs*
Don't take me too seriously. I'm just kitten around. :3
they need to get Kyra's wool scanned, as a "natural" material, it wouldn't irritate Fay, and its durability combined with razorwing metal plates, in key areas would go a long way to protecting their people while waiting on HESS to be available, and for those with HESS, just that bit extra protection against particularly hard or sharp attacks could make the difference for close quarters fighters. They would also need someone to design such armor, sure there are likely designs they can borrow from stored on Woodbury's systems, but they'd need to change things to respect the nature of the new material(s) and the styles that'd make sense.
Snow has probably thought of that and replicating the material if possible will be a high priority for her to bring up to Abby. And the girls are seamstresses who are familiar with the material so bringing them into the fold would make sense.
*big hugs*
Don't take me too seriously. I'm just kitten around. :3
One has to wonder
How hostile the normals are in this environment. And who will take the bait
It depends
on how they were raised, entitlement, personal beliefs and a lot of other things. Greed might be a factor too.
*big hugs*
Don't take me too seriously. I'm just kitten around. :3
They don't have trichinosis in this world?
Wild boar {and bear} should be cooked thoroughly.
cooked thoroughly doesn't
cooked thoroughly doesn't mean dry, it just means it can't be raw on the inside,
But i had the impression it was like medium-rare at most.
You can get away with that with beef - because you only need to worry about eColi on the surface -but with pork {or bear} you need to get it to 170 Fahrenheit - or hotter - and hold it there for some time
sounds rare or at most medium to me.
it could have also been bred
it could have also been bred out sufficiently or immune systems adapted over the few hundred years
At least in modern US, the need for pork to be cooked till it is dry as dust is much less especially if the pork is frozen first. Freezing apparently will kill the parasite:
So yes, medium cooked pork is possible given the above precaution.
Domestic/Farm Pork
That's farm-raised pork, from hogs not fed swill/garbage.
Wild hogs {and bears - people DO eat bear meat} that have to forage in the woods for food are still likely to carry trichinosis.
{I have no problem cooking pork to safe temperatures without it being "dry as dust" - and even modern farm-raised pork should be cooked to a minimum internal temperature of 150 F, according to Department of Agriculture and Pork Institute recommendations.}
Wild pork
Exception noted. My point stands for the vast majority of people in first world countries who do not consume wild game though.
Unfortunately in most places where I have eaten pork loin (yes the leanest kind) it has always been less than moist unless it is cooked to medium. If you are talking about barbecue, then sure.
For most eateries though if you get a pork loin steak, it will be comparatively dry.
Cooking technique
How you cook pork is also a major factor to how dry it is. I've made plenty of pork roasts that are fully cooked and yet still tender and juicy. If the cook it competent and takes pride in their work it can be done. These days it's all about being quick and convenient, I've worked in a few high traffic restaurants where this is the case. A lot of things like roasts are prepared beforehand and just re-heated or seared before going out and that tends to dry them out as well.
*big hugs*
Don't take me too seriously. I'm just kitten around. :3
slow cooking
slow cooking
That's how i generally cook
That's how i generally cook pork loin
Now, i have a recipe i imaginatively call "spicy rice":
two pounds of pork loin, boneless pork chops, etc cut into two inch cubes.
Brown in butter in a heavy skillet; include two or three cloves garlic and two or three fresh habanero peppers minced as fine as you can manage}- both the chiles and garlic to taste {that is, make it once with something that seems right and then adjust the next time you make it}
Meanwhile, in a heavy dutch oven {i use either a 10cm le Creuset {roughly holds five quarts or a larger one that holds 7 qt}
combine two 18oz bottles or one 24oz bottle of salsa {choose the grade; i generally use "HOT" WalMart or Kroger store brand works fine - can also make this recipe with stew beef or chicken; if chicken, don't go more than "Medium"}, two 10oz cans of Rotel diced tomatoes w/chiles {i generally use one "HOT" - with habaneros - and one with lime and cilantro}
Optionally, some bay leaves, or a tablespoon or so of caraway seed {my Bohemian grandmother always added caraway to almost any pork dish she cooked}
add 1-3/4 cups of canned or boxed chicken broth
add the browned pork and bring to a boil, then reduce heat to a high simmer; cook for fifteen to twenty minutes, covered.
using beef or chicken, just continue to the next step
Simmer for fifteen to twenty minutes. If you're using beef or chicken, skip this period of simmering.
if it's been simmering, bring it back to a boil,. then add 1-1/2 cups rice, stir for a minute or two, then reduce heat to a high simmer and cook, covered, until the rice is cooked.
One-pot meal; garnish with sour cream if you like.
hope you can figure this out ... and if you try it, that you like it
Spicy Rice Recipe {see above}
Anyone who thinks that my "Spicy Rice" might be interesting from the rather muddled description above - just drop me a private message {or whatever they're called on this site} and i have a rather better-formatted recipe i can send back.
Oh I believe that as the amount of volume to surface area would prevent drying out.
However, the old joke about 2 people and a ham applies to a pork loin roast too as it would take (at least for me) too long to consume one. I typically buy pork pre-sliced and I would freeze the ones I don't eat immediately.
A typically roughly half inch thick pork loin is very hard to precisely cook to prevent dryness.
I solved that very problem in two different ways. After about half the time I thought necessary for roasting the pork, I took it out, turned it over in its baking tray, and covered it with sauerkraut, then finished baking it. The next time, I used applesauce. :) Both worked very well.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Wild game...
I could not help but comment on this statement,
First of all Trichinosis comes from eating raw or under cooked meat, not meat from animals that forage for food in the woods. Therefore it is possible get it from store bought, farm raised meat that is raw or under cooked.
Secondly, what have you got against bear meat? I've heard from some that have tried to cook it as if it were beef, that it turns out very tough. But that is the cook's fault, not the meat's. My father used to feed us bear roasts (among other wild taken meats) and never once was the meat anything but tender, moist and delicious.
We the willing, led by the unsure. Have been doing so much with so little for so long,
We are now qualified to do anything with nothing.
From the NY heath department.
From the NY heath department. (state, not city)
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
About trichinosis
Trichinosis comes from eating meat from animals that carry the parasite. Period.
That is, omnivores like hogs, bears {and people - it's one of the nasty things that you can get from cannibalism}.
Hogs fed garbage - as used to be common - or wild boar that forage in the forest {or bears} are the most likely to carry it. {See the other reply to your comment}
Beef doesn't. What you can get from undercooked beef is e.coli, and with steaks and roasts and the like, the e.coli is generally on the outside of the beef - which is why it is safe to cook a rare steak to only 120F internal temperature.
And, finally, i have nothing at all against bear meat - never had it, but i've heard it can be very good.
I included that parenthetical because a lot of people - quite the majority of people in the US - do not realise that people do eat bear meat. I suspect that most people don't know that mountain lion meat was often eaten and enjoyed in the US through the Nineteenth Century at least,
Heck, as recently as fifty years ago there was a deli here in Atlanta that sold rhinoceros and lion and other exotic meats.
I don't think you can get it
I don't think you can get it from humans.. That's part of the issue - we're not the right host for it. I haven't looked it up in depth in YEARS, so I can't be sure.
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
you can get parasites from human meat - i'm pretty sure trichinosis is one of them.
could be wrong, though
I prefer my meat relatively
I prefer my meat relatively dry. In fact, I have arguments with restaurants all the time - they don't believe I actually _want_ them to cook the grease out of them. "Yes, I told you, hockey-puck it. I want you to be able to drop it on the floor and shoot it across the ice!"
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
I hope things don’t get to bad when the trouble starts
hugs :)
Michelle SidheElf Amaianna
We'll find out soon
Snow does seem to have a habit of attracting trouble though.
*big hugs*
Don't take me too seriously. I'm just kitten around. :3
attracting trouble
it's not her fault, she suffers from Protagonist Syndrome
fortunately it's a condition that is rarely fatal
It's almost inevitably fatal
It's almost inevitably fatal for a significant percentage that contract it from the patient zero.
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
depends on the strain. If it
depends on the strain. If it's the Hero's journey strain for instance, the mentor merely has to be out of the way by a certain point - See Gandolf. There are other special cases like where the mentor isn't really alive in the same way that the hero(ine) is but is still able to make their presence known to the hero(ine) various forms of immortality also bypass the trend.