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“You ready for this” she said with a sly grin.
As I went to speak her mouth moved forward and planted itself on mine her tongue moving inside at the same time a bit shocked it took me a minute to realise what she was trying to do before I responded back to make it look like a passionate kiss, once more form the corner of my eye I could see the two guys this time mouth’s open as they stared at the scene before them. As the music stopped we broke the kiss and hand in hand began to walk back to the booth.
As we got there I said, “How about another drink guys, this is thirsty work”

I awoke early the next morning the sunlight streaming in my window as stretched out in my bed. Shortly a nurse appeared and spoke to me,
“You all set for today” then she asked,
“Yeah can’t wait” I said,
“It’s not often in this job that you here someone so desperate to go for an op” she said with a smile.
“Well meet the exception” I said.
The connecting door opened and my mother walked in,
“Morning darling” she said as she reached the bed bending down and kissing my forehead, “Sleep well” she asked,
“Yeah I did, you”
“Like a log” she responded.
“The anaesthetist will be along in about 15 minutes I’ll see you after the op” said the nurse who had been busy pottering about in the room as she left us.
“Well today’s the day and second thoughts” asked my mother as she plumped up the pillows behind me.
“None what so ever” I replied my mother opened a small bag she had been holding and handed me a white envelope and a small box,
“Eddie asked me to give you this” she said, eagerly opening the envelope I took out the card opening it I read,
“To my Darling Nikki good luck, I wish I could be there, Love you now and always, Eddie”
Placing the card on the bedside cabinet I opened the box to discover a pair of sparkling earrings,
“Oh there beautiful” I exclaimed,
“Real Diamonds" my mother said. I took them out and fitted one to my ear my mother taking a mirror from the cabinet held it so I could see it on my ear.
“There lovely darling wish I had a pair” she said at that the door opened and a couple of hospital staff entered.
“Ready for you anaesthetic” one asked,
“Ok” I said.
Removing the earring from my ear I put it back in the box and handed them back to my mother, one of the staff took my arm began rubbing a cold liquid into my arm producing a syringe he pricked the top of my arm and then said,
“All done couple of minutes and you will be sleeping like a baby” before he walked to the other side of the room. As he predicted I began to feel my eyes grow heavy and the last I can remember was my mother kissing my forehead and saying,
“I’ll be here when you get back darling” then only blackness surrounded me.
My eyes began to open a grogginess surrounding my brain as I began to awake from the anaesthetic I was aware of the bandages surrounding my face then it came back to me as well as the reassignment operation they had been carrying out a minor alteration to the shape of my nose just a minor reduction in the main bone to slim the shape a bit. I had a tube in my mouth and an oxygen mask covering my mouth to ease breathing.
I turned my head slightly and the first thing I focussed on was a huge bunch of flowers on the cabinet next to my bed. I heard movement and tried to lift my head slightly a voice,
“Your awake darling” as my mother appeared by my bedside, a plastic cup in her hand, looking at the flowers again she acknowledged my stare.
“Yeah there from Eddie and me, the operation went really well the consultant said he will come down and see you later today to check on you, the bandages need to stay on for a week but they were really happy with the way that went as well, how do you feel” she said sounding more excited than me.
“Oh silly me you can’t talk just now can you, well just nod your head, do you feel ok” I nodded.
“Good well you just rest and let healing take its natural course” I lay back soon I was back asleep.
The weeks passed reasonably quickly and after 3 weeks wjer mum had been a daily visitor I was strong enough to be released. I had seen both consultants at times throughout the stay in hospital both had been really happy with the results of my operations. My reassignment consultant had said that it was one of the easiest ops he had performed and was really happy with the end result; my cosmetic consultant had also been pleased and expected minimum bruising and discomfort once the bandages were removed. I had been issued with my dialator which had grown In size over the time. I had nicknamed it my “toolkit” which Mum hated and looked scornfully at me every time I used the term.
So on Saturday morning with mother by my bedside the unveiling of the new Nikki took place and the bandages were removed, in truth I looked a bit like a panda with some bruising round the eyes and cheeks but otherwise everything seemed fine.
So later, that morning I left hospital, 100% Nikki for the first time. We were due to stay in Switzerland for another 3 days so we spent the time wandering around and seeing the sights. The night before we were due to fly back I phoned Eddie,
“Hi babes” I said.
“Hello Nikki how you doing”
“Good we fly back tomorrow when can I see you, I’ve missed you so much it seems like an eternity since I say you last”,
“Well I might make it up in two weeks” he said,
“Two week’s not before then” I asked,
“Sorry babe’s really busy period with course work just now but I’ll make it up to you”
“You better, I’ve got something new to road test with you” I joked he laughed,
“Looking forward to it, I was thinking we all deserve a holiday in the summer, what do you think”
“Sounds good to me some sun sand sea and sex” I said once more he laughed,
“Think I might have created a bit of a nymphomaniac here” he said jokingly.
“No just someone who wants to please her man” I said “Well I’ll see you soon, love you babes” “yeah and I love you too, take care” I said and with that he was gone.
Two weeks later I nervously waited for Eddie to arrive home, I had been to a local GP to check the progress of my surgery and everything was ok even better all signs of my nose op had vanished and for such a small change the difference to me seemed immense my feminine looks appeared to have been enhanced quite considerably to the extent that even I did not recognise any of the old Craig in my facial features. During my transformation I came to realise certain characteristics that I never new I had, well maybe they had been there buried away in Craig, now that Craig was gone Nikki seemed to have brought them to the fore.
One was the thrill of risk taking, that probably comes as no surprise as I had been taking risks since I agreed to go ahead with the scheme of becoming Nikki in the first place. In short I was still learning to be a woman and what might have been safe for Craig was not always safe for Nikki. The second was being impulsive I sometimes acted without thinking about the consequences. Now both characteristics are ok if you know you have them and can combat and control them but if you let your guard down and allow them to influence your life, then combined together they can be a dangerous position as I was to find out later today.
It was mid afternoon when the phone rang Mum answered it,
“Nikki dear it’s Eddie for you” as I walked towards the telephone Mum and Eddie were engaged in pleasantries, taking the phone from Mum I said,
“Hi babes, when will you be home I’m dying to see you,” then a short silence.
“Eh that’s just it Nikki the cars broken down I can’t get home,” he replied,
“Eddie I was so looking forward to this, it’s the first I’ve seen you from the op”
“I know babes but I can’t help it, it’s going to take hours to fix it and it would be too late by then” I was angry, upset , emotional I don’t know but we were having our first row,
“I went to all that trouble of getting the op done and you can’t be bothered to come home” I snapped.
“It’s not the Nikki, it’s the car. I really wanted to see you as well, but I can’t help it”
“Yeah sure” I said.
“Honest look I need to go that’s the Roadside Rescue just arrived I’ll make it up to you, you know I love you” he said.
“Yeah whatever” I said as I hung up. I’m went upstairs and cried I’m not sure why tonight had been such a big deal but it just was. Well I wasn’t going to stay in all night I wanted to be out and about as Nikki so half an hour later I had phoned Carol my old buddy from college and we had arranged to go clubbing , now what to wear ?
So by half past seven I was seated at my dressing table finishing of my make up dark blue and slate grey eye shadow with lots of mascara and some eyeliner and vibrant Red glossy lip colour on my lips I was painting my nails a matching colour to the lipstick before finishing of with a coat of clear varnish. I pulled on a short red Lycra mini skirt before sliding a tight white cotton top over my chest the top was not that deep cut but just at the top of the cleavage it had a gold ring which left a view of some of what was underneath. Tying the halter straps around my neck I put on a gold necklace that Eddie’s mother had given me. Thinking of Eddie again renewed my disappointment a bit more and dimmed my mood a bit.
I picked up my shoes red stilettos with a gold metal heel 41/2 inch heels with an ankle strap with a gold buckle. Shoes on I checked my bag ciggies ,lipstick, lighter, purse, spare pair of stocking’s everything I needed for the night ahead. I slipped on a couple of ring’s but strangely for me I slipped off my engagement ring and put it back in my jewellery box. A gold watch and a gold charm bracelet completed my jewellery; I loved that bracelet the way the charms clicked together as you moved you hand. I left the room and went downstairs Mum and Robert had gone out for a meal so I poured my self a drink. Vodka with some diet Irn Bru and some ice I picked up the telephone and called a taxi.
Sitting on the settee I lit a cigarette and watched the smoke drift lazily up to the ceiling as I could see the slim cigarette in my long nailed painted fingers, a car horn sounded and took a final drag of my cigarette as I extinguished it and headed out for a night on the town.
The taxi slowed to a halt as we reached the Town Centre , I spotted Carol by the clock as we had arranged looking almost indecent, silver stilettos with a shiny silver mini skirt and matching halter neck bra top. I paid the driver and got out she waved as I waited for a gap in the traffic. This was the first time I had seen her for a few months so she had never seen my minor nose job.
“God you look hot tonight” she said as I approached.
“Yeah and you look positively boiling” I quickly replied, We laughed and as brushed each other cheeks with our lips as me made our way towards a pub. Inside the spacious bar we found a spare table and I went to the bar returning with two Pineapple alcho pops complete with straws we began to catch up.
“You look a bit different” she asked,
“Eh well I had a small op”
“Where” she asked,
“Just on my nose they shaved a little bit off the bone to make it a bit thinner”,
“Jesus girl a nose job, how much did that set you back,”
“Oh not that much Eddie paid for it”
“You lucky bitch a good looking boyfriend and he has money” Carol didn’t know how much and of course she never knew my other secret either but so what we were friends. “So what you been up to recently” I asked,
“Same shit, work , crap luck with guy’s the usual, but who knows maybe my luck will change tonight, we both can’t fail looking like this” she said pushing forward and wiggling her less than covered boobs, laughing we lit up a cigarette each and continued our gossip.
As we approached closing time we drained our drinks and stubbed out cigarettes as we got up to go to a club we’d agreed on a new place that had opened up around the beginning of the year which neither of us had been at yet. After paying in we climbed the staircase comments coming from behind us as a couple of slightly drunk guys tried to see up our skirts.
“Grow up shithead” Carol said turning towards them as I gently took her arm and led her the last few steps to the top.
The club had not really kicked into life yet; I spotted a booth and pointed to Carol as she made her way to the bar to get drinks for us. As the club got busier two guy’s targeted us introducing themselves as Alan and George they bought us a drink and we got talking I knew right away the Carol was not interested as her nose turned up a bit out of sight of the two guys. After around 10 minutes it became clear that these two were so full of themselves and ultra boring in their conversation.
“I need the bathroom Carol announced come with me Nikki” , co the two guys stood up and let us slide out of the booth I could see George lightly run his hand across Carol’s arse as we left the booth.
Once inside the toilet Carol spoke,
“Have you ever been so bored in your life, those two would have you asleep in ten minutes I bet they have never had a good fuck in their life, their partner would be asleep in no time”
I could hear giggling from a girl in another stall as Carol let go with her rant. Once we had freshened up our lipstick Carol said, “Look we need to loose these two otherwise I’m not going to get shagged tonight”
“So what do we do” I asked.
“I have a plan just work with me on this one.”
So with that we left the bathroom and headed back towards our table. We slide back in beside the boys and Carol took out her cigarettes offering me one we lit up and began chatting about ten minutes later a rather slow track began from the DJ booth, Carol put down her drink and took my hand I looked at her in some surprise and she winked.
“You don’t mind boys if I take my girlfriend up for a dance do you” she said flashing a wicked smile in Alan’s direction,
“No not at all” he replied we rose and Carol led me to the dance floor but close to the booth we had been sitting at,
“Now go with me on this” she said whispering into my ear.
Out the corner of my eye I could see the guy’s watching us as Carol put her arms around my neck pulling me a bit closer our bodies touching as we swayed to the music, gradually I could feel one of Carol’s hands slide slowly down my back finally coming to rest on my arse where she squeezed gently.
“You ready for this” she said with a sly grin.
As I went to speak her mouth moved forward and planted itself on mine her tongue moving inside at the same time a bit shocked it took me a minute to realise what she was trying to do before I responded back to make it look like a passionate kiss, once more form the corner of my eye I could see the two guys this time mouth’s open as they stared at the scene before them. As the music stopped we broke the kiss and hand in hand began to walk back to the booth. As we got there I said,
“How about another drink guys, this is thirsty work” George looked up.
“Eh I don’t know I think we need to be going both working tomorrow” he said as they both stood and walked from the booth, as they left me and Carol collapsed into the booth with a fit of giggles.
The club was now pretty packed and Carol decided it was time for another drink we were both getting a little tipsy now but still having a good time. She seemed to have been away for ages and I was getting anxious, “what the hell was keeping her” I said to myself opening my small clutch bag I took out my cigarettes and took one from the packet, I fumbled about in the dim light in my bag looking for my lighter finally finding it I lifted it from the bag, as I did so my hand bumped the table and I dropped the lighter. I fumbled around in the dark feeling the floor with my hand bending down my hand brushing the floor. Then a voice spoke,
“You looking for this babes” and I looked up there in front of me stood Gordy with my lighter in his hand!
It took a few seconds to get over the shock, just behind Gordy stood Carol her arms around Andy.
“Is this yours” he asked again,
“Eh yes sorry I was in a dream there” I mumbled,
“Hope you were dreaming of me” he said with a smirk on his face, he leaned forward and flicked the lighter into life I slipped the tip of the cigarette into the flame and inhaled the menthol smoke blowing out a white stream he handed the lighter back to me and I dropped it back in my bag.
“Thanks” I said as all three of them sat down.
“This is Andy, the guy I was telling you about earlier and that’s Gordon”
Carol piped up introducing them to me not that she needed to, when we were catching up earlier Carol had told me about a guy she had met at a club a few weeks before she said they had great sex a little rough how he had tied her hands above her head and brought her off with his mouth before he had entered her and pounded away at her while she was begging for her to untie her hands before he had brought her to another powerful orgasm. I figured that would be Andy’s style given what I knew of him.
I sat with my cigarette held high in my right hand away from my face my other arm tucked across my chest just below my chest. Legs crossed I looked down my skirt revelled a bit too much thigh I tugged it down with my left hand and replaced the arm across my chest.
“Hey you three must have been at school together” Carol half shouted above the noise of the music.
“Don’t think so” Gordy said as I glanced at him I could see him leering down at my tits and legs.
“I would have remembered this hot little honey” he said his arm snaking around my back pulling me a bit closer to him. I took a nervous draw of my cigarette as Andy spoke.
“Yeah, Nikki what’s your second name” maybe we do remember you eh,
“Adams” I stammered nervously,
“You remember her Gordy” Andy asked “No can’t say I do,”
Eh I was a rather late developer” I said as I moved a bit closer to Gordy figuring that maybe attack was the best form of defence.
“And you developed rather nicely” Gordy whispered in my ear his mouth moving closer to me as his tongue flicked my ear. I turned towards him the first thing I noticed was a tattoo on his hand, a heart with Lesley on it,
“That your girlfriend” I asked,
“Yeah it is” I looked at him he was big when he was at school, but more just bulk than muscle he seemed to have toned up gym weightlifting no doubt I wondered what it would be like to be held in those strong arms taken by him, christ snap out of it the drink was really getting to me. Inside my heart was beating furiously.
“Eh I’ll get us some drinks” I say taking a drag from my cigarette and extinguishing it in the ashtray.
I picked up my bag and got up, Gordy makes no attempt to move and I try to slide past him he moves his legs slightly and as I slip in front of him his hands rest on my waist sliding down to my thighs before I moved away from him and towards the dance floor. Instead of going straight to the bar I go to the Toilets. Inside I slide inside an empty cubicle and lean back against the door, opening my bag I take out a cigarette and light it.
Jesus what the fuck am I doing here, I think to myself blowing a cloud of smoke in the air. I need to get out of this, but how, the smart thing to do was just leave now but I worried about Carol, get a grip of yourself I thought, go get the drinks and go back make an excuse, headache anything then get Carol to leave with you, maybe she won’t but then that’s her choice but you get out of there. I opened the door and stepped out walked over to the mirror’s and touched up my lipstick, the sound of a girl being sick from too much alcohol in another stall as another entered the toilet,
“Someone seems to have enjoyed themselves a little too much” she said “Sounds like it” ad I left the toilet and headed towards the bar.
At the bar I bought three drinks vodka and coke for Carol and two beers for Andy and Gordy I walked back with the tray and stopped in front of the table Carol was half way down Andy’s throat and his hand was firmly lodged between her legs.
“Eh Carol can I talk to you for a second” I ask,
“Sure babes what’s up she said finally breaking the kiss and removing Andy’s hand from beneath her skirt. She got up and walked over to me.
“Look I’ve got s splitting headache I’m going to go home you coming” she looked back at Andy,
“Eh no I think I’ll stay, if that’s ok” she asks,
“Yeah you do what you want its ok by me but be careful” I said offering a weak smile.
“I call you tomorrow give you all the juicy details” she says with a smile as she turns back and I turn to leave.
I walked down the stairs and out into the night turning right away from the club I headed to the taxi rank to get a cab. The club was under a railway bridge so the street was a bit poorly lit and deserted. Suddenly I heard two steps and someone grip my arm and pull me into a little alley. It was Gordy,
“Hey what you doing” I said,
“You left the party early babes, I just wanted to say goodnight he” said his arm out baring my exit from the alley.
“Look I just didn’t feel too well maybe a bit too much to drink” I said,
“It’s ok babes I just wanted a chat” he said, I had my back to the wall opening my bag I took out my cigarettes I figured the best way of getting out of this was at least to be nice to him.
I put one to my lips and Gordy flicked his lighter and lit my ciggie. I leaned back one my knee bent the sole of my shoe placed flat against the wall foot slightly raised of the ground. Lighting a cigarette himself he said,
“You know I’m sure I would have remembered you from school we only had one Adams in my year I think a guy called Craig you know him he asked”
“Eh no” I stammered taking a drag from the cigarette I blew out the smoke my eyes avoiding Gordy as I did so.
“Oh is that so” he replied
I lifted the cigarette to my mouth once more and inhaled holding the smoke in my open mouth for a snap inhale as the cigarette moved away from my mouth Gordy swung into action his hand shot forward and grabbed the wrist the was holding the cigarette pushing it back against the wall I dropped it, in unison his mouth moved forward and before I had a chance to move his mouth covered my open mouth trapping the smoke his tongue dived deeply into my mouth his other hand gripped my other wrist and forced it upwards Jesus he was strong his body crushing me against the wall as the kiss continued my once both my hands were above my head his large hands held them there and hi free hand moved downwards he broke the kiss and his hand covered my mouth as he looked deep into my eyes.
“Your not going to scream now are you” he asked, I needed to talk my way out of this so I shook my head.
“Good Nikki” he said as his hand was removed his breath tickling my face as he spoke
“You see I know it’s you Craig,” the bottom fell out of my world.
“I know all about your change and Eddie, this is a small town word gets out rumours and stuff you know and you do have a history of playing the sexy girl don’t you. Remember that day in the pub with the old bird; I knew it was you then as well”
“So what do you want” I asked,
“Well I thought that might be obvious, don’t you” he said as he leered at me, I had to think fast,
“You remember that day in the alley” he continued “when I knocked fuck out you”
“Eh yeah” I replied,
“A bit ironic isn’t here we are in an alley and I’m going to fuck you again” I needed some way to get out of this keep him talking the club would be closing shortly I thought,
“I didn’t think I would be your type” I said “being an ex guy and that”
“Well these are real aren’t they” he said his hand massaging my breast the nipple hardening against my wishes.
“See a sign” he said his fingers tweaking my enlarging nipple “and from what I’ve heard there been some developments down below recently” his hand moving downwards tracing the front of my skirt.
“Oh dear, there you go something appears to be missing” as he increased the pressure on my groin area.
“It doesn’t have to be like this though” I said,
“We could do it properly” His grip on my wrists slackening slightly.
“But your with Eddie” he said.
“No we split out today” I lied, “look no engagement ring” he looked up I bent my finger slightly to let him see. I was gambling now but I had nothing to lose my head moving forward my tongue snaked into his ear whispering,
“You know some quality time together, take a lot longer time for a bit muscular guy like you to make me squeal with delight” as my mouth moved towards his opening as I spoke meeting his lips my tongue moving between them as I kissed him he responded at first then stopped.
“Nice try” he said, “But I’ve got a reputation to think of you know me Gordy with a someone who changes sex, don’t think so, you see this way I get my fun and nobody knows just like William did” my breath caught in my throat.
“Yeah that’s right I know about his little visit, sick fuck phoned me to tell me all about it thought it might get him into my good books somehow” the words had just left his mouth when all hell broke loose.
“You sick bastard” a girls voice the sound of breaking glass Gordy let loose as he buckled a bit.
This was my chance I dodged right, a punch thrown at me from my left ducking I missed it and moved forward bending as I did and taking of my heels an arm grabbed me and spun my round the long nails tearing the skin of my inner arm as I spun round I caught a glimpse of Lesley.
“Yeah that’s it tart get out of here” she yelled swinging another punch at me she caught the top of my forehead and yelled as she hurt her hand, I turned and began sprinting down the street the yelling continuing as I fled, talk about déjá vu I thought turning the corner I spotted a taxi slowing I walked towards it and opened the door giving the driver instructions as we drove off we could see the altercation continue,
“Same every week babe, people over indulge and then it kicks off,”
“Yes” I said quietly as we drove away.
The taxi pulled up and my house and I paid the driver rushing up the path I took out my key and quietly put it in the lock. Opening the door I slipped inside and headed straight for the lounge grabbing a bottle of vodka I went to the kitchen and picked up a glass. Pouring a sizeable measure into the glass I opened the fridge and dropped in some ice and some topped the vodka up with some Irn-Bru** I sat at the breakfast bar and opened my bag removing my cigarettes I took one and lit it my nerves were shattered and my head all over the place. I took a large gulp of the drink swallowing the cold liquid and another puff from the cigarette and then the tears came. I put down the glass and dropped the cigarette into the ashtray covering my face with my hands I wracked my body with sobs of despair. I don’t know how long I had been crying before the kitchen light burst into life,
“Nikki, darling what is it” as my mother rushed to my side I moved my hands the mascara and eye shadow had run all down my cheeks.
“What happened darling” as my mother reached me her arm going around me in the motherly fashion.
“It’s all a mess” I said through tears and hugged her back.
Half an hour later another drink and a couple of cigarettes between us and I had recounted the nights events to my mother.
“Nikki how could you lead him on like that” she said in surprise.
“I don’t think I did well not a lot I was angry that Eddie never came up, I never knew he was going to be there” maybe I just thought he would never recognise me you know get my own back a bit for how he treated both of us back then” I said through some sobs.
“Eddie’s phoned several time for you tonight” she said,
“What did you tell him?”
“Just that you went out with Carol”
“I’m going to have to move Mum, they know about me and the swap, I can’t stay here” I said through more sobs.
“Look calm down he’s a thug and a small minded individual, you’ve have never done anything to harm anyone in your life. Your setting out on a new life with someone you love just ignore them, now go and wash your face and get some sleep, it will all look better in the morning” taking a last draw from my cigarette and extinguishing it in the ashtray I picked up my bag and shoes and climbed of the seat, kissing my mother on the forehead.
“Love you” I said,
“Love you too babes, now goodnight” I left the kitchen and headed upstairs to the bathroom.
To Be Continued...
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Nice Story
You have nice writing skills and the story is enjoyable. Too bad she'll have to wait a year to have sex. :( The Dilation is such a pain.
Nikki Needs
To stand up and NOT let them hurt her.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
You Make Us Wait
Too long between episodes, and even though I've read the story elsewhere, I still want to see it completed here. Nikki is a lovely character and the others ring true, including the Glasgow thugs. Don't take so long next time,