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Margo was waiting for me on my return. “Well how did it go?”
“Fine, he took the bait he’s going to take me to the amusement park, but there’s only one slight problem,” I responded.
“What’s that?”
“He wants to take me out this Saturday as well, and I had to agree in order to get him to agree to the other date.”
”Date did you say?” Margo said jokingly.

I helped the Professor away from the group his hand clamped over his still bleeding nose while his other arm rested around my shoulders. We were about 500 yards away from the group when I said, “They’re not following. Let’s get a seat in the park and we can clean up your nose.”
“Okay,” he mumbled in reply. We stumbled into the park and I led him over to one of the wooden benches easing him down as he clutched his side in pain. Opening my clutch bag I took out a packet of tissues and handed them to him. He wiped the blood away from his face and tossed the tissue in a bin.
“Tilt your head backwards; it will stem the flow of blood. It’s not broken, is it?” I asked.”
“No, I don’t think so but it hurts like hell.” We sat in silence with the Professor sitting head back and clasping his nose with another tissue. I took out my cigarettes and lit one up inhaling deeply and wondering how to make my next move.
About ten minutes later the Professor released his grip on the tissue. “I think it’s stopped now,” he said. “Thanks for that back there, I thought he was really going to do me some damage”
“That’s okay, Gordy can just be a big bully.”
“Won’t helping me get you in trouble with the others?” he asked.
“Sure, he’ll be as mad as hell, but Margo’s my cousin so he won’t take it out on me–or her–as she’s best mates with Lesley. How’s your side?” I continued.
He stood up and slipped off his school blazer, tugging his blood-stained shirt out of his trousers and wincing as he lifted the shirt up to have a look. “You’re going to have one hell of a bruise there tomorrow,” I said standing up and tossing my cigarette on to the ash path. “Come on, I’ll walk home with you,” I insisted.
We started off towards the housing estate where the Professor lived. “I’ve not seen you around school,” he said.
“No, I left last year, but was actually at Hamilton Grammar School” I replied as we neared his house. “I can’t keep going on calling you professor, what’s your really name?” I enquired.
“It’s Edward, Edward Wilson.”
“Hi there, Eddie, I’m Nikki.” I replied, offering him my hand we shook hands.
“Good to meet you, Nikki, and thanks again for tonight.”
As we got to the end of his street we stopped and I waited for him to ask to see me again. ‘No come on,’ I said into myself. “Well I better get back,” I said out loud.
“Yeah, it’s getting dark,” he responded. “Well, it’s been nice to meet you, Nikki, and thanks again for tonight.”
“No problem,” I replied, as we shook hands once again and I turned to leave. Damn! It was not going to happen.
I was about ten paces away from him and then, “Nikki, wait up a minute,” as he jogged back to me. “Look, I was thinking just to say thanks for tonight, can I take you for a coffee sometime?”
“Yeah, that would be nice,” I answered. “How about next weekend, say around two o’clock? I’ll meet you at the town hall.”
“It’s a date then, see you Saturday,” I responded.
As I walked back to meet the others the first part of our plan complete. About 10 minutes later I had rejoined the group. Lesley eager to find out if I had pulled it off. “He wants to meet me on Saturday.”
“See I told you you would be perfect. Another meeting and he’ll be putty in your hands and then we can set about ruining his life,” she said happily. We messed around the shopping centre for the next couple of hours me mixing easily in my fem attire with individuals young and old. By about ten o’clock I was beat; the high heels were killing my feet and calves and I needed out of them badly. We all returned to Andy’s car and got in heading back to Margo’s when we returned the light’s in her house were still out so I had no problem with changing back to Craig. Once showered and redressed, Lesley came over and grabbing my hand lent forward and gently kissed me on the lips. “Thanks, I really appreciate what you’re doing and how hard it’s been for you, but it’ll soon be over. Oh, and don’t breathe a word to Gordy about that little kiss, otherwise you might end up as female for good, if you know what I mean?”
“Yeah, I do. Look I need to head home so I’ll see you during the week.” Turning, I left the bedroom and headed back to the car where Andy and Gordy sat waiting to take me home.
Once back home I went into the kitchen and grabbed a Coke. “Is that you, Craig?” my mother called. “Did you have a good night?”
Poking my head in the living room I said, “Yeah, it was okay. Look, I’m dead beat; I’m just going to bed.”
“Okay, darling, see you in the morning.”
Mounting the stairs I headed up to my room, my mind awash with what had gone on tonight. I had really made somebody believe close up that I was a girl, even to the extent that they had asked to see me again. I didn’t know whether to be pleased that I had pulled it off, or still embarrassed that I was going around with my friends dressed as a cute girl. One other small point was worrying me though I had enjoyed it more than I should have!
The next week went by with lightning speed and come Saturday I was ready for my next adventure as Nikki.
Turning up at Lesley’s just after noon, she was ready to transform me back into Nikki and once undressed I slipped into the bath robe they had provided for me. Covering my face with foundation and powder she applied some dark pink eyeshadow to my eyelids before using a lighter shade on my eyesocket, some mascara and a bright glossy pink lipstick for my lips. My nails were then painted in a matching pink colour and left to dry.
Margo, like before, was working on my hair. “Your hair’s getting a bit longer. Let’s try a pony tail,” she said. Pulling the hair tight into the side of my head she slid a hair scrunchie over the end and moved up to the crown of my head. “Yeah, that works quite well,” she said as she slipped a pair of gold Creole earrings on my ear lobes. Lesley handed me a gold necklace with a gold dolphin hanging from it, a couple of ring’s and a watch to complete the look. Taking the tape I had used to secure my manhood previously and a pair of pink lacy panties that Margo handed me, I retired to the bathroom to secure my penis away. Once it was taped away I slipped on the panties and admired the female form that the concealment gave me before returning to the girls.
The breast forms were once again secured to my chest and encased in a matching pink lacy bra. Margo gave me a pair of tan 10 denier tights which I slid on before Lesley tossed me a pair of white jeans. “Here try these on, they might be a bit tight but give them a try. I stepped into the jeans and pulled them up my body pulling them over my hips and tried to fasten them but they were too tight. “Hang on a sec.,” said Lesley as she produced the a small white waist clincher. “Here, slip this on first.” Fastening the clincher, I once again tried the jeans and this time they fitted. Lastly Margo gave me a bright pink v-neck top which was quite low cut and showed ample cleavage; the top was of a wrap around design and tie fastened at the side.
“It’s a bit low at the front,” I said.
“Well, we want to keep his interest,” said Lesley as she slid her hand along my arse, “You’ve got quite a nice girlie bum,” she added as she walked over to the cupboard and returned with a pair of 4-inch pink high heels. Handing them to me, I slipped them on.
Margo handed me a white leather shoulder bag which had already been packed with essentials such as lipstick, mirror, perfume, cigarettes etc. “You’re ready,” she announced.
“What about you two” I enquired.
“You don’t think were coming with you?” replied Margo. “It’s a date after all, so you’re on your own. Now get going, you’ve only about twenty minutes to get there and you don’t want to be late.”
“Now remember, next weekend is out as me and Gordy are at a concert, so you need to get him to agree to take you out the following week that’s the week before the exams start,” Lesley added.
“Yeah I know.”
“Well, get going then and good luck.”
I stepped out of Lesley’s and walked towards the main shopping centre where I was to meet Eddie. The streets were busy with cars and pedestrians but my confidence was such that I paid no attention to the passers by although I did notice a couple of dirty old men staring at my chest as they passed me. The sound of my heels echoed on the concrete. In the distance I could see Eddie standing by the Town Hall; as I approached my nerves were beginning to build up the nearer I got. As I got to him, he said, “Hi, you look good.”
“Thanks,” I replied rather shyly.
“I thought we could go to the café and get a drink before maybe going to see a film” he asked. I was a bit taken aback, but agreed and we headed of to the café. When we got there Eddie said that he would get the drinks and I should go and get a table. I was aware of a couple of others from our school in the café and I could see them whispering and pointing in our direction. I walked over and slipped into one of the booths.
Opening my bag, I took out my cigarettes and lit one just as Eddie returned with the drinks and slipped in beside me. “How have you been “ I asked.
“Okay. My side still hurts a bit,” he said, raising his tee-shirt slightly and showing me a nasty bruise on his side. “What about you? Have you seen Gordy? Did he give you a hard time?”
“No he was okay about it; in fact he asked me to tell you that he was sorry as he think’s he overreacted a bit.”
“That’s big of him,” he said sarcastically. As we chatted more over our drinks, I slipped another cigarette out of the packet and lit it “You know I never really liked smokers before but there’s something about you I just find so–”
“–So what?” I asked.
“S-s-s-sexy” he stammered.
“Oh, you do do you?” I said playfully, punching him in the arm.
“Ouch that hurt.”
“Ooops, I don’t know my own strength,” I giggled.
When we had finished Eddie stepped out of the booth and offered me his hand. Startled a bit at first, I took it and stepped up beside him before he asked, “What film do you want to see?”
“I don’t care. You choose.” And with that we left the café, hand in hand, and headed towards the local cinema.
We walked along the pavement towards the cinema; “How about Crocodile Dundee 2?” Eddie asked as we entered the cinema.
“Yeah that’ll be fine with me,” I replied.
Eddie bought two tickets and we walked in to the auditorium just as the first titles were rolling on the screen. We sat in the second row from the back. The theatre was not busy–maybe only a couple of dozen at this mid afternoon showing. Around 15-20 minutes after the film started Eddie asked if I wanted some popcorn. With a positive response he headed of to the booth in the foyer. When he returned he handed me the packet and his other arm snaked around the back of my seat. I opened the packet and offered him some which he took and sat back to enjoy the rest of the film. I’m still not sure if it was a conscious decision or not, but I somehow leaned towards him and found myself snuggled into his side, his hand moving forward to rest on my shoulder. We stayed that way for the remainder of the film. Once the movie was over we got up and headed back to town.
Eddie stopped and bought us some chips before we settled on a seat in the town centre to eat them between us. I lit a cigarette and lounged back on the seat as he finished off our snack. “I’ve really enjoyed today,” he said.
Taking a long inhale, I blew out the smoke and replied, “Yeah, so have I.”
“Can I see you again” he asked.
“Yeah. Well, I was thinking Margo and the gang are going to the amusement park two weeks today. She asked me if we wanted to tag along.”
Eddie looked at me “Is Gordy going?”
“Well, yes,” I replied.
“Well maybe that’s not such a good idea given recent events.”
“It’ll be okay; you’ll be with me and he’ll not give you any hassle, anyway, it’ll be a good way for him to say sorry, and you would like to go with me, would’nt you?” I said reaching out and clasping the top of his hand.
“Eh, well yes, okay, when?“
“Two weeks today,”I repeated.
“Can’t I see you before that?” he asked eagerly.
This time it was my turn to stutter. “W-w-well, eh I’m not sure.”
“What about next Saturday night? There’s a disco at the town hall.”
“Eh well I don’t know,” I said.
“Go on. I’ve agreed to your date so you can agree to mine.” Finding myself slightly caught I agreed and we started to walk back towards the housing estate.
“I walk you back,” he said.
“Okay but I’m going to Lesley’s first as Margo’s over there.”
“Okay let’s go.”
We walked back hand-in-hand in the direction of Lesley’s house,stopping at the end of her street. “So I’ll see you on Saturday,” he said.
“Okay, where and when?”
“Well about seven PM at the Town Hall?”
“Okay.” Just at that point Eddie reached forward and his hand came to rest on my shoulder. As I turned my head towards him his head moved towards mine, and before I knew it, his lips touched mine only for a couple of seconds.
As my head turned back, “Everything’s okay isn’t it?” he asked.
“Yeah, sorry, you just took me a bit by surprise,” I lied. “Look I need to go” I said, and leaning forward I gently kissed his cheek. We parted and I walked the short distance back to Lesley’s my mind in turmoil. What was I doing kissing guys and letting them kiss me? I had to remind myself it was an act and I was doing this for a purpose.
Margo was waiting for me on my return. “Well how did it go?”
“Fine, he took the bait he’s going to take me to the amusement park, but there’s only one slight problem,” I responded.
“What’s that?”
“He wants to take me out this Saturday as well, and I had to agree in order to get him to agree to the other date.”
”Date did you say?” Margo said jokingly.
“Well you know what I mean,” I said sharply.
Just then, Lesley appeared; “So how did our protégé get on?” she asked.
Margo interrupted; “She’s done well. The Prof took the bait, but she needs to see him this Saturday as well.”
“No problem is there Margo? You can handle that on your own,” said Lesley.
“Yeah, I suppose so.”
“Okay let’s get you changed back,” said Lesley.
We went inside and upstairs to Lesley’s room. I went into the bathroom and began to undress. I had slipped off the jeans and the top when there was a brief knock at the door and in stepped Lesley. “Heh, I’m getting undressed here.”
“Calm down, it’s not as if I’ve not seen you like that before is it?” she said, stepping towards me as she locked the door. “I just wanted to thank you for all your putting up with for me.”
“Yeah, you’ve already told me,” I replied.
“Yeah, I know, but I figured you deserved more,” she said as her hand sneaked behind my head and eased me forward before planting her open mouth over my lips her tongue probing its way into my lipstick-covered mouth.
I jerked backwards. “What d’you think you’re doing? What about Gordy?”
Moving forwards again she said, “This will be our little secret. Anyway you’re still dressed as a girl, so it’s not as if I’m cheating with a guy,” she said, fondling my breast form before sliding her hand down between my legs and slipping the tape off my cock which was rapidly beginning to grow. Well, Lesley’s a really stunning girl so as she eased me back on to the toilet seat she found little resistance as she began to slowly wank me off. Then her head moved down and her mouth opened and tightly clamped on my cock. Easing her mouth up and down my shaft while her tongue licked and teased inside her mouth. Within minutes I was moaning and she removed her mouth before finishing me off with her hand as spurts of cum shot into the air. She tore off a piece of toilet paper and wiped her hands before getting up and heading for the door. As she did, she turned and winked. “Our little secret,” she said.
“Yeah, I know. I’ve no intention of telling anyone as I don’t like hospital food, and that’s where I’d end up if Gordy finds out.”
“Good,” she said and stepped out of the bathroom.
I finished getting cleaned up and dressed back into my own clothes. Lifting all my femme clothing, I went back to the bedroom and found Margo alone, sitting listening to some music. “Where’s Lesley gone?” I asked.
“Oh, she’s off to find Gordy; be back in about ten.”
”Right–well–I’d better get off. I’ll see you at school and then next Saturday.”
“Yeah no problem” she replied as I left the room to head off home. My mind was so confused: within the past hour I had kissed a guy and had a great blow job of my mate’s girlfriend. What the hell was that all about? This was really turning into a weird experience and my problem was I was unsure in my mind which I had enjoyed better ! Once home I skipped up stairs switched on the radio and lay back in my bed to try and get a handle on how I was feeling, within 30 minutes I was no further forward and also firmly asleep.
To Be Continued...
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professer 3prick?
hum verry good so far so good whildchild
mr charlles r purcell
verry good story i wood love to see a lot more of this all i can say is wow verry good thanks for shareing
Too violent
I find this story too violent and rather nasty, and the author seems to have a hangup about smoking.
And the name of the story is stupid