Changing Roles - Chapter 7

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Changing Roles
By Julie Dawn Cole
Chapter 7

I rang the number Max gave me and he picked up immediately. ‘Hi Julie are you done?’

‘How did you know it was me?’
‘I asked Sally for the number I should call to collect and when I called and here is your name and your image.’
‘But my name is Julian or Jules not Julie.’

‘Well I’m only telling you what I see in front of me. Who would ever call you Julian. Anyway you are the PA to the MD. Who hires a man for that job? But no problem if you prefer me to call you Julian. Are you telling me that you swing both ways and you have a girlfriend.’

‘I’m a man and I was the Managing Director until recently.’

‘Pull the other one. I know a hot babe when I see one and if you want a night out some time I’d be happy to show you the sights.’

‘What sights? There are no sights around here.’

‘You probably aren’t looking in the right places. I think you’d be surprised and very impressed.’

If he was trying it on, I wasn’t interested. If he was just a womaniser, then he needed prescription glasses. Either way I didn’t want to see him so I decided to ask Sally for her help. When I called to explain she just giggled. ‘Don’t take any notice and don’t hide or he’ll make sure he chases you until he gets you cornered. A few girls have been out with him and his priority was to get inside their knickers.’

‘Well nothing doing here then. He surely doesn’t think I’m a woman.’

‘Why not? A little make-up and a sway of your hips and he’d be like putty in your hands.’

‘Very funny. I think he needs his eyes testing. Will you deal with him when he comes and say I had to go out on an errand for Emily.’

‘I will of course. But he might take that as a signal that you prefer to play the bait in a chase.’

‘I’ll not let him get chance to get within a mile of me. I need to change these trousers and my image if he is so easily confused. I’m not anybody’s bait.’

Sally did as she promised and met with him, so he didn’t hang around for long. He tried to call me, but I blocked his call.

I was relieved that Emily had asked me to visit her apartment to meet the maintenance staff and ensure they understood her problems with her bathroom. I took her car and nervously drove so that I didn’t cause any damage it. It was a top of the range Mercedes car and clearly Emily was ranked much higher than both George and I had been. I relaxed and enjoyed the experience and soon arrived at her apartment building. It was high end and as I entered the car park the security guard waved me through the barrier and I parked in a visitor bay.
‘Hello miss I am expecting you so you can use the door over there to the lifts. Julie isn’t it?’

I just smiled and nodded and took the keys and security fob from my bag. I might as well accept that I looked more female than male to some people and go with the flow. I found her apartment. The maintenance men were already inside and seemed busy. I introduced myself as Emily’s PA and again they assumed I was female and so I was treated as if I knew nothing. I asked if they’d identified the problem and could correct it and they shook their heads and sighed as if they were having difficulty.
‘It looks like a big job and we might not have the parts young miss. We might have to buy parts and come back tomorrow.’
‘Please try your best. My boss pays a lot for this apartment and she says that this sort of problem shouldn’t happen.’
‘Well if she is an expert then she is welcome to come and tell us the solution.’
‘Sorry I didn’t mean it like that. She just expects you to be the best and most experienced maintenance staff around and to carry spares.’
‘Well dear we aren’t cheap but we are the best around. This is an old building that was refurbished, and we would have done some things differently. You can’t beat experience. Tell you what. If you pop to McDonalds and buy us two Big Mac meals with large coffees it might just speed things along. It’s on the corner less than 5 minutes walk from here.’
So bribery was the answer and I decided that it was worth the expense so that Emily would be happy. I was having a hard time being accepted as male in this outfit and when I looked in the mirror I could see why. I decided I might as well tidy my hair and reposition my pony tail higher on my head. In for a penny in for a pound as they say.

When I got back to work I reported that everything would be working when Emily got home that brought a smile and a nod of approval. I made some fresh coffee then drank mine sitting at my desk whilst I called Sally. She said that I’d been missed and that Matt was disappointed that I wasn’t available. Too true I wasn’t. She told him that I was engaged to be married and that I was not interested to meet him. I asked her why she didn’t just confirm my true identity that would have killed any relationship in its tracks. She just smiled and said she thought it would teach him a lesson. If he ignored her and approached me and kept chasing he would be shocked and too embarrassed to show is face again.

‘How does that help me? Surely he can tell I’m a man?’

‘Well who knows? I think his brains are between his legs and you turn him on. Not a surprise really. If you had boobs most people would take you as female. You are much too pretty in the face to be a man. I’d love to see you when you dress to go out.’

‘Sally, I appreciate your support and friendship but please don’t go there. It’s a difficult enough time for me as it is.’

‘Just saying. Please don’t take offence but I can see the change in you since the pressures of being our leader have gone. You look much more relaxed, and it shows mostly in your face. It’s soft and you have beautiful eyes. You must have good genes.’

I didn’t have chance to respond or to continue as Emily interrupted. She wanted me to call Jack Henshaw to her office for a chat about Rao’s job. He was one of the 3 production guys responsible for the technology and product development. I got through to him and he sounded a little peeved to have to break off in the middle of something. They were locked in Emily’s office for over an hour only breaking for a few minutes when I made a fresh pot of coffee and took it in. Jack was never a big fan of mine since he was a man’s man and I expected he’d have even less respect for Emily. From the stern look on their faces I expected they’d argued. I hoped he didn’t resign and walk out. He was a big asset.

Voices were raised as I closed the office door behind me. That carried on for at least 30 minutes and then the door opened and he left her office shaking his head without even acknowledging me. Under his breath I heard him say ‘She doesn’t understand. F’ing idiot.’
After a few minutes I went in to clear the cups and Emily was on the phone. She smiled so I detected she’d had a successful meeting. She was talking to someone important since she paused whilst I was in the room.

She was too busy to go back in to talk to her for the rest of the afternoon and she just sent me a message confirming she would pick me up at 8am the following morning and to be ready. She said that Melanie would join us so somehow, she had got to her that was a surprise.

It was my opportunity to leave on time and I popped my head around her door to say goodnight. She was on the phone so she just waved. I headed directly to Marks & Spencer to buy my new jacket and hoped it would fit and look professional. I didn’t like the idea of being dressed semi casual whilst both Emily and Melanie would be in their business suits. I wasn’t looking forward to meeting Rao either having lost my status in the Company. He would be grinning from ear to ear for sure.

I headed to the lady’s department and found a server who checked that the jackets had been set aside. She looked me up and down as if she wasn’t sure whether I was in the right department or not and asked for my name. Ah Ms Cole. Julie is it?

‘It’s actually Julian Cole and it’s Mr.’

‘Oh sorry are you buying this for your wife or your girlfriend? I thought they wanted to try both jackets to decide which fits.’

‘The jacket is for me. It’s just that I need it to look smart and match my outfit and I’m not very muscular, so men’s jackets tend to bury me. These jackets look like men’s jackets.’

‘Yes sir they do except they are cut to suit a woman’s body shape and they are narrower across the shoulders and cut in at the waist. Really, they have room for a bust which you don’t appear to have so best to try the smaller size. You are quite slender for a man if you don’t mind me saying and wider across the hip than I’d expect.’

The jacket fitted perfectly, and it matched my trousers so it was half way towards a business suit. I admired the image in the mirror.
‘If you don’t mind me saying sir I think it would look even better with a white shirt or blouse than it does with your t shirt. Do you have one at home or would you like me to show you the difference a good shirt makes. Are you wearing the outfit for work or for somewhere special?’

’It’s for business meetings.’

‘Enough said then the shirt would be better.’

She produced one from a rack that I put on in the changing room and she followed me in. Thank goodness the shop was quiet. It wasn’t my first visit into the ladies’ changing rooms so I wasn’t nervous but this time it was a purchase without the need for any pretence. She had selected a fitted shirt and I was delighted with how it looked even though she tried to persuade me to wear a bra to improve the fit still further. The shirt did make my outfit more professional like a business suit I was used to wearing, so I decided I’d take it. If Emily objected, I’d insist it was necessary because of the importance of the meeting and especially with this client.

I headed home satisfied with my purchases and called for a takeout from Deliveroo to save me cooking anything since I’d hardly eaten all day. I took a quick shower before it was due for delivery and popped on a pair of fresh panties and some lounge pants with a crop top and let my hair down and brushed it out. It was my normal casual outfit at home and the delivery guys were used to this look. I liked to feel I could relax as a young woman would do and I lay on the sofa and reflected on my day. The new dress code enabled me to be a little more feminine without causing offence and I was already comfortable working for Emily as her PA. She was quite nice to me if I behaved in a feminine way and dressed in the uniform. So far, so good.

After my meal I tidied up and pressed my new shirt and my trousers before trying them on again. I decided to wear some knee-high stockings and a pair of my stiletto heels that were perfect with the trousers. I’d happily wear those if I had half a chance that was not possible.

The shirt looked good with the trousers and was better outside rather than tucked in. I liked the cut of the jacket that fitted me better than any of the jackets in my wardrobe. Since both shirt and jacket were designed to accommodate breasts I decided to put on a bra under my shirt to see the effect of my inserts. I loved the image in the mirror. I Would love to go to the office like this and work as a female but it was impossible. I wanted to see the reaction of Emily and Sally, even without make-up, that might be for another day.

I changed back into my leisure clothes and watched tv for a while with my legs curled underneath me and my hair down thinking about the changes that were taking place in my life and what my family and colleagues would think of me. Then there was the meeting with Rao. I was trying to decide how to introduce Emily and Melanie and to explain my new role and was fearful of Rao’s reaction. In his culture women weren’t treated with much respect and certainly would find it difficult to be in charge of a company the size of hours. His son had similar traits but was a nicer personality. I might not get a word in anyway if Rao was true to form. I eventually went to bed around 10-30 pm and just crashed.

I was awake at 6-30 am before my alarm sounded and I showered quickly and got dressed. I spent quite a bit of time on my hair before being resigned to putting it into my usual ponytail tucked into my shirt collar. I couldn’t wear a t shirt underneath my shirt because it didn’t look right so I opted for a camisole which didn’t show, and it felt nice.

At 7-30 my doorbell rang. It was Melanie and Emily was waiting outside in the car. I picked up my computer bag that had my laptop inside and put in my wallet-purse since even my jacket has limited pocket space.

‘You look nice Jules, but I hope Emily is happy about you wearing a shirt instead of the company top.’

‘It didn’t seem appropriate to turn up with a casual outfit, so I bought the Shirt and jacket last night.’

‘It looks fine but they are feminine style aren’t they so if you are comfortable then why not?’

‘What made you want to attend the meeting? You know what Rao is like. Emily will have her hands full. He’s a shark.’

‘Well, he is a customer and the quicker I get out and about and build up my contacts list the better. I need to show Emily that I’m the right person for this job. She’s had more faith in me than you had. I’ll prove it to you too and let’s see what you think about working with limited opportunities to be promoted like we’ve had.’
I said nothing and we went to the car where Emily was waiting.
Melanie opened the rear door for me just to ensure she was sitting alongside Emily and I was less important. Emily turned to speak and asked if everything was set up with Rao and that he was definitely attending the meeting because otherwise she wouldn’t waste her time. I hadn’t had anything back to say otherwise so said yes and nodded.

‘Good because I asked Henshaw to go their first thing this morning to check they were using the production line and earning revenue. He boasted how well connected he is and he developed the controls and did all the commissioning. He boasted how good it was and that he could view what was happening remotely and didn’t need to visit. But I won that argument. He needs to learn who is in charge.’

She set off on the journey that would take us about 2 hours if the roads were clear without delays due to roadworks. None were planned so we arrived in good time. We just had time to visit a local Starbucks for a coffee and a chat and Emily said to let her do all the talking. She smiled at me as we walked in and said I looked nice and I had made a good decision. I think Melanie was surprised.

‘I don’t want to arrive early so Rao can keep is waiting so we’ll sign in exactly at 11-45. An hour should be long enough time to do what we need to do.’

Rao sent his secretary to meet us and escort us to his office that had a massive old oak boardroom table and leather chairs. He was presenting himself as a big businessman and when we entered he looked me up and down and grinned. He could see that Emily was in charge but he ignored her and the same with Melanie.

‘Now then ladies what brings you here today? Is it a social call? We’ve already had a visit by Jack Henshaw who has checked that everything is working as specified.’

Emily responded. ‘Yes I sent him because you shouldn’t be using the plant since it’s not paid for and I was surprised it was handed over.’

‘We made the progress payments and you have a Parent Company Guarantee from our head office in New Delhi. What’s the problem?’

I was shocked by Emilys aggressive response. ‘That’s a worthless piece of paper as you know and if we try to take you to court in India we’ll be backwards and forwards for 5 years at least and still get nothing. I’m not here to pussy about I want your money transfer to our bank this afternoon.’

‘Just like that? Who do you think you are? I don’t deal with women and where is George Garside?’

‘He is retired for now. You took advantage of him and Jules. They trusted you but I don’t and now I’m in charge so you deal with me.’

‘Well you might as well leave now then. I’m the customer and you are the supplier so let’s get that straight. You are wet behind the ears.’

Before he had chance his secretary interrupted the meeting and said he had an urgent call. He looked angry as he slammed down his phone.

‘My production line has stopped and my Manager says Henshaw fiddled with something when he was here earlier. I’ve lost a whole mornings output that is useless so you’ll be paying for that. I have a big contract to deliver.’

‘Well Mr Rao I had a serious meeting with Jack Henshaw yesterday and told him that he should not have handed the plant over unless he had permission from George or Julian. He seems to have had a very close contact with you and your son and took his decisions himself. I wonder how he funded the purchase of a new BMW and has booked a cruise around the Indian Ocean? Would you know anything about that?’

‘I know nothing about your employees and where they get their money. That’s your business not mine.’

‘Yes it is my business and I have a new Financial Controller with good contacts at the banks. It seems he had some large transfers from overseas around the time your job was being installed. So I confronted him. Make your mind up about the next steps. If you transfer everything that is owed to us plus some compensation, then you can use the plant and Jack will start it remotely. If you misbehave again, you’ll be reported and we’ll take legal action.
I’ll watch for your message on my phone on the way back. I won’t say it’s been a pleasure doing business with you but I’m sure you’ll make a lot of money with this equipment. You are in England now not India so take care.

‘That’s it with your company. This is blackmail.’

‘Yes but you should know better. You could go to prison. Your Indian lawyers can’t help you much in the UK. Judges don’t get bribed.’

We upped and left. Melanie was speechless and so was I.
‘Did Jack really admit to being bribed?’
‘Not exactly but it was clear to me that he had got involved above his head. We don’t do that sort of thing do we?’

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