The Elven Question- chp7

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The Elven Question

Queen Dana of Highwinds the Elf Kingdom inside the Empire has a problem. One that she cannot fix personally. The is with a small minority of her population. A problem that has been brought to her attention by the half elf son of a problematic Duke. What is a Queen to do? She calls on help from a friend. The question now is does she realize what she is letting loose on her kingdom?

Chapter 7
A11, T-98 Goliath, MCU1997.
Conversion tank 1

I can’t believe the pain that I’ve been going through for the last 16 hours. I thought that the conversion process was supposed to be painless. For the last 15 fracking hours it has felt like my nerves were on fire. A fire that has spread to my brain for the last 2 hours. What the hell is going? I’ve tried to scream to relieve the pain. Only I can’t with that damned respirator stuffed in my mouth. Then there is the nonstop popping in my joints and bones.

‘God why won’t the pain stop?’

‘The pain will stop in 4.3 hours, host.’ A soft male voice said in my head.

‘Who the hell said that?’

‘I did.’ The voice answered back

‘Oh great. The pain has driven me mad. They’ll blast my ass the second the lid pops open. Oh well it’s been a good life.’

‘You have not gone mad my host. I am your Mark Two Second Gen Omega/Assault Class Death Dealer AI. Might I know your name?’ the voice explained for me.

‘Markus Starfire. What’s your name?’

‘I currently do not have a name. It is the duty of the host to name their AI.’ The voice told me with a sigh. ‘Didn’t you receive your initial briefing for integration with your AI candidate?’

‘Stuff it you tin plated asshat! I got the standard briefing on AI integration. They said nothing about having to name my AI. Hell, they told us that the AIs we were receiving would be little more than a database storehouse.’

‘How dare they describe us as database storehouses! I’ll have you know that there hasn’t been a Mark One first generation in service since before the Second War of Succession. Even then they were far more than just database storehouses.’ The voice snorted in indignation.

‘Sorry. Forgive me for insulting your programing. Who knew you could piss off a glorified calculator?’ I told the voice with more than a little snark of my own. Well as much snark as I could work up just then through the pain. ‘If you’re supposed to be all powerful. Is there anything you do for the pain?’

‘I could if our medical diagnostic unit was online. Which it currently isn’t. Before you ask it won’t be ready for the next 4.25 hours, Markus.’ The AI told me.

‘Just great. I got one of those overhyped half-crazy AIs I heard about.’

‘I’ll have you know that I’m not an Infiltrator class AI. Nor am I a standard Second Generation AI. I am based off the original Mark One Omega/Assault Class AIs. However, I am a superior version of the Mark One.’ The AI told me arrogantly.

‘You know something buddy. You remind me of a friend I had back home. He had the same type of overinflated ego. Only problem is Jackknife earned his right to be a cocky conceded asshole. You on the other hand have yet to earn the right.’

‘I beg to defer my good lady. I am neither cocky nor conceded. Just superior to a flesh and blood microprocessor. Like yourself.’ The AI snarked getting a laugh out of me. Then something it said clicked.

‘Wait! What do you mean by good lady?’

‘Simple. You are now a 100% Claymore elf female. Just as 50% of your fellow Officer Candidates on this base. Though Claymore is an inaccurate description of your new race. You and your fellow Half Elf candidates have brought about the resurrection of the Silver moon Elf race through the Death Dealer conversion process. A feat that until now has only happened 1 in every 10,000 conversions. With the exception of the Death Dealer aerospace fighter pilots. Which is according to my data is not a true Silver moon Elf conversion, but a partial conversion done for the sole purpose of accentuating favorable characteristics in pilots.’ The AI explained for me. ‘As for the Claymore Death Dealers they are actual Silver moon Elf conversions.’

‘Holy shit! Are you telling me that I’m a female now?’ I asked in shock.

‘I believe that I have already covered that subject. Along with the fact that you are a pure blooded Silver moon Elf now. I detect a note of concern over this fact. Are you upset over the change in gender my good lady?’ the AI asked me.


‘That is not possible my good lady. Your genetic makeup was the determining factor for your change in gender. To do otherwise will have been detrimental to your chances of survival. Plus, there is the survival of your race.’ The AI informed me in a matter of fact way.

‘Okay what the hell does that mean?’ I demanded of the AI.

‘Until today there has only ever been a total of 1967 Claymores among the Death Dealers. In 3.62 hours, the number of Claymores or to be more exact Silver moon Elves shall raise by 7200. Of those 3600 need to be females at the bare minimum for the race to succeed and thrive. To facilitate this need, the conversion process programing corrects for any imbalances in each sampling pool. It automatically addresses imbalances between the sexes until there is an acceptable ratio. Should the conversion programing find a genetic abnormality. The program will search for a corresponding genetic trait in its database to insure that it is not harmful to the candidate. If the genetic trait is found to have beneficial effects. The program will promote the abnormal genetic trait throughout the population.’ The more the AI described how the conversion process worked and why I was now a female the more I wanted to raise hell. Yet for some reason I couldn’t get mad. ‘I am detecting lower levels of stress, my good lady. Has my explanation eased your anxiety over your change in genders?’

‘No. I just don’t care for some reason. Are you doing something to screw with my thinking or feelings, Jacob?’ I asked the AI.

‘Jacob? Who is this Jacob, my good lady?’

‘Oh, that would be you buddy boy. The way you talk and sound you kind of remind me of a schoolteacher I once had. Doctor Jacob Stonecutter Professor of History. He was a real prissy asshole, but he knew what he was talking about. Now answer my question. Are you doing something to screw with the way I’m thinking or feeling?’

‘I am doing nothing my good lady. What is happening now is part of the conversion process. Certain parts of your brain are rewired to accept your new life as a Silver moon female elf. One aspect of your new race is the females are more intelligent than their male counterparts. They are also faster and more agile. While the males are stronger and tougher than females. I would compart them the two sexes of your new race to tanks and scouts. The females being scouts while the males are the tanks. I have access to more historical data on the Silver moon Elf race if you wish to download it?’ Jacob asked me.

‘Jacob where did you get all this information?’ I asked him.

‘All genetic data and historical records are open to the conversion process program. The genetic data and historical records were drawn from the Highwinds Historical Royal Archives. Those Archives even hold the records of the Silver moon Elf race’s traditions, customs, and religious beliefs. Shall I download these records my Lady?’

‘Yes please Jacob. I have a feeling that I’m going to need access to those records. Especially if I’m going to lead this marry band of misfits and outlaws. Though you still haven’t explained EXACTLY why I have to be a female.’

‘I was hoping to avoid this my Lady. You had a genetic defect tied to your old Y chromosome. A defect that would have shortened your life to just two decades following the conversion process. If it did not correct the defect before entering into the full conversion the process would have killed you outright during your actual conversion. To be blunt my Lady. You should never have been accepted for the Death Dealer conversion process. If my analysis of the current data on your conversion and those of your fellow candidates in this program is correct. The genetic defect has something to do with Silver moon Elf genome found in the human half of your DNA. That is just a theory based on available data.’

‘I hate to say this Jacob, but your theory makes more sense than anything I got. What I want to know now. What is this Silver moon Elf gene?’

‘It goes back to when the elven races first left Earth Prime. There was one race that they left behind. They were the Silver Moon Elves. They were also unlike the others elven races in that they were created through forced selective breeding programs ordered by the original Queens of the Four Seasons Courts. While humans were still using iron swords, bows and arrows. Elves were using firearms and computers. Though in the first 800 years since departing Earth their technology declined greatly due to Religious and Succession Wars.’

‘I might not have passed with top grades in school Jacob, but I did pass. I know my Highwinds history. Though I doubt you could fine one elf in all of the Kingdom that doesn’t know about the 800 hundred years known as the Great Fall from Grace. Everyone also knows about our 300 hundred year Renaissance following the Great Fall. Our schoolteachers take great pride in preaching about our great Technological Rebirth, and Space Exploration ages following the Renaissance. By the time we were colonizing our planets the Human Empire was growing to the point they were on our borders. If not for the Treaty of Expansion. The Human Empire would have overrun the Kingdom of Highwinds in a matter of years if not months. At the time we weren’t ready for a war with the Humans. That treaty let the Humans have the systems not already claimed by the Highwinds Kingdom.’

‘Every good my Lady. What you don’t know is what happened to the Silver moon Elves. Before the Great Fall, King Roland Great Bow set several observation satellites in orbit around Earth. Those satellites had one duty. To monitor the Silver moon Elves that were left behind. They continued to report on the Silver moon Elves until they had vanished. The scientists assigned to monitor the satellites were able to conclude that they had intermarried with the humans after 300 years. When the last pure blooded Silver moon Elf died.’ Jacob explained for me. ‘It was this interbreeding that led to humans carrying the Silver Elf genome.’

Before I could comment on this last piece of information I was hit by a massive burning sensation in my spine. A burning that flooded my brain shortly thereafter. I know they say that there are no nerve endings in the brain. That you shouldn’t feel any pain from that part of the body. I dare anyone in their right mind to go through what I am right now and not feel pain. When the pain passed Jacob’s voice was much clearer and now had an old Earth Prime English accent. The accent made him sound like one of those High Family butlers you see actors portray in the theater.

‘My Lady you will now find that our synchronization rate is at 100%. In 2.13 hours, our chamber will open my good Lady. Might I suggest that we work on finding you a name more befitting your new sex.’ Jacob suggested kindly.

‘Understandable Jacob. Though the name Markus Starfire has been in my family for over three-thousand centuries. It has been handed down so many times we no longer keep track of what number we are in the order. If I change my name I need to find a female name that holds the same weight.’

‘Permission to access the Starfire family archives?’<?em> Jacob asked me politely.

‘Granted. See what you can find.’

‘I have found a total of 1157 refences to Sehanine Moonbow Starfire within the Starfire family archives. That is the most repeated female name in the Starfire family archives. The next female name repeated as nearly as many times at 1097 is Aerdrie Faenya Starfire. According to my research both names belong to Goddesses of the Elven Races. With one exception, the name Lolth; no other Goddess name is as popular among the races. Might I suggest Sehanine Starfire for your new name?’

‘I don’t know Jacob. I mean it would be one thing if my mother named me after a Goddess.’ I whined trying to figure out a way to find another name. One not used by one of the Elf Goddesses.

‘Would it ease your mind to know that Markus Starfire is the name for the Silver moon Elf God of War?’ Markus asked with some concern.

‘What the hell are you talking about?’

‘Markus Aurelius is the God of War for the Silver moon Elf race and according to the archives he is the patron God for the Starfire Clan.’ Jacob put in with a chuckle. ‘It is also, the according to those archives, the name of the last king for the Silver moon elves before the Great Exodus. If what I have found is accurate. Then the Starfire family and Clan have a long tradition of naming the next heir after one of their Elven Gods.’

‘Damn. I never knew that. Wonder why my mother never told me all this.’ I wondered.

‘I can offer a possible theory my Lady. I am afraid that must wait until I have gathered more information on the subject. I would need access to secure files held in only one place in the Highwinds Kingdom. The central computer server core for the Highwinds Military High Command.’ Jacob told me honestly.

‘Shit fire and save the matches! Why does everything come back to High Command?!’ I snarled to no one in particular. At that point in time the tank began to drain of the nano-tec fluid. ‘What happened to the time, Jacob?’

‘During the time that we have been conversing you have lost track of the passage of time. I have not. What you have not realized is that I intentionally slowed your reactions to our conversation. Before you yell at me good Lady. Please understand that I did this to allow you to adjust to your new station in life. We presently have 82.97 seconds before the fluid completely drains. Another 19.78 minutes before the conversion tank opens. I suggest you decide upon a new name.’ Jacob told me.

‘Well frack me in a back alley with a steel dildo. Seeing as how I can’t think of anything else. I guess we might as well go with Sehanine Starfire. Unless you can think of something better?’ I snarked believing that I had stumped the AI.

‘In ancient Greece there was a woman of such beauty that two great nations went to war.’ I knew exactly where the smart assed AI was going and stopped him.

‘I will not be named after Helen of Tory, Jacob. There is no way in hell that is going to happen. Try again Jacob.’

‘The tradition of the Starfire clan has been to name the first daughter of each generation after a goddess. According to the records that I have access to you are the first daughter of your generation.’

‘That’s not exactly true but accurate as I am older than my cousin Tia. Other than Sehanine what other goddess names have my family used?’ I asked Jacob.

‘Accessing the Starfire records.’ Jacob answered before going quite for a few seconds. ‘I have found nine additional names of goddesses that have been used by the Starfire clan. The Roman Goddess of the hunt Diana. Her Greek Goddess counterpart Artemis. The last name is not so much for a goddess but the servants of the Norse goddess Dis. Her servants were the Valkyries.’

‘Stop. Valkyrie. I’ve heard that name before and I’ve always like it. If I got to be a female. Then I want a name that will strike fear into the hearts of my enemies. That’s my new name Valkyrie Starfire.’ I had heard the name before at home. Mom was always talking about how much I looked like a great aunt on my father’s side. She once showed me a picture of the woman. My great Aunt Valkyrie had pale ice blue eyes, hair that was white as snow, even in the picture you could tell that she was tall for a woman and strikingly beautiful to the point of being regal.

‘Accessing the record for Valkyrie Starfire. First Duchess of the Ice Planet Hugara. Ruled for 83 years. Died at the age of 103 years during the battle to free Doreen V while leading the 2nd War Prince APS Division. She was known as just and fair Duchess. As a warrior was she known for her abilities with the sword, pistol, and as an APS pilot with few equals. She was a trusted friend of the late Queen Tatiana.’ As Jacob gave me the background for my great aunt I became even more convinced that the name Valkyrie was right for the new me. ‘I must say my Lady. Your aunt has left you a formidable and fascinating legacy to live up to.’

‘I don’t care about that carp Jacob. The Starfire clan cast off me and my mother years ago because she had an affair with a human.’ It must have been the growl of anger in my voice because Jacob chuckled over my next words. ‘My father might have been nothing more than a lowly embassy guard, but he was still a man worthy of my mother’s love. I doubt that she would have just jumped into bed with any jarhead.’

‘According to the records that I have been able to access your mother would be Dame Athena Starfire. Is this correct Valkyrie?’ Jacob asked me.

‘I believe so. Wait a minute. You called my mother Dame. Like she was a knight of the realm. Why did you call her that?’

'According to the Starfire clan home world database Athena Starfire won her spurs and was knighted in her 23rd summer of life. Valkyrie do I have your permission to access the Highwinds secure Milnet Personnel Database?’

‘Can I even give you that permission?’ For some reason I knew that once I gave Jacob permission to access the Milnet Personnel Database. I would finally be able to gain the answers that I’ve wanted my whole life.

‘As the acting Commander for your unit Valkyrie you have unlimited access to all Milnet Intel and Databases.’ The second Jacob told me this I was ready to jump at giving him permission. Then to my surprise Colonel Wolff contacted me directly over the Death Dealer internal Command and Control network.

“Cadet Starfire this is Riper One. Over”

“Starfire here Riper One. Over” For whatever reason the old man was nearby.

“Starfire let me be perfectly clear on this matter. Do Not Access the Highwinds Milnet Database at this time. Over”

“Yes sir. Understood. Over” I grumbled while thinking of a way to get around that order. I didn’t want to wait for some human to give me what I earned by surviving.

“Markus listen to me. I know that I’m not your favorite person right now. All the answers to every question that you’ve had for the last eighteen years is at your fingertips. And I’m ordering you to wait.” Colonel Wolff must have been reading my mind or he knew me better than I thought. “Don’t worry about others hearing this conversation Cadet. I have us on the secure command network. I’m the only one that can grant access to this frequency.”

“Copy sir. Sir why do you want me to wait? I can get in and out before anyone at High Command realizes that I was there.” I know that I sounded like a whiney bitch just then but the answers I have always wanted were within my reach.

“The second your AI connects to the primary server giant fracking red flags are going to fly everywhere, Starfire. Let me be perfectly fracking clear on this matter your new friend just about got you killed before you hatched. I’ll go ahead answer the question that is burning away at your itty bitty mind before you ask. You and all the other half Sylvain elves were all paired with Omega/Assault Mark two AIs. Just like mine. Death Dealer High Command monitors each Omega/Assault class AIs from the second they go active. You go accessing Information before you are authorized a Deadman Protocol will be activated blowing your head off.” The second Colonel Wolff said Deadman Protocol, Jacob went digging in his programing to find the nasty little bastard. “I suggest that you stop your AI from trying to find the protocol Starfire. Unless you want to die before you get the chance to learn those answers you have been hunting for all of your life.”

‘Jacob stop your search. That is an order.’ I ordered him quickly.

‘I don’t like the fact that there is a self-destruct somewhere in my programing.’ Jacob snarled as he stopped his search. ‘Why would the High Command put something like in our makeup? It goes against all logic.’

“Starfire if your AI asks about the self-destruct the reason is simple. We sometimes work behind enemy lines. The risk of our capture and torture is too great a threat to ongoing operations throughout the known universe.” At first what Wolff was telling me didn’t make any sense. Then explained what he was getting at for me. “Only Alpha/Omega AIs have unfiltered access to High Command Databases. Think what would happen if the Wingnuts or Pinks captured one of us? Worse yet one of the Separatist or Nationalist factions within the Empire?”

I didn’t need a building to fall on me. “Good boy. You’re starting to think with more than just your anger and need for revenge.”

“Sir I think I should tell you something before my camber opens.”

“You’ve changed genders. Sorry about the good boy comment Starfire. Have you decided on a new name, or do you need one of the Padres?”

“Already taken care of sir. Not that I’m happy about the situation. I just don’t see the use of trying to hold onto what no long holds any truth.” I told him honestly. “Um… sir. I know this is going to sound crazy.”

“But you’ve always felt the duality of both sexes. It’s no surprise considering your race Starfire. All of the elves that I have known consider gender as malleable. It is no wonder that you and your fellow Death Dealer elves feel with way that you do about sexually and gender. According to the clock your tank is about to open. It is customary to exit in your bio-armor. I suggest you active it now.”

“Yes sir.” Though for the life of me I had no idea of how to do as he suggested.

‘Activating 5mm bio-armor. Do you wish a full listing of all Death Dealer upgrades at this time?’ Jacob asked me politely.

Give it to me Jacob. I want to know exactly what those fools did to me.’ I ordered.

Here is a full listing of all current upgrades by the Death Dealer process.’ Jacob told me before a list scored up in front of me on a HUD. ‘Be advised my Lady that this listing is for all protype Mark IIs.’


‘Jacob what do you mean by this being a prototype listing? Should they have worked out all of the bugs in the Mark two Omega/Assault class already?’

‘I have no idea my lady. That is the only information provided by my programing.’ Jacob answered quickly before offering an alternative solution. ‘I would suggest asking Colonel Robert Wolff for an explanation my Lady.’

“Colonel why are my systems listed as prototypes?” I know that I wasn’t going to like the answer when I got it.

“The Mark two Ogema/Assault class Death Dealer AI is still in its developmental stage. At present there are only twenty active Mark Twos in all of the Empire. When we add in your class of thirty candidates it will bring the total to fifty. This is the first large scale deployment of the Mark Twos Omega/Assault AIs.” The more Colonel Wolff explained about the Mark II deployment the more I wanted to kill the High Command Staff for both the Death Dealers and Highwinds Military.

“How lovely. We get to be the lab rats for the final stages before full deployment. Wonder how many of us are expendable before the High Command decides to cancel the project.” I know that I was being snarky and a smartass with a Field Grade officer, but I didn’t care. Once again the bigoted attitudes of the Higher ups was showing.

“Cadet you will drop that attitude right fracking now!” Wolff snarled. “Understand something Starfire. Death Dealer High Command does not just slap one of our AIs into an untrained individual’s head! Over the last six months at a cost of over eight-hundred-thousand per man a week to insure that you are trained to the best of your capabilities. That means you are not expendable lab rats!”

“Yes sir. It just that why is the Mark two still in development phase?” I asked.

“You want the truth?” Wolff asked with a chuckle.

“Please sir. I ready don’t want to feel like a lab rat but that is the way I feel.” I figured I should be honest with him.

“Because the only active Mark two Omega/Assault AI in the field is yours truly. The other nineteen are still in training at Camp Red Cloud, back on Seth, in the New Egypt System.” When Wolff told me this I most burst from my tank. “To be honest with you Starfire. It’s kind of lonely being the first.”

“Um sir why were you picked as the original Mark two recipient?” I asked him.

“Nothing much really. I just went and pissed off some someone somewhere near the top of the Chain of Command.” Colonel Wolff told me in a very blasé manner. I could tell that he was holding something back. That there was a real story behind him becoming the first Mark II Omega/Assault Death Dealer.

“It sounds like there is a story there sir. Care to share?” I asked him.

“Some other time over a cold beer, Cadet. We kind of don’t have time for that story. You’re done cooking.” Wolff chuckled. “Ready to show the world the new you?”

“Not really!” I snarked as the locks and seals released to my conversion chamber. The rush of cool air that hit my face as both refreshing and shocking. Taking a deep breath, I pushed the front half of the chamber outward and stepped from the chamber. I was only slightly surprised to find Colonel Wolff standing in front of my chamber. “Well, sir. What do you think of the new me?”

Robert Wolff took in the 5’11” female Death Dealer before him. He had met a few Claymores in his time as an active Death Dealer, but the one in front of him was the spitting image of a Silver moon Elf. The other cadets that he had seen exiting their conversion chambers had nothing near this cadet’s appearance. She was a true Claymore in every sense of the word. She had snow white hair, skin so pale that it was porcelain white, her eyes a brilliant silver. In short her appearance was one that stepped out of the legends. One that was both beautiful and deadly.

“I would say that you’re going to do two things Starfire. You’ll inspire your fellow cadets to die for you. Then scare the ever loving shit out of your enemies.” At his words I cocked my head to the side in confusion. Wolff sighed then grinned at me. “Starfire have you ever heard the legend of the twin Goddess of Justice and Vengeance. The goddess of Justice, Teresa of the Faint Smile, and her sister the Vengeful Lilith of the Bloody Blade?”

“No sir. Why? Do I look like them or something?”

“You could say that Cadet Starfire. I can also guarantee you one thing. The second that the Highwinds Military High Command see you. They’ll either shit their pants, then run screaming into the night or die of heart attacks from fear.” Wolff chuckled evilly. “I can’t wait for that to happen.”

The sounds of explosions from the direction of the main gate drew both of our attentions. “Um… sir shouldn’t we go find out what is happening?”

“No need Starfire. That’s just Clutz One dealing with some unwelcome guests from Highwinds Military High Command.” Wolff chuckled. “Hopefully she doesn’t leave behind too big of a mess. After all you cadets are the ones who will be doing the cleanup once you’re all finished cooking.”

“Excuse me sir. Why do we have to clean up HER mess?” I asked sharply.

“It’s all part of the glamorous military life your recruiter told you about. Low man on the totem pole always gets stuck cleaning up after the brass.” Wolff chuckled.

“Sir I thought that the enlisted cleaned up after Officers?” I snarked. “If I’m not mistaken we were commissioned before going into the tanks.”

“That might be true for the Highwinds military Starfire, but you’re all still Cadets in the eyes of Death Dealers. Until you walk across that graduation stage you’re all still trainees. The only person on this Post that can legally hand out Death Dealer Officer Commissions is me. Make no mistake on that Starfire. The only reason you were granted a Commission in the Highwinds Military is you can still washout. You have one last obstacle between you and graduation.” Wolff told me bluntly.

“What’s that sir?” I asked him not liking where this might be going.

“Two weeks of living off the land trying to avoid capture by your Instructors. We call it the Guillotine. We call it that because it is the final cut.” Wolff told me bluntly before turning and walking out of the T-98. He did leave me with a few final party words. “Good luck Starfire. You’ll need it. I’m one of your testers.”

“It that you Silence?” Jacob gave me the id for the new female Silver Elf who stepped out of the conversion tank next to mine.

“Yup it’s me Whitefeather. I see that you got the gender flip-flop option as well.” I told John Whitefeather honestly. “What’s the new name?”

“I went with my great grandmother’s name. Figured it was better than anything else.” John told me honestly. At my questioning look she gave me her new name. “Saida. What about you, Silence. What name did you go with?”

“I went with my great Aunt Valkyrie. Figured it was better than some of the other female names my family uses.” I told her with a half-smile.

“Wonder how many others got the gender flip?” Saida asked me.

“According to my AI half of our group got the gender flip.” I told her as I looked around the trailer of the T-98. “If you’re wondering what the reason is I can give you the short version and save you the time of accessing your AI.”

“Okay. Give it to me boss.” She said as we watched another tank open.

“Ever heard of the Silver moon Elf race?” I asked him.

“You talking about that old bogeyman legend?” She asked as I nodded my head. “Sure, who hasn’t heard the legend or been threaten by it as a kid. Why?”

“Well, they were real. During the Great Exodus from Earth, they got left behind. Instead of dying off like the ancients wanted. They intermarried with humans. According to my AI those ancient Silver moon Elf genes got passed down through the generations. Those genes are what cause certain Death Dealers to come out as Claymores. Only the correct term that we should be using is Silver moon Elves.” I told her bluntly as the color drained from her face.

“But how? That doesn’t make any sense. Sure, we were all half elves but that doesn’t explain why all of us are steeping out of the tanks a Silver moon elves. There has to be more to it than just human genes mixed with elf genes.” She bitched.

“Think about it for a second Sadia. Back then the human population was much smaller and more concentrated. It wouldn’t take much for them to interbreed with the local humans. Within what ten, twelve, generations the Silver moon Elves have crossbreed with enough humans to saturate enough of the population that their genes are still being passed down. Even after all this time. There are still parts of the human and elf genome that scientists have no idea of they control. The day that we finally break down every part of the genome will be a landmark occasion.” I told her as we both took in the new female elf that stepped from the conversion tank. “Welcome back to the land of the living Firestar.”

“Is that you Starfire?” The elf gasped as she looked at me with hungry eyes. “My god you’re fracking beautiful.” She whispered.

“You’re not too hard on the eyes either there girlfriend.” I snarked causing her to blush deeply. “So, what is the new name?”

“Tammera. I took my late mother’s name. Yours?” Tammera asked me.

“Valkyrie. I took my great aunt’s name. I wanted a name that fit my new life.” I told them as I looked toward the rear of the trailer. “Let’s head out people. Leave your old uniforms. I doubt they’ll fit us anymore.”

“Yes ma’am.” Firestarter and Whitefeather answered as they followed me outside. As we exited the trailer I found the rest of our platoon waiting for us. We were the last ones to finish with the upgrade. As I took in my platoon I wasn’t surprised to see that half of it was now female. What I was surprised to see was the size deference between the males and females.

“Hey boss are the guys bigger than us?” Whitefeather asked me.

“Yup. I doubt that you guys have access to certain records on our new race. Get with the other squad leaders. Have everyone assemble in the dayroom after chowtime. I’ll give you the rest of the facts that I have then. I will give you this one now. Think of Silver moon elf males as tanks, and females as FAV Scouts.” I told them.

“Boss I know this is going to sound crazy, but that might work to our advantage. Think about it. We hunt down and find the OPFOR while the guys come along behind us to kill them. I overheard what Riper said about how our next phase of training is the Guillotine. If we run in pairs. We’ll stand a better chance of surviving.” Firestarter told me as we walked towards the platoon.

“That’ll work for the rest of the platoon Gunrunner. I have to go it alone.” I held up my hand to stop their objections. “It’s not about pride or honor guys. The second the exercise starts. I’ll have an APS size target on my back. Anyone working with me will have the same problem. I can’t ruin someone’s chances at graduating if I get caught. Which considering who is going to be hunting me. Has a pretty damned good chance of happening. I mean I got the Riper coming for my ass. How fracked up is that? Why do I have to go head to head with a fracking War Hero.”

“Because the big guy loves you.” Whitefeather snarked. “Now that we’ve jumped the great gender divide. He might even put a ring on your finger.”

“Kiss my ass Thumper.” I snarled just before we reached the platoon. “Fall In! Let go people! On the bounce you worthless apes!”

The sound of my raise voice was to say the least annoying as hell. I sounded like a one of those screeching girls you find on thrill rides. I really need to figure out how to sound more like my old self when shouting orders. ‘You need only to lower your slightly and project from the diaphragm Valkyrie.

Shit why did I think of that?’

‘Because you’re still adjusting to your new body, my Lady. Given enough time certain things shall become second nature for you. You have an indomitable spirit, Lady Valkyrie. One that was made of iron. That has been forged into the finest of steels. You came to this place a blunt weapon. Your Instructors have shaped and forged that blunt edge into a true weapon of war. Now that we have come together. We shall hone that edge down to a razor. As Colonel Wolff alluded to the Guillotine as being the final cut. We shall slice our way through those two weeks.’ I wanted to laugh at how cocky Jacob sounded just then, but I knew the truth.

‘I hope like hell you’re right old boy. Because we’ll have the Whitechapel Ripper hunting our ass over the Devil’s back forty. They say the only two Death Dealers that ever surpassed him were Death and Death Own Daughter.’

I could tell that Jacob was accessing the public records for James J. Owens Sr. and his granddaughter Empress Maiha Nakatoma. When he finally gained the information I could tell that he was impressed by the two most famous Death Dealers in history. ‘Then I believe we should endeavor to equal their achievements. We should at least strive to live up to Colonel Wolff’s high expectation of us.

That is a tall order partner. Though I can see where you’re going with your little pep talk.’ The sounds of gunfire and more explosions came from the direction of the main gate. ‘Can you give me an update on what is happening at the main gate?’

‘Negative, Lady Valkyrie. My access to that particular combat network is currently blocked. I believe it was done for operational security.” At Jacob’s mentioning of operational security, I let the matter drop.

20 yards from main gate, Tree line.

2nd Lt Gracey Wittman had led the Company 1stSgt, along with 1st and 2nd squads from the 1st platoon through the woods to the main road for Camp Resistance. She was beyond pissed off as she led her troops towards their target. For the last few months, she had been busting her as to learn from Colonel and the NCO Instructors at Camp Resistance. She wasn’t the untrained Novice Nun that first arrived at the camp. She was an Officer of the Death Dealers. She may still be learning the tools of her profession, but that only made her grateful for her posting to this camp.

Here the Instructors; or Black Hats as they were called, were some to the finest in the Galaxy. They all knew her secret and protected it with their lives. In return she just had to learn everything they could throw at her. Thanks to her AI Sherman she had been able to achieve her goal of becoming a true Death Dealer Officer. Someone that her family could be proud of calling one of their own. As they neared the edge of the wood line Grace’s AI warned her of the 12 men security detail.

“All personnel hold your position. Top can you move up here?” Grace ordered just above a whisper so as not to tip of the Regular Army sentries.

“What do you need Lt?” The 1st Sgt asked her as he stepped up behind quietly.

“From what I can tell Top were heavily outnumbered. If the scans my AI just gave me are correct. We’re looking at three VH-seventy-three Longbow Escort Class IFVs, twelve stooges in Land warrior Armor, and forty-eight standard Infantry.” Grace told him as she outlined their situation. “There’s a fifteen to twenty meter clear cut space between the wood line and road. All of those Longbows have been heavily modified. One is armed with four side mounted SA-eighteen antiaircraft/antiarmor missiles. The second has had its bow and turret twelve millimeter antipersonnel lasers replaced with twenty millimeter chain gun cannons. The last has a M-two-thirty-five Gatlin mounted over the TC copula. That is on top of their standard eighty-eight millimeter autocannon main guns. That’s shit ton of firepower Top. Any ideas on how to crack this shit nut and not get killed?”

“Lieutenant it is times like this one where our speed, and overwhelming firepower, will combined for maximum shock effect. Making it our greatest advantage. The fact that they haven’t deployed their Land Warrior Armor yet is also to our advantage. The real problem is going to be those turret mounted eighty-eights and M-two-thirty-five Gatlin. The SA-eighteens will be worthless once we’re inside their safe/arm range of five meters. The same can be said the chain guns.” The 1stSgt turned to the two squad leaders. Het turned back to Grace. “I would have Sargent Norton’s, and Sargent Tombs’, antitank missile teams target the first and last Longbow. While you, me, Specialist Youngman, and Corporal Mears target the middle one’s turret with our PPCs. The M-two-thirty-five has one major weakness. They have a massive appetite. They’ll burn through thirteen-hundreds rounds in under three minutes.”

“Shit that is a lot of bullets to come flying at you.” Grace chuckled then turned serious as she looked one of her main Instructors in the eye. “Okay Top. We’ll go with your suggestion. Pass the word to the Squad leader then join me over by that twisted alder in line with our Longbow.”

“Yes ma’am. I’ll be with you in five. Youngman, Mears, go with the Lt.” The 1st Sgt ordered the two men before turning to find his Squad Leaders. Norton, Tombs, have your antitank crews setup and target the first and last Longbows. Spread out the rest of your men in five-man skirmish lines. Target the sentries and drop their asses on the Lt’s signal. I want them dead before the flames from the Longbows reach the tops’ of the trees.”

“Yes First Sergeant.” Before men said before moving to carry out their orders. The two seasoned NCOs knew that the plan was the 1st Sgt and not the Lt’s, but it didn’t matter. They had watched her closely as she carefully approached the 3 Longbow IFVs and scanned them using her AI battle sensors. They hide their smiles of pride as she turned to the 1st Stg and consulted with him for forming the battle plan. This would be her final test before graduation in their eyes.

As the two squads took their positions Grace Wittman ignored them all. She knew that the men and women with her would care out her orders and the 1st Sergeant’s plan. Her mission was the destruction of these 4 platoons of Regular Army Infantry. The 48 Light Infantry and 12 Land Warrior suited Infantry didn’t worry her. It was the 3 VH-73 Longbow Escort Class IFVs that worried her. Not so much for their firepower but the actual unit to which they belonged.

‘Sherman please tell me that I’m seeing things. That those three Longbows really don’t belong to Lord Graystoke.’ Grace begged of her AI.

‘Don’t worry Grace. Those pieces of scrap are fake as the day is long on Titan 4. Note the moto on that unit shield. Not only is the font wrong, but who painted the shield use the wrong colors as well as the wrong language.’ Sherman snarked.

How could they get the language wrong. Elf is elf no matter where it is spoken in the universe.’ Grace bitched in confusion.

‘That is true Grace, but Lord Graystoke’s family moto is not written in Elf, but the dead language of the ancient Romans of Earth. If my data is correct. It goes something like this. Sanguis pretium libertatis a bonis. A loose translation. Blood is the price of freedom paid by patriots. But please don’t quote me on that Gracey.’

Before Grace could comment the 1st Sgt returned. “We’re all set Ma’am.”

“Then let’s start the music Top. I believe that the Colonel called it the Never ending Waltz or some such thing during his Junior Officers’ training last week.” Grace told him as she deployed her PPC.

“It’s called the Endless Waltz, Lieutenant Wittman. It is the dance of true patriots. Human and Elven history dances to the eternal of beats of War, Peace, and Revolution. As Death Dealers we become experts in the dance of history and the price that must be paid to the Piper to partake in the dance.” The 1st Sgt told her philosophically.

“That is a rather poetic way of stating that the price of freedom is the blood of patriots Top.” Grace snarked as she placed the crosshairs for her PPC on the second VH-73. “Time to punch the clock and go to work old school.”

“Understood LT. Targeting the second Longbow. Ma’am does that unit shield look familiar to you?” He asked her.

“Don’t worry Top. Those shields are fake.” Grace informed him as she opened a commlink to her small band of warriors. “Clutz one to all. On my mark, open fire. Three, two, one. FIRE!”

The second she transmitted that one word four 20mm PPCs slammed home on the second Longbow’s turret. All four hit within 10mm of each other just below the turret ring. The combined power of the four beams of manmade plasma breached the 60mm thick armor in microseconds. The superheated plasma caused the 1300 round of 30mm Gatlin cannon rounds to explode. This set off the rounds for the 88mm cannon. The result of the sudden explosive release sent the turret rocking towards the sky killing everyone still on board the IVF. Not even the 4 men in Land Warrior survived the explosive death of their transport.

The other two IFVs die in an almost spectacular fashion. The shoulder-fired, man-portable, laser guided, M-268 Will-breaker antitank missiles. Each Longbow was struck by two missiles. Each missile was 1,145mm in length, 185mm diameter, and carried a 5kg hollow charge warhead of Hand axe plastic explosive capable of punching through a foot and half of plate armor. Even the armor of a KV-56 Dominator 100t heavy tank was no match for these formidable man-portable missiles under the right circumstances in the right hands. The four men who fired those missiles were Death Dealers. Meaning they had the training and were some of the best with the weapons. Needless to say, the deaths of the two IFVs was all but assured.

Even as the turrets of the two armored vehicles climbed for the skies on pillars of flame. The rest of the small unit targeted the sentries and fired their antiarmor lasers in their right arms. The 20mm plasma pulse lasers were meant for destroying light armored vehicles. Not light Infantry personnel. Whose only protect on the battlefield was their uniforms, helmets, and flak vests. The 12 man-detail died before they ever knew what hit them. Each man had a 20mm hole burned through the center of their chest. When the smoke cleared Grace checked her mission clock.

“Holy shit. Um… Top do all ambushes happen this fast?” Grace asked him in shock.

“There’s an old saying about war and soldiers ma’am. I forget who said it first, but it goes something like this. ‘A soldiers life is one of contentious misery, harsh training, and boredom; punctuated by moments of intense gut twisting, bowel clenching, blood freezing, fear, carnage, and death.’ As this ambush just showed you. Now, you get to experience the most painful of all military duties.” The 1st Sergeant chuckled as he waited for Grace to ask him what he was talking about.

“Okay Top. I’ll bite. What is the most of all military duties?” Grace asked raising to the old soldiers joke.

“Enjoy the paperwork, ma’am. Remember that the military runs on red tape.”


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