What Is Intersex?

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In the early 2000's I remember reading articles on the Internet about the studies on Gender and Intersex done by some researchers in Scandinavia. They started a revolution of rampant speculation. I don't think that there are experts who have a firm handle on things. Some of the most significant progress in that and associated fields happened in the 20th Century. As a matter of personal opinion, I don't think that we actually know as much as we think we do.

Perhaps being Intersex is not totally Chromosomal? I think it is more than XX, XY, and XXY and a host of other factors. Perhaps a supposedly normal person can be the "other" Gender in their brain and have that not show otherwise? And I am sure that some of us are tacitly Gender non-conformant due to their encounters with others. Perhaps some of us act out in the other gender because we like pretty dresses, or as in the case of some sex changing Saudi Arabian women, they are sick of the way they are treated as women? I have read articles to that effect. I wonder how many of us seek to become women because we find being men to be distasteful.



Information from a Biologist.

Piper's picture
If you REALLY want to know what causes what many consider biological gender attributes to form, how they form, and why XX and XY has VERY little to do with it in the grand scheme of things, I highly recommend this video:

It's made by Forrest Valkai whom is a biologist that often takes on many science vs flat earth or science vs creationism vidoes. He goes into what XX and XY actually means in this equation and why and it's just amazin.

"She was like a butterfly, full of color and vibrancy when she chose to open her wings, yet hardly visible when she closed them."
— Geraldine Brooks

In the past a baby may be

leeanna19's picture

In the past a baby may be born with malformed or almost absent genitalia and they were not sure sure if it was male or female. Often if a boy was born with a micro penis they would be surgically reassigned at birth.

A very macho view by today's standards,. His penis is small he can never be happy as a man. Whip it off she can be happy as girl, or we don't care if is she is or not she's only a girl.

It reduces the whole of masculinity down to the size of a man's penis

This is an extract from a 1976 medical journal

Although the etiology of micropenis is diverse, individuals who have in common a penile length of 2 cm. or less at birth do not function well as men. For this reason, during the last 18 years, 10 individuals with this problem were selected for surgical sex reassignment. The technique of the surgical procedure is described. The immediate results are considered to be cosmetically satisfactory, and the long-term results, as judged by two individuals who have been observed for 18 plus years seem to indicate that surgical sex reassignment is a useful procedure in selected patients with this disorder.


There is probably a story in that statement for someone.


Dr. Penny ??

I don't remember much about the story. Apparently there was a baby born with some sort of Penile issue, so the Doctor amputated it. The Child later did suicide. Sad, that one. This was in Canada.


Dr. John Money

This is the case which the psychologist John Money claimed proved that gender identity is solely a product of upbringing. He told the family to raise the child as a girl, and claimed for a long time that the child developed a female identity as a result. He wouldn't allow anyone to contact the child, though, presumably because he knew that that was a lie -- when the child (David Reimer) went public, it turned out that he had never really developed a female identity and transitioned to male at age 15.