Queen Dana of Highwinds the Elf Kingdom inside the Empire has a problem. One that she cannot fix personally. There is with a small minority of her population. A problem that has been brought to her attention by the half elf son of a problematic Duke. What is a Queen to do? She calls on help from a friend. The question now is does she realize what she is letting loose on her kingdom?
Chapter 2
Margarita Ville Resort, Hades, Death Gates System: 5 days later
CW2 Robert Wolff sat back in his beach chair with a fresh beer in his hand. The last five days had been some of the most relaxing. Lieutenant Colonel John C. Stannis had steered his team to the perfect spot for a little down time. The Priests of Saint Jimmy really did serve up a fantastic burger and cold beer at their beachside bar and grill. He watched Catline Whitehorn, and Lissa Smith played in the surf. They were two of the three women on his seven-man LRSD Special Forces team. The rest of his team were all up at the bar and grill rounding up something for lunch for the whole team.
“Excuse me sir.” The voice belonged to a young woman in her late teens.
“Can I help you Miss?” Robert asked as he pulled down his sunglasses to get a good look at the girl.
“Are you the leader of the Special Forces team that helped to free Apollo six?” She asked him with a hopeful smile.
“I was one the many that helped to free Apollo six, Miss.” Robert told her trying to avoid the notoriety his exploits during the last war had brought him. When he looked back up into her face he knew that she wouldn’t be settled with less than the truth. “Tell me something Miss. Why would it make any deference if I was the leader for the Fallen Angels?”
“I owe that man a lot. He save my brother from being executed during the final days of the Goulcrest occupation.” The girl answered him honestly. “He was one of the prisoners you freed from the Devil’s Gate Prison.”
“That wasn’t the Fallen Angels Miss. That was the Northside Ridge runners. One of the local gangs. They hit that place all on their own.” Robert told her knowing full well that he was the one to plan that attack.
“But it was the leader for the Fallen Angels to plan that attack and to train the gangs of Goulcrest City. I know that much.” She insisted not letting Robert get around his part in freeing her brother.
“Okay Miss, how do you know so much about the fight for Goulcrest?” Robert asked her bluntly. The High Command had placed a gag order on most of what he did during the occupation of his home world. Mainly because if the citizens of the Empire ever learned that he and the Fallen Angels had broken more than a few of the Conventions of War. They would damned the executions of the Fallen Angels. He more than any other Death Dealer on Apollo six during the war with the former Gorgonzola Empire.
“Not much really. Just what my brother told me.” The teenage girl cocked her head to the side slightly then smiled and gushed. “You are him. You’re the Whitechapel Ripper. You’re Lady Penelope’s big brother.”
“Okay little lady. Just who the frack are you?” Robert snarled sitting up straight and looking the teenager over thoroughly. That was when he finally saw the school crest on the girl’s light blue one-piece swimsuit. “Oh, you’re a JES student. You in Pen-pen’s class or something?”
“No sir Chief Warrant Officer Wolff. Your sister is a few grades behind me.” The teenager held out her hand. “I’m Stephany Whitehorse.”
“It’s a pleasure to meet you Miss Whitehorse.” Robert said as he shook her hand after standing up. “You’ll have to excuse me young lady, but Whitehorse isn’t a typical Apollo six family name.”
“That’s because the Whitehorse family isn’t from your home planet of Apollo.” Stephany giggled. “We’re from Cheyenne Prime in the Seven Nations System. My brother was with a Navigations Technical Support team at the spaceport outside of Goulcrest city just before the attack.”
“Your brother was with the Monarch Navigations tech teams.” Robert surmised quickly. Most of those technicians were executed by the Cheeseheads as spies before the attack on Devil’s Gate. “I’m glad to hear that your brother made it back to you and your family safely Miss Whitehorse.”
“He wouldn’t have if not for what you did during the Battle of Goulcrest.” Stephany told him honestly. “I’m not the only student around here today that owes you and your team a great deal of thanks.”
“We were only doing our jobs young lady. You and your friends don’t owe us anything.” Robert told her before he took a drink from his beer. “Why don’t you return to your friends now Miss Whitehorse. You don’t need to be hanging around a bunch of rowdy misfits like us. I know that your teachers would call us a bad influence.”
“Depends on the teacher Chief.” Stephany chuckled evilly as she thought about several of them. “I know of several that would say you and your team are the perfect examples of what citizens of the Empire should be. I know that my Citizenship and Moral conduct, plus Modern History teachers use Death Dealers such as your team for examples of how we should live our lives as citizens of the Empire.”
“I can see those two teachers using Death Dealers as examples to follow. After all, to teach those topics you have to be a veteran.” Robert chuckled as Stephany blushed then giggled. “Where are your friends anyway? I know that teenage girls have a habit of traveling in groups.”
“Um… they’re up at the bar and grill getting us something to eat. Would you like to join us?” Stephany asked with a bright smile then giggled. “That kind of was why I came out here. To ask if you and your team would like to join us for lunch.”
“Hay Ripper! Who’s the bunny?” Tigger asked as she and Jukebox walked up from the water. Tigger took one look at the teenager then grinned. “Isn’t she a little young even for a horn dog like you Chief?”
“Funny Tigger. Real funny.” Robert grumbled as the girl blushed. About that time Robert was pinged on his secure team link by Iceman. ‘Go for Ripper.’
‘Boss we got a situation up here. Could use a little of the diplomatic magic.’ Iceman informed him bluntly.
‘On the way Iceman. Can you give me a breakdown of the situation?’
‘Got a group of students from those fancy schools your kid sister and brother are attending up here. They’re not letting us pay for our lunch. Any idea of what’s going on? They said that one of the girls went to find you.’
‘Standby Iceman. I have the young lady in question here with me now. We’re on our way up now. Don’t do anything for now.’
‘Roger that Ripper. Standing by.’ With that Iceman signed off.
“Looks like you get your wish Miss Whitehorse. Tigger, Jukebox, round up your gear. We’re headed for the bar and grill. Lunch is on the students from JES and JSA.” Robert smiled as he ordered the two female members of his to collect their beach gear. Turning back to Stephany. “Care to lead the way Miss Whitehorse? I believe your friends are expecting us.”
As the impromptu foursome entered the bar and grill Robert spotted the rest of his team easily. The four Death Dealers would standout no matter where they were. Thanks mostly to the way they were dressed. The black shorts, gray t-shirts, and sandals weren’t exactly civilian attire. Not with the Empyreal Military logo printed across the chest of their t-shirts. It didn’t take them long to join in with the party that was already in progress. As the Fallen Angels talked with the students about the war Robert learned that the seven students were all given time off from school to just met with his team. Each student had someone from their family on Apollo six that had been rescued by his team.
One of the girls was a Sylvain Elf and in all likelihood a Priestess of the Goddess Sehanine Moonbow from the planet of Highwinds. Of the four girls from JES she was the only one to shy away from Robert. At first Robert wanted to be offended but knew that elf’s reaction was only natural towards someone like him. He knew that he was an anthem to people like her. He knew enough about elven culture and society to know that this young lady was no ordinary elf. He would have been more than happy to leave the girl alone if it had not been for a group of drunken Empyreal Marines on shore leave.
It had started off like all interservice rivalry fights. Someone made the mistake of insulting the other party. In this case it was a Marine smacking the Sylvain elf on the ass. When she yelped in both pain and surprise Tigger took offense. She grabbed the Marine by the wrist and twisted snarling. “Not fracking cool asshole. She’s not some dockside whore. That young lady is a Sylvain Elf of Highwinds. You trying to start a war with the Elves?”
“Back off bitch before you get hurt.” One of his friends shouted as he jumped to defend his fellow Marine. Only to have Iceman drop him with a right cross to the jaw. Things quickly devolved into an out all brawl from there.
Robert naturally did his duty by moving the students out of the way before turning to try and restore order. When he was punched by another of the Marines. Robert threw military discipline out the window. The seven members of the Fallen Angels may have been outnumbered by two-to-one odds but that meant nothing to them. They were used to fighting against odds far greater than this. Within seconds they mopped the floor with the fifteen Marines. When the MPs arrived, Robert showed them his ID and had his team follow his example of cooperating with them. Thankfully the bartender and waitresses all cooperated their side of the story. Pointing out that the Marines had started the fight.
As the MPs hauled the drunken Marines off Robert and his team left the restaurant in disgust. As they walked out Snow dropped 16oz bar of Prime gold that he had won at the poker tables on the counter. “Sorry for the mess, sir. That should take care of the cleanup and our bar bill.”
Once they were outside Robert turned to his team. “You guys can go on and head back to the hotel or wherever you want to go. I need some time to think. I’ll catch up with you guys later.”
As he walked away the students from JES and JSA joined the Fallen Angels. Stephany Whitehorse asked Tigger where Robert was going. Tigger sighed and gave the teenager a sad look. “Chief Wolff has a dark side to him. A side that he hates and goes out of his way to keep under control, Miss Whitehorse. In combat his anger is an asset. The problem for Chief is after the fighting is done. He hates what he becomes when he loses control. I’m just fracking happy that he didn’t kill any of those drunken jarheads during our fight.”
“Excuse me, ma’am. Why does he hate his ability to fight?” The Sylvain elf asked Jukebox bluntly. “Wouldn’t a soldier welcome such an ability?”
“No soldier welcomes battle young lady. Men like our Chief even less so. To him and the men like him. Combat is the last resort. The rest of us are liberators. Men like the Chief are the last resort answer for failed Foreign or Domestic Policies. Unlike us where we go in to liberate the people by teaching to them to fight for themselves. The Chief has only one mission. To spread as much death and destruction in his wake as he can among the enemy. He can do on his own what it takes a whole company of infantrymen to pull off. Combat Warrant Officers are a breed onto themselves.” Jukebox explained for the elf with more than a touch of sadness in her voice for the man she both respected and feared on the battlefield. “If you get the chance when you go back to school. Sit down with Penelope and Daniel Wolff. Have them tell you the story of the man we call the Whitechapel Ripper.”
“That man is the Whitechapel Ripper?” The Sylvain Elf asked in surprise with more than a little admiration. “I thought he’d be taller.”
“Trust me little lady. When it comes time for him to fight a war. Robert Wolff is the twenty-foot unstoppable monster of death and destruction that the Cheeseheads made him out to be.” Snow told her with a chuckle.
“I find it hard to believe that such a gentle soul could harbor that great of a capacity for violence.” The young elf sighed as she watched Robert walk towards the beach. “Only Ryra our Goddess of War could curse someone so.”
“It wasn’t no Goddess that made the Chief this way, Miss. It was the planet that bread him. It was the city of his birth that forged the weapon that he has become. Long before he ever put on the Blacks.” Tigger told her honestly. “From what I understand he is a lot like his great uncle, First High Lord of the Death Dealers James J. Owens. The man we Death Dealers once call Death.”
“Chief Warrant Officer Wolff is a child of the Owens Clan?” The teenage elf cried out in shock. “By the Goddess I owe him an apology for my behavior.”
Before any of the Fallen Angels could stop her the young elf ran off to find their commanding officer. Tigger turned to Stephany and asked. “Do you know what that was about Miss Whitehorse?”
“Imra Ventris is a member of the Ravenswood Clan of Sylvain Elves. She is some kind of Priestess among her people. We don’t know her whole story, she has been known to correct our teachers when it comes to the history of the elves more than once. Especially whenever it comes to First High Lord James and his part in securing her nation.” One of the other girls answered. “From what she has let slip from time to time during class. Her clan owes the Owens Clan some kind of Honor Debt.”
“Oh crap. Robert isn’t going to like that shit. He hates the Owens Clan. He actually blames Lord Robert Owens for the death of his parents.” Iceman grunted to the shock of the students. “Trust me kids. There is a shit load of politics in that clan. Politics that our Chief hates with a passion.”
“The only thing Chief Warrant Officer Robert Wolff hates more than the Owens Clan is the assholes in the High Families. He doesn’t hate all the High Family members. Just the ones that believe their owed something because of their last name. You got to understand that he learned at a very young age how to survive the meanest streets of Goulcrest. He became both feared and respected by the gangs of Whitechapel. The man is a living legend among the Goulcrest gangs. That was the only reason he was able to unit and then lead those gangs as resistance force during the war.” Rimfire told the gathered teenagers. “He is without a doubt the toughest, meanest, nastiest, Death Dealer currently living. The only Death Dealer I know that has ever surpassed him is his great uncle. Even then I’m not too sure about that. Because the legend of the Whitechapel Ripper has only begun.”
“Should we go after Imra? I mean is she safe being around your Chief?” One of the boys asked the LRSD team.
“Don’t worry lad. Your friend couldn’t be in safer hands. If CW-two Robert Wolff has a weakness it can only be one thing.” Snow told them with a smile. “It’s the smile of a young lady. When Tigger over there start that fight with the jarheads she was just microseconds ahead of the Chief. The man flattened a battalion of Cheesehead Land Warrior Armor to free a group of orphans that were about to be executed by the Cheesehead occupation force. Even now I still find half of what he did to be legendary. I doubt that any of us could have done half as much as him.”
“A warrior born of warriors. Baptized in the blood of his enemies. Cursed to walk the battlefields of a thousand wars. He shall fight and die alone. Never to know peace. Save for the peace of the grave. Thus, is the fate that the Crimson Heart warrior shall be cursed to face.” Stephany whispered.
“What was that Lady Stephany?” One of the girls asked her.
“Nothing Amy. Just as old saying from my home world.” Stephany Whitehorse knew that if she told her friends and the Death Dealers what she just remembered. They would all call her a freak.
“Your friend just quoted the Prophecy of The Crimson Heart Warrior. I haven’t heard that since I was a little girl on Sioux Prime. The local Medicine man used to tell us children stories concerning the Crimson Heart Warrior when I was a little girl.” Lisa Smith said with a soft chuckle as Stephany looked at her in awe. “Remember Lady Whitehorse the legend of that warrior is universal among our people.”
“Let’s go find some place to sit down and wait for our missing friends.” Tigger told them with a smile. “While we’re waiting we’ll tell you kids about the exciting life of a Death Dealer.”
Robert stopped at the water’s edge and just staired out at nothing. If he knew what his team were telling the students. He would order them all to shut the frack up. While Snow and Rimfire were right about certain things they missed the one thing that he truly hated. That was whenever his COBRA os activated due to his emotions running out of control. He had come very close to that ragged edge during the bar fight with those drunken Marines.
“Excuse Chief Warrant Officer Wolff. Can I speak with you for a moment?” The teenage girl’s voice forced Robert to turn and face her. He wasn’t expecting to find the Sylvain elf girl. He was even more shocked as she bowed in greeting to him. He was more shocked when she greeted him in the langue of the High Elf Court. “I see thee Ghost Warrior from afar.”
“I see thee Priestess of the Goddess Sehanine Moonbow. How may this humble soldier be of service?” Robert answered with her with his bow in her native langue. Much to her surprise. “I learned your langue during my training to become an arrow for your Goddess’s bow.”
“You have exceeded where others have failed warrior. The Goddess Sehanine Moonbow chose well when she blessed you to be one of her arrows.” Imra said as she made the sign of the Great Tree of Life before Robert. “Though I fear that Ryra our Goddess of War has also placed a curse upon you honorable warrior. Let us speak plainly most respected and feared of warriors.”
“Thank you Priestess. I hate to admit this, but my AI was struggling to keep up with your langue.” Robert chuckled. “Seeing as how you know my name already young lady would you care to give me yours?”
“Imra Ventris of the Ravenswood Clan sir.” Imra told him with a small smile of pride as her clan’s name drew a sharp intake of breath from this battle hardened warrior. “Is it my family name or my clan’s name that surprises you?”
“To be honest Priestess, a little of them both. Shouldn’t you be on Highwinds or Isle of Sky? Why the hell are you on Hades?” Robert asked her.
“Normally I would be on one of those planets, but my High Priestess commanded that must I learn the ways of humans. Father decided that I would best complete that task by attending the Dowager Empress’s school.” She chuckled.
“Speaking of that Lady Imra. Shouldn’t you have an escort?” Robert asked with a little worry in his voice. He didn’t need an International Incident.
“There is no need to worry Master Robert. I passed the age of consent several seasons before I left home.” She giggled at the look of confusion on Robert’s face. “Master Robert I may only look like I’m sixteen, but I am actually older than you.”
Deciding to take the plunge Robert screwed up his courage and asked her. “Care to join me for diner Lady Imra?”
“I would be honored Master Robert. Shall we say eighteen-hundred?” Imra asked him with a smile that held only honest respect.
The Harlequin Empress, Hades: 1815
Robert wanted to make sure that he didn’t insult Lady Imra. He made sure that his Dress Blacks were squared away before he ever left his hotel room. The rest of the Fallen Angels naturally gave him shit over his date with the Sylvian elf. All except Tigger for some reason. She actually helped him get ready for his date. As he greeted Lady Imra at her hotel Robert was actually surprised by the young elf’s beauty. He had originally planned to take her to the Coriander Dragon but ran into a small problem at the door. They were politely turned away by the Hostess. She explained that it was for Imra’s own good.
It was against Imra’s religion to eat at a Cattleman’s club owned restaurant. When Robert asked what that meant. Irma kindly explained that the Priests and Priestesses of the Goddess Sehanine Moonbow were not allowed to eat where animals slaughtered. Robert groaned an apologized about his screw up. Imra just smiled and said that it was not his fault. As they walked the three blocks to the Harlequin Empress Imra kindly explained about her position within the elf society especially as a Sylvian. The more the two talked the more that Robert found himself wanting to do more than just protect this young lady. What he didn’t know that his feelings were already being reciprocated by the young elf.
As the two dined that evening. Their mutual respect would blossom into the first signs of love. A love that would rival only one other in the history of the Death Dealers. Every Death Dealer knew the legend of the rogue who captured the pure heart of a true High Lady. It was a story told around poker tables, campfires, and the occasional hors d'oeuvres table at official Death Dealer functions. Though Robert and Imra didn’t know it at the time. In years to come the story of their love would be shared in much the same manner.
Maiha and Dai Etsu may not have planned for this particular pairing, but it would have far greater impact on the Empire than either could’ve foreseen. The heirs of two great houses would truly unite a fractured kingdom. Ushering in a new age of enlightenment for the elves. Over the next twenty days Robert would do his best to court the young elf. As Imra did her best to win the heart of the dashing rogue. Then came the day that would seal their fate.
Orders to deploy.
“Chief Wolff you have an urgent dispatch.” The hotel desk clerk called out to Robert as he walked through the lobby towards the beach. He held up a yellow envelope with the Empyreal Seal embossed on the flap. “Sir this was hand delivered at sunrise.”
“Thank you, Levi.” Robert told the man as he handed the clerk a five credit note. “Are there any more like this one?”
“One for each member of your team, Chief. Do you want me to deliver?” He asked.
“No. I’ll take care of them myself.” Robert told the man as he picked up the other six envelopes. Looking down at them Robert chuckled. “Looks like our leave is over.”
“Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more or close the wall up with our English dead!” Levi chuckled from behind the desk until he saw the look on Robert’s face. “Sorry about that Chief. Though I do know the pain that you feel.”
“How long and with which unit?” Robert asked the old vet kindly.
“Seven years with the ninety-first heavy armor battalion on Outreach Station.” Levi told him with a small smile. “I was mustered out when a two-oh-three HE round was mistakenly marked as a training round.”
“Damn that sucks rocks.” Robert said as he looked at the clerk’s left arm. “Mermedia Prosthetics or Honeywell Medical?”
“Neither. Moto Corp replacements. They were the only suppliers on Outreach.” Levi chuckled as he waved his left hand. “They do good work.”
“That they do. Any idea of where I can find my team?” Robert asked him. Then waved the envelopes. “I noticed that mine was marked for first delivery.”
“Your team members are in the main dining room.” Levi informed Robert in a friendly manner before dropping his voice to a whisper. “As is a certain High Lady.”
“Thank you for your discretion in this matter sir.” Robert told him as he placed a ten credit note in Levi’s hand. “It’s been a pleasure Levi.”
With that Robert headed for the dining room. Levi picked up the receiver for the telecom. He made a quick call to JES. When the other end was answered Levi gave the code phrase. “The package has been delivered.”
“Copy. Update on Fallen Angel One.”
“Rumor that Fallen One has entered into a relationship with Silver is confirmed.” Levi answered with all the emotion of a robot.
“Continue to monitor. Out.” The voice answered before the line went dead.
In the dining room Robert was met by a sight that made him want to turn around and run. The girl he loved was eating breakfast with the Fallen Angels. At that moment in time Robert would have preferred to face off against a battalion of Assault Class APS’s armed with nothing more than a rusty can opener. Only one thought ran through his head at that time. ‘Oh shit! Not good!’
As he approached their table Tigger smiled up at him. “About time you got here boss. We’ve been telling Lady Imra about our time at Red Cloud.”
“Please tell you didn’t tell her about my first jump?” Robert begged.
“Oh, hell no!” Iceman roared with laughter. “Nobody in their right mind talks about that day. Not if they want to live to see the sunset.”
“No kidding bro. That is one story that’ll be off limits until the end of time.” Rimfire chackled as he pointed at the envelopes in Robert’s hand. “Those orders?”
“Unfortunately, Rimfire. Special delivery straight from the Royal Family from the looks of the seal. Here you go. I got one for each of us.” Robert told them as he passed them out. When Imra looked up at him she just smiled. “I’m sorry that our time has been cut short Imra.”
“I knew that it wouldn’t last Robert. Part of the reason I’m here is I have something to tell you. I’ve been ordered back to Highwinds by Queen Dana.” She told him kindly. “I received the message last night after you dropped me off at my hotel.”
“Excuse me Chief. I need to ask Lady Irma a question.” Rimfire said as he looked at his orders. Robert just nodded his head. “Lady Irma can you tell me on which planet Sapphire City is located and what the people are like?”
“Sapphire City is the planetary capital for the planet Black Forest. It is in the heart of the Drow elf systems. Of all the elves their society is one of the most family honor based societies. It is also a matriarchal society. The males of the Drow race will always defer to a female. It is not because they are smaller or weaker than their females. Far from it actually. The reason is there are fewer females than males. The Drow are also more excepting of outsiders. I will tell you now. Never challenge a Drow or let them challenge you to a duel. Because it will always be to the death. The Queen has outlawed such duels, but they still happen.” Imra explained for the table of Death Dealers. As she did so the rest of them were opening and reading their deployment orders.
“Lady Irma is Silver Ice also in the Highwinds Kingdom?” Iceman asked next.
“Silver Ice is the planetary capital for the planet of Silver Ice. Which is also the capital planet for the Winter System. The Winter or Silver Elves are a very patriarchal society. They are also a very logical society. Unlike the Drow elves, Silver elves go out of their way to suppress their emotions. They are also the most technologically advanced of our peoples. Over eighty percent of our scientists come the Silver elf worlds.” Irma told him honestly. She then took in the faces of the other Fallen Angels. “May I see where you are being posted Robert?”
“The city of Four Winds on the capital planet of Highwinds.” He told her bluntly as he looked around the table at the rest of his team. “How many of you have orders posting you to a planet withing the Highwinds Kingdom?”
Each member of the Fallen Angels raised their hands. “Irma could you tell us about the deferent societies of your people?”
“May I know why Robert?” Irma asked him.
“Because for some reason known only to High Command. We are being split up among the capital planets of the individual systems of the Highwinds Kingdom.” Robert figured that Irma was the best person to prepare his people on the individual elven societies they were going to be facing.
“I’ll do what I can Robert. Though I won’t be of much help for your people who are stent to Evergreen in the Tempest March. They are the center of the Forest Elf systems. The Forest elves are the most secretive and distrustful of my people. They are diehard naturalists. Their Duke is a Sylvain elf like myself. Though his subjects are a Medieval and Naturalist society. With the exception of medical science, and spacefaring travel. Forest Elves reject all forms of modern life. They’re also the religious center of our people. Whoever is stationed there will be a great disadvantage.” Imra told them bluntly.
“Okay guys. Anyone got the Tempest March on their orders?” Robert asked them. The Fallen Angels all looked down at their orders and shook their heads no. “What is next Imra? The more you can tell us about our assignments the better love.”
“Well, there are only two other system capital planets. The first is Grand Illusion. It is the capital planet for the High Elf systems. It is also the only system in all of the Highwinds Kingdom that has twenty-four Death Dealer divisions stationed within its borders. Only the Drow Elf system is more protected. The High Elf society is the most balanced of all our societies between the sexes as far as equality goes. They are also the most open as far as sexuality goes. I can honestly say that almost all High Elves are bisexual by nature. If a member of the same sex hits on you please take it as a complement. One other fact you should know about High Elves. I don’t know how to say this politely, but they tend to go about naked.” Imra told them with a deep blush. A blush that was mirrored by Tigger and Jukebox.
Free runner and Snow looked at each other before Snow asked. “Lady Imra you said that there was a second planet and system. Would that planet be Enelon?”
“Ah yes. Planet Enelon the only planet that is a wholly Sylvain elf planet.” Imra gave the two Death Dealers a friendly smile. “With the exception of Evergreen within the Tempest March system you’ll be hard pressed to find a more exclusive and closed society. Though they have reason to be so. You see until about forty years ago Sylvian elves were as rare as sky diamond showers on Hades.”
“Excuse me Lady Imra but what are sky diamond showers?” Snow asked her.
“I think she means snow showers Snow.” Robert quickly explained for his teammate. “With the exception of the Winter elves the elves have no word snow.”
“Oh no Robert I know what a snow shower is. Sky diamond showers fall from space. They happen once every cycle on the desert planet of Sanguine Wilds. They are very destructive. The Drow elves that live there have built their cities underground in the mountains. When the sky diamond showers come they leave a two to three mile wide path of destruction that can be hundreds of miles long.” Imra told him bluntly.
“Damn. Why did they ever settle Sanguine Wilds?” Tigger asked her politely.
“For the diamonds. They’re not top quality diamonds usually and are little more than industrial grade at best. Though every now and then they find a quality gemstone grade diamond. Those rare finds can fund a small town for months or even years. The city of Haslon found a sky diamond the size of a grade seven Tropical Olive.” Imra told them as she held her hands up to show the size of the diamond.
“Holly SHIT! You could buy a battalion of super heavy tanks with a rock that size!” Rimfire gasped in surprise. “Hell, you could fund a midsized city’s police force for two years with something like that.”
“Longer if is more than just a clear diamond. If it was a purple you could fund their Fire Department, Hospitals, Police, and Rescue teams for two years.” Iceman gasped as Irma just nodded her head. Iceman looked over at Irma. “Lady Irma you’ve said nothing about the Kingdom’s capital planet. Why?”
“Because of you all Robert will face the most difficult of challenges. Highwinds might be the governmental center of our nation but it also one of the most divided. Their greatest problem is the straightforward discrimination of half elves. There will be nothing that you can do Robert to change their attitudes. All the elven races may reside on Highwinds, but the old hatreds still hold sway. Only among the Royal, War Prince, and Death Dealer divisions do these attitudes disappear for some reason. I doubt any elf within the kingdom understands why?” Imra sighed.
“The reason Death Dealers don’t have those old hatreds is simple Lady Imra. Death Dealers are the outcasts, misfits, loners, and orphans of the universe. Their fellow Death Dealers become their family and clan. Oh, we may fight amongst ourselves, but outsiders better not get in between.” Rimfire chuckled. “We have a habit of turning those who screw with our family into a bloody stain on the ground.”
“That might be why your Queen has asked Emperor James for help.” Robert chuckled as he thought about part of the James Owens Legend. “It seems that she is hoping for a repeat of history. Only instead of a single Death Dealer to correct the attitudes of her military and citizens. She wants the biggest group of rowdy assholes with the worse attitudes in all the Death Dealers.”
“You have to be shitting us boss man.” Jukebox snapped looking him in the eyes. “You’re not shitting us. You really did figure out what she wants. The question is how are we going to pull this off.”
“We do exactly like what we did on Apollo six. We go to the street gangs. I got a feeling that most of their members are half elves.” Robert told them with a sly smile. One they had all seen before on Apollo six.
“Robert how did you know that?” Imra asked him in confusion. “The police go out of their way to keep that a secret and out of public view.”
“Lady Imra if anyone knows street gangs. It’s our boss man the Whitechapel Ripper. Trust us Miss. If he is planning on doing what we think he is. Then the regular elven military is in for a kick in the teeth.” Tigger laughed at the look of shock that now graced the beautiful face of Imra.
“Man, normally I hate it when my own team gets ahead of me.” Robert grumbled then smiled. “Though today I can live with it. Tigger you give the love of my life a clue as to what I’m planning?”
“The Chief here is planning on first uniting the street gangs. Then training them to be Special Forces operators. Once he has done that he’ll put the paperwork in creating a new Special Forces Unit for the elven Death Dealer divisions. A unit made up of half elves.” Tigger explained as she slowly grew an evil smile. “Then he’ll ram that unit down the throats of the old guard.”
“By the War Goddess Ryra. Why do I have the feeling that you people have done this before?” Imra asked the grinning and nodding Death Dealers.
“Imra if I were you. I won’t ask questions that you don’t want to know the answer to.” Tigger told her with a chuckle. “The Chief has a nasty habit of doing the unexpected and totally off the wall. He loves fracking with his enemies’ minds.”
“Tigger ani’t kidding. When it comes to making up new strategy his mind has to be the most twisted in the Death Dealers. Not even our trainers could keep up with him at times.” Iceman chuckled as Robert glowered and Imra giggled.
“Imra please ignore these knuckle heads. They have a tendency to stretch the truth.” Robert pleaded the young lady.
“I doubt that Robert. Your talents and exploits have already become legendary. You have already become a legend among my people.” Imra told him then blushed as she whispered. “And captured my heart.”
“Capturing hearts has never been one of my strong suites.” Robert told her as he leaned down to kiss her. “I’m normally the one who has their heart captured first.”
“Damn. Get a room you two.” Jukebox snarked then chuckled as the couple glared at her. “By the way Lady Imra. Do you know on what dropship you’re traveling on?”
“Not yet. According to the FLT message I received last night all that information is with the Head Mistress. I’m supposed to leave here at ten-hundred-hours and return to JES. There I will be given my travel documents. Along with meeting my escort.” Imra frowned for the first time that morning. “There are times I wish I was just a normal student. I hate having to travel with a bodyguard.”
Robert flipped though his order pack to the page with his travel orders. “Looks like I’m on the HMSS Dragonstar. What about you guys?”
“Free runner and myself are on the HMBC Nemesis.” Snow answered for the two.
“I got the HMSS Starfire.” Tigger told them. “Anyone else with me?”
“Looks like we’re travel buddies Tigger.” Iceman told her with a smile.
“Me and Jukebox got the HMSS Glacier Fire.” Rimfire answered. “Looks like you’re the only one traveling solo skipper.”
“Won’t be the first time Rimfire, and most likely won’t be the last.” Robert told his team with a nasty chuckle then turned serious. “Seeing as how we’re all traveling on separate ships let’s square away our gear and pay our bill. Everyone outside in one hour. Uniform for the day is Class C travel.”
“Yes sir.” They called out and left the couple alone. Imra looked up at Robert. As he held out his hand to her with a smile.
“Come on love. We need to collect our luggage and I need to put on my uniform.” Robert told her as he helped her to stand. “We can also collect your things. I figure we can travel together at least as far as the spaceport.”
“Robert why would the military use four separate ships to deliver a Special Forces team?” Imra asked him as they headed for their rooms. “It doesn’t make sense to me. Wouldn’t be more economical to use just one dropship?”
“Normally that would be what happens Imra. But this time my team is operating in two-man cells. Instead of our normal seven-man Fire Team configuration. Of the seven of us. As a sniper I’m the only one that is truly trained to operate on their own. Rimfire can also operate is also a trained sniper, but he is what we call a Scout/sniper. Meaning he usually works with a spotter in a two-man team.” Robert explained for her as the entered the elevator. “That’s one of the reasons I was so successful on Apollo six. I’m used to being on my own.”
“I see. Robert you don’t talk about your life before the Death Dealers much. Why is that? I know almost nothing about your earlier life.” Imra said with a sad smile.
“There’s not much to tell love. I was raised in an orphanage. When I wasn’t in school. I was running the back streets of Goulcrest. Doing whatever it took to survive and to make life a little better for the younger kids in the orphanage. I put more than a few of the local gangbangers in the hospital or morgue. I wasn’t a very nice person back then Imra. I was a street punk that only knew how to fight. The only loyalty I had was to the kids at Sky Reach Orphanage. I could handle someone coming after me, but if they screwed with the orphanage. I left broken, bloody, and stone cold dead bodies in the streets. I spared no one in the gangs that threatened the orphanage. A few times I even went after their families to drive a point home.” Robert could tell that Imra was shocked to hear how vicious he could become. “I can honestly say that Father Mike did more than save my life. He saved my soul.”
“Was it Father Mike who first trained you in the ways of the Death Dealer and their code of honor?” Imra asked him kindly.
“He taught more than just their ways and code of honor Imra. He taught me about the ideal of serving something greater than myself. When I went before the judge I knew that I was going to ask for my sentence to be commuted to military service.” Robert chuckled. “Then my cousin stepped in to change my plans. Not to mention my world.”
As they exited the elevator they stopped talking until they reached Robert’s room. Once inside Robert went straight to the bathroom to shower and shave. “I’ll be right out Imra. I just need to shave and clean up before putting on my uniform.”
“Is there anything I can do while you’re taking care of that?” She asked.
“Can you lay out my Class C uniform for me?” He asked without thought.
“Not a problem. I used to help my father with his uniforms before I left for JES.” Imra said as the door closed. Twenty minutes later Robert stepped out of the bathroom to find his Class C uniform laid out on the bed. His rank and branch insignia shined brightly on the collar. Robert quickly dressed as Imra packed the rest of his clothes for travel. As he laced up his boots Robert thought back to the first time he wore this uniform. “I wonder how my great uncle felt the first time he wore his Blacks. Did he feel the same pride?”
“Robert who is this great uncle you keep talking about. You’ve mentioned him several times, but you never say his name.” Imra wondered out loud.
“You’ve probably heard of him Imra. He was the man Death Dealers called Death. Though you might have heard of him by his other name. My great uncle is James J. Owens.” Robert told her as he stood up straight. “The grandfather of Empress Maiha.”
“Little wonder the Goddess Moonbow and War Goddess Ryra have blessed you love.” Imra whispered to herself. “With a bloodline like yours the gods would have to be blind or foolish to ignore you on the battlefield.”
“I would prefer for them to ignore me. The gods and goddesses have no place in the affairs of mortals. In the words of Princess Piña Colada. Even the Gods can be demandable fools and idiots.” Robert told her as he picked up his duffle bags and suitcase. “Let’s go get your bags sweetheart. The team will be waiting for us.”
“Waiting for you Robert not me.” Imra told him kindly.
“Imra you’re one of us now. The gals will be wanting to say goodbye to you.” Robert told her as he gave her a hug. “Remember love. No matter where I’ll be you’ll always be in my heart. I’ll always come home to you.”
“Don’t make promises that you can’t keep Robert. I know the reality of war. Young men and women die to keep our nation free.” Imra whispered into his chest.
“In the words of a great philosopher. Only the good die young. Remember Imra I’m not up for Sainthood. I’ve waged war in the most underhanded and blood thirsty manner. Never once thinking that I would ever pass through the Heavenly Gates. They call me the Whitechapel Ripper for a reason. I leave bloody streets and dead bodies in my wake. It’s the only way I know how to fight. I’ll always fight to survive.” Robert told her with a sad smile. “I learned the hard way that to survive a fight. I mustn’t hold back, but to give it my all.”
“I know that dear. Even so sooner or later your luck will run out.” Imra said sadly. “Still for some reason I feel that you’ll always come back to me. Despite the odds.”
After collecting her luggage, the couple left the hotel. As they exited Imra was surprised to find the rest of the Fallen Angles waiting for them. After hugs were exchanged the team broke into two-man teams taking separate taxies. Only Robert and Imra headed back towards Haven and JES. The others all headed for Star City and the Spaceport. As they traveled Imra questioned Robert about his life before the Death Dealers. She was amazed to find that his own parents were also heroes of Apollo six and Goulcrest. She found that her respect and love for the man called the Ripper grow with each new detail she learned about his past.
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maybe she will help him in his mission at some point.
Looking forward to seeing how
Looking forward to seeing how this story develops. Not a lot to say as of yet.
Possible Easter egg
The fight scene in the bar reminds me of the fight in the bar in Star Wars IV: the 16oz of gold are ~500 g of gold (generously rounded). And the dialogue is similar.
Thx again for a great chapter^^
The Plot Thickens
seems the fools are still interfering in Chief Warrant Officer Robert's life
Last time he ended up with JJ Owen's face, and a 'Pirate' copy of Dedee in his skull
Or is it just redoubling the original attempts?
Is It Live or Is It Memorex?
Like the old commercial asks. Is It Live or Is It Memorex? There is an old saying that you can't improve on perfection. While Celeste is an upgraded version of De Dee. She is far more than just a pirate copy or a redoubling of the original attempt. As for fools interfering with Robert's life they actually don't know who they are dealing with. Only one person in all of the Empire knows the force of nature that is about to be unleashed on the universe. And that crazy little hellion isn't talking. (insert author's evil laugh #3)
May the peace and happiness of the Goddess keep and protect you
as always your humble outlaw
Jessie Wolf
I may be wrong
when I referred to the original attempt
I was referring to the events before, the war on Apollo, and that busybodies actively kept him from family and actively tried to keep him down
and much as I love "that crazy little hellion" and her misdirection, it wouldn't surprise me that some of the persons responsible go back that far
HEY YOU! Get out of there! Where's that dang dog?! Someone get that cabbit out of my office! She's snopping around my story notes again!
(sound of a barking foxhound) Good girl Wilma! Run that rascally cabbit off!
May the peace and happiness of the Goddess keep and protect you
as always your humble outlaw
Jessie Wolf
Don't blame me
it's not my fault you hid your notes under the bag of Chocolate Coated Coffee Beans
don't worry, cabbit
Wilma is easy. She's a glutton for belly rubs!
Short and sweet, this just
Short and sweet, this just keeps getting better
Thinkin'... by the end
Thinking by the end of this story.... there should be more recruits for the "Order of Saint Inigo for the Temple of Vengeful Pursuit" I suppose it should go w/o saying that None of them should have more than Five Fingers on the right hand.... Maybe the left though? Since it does seem to be a small Order.