Songs for Two Lives Parts 3 & 4

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Part 3 I’m a Believer

During that autumn and into winter I worked in the garden on the good days and at being Georgina on wet ones. She had planned to spend Christmas with her boyfriend so had talked me into playing her at the house for two weeks.

She took a photo of herself on her phone, followed by one of me, and sent them off to someone she had contacted.

Two days later the answer was positive so she made arrangements. In the middle of November I found myself in a small private clinic having a little cosmetic surgery on my facial features.

By December, after the bruises faded, we could stand side by side at a mirror and look like sisters, with me being the ugly one. My hair was a similar colour to hers and had grown longer so, instead of a wig, she ordered extensions on the internet.

That’s when I found out that she had worked in a beauty salon before she met her rich and possessive husband.

She had been amassing a wardrobe for me that was stored in the spare bedroom and two weeks before she was going to be away I was given a total make-over.

She did the full job on me, from hair removal on my body to the additions on my head. I now sported red toenails and attached fingernails and the breast shape that I had lacked was rectified. I even had pierced ears in two places, the same as hers.

I learned how to put a bra on and how to tuck my miniscule penis so that it didn’t show in my panties. Putting on stockings with my now hairless legs was a bit of a thrill, as was the feel of a silk slip against my body.

The shoes she had bought on-line ranged from a one inch to four inch heel and there were a couple of pairs of boots.

She told me that I must never wear trousers while I was playing her because seeing a person in a dress immediately gives the clue that the person is a woman, if everything else fitted as well.

I had two days learning how to do make-up and my big test, once she was happy, was to take the car and organise my meals for the Christmas period. I had boots with a jersey knit dress under a winter coat, carried my own handbag with her purse and cards in it. I took the car to the local butchers to buy enough for one over a two week period, having a deep freeze to save things in.

I was ready in looks but not ready in my mind to have the first interaction with other people but I need not have worried.

When I walked into the shop the butcher said “Good morning Mrs Yardley, what do you want today?” and I was off and running.

He took my order and said he would deliver the next day. I paid with her credit card.

As I left he called out "Have a lovely Christmas, Mrs Yardley, we’ll see you in the New Year.”

I also went to the bottle-shop and got a few bottles of wine with the assistant calling me madam and smiling at me. He said that I was lucky as the wine I had chosen was the last few bottles in stock.

What I didn’t expect was meeting a chap in the street who doffed his hat.

“Mrs. Yardley, so nice to see you. I know you have dark thoughts about me but I’m only following the last wishes of your late husband. I was planning to visit you between Christmas and New Year to make sure that you’re alone but my wife wants to go on a cruise in the Mediterranean. My son-in-law will call on you instead. He will be taking over the file anyway as I plan to retire in the New Year.”

“Well, I’ll be home and you, of all people, know why. I’m so glad that I am seeing you for the last time.”

Back at the house I reported this to Georgina who laughed, “If you can get that old bastard to believe that you’re me then we’ve done well.”

I warned her that he was going for a cruise in the Med and she said that she would be skiing in the Alps so it didn’t matter. Before she was picked up by her boyfriend, she gave me her old passport, saying that she had just got a new one. It had ‘expired’ stamped on it but the photo looked like me and I could always say that my new one was in another bag.

She also had culled her collection of cards and I had her credit card and some high-end fashion shop loyalty cards to show I was her if anyone got nosey. She gave me an envelope with the passwords and numbers of her bank accounts.

“I trust you with this and I know you’ll not let me down. If any bills come in you can pay them on-line.”

The boyfriend was a real dish! He didn’t see me, of course, but I looked out of the window as he loaded her bags into the car and they left. It was at night and the house was dark in case anyone was watching.

I closed the gates after they had gone and went up to the main bedroom. She had told me to use the house as if it was my own while she was away and this was the first night I would not be sleeping in the annex.

I undressed and hung my blouse and skirt away, did my cleansing as I had been shown and then put on one of her nighties. I got into her bed for the first time, putting out the light and sleeping deeply.

I woke refreshed and ready for anything. I went into the ensuite and sat to pee, something I had been doing for some time once my penis had got too short to get a good aim.

Putting a gown over the nightie I went down to get some breakfast. Georgina must have got up very early because I had never seen her other than impeccably dressed, even early in the morning.

After I had eaten, I went back up, had a shower, and dressed carefully and did my make-up. Today I planned to get used to the three inch heels while there was no-one to laugh at my antics.

It was a good job I had taken all of the care because, about eleven, the chimes announced someone at the gate.

I looked on the screen to see a chap in a suit and carrying a briefcase was standing there, his car parked at the kerb. I asked who he was and he told me that he was calling from the legal office as instructed by his boss.

I let him in the small gate and was standing at the front door as he arrived. I must have made a picture as he blinked a couple of times as he walked up the steps.

“Not what you were expecting, perhaps?”

Hoping that he was not going to say that he didn’t expect to see a man in a dress and heels.

He smiled, “Actually, Mrs Yardley, my father-in-law has described you as a money-grabbing harridan who had beguiled his friend before killing him with kindness. I didn’t expect to meet such a charming lady today.”

I smiled, “Thank you, kind sir; please come into my spiders web so I can bite your head off”

He laughed and came in behind me, closing the door on his way.

“It’s time for morning tea, will you join me?”

We went into the kitchen and I put out cups, saucers and plates for some cake I had set aside to treat myself with.

He put his case down, “I’m truly sorry about this but I was told to inspect the house to make sure that you’re alone.”

I laughed, “Go ahead, the only part that’s locked is the annex because that’s where the gardener lives. He’s away on his Christmas holiday at the moment.”

By the time he got back I had the table set and the kettle had boiled so I made a pot of tea and we sat at the kitchen table and chatted. I found out that he had been a junior in the firm when my case had come up and that he was mortified that my husband had been so possessive.

“When my father-in-law retires, I’ll go into your file and put in a change of circumstance so that we can drop the time that you have to remain single. It’s an outrage that your husband could have made such a demand that would put you into almost the too old bracket when the time limit expires.”

I thanked him for the ‘almost’ part and asked what sort of limit he would set.

“You’ve followed the letter of the will for over five years but I could set it at seven; that will be acceptable by the tribunal. My father-in-law need not know.”

I smiled and said that it would be lovely. When I went to rinse the cups out at the sink he was behind me in a flash and had his arms around my waist.

I could feel him against my butt. “So, there’s a cost for your services, I can’t give you all that you want because I cannot have a relationship with another man.”

He whispered in my ear “But you could have, shall we say; a dalliance.”

I turned around and he kissed me and I let him. It was not something I had ever thought I would do but this was for Georgina, a way out of her prison, so I put my all into being her, for him.

When our lips parted I said “What about your wife, the daughter of the boss?”

“Oh, her. I would divorce her for you, my love. I fell for you the moment I saw you. If I get your freedom in another year or so, will you marry me?”

I told him I would think about it, the two-timing money-grabbing sod. I knew that it was only my, or should I say Georginas’, money that he was after.

We broke open a bottle of wine to celebrate our future and one thing led to another with me ending up kneeling in front of him with his dick in my mouth, something else I had never contemplated before.

By the time he left he was certain that he had reeled me in He was sure that I was Georgina and that he would get my money, come hell or high water!

He was a believer, that’s for sure, not a doubt in his mind.

Part 4 Every time you go away

I was on a high for the rest of my time in the house. I had completely fooled a man into thinking I would marry him and had swallowed his cum to show I was his woman.

Christmas Day I made myself a nice Christmas dinner and proposed a toast to my future with the remainder of the wine we had opened.

He was back on the New Year’s Day with some paperwork for me to keep, as well as a few to sign.

I told him that I would look at it and give him a call and his face fell for a second or two. I told him that he must only come to the house when I call his office for him and that it must only be after his father-in-law had retired for good.

He saw the logic in it and I allowed him a few minutes kissing before he left. When Georgina got home a week later I could see that she was very happy. It made her even happier when I told her that we may get her out from under the yoke inside a couple of years.

I had to go through the whole thing with her and I left nothing out. I showed her the papers I had been left and we both had a laugh.

One was good, a draft of a proposal to the tribunal to alter the terms of the will as being an cruel abuse of position and not something that someone in their right mind would insist on.

The others he had left for a signature were straight-out crooked. If he had those he could take control of Georginas’ affairs as a ‘custodian’ of her wellbeing. We tore them up and dropped them in the bin.

Georgina smiled, “I was going to give you a bonus but was so excited to be going away I forgot. Why don’t we do it now?”

She powered up her computer and I gave her back the envelope with her numbers, unopened.

“No, you keep it,” she said, “Actually; can you help me with some movement of my money?”

I watched as she moved a nice bonus into my account, an account that I had not bothered with for many months, having room and meals supplied I hadn’t needed to tap it. We then worked through the setting up of an off-shore account in her maiden name.

I found out that her given name was not even Georgina and asked, “Is that the name on your marriage licence?”

“No, it isn’t. I married as Georgina.”

“There’s nothing to stop you getting married again but using your true maiden name this time. It isn’t bigamy because your husband is dead but it will allow you to marry before the seven years are up, if old shonky-dick doesn’t find out our secret.”

She pondered this for some time, “You, dear simple gardener that you are; you’re a genius!”

Then she went back and put another lump of money into my account. After that she shifted three-quarters of her money into the off-shore account, jotting the account number and password on the envelope, “Just in case I don’t get to access it.”

After that I was Georgina on a lot of occasions. We perfected the system and I moved into the spare bedroom, complete with my increasing wardrobe of outfits.

She even raided her own wardrobe and gave me several dresses that she didn’t wear these days. As the weather improved the only time I had my old stuff on was when I was out in the garden, generally with the special phone next to me because she was away more time than she was home.

I wore gloves to hide my nails as well as keep them safe, and a dust mask to hide the alterations should someone come to the gate. If I did see someone I would be carrying a small weed spray unit when I went to see them, so giving a reason for the mask.

The email from the garden group came and I got a plan together to make the place a wonderful display of colour when they came. On the morning of the open garden they set up their tent on a site I had prepared and I, as Georgina, spent the day showing the visitors around the garden and describing the flowers, saying that my gardener was ‘just wonderful’.

As they were tidying up the site that evening Annabel told me that she was amazed at my knowledge and that I should be on the Committee of the Gardening Club. I said that I didn’t have the time.

I had got to the point where I was Georgina so often that it had become a problem. An old song has a line in it that goes, “What’s the use in getting sober if you’re going to get drunk again.” I was in the position where I may as well dress full time as female. So I got onto the computer myself and ordered in some shorts, jeans and sturdy tops which I could wear in the garden, as well as nice boots and a big hat.

After that I was either Georgina in the house or the girl in the garden and no-one twigged that they were one and the same. I was able to keep my ‘beloved’ at bay with promises I would get back to him after he had organised the new time limit so he just had to work on it.

Georgina, under her real name, married her man in the summer. I obviously could not go but she showed me the pictures.

I was then her, twenty-four seven, and needed to organise another gardener but this one was only there on two days a week to keep the place looking nice. I paid myself a bonus on termination.

The paperwork finally came through and I rewarded my knight with another blow-job but pointed out that the seven years was still not up so he had better go home to his wife.

I saw Georgina about once a month and she was truly happy. This was good but it all came to an end far too soon. The light plane she and her husband were in flew into a mountain high in the snow-fields a few weeks before Christmas. I only found out by seeing his picture on the TV news with the report.

This left me in a strange position. I was now the only Georgina Yardley around and had access to her accounts. My lawyer wanted to marry me and I had this house to maintain.

This needed a lot of thought to work through and it took me into the next year before I had it sorted. My plan was simple; Georgina needed to disappear off the face of the earth and I needed to reappear as the original me, good old Lucky once more, but somewhere a long way away. I had all of my old ID’s in the annex and just needed to refresh some of the paperwork, a lot being possible on the internet.

I took my time and was very careful to cover my tracks as I went. I transferred most of her money to the off-shore account, now one only I had the access to. I kept enough back to maintain the house and the daily bills. I then got in touch with an up-market real estate company to say that I wanted to sell my house but that it could not be finalised until the date that my departed husband had placed on it. It all needed the utmost discretion.

Over the next summer I showed various interested parties around and had to explain that the occupation could only happen after the date stipulated. I did say that the place was being sold furnished and that the only things to be taken out were clothes and personal items.

I got the gardener to put a low wall around the little grave-site. I organised a tip truck of soil, ending up with a raised garden bed, doing that part myself, a small barrow-load a time. I planted it out with winter vegetable.

I got an amazing figure for the house and the buyer paid a deposit. I slowly bought new clothes on the internet to outfit the new/old me, most of them far better than I could have bought a few years ago.

I cleared the annex of all traces of me and took a few bags of things down to the charity shop bin. I then took stock of our clothes and personal items.

She had taken her best jewellery but left some things for me to wear so I got it all together and put it into a bag. I then collected all of the clothing that I could, without leaving me short for my remaining time as Georgina. These I put into a number of bags and took a few days out putting them into charity bins as far away as I could.

I stayed as Georgina right up to the day when the final payment was due on the house in the next spring. I exchanged the keys and codes for the alarm system for a very nice cheque. I signed all the papers as Georgina Yardley for the last time. I told the agent that the house would be vacant before the morning and went home.

On the way home I went to the bank and deposited the cheque which caused raised eyebrows at the amount. Back at the house I just needed to undress, peel off the forms for the last time, give my hair a trim, have a shower and redress as the old me.

With my new gear on, the bag of jewellery and my suitcases in the car with some more charity bags in the back I took a last look around the place, remembering all the good times I had here.

I also walked the garden, my pride and joy and the only thing I was sad to leave. My last act was to leave in the car and drive away. I stayed at a hotel that night and, over the next few days I just travelled around, dropping the last of the bags into charity bins and cutting up all of Georgina's cards and other things which went into rubbish bins as I strolled in the towns I visited.

Finally, I took the car to a big car-park next to a railway station, wiped the inside and left it locked, throwing the keys into a bin as I went to catch a train.

I now just had a couple of manageable suitcases and my own paperwork; not forgetting the access codes to the accounts. When I was a decent distance away I stopped at a biggish city and negotiated to rent a furnished flat.

It wasn’t what I had become used to but it would do. I went out and got myself a proper haircut then bought a laptop, a new phone and access to the internet.

The first thing I did was empty Georginas’ account, putting it all into the off-shore account. I had more than enough in my own account but needed a job to maintain my appearance.

That was when I became a clerk in a council office, dispensing largess to the down-trodden.

Marianne Gregory © 2022

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