In Love with a Tall Girl - Part 8 - Finale

In Love with a Tall Girl
Part 8
An original story by Julia Miller

Chapter 8


I was so happy these days living with Sandra. I felt like I was on a high every day. I never used to believe there was a soulmate out there for me. After 20 years of marriage to Trudy, I felt like that was a lie. Sure, we had gotten along together, but I realized there was never real love in that marriage. She had been nice to me, and we regularly had sex until we had the kids, and then she always had a headache. She just stopped being intimate with me, but for maybe a couple of times a year. I wasn’t sure what I had done, but I eventually just stayed in the marriage for our kids and gave them the love and guidance they needed from me. I was upset when she divorced me, but it turned out to be the best thing that ever happened to me, as it sent me down the path to meet Sandra.

Now Sandra is everything that Trudy never could be. She loves me and tells me so. She is kind to me and always seems to know what I think. We have lived together for these last few weeks, and we never fight since we never get into an argument. We seem to be on the same wavelength. I think we will soon be finishing each other’s sentences.

I picked up Sandra from her work late afternoon, and we kissed in the car. We went over to a Pizza place and shared a deluxe pizza. Afterward, we did a little shopping together for some groceries and things we needed. It was such fun just doing everyday things with Sandra, and I enjoyed her company so much it was like I had known her my whole life. Once we got home, we opened a bottle of wine and cuddled together on the sofa while watching a movie. We kept kissing each other and embracing, and soon we had removed our clothes and were passionately exploring each other’s bodies. I knew exactly how to please Sandra now, and I used my expertise to keep her in a constant state of bliss. She would moan and tell me to fuck her or lick her or tweak her nipples, and I would continue to kiss her and use my tongue to explore the wonderous folds of her vagina. She was so hungry for my cock, that she pushed me back and pounced on it and soon brought me to the edge. She gave me a wink and stopped, with me teetering on the edge of release, and smiled.

“Relax,” she said, and I slowly came down. She then worked on my cock again, bringing me to the edge, and halting. This feeling was driving me crazy, and I loved knowing that she was in control of my release and wouldn’t let me touch myself. Sandra continued this for almost an hour. I had never had anyone do this to me before, and it was amazing how long she kept my urge to cum at bay. Finally, Sandra went in and licked and sucked my shaft, and when I ejaculated, it was like a dam had burst. It seemed like I wouldn’t stop cumming, and even afterward, my body continued to spasm, trying to find more cum for me to shoot. I had never experienced an orgasm as long and hard as that.

“Did you enjoy yourself, Robert?” asked Sandra with a big grin.

“My God, Sandra, where on earth did you learn how to do that?”

She smiled at me and kissed me. “A woman never shares some secrets.”

I embraced her, and we kissed passionately together.


Trudy got into the customs line after making it back to the US. She patiently waited until it was her turn in front of an inspector. She smiled and handed him her passport and declaration card. He scanned it, looked at his screen, and asked her a couple of questions. He then stamped her passport and said Welcome home, and she walked past him.

Trudy picked up her luggage at the carousel and walked over to a rental car counter. She picked up a car and drove over to a hotel in town. Once inside her room, Trudy set up her laptop and scanned for new developments. She checked the Kenyan news site, and there was a story about the fire. The police suspected it was a suicide, and the young woman had killed herself with sleeping pills and set her place on fire as she lost consciousness. Trudy made a mental note, “I need to buy a new lighter.”


Robert and I were enjoying breakfast at his place on Saturday morning, and I asked him, “What do you think we should do about living arrangements?”

“I have an idea I can bounce off you, Sandra. This place is a rental, and I have about nine months left on the lease now. It would probably be easy for me to sublet this place furnished, and we could stay at your townhouse, that’s if you don’t mind. What do you think?”

“That would work fine, Robert. You wouldn’t have to worry about your furniture at this point, and you only need to bring your computer, clothes, and personal items over to my place.”

Robert kissed me, and we embraced each other. It seems so easy with Robert coming into my life. It would have been perfect if his crazy ex-wife wasn’t plotting to screw things up, but we would deal with her when she appeared again. I did not doubt that we had not seen the last of Trudy.

We hired a small moving van, and Robert brought some boxes out of his storage locker. We packed up the things he needed to get over to my place, and we carried them into the van. The kids came out to help us, so we packed everything up in no time. I packed up the things Robert had in his fridge into a cooler.

At the other end, we brought everything into my place, and I gave the kids a tour of our home. My kids hadn’t been over in a while, and they liked what I had done with it, and Robert’s kids thought the place was great too. We returned the van to the rental site, and then we all went out for dinner to the Crackerbee’s. We all had a great time, and our kids told us of the adventures they had been going on together. Robert and I listened to them speak glowingly of each other. We smiled and squeezed our hands together under the table.

“You all seem to be getting quite serious with each other if I must say.”

“The kids replied, “No, no, we are all just great friends, but I noticed they all blushed a little bit.”

“Even when Robert and I get married, there are no restrictions on you from having any relations if you start getting serious with each other. Then they all blushed profusely, and I smiled sweetly at them.”

After we had a delightful dinner, we thanked them for helping Robert move in with me, and we all left the restaurant together. The kids all promised to call us, and we waved goodnight to them.

Robert and I made it back to my place, and I helped him set up his computer on a spare desk in my office. We had it up and running in no time, and I showed Robert an empty drawer in my filing cabinet to place his files.

We got his clothes packed in my walk-in closet, and we finished the unpacking.
I gave Robert a remote for his car, and he drove around behind my place and parked beside my Porsche.

“They did a great job making your carport secure, Sandra. It looks very sturdy.”
“I think so as well. No one can get in back here any longer.”

I showed Robert how to set up the security system on his phone, activate it, and see the camera feeds remotely. The security system would now alert him if there were any alarms too. I also gave him the security code to disarm the system.
We then sat down and watched a movie and shared some popcorn and soft drinks. I snuggled up beside Robert, and he made me feel safe in his arms.

After the movie was over, we went upstairs to our bedroom and helped each other undress. Robert was kissing me in no time. We fell on the bed together and continued to make out with each other. Since he enjoyed it so much the last time, I played with Robert’s cock for an hour and edged him again, bringing him almost to the point of climax, over and over, until I let him explode in my mouth. Being the good little bad girl, I made sure to swallow every drop.

Robert then decided to give me his complete tongue service package and kept me in a state of orgasmic bliss for our second hour. I still didn’t know how he did this so well, but he seemed to be able to bring me to orgasm over and over. Robert was always able to satisfy me completely.

He was rock-hard at this point, and as he came up kissing my girls and then upon my neck and began French kissing my lips, his massive tool entered my sex and began to pound away on me. He continued to keep me in a constant state of orgasm, and I could feel the pressure building in my vagina as I furiously rubbed my clitoris, and we both exploded and came together. I was amazed at the power of my last orgasm and that Robert hadn’t atomized me into tiny bits. We kissed each other until we both floated back down to earth again.

We continued to kiss until slumber overtook us, and we fell asleep.

On Sunday, we decided to go over to the country club and play another round of golf together. I told Robert it was a rematch, and I would win this time.
He grinned and said, “Well, you certainly can try to win.”

It was neck and neck through the front nine, and we tied each other. We stopped for a hotdog and chatted a bit, with me telling Robert I would get him on the back nine.

Well, things didn’t go as planned for me. I built up a significant lead and almost had Rob, but the pond on the 17th hole was calling for a tribute from me. I couldn’t believe it but hit two balls into the water from the tee. I didn’t want to try for three, so we walked up to the ball drop point, and wouldn’t you know it, I fluffed another one into the water. Robert was grinning from ear to ear as I finally hit a shot on the green. I ended up with a stroke behind him after that disaster hole. On the 18th tee, Robert hit a thundering shot down the fairway. I walked up to the ladies’ tee and swung my best tee shot of the day, just short of the green. Robert picked me up in the car, and we drove down to his ball. His second shot landed on the green, and I walked up to my ball.

“I don’t know how you made that shot, but it’s around 270 yards from the ladies’ tee. Have you been taking vitamins? I thought ladies were supposed to be weak, and he just laughed at me.”

I smiled at Robert and took out my wedge, hitting a beautiful shot right at the pin, and it rolled up to within two feet of the hole. We drove up to the green, and we both got out our putters. I tapped my ball in and told Robert he had to sink his putt to win now as we were once again tied.

Robert looked at his 20-foot putt from all angles, he was nervous, and I think the pressure was getting to him. Anyways, he didn’t hit it hard enough, and it stopped 6 feet short of the hole. I then told him he had to sink the putt in to tie, or I would win the match. Once again, Robert took his time, made a few practice swings, and then made his putt. The ball went right up to the hole, and it just stopped at the edge without dropping in.

I shouted out, “Yay, I win!”

And I jumped in the air. Wouldn’t you know it? As I landed, the thump on the ground was enough to cause the ball to drop into the hole.

Robert doubled over, laughing at the surprised look on my face after realizing what I had done. I started laughing as well, and we embraced and kissed each other for a great match.

We went back to the clubhouse and met up with his golfing buddies. We shared a few beers with them, and Robert had to tell them the story on the 18th green as I smiled and blushed. He also announced that we were engaged, and I showed them my new engagement ring. The guys whistled at the size of the expensive rock on my finger.

Robert smiled and said, “Sandra is worth every penny, boys.”

We all went over to the restaurant and had dinner with his friends. They were great guys and never told stupid sexist jokes, at least not while I was within earshot of them. They asked us when the wedding was going to be.

“We haven’t decided yet, and we have one outstanding issue that we must take care of before we get married. My ex-wife has been causing trouble for us, and we must get this issue resolved before we can make any plans. But consider yourselves all invited.”

They thought it was sad to hear but wished us the best of luck and hoped we could get her out of our lives for good.

After we finished our dinner, we bid his friends goodbye, and of course, they all wanted me to kiss them goodbye, and I happily obliged. Robert and I left the clubhouse holding hands and drove back to the townhouse.

We got back about an hour later, and we entered from the carport. We both went inside, and Robert turned off the alarm. I stayed downstairs and put some things away, and the doorbell rang.
Robert said, “I will get it.”

I looked at my phone and shouted, “No! Robert, don’t open the door,” as I could see Trudy on the video camera, and she was holding some device in her hand.
But it was too late, I heard a Taser going off and a sudden thud as Robert fell to the floor. I called 9-1-1 on my phone, and I turned off the volume on the phone when I heard an operator answer.

“I whispered into the phone, I have an emergency, there is an armed intruder in my home, and she has rendered my boyfriend unconscious with a taser. I am hiding from her right now. I have the volume turned off, but you will hear everything. I am at 504 Houghton St.

“Shit,” I said under my breath. I wasn’t wearing my gun. Where did I leave it?
I turned off the lights, and I quietly crept into my office, and in the dark, I opened the small wall safe. Thank God it had a backlit keypad. I removed my gun, quietly loaded a clip, and cocked it. I silently waited.

I heard Trudy calling my name, and she said, “I know you are down there, Sandra. Why don’t you come upstairs, and we can talk?”

I said nothing but sat down on the floor, underneath my desk. My eyes adjusted to the gloom, and I waited for Trudy to appear.

Within a couple of minutes, Trudy appeared in the office doorway, still holding her Taser. I let her turn on the light, and then I fired on her, shooting six rounds. Trudy gasped, fired the taser at me, and crumpled to the floor. I looked up, and there were taser darts embedded in the desk. My ears were ringing from the percussion, and I grabbed the phone. I told the operator that I shot her using my handgun, and please send an ambulance with the police.

I got out from underneath the desk and pulled the Taser away from Trudy. She still had a pulse, and she wasn’t dead yet. I stepped over her and went up the stairs and found Robert unconscious. Trudy had bound his hands and feet with zip ties.

I heard sirens approaching, so I opened the front door and turned on the lights. I went up to my kitchen, got a pair of scissors, and cut the zip ties off Robert. I looked downstairs and saw Trudy was still lying there, but I reloaded my gun with a second clip, just in case she came to and tried something.

Robert slowly regained consciousness. He still had the taser wires connected to him, and I didn’t want to pull them out.

He looked at me and said, Trudy?

“I’m sorry, Robert, I shot her though I didn’t kill her, and I was lucky she never thought I would carry a gun. Your ex-wife made the mistake of bringing a taser to a gunfight,” and I gave him a weak smile.

He kissed me and said, “I have a splitting headache.”

“I guess 50,000 volts running through your body will do that to you,” and kissed him back.

At this point, the police ran up the steps. I placed my gun on the ground and raised my hands. I told them I was the owner of this home, and I had shot a woman in the basement who tried to assault me with a taser, which is over there. She tasered my boyfriend when he opened the door. The police went downstairs to check on Trudy just as the paramedics arrived. I told them Trudy was shot and was in the basement. They put Trudy on a stretcher, handcuffed her to it, and then took her to the hospital. A couple of detectives arrived, and I asked everyone, would you let me make you some coffee? I think we could all use one by now.

I helped Robert up to the kitchen, and I made a fresh pot of coffee. I brought out sugar and cream and some cookies for everyone, and as we enjoyed the coffee, we told the story to the detectives.

The police were aware of the assault on me and the warrant out for Trudy. Robert started and told them everything his ex-wife Trudy had done to us in the last couple of months. Robert told him we had just gotten back in the house and the doorbell rang, and just as Sandra here told me not to open the door, I had opened it, and Trudy was standing there with the Taser and let me have it. I don’t remember anything else until Sandra was here holding me after I regained consciousness.

I added that Trudy put zip ties on his arms and legs. I don’t know what she was planning, but it wasn’t anything good.

I told the police how I quietly obtained my gun from my office safe, loaded it, and waited for Trudy to find me in my office. I got under my desk to make it harder for her to see me. But when she entered with the Taser, I fired as soon as she turned on the lights, or she would have tasered me like my boyfriend, instead of missing me.

The officers nodded and took the Taser and my handgun for evidence. I didn’t mind since it served its purpose, which saved our lives.

Robert looked out the window and said, “I see Trudy’s car parked across the street.”

They found her purse that contained her car keys. One of the officers opened the car to search it, and he came back and told the detective that there were two full 5-gallon containers of gasoline in the car’s trunk.

Robert and I looked at each other, and I said, “Would she have torched our house with us inside?”

The detective replied, “It’s a distinct possibility. She didn’t have a gun but intended to stun you both, and it would have been a terrible way for you to die. We will have to look into this matter further since it looks like she is guilty of attempted murder.”

Robert said, “Trudy seemed to have dropped off the face of the earth for a month.”

The detectives responded, “We checked and found her passport was registered when she left the USA for Kenya a month ago. But the strange thing, she has not been recorded as entering the country again, and we think she came back in under a different name, probably because she found a warrant was out for her arrest.”

Robert replied, “That was my fault. I emailed her to turn herself in police custody and said there was a warrant out for her arrest.”

Robert looked down at the wires coming out of his chest and quickly pulled them out. He winced and said, that’s better. Do you guys need these for evidence? The police took the taser wires and put them in a bag.

The police made up their reports and asked us more questions. Eventually, they left, and Robert and I just looked at each other. It’s over, we both exclaimed and kissed each other.

We sat on the sofa, and I turned on some music, and we just relaxed in each other’s arms and drank wine.



It’s been over a year since the police arrested Trudy in our home. We found a few surprises throughout the police investigation, but the police pieced together Trudy’s whereabouts for that missing month.

Trudy left Robert for another woman named Laurel, and she was a doctor that worked at the hospital where she was a Radiologist. This doctor planned to move to Kenya to work for Doctors without Borders. Trudy was originally going to go with Laurel, but she decided not to go with her in the end.

We think at that point, Trudy decided to get back together with Robert, but he would have no part of her, having met me.

Trudy then had my car vandalized and had me beaten up. She then flew to Kenya to meet back up with Laurel again. But Laurel had moved on with a new girlfriend, and Trudy found out when meeting her. While she was in Kenya, she sent an email from her hotel that attempted to discredit me, and it blew up in her face, with us becoming engaged. A week later, Laurel seemingly committed suicide, and her house had burned to the ground. The Kenyan police suspected that Trudy had a hand in her murder and the torching of her home. She returned to the US under Laurel’s passport, doctored with her photo. She then attempted to murder us in our home, and she would have probably torched our place with us helplessly bound inside.

Unfortunately for Trudy, she didn’t make it. I shot her six times, and she had severe organ damage with internal bleeding. I am not a killer, but Trudy had left me no choice but to take her down. At point-blank range, that was easy.

Still, there are nights when I wake up in a cold sweat after reliving that moment in my dreams. Robert is there to console me and help me relax again. Sometimes I cry and become depressed. Robert has told me many times that I did what I had to do to protect myself. He continued saying Trudy would have tasered you as well, and we would have both died in this house after she set it on fire. Not only did you save your own life, but you saved my life as well. There was nothing you did that should have made you feel guilty. Trudy forced you to defend yourself.

Trudy would have been in prison for our attempted murder had she survived. The Kenyan government tried her and found her guilty for the murder of Laurel in absentia. They had initially assumed that Trudy was hiding in the country since she left no record of leaving Kenya. They only found out when the police followed up on Laurel’s passport to the Kenyan government.

I know this sounds completely crazy, but Trudy was consumed by wanting revenge on us. Lucky for us, neither Robert nor I were injured.

But enough with that ancient history. Today is my wedding day. We found a church that would marry us, and I got to wear my new wedding gown. The kids agreed to be our bridesmaids and groomsmen. My dad will be giving me away, and Robert’s older brother will be his best man. My sister Jenny agreed to be my maid of honor. We have the country club booked for our wedding reception afterward. And we are going to Bora Bora for our honeymoon.

I must add that our kids are all dating each other, and whenever they visit us, they come as a group. I talked with Tom and Jessica.

“Robert’s kids are great people, but if you are getting serious with each other, please finish your education and start your career before you think of getting married.”

They both turned red and said, “MOM!” in unison. Robert told me he received the same response from George and Sarah.

I am nervous as all heck as I sit with my bridesmaids (Sarah and Jessica), my sister Jenny, who is my maid of honor, and my father. We are all crammed into a tiny room at the church entrance, waiting for the call. My dad is more nervous than I am.

I exclaimed, “Here we go, girls, as I hear the music is starting up. Let’s go, Dad!”

The ushers opened the church doors, and the girls went out ahead of us. We all stood up, and I waited for the bridesmaids to file out of the room. Dad and I joined arms as I held my floral bouquet, and then we stood behind them.
I looked at Dad and asked him, “Are you ready for this?”

He grinned and told me, “You know, I never had to do this when you first got married. I am nervous, but it’s an honor for me to walk you down the aisle.
Robert doesn’t realize what a lucky man he truly is.”

I smiled, “I think he knows how lucky he is, Dad. Let’s go.”

I walked down the central aisle of the church beside my father. Everyone had turned towards us as we proceeded towards the altar. Dad was smiling from ear to ear, just like a Cheshire Cat, since he was proud of his daughter. I looked side to side and smiled at my friends and colleagues. As I approached the front of the church, I could see my family all smiling at me. Of course, many women, including my mother, were already crying.

While the wedding march was playing, I had to be content with our slow advance down the aisle. I looked at the altar, and I could see the love of my life, Robert, standing proudly beside his brother as he waited for me to arrive. He looked so handsome in his tuxedo, I wanted to run towards him, but dad had a death grip on me and wouldn’t let me.

Finally, our walk to the altar ended. Robert stepped down to meet us. He shook my father’s hand, and then dad took my hand and Robert’s and brought us together. Dad told us he was happy for us both.

I walked up beside Robert, and he whispered, “You look stunning.”

Holding hands, we turned and walked up the altar to where the Pastor was standing. Dad returned to sit beside mom, who I figured was probably crying her eyes out by now. We both stood in front of the Pastor, and he began to speak to us about marriage.

I must be honest. I was in such a daze that I barely remember the ceremony after that. Then it was time to say our wedding vows. We had a microphone in front of us so that the entire church would hear us, and I prayed that I wouldn’t mess up my vows. The Pastor started and let us each recite our vows, and he had told us he would only step in to help if we forgot our lines.

“I, Robert, take you, Sandra, to be my wife, my partner in life, and my one true love. I will cherish our friendship and love you today, tomorrow, and forever. I will trust you and honor you. I will laugh with you and cry with you. Through the best and the worst, through the difficult and the easy. Whatever may come, I will always be there for you. As I have given you my hand to hold, I give you my life to keep.”

“I, Sandra, take you, Robert, to be my husband, my partner in life, and my one true love. I will cherish our friendship and love you today, tomorrow, and forever. I will trust you and honor you. I will laugh with you and cry with you. Through the best and the worst, through the difficult and the easy. Whatever may come, I will always be there for you. As I have given you my hand to hold, I give you my life to keep.”

Then he told us to put on our wedding bands, and Robert’s brother Mike, his best man, came forward with them. Robert placed one ring on my finger, and I set the other one on his finger.

Then the Pastor told Robert, “You may now kiss the bride.”

He slowly lifted my veil over my head, and we both gave each other a warm kiss and embraced for what was appropriate in a church. Everyone in the church clapped once we had finished. We then walked up the aisle as everyone congratulated us and entered one of the small rooms in the back of the church, where we signed the wedding documents.

After we completed signing the paperwork, I took my floral bouquet, and Robert and I left the church as a newly married couple. Everyone was waiting for us on the steps, and I tossed my flowers to the crowd of girls that had gathered to catch them. Everyone congratulated us. We smiled and waved as they threw confetti and rice at us. A limo was waiting at the curb, and we got into it. The bridal party got into the remaining limo to follow us to the photographer’s studio. We told everyone in our families to come to the studio, and they followed us there.

Once we got to the studio, they set us up and took many photos of us, and I made sure I caught the light and gave them my best poses for the camera. They also took pictures of my brides’ maids and me and Robert with his grooms. Of course, they were all our children now. Mom and Dad, along with Robert’s parents, were in a picture with our children and us. Finally, we went to a large studio where we got a group shot of everyone in our families standing together. The photographers completed their photoshoot, and it was time to go to the country club for the wedding reception, which had already started for our guests.

We piled back into the limos and headed off, with our families following in their cars.

The reception was superb. We drove up in style, and we entered as a group. People were laughing and clapping for us as we entered the ballroom, and people were congratulating us non-stop. We formed a wedding reception line, and people came up and congratulated us, one by one. The Montgomery family, and my family, congratulated us first. My friends from work congratulated me, along with our dear family friends. Everyone we had invited when I was engaged to Robert was also there. Even Robert’s golfing friends and their wives were here. They all told me they wouldn’t have missed it for the world. Rob’s old friend Nick and his wife also told me how proud they were of us. Many people had brought us gifts and envelopes, and we had a table set up for wedding presents. It was just so overwhelming.

Eventually, we were able to sit at the head table. Our parents and siblings all sat at one large table right before us. I noticed that our kids had paired off on either side of us at the head table. They were getting along great. Robert brought me over a glass of wine, and the waiters served us some appetizers. We enjoyed talking to everyone, and people would continually stop in front and speak to us. Everyone was so friendly, and I thoroughly enjoyed myself.

We eventually were all seated, and they began to serve us dinner, asking us our choice of entrée. Our entrées were delicious, as the catering was top-notch. The waiters kept our glasses filled with wine and removed our empty plates.

We got through the desert and coffee, and then it was time for speeches. Mr. Montgomery, Robert’s dad, went first and delivered a beautiful speech telling everyone how proud he was of his son and that he was honored to welcome me as a new daughter to their family. My dad then got up and made a little speech telling me how proud he was of me. He also talked about how nervous he was walking his daughter down the aisle and giving her away to Robert.

Then Robert’s brother Mike, his best man, gave his address. He was funny and told the crowd about a few of Robert’s embarrassing moments when they were younger. My maid of honor, my sister Jenny, gave a great speech, and she didn’t embarrass me too much. She talked about how she remembered me first as her brother but now as her sister and said she was proud of me. (And Jenny added that she liked me far better as her sister.) Our children all got up, and each made a speech about how proud they were to call me mom and Robert, their dad. Robert got up and made a speech about his new wife and how he first met me.

“When I first saw Sandra, I knew that I would somehow marry her. For me, it was love at first sight. I soon found out that Sandra was much more than I expected, but I realized she was still the girl for me, and I went after her. It looks like I succeeded since we are both here today. I love you, Sandra, and I make a promise in front of everyone here today that I will always love you.”

After I stopped crying, I also gave a short speech about my fine husband and lovely children.

“You have no idea how happy I am today with Robert, our family, and all our friends. Robert is the love of my life, and I don’t know how I would do without him. You can’t make yourself fall in love with someone. Love is, and love happens, and between Robert and I, we both fell madly in love from the first moment we laid eyes on each other. I just knew he was the man for me that first night. I was so happy when I found out that he felt the same way about me.
This effect has seemed to rub off on our kids too. Once we introduced them to each other, they were inseparable from one another. I wouldn’t be surprised if we were back here soon congratulating them.”

I looked over at them, and they were all beet red, and I smiled. Then any friends or family were able to say a few words.

After the speeches, we walked over to cut the wedding cake. Robert and I had a large knife, and together, we cut a big slice out of it, and everyone clapped. The chefs took over and served wedding cake to everyone.

Eventually, it was time for our first dance. My father got up and escorted me to the dance floor. The Blue Danube waltz music started, and we began to waltz around the room. After a minute or so, Robert walked up and cut in, and we continued our dance. The groomsmen and bridesmaids all joined in, and the entire bridal party was out waltzing around the dance floor. Robert kept telling me that I was the most beautiful woman in the room, and he kept kissing me throughout the dance. As I was smiling up at Robert, my mind returned to the old Cinderella movie, and I felt like a princess at the ball.

The next dance was to modern music, and other people stepped out and danced. Robert and I danced to a few more songs, and then we went back for a short break. I had enough time for a bit of water before Robert’s father asked me to dance, and Robert danced with his mother. We changed dance partners for the rest of the evening. I was tired, but I kept going and danced with many guests. It was fun, and I had an excellent time for the entire evening.

The night’s end was approaching, and I waved goodbye to everyone along with Robert, and we left the reception. We got into a waiting limo, and they drove us over to the Ritz Hotel, where Robert checked us into the honeymoon suite
The bellhop took our bags, and we followed him into the elevator and went up to our suite. The bellhop opened the door; Robert quickly picked me up and walked over the threshold with me in his arms.

After he placed me on my feet, Robert tipped the bellhop, and he opened the bottle of champagne waiting on ice for us, along with a tray of appetizers. The honeymoon would start tonight, and the passion was only beginning as we slowly kissed each other.

As we sipped champagne from our flutes, Robert smiled and looked at me.

He kissed me again and said, “Thank you for marrying me, Sandra. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. And I will love you for the rest of my life.”

With tears in my eyes, I kissed and embraced him, and our night of passion had only just begun.

The End

Karen Clayborne smirked as her ex-husband walked by wearing a wedding gown. She watched her ex-husband’s wedding ceremony from the back of the church. No one had invited her, but Karen had found out about the wedding through a friend. She was wearing a large hat and sunglasses so no one would recognize her. She thought to herself, “So my tranny ex-husband found someone who would marry him and make him their wife. Amazingly, he does look great dressed up. Maybe I should have stayed with him to see if we could have made things work out. We might have been good together.” As the other people in the church started clapping, Karen turned away with a sudden pang of regret and quietly walked towards the doors. She wiped a tear from her eye as she left the church.

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