Power to the Future part 1

Power to the Future part 1

Monday, January 31, 2022, 3:01 a.m.

I wake up to my phone ringing. I look at my phone and see my best friend TJ Sundermen is calling me. TJ is the nerdy type who loves computers. He's 35, caucasion with dark brown hair built tall and lanky (6'3" and 180 pounds). I look at the time and realize is 3 in the morning. I answer the phone anyway. "Hey TJ what's up? Its 3 a.m. man. Is everything alright?"
"Hey Jake." By the way my name is Jake Andrew Suhr. I am 34, also caucasion with dark brown hair though recently dyed a bright red color and I mean red not redhead orange color. I'm tall but big in the stomach (6'2" 370 pounds). "Remember the project I've been working on lately? The one I told you was a surprise?" "Um yeah. What about it though?" "I finally finished it. Can you meet me at the radio station on Delhi?" Delhi is the street near where we live that has a long stretch of road with a grocery store and several fast food restaurants and other businesses including his non-profit local radio station for the Delhi Township that he started. "Yeah I guess. Let me get dressed. Be there in 10 minutes."

I arrive at the radio station and look for TJ but instead I see what looks like the DeLorean from my favorite movie trilogy ever! "Hey Jake there you are." "TJ is this what I think it is?" "Yep. I know you are a huge fan of Back to the Future and I kept thinking with my love of computers and tech that maybe I could recreate it like in the movie but better. I even had my mechanic friends help me modernize it to include better horse power as well as fully functioning windows since before only the small section in bottom middle area would go up and down. I felt that seemed pointless unless you needed to slide your driver's license and insurance through it to hand to a cop after being pulled over." I was so surprised that I felt I was speaking Marty's lines. "I can't believe you made a time machine...out of THE DeLorean. But why would you make this? Not that I am complaining or not happy or interested mind you." He was like, "See I figured it would be a fun project because I love tech and computers and knew you loved scifi movies and just thought how cool would it be if I could actually make that." I then asked, "Wait this sucker isn't nuclear is it?" TJ was like, "What? No no no. It's electrical but for time travel it does require 1.21 Gigawatts of power which it achieves by pouring carbonated drinks such as your favorite Diet Pepsi into a tank as fuel not unlike pouring gasoline into a tank for fueling gasoline cars. That is then burned as fuel to power up the Flux Capictor which I made to look just as it was in the movie." Laughing at that piece of knowledge I said, "Let me guess when this baby hits 88MPH, I'm gonna see some serious shit?" He was like, "Oh yeah. LOL" "Dude lets hit the pike and get that baby up to speed. Shouldn't have to worry about the cops since we know where they usually are hiding not to mention they can't follow us to the future haha."

He and I get in the DeLorean. Me in the driver seat and him in the passenger seat. "By the way, Jake, when I said I modernized the car, I also meant that the car was converted from Manuel to Automatic since neither of us know how to drive a Manuel." "Dude that is perfect. Ok so I see the panel here, just like in the movie, shows us the time of when we are, when we're going to arrive and when we were. Our current time shows January 31st, 2022 at precisely 3:40 a.m. So lets really see what the future holds for humanity and in our case tech including my favorite hobby... videogames. I'm inputting our destination time for January 31st, 2122 at let's say 2:30 p.m. By the way in the movie it seemed they got lucky so please tell me you have the car set to place us somewhere that is not going to make us crash or worse merge us with another object when we time travel because I don't have to tell you why that would be bad." TJ tells me that he thought of that and made sure to add that little safety feature to the DeLorean's computer system he installed. "OK. Time circuits on. Flux Capacitor um Fluxing." I put the car in drive and hit the gas?...electric?...oh hell I hit the accelator pedal! We are quickly gaining speed. Within seconds we are at 20 then 40 then 60 mph. At this point we actually see a Delhi cop behind us with his lights flashing. I guess at some point we drove past one after all. We now are at 80 mph. I look over at TJ for a second before looking back at the road and I say "Let's see if Delhi's finest can do 90!"

Saturday, January 31, 2122, 2:30 p.m.

Within a few seconds, the DeLorean hits 88mph and after a second of a flash of light we see we are on a road that is semi empty and the car slows down on its own to ensure our safety. "TJ...we time traveled. Dude you fucking did it man!" "Jake I don't mean to doubt my invention but how do you know we really are in 2122?" "Well for one some cars are not on the ground but in the fucking air! I guess it helps to keep traffic down because it adds more lanes so to speak. Also so much has changed. I mean we didn't change where we are other than the year and time yet this area looks so much different. I mean look at these restaurants. Some I have heard of like McDonald's and KFC and our favorite chili place Skyline Chili is here still but they all have these signs that are just floating in mid air. Plus several other restaurants exist that I have not heard of before like Fish n' Fry, Steak Burger and Cosmic Pizzeria."

"So Jake before we left I forgot to mention but I left some of our currency from our time and several decades in the past in the trunk in case it's needed but thinking of the future, I put money into a digital currency or digital credits just in case its the way of currenty in the future since it seemed it was going that way in our time. I figured the money by the time we get to the future would compound and build up so much with interest and such so much so that we could afford any cost of items with inflation included. I made it so that we can access it whenever even decades into the future. No bank or human person needed to use it. We just spend it by accessing the currency digitally from the source it was saved and stored at." "That is smart man. Well lets see if Skyline is just as good as it used to be."

"Dude 100 years from our time and they still are amazing and delicious. Hey you wanna go check out what kind of tech they have here in the future?" "Yeah dude let's go to this science convention that I overheard someone at Skyline talk about when you were in the restroom." We drive over to this science convention where they have a lot of cool tech. We go and try several of them. There were some super advanced computers that my friend was totally geeking out over. Meanwhile I was checking out this gaming tech that was super advanced as well. Its what in our time we would call Full Dive Simulation or FDS. I tried it out and was able to do whatever I wanted like fly around, heal super fast and even change myself to how I wanted to look. In fact, a secret about me is that for the longest time I wished to be a woman in which I decided my name would be Kate Elizabeth Suhr. I made my self a lot slimmer as a woman of my height would look like if she were not necessarily athletic but not overweight either. Just the right amount of curvyness. I made sure I had D breasts but nothing too big like F or G cup sizes. When I exited the game, I was able to save my 'character' and was told that there was another machine that allowed people to change theirselves down to the DNA to include things like gender or even fantastical things such as flying or fast healing all traits that I made my 'character' possess. I got in that machine and told the person who controls it for me to use the character I created in the FDS game which of course included the abilities of flying and super healing as well. I paid with the digital currency credits that TJ was talking about and within 10 minutes in the machine, I walk out and was surprised at the woman I became. I'm not sure which made me excited and happier. Being a woman finally in everyway I've ever dreamed of or being able to fly. Needless to say I was for sure the happiest I've ever been.

I head over to the tech TJ was looking at and was like "Dude I fucking love the future!" He turns to me and says, "Um do I know you?" "Oh of course duh! You don't recognize me. Ok so I am or rather was Jake. Before you say that is impossible I want you to remember where or rather when we are. I found this cool FDS gaming machine that not only allowed you to play a game Matrix like style but also after, if you wish, you could input that character into another body changing machine that actually alters your DNA. After like 10 minutes I was changed into this." "OK I believe you since no one else would know when we came from as time travel isn't something they've created from what I have seen but why would you want to make those changes?" "So I've not told many about this but I've really felt inside that I should have been a woman and I've always hoped to become one. To be honest that and the video game was what I was hoping for when we time traveled. I mean time traveling on its own is super cool but this was what I was truly hoping would be possible." "Dude I had no idea. Well I'm happy you can live your as your true self and you look very beautiful. I'm truly am happy for you. If you don't mind me asking though, do you like guys, girls, or both? Not judging of course. I'm just curious." "You're ok. I don't find men attractive but I do love women. I think they are gorgeous! It's just that I have longed to be one myself for such a long time."

As we were about to leave, I noticed this machine that at first glance I thought was a microwave but the person who was talking about it, said it was designed to look like microwaves of the 21st century but with a more modern look and that it actually created food and drinks. Any thing you would want to eat or drink. Just press the voice button and say what you want and it will create it for you in 30 seconds. He said it doesn't use electricty but rather it utilizes the air that is already surrounding it for power and the source of what generates the food and drinks is a never ending source that they discovered in the early 22nd century that they call Infinitium. TJ and I both agreed we need to buy one each though best to keep it a secret and just tell people its a futuristic looking microwave.

As we were leaving TJ suddenly realized something important and asked, "So what about when we're back in our time? Like how will you show or proove to those who know you formerly as Jake but now are still you but somehow a woman named Kate? What about the government? How will you explain it?" "Shit! I didn't even think of that. I just knew I couldn't pass up this opportunity. Well as far as everyone I know, I guess I can just try to prove it to them by telling them things only I would know. Maybe you could tell them its true and add to the credibility of it all." "As for the government, I'm not really sure. Fuck!" "Don't worry Kate. None of that will be necessary." I turn around to see who said that and notice a strange lady who said she recognized us and that she was supposed to give me a briefcase that I was not to open til I got back to my time. "How do you know we are from the past? What do you mean that won't be necessary? What do you mean wait til we are back to open the briefcase and what is in there anyways?" "When you open it back in your time and when the time is right, you will see a hologram of me telling you about what you will find inside it. When you get back to your time, open it and you will know everything you need to know. Trust me. You will need it. But wait til the time is right. You'll know when that time comes. If I don't give this to you it will create a paradox but I can't say much more at this time." "Oh....okay? I guess I'll take it then. I'm assuming that it contains the secret of how to get around the government and my friends not believing I am me but now female." "Actually no. The briefcase contains something else that is bigger than just you and TJ though it does include the two of you...and others. No as far as your friends and the government I have something else for you. If you insert this USB drive into your computer when you get back to your time, it will automatically update all the files and documents pertaining to you as Jake Andrew Suhr a male to now become Kate Elizabeth Suhr a female. Unless they knew you as a male before, no one will notice there was a change. Next time you get your license updated, the system will see you as female. Your vehicle will be registered in your new name and gender as well. As for your friends, well just show them this video which I was able to get for you from the body changing machine. It shows you entering the machine and then exiting as a female. They usually ask if you want to keep the video as a keepsake of sorts but must have forgotten this time. You can your friends and family that its a top secret experimental tech machine that you were asked to participate in since you are on sites like BigCloset and were seen as someone who would be interested to participate in the experiment machine. Just let them know they have to keep the secret for believabilty sake." "Thank you...I mean this is so amazing. Thank you very much" "No thank you. Um you'll see why soon enough. You, TJ and others have much importance and greatness soon to come. OK I gotta go...By Kate and TJ. It was an honor to meet you both in person."

We get back into the DeLorean. "OK TJ. The future was awesome and a bit overwhelming to say the least but I am glad we came. Let's head home..err our home time I mean. The current time is 8 p.m. and we departed last at 3:40 a.m. We don't want to arrive at that time because we will just reappear where we disappeared and the cop will be behind us. Let's actually input the destination time to before you even called me. That will allow us to not be anywhere near the cop or our earlier selves not that we'd recognize me anyways but still. We want to make sure they don't see us or it could cause a paradox just like the one that strange lady was talking about. If they see us, they may not drive into the future which would cause so many problems. The consequences of which are unfathomable but for sure bad to say the least. OK. You called me at 3:01 a.m. and I arrived about 3:11 a.m. so I'm setting the time for 3:20 a.m. When we get back, we'll park somewhere and wait for ourselves to leave the radio station and time travel to the future and then we will go around the front and inside your radio station."

Monday, January 31, 2022, 3:20 a.m.

"Dude. We did it! We're back!" TJ said. "Man I loved the future but it feels good to be back in our time. OK let's head to the area behind your radio station so we can be out of sight and after they leave we will head inside. Also we probably should cover the DeLorean so the cop doesn't somehow find us and give us a ticket despite not knowing how we disappeared in front of him and reappeared here later." "Great idea. Definitely don't want a ticket or to have to try and explain how or what happened. Eventually he'll probably just assume it didn't happen or something. Plus no one would believe him I'm sure."

Our past selves left so we get out of the DeLorean and cover it up then head in the radio station. We get his computer out and after turning it on, I insert the USB drive. Sure enough as the strange lady said, within seconds all files and documents showing my former name and gender are changed in front of my eyes. "Well TJ. It looks like Kate is now official. Just have to show my family and other friends plus my employment. I'll explain that I was able to have it all changed legally and just leave out the details of the USB drive." "Sweet. OK now what about the briefcase? She said to open it when we are back in our time right?" "Not exactly. She did say to wait til the time is right and that we will know it. I say we should wait til that time comes. Besides after all this time traveling, I am super tired. Plus even though I woke up at 3 a.m. and it's only 4 a.m., we've been up for several hours due to time traveling. I'm gonna go home and head to bed. I should be able to avoid my parents for the night until tomorrow when I can show them the proof I am still me but now female. I'll call you tomorrow. Good night man." "Good night Jake...I mean Kate." I smile at hearing my preferred name and head home. I'm so happy being female that I almost couldn't go to sleep but I wasn't kidding when I told TJ that I was exhausted. Soon enough I was out like a light. I was having the best dreams ever that night!

To Be Continued in Power to the Future part 2!

Author's note: This is my first work of fiction. I've wanted to come up with something but I'm not the greatest at writing stories. I wrote this story based on how I feel inside and how I wish I could be turned into a genetic female. I thought about the ways it could happen (outside of reality of course) and decided the only thing that seemed different from other stories is using time travel which allowed me to use inspiration from my favorite sci-fi movie Back to the Future of which disclaimer I don't own any of the characters or anything from the movie trilogy.

I so far have one more chapter that I have yet to write but involves using inspiration from my favorite show as a kid. If you have any tips on the story please let me know. I'm not sure how this will look after I post it but hopefully it will be printer friendly though if not let me know and let me know how to make future stories printer friendly.

Thanks, Kate :)

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