The Softening of Jessie - Part 38

“Huh? I’m a boy of course!”

Ashley snickered a little at the pretty girl who still did not have a clue to what was going on.

“So there is nothing wrong with two boys kissing then?”

Jessie thought about that for a minute. Two boys kissing would mean that they were gay. He wasn’t gay was he?

“Oh my! Ashley, am I gay? Is Jason?”

The Softening of Jessie

Part 38

By AshleyTS

“We should get back to my sister.” Jason stammered. He was crazy nervous after just kissing the pretty girl.

“Yeah, OK. Hey was that weird to you?” Jessie asked. He knew that there was something not quite right about kissing Jason but he couldn’t pin point it. He never thought of Jason that way before…romantically that is. He was sure that Jason never was into him either.

“It was a little strange, but I really liked it.” Jason replied.

“Me too.” Jessie agreed. Maybe these feelings he was having were just unfounded. Jason would have said something if it wasn’t right to be kissing him.

Jason called his sister on his cell and the two headed to the batting cages to meet up.

As they walked back, Jason reached for Jessie’s hand to hold. Jessie felt a warm feeling rush through him. Jason liked him again! He grabbed Jason’s hand and all was good in life.

Rick was hitting balls in the cage when they arrived. Jessie knew that cage well. He had hit balls in there dozens of times. That cage delivered the fastest pitches and it took some great coordination to get the bat on the ball. He snickered to himself a little as he saw Rick swing and miss a couple times before belting one.

“You almost struck out there Babe Ruth!” Jessie joked.

“Very funny…look at you two all holding hands. Have we made a love connection?” Rick countered.

“Don’t be jealous.” Jason replied. “I’m next!”

Jason entered the “Major League” cage next. Jessie watched him hit a couple balls. Crack! The ball went flying. Jessie found himself feeling very proud of Jason. It’s funny cause the competition factor wasn’t really there anymore. He was quite content just watching Jason do all the physical stuff as he sat down by Ashley.

“Hey Jessica, how are you and Jason doing? Having fun?”

“Uh yeah, we played soccer for a bit. It’s funny cause I’m not even close to being as good as I used to be. I’m slower, definitely weaker and I can’t even seem to remember how to kick the ball.”

“Well, I’m not sure about you forgetting how to kick a soccer ball, but the other two are probably due to the changes that are happening to your body. Because you have more of a girl’s body now, you are not going to be as strong as you used to be. It’s just how things are.”

“It’s alright. I don’t think it really bothers me that much. I’m kinda worried about what happened after we played soccer though.”

“Oh yeah…why is that?” Ashley asked.

“Well Jason and I kind of kissed.” Jessie replied.

“What? You kissed Jason?”

“Uh, yeah. It’s weird right? Something is wrong about it…I just can’t put my finger on it.”

“Wow. I’m speechless Jess. Obviously this was probably going to happen sooner or later but wow.” Ashley replied. She was sure that Jessie’s mind must be very cloudy over this so she probed further. “So you and Jason are very close friends now I assume?”

“Yeah. I guess so. It’s so odd because he went from hating me to really liking me. I mean he hasn’t called me a sissy or fairy or anything like that today.”

“So Jason is a boy right?”

“Yeah of course.”

“And you are a boy….or a girl?”

“Huh? I’m a boy of course!”

Ashley snickered a little at the pretty girl who still did not have a clue to what was going on.

“So there is nothing wrong with two boys kissing then?”

Jessie thought about that for a minute. Two boys kissing would mean that they were gay. He wasn’t gay was he?

“Oh my! Ashley, am I gay? Is Jason?”

Ashley saw some panic in Jessie’s eyes. She had to smooth things over a bit.

“No Sweety, you are not gay and neither is Jason. Boys are attracted to girls and you have developed some physical features that are feminine so of course Jason would be attracted to you. Likewise, it is normal for girls to be attracted to boys. Your body does not look like Jason’s anymore…your body looks a lot like mine. I’m attracted to guys because opposites attract and that’s why you are attracted to Jason.”

Jessie thought about that for a second. It made perfect sense to him! Ashley was such a good friend to have.

“So boys that have breasts are attracted to other boys.” Jessie said matter-of-factly.

“Sure sweety. So you really like Jason then?”

“He has been so sweet Ashley! I don’t know, I just feel good when I’m around him.
I never realized how strong he was either; I think he flexes his muscles just to show off too.”

“He’s doing that because he thinks it is attractive to you Jessie and he’s probably right?”

“Uh yeah…it’s pretty hot.”

Ashley giggled a bit at that comment. Talking to Jessie was becoming very much like talking to her girlfriends.

“Well there are parts of your body that will drive him nuts as well.”

“Really, like what?”

“Well you boobs for instance. Have you noticed Jason’s eyes drift down to your chest at all?”

“No way! All the time actually.”

“That’s cause your breasts are super-attractive to him. You should project them and if you really want to drive him nuts you should “accidentally” brush them against him”.


“That behind of yours is another great thing to use. I don’t know if you know it but you have an incredible walk Jessica. Don’t be afraid to exaggerate the wiggle and the jiggle.”

“Okay. Got it.”

“Pretty much everything about you will be attractive to him…your legs, lips, eyes, everything so justrelax and act normally and he will eat it up.”

“Thanks Ashley! I am just on cloud nine today!”

“Hey Jessica, did you see that one?” Jason asked after he clobbered the baseball.

“Yeah. You hit it out of the park!”

“Do you girls want to hit some balls?” Jason asked as he exited the “Major League” cage.

“I already hit some. Jessica?” Ashley stated.

“Sure, I’ll hit some and try not to embarrass you guys.” He stated confidently knowing that he could do just as well as the other two boys did.

Jessie reached for Jason’s bat.

“Umm, you may want to use a lighter bat Jessica. This one is pretty heavy.”

“No, it’s ok…hand it over.” Jessie replied as he grabbed the bat. Dang! It was heavy. His ego was taken down a notch as he realized that there was no way that he could even hoist that bat over his shoulder much less swing it.

“Here Jess, use the bat I used.” Ashley said as she saw him struggling.

“Uh, thanks Ashley.” Jessie embarrassingly replied as he grabbed the “kiddie” bat. He remembered using that bat when he was just small. It did feel a lot better in his hands though.

Jessie began entering the “Major League” cage ready to represent.

“Jessica, that cage is as hard as it gets. I wouldn’t want to see you get hurt or anything.” Jason said stopping her.

Jessie was a bit taken aback. He knew that Jason had been there with him several times before and they both hit out of that cage.

“Well Mr. Baseball, where do you think I should hit from?”

“I’ll show ya and I’ll tell you what. If you can hit from this cage then I’ll apologize on my knees and let you hit from the “Major League” zone, but you have to prove yourself first ok?”

Jessie loved a challenge and relished the thought of Jason on his knees begging so he agreed.

“Here ya go. Try this cage out.”

Jessie looked at the name of the cage and was stunned.

“You want me to hit out of the ’Little Tikes’ cage?!? This cage is for little kids Jason.” Jessie stated feeling very upset. Why was Jason dissing on him like that.

“Just try it out and like I said, Down on my knees.” Jason knew that the pretty girl with no athletic skill would probably not be able to hit the baseball..

“I’m gonna make you eat your words!” Jessie replied full of confidence.

He entered the cage and started to get into his batting pose. Oh no! It was just like everything else! He couldn’t remember how he used to swing a bat! Crap! His face grew red as he stood with a stiff body and limp arms not knowing what to do. He lifted the bat and as the ball came at a very slow pace he swung with a pronounced flailing, girly motion. Miss!

“You’re holding the bat all wrong Jessica. You need to put your body into it and not just your arms.” Jason tried to help.

“OK!” Jessie angrily said with frustration over forgetting how to swing. He missed the next 5 balls.

Jessie looked back and noticed that a group of 5 boys had gathered behind his cage. Why the heck were they watching him? He grew even more embarrassed as he couldn’t hit the ball.

Ashley was amazed at how much Jessie had changed. He had absolutely zero coordination! She also saw the boys watching Jessie swing. She knew that they were there to get a cheap thrill. She nudged Rick to solve the problem.

“Hey, why don’t you guys move on? She’s nervous already about hitting the baseball and you aren’t helping.”

“She’s doing a great job in my opinion. She can hit my balls any time!” one of the boys said as they walked away.

Finally Jessie swung and nipped the ball. It flew about 15 feet before dropping.

“I hit one!” Jessie gleamed as he did a little cute jump and clapped his hands.

“Good girl! I knew you could do it, but I think you need some more practice before you enter the higher cages.” Jason replied as he gave Jessie a hug.

“Wow, you really showed them up huh?” Ashley joked.

“Shut up…I’m out of practice. It was a lot harder than I remember.”

“Yeah, I hit out of the “Little League” cage…there was no way I was going to try the “Major League”” Ashley replied.

Jessie felt so emasculated at that moment. Ashley hit out of the “Little League” cage and he was taken to the “Little Tikes”? All three of his friends felt that Ashley was better at hitting a baseball than he was??? Wait…he only hit one of the balls. Even the “Little Tikes” cage was too hard for him! What the heck was going on?

“Are you ok Jessica?” Jason asked.

“No, I can’t believe that you all made me hit out of the cage that 4 year olds hit out of and let Ashley use the Little League cage. To make things worse I couldn’t even hit the ball!” He replied as he burst into tears. This was all too much.

“Hey now. There’s nothing wrong with not being able to hit a baseball. Ashley just seemed more advanced than you is all. I would love to show you how to play if you really wanted.” Jason replied as he hugged Jessie.

Being held by Jason made Jessie feel so much better. So what if he couldn’t swing the silly bat. What’s the point of using a stick to hit a ball anyways he thought. He wiped his eyes feeling embarrassed that he was being such a baby.

“It’s ok Jason. I just got a little frustrated is all.”

“Yeah Jess, don’t be so upset. You had a disadvantage cause of those heels and short skirt. I was smart and wore pants and tennis shoes.” Ashley joked.

“I didn’t think about that. I never wore heels before when I hit baseballs.” Jessie proclaimed. He pulled Ashley aside.

“I didn’t flash my panties again did I?”

“No, you were very ladylike Jess.”

To Be Continued...


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