My Date in Heels

My Date Night in Heels

The club was pretty typical for a night club, but I'd only been in a couple in my life. The lighting was halfway between being bright and dim, just enough light for the waitress to see between tables or for someone to find the bathroom without spilling someone else's drink.

For some reason, Lily and Flo forced me to be here tonight. I did not realize that it was a gay nightclub until a woman from another table asked me to dance. It still tok me a couple of minutes after we were on the small dance floor to realize that she thought that I was a woman too! I should have never let Flo get me dressed in her clothes, but it must have been the alcohol she kept me drinking.

After that one dance, I gave up and just went with it. I don't know how many hours we were there because I spent most of that time dancing or recharging my fluid levels. Even though I started at being at least half drunk because of Flo, I managed to keep most of my faculties around me and tried to stay with just water. I still had a couple of mixed drinks in there somewhere to be polite.

I lost track of Lily and Flo almost from the start, but Lily appeared right at closing time. Taking me by the hand, she led me over to a tall woman at one end of the bar. I was pretty sure that this was the bouncer for the club. She fit the bill because she was over six feet tall and she was not wearing heels.

Lily had to look up as she said, "Here you go, Lucy. My husband is all yours until tomorrow. Please be gentle with him. I don't like him much right now, but I still love the son-of-a-bitch." Then she turned to me and said, "Sam, have fun you sissy. I'll see you tomorrow and we will discuss our future."

I was still in shock when Lucy rather assertively escorted me out the door and to her car. I was too scared to say anything to her because she made me feel small. I was trying to understand what was going on and Lucy was not making any small talk. So it was quiet in the car. Fortunately, it was only about a fifteen minute drive before she pulled up in front of a small apartment complex.

Afraid that Lucy might drag me out of the car if I refused, I followed her to her apartment. I could feel my toes and the arches of my feet sending signals that they were approaching their limit. I hoped that Lucy would let me sit down and take off my shoes. Until now, I hadn't considered the fact that Flo had high-heeled shoes in my size. I knew that my feet were larger than hers.

"Please come in, Samantha," Lucy said, holding the door for me. "It's nothing too fancy, but it's clean and it's home."

We entered directly into the living room of the apartment. It was neat and clean, I could see the bedroom through a door at the end of a small hallway directly opposite the door we had come in by. There was not much in the way of furniture, just a fabric covered couch with a pleasant floral pattern, a recliner, and side tables with lamps.

The large 'woman' calling herself Lucy pointed to the couch and said, "Have a seat and take off your heels. The way you're limping, I'm guessing that it's your first time in stilettos. If I had to bet, this was probably your first time to a gay club, dressed as a woman."

All I could do was nod to show that she was correct. I wasn't sure what was going to happen.

Lucy smiled gently and said, "I'll get us something to drink while we talk. Just relax." She left the room and I could hear her moving around in the kitchen.

I felt a bit dizzy from the alcohol I had consumed and desperately confused about how I had ended up here. Just hours ago, I was a normal guy playing cards at a neighbor's house. A few foolish bets and one too many shots of tequila somehow caused me to end up dressed in a tight-fitting skirt and high heels.

My thoughts were interrupted when Lucy came back with two glasses of white wine.

"You look nervous, is this your first time?"

I nodded yes and added, "I never dressed in women's clothes before, not even in private or even in costume for Halloween."

Lucy settled into the recliner facing me and leaned forward.

"Your name isn't really Samantha, is it?"

“Hell no! I go by Sam, but only because my parents named me Sebastian Alphonse Magilicuddy. As soon as I could, I started going by Sam, I am sure you can see why.” I don't know why my parents named me the way they had. By the time I wanted to ask, I had been orphaned.

“How long have you been dressing as a woman?”

I shrugged. “What time is it?”

“About midnight,” she answered with a smile, apparently anticipating my response.

“Then the answer to your question is a little over six hours.”

Lucy's smile grew even broader. “Now hold on mate this is a story I have to hear.”

“It’s a long one!” I tried to return her smile, but it was hard.

“We have time until one o’clock tomorrow afternoon.” She sat back in her recliner.

“Did my wife really sell me to you?” I really dreaded hearing the answer to that question.

Lucy paused and wrinkled her forehead before answering, “Not exactly. That's against the law, the last time I checked. I'm surprised your wife didn’t explain it to you. Let’s say you are here more on a lend lease program.”

Now I was even more confused. “What the hell does that mean?”

“It’s kind of a quid pro quo thing. I get you as my house guest for the next twelve hours or so. In exchange, she and her friend Flo get admitted to Club Rainbow cover free for the next year.”

Hearing that I had been used like some kind of bargaining chip hit kind of hard and it must have shown on my face.
Lucy must have seen my nervousness and she hurried to reassure me. “You can relax darlin'. Nothing is going to happen that you don’t want. I'm a lot of things, but I'm not a rapist. So tell me how you came to be at the club dressed like a hot chick.”

@ @ @ @

I took a deep breath, more to organize my thoughts than anything else. The booze had pretty much worked itself out of my system, but I still felt a little unsteady.

“Alright, here is my story. My wife, Lily, gave up her job as a beautician so that we could move across town into a new apartment complex about two years ago. We made friends pretty quickly, everyone was really friendly and welcoming.

"There is this one group of five that we are close to. We get together almost every weekend and play games, mostly board games, but we've played everything from poker to charades. Most of our games are G rated but the rating scale gets stretched sometimes.

"I'm a very competitive person and I hate to lose. It happens THAT there is this one woman Florence we all call Flo. She's a wild woman and, from what she says, in her youth was into dropping acid and ate more than a few magic mushrooms.”

Lucy nodded. “Yes, I know Flo, she's a regular.”

I shrugged. "That doesn’t surprise me. She usually comes across as a butch woman. Wears her hair cut short and normally wears trousers. We pretty much have assumed that she is a lesbian. But she's nice and liked by almost everyone. Personally, I couldn't care less. I judge a person on how they act and treat others. Flo can be very unpredictable at times. It happens that she is just as competitive as me. We frequently go head to head, especially in poker. I have seen her go all in with not even a pair in her hand.

"Anyway, with this being a three day weekend, we were scheduled for game night, starting at one on Friday as soon as everyone got off work. At the last minute, my wife begged off claiming she had a headache. She insisted that I go anyway, knowing how much I enjoy these events.

"I showed up and Flo had drinks already poured. She normally dresses rather informally, but tonight she looked like she had a hot date, full makeup, lots of jewelry, and high heels. To make a long story short, one by one the others cancelled. Not wanting to let good booze go to waste, we proceeded to drink the poured glasses.

"I got up to leave and Flo challenged me to some two handed poker. I said that wasn’t my game so Flo suggested we make it interesting by not playing for chips but clothes. I had heard of strip poker but had never participated. Flo, as you know, has a really pretty face but the figure of a 12 year old boy, long and lanky and flat as a board. I tried to pass until she accused me of being chicken. A double dare if you will.

"So I accepted her challenge, then we had to set up the rules, what exactly constitutes clothes. We covered everything from earrings, to socks, to underwear all counted as one item. Realizing I was at a disadvantage because I hand less on than she. As a woman, she had a bra, slip, garter belt, nylons. You get the idea."

"She kept filling up my whisky glass as we played and things became a little fuzzy. The rule was all discarded clothes went into a communal pile. Once a person had nothing to bet and they lost a hand, the winner could select something from the pile they had to put on. The game ended when the discard pile was empty. Except for the winners' clothes.
I am really good at poker, I started out great and I don’t think I lost a single hand.”

Lucy smiled and merely said, “‘Pride goeth before a fall.’ I can see where this is going. I’m really interested, please continue.”

"Once Flo was down to her birthday suit, things began to change. I have never seen such a string of bad luck. I had difficulty counting the spots on my cards. Figuring my luck had to change, I got into trouble. All of a sudden, I couldn’t win a hand.

“Well I ended up wearing her entire outfit and she in my discards, like pants and a shirt."

Lucy commented, “Dude, you were set up!”
“I realize that now. If I hadn’t been so intoxicated, I would have figured that out when I was able to get my feet into her heels and the fact Flo’s earrings were clipped on. Come on man! What woman today doesn’t have pierced ears? Hindsight is 20/20.

"There was nothing left for me to put on. Flo did a little happy dance in celebration of winning and told me to get out because she couldn’t stand to be around losers. It was time for me to go anyway. I whined that I couldn't go out like that. Dressed like a woman and a sexy one at that. People would laugh at me, Flo lived three floors below us, so I would be exposed in either the stairwell or elevator.

"Flo had the perfect solution. if I looked like a female, it would not be a problem. She had this old blonde wig in the back of her closet, and magically produced two small breast forms for the times when she wants to get glammed up.

"All of a sudden, I almost looked like a small chested blonde woman. She wanted to put on makeup, but I said enough was enough, so we compromised with just lipstick.

"When I got up to leave, Flo reminded me that I forgot about my wallet and house keys. She threw them in a purse and out we went. She insisted on escorting me home, coaching me all the way on how to properly walk in heels and how a woman comports herself.

"We got to my apartment with no issues. I paused at the door with my keys in the lock, hesitant about how my wife would take me dressed the way I was. I swallowed hard, hoping the saliva would take some of the bite from the acid in my stomach. For the first time I knew fear.

"She must have heard my keys because she was suddenly there at the door. There I was in all my feminine finery, waiting for her reaction. Her hand flew to her mouth in shock. 'My, my who do we have here? Tell me it isn’t so. This can’t possibly be my macho husband Sam.'

"That witch Flo was standing behind me and pushed me inside and closed the door. 'No Lily, we lost Sam somewhere about the 11th floor. I brought this poor wench Samantha here for safekeeping.'

Lily barely even blinked when she looked me over. 'Samantha, is it? I like that name, please come in.'

I thought that Flo's game was finished and I really wanted to get out of her clothes. “Alright you’ve had your fun. I need to get changed.”

Lily blocked the door to our bedroom. "Sorry Missy. This room is off limits to any strange females that just wanders in off the street.”

My damned wife was really enjoying this. I could have forced my way through but I had no intention of using force on my wife.

Flo spoke up. “So, are we still going out to my club?”

Lily sighed, “Yes that was the condition of our bet. I was positive you could never get Sam to dress in your clothes. Perhaps there is something about my husband I don’t know.”

I looked up at Lucy. “I tried to explain what had happened, but the more I said the more irritated Lily got. She finally told me to shut up, I was only spewing excuses not explanations. My wife doesn’t enjoy losing either and her loss of the bet to Flo for some reason pissed her off more than I have ever seen. Flo who was about my size but considerably stronger as she spent most of her free time in the gym. She grabbed me from behind and forced me to sit in a chair in the kitchen. Then she told Lily to get her makeup bag, 'Samantha can't go out looking like this.'

Lily said, “That was your job. The bet required Sam to come home wearing makeup.”

Flo smiled and replied, “True but he is wearing lipstick, we never specified what would constitute makeup. Now we are going to my club, you agreed on that. We can’t leave Samantha here alone, who knows what kind of trouble she’ll get into. So, unless you want to embarrass all three of us, I suggest you work your magic and have our girl here ready for a night of clubbing. I suggest something slutty, so she’ll blend in with the other girls like herself. You do your thing. I’ll go change, when I come back, I’ll watch her while you get ready.”

Once Flo had left, I asked why Lily was doing this. She told me Flo had been pressuring her for weeks to go with her to a gay club. She wasn't interested in that as she had absolutely no lesbian tendencies. If I had refused Flo like the man she thought I was, Flo had agreed to stop asking. Now, because of my lack of self-control, she was going to have to go. If she was going to suffer, she intended to make sure I did too. She put her cosmetic skills to work on me, even plucking my eyebrows to thin arched ones. Lily proceeded to give me a complete makeover. Not only my face but she brought out some press-on nails and colored them bright red to match my lips.

She said she briefly thought about piercing my ears but gave up on the piercing idea because the pain from that would be over in a minute, wearing clip-on ones would pinch for the entire night. When my wife was finished with my make-up, it was thick and harsh, more like a sex worker than a glamour girl.”

@ @ @ @

"Lucy, I may not be the smartest guy around, but it was obvious I had been set up.”

Lucy, with a smirk on her face, replied, “Well du, dude. It seems to me there are sinister forces at work here so why didn’t you just refuse to go?”

I told Lucy the truth, “Flo took care of that by taking pictures of me partially and fully dressed during our card game. Obviously doing it willingly. I was terrified of her releasing those pictures.

When Flo came back, she took over guard duty while Lily put on her LBD and did her own makeup. Boy did she look hot. Looking at her I could detect a stirring in my silk panties.

Flo gave me a thorough examination and decided there was something missing. Her dress was covered in small rhinestones, she pried one off, produced a tube of super glue from her purse and attached it to the side of my nose giving the impression I have a pierced nose, only adding to my streetwalker appearance.

I was given my purse, that Flo had so kindly added a pack of condoms, lipstick, a comb, and an assortment of tampons.”

I paused to compose myself. Relating how my wife had treated me and allowed me to be treated was upsetting.

Lucy leaned in and gave me the once over. “You know Sam, your wife did a great job, not only with the makeup but the contouring does an excellent job of hiding your manly features. I have seen professional transformation studios who have done worse.

"When Flo came into the club tonight, I recognized her of course. When you came in, I thought you were totally hot. I also recognized you as a novice. A newbie. I made a mental note to keep an eye out for the beautiful young girl.”

I wasn’t sure how to react to the compliment. I asked rather girly, “Do you really think I am beautiful?”

“Are you kidding? You would have to be blind not to see your good looks. I have been in this cross-dressing business for almost fifteen years. Living full time as a woman for almost ten of those years. You, my darling, you are a natural.”

I asked, “So do you identify as a woman?”

“That is the question for the ages. I love to feel feminine but my height and weight make it so that I can never pass believably as a woman. So to answer your question, I would like to but reality has intervened. I am just a large transvestite. Who is sexually attracted to others like me. Men who dress as women.”

I thought it was nice of Lucy to open up to me like that. I wanted him to know I appreciated the way he looked out after me, kind of like a big brother or maybe more appropriately a big sister.

“I never did thank you for what you did for me tonight. That asshole was all over me, insisting we go to his apartment, when you dragged him off of me.”

Lucy smiled and nodded. “I know. I saw how handsy he was. One of the joys of being a girl my size is being a bouncer in a club like ours. It only took a little arm twisting to convince him to leave. Tranny chasers can be a big problem.”

“How did my wife end up making the deal with you?

“Actually, it was more Flo. As she explained it to me, she wanted a chance to get your wife alone for the night and your presence was a major inconvenience. She knew I had recently broken up with my boyfriend so she suggested I take you home with me. When I found out you were married, I refused. Flo talked your wife into talking with me. Apparently, as part of some sort of bet, if Flo could get you dressed and into our club and dancing with men, your wife would agree to sleep with her. Your wife was really upset that you acted like a total floozy. She wanted to embarrass you and make you suffer the way she was going to later in the evening.”

This was all new information to me. In an effort to defend my masculinity I said, “Just so you know, I only danced with every guy who asked me because Flo had continued to take pictures and told me if I didn’t, Samantha Magillicuddy would have her own Facebook page by tomorrow morning and she would post my picture and number on Craigslist.”

Lucy, who was rapidly becoming my friend, informed me, “From what I was able to ascertain, your wife wasn’t happy about her forced night of girl-on-girl sex. For some reason, she blamed you for not being man enough to stand up to Flo. So the three of us came to our current arrangement.”

Any tipsiness I had been dealing with was burned up by my anger. “Damn those witches, they treated me like property. I would love to get back at them.”

Lucy appeared to be in agreement with me as she nodded. “I’ll tell you what, let's have something to drink and put our heads together to come up with a plan.”

“Great, how about a cup of coffee?”

“Sorry no can do. As part of my lifestyle change, I gave up coffee and hard liquor. I only drink tea and wine, it is so much more genteel and ladylike.”

We spent a few hours hatching a suitable plan. It would certainly punish my wife but I wasn’t sure of the end game.

@ @ @ @

There was only one bed but Lucy promised no hanky-panky so I agreed to share it with her and sleep beside my new best friend.

I didn’t have anything to sleep in, so Lucy lent me one of her lace-covered teddies, it was a shocking bright red. On Lucy it was a short teddy, on me it was almost a full nightgown as it came to my knees. Lucy slipped into a blue side lace up nightgown. I was transfixed at Lucy’s magnificent breasts and their erect nipples and large dark areolas. What I had assumed were forms were, in reality, flesh and blood.

Lucy saw me ogling and laughed. “Like what you see?”

Like any red blooded male, I nodded yes.

“These precious beauties are the culmination of eleven years of hormones and ten thousand dollars' worth of silicone implants. I have the plastic surgeon on speed dial if you are ever interested in ditching your forms for the real thing.”

I did not feel repulsed by the offer, rather it just was not something I was interested in.

“Thanks for the offer, I can’t see myself living this lifestyle full time. It is more a transitory thing for me.”

@ @ @ @

Between the excessive alcohol, stressful days, and late hours, I fell asleep almost immediately.

I woke a good seven hours later, finding myself spooned up against Lucy. That was alright in and of itself, but it was what was nestled between the crack of my ass that disturbed me.

Lucy woke and apologized saying it was only his morning woodie. I was safe, shielded by 0.05 mm of nylon.

He rolled over onto his back and his nightdress was tented in a very unladylike manner. He saw me staring and commented, “If you think that is something, when my last boyfriend, that two timing bitch, was here our combined morning woodies looked like a small forest.”

Trying to be casual about our current predicament I inquired, “What happened with him?”

“Double D Dora, was a professional drag queen. I thought we had a good thing going until I came home early one night and caught her in my bed with some muscle bound ape that was a regular at her act. I shouldn’t say that, it is disparaging to apes everywhere. I threw her out, she left in a real hurry trying to avoid my wrath. Leaving a lot of her stuff behind.”

@ @ @ @

“Let’s get up, we have a busy day ahead of us. We’ll start by selecting a more eye-catching bosom for you." He pointed to a chest of drawers in the corner. "In that dresser over there, you’ll find forms listed alphabetically, A through F, they belonged to my ex.

"What do you feel like? You were wearing C’s yesterday. "No offense. They were nice but did nothing to make you stand out. I think we should start with D’s and see how it goes.”

I frowned. "Why so large?

"It's called deflection. It's like a magic trick. You want people to pay attention to something other than your face. With large boobs, hips, and ass, they won’t be looking too closely at things like broad shoulders, Adam's apple and large hands.”

I nodded. “I see what you're saying, but what will I do for a bra?”

“If we bump you up to DD, you can use one of mine.”

“Oh, goodie what I always aspired to be, a big busted blonde bimbo.” My smile let him know that I meant no offense with my statement.

He returned my smile with a grin. “Sam, we don’t want to stop there. I have a dozen padded panties that make excellent gaffs as well as giving you a curvy shape.”

Something had been bothering me at the back of my mind since I had arrived here and I finally realized what it was.

“Can I ask you a favor? While I'm like this," I swept my hands along my torso, "Could you call me Samantha? It just seems more appropriate. He responded with an understanding nod.

Digging around in a closet, I discovered his ex had left a few dozen pairs of shoes behind. I found a pair of platforms with six-inch heels that fit reasonably well. If I was going to dress like a harlot, why not go all the way?

So that is what we went with, all aim at a big surprise for my wife and her lesbian friend.

Lucy sat me down to do my makeup. He limited his selection to the cosmetics left behind by his stage performing drag queen. It was the more outlandish ones used for stage performances. Glittery eyeshadow, and lip gloss. Our intention was to make an impression not to blend in. He next took one of his ex’s big haired wigs down and attached it to my head.

When Lucy was done, I looked like a big haired large chested big booty blonde bimbo. Everything was then packed into an overnight bag Lucy had laying around.

Lucy then proceeded to get dressed. At some point in the process, I found myself thinking of Lucy as her instead of him. It was a bit confusing to me and rather interesting at the same time.

She wore a classy three-piece skirt suit with clunky 4 inch heels. Her makeup was minimal. No purse, her keys and wallet went into the suit's pockets. Gone was the bouncer from the bar and a confident woman stood in her place, even if she gave off a manly impression. She would never be a centerfold model, but she was not unattractive either.

I put on the dress from last night but Lucy took me shopping at one of the most upscale boutiques in town. The prices on the gowns would choke a horse, Lucy told me not to worry as long as we left the tags on and didn’t spill anything on them we could return them tomorrow. A free rental is what she called it.

Our next stop was at a pawn shop, where we picked out the largest, most gaudy engagement ring we could find. Glass of course, but it was never intended for close scrutiny. A quick stop at a nail salon where my hands were given a first class treatment. Elongated and painted in blood red to match my lips. Our last stop was to a travel agent where we bought two tickets to a small in-state airport. It was only the illusion we were going for.

We drove to my apartment building and parked in a visitor's allotted spot.

For me the walk to the elevators was nerve racking, I passed several residents that I knew by face if not by name. Lucy, my protector, kept her arm around my shoulders and walked proudly to the lift doors. We rode up to my floor. I paused at the door and took several deep breaths steadying myself for the performance of my life. We were almost an hour late in returning. Rather than using my key, I knocked on the door and waited for someone to open it. An eye showed at the peep hole but Lucy was blocking their view of me.

The door swung open and Lily stood in the doorway, hands on her hips. Lily commented, “You’re an hour late, where the hell have you been?”

“We had some shopping to do," I responded mildly.

Flo was behind my wife and demanded to know what we were shopping for.”

Lucy pulled me into the room. I stepped in front of her. The late afternoon sunlight caught the dust in the air, adding a sense of normalcy to the scene. The room seemed very quiet; the noise of the distant traffic muted. Time passed. Lucy said, “Samantha, sweetheart, show the ladies.”

I held out my left hand with a limp wrist and showed them my ring. They looked puzzled so I said, “Oh, come on aren’t you going to congratulate me? We’re getting married!”

At that point, Lucy went totally off script. She took me firmly in her arms, pulled me in tight and bent me backwards before giving me a very passionate kiss. It felt like I was falling, either from how I was being held or the kiss and I had no choice but to throw my arms around Lucy to keep from falling. The surprise attack combined with the fervor of the kiss, literally took my breath away. Until this very moment, I hadn’t recognized the intensity of the sexual tension that had built up between us.

Lucy stood me back up and steadied me to keep me from falling over. My heart was racing and threatening to jump out of my chest. All I could do was stand still, panting with my eyes closed. The only sound that escaped me was, “WOW!”

Flo sucked in a lungful of air and Lily fainted dead away, collapsing to the floor.

Lucy bent over and picked up Lily and placed her on the sofa. I went to get a damp cloth and came back to revive Lily. She shook her head to clear the cobwebs, her breath seemed a bit labored. She consciously released the tension from her muscles and opened her eyes. “What did you say?”

Playing my part perfectly I replied, “We just stopped by to give you the good news and ask if you two would be bridesmaids at our wedding. If it hadn’t been for you two, we never would have found each other. So we owe it all to you girls.”

I held up the airline tickets and added, “We fly out tomorrow to get married in Vegas at one of those tacky chapels. Sure hope you can join us.”

Lily’s mouth was opening and closing like a guppy out of water but no sound was coming out.

Lucy added, “Say I have an idea! Why don’t you two love birds join us and we can make it a double ceremony.”

Flo spoke up, “Who said anything about marriage? Lily, I like you and last night was fun but nothing more than a temporary diversion. I’m sorry I am not ready to get tied down.”

I've always heard the saying about fiery eyes, but I would not have been surprised to see flames come from my wife's eyes at that point.

Lily spat out angrily, “Why you fucking asshole! You force me into having sex with you. And now you tell me I am just a one night stand? What I am not good enough for you? If anything, you aren’t that good. My husband Sam is a much better pussy licker than you!”

I thought the two women were going to come to blows. Lucy stepped between them. “Calm down girls, no cat fights. Someone might get hurt. Why don’t you kiss and makeup like good little lesbian bitches.”

The fire in Lily's eyes was suddenly turned on Lucy.

“Fuck you too you freak of nature! Flo is a three-star bitch, but she has opened my eyes to some things. Maybe I have been too conventional in my thinking. I believe it’s time to broaden my horizons and experience new things. The only one I want to kiss is that lovely dish of femininity standing behind you. God is she hot, I am getting wet just looking at her.”

Looking me in the eye she said, "Sam I'm sorry, this all just got out of hand. Can you forgive me?”

I was heartily satisfied with how things had turned out, but Lily's insult to Lucy bothered me.

“I don’t know. I might be able to forgive you, since I am not a priest you will have to work for your absolution. Before we let these two show themselves out and we go into the bedroom to discuss your penance, really think that you owe Lucy an apology. If these past twenty-four hours have taught me anything, it's that everyone lives the way they are most comfortable and what is right for them. Lucy has a right to the same respect and regard that any one of us do.”

Lily looked at me for a moment. I don't know if she thought I was crazy or if she was surprised I would stand up for the person she thought I had been forced to sleep with.

She turned back to Lucy and said, "He's totally right. Lucy, I'm sorry for what I said, I was angry at my own actions and I did not think about what I was saying."

Lucy acknowledged Lily's apology with a slight bow. She and I both knew that Lily's apology was heartfelt, but her outburst indicated that she had a way to go in acceptance of other lifestyles. The fact that she had spent the night with Flo and expected me to spend the night with Lucy was quite a contradiction.

We headed away from the door while Lucy and Flo prepared to leave.

I had been shocked at what Lily had said about her assignation with Flo. We had always had a good sex life but I had never been complimented before so I asked, “Am I really that good at oral?”

Lily hugged me with one arm. “Honey there is no comparison.”

As we disappeared into the bedroom, I heard Lucy ask Flo, “Couldn’t convert her I guess.”

“Hay, Rome wasn’t built in a day. I think I had her on the fence until you showed up with this circus.”

Lucy, took Flo by the hand, “Your place or mine? I haven’t tasted pussy in a while. What do you say?”


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