In the reading of my own old stories, there are over 40 of them, it is clear that they all possess an embarrassing trait. They all seem to reveal the protagonist to be a Submissive in search of a Dominant. They reveal to me why my wife of 38 years always complained that I was too feminine. She did not understand that I was not so feminine but simply a servant, or desired to be. It is sad that we can not just be.
The Trend
Now that you've noticed your trend, you may wish to write a story averting or inverting that trend -- fighting it even.
-- Daphne Xu (a page of contents)
Isn't it also the case
That most of us show the opposite character trait as well and that most submissives can also enjoy dominating even more submissive types?
Sometimes we can get too involved in looking inside us instead of looking outwards and interacting with others and even having some fun.
Local Kink Groups
Members of one kink group said that I am a "switch". This was before SRS, and I declined anal intercourse. These days, post op. and feeling my age it is doubtful that I will ever engage in that activity.
I'm not sure there's an "our nature"
I'm not sure there's an "our nature"
for trans people other than identifying as
a gender (or for non-binaries, the lack of one)
differing from the one we were assigned at birth.
Anymore than saying all left-handed folks like to do... whatever.
People tend to declare things that are true for THEM
to be universal human traits. Sigmund Freud for example
when he said everything anyone does was about sex drives.
That was sure true for him but most of the rest of it was projection.
Myself I'm very submissive sexually but I'm pretty sure I'd balk
at someone else will controlling every aspect of my life for real.
Fun is fun (call me a dirty sex poodle and I'm yours forever!)
but at the end of the day there are certain types of deep
existential violation + abuse I would never stand for.
But that's all theoretical anyway, I'm pretty sure that
at my age online friendships are about as intimate
as my life is ever gonna get from here on out.
And that's fine with me. It is what it is
and I'm grateful for the small things...
~hugs, Veronica
What borders on pure insanity?
Canada and Mexico.
Online can be intimate.
Online can be intimate.
In the early ninties a friend told me that the best sex she ever had was online. At that time there would not have been pictures or sound, just text.
Two Kinds of People (regular and menthol)
— Robert Benchley
- io
"There are two kinds of people in this world; those who get eaten by sharks and those who don't." Peter Benchley
Love, Andrea Lena
Kinds of People
There are 10 kinds of people: those who understand binary and those who don't.
-- Daphne Xu (a page of contents)
50 Shades
Both in the books and in the movies there are parallels from very early in my life, though my mother was not a crack addict. Some think 50 is about BDSM but they are clueless. I don't know if my nature is genetic, or by some machination of the Myers Briggs personality type thingies.