I posted a chapter on three of my stories today, and I realized belatedly that I put a bit of a cliffhanger at the end of each one. Whoops!
But, I suppose, that's the reason for the end of a chapter. Or the end of a chapter is for a cliffhanger.
I've decided that I'm gonna try to publish a chapter for each of these three stories each Saturday. It seems to be the beat time for me to do it. I'm hoping that I don't mix the stories as I'm writing, though. If Amos is suddenly paired up with Greg fighting whatever it is, or Foxy suddenly has developed some nasty nanites, you'll know I messed up.
We'll see how the muse muses. Maybe Foxy should develop nanites. Might go against her grain though.
Cliff hangers are a good
Cliff hangers are a good thing. (BIG GRIN)
I believe they are. Although
I believe they are. Although sometimes my nails don't like them. I often need a manicure before the next installment.

Do your nails suffer when you write a cliff-hanger ending, or when you read one?
Apparently, I ended my latest part on a cliff-hanger, because a reader and commenter expressed concern about his nails.
That's particularly bad, because I'm still not even close to finishing the next part.
-- Daphne Xu
When I'm writing one,
When I'm writing one, generally my nails are fine, as I usually know what's gonna happen. When I'm reading one, my nails get kinda messed up.
Although I will admit that when I'm concentrating on writing something, I tend to bite my nails as it's either a Tourette's tic or an autistic stim. They tend to be interchangeable for me.
If a cliff-hanger is a correct termination
for a part, then let it be! If it's for for all three stories -- then that's the way the cookie has crumbled, but please, never believe that it is a required way to complete every part!
Best wishes,
And do not feel too bad if real life means that you cannot maintain a new part per week for all three stories.
I love providing a good
I love providing a good reason for people to come back for the next chapter. Lol! It's not necessary, per se, but preferred for keeping the nagging wonder at bay.
Cliffhangers stories
Well cliffhangers a useful tool in a writer's toolbox. Used too much or inappropriately they stand out like a sore thumb. Also so they can make re-reading the story more annoying to the reader especially if they've paid for the story.
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So what is lolita fashion http://lolita-tips.tumblr.com/faq
Generally, if I've paid for
Generally, if I've paid for the story, I have the whole thing all at once. Unless it's a series. I will admit, I'll shamelessly use a cliffhanger to draw people into reading the next book in a series.
I did that at the end of The Arctic Fox, and at the end of To Not let Go. We'll have to see if anything like that happens at the end of The Letters.
I Can Live...
...with waiting a week to resolve a cliffhanger, if I have to (g). (There are considerably longer intervals out there, some of which have the potential to really get bothersome.)
But publishing chapters of all three stories on the same day seems decidedly less than optimal. For one thing, it deflects attention from each one if they all get posted at once. Also, while there's no rule against it and I'd certainly rather have the stories than postpone them, it sort of monopolizes part of the front page if all three come out at the same time. (As I understand it, that's the reason there is a rule against having multiple chapters of one story on the front page even if they're posted at the same time. Then again, I get new stories off the "Free Stories" page rather than the homepage now that so much of the latter is devoted to Amazon and Kindle books, all with giant cover illustrations.)
And as you note, there's more possibility of confusion if they run together, though the storylines in your case here are so different that it's not a real problem. (Amethyst's three serials are spread out during the week -- with a fourth one on hiatus -- and I still occasionally find myself making false connections.)
Anyway, just thought I'd mention it. Obviously I'm speaking only for myself; YMMV.
Best, Eric
Good points, all. I would
Good points, all. I would tend to agree with the deflecting attention from each other, but I'm actually seeing more comments on each story than I normally get. IDK. Maybe it's my imagination?
With only 3 stories being posted, however, I don't think it will monopolize the home page. I've got another one that I'm sitting on, waiting for inspiration, or the muse to strike, take your pick. I wouldn't want to put all four up at once, though. That would REALLY get confusing for me.
Waiting a week for a cliff-hanger?
I once had a fan who had trouble waiting a whole day for the next episode of a long story of mine to be posted.
At the other extreme, my latest part took more than two months to finish. I really hope that I can finish the next part in less.
-- Daphne Xu
I left The Letters
for around a year before I continued working on it.

Was that after you began posting the story?
-- Daphne Xu
Yep. I hate finding a good
Yep. I hate finding a good story that someone stopped writing midway, and I was beginning to feel guilty about my own lack of ambition.
Well, I figured I would post
Well, I figured I would post at different times for a couple of weeks and see how much of a difference it really makes for deflecting attention, when you post all at once. It will be interesting to see.